5 American Trade Magazines All rights reserved. ■ IT’S A BUYER’S MARKET: SURVEY ■ STORE OPENINGS AND EXPANSIONS 15 August 2015 Directory Distributors 2015
When dealing with laundry stains, your reputation rides on getting the outstanding results The Laundry Two deliver.
RiteGo® laundry spray spotter quickly penetrates to absorb collar & cuff stains, perspiration, ground-in soil and more, all without brushing. Turn to Laundry TarGo® to remove any tough oil based stains that remain behind.
Use The Laundry Two with confidence on shirts, wedding gowns... anything you're washing or wetcleaning.
Both Laundry TarGo and RiteGo are chlorinated-solvent free, biodegradable, noncombustible and California 2013 VOC and Prop-65 compliant.
Use them to deliver stain-free laundry and wetcleaning. You'll build your reputation for quality - which is what keeps customers coming back.
a STAIN WIZARD at ALWilson.com
Freshly updated for 2015, the most comprehensive sourcebook available in the industry offers complete contact information for hundreds of local, regional and national distributors.
Compiled by Bruce Beggs
2 American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
AMERICAN AMERICAN August 2015 Vol. 82, No. 5 DEPARTMENTS Pre-Inspection 4 Talk of The Trade 6 Around the Industry 36 Classified Advertising 38 Advertiser Index 39 Wrinkle in Time 40 (Editor’s note: American Drycleaner’s regular columnists and other departments will return next month.) FEATURES (Cover Photo: © iStockphoto/woraput)
8 Distributors Directory
8 Directory Distributors 2015
finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!
“Business has never been better.”
“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”
“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”
800.406.9649 sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com We Speak Cleaner
800.406.9649 sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com We Speak Cleaner
PhilLandauer, OwnerofPierceCleaners has never been better.”
BrentRamenofsky BostonCleaners
We Have Contact
Part of me would like to think that you consider each and every issue of American Drycleaner to be a keeper, but I’m a realist. I know that’s probably not the case.
This August issue—containing our annual Distributors Directory—is one you should keep.
In it, you will find detailed listings for hundreds of companies that furnish drycleaning operations like yours with equipment, packaging products, chemicals and everything else they need to conduct business.
The companies are listed alphabetically by state, then company name. A map on page 8 will direct you to the page where your state’s listings begin.
If you’re reading this issue on your iPad or tablet, you can visit a distributor’s website directly or e-mail a contact right from the virtual page.
Distributor, if you weren’t aware that you could list your office in our Distributors Directory for free (we solicit information for the listings published here exclusively via e-mail now), you can address that immediately. E-mail your company’s name, address, phone number, and contact name to nfrerichs@atmags.com.
Our Distributors Directory is online at www.american drycleaner.com 24/7 and is the foundation for this print edition. List your office(s) now and you’ll be all set.
If your distributorship was listed in previous editions of the Distributors Directory but isn’t found in this one, it’s possible we were unable to verify your information. E-mail me at bbeggs@atmags.com and we’ll see about getting you back where you belong.
Charles Thompson 312-361-1680 cthompson@ATMags.com
Editorial Director
Bruce Beggs 312-361-1683 bbeggs@ATMags.com
Production Manager
Roger Napiwocki
National Sales Director
Donald Feinstein 312-361-1682 dfeinstein@ATMags.com
Digital Media Director
Nathan Frerichs 312-361-1681 nfrerichs@ATMags.com
Main: 312-361-1700 Fax: 312-361-1685
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $39.00; 2 years $73.00. Foreign, 1 year $89.00; 2 years $166.00. Single copies $7.00 for U.S., $14.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 82, number 5. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2015. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
American Drycleaner, August 2015
Board Steven Dubinski
Carolyn Nankervis
Young Subscriptions
Fred Schwarzmann
630-739-0900 x100 www.american drycleaner.com PRE-INSPECTION
Bruce Beggs
About Iowa Techniques Iowa Techniques is a manufacturer and distributor of unique products that work in a wide variety of industries and applications, and currently focuses on helping dry cleaners make smart choices that impact the bottom line in their plant operations. When your water heater dies, DON’T replace it! Get a DynaFluid 2000 from Iowa Techniques! Getting Steamed? the (800) 727+1592 | www.iowatechniques.com With steam from your boiler and a cold water source, this little valve makes an infinite supply of hot water. It outperforms water heaters by every measure, cutting costs and increasing productivity. Call Iowa Techniques today and learn how the DynaFluid Valve will help your business! (800) 727+1592
Survey: It’s a buyer’s market, dry cleaners say
Astronger labor market and increasing household formation should keep commercial real estate demand on a gradual incline, according to the most recent quarterly forecast by the National Association of Realtors®.
Among dry cleaners polled in July’s American Drycleaner Your Views survey, 46.5% believe that now is a good time to buy or refinance a property in their area, while 7% say conditions are good for signing or renegotiating a lease.
Roughly 12% say now is a good time to take advantage of either option, while 27.9% believe that neither option is favorable right now. The remaining 7% chose “other,” with many of those responses pointing to it being a time to sell real estate.
“Real estate values have skyrocketed in the last two years,” writes one respondent. “Prices are very high.”
When asked about their current real estate position, the majority—55.8%—say their commitments are appropriate at this time. Roughly 21% are looking to sell a property, and 7% are trying to end leases and close locations.
Roughly 9% are in the market to buy or refinance a property, 2.3% are looking to sign or renegotiate a lease, and 4.7% are open to buying or leasing.
Some of the other individual comments we received:
• “Landlords think the economy is booming, but dry cleaning is a little soft.”
• “I built my own freestanding location in 1985, and it is paid for. The recession caused a glut of available space on the market which is now approaching normal levels and driving rents higher in my area.”
• “My property (land and building) value continues to grow, and I will have it paid off in 18 months (10 years from inception). It has become a larger asset than my business, in spite of the continued growth of the business.”
• “Sales by location are too slow to expand and yet good enough to be kept open.”
The Your Views survey presents a snapshot of readers’ viewpoints at a particular moment and should not be considered scientific. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited each month to take a brief industry survey they can complete anonymously. The entire trade audience is en-
couraged to participate, as a greater number of responses will help to better define owner/operator opinions and industry trends.
6 American
August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
Companies are listed alphabetically by state in the United States, in Puerto Rico and in Canada. Distributors often serve areas beyond the states and cities in which they’re located, so when looking for a source of equipment or supplies, be sure to check the surrounding states and regions.
The map below displays postal codes of the states and the names of the outlying territories covered in the Distributors Directory, with the page numbers on which their listings begin. To locate distributors near you, refer to the map and turn to the page number(s) shown.
The Distributors Directory offers updated contact information for companies that offer customers e-mail access ( ) and websites ( ). Also, this year’s edition again features expanded product listings to specify drycleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and/or finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and
chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service; and additional information.
Listings begin on page 10 and run through page 34. Distributors, if your company isn’t listed, e-mail Bruce Beggs (bbeggs@ atmags.com) to learn how it can be added to our free online directory and to next year’s print edition!
8 American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory Distributors
WA 32 OR 28 CA 10 NV 24 UT 32 WY 34 MT 22 ND 27 SD 30 NE 22 KS 18 AK 10 VT — DE — NH 24 MA 20 RI 29 CT 12 NJ 24 MD 20 DC 12 HI 16 PR 34 CANADA 34 MN 22 IA 18 MO 22 AR 10 LA 18 MS 22 AL 10 GA 16 FL 12 TN 30 SC 30 NC 26 KY 18 IL 16 WI 32 MI 20 IN 18 OH 27 WV 32 VA 32 PA 28 NY 24 ME 20 AZ 10 NM 24 TX 30 OK 28 CO 12 ID — (Listings compiled by Editorial Director Bruce Beggs)
to Use This Guide
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Distributors 2015
A-1 Products Inc.
2020 Ave. F, Ensley
Birmingham, AL 35218
Contact: Shawn Hopkins Phone: 205-787-1403 Toll-Free: 800-826-9347 shopkins@a-1products.com www.a-1products.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
FabriClean Supply Birmingham
1200 2nd Ave. North Birmingham, AL 35203
Contact: Steve Taylor Phone: 205-251-7272
Toll Free: 800-626-8428 Fax: 205-251-7280 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
Quality Cleaners & Laundry Equipment Co.
1001 Jeremy Pl. S.E. Arab, AL 35106
Contact: Barron Latta Phone: 256-679-7574 barronlatta@yahoo.com
Boilers; drycleaning and laundry equipment; plant installations; presses; vacuums Trademark Equipment Co. 5690 Pine Lane Cir. Bessemer, AL 35022
Phone: 205-424-4221 Toll Free: 877-456-2515 Fax: 205-428-0389
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Automated Laundry Systems & Supply
5020 Fairbanks St.
Anchorage, AK 99503
Contact: Kerry Siebenthal Phone: 907-561-1752 Toll Free: 800-478-1752 Fax: 907-561-3178 sales@autolaundrysystems.com www.autolaundrysystems.com
Drycleaning, laundry, ozone, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service; ozone equipment
Astro Distributing & Leasing
4329 E. Magnolia St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
Contact: Jay C. Snow Phone: 602-267-7072 Toll Free: 800-362-7876 Fax: 602-267-4411
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
3120 W. Weldon Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017
Contact: Dave Svancara Phone: 602-248-0808 Toll Free: 877-835-5866 Fax: 602-248-0941 sales@cpec-laundry.com www.cpec-laundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
3202 S. Richey Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713
Contact: Greg Svancara Phone: 520-790-7377 Toll Free: 877-835-5867 Fax: 520-747-5370 greg@cpec-laundry.com www.cpec-laundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
The Laundry Genie Supply Co.
7425 W. Tierra Buena Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85382
Contact: Scot Baker Phone: 602-380-9837 sudsbaker@gmail.com www.laundrygeniesupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; parts and service; water conditioning equipment
Wardlaw Equipment Consultants Inc.
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Contact: Kevin Wardlaw Phone: 520-791-2804 Toll Free: 877-927-3529 Mobile: 520-349-7494 wardequip@aol.com www.wardlawequipment consultants.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; pads and covers
CLI Enterprises
3756 Salem Rd. (P.O. Box 468) Bryant, AR 72089
Phone: 501-794-0107
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
FabriClean Supply Little Rock 6600 Allied Way Little Rock, AR 72209
Contact: Beau Fulcher Phone: 501-565-5288 Toll Free: 800-482-1283 Fax: 501-564-5289 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
Justin Laundry Systems Inc. 5310 Baseline Rd. Little Rock, AR 72209
Contact: Mike Worthy Phone: 501-551-8600 Toll Free: 888-403-9600 Fax: 501-565-5030 mworthy@justinlaundry.com www.justinlaundry.com Laundry equipment
Nu-Way Products Co. 220 Garrison Cove West Memphis, AR 72301
Contact: Phillip Farmer Phone: 870-735-4291 Toll Free: 800-462-2089 Fax: 870-735-4321 nuwayproducts@att.net www.nu-wayproducts.com Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; irons; coin-op and janitorial supplies; press pads and covers
ALC Dry-Cleaning & Laundry Systems 937 Lee Ln. Concord, CA 95418
Contact: Lyman Caulk Phone: 510-815-2297 Fax: 925-609-9032 lyman@cleaners-laundry.com www.cleaners-laundry.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; package plants
California Drycleaning Technology
1380 East Ave., Ste. 128 Chico, CA 95973
Contact: Stuart Depper Phone: 650-291-4572 cleantech@yahoo.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
Corbett Equipment
16402 Gothard St. #D Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Phone: 714-596-2224
service@corbettequipment.com www.corbettequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
DCL Mechanical Services 10524 La Morada Dr. San Diego, CA 92124
Contact: Fran Bibby Phone: 619-993-3726 Fax: 858-268-8827 dclmechanical@att.net Parts and service
Elite Machinery/InnoClean
1363 E. Wilshire Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Thomas Kim Phone: 714-541-2829 Fax: 714-541-2973
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; parts and service
Frimair USA West 3412 E. Miner Ave. Stockton, CA 95205
Contact: Alan Yordy Phone: 209-649-4808 yordyalan@yahoo.com www.alanyordyequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; installations; parts and service
Fujistar 12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066 Toll Free: 800-842-9661 Fax: 818-361-1002
fujistar200@cs.com www.fujistar.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Golden State Laundry Systems
1984 East Gladwick St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
Contact: Justin Ha Phone: 310-223-2240 Toll Free: 800-465-8300 Fax: 310-223-2499
justinh@gsls4laundry.com www.gsls4laundry.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Joven Sales & Service 10925 S. Broadway Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90061
Contact: Joven Lactaoen Phone: 323-757-3161 Fax: 323-757-1196
American Drycleaner, August 2015
Our new generation of Point Of Sale system is designed for both small and larger cleaner stores. DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) is even simpler to use than before. With user friendly screens and menus, DCPe will make your life easy. We offer, promise, and guarantee the best after sales support to our end users. Save time and money and add to your profits by contacting existing clients and reaching out to new clients through DryClean PRO Enterprise’s built in MARKETING and EMAILING functionality. You’ll be able to send Thank You emails to new or Top 100 customers, Customers with overdue inventory, Customers that have not visited you for awhile, Route customers & e-mail coupons to all your customers.
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Distributors 2015
Drycleaning equipment; parts and service
Kelleher Equipment Supply Inc.
2121 Curry St. Long Beach, CA 90805
Phone: 562-422-1257 Toll Free: 800-894-1555 Fax: 562-422-4390 contactus@kelleherequipment.com www.kelleherequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; Tonsil filtration supplies and equipment
Les Pringle Service Inc.
2635 E. Artesia Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90805
Contact: Les or George Phone: 562-531-0353 Fax: 562-531-0413
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Pride Laundry Systems
8321 De Celis Pl. North Hills, CA 91343
Phone: 818-920-2400 Toll Free: 800-660-7743 Fax: 818-920-2411 info@pridelaundry.com www.pridelaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Pride Laundry Systems
7765 Arjons Dr., Ste. A San Diego, CA 92126
Phone: 858-271-5885 Fax: 858-271-0147 info@pridelaundry.com www.pridelaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1700B South Wall St. Los Angeles, CA 90015-3719
Contact: Marie Gando Phone: 213-749-6750 Toll Free: 800-873-7397 Fax: 800-368-6489 av@supsew.com www.supsew.com
Packaging and supplies
Taylor Houseman Inc.
162 Harbor Ct.
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: 925-432-0323 Toll Free: 800-464-6866 Fax: 925-432-0428 sales@taylorhouseman.com www.taylorhouseman.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
3 Hanger Supply Co.
3355 W. El Segundo Blvd., Unit B Hawthorne, CA 90250
Contact: Mike Yadegar Phone: 310-679-8800 Toll Free: 877-342-6437 Fax: 310-679-8803 sales@3hangersupply.com www.3hangersupply.com
Packaging and supplies; chemicals; machine parts
United Cleaners Supply 1676 Delta Ct. Hayward, CA 94544
Contact: Doug Rowell Phone: 510-324-3330 Fax: 510-324-3340 united.doug@gmail.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; vending soaps and bags
United Fabricare Supply
P.O. Box 01796
Los Angeles, CA 90001
Contact: Steve Hong Phone: 310-537-2096 Fax: 310-537-7096 unitedfabricare@aol.com www.unitedfabricaresupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies U.S. Western Multitech Inc. 1261 N. Patt St. Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: 714-525-8890 Fax: 714-525-3616 uswm.inc@gmail.com www.uswm.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Western State Design 2331 Tripaldi Way Hayward, CA 94545
Phone: 510-786-9271
Toll Free: 800-633-7153 Fax: 510-783-9748 info@westernstatedesign.com www.westernstatedesign.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Wyatt-Bennett Equipment
16060 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91406
Phone: 818-778-0550 Fax: 818-778-0555 info@wyattbennett.com www.wyattbennett.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Clean Designs Inc.
2800 S. Oak St. Lakewood, CO 80227
Phone: 303-969-8288
Toll Free: 800-444-4580 Fax: 303-989-1202 info@cleandesigns.com www.cleandesigns.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service Cowell Sales Co. 2220 Downing St. Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 303-861-8826
Toll Free: 800-861-8826 Fax: 303-861-8008 cowellsales@aol.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service Katzson Brothers Inc. 960 Vallejo St. Denver, CO 80204
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 303-893-3535 Toll Free: 800-322-2417 Fax: 303-893-2287 richardr@katzson.com www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Martin-Ray Laundry & Cleaners Equipment
2050 W. 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 720-359-8000 Toll Free: 800-279-6622 Fax: 720-359-8252 www.martinray.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service; plant design
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
454 Old Cellar Rd. Orange, CT 06477
Phone: 203-878-3005
Toll Free: 800-501-5005 Fax: 203-882-1104
info@weddinggownspecialists.com www.weddinggownspecialists.com Wedding gowns; packaging and supplies; membership association
EDRO Corp.
P.O. Box 308 East Berlin, CT 06023
Contact: Ed Kays Phone: 860-828-0311 Toll Free: 800-628-6434 Fax: 860-828-5984
sales@edrocorp.com www.edrocorp.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and ozone equipment
266 Prestige Park Rd. E. Hartford, CT 06108
Phone: 888-622-4729 customercare@macgray.com www.macgray.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service Nu Tech Inc. 350 Fairfield Ave. Stamford, CT 06902
Contact: Harry Yang Phone: 203-325-8849 Fax: 203-325-8850 nutechmachine@yahoo.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Pro-Touch Equipment
44 Rachel Dr.
Stratford, CT 06615
Contact: Robert Garvin Phone: 203-612-7226 Mobile: 914-879-8939
Drycleaning equipment; parts and service
Williams Engineering Inc.
133 Cottage Rd. Enfield, CT 06082
Contact: Ed Williams Phone: 860-749-4930 Toll Free: 800-862-2284 willeng@sbcglobal.net Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
District Cleaners Equipment
4424 Arkansas Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20011
Contact: Frank Emanuele Jr.
Phone: 202-723-7616 Fax: 202-723-7639 districtcleaners@aol.com www.districtcleanersequipment.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Laundry Systems
6100 N. Powerline Rd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: 954-772-7100
Toll Free: 800-826-1012 Fax: 954-772-4125 www.aaxon.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
Distributors 2015
A.M. Chevy Equipment Inc.
1230 S. Dixie Hwy. East
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Contact: Joe or Tony Chevy Phone: 954-946-9703 Toll Free: 844-802-3247 Fax: 954-946-9704 amchevyequipment@aol.com www.drdrycleaning.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Automated Laundry Systems
2849 Dawn Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone: 904-733-5500
Toll Free: 800-518-9274 Fax: 904-733-0898 hello@alstoday.com www.alstoday.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
B&C Technologies
1250 W. 17th St.
Panama City, FL 32405
Contact: Al Adcock Phone: 850-249-2222 Fax: 850-249-2226 sales@bandctech.com www.bandctech.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Bay Area Laundry Equipment
6515 Haines Rd. North St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Contact: Mike Stefani Phone: 727-526-6207 Fax: 727-209-1963 blaundryequipment@ tampabay.rr.com Laundry equipment
Bernie’s Boiler & Cleaners Equipment Services
11313 Distribution Ave. West Jacksonville, FL 32256
Contact: Bernie Echt Phone: 904-262-6040 Mobile: 904-655-4618 bernieecht@berniesboiler.com www.berniesboiler.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Cleaners Chemical Corp.
7652 Bella Verde Way Delray Beach, FL 33446
Contact: Herschel Podgur
Phone: 561-499-3950 Toll Free: 866-307-0700 Mobile: 561-213-5633 Fax: 561-499-3951 sales@cleanerschemical.com www.cleanerschemical.com
Detergents and chemicals
Commercial Coin & Laundry Equipment Co.
1626 Tradewinds Dr. Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
Phone: 850-932-8348
Toll Free: 800-366-4168 Fax: 850-932-6907 www.clecco.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone equipment
Commercial Laundry Equipment
2054 Sprint Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703
Contact: Russ Harper Phone: 407-886-1722 Toll Free: 800-226-9449 Fax: 407-886-1589 russ@commerciallaundry.net www.commerciallaundry.net
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Commercial Laundry Equipment Co.
1114 53rd Ct. South West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Contact: Holly Hensel Phone: 561-848-0054 Toll Free: 800-638-1869 Fax: 561-882-4984 hhensel@commerciallaundry equip.com www.commerciallaundryequip.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Dry Cleaners & Laundry Supply Inc.
1924 N. Rio Grande Ave. Orlando, FL 32804
Contact: John Harrison Phone: 407-648-7083 Mobile: 321-945-4147 Fax: 407-648-7088 johndrycleaners@bellsouth.net www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Dryclean USA
290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138
Phone: 305-754-9966 Fax: 305-754-8010 www.drycleanusa.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; franchise stores
Fabricare Supply
10810 NW 138th St., D6 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
Contact: Luis Gonzalez
Phone: 305-974-1370
Mobile: 954-655-3800 Fax: 954-621-3440
sales@fabricaresupply.com www.fabricaresupply.com Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
FabriClean Supply Jacksonville
11705 Industry Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32218
Contact: Elaine Sikes Phone: 904-696-7685 Toll Free: 800-553-9040 Fax: 904-696-7688 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Sunrise/Miami
5030 N.W. 109th Ave., Ste. E&F Sunrise, FL 33351
Contact: Frank Briercheck Phone: 954-306-3342 Fax: 954-306-6096 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Tampa 6401 Badger Dr. Tampa, FL 33610
Contact: Frank Briercheck Phone: 813-623-3553 Toll Free: 800-282-2924 Fax: 813-623-3558 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
Florida Laundry Systems 5149 N.E. 12th Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Contact: Ira Gottlieb Phone: 954-928-0950 Fax: 954-776-0478 fllaundry@fllaundry.com www.fllaundry.com Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Industrial Equipment & Supplies
115 Watts St.
Jacksonville, FL 32204
Phone: 904-354-5773 Toll Free: 800-918-2869 Fax: 904-354-6065 info@getdrycleansupplies.com www.getdrycleansupplies.com Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Industrial Equipment & Supplies
2055 N.W. 7th Ave. Miami, FL 33127 Phone: 305-324-0410
Toll Free: 800-969-4766 Fax: 305-324-0029 info@getdrycleansupplies.com www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
J.W. Allen & Associates 3948 3rd South St., #374 Jacksonville Beach, FL 32206
Contact: Jim Eppler
Phone: 904-353-7341 Toll Free: 877-690-4996 Fax: 904-353-5608 sales@steamsuppliers.com www.steamshop.com Boilers; parts and service
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
290 N.E. 68 St.
Miami, FL 33138
Contact: Jim Goulet
Phone: 305-754-4551 Toll Free: 800-333-8883 Fax: 305-751-8390 info@steineratlantic.com www.steineratlantic.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; parts and service
Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
4851 N.W. 79th Ave., Ste. 12 Miami, FL 33166
Contact: Marie Gando Phone: 305-477-5585 av@supsew.com www.supsew.com Packaging and supplies
Tampa Bay Cleaners Supply 2302 E. 5th Ave. Tampa, FL 33605
Phone: 813-247-6332 Toll Free: 800-966-7627 Fax: 813-247-6135 info@getdrycleansupplies.com www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Worldwide Laundry/
D.J. Giancola Exports Inc. 3325 N.W. 97th Ave. Miami, FL 33172-1105
Phone: 305-418-4030
Toll Free: 877-953-9433 Fax: 305-418-4137 sales@worldwidelaundry.com www.worldwidelaundry.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
W.P.S. Engineering 315 N.W. 15th St. Cape Coral, FL 33993
Contact: Winfried Sauter
American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
Directory Distributors 2015
Phone: 239-826-2862 win64@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
A-1 Products Inc. 1235 E. Kennestone Cir. Marietta, GA 30066
Phone: 770-428-5545 Toll-Free: 800-969-7659 info@a-1products.com www.a-1products.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Adco Professional Products LLC 1706 Ledo Rd.
Albany, GA 31707
Contact: Greg Reinhardt Toll Free: 800-821-7556 greinhardt@adco-inc.com http://adco-inc.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Gulf States Laundry Machinery Co. 4035 Nine McFarland Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30004
Contact: Ben Prema Phone: 770-343-8455 Mobile: 770-330-4318 Fax: 770-343-8456 benprema@gslaundry.com www.gslaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
FabriClean Supply Atlanta 5330 Dividend Dr. Decatur, GA 30035
Contact: Luke Fulcher Phone: 770-981-2800 Toll Free: 800-688-3032 Fax: 770-981-6462 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Rahmany Group Inc.
1800-F Macleod Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Contact: Mohammad Azhar Phone: 678-701-5489 rahmanygroup@att.net Parts and service
Southeastern Laundry Equipment Sales Inc. 1105 Shana Ct. Marietta, GA 30066
Contacts: Ron Smith, Joe Cole Phone: 770-928-0080
Toll Free: 800-522-9274 Fax: 770-928-3263 sales@selaundry.com www.selaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Star Distributing Co.
4938 S. Atlanta Rd. S.E., Suite 600 Smyrna, GA 30080
Contact: Richard Davis Phone: 678-412-0091
Toll Free: 800-642-9409 Fax: 770-412-0098 www.stardistributing.com Laundry equipment; parts and service Tri-State Technical Services/ TLC Equipment 912 Francis St. Waycross, GA 31503
Contact: Chris Duffett Phone: 912-338-9110 Toll Free: 866-278-0106 Fax: 912-285-9073 cduffett@tristatetechnical.com www.tristatetechnical.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Associate Chemicals & Supplies
810 Gulick Ave. Honolulu, HI 96819
Contact: Clinton C.C. Lee Phone: 808-841-2423 Mobile: 808-285-1600 Fax: 808-847-8778
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Sadd Supplies
1359 Colburn St. Honolulu, HI 96817
Contact: Michael C. Sadd Phone: 808-841-3818 Fax: 808-848-5088
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Waltz Engineering Inc.
500 Alakawa St., Bldg. 119 Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 808-842-7955 Fax: 808-842-3985 info@waltzengineering.com www.waltzengineering.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service WLSN Pacific P.O. Box 1185 Kapauu, HI 96755
Phone: 808-896-6454 Fax: 808-889-5984 wlsnpacific@gmail.com www.wlsnpac.com Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Custom Care Equipment 5422 N. Humboldt Ave. Peoria Heights, IL 61616
Contacts: Randy or Linda Owens Phone: 309-266-9122 Fax: 309-691-7434
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Dry Clean Concepts Inc. 2516 Waukegan Rd., Ste. 201 Glenview, IL 60025
Contact: Aaron Kawer Phone: 847-363-3444 info@drycleanconcepts.com www.drycleanconcepts.com Turnkey drycleaning plant development, including site selection, funding and business planning
Equipment International 8237 N. Kimball Ave. Skokie, IL 60076
Contact: Steve Zabrin Phone: 847-679-2211 sales@equipment-international.com www.equipment-international.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Foster-Stephens Inc.
1555 Greenleaf Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Kathy Daniels Phone: 847-357-1100 Toll Free: 800-279-8269 Fax: 847-357-1101 kdaniels@foster-stephens.com www.foster-stephens.com Packaging and supplies
Haiges Machinery Inc. 11314 E. Main St. Huntley, IL 60142
Contact: Sheila Prince Phone: 847-669-3300 Toll Free: 800-542-2828 Fax: 847-669-1919 info@haigesmachinery.com www.haigesmachinery.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Midwest Trim Inc. 6625 N. Avondale Ave. Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: 773-594-0700
Toll Free: 800-222-TRIM Fax: 773-594-0701 sales@midwest-trim.com www.midwest-trim.com Zippers and fasteners
Quality Cleaning Fluids & Manufacturing Co. 9216 W. Grand Ave. Franklin Park, IL 60131
Contact: Doris Dellegrazie Phone: 847-451-1190 Toll Free: 800-708-2070 Fax: 847-451-6654 ddellegraz@aol.com www.galaxywastewater.com
Drycleaning solvents; wastewater treatment; prefilter systems
R.R. Street & Co.
184 Shuman Blvd., Ste. 403 Naperville, IL 60563
Contact: Mike Miller Toll Free: 800-478-7338 Fax: 630-416-4150 mmiller@4streets.com www.4streets.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; filtration
Suede Products LLC 18600 Graphics Ct. Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway Phone: 708-614-0939 Toll Free: 877-710-8200 Fax: 708-444-8205 jconway@suedeproducts.com www.suedeproducts.com
Detergents and chemicals for leather and suede processing
Tri-Supply Co. 955 Industrial Ct. Loves Park, IL 61111
Contact: John Kratz
Phone: 815-637-6374 Toll Free: 800-289-0653 Fax: 815-637-6472 trisupply@comcast.net www.trisupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; plant design
Washburn Machinery
175 Gaylord St.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Jeff Fox
Phone: 847-364-9274
Toll Free: 800-245-8425 Fax: 847-364-8105 info@washburnmachinery.com www.washburnmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
American Drycleaner, August 2015
Distributors 2015
Washtown Equipment Co.
4036 W. Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641
Contact: Alan Katz
Phone: 773-545-1353 Toll Free: 800-533-5036 Fax: 773-545-6891 washtowneq@aol.com www.washtownequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Western D.C. Computer
5757 N. Lincoln Ave. #10F
Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Joel Kim
Phone: 773-878-0150 info@westerndccomputer.com www.westerndccomputer.com Computer systems
Haiges Machinery Inc.
5754 W. 85th St. Indianapolis, IN 46268
Contact: Ted Cooley Phone: 317-876-8900 Toll Free: 800-382-4253 Fax: 317-876-8950 info@haigesmachinery.com www.haigesmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Laundry City Equipment
4456 Northwest Dr. Fort Wayne, IN 46835
Contact: Bill Davis Phone: 260-486-9235 Toll Free: 800-622-4480 Fax: 260-485-1784 laundryfw@yahoo.com www.superlaundry.com Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Century Laundry Distributing
775 Kacena Rd.
Hiawatha, IA 52233
Contact: Rod Malcolm Phone: 319-364-1592
Toll Free: 800-791-9321 Fax: 319-364-6502 rmalcolm@centurylaundry.com www.centurylaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Washburn Machinery
5005 Blairs Forest Ln. N.E. Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contacts: Todd Hingtgen, Dan Furman Phone: 319-294-0044
Toll Free: 866-895-0044 Fax: 319-294-5495 thingtgen@qwestoffice.net www.washburnlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
FabriClean Supply Lenexa 14400 W. 97th Terr. Lenexa, KS 66215
Contact: Chris Young Phone: 913-492-1743
Toll Free: 800-832-0096 Fax: 913-492-1757 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and janitorial supplies
FabriClean Supply Wichita
1040 E. MacArthur Wichita, KS 67216
Contact: Alan Wattenbarger Phone: 316-529-8555 Toll Free: 888-432-0433 Fax: 316-529-8554 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents
Jetz Companies
901 N.E. River Rd. Topeka, KS 66616
Contact: Sales Phone: 785-354-7588 Toll Free: 800-530-5719 Fax: 785-354-7069 info@jetzservice.com www.jetzservice.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service Machinery Sales Co.
P.O. Box 3437 Shawnee, KS 66203
Contact: Frank Rock Phone/Fax: 913-248-1339 Mobile: 913-208-6383 frankmsc@sbcglobal.net www.frankrockmsc.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Midwest Commercial Laundry Equipment Inc.
616 E. North St. Salina, KS 67402
Contact: Doug Hoeffner Phone: 785-827-9017 Fax: 785-827-9037 doug@mcle-inc.com www.mcle-inc.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Fabritec International (Sanitone & Stamford) 8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Connie Kramer Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280 ckramer@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; marketing support
O’Dell Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 3366 Louisville, KY 40201
Phone: 502-584-6100 Toll Free: 800-333-0355 Fax: 812-285-5508 sales@odellequipment.com www.odellequipment.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Parts Emporium P.O. Box 30220 Bowling Green, KY 42104
Contact: Tammy Vogler Phone: 270-796-3808 Toll Free: 800-468-3272 Fax: 270-796-9330 partsemporium@twc.com www.partsemporium.net Finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
129 Fieldview Dr. Versailles, KY 40383
Contact: Jeff Sanders Phone: 859-873-8812 Toll Free: 800-292-5070 Fax: 859-873-9196 jeff.sanders@remlaundry.com www.remlaundry.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Allyson Supply Inc.
247 Hord St. Harahan, LA 70123
Contact: Chris Eichhorn Phone: 504-734-1863 Mobile: 504-481-7410 Fax: 504-734-1864 chriseichhorn111075@yahoo.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies Commercial Coin & Laundry Equipment Co. 226 Goldman St. Lafayette, LA 70501
Phone: 337-234-4377
Toll Free: 800-366-4168 Fax: 337-268-0040 www.clecco.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone equipment
FabriClean Supply
Baton Rouge
8666 Kiowa Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Contact: Barbara Teer
Phone: 225-237-3045
Toll Free: 800-738-7380 Fax: 225-237-3048 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Ideal Chemical & Supply
3848 Industrial Cir. Bossier City, LA 71112
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 318-746-4358 Toll Free: 800-231-6776 Fax: 318-746-9905 sblock@idealchem.com www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Ideal Chemical & Supply
5800 Jefferson Hwy., Ste. B Harahan, LA 70123
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 504-733-3531 Toll Free: 800-233-6776 Fax: 504-733-3151 sblock@idealchem.com www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Jim Welsh Inc.
7517 Townsouth Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Phone: 225-766-8905
Toll Free: 800-348-8905 Fax: 225-766-9779 www.jimwelshlaundryeqpt.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Pellerin Laundry
Machinery Sales Co.
P.O. Box 1137
Kenner, LA 70063
Contact: Scott McClure
Phone: 504-467-9593
Toll Free: 800-535-8754 Fax: 504-467-9244 sales@pellerinlaundry.com www.pellerinlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
R. J. Kool 234 W 12th Avenue N Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: 816-474-9274 Fax: 816-474-2141
Distributors 2015
United Machinery Corp.
2530 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70119
Contact: Chris Rodick
Phone: 504-486-5356 Toll Free: 800-486-5356 Fax: 504-486-5355 umcldyequi@aol.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Nelson & Small Commercial Equipment
597 Riverside St.
Portland, ME 04103
Contact: Tom Tobiassen Toll Free: 800-341-0780 Fax: 207-221-1125 tomt@nelsonsmall.com www.nelsonsmall.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
The O’Neil Co.
97 Shaker Rd. (P.O. Box 601) Gray, ME 04039
Contact: Ray Giandrea Jr. Phone: 207-657-3166 Toll Free: 800-660-7627 Fax: 207-657-2605 rayg@oneilcompany.com www.oneilcompany.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Allied Machinery & Superior Service Inc.
P.O. Box 128
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Phone: 410-382-4875
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; boiler treatments
Amato Industries Inc. 9120 Talbot Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-565-3220
Toll Free: 800-998-6826 Fax: 301-565-9227 www.amatoind.com
Wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Herson Supply
7901-L Beechcraft Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Contact: Ron Herson Phone: 301-417-1300 Fax: 301-417-2441
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Hynes & Waller Inc. 16000 Trade Zone Ave., #403 Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Contact: Chris Meerman Phone: 301-249-9421
Toll Free: 800-776-9424 Fax: 301-249-9425 chrisjr1@comcast.net www.hynesandwaller.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Laundry Equipment Services
13015 Salem Ave. Hagerstown, MD 21740
Contact: Cameron Clark Phone: 301-790-0606 Toll Free: 800-866-6905 Fax: 301-790-0009 sales@leslaundry.com www.leslaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Satec International Inc. 5129 Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville, MD 20705
Phone: 301-345-0128 Fax: 301-345-0129 info@satecinternational.com www.satecinternational.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
Sewing Machines, Tailor Trimmings & Laundromat Soap & Supplies 3232 Frederick Ave. Baltimore, MD 21229
Contact: Eddie Weinstein Phone: 410-945-5700 Toll Free: 800-221-1414 stadham@comcast.net www.baltimoresewing.com Packaging and supplies; sewing machines
Aldrich Clean-Tech Equipment Corp.
59 Webster Pl.
Worcester, MA 01603-1950
Contact: Robert Aldrich Phone: 508-792-1007 Toll Free: 888-462-2832 Fax: 508-421-5229 baldrich@aldrichcleantech.com www.aldrichcleantech.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment, parts and service; complete plants; preventive maintenance
American Equipment Sales Corp.
1345 Main St. Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781-894-6600 Toll Free: 800-747-7837 Fax: 781-647-4732 sales@aclslaundry.com www.americanequipment salescorp.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
AristoCraft Supply
8 West Industrial Park (P.O. Box 450) Oxford, MA 05140
Contact: Richard Ross Phone: 508-987-6444 Toll Free: 800-875-0479 Mobile: 508-735-3405 Fax: 508-987-6315 rross@aristocraftsupply.com www.aristocraftsupply.com Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Garment Machinery Co.
220 Reservoir St., Ste. 20 Needham, MA 02494
Contact: Justin Oriel Phone: 781-559-4077 Toll Free: 800-238-6930 joriel@garmentmachinery.com www.garmentmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service M&R Machinery Corp. 505 Lynn St. Malden, MA 02148
Contact: John G. Carozza Phone: 781-324-3395 Fax: 781-321-2240 mrmachinerycorp@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; parts and service
New England Dependable Equipment Inc. 86 Maple St. Waltham, MA 02453
Contact: Michael Chae Phone: 781-891-5676 Fax: 781-444-5863
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service; credit-card processing
Package Supply Corp.
355 Bodwell St. Avon, MA 02322
Phone: 508-583-8066
Toll Free: 800-336-8066 Fax: 508-583-8196 info@packagesupply.net
Packaging and supplies
Parts Pros 251 Forge Rd. Westport, MA 02790
Phone: 508-636-8811 Toll Free: 800-343-9411
Drycleaning equipment; parts and service
A&B Equipment & Sons
635 Wellington St. Saginaw, MI 48604
Phone: 989-753-4764 Toll Free: 800-369-4764 Fax: 989-753-5523
sales@ab-equipment.com www.ab-equipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant designs/ layouts; ozone equipment
Curtis Equipment Co. 1410 W. Main St. (P.O. Box 209) Lowell, MI 49331
Contact: John Curtis Phone: 616-897-9810 Toll Free: 800-594-9004 Fax: 616-897-9079
john@curtisequipmentco.com www.curtisequipmentco.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; consulting
E&N Equipment Co.
30335 Stephenson Hwy. Madison Heights, MI 48071
Contact: Susie Casalou Phone: 248-866-5500 Fax: 248-588-1299 susie@enequipment.com www.enequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Eagle Star Equipment
2329 Alger Dr. Troy, MI 48083
Contact: Michael Szczotka
Phone: 248-457-1140
Toll Free: 800-482-3400 Fax: 248-457-1556
info@eaglestarequipment.com www.eaglestarequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design and consulting; ozone systems
E.J. Thomas Co. 12040 Beech Daly Rd. Taylor, MI 48180
American Drycleaner, August 2015
Distributors 2015
Phone: 734-946-4132
Toll Free: 800-437-6808 Fax: 734-946-4154
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
P.B. Gast
355 Cottage Grove Ave. S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Phone: 616-245-0574 Fax: 616-245-2632 info@alliedeagle.com www.alliedeagle.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Universal Laundry Machinery
38700 Webb Dr.
Westland, MI 48185
Contact: Mark Hubbard Phone: 734-727-0478 Toll Free: 800-825-7787 Fax: 734-727-0481 mhubbard@univlaundry.com www.univlaundry.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service
BDS Laundry Systems 2430 Enterprise Dr. St. Paul, MN 55120
Phone: 651-688-8000 Toll Free: 800-688-0020 Fax: 651-688-8820 info@bdslaundry.com www.bdslaundry.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Darling’s Sales & Service
10007 Baltimore St. N.E. Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Brad Darling Phone: 763-786-1803 Fax: 763-786-4902 bdar@darlingsales.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
E. Weinberg Supply Co.
7434 W. 27th St. Minneapolis, MN 55426
Contact: David Weinberg
Phone: 952-920-0888 Toll Free: 800-279-0888 Fax: 952-920-2911 david@weinbergsupply.com www.weinbergsupply.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
The Minnesota Chemical Co. 2285 Hampden Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55114
Contact: Michael F. Baker Phone: 651-646-7521, ext. 205 Toll Free: 800-328-5689 Fax: 651-649-1101 mfbaker@minnesotachemical.com www.minnesotachemical.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
PROS Parts
1630 91st Ave. N.E., Ste. 107 Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Toll Free: 800-950-7767 Fax: 763-231-7385 barryv@prosparts.com www.prosparts.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; press pads and covers
Ideal Chemical & Supply 106 Ware St.
Jackson, MS 39208
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 601-932-4920 Fax: 601-939-3874 sblock@idealchem.com www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Laundry South Systems and Repair
2215 Hwy. 80 East Pearl, MS 39208
Contact: Robert Harris Phone: 601-420-9413 Mobile: 601-209-1020 Fax: 601-420-0667 robert@laundrysouth.com www.laundrysouth.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
GreenEarth Cleaning
51 W. 135th St.
Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Tim Maxwell Phone: 816-926-0895 Toll Free: 877-926-0895 Fax: 816-926-0754 tmaxwell@greenearthcleaning.com www.greenearthcleaning.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; licensing; marketing consultants
Ig. Weingartner & Son
9641 Natural Bridge Rd. St. Louis, MO 63134
Contact: George Weingaertner Phone: 314-428-4220 Mobile: 314-973-4814 Fax: 314-831-8286 dryclean1@sbcglobal.net Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
John Morris Equipment & Supply Co. 2023 S. Glenstone Springfield, MO 65804
Contact: Terry Gideon Phone: 417-881-1215 Toll Free: 800-725-5055 Mobile: 417-849-4821 Fax: 417-881-0036 tara@johnmorrisequipment.com www.johnmorrisequipment.com Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
KeeWes Equipment Co. 3509 N. Kimball Dr. Kansas City, MO 64161
Contact: Richard Gaar Phone: 913-384-5200 Toll Free: 800-383-9274 Mobile: 417-818-4709 Fax: 816-453-5998 rgaar@keewes.com www.keewes.com
Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service Komro Supply Co. 2600 S. 2nd St. St. Louis, MO 63118
Contact: Gary Thuro Phone: 314-772-4360 Fax: 314-772-4363 mrkomro@sbcglobal.net www.komrosupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Loomis Bros. Equipment
409 Biltmore Dr. Fenton, MO 63026
Contact: Karan Presson Phone: 636-343-8888 Toll Free: 800-783-6665 Fax: 636-343-1771 kpresson@loomisbros.com www.loomisbros.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service Mach Distributors Inc. 10665 Baur Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132
Contact: Robert Mach Phone: 314-993-4550
Fax: 314-993-0512
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
MidAmerica Equipment Co. 1019 Liberty Industrial Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366
Phone: 636-978-6345
sales@midamericaequipment.com www.midamericaequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service
R.J. Kool Co. 234 W. 12th Ave.
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Contact: Bill Kimmel Phone: 816-474-9274 Toll Free: 800-345-4551 Fax: 816-474-2141 sales@rjkool.com www.rjkool.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Sav-A-Day Laundry Machinery 55 Millwell Ct. Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Contact: Jeff Seele
Phone: 314-291-1910 Toll Free: 800-489-9274 Fax: 314-291-3888 sales@sav-a-day.com www.sav-a-day.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Altimus Distributing Inc. 21 8th St. West
Billings, MT 59101
Contact: Kevin Graf
Phone: 406-259-9816 Toll Free: 800-999-9816 Fax: 406-259-9816 altimusd@aol.com www.altimusdistributing.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
A.A. Horwath & Sons
1002 S. 13th St.
Omaha, NE 68108
Contact: Jim Horwath
Phone: 402-342-1299 Fax: 402-342-1926 info@aahorwath.com www.aahorwath.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
J.H. Stuckey Distributing Inc. 8814 J St. Omaha, NE 68127
Contact: John Stuckey
August 2015
Directory Distributors 2015
Phone: 402-342-8455
Toll Free: 800-405-8455 Fax: 402-344-4215 sales-service@stuckey distributing.com www.stuckeydistributing.com Laundry and finishing equipment
Centennial Distributing
3549 Spencer St.
Las Vegas, NV 89169
Phone: 702-838-5900 centennial@drycleaners.net www.drycleaners.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Desert Boilers & Controls
305 W. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-631-7780 Fax: 702-405-1084 info@desertboilers.com www.desertboilers.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service; boilers
Desert Boilers & Controls 2625 Dickerson Rd., Ste. C Reno, NV 89503
Phone: 775-409-4710 Fax: 775-409-4713 info@desertboilers.com www.desertboilers.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service; boilers
FJG Equipment Co. 3981 Argent Star Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89147
Contact: Frank Giancola Phone: 702-256-7050 Fax: 702-256-7534 fgianc1839@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Daniels Equipment Co.
45 Priscilla Ln.
Auburn, NH 03032
Phone: 603-641-9487
Toll Free: 800-258-3570 Fax: 603-644-0498 sales@decequip.com www.danielsequipment.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Yankee Equipment Systems
15 Glass Ln. (P.O. Box 630) Barrington, NH 03825
Contact: Ted Ristaino Phone: 603-868-6891
Toll Free: 800-239-9265 Fax: 603-868-2167 info@yankeeequipment.com www.yankeeequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
BFL Supplies
28 Harrison Ave., Suite 203 Englishtown, NJ 07726-1564
Toll Free: 877-779-9759 info@bflsupplies.com www.bflsupplies.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Cleaners Outlet
380 Franklin Turnpike Mahwah, NJ 07430
Toll Free: 844-335-8871 info@cleanersoutlet.com www.cleanersoutlet.com
Packaging and supplies; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; press pads and covers
Equipment Marketers
100 Melrose Ave. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Toll Free: 800-223-1376 sales@equipmentmarketers.net www.equipmentmarketers.net
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Sales Inc. 979 Lehigh Ave. Union, NJ 07083
Contact: Marc Katzman Phone: 718-441-4000 Fax: 908-687-9252 info@metropolitanmachinery.com www.metropolitanmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; boilers
Minda Supply
380 Franklin Turnpike Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 201-684-1720
Toll Free: 800-892-3390 Fax: 201-684-1733 www.mindasupply.com
Packaging and supplies; parts and service New York Machinery 609 Chancellor Ave. Irvington, NJ 07111
Phone: 973-375-1111 Toll Free: 855-600-3636 Fax: 973-375-0200 info@nymusa.com
www.nymusa.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service R&R Steam Inc. 2275 W. County Line Rd., Ste. 6 Jackson, NJ 08527
Contact: Robert Rosofsky Phone: 718-983-5767 rrsteam1@gmail.com www.rrsteam.com Plant design; plant installations; parts and service
Seickel & Sons Inc. 360 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112
Contact: Joseph Sieckel Phone: 973-242-1948 Toll Free: 800-338-5044 Fax: 973-733-4956 joes@seickel.com www.seickel.com Finishing equipment; parts and service; boilers
D&M Equipment Co. 103 Rio Rancho Dr. NE, Suite C5 Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Phone: 505-344-0554 Fax: 505-344-9056 sales@dandmequip.com www.dandmequip.com Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service Katzson Brothers Inc. 8500 Los Volcanes Rd. Albuquerque, NM 87121
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 505-884-8513 Toll Free: 888-884-8513 Fax: 505-884-5017 richardr@katzson.com www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Cleaner’s Supply Inc. 1059 Powers Rd. Conklin, NY 13748-1400
Contact: Page Walker Toll Free: 800-388-5410 customerservice@ cleanersupply.com www.cleanersupply.com Packaging and supplies
Direct Machinery Sales
50 Commerce Pl. Hicksville, NY 11801
Contact: Ron Hirsch
Phone: 516-938-4300
Toll Free: 800-572-5573 rhirsch@directmachinery.com www.directmachinery.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
D.J. Giancola Exports Inc. 4317 E. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13214
Contact: Charles Giancola Phone: 315-446-1002 Fax: 315-446-2431 c.giancola@djgexports.com www.djgexports.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Empire Laundry Machinery 860 Linden Ave. Rochester, NY 14625-2718
Contact: Gerry Hendershot Phone: 585-218-9810
Toll Free: 800-359-6262 Fax: 585-218-9822 gerry@empireny.com www.empirelaundryny.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
FabriCare Industries
2 Ervin Dr. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Contact: Hilda Caballero Phone: 845-463-1622
Toll Free: 800-367-3575 Fax: 845-463-1629 info@fabricareind.com www.fabricareind.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Hercules Machinery Inc. 21 Alabama Ave. Island Park, NY 11558
Contact: Joe Carlucci Phone: 516-889-0088 Fax: 516-889-7161 joepres21@aol.com www.herculesmachinery.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
461 Doughty Blvd. Inwood, NY 11096
Toll Free: 800-645-2205 Fax: 516-371-4204 sales@laundrylux.com www.laundrylux.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service
American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
Multimatic 30-lb. SL-30 $18,500* UniMac 50-lb. Washer (Used) $4,200* Columbia 80/80 Tandem (Used) $34,995* Champion 5 HP Air Compressor (Used) $950* Hoffman Form Finisher $3,295* Rema RP5 Air Vacuum $2,295* Forenta A19VS Topper $4,350* Cissell 75-lb. Steam Dryer $3,900* Lattner 15hp Boiler $9,995* Milnor 60-lb. Washer $6,995* Unipress Single Buck SB1 (Used) $10,500* Unimac UM202 Washer $3,800* Bowe 40 Hydrocarbon Machine $28,500* Forenta Triple Puff Iron 33PS $1,700* Cissell 75-lb. Gas Dryer (Used) $1,800* 1/2” Steam Traps $35 each, 5 trap minimum 86 6 - 73 4 - 364 4 Monthly Specials Online: MustangEnterprises.com New & Used Equipment for Drycleaning & Laundry Huge Selection of Parts for Most Brands of Equipment Prices valid until September 1, 2015 | *Freight Not Included
Distributors 2015
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Sales Inc.
127-19 101 Ave.
South Richmond Hill, NY 11419
Contact: Marc Katzman Phone: 718-441-4000 Fax: 718-849-6559 info@metropolitanmachinery.com www.metropolitanmachinery.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; boilers
My Dry Cleaning Supplies Inc. 53-23 Nurge Ave. Maspeth, NY 11378
Contact: Mike Song Phone: 718-729-7291 Fax: 718-366-7227 customerservice.mydcs@gmail.com www.mydrycleaningsupply.com Finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Professional Laundry Systems 100D Jefryn Blvd. Deer Park, NY 11729
Phone: 631-242-0020 Toll Free: 888-637-0600 Fax: 631-242-7724
professionallaundry systems@yahoo.com www.plslaundry.com Laundry equipment
Professional Laundry Systems 3655 California Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127
Contact: Bill Myers
Phone: 716-662-6100 Toll Free: 888-637-0600 Fax: 716-662-7200 windwz2@aol.com www.plslaundry.com
Laundry equipment
Statewide Machinery Inc.
60 Pixley Industrial Pkwy. Rochester, NY 14624
Contact: Tony Longo Phone: 585-426-3870
Toll Free: 800-527-2219 Mobile: 585-943-9897 Fax: 585-426-0317 tlongo@statewidemachinery.com www.statewidemachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Super Laundry Equipment
234 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, NY 11797
Phone: 516-678-4404
Toll Free: 888-678-9274 Fax: 516-764-5325 sales@superlaundry.com www.superlaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
48 W. 25th St.
New York, NY 10010
Contact: Marie Gando Phone: 212-691-5900 av@supsew.com www.supsew.com
Packaging and supplies
Whitehouse Supplies Corp.
224 Pulaski Ave. Staten Island, NY 10303
Phone/Fax: 718-442-0914
Toll Free: 877-268-0193
Drycleaning solvents, detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
World Trade Exporters Inc.
1801 Cold Springs Rd. Liverpool, NY 13090 Phone: 315-453-3051
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
101 High Hope Lane Garner, NC 27529
Contact: Jason Napier
Toll Free: 800-880-2138, ext. 128 Mobile: 919-710-3589 Fax: 336-373-1924
jnapier@aadvantagelaundry.com www.aadvantagelaundry.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
B&G Lieberman Co.
2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman
Phone: 704-376-0717
Toll Free: 800-438-0346 Fax: 800-248-2696
bgl@bglieberman.com www.bglieberman.com
Finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers; alterations equipment and supplies; zippers and fasteners; sewing machines; irons
CM Cleaner Technologies 1375 S. Hwy. 16
August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
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Distributors 2015
Stanley , NC 28164
Contact: Chris Mabrey
Phone: 704-491-5187 Fax: 704-827-4685 chrismabrey@aol.com Conveyors and bagging machinery; parts and service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
714F Montana Dr. Charlotte, NC 28216
Phone: 704-395-1234 Toll Free: 800-227-6149 www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
530 Maywood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: 919-832-4624 Toll Free: 800-227-6149 www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Fuller Supply Co. P.O. Box 1261 Concord, NC 28026
Contacts: Tom Little
Phone: 704-782-0214
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers; irons; dye lock; invoices/thermal paper
N.S. Farrington & Co. 2355 Farrington Point Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27107
Contact: John Erskine Phone: 336-788-7705 Toll Free: 800-722-0374 Fax: 336-788-7729 info@nsfarrington.com www.nsfarrington.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
T&L Equipment Sales
1001-A N. Church St.
Charlotte, NC 28206
Phone: 704-372-8615 Toll Free: 800-423-7937 Fax: 704-374-1004 sales@washcycle.com www.washcycle.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Tri-State Laundry Equipment
1031 E. Mountain St., Bldg. 315
Kernersville, NC 27284
Contact: Kevin Lawson Phone: 336-992-5218 Toll Free: 866-885-5218 Fax: 336-992-5215 tristate@northstate.net www.tristatelaundryequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; used equipment; facility design
Quality Zipper & Supply
308 2nd Ave. North, Ste. 201
Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz
Phone: 701-772-2788 Toll Free: 800-245-9515 Mobile: 701-739-5623 Fax: 701-772-2699 qualityzip@aol.com www.qualityzipper.com Zippers and fasteners
Advantage Equipment Inc.
1660 Scenic Way
Akron, OH 44310
Contact: Scott Vlahos
Phone: 330-475-8220
Toll Free: 888-676-5079 Fax: 330-475-8218
svlahos@advantageequipment.net www.advantageequipment.net
Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; card systems
Belenky Inc.
1601 Frederick Blvd. Akron, OH 44320
Contact: Robert Minster
Phone: 330-867-3333
Toll Free: 800-235-3659 Fax: 330-867-7798 info@belenkyinc.com www.belenkyinc.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Bestway Equipment & Service
216 5th St. (P.O. Box 82) Beverly, OH 45715
Phone: 304-428-7154 Fax: 740-984-2280 sales@bestwayequip.com www.bestwayequip.com Drycleaning and laundry equipment
C&W Equipment/Calsco Inc. 1114 Ferris Rd.
August 2015 27
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Directory Distributors 2015
Amelia, OH 45102
Contact: Matt Wright or Bob Folchi
Toll Free: 800-443-3573 Fax: 513-753-8750 m.wright@candwcorp.com, bob.folchi@candwcorp.com www.candwcorp.com Laundry equipment; parts and service; textiles
Carman Ohio Co.
11445 Rockfield Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45241 Phone: 513-721-1984 carmanohio@fuse.net
Steam-cleaning equipment
Cleveland Parts Specialists
P.O. Box 604
Willoughby, OH 44096
Contact: John Legan
Phone: 440-942-2244 Fax: 440-942-1654 sales@cleveland-partsspecialists.com www.cleveland-partsspecialists.com
Parts and service E.J. Thomas Co. 987 E. Tallmadge Ave. Akron, OH 44310
Phone: 330-577-5441 Toll Free: 800-878-0880
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies E.J. Thomas Co. 300 Distribution Cir., Ste. A Fairfield, OH 45014
Phone: 513-841-0880 Toll Free: 800-878-0880 Fax: 513-841-1029
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies E.J. Thomas Co. 5101 Forest Dr., Ste. C New Albany, OH 43054
Phone: 614-294-3373 Toll Free: 800-282-2748 Fax: 614-294-6480
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Hudson Equipment Co.
35 S. Oviatt St.
Hudson, OH 44236
Contact: Skip Wilke
Phone: 330-342-9900 Toll Free: 800-684-9838 Fax: 330-342-0884 skip@hudsonequipment.com www.hudsonequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Lakeside Laundry Equipment
26851 Richmond Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Phone: 216-475-2040 Toll Free: 800-628-2588 Fax: 216-475-2624 sales@lakesidelaundry.com www.lakesidelaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
The M&L Equipment Co.
P.O. Box 4598
Akron, OH 44310
Contact: Steve Michalec Phone: 330-633-6241 Toll Free: 800-328-6000 Fax: 330-633-3915 sales@mlequipco.com www.mlequipco.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
7654 Production Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45237
Phone: 513-771-4020 Fax: 513-771-0317 machinex@machinexonline.com www.machinexonline.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design
Miley’s Diversified Service
2324 Auberry Dr. Akron, OH 44312
Contact: Bill Miley Phone: 330-644-1981 Toll Free: 800-831-8758 Mobile: 330-289-3520 mileysdiversifiedservice@gmail.com www.mileysdiversifiedservice.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Moore Services Inc.
29500 Aurora Rd., Suite 4 Solon, OH 44139
Contact: Jerry Moore Phone: 440-498-0200 Toll Free: 800-941-MORE Fax: 440-498-2105 mooreservices@aol.com www.mooreservices.info
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant layout and design
R.W. Martin & Sons Inc. 310 Park Ave. Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330-673-8712 Toll Free: 800-635-4363 Fax: 330-673-7467 info@rwmartin.com www.rwmartin.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing
equipment; parts and service; pre-owned machinery
TP Tools & Equipment
7075 State Rt. 446 Canfield, OH 44406
Contact: Carmen Ferraro Phone: 330-533-3384 Toll Free: 800-321-9260 info@tptools.com www.tptools.com Air compressors
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
7626 E. 46th Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74145
Contact: Daniel Kramer
Phone: 918-627-2138, Ext. 121 Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 918-638-0928 dkramer@aadvantagelaundry.com www.aadvantagelaundry.com Laundry and wetcleaning equipment
Elite Equipment Co. 4400 S.W. 134th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73173
Contact: Marty Jackson Phone: 405-692-4800 Toll Free: 800-335-3600 Fax: 405-692-7337 marty@eliteequipment.com www.eliteequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service FabriClean Supply
Oklahoma City/Tulsa 201 N. Ann Arbor Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Contact: Brenda Cummings Phone: 405-232-9289 Toll Free: 800-654-4117 Fax: 405-272-1034 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
Royaltone Co.
7211 N. Harrison Ave. Shawnee, OK 74804
Contact: Carl Randall Phone: 405-878-0537 Toll Free: 800-331-5506 Fax: 405-878-0526 royaltone@royaltone.com www.royaltone.com Detergents and chemicals for cleaning leathers and suedes
Arent Machinery Co.
15815 S.E. 135th Ave. Clackamas, OR 97015
Contact: Jay-Dee Arent
Phone: 503-657-3000
Toll Free: 800-547-2527 Fax: 503-657-7792
jaydee.arent@arentmachinery.com www.arentmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Peterson Equipment Co. 151 Front St. Woodburn, OR 97071
Contact: Russell Peterson
Phone: 503-981-4032
Toll Free: 800-981-4032 Fax: 503-981-0304
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
AC Power Co.
77 Steamwhistle Dr. Ivyland, PA 18974
Phone: 215-364-3430 Toll Free: 800-362-1900 Fax: 215-364-4699 info@acpowerco.com www.acpowerco.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts and service
Apparel Machinery & Supply 1836 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215-634-2626 Toll Free: 800-523-3331 Fax: 215-426-8060 info@apparelmachinery.com www.apparelmachinery.com
Finishing equipment; parts and service
E.J. Thomas Co. 1515 William Flynn Hwy. Glenshaw, PA 15116
Phone: 412-453-2047 Toll Free: 800-878-0880
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Frankford Machinery Inc.
4500 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19124
Contact: Nick Kashkashian Jr. Phone: 215-289-3434 Fax: 215-289-4470 info@frankfordonline.com www.frankfordonline.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; leasing and financing
Friedman Supply
553 Greenfield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Contact: Jerome Friedman Phone: 412-521-3906 Fax: 412-421-7724
August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
Distributors 2015
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Gorman Distributors Inc.
1201 Manor St. Columbia, PA 17512
Contact: Ben Gorman Phone: 717-299-6571 Toll Free: 800-336-6571 Fax: 717-449-5005 info@gormandist.com www.gormandist.com Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; store fixtures
Ideal Distributors
2121 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Phone: 412-243-2121 Toll Free: 800-888-2121 Fax: 412-243-0564 sales@idealsoap.com www.idealsoap.com Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
J.B. Equipment Corp. 25 W. Park Ave. Sellersville, PA 18960
Contact: Jim Bukta
Phone: 215-257-5041 jimb7111@verizon.net
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service PAC Industries Inc. 66-D Progress Ave. Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
Phone: 724-772-3780 Toll Free: 866-722-7253 Fax: 724-772-3785 info@pacindustries.com www.pacindustries.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service PAC Industries Inc. 950 River Rd. Croydon, PA 19021
Phone: 215-638-1000 Toll Free: 800-972-2292 Fax: 215-785-1404 info@pacindustries.com www.pacindustries.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
PAC Industries Inc.
5341 Jaycee Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17112 Phone: 717-657-0407 Toll Free: 800-692-6214 Fax: 717-657-8678
info@pacindustries.com www.pacindustries.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Pittsburgh Laundry Systems 7500 Washington Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Contact: Sonny Rogalla, Terry Connelly Phone: 412-351-4500 Fax: 412-351-4286 sonny@pittsburghlaundry.com, terry@pittsburghlaundry.com www.pittsburghlaundrysystems.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Professional Laundry Systems
1741 Loretta Ave. Feasterville, PA 19053
Contact: Andy Walls Phone: 215-354-0111 Toll Free: 888-637-0600 Fax: 215-354-0144 prolaundrysys@comcast.net www.plslaundry.com Laundry equipment
Super Laundry Equipment 1201A Brighton Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Contact: Bob Guyer
Phone: 412-697-9201
Toll Free: 877-404-7278 Mobile: 724-624-4493 Fax: 412-697-9206 bob@superlaundrypa.com www.superlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
The Maxi Companies
152 Edmond Dr. Warwick, RI 02886
Contact: Dan Levy Phone: 401-885-3322 Fax: 401-885-2019
danl@maxico.necoxmail.com www.maxico.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Norton Supply Co.
65 Bath St. Providence, RI 02908
Contact: Bill Mark Phone: 401-454-8380 Toll Free: 800-869-7664 Fax: 401-421-8427
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Distributors 2015
sales@nortonsupply.com www.nortonsupply.com
Finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Central Equipment Co. 127 Overland Dr. West Columbia, SC 29170
Contact: Ronnie Fulmer
Phone: 803-779-2390 Toll Free: 800-766-0926 Fax: 803-252-0049 sales@centralequip.com www.centralequip.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and services
Central Supply Co.
3203 Old Pond Rd. John’s Island, SC 29455
Contact: Tommy Roof Phone: 843-327-9492 tommyroof@comcast.net Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Columbia
1200 1st St. South Ext. Columbia, SC 29209
Contact: Scott Gribbin Phone: 803-776-7988 Toll Free: 800-272-0540 Fax: 803-776-8832 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies S.G. Robinson Mechanical Inc. 4920 Belton Hwy. Anderson, SC 29621
Contact: Gail R. Horm Phone: 864-225-2383 Toll Free: 800-948-3159 Fax: 864-225-9004 sales@sgrobinson.com www.steamlady.com
Boilers; drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Texchine Inc.
207 Beaufort St.
Chapin, SC 29036
Phone: 803-345-5171 Toll Free: 800-768-8205 Fax: 803-345-1409 sales@texchine.com www.texchine.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment
Horwath Laundry Equipment
1880 Centre St.
Rapid City, SD 57703
Contact: Ron Kramer Phone: 605-343-3507 Fax: 605-343-5929 origin@rushmore.com Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Richard-Ewing Equipment
27121 Parklane Dr. Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Phone: 605-368-2528 Toll Free: 800-658-3368 Fax: 605-368-5580 www.richard-ewingequipment.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Allied Boiler & Supply
419 S. Front St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: D.J. Baughman Toll Free: 800-858-0484 Fax: 615-890-6607 dj@alliedboiler.com www.alliedboiler.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; boiler training Boiler Equipment Co. 1443 6th Ave. Knoxville, TN 37917
Phone: 865-525-0771 Toll Free: 800-252-2345 Fax: 865-525-4164 info@boilerequipment.com www.boilerequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Buchanan Equipment Co.
500 Willowbrook Dr. Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: Paul Buchanan Phone: 865-250-7390 Fax: 931-728-5773
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
Cates Equipment Sales and Service
1846 Vanderhorn Dr. Memphis, TN 38134
Phone: 901-387-0023 Fax: 901-373-5340 sales@catesequipment.com www.catesequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning
and finishing equipment
Ideal Chemical & Supply
4025 Air Park St. Memphis, TN 38118
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 901-363-7720 Fax: 901-366-0864 sblock@idealchem.com www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Knoxville 4123 Appalachian Way Knoxville, TN 37918
Contact: Asher Hale Phone: 865-689-1221 Toll Free: 800-888-2234 Fax: 865-689-0552 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Nashville 741 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210
Contact: John Holt Phone: 615-254-5192 Toll Free: 800-622-3479 Fax: 615-244-3569 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies Star Distributing 3729 Charlotte Ave. Nashville, TN 37209
Contact: D. Michael Davis Phone: 615-298-5547 Toll Free: 800-897-7570 Fax: 615-298-1696 mdavis@stardistributing.com www.stardistributing.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
W.A.G. Equipment 598 Burnett Rd. Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong Phone: 615-830-5959 Fax: 615-754-8191 wagnashville@comcast.net www.wagnashville.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; financing; plant design/layouts; boilers; package plants
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
3836 Dividend Dr. Garland, TX 75042
Contact: Ryan Smith
Phone: 972-278-2138
Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 972-272-0225 rsmith@aadvantagelaundry.com www.aadvantagelaundry.com Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Atlas International 2663 Freewood Dr. Dallas, TX 75220
Contact: Avner Wolanow Phone: 214-350-1234 Toll Free: 800-727-9274 Fax: 214-350-1659
sales@atlaslaundry.com www.atlaslaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Best Wash Inc. 15012 Eddie Dr. Humble, TX 77396
Contact: James West Phone/Fax: 281-441-2465 Toll Free: 800-456-2378 sales@bestwashinc.com www.bestwashinc.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service; detergents
Bobby Jones Service Co.
410 Lillard Rd., Ste. 110 Arlington, TX 76012
Contact: Bobby Jones Phone: 817-366-3705 Fax: 817-261-1808
bjsc@att.net www.bobbyjonesservice.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; turn-key plants
Comet Cleaners
Franchise Group
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Contact: Jack Godfrey Jr. Toll Free: 888-461-3555 www.cometcleaners.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Covers Etc.
925 W. Harris Rd. Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Junior Zanti Phone: 817-467-5030
Toll Free: 800-451-6593 Fax: 800-888-6613 sales@coversetc.com www.coversetc.com
Packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Ed Brown Distributors 2705 Hawes Ave.
American Drycleaner, August 2015
Distributors 2015
Dallas, TX 75235
Contact: Ed Blair
Phone: 214-352-9494
Toll Free: 800-929-5520 Fax: 214-358-5873 ed@edbrowndistributors.com www.edbrowndistributors.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment Equipment Sales
3602 Clancy Ln. Horizon City, TX 79928
Contact: Kem Muncie Phone: 915-852-9509 eqsales360@aol.com Drycleaning and laundry equipment
FabriClean Supply Amarillo
3412 W. Amarillo Blvd.
Amarillo, TX 79106
Contact: Thomas Stevens Phone: 806-374-2851 Toll Free: 800-648-9665 Fax: 806-374-2755 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply
Austin/San Antonio
2089 Main St.
Buda, TX 78610
Contact: Russ Massey Phone: 512-295-5550 Toll Free: 888-301-4555 Fax: 512-295-5522
info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and janitorial supplies
FabriClean Supply Dallas
8301 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247
Contact: Terry Stanton Phone: 214-826-4161 Toll Free: 800-442-7021 Fax: 214-826-8107 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
FabriClean Supply Houston
9770 Wingfoot Dr. Houston, TX 77041
Contact: Chris Barnett
Phone: 713-864-6373
Toll Free: 800-233-4240 Fax: 713-864-5742
info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning equipment; packaging and supplies
Gary Belk Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 852380
Richardson, TX 75085
Contact: Gary Belk Phone: 972-682-7979 james.belk@sbcglobal.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Intex Distributing Co.
1173 109th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Contact: Ben Henke
Phone: 972-660-1900
Toll Free: 877-649-9904 Fax: 972-660-1908 intexdallas@intexdistco.com www.intexdistco.com Packaging and supplies
Intex Distributing Co.
411 Tradesmens Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Gerald Henke
States Laundry Machinery
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contacts: Pravin Parmar, Harish Parmar Phone: 713-984-8833 Toll Free: 800-289-4756 Fax: 713-984-1005 info@gslaundry.com www.gslaundry.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Phone: 512-474-6075 Toll Free: 800-322-7131 Fax: 512-474-6570 intex123@swbell.net www.intexdistco.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Iowa Techniques Inc.
524 Tradesman Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Matt Kool
Phone: 512-846-2403 Toll Free: 800-727-1592 Fax: 512-846-2411 mkool@iowatechniques.com
August 2015 31
American Drycleaner,
Lori Benson e Towel Guy LLC, Toms River, New Jersey to the winners of our iPad and Android tablet give away at the Clean Show. Join them in reading our digital edition on your tablet too! Heidle Baskin Baskin Laundry LLC, Canton, Texas CONGRATS!
Distributors 2015
Drycleaning, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; conveyors
It’s Yours 4 Less P.O. Box 934 Hurst, TX 76053
Contact: Chris Hoover Phone: 214-659-3030 Fax: 888-269-9138 info@itsyours4less.com www.itsyours4less.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; installation services
Memories Gown Preservation
5795 Woodway Dr. Houston, TX 77057
Contact: Kyle E. Nesbit Phone: 713-780-4600
Toll Free: 866-492-4696 info@gownspreservations.com www.gownspreservations.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
Mustang Enterprises Ltd. 1238 W. Laurel San Antonio, TX 78201
Contact: Steven Dubinski Phone: 210-734-3644 Toll Free: 866-734-3644 Fax: 210-734-0046 info@mustangenterprises.com www.mustangenterprises.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
Roberts Maintenance Engineering
P.O. Box 270171 Dallas, TX 75227
Contact: John S. Roberts Phone: 214-542-1790 Fax: 972-276-3990 robertsmaintenance.john@ gmail.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Rosenberg Supply Co. 1608 N. Flores St. San Antonio, TX 78212
Contact: Reuben Briseño Phone: 210-736-1873 Toll Free: 800-777-1873 Fax: 210-732-1941 rosenbergsupply@hotmail.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Scott Equipment Inc. 5612 Mitchelldale Houston, TX 77092
Toll Free: 800-321-SCOTT sales@scott-equipment.com www.scott-equipment.com
Laundry equipment
Southwest Laundry & Dry Cleaning Supply Inc. 4603 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77027
Phone: 713-626-2211
Toll Free: 800-242-6501 Mobile: 281-236-5553 Fax: 713-626-4088 customerservice@ southwestclean.com www.southwest-supply.com
Drycleaning solvent; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
USA Distributors Inc. 209 Julian St. Dallas, TX 75203
Contact: Kenneth Stearns Phone: 214-942-3766 Toll Free: 800-354-3789 Fax: 214-948-4864
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
A.E.C./Ally Equipment Co. 6657 S. State St., Unit 7 Murray, UT 84107
Contact: Gregg Townsend Phone: 801-255-9646 Fax: 801-255-9647 sales@allyequipment.com www.allyequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Katzson Brothers Inc. 3943 W. 1500 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 801-322-5757 Fax: 801-977-8517 richardr@katzson.com www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
209 Research Dr., Suite 102 Chesapeake, VA 23320
Phone: 757-547-5350
Toll Free: 800-227-6149 www.consolidatedlaundry.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service FabriClean Supply Richmond 4311 November Ave. Richmond, VA 23231
Contact: Dwayne Gwaltney
Phone: 804-232-6703
Toll Free: 800-448-3006 Fax: 804-233-0842 info@fabricleansupply.com www.fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
2810 Ackley Ave. Richmond, VA 23228
Contact: Barry Gilman Phone: 804-262-7433 Toll Free: 800-237-5825 Fax: 804-262-2437 supplies@richclean.com www.richclean.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Valley Washers Inc.
18 W. Johnson St. Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Phone: 540-434-8086 Toll Free: 800-433-0506 Fax: 540-434-9877 www.valleywashers.com Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Virginia Dry Cleaning and Laundry Equipment
2617 Egee Dr. Richmond, VA 23237
Contact: Chip Fletcher Phone: 804-271-4401 Toll Free: 800-767-1946 Fax: 804-271-4464 chip@vadrycleaning.com www.vadrycleaning.com Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; press pads; packaging and supplies
20830 International Blvd. Seattle, WA 98198
Contact: Rich Boyd Phone: 206-824-9055 Fax: 206-878-2658 rich@cescoequipment.com www.cescoequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Phoenix Equipment Co.
1411 108th Ave. S.E.
Bellevue, WA 98004
Contact: Brad Heilman Phone: 425-417-4263 Fax: 425-637-4865 bfheilman@msn.com Drycleaning, laundry and finishing
equipment; parts and service
Western State Design
14241 NE Woodinville Duvall Rd. Woodinville, WA 98072
Contact: Rick Hall
Phone: 425-483-5642 (Ext. 102) Toll Free: 800-633-7153 Fax: 360-668-4747 rhall@westernstatedesign.com www.westernstatedesign.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Westport Supply Co.
22239 76th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032
Contact: Gene Rhome
Phone: 253-872-2027 Toll Free: 800-275-3954 Fax: 253-872-9048
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Char-Ann Equipment Co. 2505 Elizabeth Pike Mineral Wells, WV 26150
Contact: Ed Boice Phone: 304-489-9355 Toll Free: 800-679-9350 Fax: 304-489-0011 charann@wirefire.com Laundry equipment
Douglas Equipment
301 North St.
Bluefield, WV 24701
Contact: Pam McCormick
Toll Free: 800-962-8618 Fax: 304-325-3848 pam@douglasequipment.us http://douglasequipment.us Laundry equipment
Commercial Laundry Sales
1130 Elizabeth St. Green Bay, WI 54302
Contact: Wayne Kuhn
Phone: 920-437-0947
Toll Free: 800-662-8356 Fax: 920-437-1078 sales@claundrysales.com www.claundrysales.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Haiges Machinery Inc.
131 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Contact: John Kubczak
Phone: 262-523-4105 Toll Free: 800-236-1144 Fax: 262-691-1307 info@haigesmachinery.com
American Drycleaner, August 2015
www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
Distributors 2015
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Herb Fitzgerald Co. P.O. Box 465
Butler, WI 53007
Contact: Jim Fitzgerald Phone: 262-783-5808 Toll Free: 800-686-3489 Fax: 262-783-5553 jim@herbfitzgerald.com www.herbfitzgerald.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
Luetzow Industries 1105 Davis Ave.
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Contact: Bruce Luetzow Phone: 414-762-0410 Toll Free: 800-558-6055 Fax: 414-762-0943 luetzow.poly@gmail.com www.luetzowind.com
Packaging and supplies
Washburn Machinery Inc. S95W32875 Hickorywood Trail Mukwonago, WI 53149
Contact: Rick Brown Toll Free: 800-245-8425 Fax: 847-364-8105 sales@washburnmachinery.com www.washburnmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Wausau Chemical 13137 W. Glendale Ave. Butler, WI 53007
Contact: Wayne Koeppe Phone: 262-783-4500 Toll Free: 800-236-2200 Fax: 262-783-4979 wkoeppe@wausauchemical.com www.wausauchemical.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Laundry Supply
P.O. Box 1634
Gillette, WY 82717
Contact: Tom Degnan
Phone: 307-687-7131
Toll Free: 800-750-7131 Fax: 307-687-7643
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Manuel Gomez Esteves
P.O. Box 11380
San Juan, PR 00922
Contact: Freddie DeJesus Phone: 787-251-4560 Fax: 787-251-4540 mpereyo@coqui.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Montequin Distributors
Calle 13 S.O., #903
Caparra Terrace, PR 00921
Contact: Felix Montequin Phone: 787-781-6390 Mobile: 787-781-6370 Fax: 787-792-0697 office@montequin.com www.montequin.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Besteam Boilers Inc.
5025 Rue Francois Cusson Lachine, QC H8T 3K1
Contact: Matthew Newpol Phone: 514-636-3656, ext. 17 Mobile: 514-862-9691 Fax: 514-636-3328 mattnewpol@gmail.com Boilers; irons; return tanks and pumps; parts and service Cal-Tech Services Ltd. 393 Herring Cove Rd. Halifax, NS B3R 1W3
Contact: Deborah Kerr Phone: 902-477-1020 Toll Free: 800-588-2258 Fax: 902-477-8256 caltech@ns.aliantzinc.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
East Coast Laundry Systems
519 Herring Cove Rd. Halifax, NS B3R 1X3
Contact: Peter Blunden Phone: 902-477-7722 Toll Free: 800-565-1281 Fax: 902-477-3926
peterb@eclaundry.ca www.eclaundry.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; ozone systems; parts and service; plant design
Envirogreen Canada
110 - 23000 Fraserwood Way Richmond, BC V6V 3CT
Phone: 604-324-9400
Toll Free: 800-663-9295 Fax: 604-324-4998 sales@envirogreencanada.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Global Dry Cleaning Systems 111-3000 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, MB R3T 3Z2
Contact: Les Brown Phone/Fax: 204-269-1982 lesbrown@mts.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service Groulx & Robertson 190 Oneida Dr. Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1A8
Contact: Denis Lamarre Phone: 514-715-6981 Toll Free: 800-363-7760 Fax: 514-697-9838 dlamarre@groulxrobertson.ca
Packaging and supplies
Image Distributors Ltd. P.O. Box 180 Calmar, AB T0C 0V0
Contact: Les Krzywy Phone: 403-271-1449 Toll Free: 866-771-1449 Mobile: 403-852-0096 Fax: 403-271-1209 imagelaundry@shaw.ca www.imagelaundry.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Integrity Mechanical Inc. 6519 40 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 2J9
Contact: Kevin Marois Phone: 403-236-2873 Fax: 403-236-2878 imi@telus.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; padding for finishing equipment Metromec Equipment Inc. 865 Hodge St. Montreal, QC H4N 2B1
Contact: Matthew Newpol Phone: 514-747-7771 Fax: 514-747-6677
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Neifer Installations (1968) Ltd. 10113 173 St. Surrey, BC V4N 4H6
Contact: Sharon Carras Phone: 604-588-6030 Fax: 604-648-8326 neifer@shaw.ca www.neifer.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and
finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; ozone equipment; press pads and covers; boilers
Nicholson Mechanical Ltd. 2B - 33790 Industrial Ave. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7T9
Contact: Doug Nicholson Phone: 604-853-3053 Toll Free: 877-432-7286 Fax: 604-850-5062 info@nmlonline.ca www.nmlonline.ca
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Ontario Laundry Systems
7475 Kimbel St., Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5S 1E7
Phone: 905-673-1308
Toll Free: 888-669-4837 Fax: 905-677-7163 info@ontariolaundry.com www.ontariolaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Prairie Distributors
#160, 6651 Elmbridge Way Richmond, BC V7C 5C2
Contact: Amir Ladha Phone: 604-231-9334 Fax: 604-231-9335
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
3495 Thimens Blvd. St. Laurent, PQ H4R 1V5
Phone: 514-331-6621 Fax: 514-334-5120 info@royalmcgoun.ca www.royalmcgoun.com Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Twin-Industry Sales & Service
85 Sutherland Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C6
Contact: Emil Solypa or Brent Solypa
Phone: 204-942-2489
Toll Free: 800-665-0747 Fax: 204-949-9196 tissl@mts.net www.twinindustrysales.ca
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service; plant layouts ADC
American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com Directory
■ Have you invested in renovations, equipment upgrades, or an entirely new drycleaning plant? Enter your project in the 55th Annual American Drycleaner Plant Design Awards!
Every year, our magazine honors the best new plants and renovation projects, recognizing them for appearance, efficiency, convenience and comfort. Your plant could be next! You can find our online entry form at: https://americandrycleaner.com/ 55th-annual-plant-design-awardsentry-form
■ Fill out the form completely and upload a layout (blueprint or sketch) and several photos (300 dpi digital files are preferred, but color photos will also suffice) that show off the features that make your drycleaning plant an excellent place to do business.
And include any information you believe is relevant to the way your plant’s design attracts customers and fulfills your production needs. The more detailed the entry, the better!
Perhaps you’ll join the likes of previous grand prize-winners Wooven, Pompano Beach, Fla.; Corona Del Mar (CDM) Cleaners, Newport Beach, Calif.; and Rainbow Cleaners, Oxford, Miss., at the pinnacle of the drycleaning industry. But you can’t win if you don’t enter!
■ Entries are subject to verification. Contact Editorial Director Bruce Beggs, 312-3611683, bbeggs@ATMags.com, with any questions.
American Drycleaner is accepting entries until Friday, Oct. 2. Good luck!
2014 Best Plant Design CDM Cleaners • Newport Beach, Calif. 2013 Best Plant Design Rainbow Cleaners • Oxford, Miss. 2015 Best Plant Design Wooven • Pompano Beach, Fla.
Celebrating 55 Years!
WashClub plans greater expansion of on-demand service offering
WashClub, a premium on-demand drycleaning, tailoring and laundry service, will soon be expanding its service offering to more businesses and households in select U.S. cities, the company reports.
WashClub expanded to Long Island, Dallas, Atlanta, Penn-Jersey, Cleveland and Washington, D.C., in recent months and will soon open in Los Angeles, Miami, Chi cago and Alabama state, where the mobile application is already in beta.
“We’re excited to be bringing our innovative business mentality to companies and consumers in areas across the country that need them the most,” explains Rick Rome, founder and president of WashClub. “In the im mediate future, we’ll continue to see a dramatic change in consumption patterns for laundry not only in NYC but nationwide, with customers increasingly reliant on im mediate solutions.”
Tide Dry Cleaners adds stores in Arizona, Minnesota, Nevada
In an effort to expand its drycleaning franchise, Tide Dry Cleaners reports it has opened additional stores in Arizona, Minnesota and Nevada. The brand now has 30 stores open nationwide.
Tide Dry Cleaners partners with GreenEarth® Clean ing to offer a patented drycleaning process to gently clean clothing and extend garment life. The new loca tions offer drive-thru services as well as 24-hour pickups and drop-offs with their Tide Dry Cleaners Anytime kiosks and drop boxes.
Elpo Enterprises LLC, in collaboration with Agile Pursuits Franchising Inc., announced the opening of a store in Scottsdale, Ariz. It’s the third Tide Dry Cleaners in that state.
Monarch LLC, in collaboration with Agile Pursuits,
announced the opening of a store in Apple Valley, Minn. It’s the first in that state.
The most recent addition is a second store in Las Ve gas. The Sahara Avenue location celebrated its grand opening in mid-May.
America’s Best Cleaners Affiliates gather in NYC for best-practices mtg.
Affiliates of America’s Best Cleaners™ (ABC) traveled to New York City from across the United States and Canada in May to meet for three days of networking and presentations around industry and general business best practices, ABC reports.
The meeting kicked off with a tour of the newly opened China: Through the Looking Glass exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Anna Wintour Costume Center. The display of haute couture and avant-garde ready-to-wear fashions gave the attendees insight into the construction and care of high-end, heavily decorated garments.
Affiliates learned of ABC’s new NextGen Workgroup, designed to advance the leadership potential of millenni al employees within Affiliate businesses. The group also heard from Mitch Gambert, of Mel Gambert Custom Shirt Makers, on garment fabric and construction trends, and from Nick Regine of Swarovski, who introduced the famed embellishment manufacturer’s new lines and re viewed ABC’s exclusive Affiliate Support Program.
On day two, after an interactive discussion on best business practices, the group visited the Albright Fash ion Library, where they were invited to view more than 20,000 couture and designer items housed in the Library’s 7,000-square-foot showroom. The site helps clients source inspired looks for photo shoots, film, per formances or special events.
In addition, ABC’s professional team led discussions on various subjects. Catherine McCann, partner and op erations director, led a discussion on retail store design, citing case studies of business growth and increased sales attributed to facility upgrades. Katherine McGraw Patterson, marketing and branding specialist, shared a
36 American Drycleaner, August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
portfolio of new marketing materials available to Affili ates. Ed D’Elicio presented a discussion on pricing and posed the question of how to price in line with garment value and needs. Finally, Executive Director Chris White discussed building relationships with retailers within Af filiates’ markets.
Green Garmento adds Butler as national sales manager
Otis Butler, the national sales manager for HMC Solu tions since 2009, has signed on as national accounts manager for The Green Garmento, the latter reports.
Along with his “affable personality and sales skills,” Butler brings something that The Green Garmento has long been seeking: someone with a strong knowledge of conveyors and how best to implement reusables into dry cleaners’ packaging systems.
The Green Garmento offers a family of sustainable packaging products for professional dry cleaners and launderers. Its foundational product is a reusable dry cleaning garment bag.
Butler, who still lives in his hometown of Old Town, Maine, also has a background in retail, having once man aged Radio Shack and Staples stores, The Green Gar mento reports.
Says Rick Siegel, TGG president, “Otis is one of the most likable people in our industry. It is a real coup for us to have someone with such a combination of skills to help us reach our next plateau.”
Model Cleaners expands with 13th location
The Pittsburgh North Regional Chamber and Model Cleaners hosted a May 21 grand-opening ceremony at the business’ newest facility in Cranberry, Pa.
The state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly fabri care center offers same-day drycleaning service utilizing GreenEarth cleaning technology, as well as free pickup and delivery service, the company says.
“We are excited to be opening our second facility in this region and furthering our commitment to care for our customers and community,” says Dan LaCarte, ex ecutive vice president of Model Cleaners.
Founded in 1986, Model Cleaners is Pittsburgh’s larg est family-owned drycleaning operation with 13 loca
tions. Half of its business comes from its free pickup and delivery services to 70 communities in Western Pennsyl vania, the company says.
ZIPS signs deal for new stores throughout Mid-Atlantic, Midwest
ZIPS Dry Cleaners recently signed a franchise develop ment agreement with ZDC Holdings for the development of 104 stores throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest.
The agreement marks the largest deal to date for the nearly 20-year-old brand known for its same-day, oneprice business model, ZIPS says.
“We look forward to bringing the brand’s one-of-akind services to new parts of the country and becoming the place where residents, families and professionals alike come for their drycleaning needs,” says Lev David son, operating principal of ZDC Holdings.
The first stores developed under the deal will likely open this quarter, he adds.
“We are thrilled to enter into this relationship,” says Aaron Goldberg, vice president of Franchise Develop ment for ZIPS Dry Cleaners. “We are at the beginning stages of what is going to be very exciting growth and development over the next several years, and
an agreement of this size proves our ability to attract the highest level of sophisticated developers into the ZIPS franchise system.”
ZIPS is actively seeking multi-unit franchises to aug ment the company’s growth, Goldberg says. ADC
www.americandrycleaner.com American Drycleaner, August 2015 37
(From left) Mark Tierno, property manager; Joe Yuhanick, Hudson Equipment; Julian Constanzo, Bru bach Construction Co.; Dan LaCarte, executive vice president of Model Cleaners; Skip Wilke, Hudson Equipment; and Ron Benjamin, GreenEarth Cleaning, gather to celebrate the grand opening of Model Cleaners’ newest store. (Photo: Model Cleaners)
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38 American
August 2015
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laundromat & dry cleaners
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South West Florida, dry cleaning plant and drop store, well established, excellent locations, owners retiring. Selling price $240K. For more information e-mail jackcobelens@hotmail.com Greenridge
Possible LC
Realty Brad Alexander 231-740-1806
Model PS-65 Marvel Petro Slim 65# Petroleum machine with 5 Tube Jumbo Filter System. Both working and in very good condition. $3,500.00 MS. Call Donnie 662-417-2501 Independent Sale Reps wanted. Large territories available. High Commissions paid. Covers and pads direct from the manufacturer. Zellermayer Corp. 1-800-431-2244 or Zellermayercorp@aol.com Drycleaners—Managers, Spotters, Tailors, Pressers! 100% Financing. Plant or Drop, location of your choice. Call 1-561-302-5031 or 1-888-275-6637. AMERICANDRYCLEANER For more classifieds, visit: www. .com
August 2015 39 REWEAVING SERVICES WITHOUT-A-TRACE WEAVERS—More than 50 years’ experience. We are the experts in silks, knits, French weaving and piece weaving. Reasonable prices. Send garments for estimate to: 3344 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL 60659; 800-475-4922; www.withoutatrace.com. SUPPLIES PAY LESS FOR DRY CLEANING SUPPLIES... Your Source For Dry Cleaning Supplies And keep more for yourself! Low prices, fast shipping, grat service! ® 1-800-568-7768 Call for FREE Catalog or order online at: www.cleanersupply.com SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 800-532-2645 www.comcoil.com Laundry/Dry Cleaning Coils Steam Or Water Replacements Large Inventory • FASTDelivery SUEDE & LEATHER SERVICE LEATHER-RICH INC. Since 1977 • High quality cleaning, refinishing & repair Leather, Suede and Fur; • Free shipping in USA and rewards program; FOR MORE INFORMATION: E-mail: leatherrich@att.net Call 800-236-6996 Route Service in Upper Midwest 800.542.7769 // www.arrowcare.com Specialists LEATHERCARE SERVICES Wedding Ad American Drycleaner.indd 1 12/8/14 4:16 PM A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. 1 Ally Equipment Co. 29 Arrow Leathercare Services ....... 39 Cleaner Business Systems 3 Cleaner’s Supply ................ 39 Columbia/ILSA BC Comca Systems 38 Commercial Coils ............... 39 Consorzio 31 Dajisoft ....................... 11 Fabricare Management Systems 9 Firbimatic 19 Global Business Systems 26 Hamilton Engineering 21 Iowa Techniques ................. 5 Luetzow Industries 39 Maineline Computer Systems IFC MTH Boilers 38 Mustang Enterprises 25 National Cleaners Association 33 Newhouse Specialty Co. .......... 39 Parker Boiler Co. .............. IBC PROS Parts 38 Realstar 23 Renzacci 17 Royal Basket Trucks 27 Scan Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 SPOT Business Systems ........... 7 Union Drycleaning Products ....... 13 Luetzow Manufactures The Finest Poly Garment Bags Sparkling Ultra Clear - Easy Opening - Crisp Snap Off L U E T Z O W I N D U S T R I E S 1105 Davis Ave South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172 www.eLuetzow.com Luetzow Sparkling Ultra Clear Poly Garment Bags adds that Look of Renewed Freshness and Clearly Protects and Stores Your Customers Cleaned Garments until They Wish to Wear Them. Save Money Buy Factory Direct Free Call - Order Today 800.558.6055 Clear Clean Protection 21” x 4” x 40” Clear Poly Garment Bags 998 Bags @ .5 mil thick 35 pounds - $41.70* * Call for Pricing Details. We Manufacture & Stock Auto Bagging Machine Poly Made in the U.S.A. Since 1956 TO PLACE YOUR AD CONTACT: classifieds@ americantrademagazines.com
Bird’s-Eye View
10 YEARS AGO. The National Cleaners Association (NCA) is making a series of educational programs available via telephone, bringing seminars to dry cleaners in their stores, cars and homes. The telephone conferences require no plane tickets, driving or time off, NCA says, and also offer an online participation option. After the seminar, NCA will forward an audio CD of the presentation to participants, so they can review the seminar and share the information with staffers.
and a customized, comprehensive marketing plan with membership cards and discounts. The result: a reported growth rate among new customers of 50%, and nearly a 100% renewal rate of old.
August 2005
… The numbers are in, and although Clean ’05 in Orlando was somewhat smaller than its predecessor, it won rave reviews almost universally from exhibitors and attendees. With 228,850 square feet of exhibit space in Orlando’s Orange County Convention Center, the world’s largest textile care expo brought in 13,951 people, including nearly 10,000 attendees eager to peruse the products and services of the 511 exhibitors.
25 YEARS AGO. The International Fabricare Institute’s Elizabeth Moreland recently attended the Techtextil Symposium and the International Drycleaning Research Committee meeting in Frankfurt, West Germany. “Environmental concerns have become the main focus of these meetings,” says Moreland, IFI’s division director, technical services. “Each of the countries recognizes that we must work together to find viable solutions to protect the environment and face the tough challenges of increased regulatory controls.” The symposium examined alternatives to present solvents, chlorinated solvents in groundwater, the effect of perc on human health, recent technologies for minimizing solvent loss in drycleaning, recovery of perc from use filters and still residues, and measuring instruments for solvent vapor. … Robert J. Santo of Westwood Cleaners in Westfield, N.J., has successfully combined the best aspects of customer attraction and retention with a mix of community trust
50 YEARS AGO. With six English sparrow nests perched over the door of Giorgio Cleaners in Windsor, Conn., Nick Giorgio knew how to make the most of it. He put up a sign reading, “Careful—mother birds nesting overhead. Splattered? I will clean it free of charge.” The sign got a lot of attention, including a story in the Hartford Courant. It quoted Giorgio as saying that the eggs in two nests were already hatched and there were four more to go. Also, that he had no intention of removing the nests until all of the birds had left. The nests had been in the process of building for a year and a half. At last report, there had been no claim for a free cleaning job. … The industry’s greatest exponents of quality are currently enjoying an unparalleled boom in business. Such is the case with Meader’s, the widely known San Francisco cleaner, which moved two months ago into expanded quarters to meet the needs dictated by increased volume. “The demand for quality dry cleaners is greater than ever before,” says Joseph Kearn, president and general manager of the 40-year-old firm. “Our main objective in expanding wasn’t to produce more quantity at a lower cost but to produce the same quantity at the same cost.”
75 YEARS AGO. “Why, I saw you in the movies!” If Martin Hellman of Minneapolis’ Majestic Cleaning & Dyeing Co. has his way, that is what a great many solicited customers are going to say to Majestic route men. As part of Majestic’s fall campaign, Hellman is planning to have a series of movie trailers made, one for each of the 10 routes. Each route man will appear in the trailer to be shown in his territory. Thus, when he solicits new business, the housewife may recall that she “saw him in the movies.” Even if she doesn’t, he has a talking point.
To read more of American Drycleaner’s chronicling of the industry over the years, visit www. americandrycleaner.com.
— Compiled by Bruce Beggs
40 American
August 2015 www.americandrycleaner.com
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