® February 2016 ■ CARES FAMILY BUSINESS EVOLVES ■ WHO RANKS AMONG TOP FRANCHISES? © Copyright 2016 American Trade Magazines All rights reserved. Buyer’s 2016 G uide
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Moving from Dry Cleaning to Vended: Cares Family Business Evolves (Conclusion)
The newest addition under Sheldon Cleaners’ business umbrella is a high-speed vended laundry.
Haley Jorgensen 14
Buyer’s Guide: Products & Services
Comprehensive listings of the equipment, supplies and services a drycleaning plant needs every day, and the companies that provide them. 26
Buyer’s Guide: Manufacturers & Providers
New and updated contact information for 380 companies that manufacture and supply the goods, including names, phone numbers, websites and e-mail addresses.
Scan this QR Code for help in finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!
2 American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
DEPARTMENTS Pre-Inspection 4 Talk of the Trade 6 Education & Training Calendar 8 Classified Advertising 46 Advertiser Index 47
February 2016 Vol. 82, No. 10
Around the Industry
Our other columnists will return next month. FEATURES (Cover Photo: ©iStockphoto/WestLight) 10
“Business has never been better.”
“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”
“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”
800.406.9649 sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com We Speak Cleaner
800.406.9649 sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com We Speak Cleaner
PhilLandauer, OwnerofPierceCleaners has never been better.”
BrentRamenofsky BostonCleaners
Buy, Buy, Buy
What can I tell you about our annual Buyer’s Guide issue that you don’t already know?
Well, I’ll guess I’ll remind you that it’s a comprehensive tool with the ability to connect you with leading vendors serving the drycleaning industry today. It remains a definitive source for boosting your purchasing power. This year, there are listings for 380 companies. I’m sure you’ll see lots of familiar names, but you may find some companies serving the industry that you’ve yet to encounter.
a company (or companies) that interests you, then flip to our alphabetical Manufacturers & Providers directory beginning on page 26. Here, you can find their mailing address, phone/fax numbers, website address and e-mail address. There’s even a principal contact person listed, if one was provided to us.
Do you have a special place where you store key reference materials on or near your desk? That’s where our Buyer’s Guide belongs.
Bruce Beggs
Our 2016 Guide begins on page 14 with the Products & Services directory. Once you identify
Charles Thompson 312-361-1680 cthompson@ATMags.com
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And if you find yourself searching for a vendor while you’re away from the office, our Buyer’s Guide can be found anytime you need it at AmericanDrycleaner.com; click “Directories,” then “Buyer’s Guide.”
When you call on a vendor, let them know that American Drycleaner sent you. ADC
Nathan Frerichs 312-361-1681 nfrerichs@ATMags.com
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American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $18.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 82, number 10. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. © Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2016. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
American Drycleaner, February 2016
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Attracting New Customers is Top 2016 Business Priority for Many Dry Cleaners
Attracting new customers is the top 2016 business priority for the majority of dry cleaners (42.4%) polled, according to results from January’s American Drycleaner Your Views survey.
Other dry cleaners say their top priority is to “raise prices and/or cut costs” (18.6%), “explore extra services or new opportunities” (17.0%), “add/update equipment” (10.2%) or “spruce up [their] store(s)” (3.4%).
The remaining 8.5% of dry cleaners surveyed listed “other” top business priorities, such as improving staff, informing clients of service diversification, and paying off land and building loan by the end of the year.
Looking back at 2015, 45% of cleaners say their drycleaning operation met “some” of its goals, while 25% met “all of [its] goals.” Twenty percent “did not meet [its] goals,” while 10% set no goals at all.
In terms of their personal priorities for 2016, the majority of dry cleaners would like to “get organized” (37.5%), while 28.6% want to spend more time with family and 21.4% want to “lose weight or improve [their] fitness.”
The remaining 12.5% of respondents see other things as their No. 1 personal priority, such as “play/travel more,” “start new business,” “improve relationships,” or “get debt-free.”
No one who took the survey chose “quit smoking/ drinking” as their No. 1 personal priority.
The majority of dry cleaners are optimistic about meeting their business and personal priorities, as 49.2% say they have a “good chance [to] accomplish both goals.”
Roughly 27% say they have a “50/50 chance,” while 18.6% say “there’s no doubt” they will accomplish their goals. The smallest share believes they have a “slim chance” (5.1%); no one who responded believes there is “no chance” they will accomplish their 2016 goals.
While American Drycleaner’s Your Views survey presents a snapshot of the trade audience’s viewpoints, it should not be considered scientific. Qualified subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited to participate in a brief industry survey they can complete anonymously online. Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100%. ADC
To find past Your Views survey stories or share this month’s with your colleagues, visit www.americandrycleaner.com.
6 American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
NCA/DLI conference makes annual trek to sunny Mexico
The sun set Jan. 17 on another Brainstorming & The Five Stars Conference during which dry cleaners from the United States, Canada and the Bahamas came together to network, to hear from consultants and authors on topics such as time management and marketing, and, of course, to enjoy everything that an all-inclusive tropical resort has to offer.
The event is organized annually by the National Clean ers Association (NCA) and the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI).
Secrets Resort Akumal, about an hour south of Cancun, Mexico, hosted the group that booked around 100 rooms and represented some 85 different drycleaning plants.
The conference started the evening of Jan. 14 with a Welcome Cocktail Party and ran until lunchtime Jan. 17, when the final educational session ended.
Introduction to Drycleaning. Five-day DLI course, to be held Feb. 22-26 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org.
Advanced Drycleaning. Ten-day DLI course, to be held Feb. 29-March 11 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org.
NY State DEC Certification. Two-day NCA course, to be held May 1 and May 8 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol. com.
NY State DEC Certification (in Spanish). Two-day NCA course, to be held May 1 and May 8 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Events were scheduled so that attendees could take in an educational session each morning, then have each af ternoon and evening free to explore, dine, drink and enjoy the sandy beaches and ocean breezes.
SDA Cleaners Showcase opens exhibit sales to industry at large
The Cleaners Showcase, presented by the Southwest Drycleaners Association (SDA) in conjunction with the Texas Coin Laundry Association, will return to the Fort Worth Convention Center April 22-24.
Exhibit sales have been open for those who supported the 2014 event; more than 100 retailers and suppliers displayed at the three-day trade exhibition and more than 1,000 people attended.
Aside from the exhibits and networking opportunities, educational sessions featuring speakers from both inside and outside the textile care industry will be available to attendees.
Six hour-long sessions will be presented, and a full schedule is available on the event’s website, www.sdadryclean.com.
Exhibit sales and registration for the Showcase continue through April at the show’s website or by calling the SDA office at 512-873-8195. ADC
Introduction to Drycleaning. Five-day DLI course, to be held July 11-15 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org.
Advanced Drycleaning. Ten-day DLI course, to be held July 18-29 in Laurel, Md. Call 800638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org.
NY State DEC Certification. Two-day NCA course, to be held Aug. 14 and Aug. 21 in Nanuet, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@ aol.com.
Cleaning & Stain Removal. Five-day DLI course, to be held Aug. 22-26 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org.
Introduction to Drycleaning. Five-day DLI course, to be held Oct. 17-21 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit www.dlionline.org. ADC Check out www.americandrycleaner.com/ drycleaning-events for updates between issues!
American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
www.fabricaremanager.com • 888.299.9493 Drycleaning Management at Your Fingertips Fabricare Manager Fabricare Manager’s point of sale system is the ultimate blend of power and simplicity. And if you ever need help, our technical support is known as the friendliest and most responsive in the industry. Now also available in the Cloud. Touch and Go!
Moving from Dry Cleaning to Vended:
Cares Family Business Evolves
By Haley Jorgensen
“It was something I could do,” says George Cares, of launching Sheldon Cleaners, in 1949. During its 66-year history, the Kentwood, Mich., company has reinvented itself multiple times; embraced and eliminated revenue streams; and overcome economic and industry-specific hurdles (described in Part 1 in the January issue)
Today, George’s sons, Louie and Paul, lead the enterprise. The brothers relish the business’ “fun-factor.”
While Sheldon Cleaners remains grounded in the mission and culture George created—one of quality and convenience—it’s morphed into a multi-faceted business encompassing several revenue streams and customer-focused services. The newest addition? A high-speed vended laundry.
The brothers turned to Michael “Stucky” Szczotka with their idea of developing a 6,500-square-foot, high-speed vended laundry and café. Szczotka had sold them a few Continental Girbau soft-mount washers over the years that the brothers loved.
As the owner of Carrington Cleaners, a dry cleaner in Washington Township, Mich.; CRDN of Southern Nevada; and Eagle Star Equipment, a commercial laundry and drycleaning equipment distributor in Troy, Mich., Szczotka knows dry cleaning and laundry. He also knows the vended laundry business, as owner of New Wave Laundromat, in Sterling Heights, Mich.
Together, they designed a cozy and hip laundry, complete with semi-private areas featuring clusters
of laundry equipment, Amish-made folding tables, Wi-Fi, TVs and kids’ play areas. The laundry also encompasses a dining area with an indooroutdoor fireplace; and Café Louis, offering crepes of all types, wraps, sandwiches, salads, muffins and a full menu of coffees, lattes and mochas.
The new laundry is attached to Sheldon Cleaners and features a convenient drive-up door.
“We had 10,000 square feet available and 32,000 cars drive by daily,” says Paul. “We are on the border of upscale housing and apartments. Mom gave us the idea of building a vended laundry. So we decided to make it a nice one.”
The Laundry Café was
10 American
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
Bright lighting, cozy nooks, high-speed laundry equipment and Amishmade folding tables make The Laundry Café an appealing place to do laundry. (Photos: Continental Girbau)
The Cares family—(from left) father George, daughter Sandy, son Paul, son Louie and mother Hope—with business consultant Michael “Stucky” Szczotka.
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developed to be an added revenue generator, but having fun with it was essential to its owners. Immediately, the new laundry spurred an unexpected 30% surge in over-the-counter drycleaning sales at that location.
Szczotka recommended a mix of high-speed Continental laundry equipment, including card-operated Continental ExpressWash Washers and ExpressDry Dryers.
“We purchased Continental machines for the drycleaning plant through Szczotka and have had great success with them,” says Louie. “We’ve replaced all of our old machines with the high-speed Continental soft-mount washers in our drycleaning plant. In 10 years, we’ve never done a thing to them or had to replace bearings.”
For the Cares brothers, going the Continental route on the vended side was a no-brainer. Thus, The Laundry Café touts three 90-, six 55-, eight 40-, 10 30- and 12 20-pound capacity ExpressWash Washers; five 45- and 13 30-pound double-pocket stack ExpressDry Dryers; and six reversing single-pocket 75-pound Continental dryers. “All of the washers are freestanding, stainless and high-speed,” says Szczotka.
Equipped with the ProfitPlus Control, the washers feature four primary cycle options: Superwash, an extra-long cycle for heavy soil; Hot, for whites; Warm for colorfast and permanent press items; and Cold for
colors. They allow customers to add an Extra Wash, Extra Rinse and/or Delicate Cycle. Anytime an “Extra” is selected, it adds to overall revenue.
Customers enjoy completing laundry in less than an hour. The ExpressWash Washers produce extract speeds up to 384 G-force, according to Szczotka, so they remove more moisture from every load when compared with traditional hard-mount washers.
“Laundry comes out of the washers nearly dry,” he says. “This shortens dry time by up to 50% and allows customers to get in and out of the laundry in less than 60 minutes.” Dryers run less often, which conserves natural gas and electricity— cutting operating costs.
Meanwhile, the Card Concepts card system seamlessly communicates with the ProfitPlus Control, allowing the Cares brothers to quickly tweak vend prices and programs on multiple machines simultaneously. From a cell phone or remote computer, using the Internet, they can also track revenue and turns per day; run operational reports; execute pricing specials and promotions; and build customer loyalty. Customers just load value onto loyalty cards with cash or debit/credit cards. They then use their loyalty cards to operate the washers and dryers.
While the self-service side of the business is humming, full-service wash/dry/fold is also gearing up.
“We are just getting into wash/ dry/fold,” says Louie, “but want to promote it at all of our drycleaning satellite locations. We piloted wash/ dry/fold at the main store and charge $20 per laundry bag, no matter what is in it or how much it weighs. It is working out great as a new revenue stream.”
And, so is the newly developed Café Louis. The combination laundry/café/dry cleaner brings the ultimate to area residents.
“We love that our customers can drive up, pick up their dry cleaning, a coffee and a wrap, and be on their way in a couple minutes,” says Louie. “We feel good knowing they are receiving quality products and services.”
And like George, Paul and Louie infuse that quality commitment into all they do.
“Dad always said you have to work harder than your competitors,” says Louie. “He is the biggest humanist of anyone I’ve ever known. He treated our employees like family.”
Opened less than a year, The Laundry Café and Café Louie are expected to deliver a full return on investment in just five years, according to the Careses. Simultaneously, the brothers anticipate that Sheldon Cleaners will enjoy a 10% profit boost this year.
Haley Jorgensen is a public relations writer for commercial laundry equipment maker Continental Girbau.
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
American Drycleaner,
Continental ExpressWash Washers and ExpressDry Dryers ensure customers a 60-minute wash/dry/fold, owners of The Laundry Café say. A view of crêperie and coffee shop Café Louie.
14 American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com 14 26 Products & Services Manufacturers & Providers PRODUCTS & SERVICES Advertising & Marketing Services Active Ad Specialties Brightleaf for Drycleaners Cleaner Business Systems DCCS Fabritec International The Golomb Group Hanger Holder Iowa Techniques Mainetti USA Mak Marketing The Marketing Shop Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau National Cleaners Association (NCA) Phone Tree The Route Pro Sanitone Spector Textile Products Thanks Again Tuchman Training Systems Upromise VIPCard.com Air Compressors A&B Equipment & Sons Air Compressor Sales AMA Universal Ingersoll-Rand Co. Jenny Products Kaeser Compressors Maxi Companies Quincy Compressor Saylor-Beall Mfg. Co. Air Conditioning & Spot Cooling A&B Equipment & Sons American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems Aqua Cool Aqua Products Co. Bessamaire Sales Colmac Industries Commercial Coils COOL-SPACE Crane Pumps & Systems Essick Air Products Flexaust MovinCool Mustang Enterprises Port-A-Cool Quietaire Schaefer Ventilation Spot Coolers Unico Air Monitoring Equipment AMA Universal Draeger Safety Newhouse Specialty Nextteq LLC Sensidyne Sensors Safety Air Vacuum Units Rema Dri-Vac Corp. Alterations & Sewing Supplies Arch Sewing Machine Co. Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Ideal Fastener Corp. B&G Lieberman Lucas Products Corp. Newhouse Specialty Quality Zipper & Supply Seickel & Sons Singer Sewing Co. Waterbury Button Co. Wawak Sewing Supplies
A&B Equipment & Sons DCCS Global Business Systems HMC Solutions Iowa Techniques Metalprogetti QuickSort Railex Corp. SPOT Business Systems Tailwind Systems Buyer’s 2016 G uide
Assembly Systems
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
Consorzio Unimatic Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
Mid-Atlantic Association of Cleaners
National Cleaners Association (NCA)
Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA)
Automated Garment Delivery Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons DCCS
eAnytime Corporation HMC Solutions Metalprogetti White Conveyors
Automated Telephone Systems
Phone Tree
Bagging Equipment
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries Metalprogetti Railex Corp. Sankosha USA YAC Corp., Japan
Bags, Nets
Air World BagMartUSA.com
Carolina Textile Products Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Epsilon Plastics
First Film Extruding The Green Garmento HBD Inc.
Idel International Trading B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries National Gown Cleaners LLC Poly-Pak Industries R&B Wire Products Ross Textiles
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Spector Textile Products
Bar-Code Equipment, Systems
Cleaner Business Systems Computype
Dajisoft DCCS
EZ Products International Fabricare Management Systems
Iowa Techniques
Natmar Services Co. Raco Industries SPOT Business Systems
Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
Baskets, Bins & Carts
A&B Equipment & Sons
BagMartUSA.com Covers Etc. Epsilon Plastics B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries Newhouse Specialty R&B Wire Products
Ross Textiles Royal Basket Trucks Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Techstar Plastics
Blind-Cleaning Machines
Morantz Ultrasonics
Omegasonics OnSite Fabricare
Boiler Treatments
Adco Cleaning Products
Allied Boiler & Supply Bryan Steam Caled Chemical ChemBrite Cleaner’s Supply Cleaver-Brooks
General Boiler Co. Kemco Systems Kleerwite Chemical Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries R.R. Street & Co. Wausau Chemical Corp.
Boilers & Related Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Allied Boiler & Supply Bryan Steam Cleaver-Brooks
Columbia Boiler Co.
Crane Pumps & Systems Desert Boilers & Controls
DLT Electric FabTek Aero
Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hoffman/New Yorker
Hurst Boiler & Welding
Imesa USA
Kemco Systems
Lattner Boiler Mfg. Co.
B&G Lieberman
Maxi Companies
Miura Boiler
MTH Pumps Mustang Enterprises
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
Parker Boiler Co.
Reimers Electra Steam
Reliable Corp.
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. Seickel & Sons Topog-E Gasket Trevil America Williams & Davis Boilers
Business Appraisals, Brokerage
AAA Venture Business Brokers, Ltd.
Aldridge & Associates Banks & Associates Dry Cleaning Plus Ehrenreich & Associates Patriot Business Advisors Quality Services Co.
Business Funding Services
Redstone Funding
Business Opportunities
All Things Dry Cleaning COIT Services Comet Cleaners Martinizing Dry Cleaning Royaltone Co.
Carpet & Furniture
Cleaning Systems
Leather Master OnSite Fabricare Ram Leather Care Rug Spa RugBadger.com
A&B Equipment & Sons Armstrong International Commercial Coils PROS Parts Realstar USA Union Drycleaning Products
Coin-Op Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons ALJ Electronics Alliance Laundry Systems American Dryer Corp. (ADC) Continental Girbau Dexter Laundry Forenta LP Huebsch Laundrylux Maxi Companies Milnor Laundry Systems Primus Renzacci Speed Queen Whirlpool Commercial Laundry
Collar Clips, Stays
CollarSTYX Collarite Co. B&G Lieberman
Computer Systems, Software
Cleaner Business Systems
Cleaners Profitmaker by Personal Touch Systems Cleanez Technologies CleanSuite Software Comca Systems
Compassmax (Maineline Computer Systems)
Computer Connections Computer Systems Intl. (CSI) Dajisoft DCCS
Diamond Computer Service Easy Plus EZ Products International Fabricare Management Systems
Global Business Systems ITC
Liberty Computer Systems
Natmar Services Co.
SPOT Business Systems
Thermopatch Western DC Computer WesVic Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons
AMA Universal America’s Best Cleaners
Associated Environmental Banks & Associates
John Barry & Associates
Careful Consulting Services Dallons Environmental Dry Clean Concepts Dry Cleaning Plus Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
Ehrenreich & Associates EnviroForensics
The Golomb Group GreenEarth Cleaning Haralson Consulting In The Bag Cleaners
JCZ Training & Consulting Kemron Environmental Services
Kleerwite Chemical The Marketing Shop Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Methods for Management
The Route Pro
Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
SPOT Business Systems
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Tailwind Systems
Tatch Technical Services
TCC, The Cleaners Consultants Tuchman Training Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons A.E.C./Ally Equipment
www.americandrycleaner.com American Drycleaner, February 2016 15
Colmac Industries
Forenta LP
HMC Solutions Iowa Techniques Leonard Automatics
Mustang Enterprises QuickSort Railex Corp. Sankosha USA Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyors
Cooling Towers
A&B Equipment & Sons AMA Universal Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems Aqua Products Co. ArctiChill COOL-SPACE Crane Pumps & Systems RSD Cooling Towers
Counter Sale Items
California Counters
Cleaner’s Supply CollarSTYX
The Green Garmento Kleerwite Chemical B&G Lieberman
Drapery Equipment, Supplies & Services
A&B Equipment & Sons Bane-Clene Corp. COIT Services Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Luetzow Industries Newhouse Specialty Omegasonics
OnSite Fabricare Perfect Pleat Products Reliable Corp. Reynolds Drapery Service Widmer’s Cleaners
Drop Boxes
eAnytime Corporation Iowa Techniques Metalprogetti White Conveyors
Drycleaning Chemicals
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co.
Albatross USA
Big D Industries
Caled Chemical
ChemBrite Dow Chemical Co. Fabritec International Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler Leather Technologies
Paradigm Labs
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co. Sanitone Seitz Inc. Stamford R.R. Street & Co. Wausau Chemical Corp.
Drycleaning Dryers
A&B Equipment & Sons Columbia/ILSA Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
Drycleaning Machines, Alternative
A&B Equipment & Sons
A.E.C./Ally Equipment Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Cool Clean Technologies EnviroTech International Firbimatic GreenEarth Cleaning Mustang Enterprises Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery Realstar USA Renzacci Solvair
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tonsil Filtration Union Drycleaning Products
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning) W.A.G. Equipment
Drycleaning Machines, Hydrocarbon
A&B Equipment & Sons A.E.C./Ally Equipment
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Donini International Firbimatic Forenta LP Italclean
Multimatic Corp.
Mustang Enterprises
New York Machinery (Unisec)
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Tonsil Filtration
Union Drycleaning Products
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning) W.A.G. Equipment
Drycleaning Machines, Perchloroethylene
A&B Equipment & Sons
American Drycleaner, February 2016
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Donini International
Firbimatic Forenta LP
Multimatic Corp. Mustang Enterprises Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. Equipment
Drying Cabinets, Racks
A&B Equipment & Sons
American Dryer Corp. (ADC) Iowa Techniques IPSO Seickel & Sons UniMac
Duct Systems
Bahnson Inc. Flexaust
Dyeing Services, Supplies
Royaltone Co. True Color Fabric Dyeing
Education & Training
Childers & Associates
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
The Golomb Group JCZ Training & Consulting National Cleaners Association (NCA)
Royaltone Co. Tuchman Training Systems
Environmental Compliance Counsel
Associated Environmental Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
Environmental Strategies & Applications
GreenEarth Cleaning GZA GeoEnvironmental Kemron Environmental Services
Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants Tatch Technical Services
Environmental Compliance Equipment, Retrofits
Associated Environmental Coreprobe International Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants Tatch Technical Services
Environmental Site Investigation,
Associated Environmental CL Solutions
Coreprobe International EnviroForensics
Environmental Strategies & Applications
GZA GeoEnvironmental Kemron Environmental Services
Veolia ES Technical Solutions
Equipment Leasing & Financing
Accredit Capital Leasing
Ascentium Capital Banks & Associates
Beneficial Capital Leasing
Dexter Financial Services
Eastern Funding
Emerson Capital Corp.
The Leasing Experts
Quality Services Co.
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Tiger Leasing U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
Equipment Transport
Rock Line Products
Filter Powder
GreenEarth Cleaning Krystal Klean Powder
Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. Tonsil Filtration Wausau Chemical Corp.
Adco Cleaning Products
Firbimatic Kleen-Rite Krystal Klean Powder Lint-All
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
PROS Parts
Realstar USA
R.R. Street & Co.
Tonsil Filtration
Union Drycleaning Products
Finishing Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Colmac Industries
Consorzio Unimatic
Continental Girbau
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Gulf States Laundry Machinery Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA
Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman
Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Pony USA Reliable Corp. Renzacci Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Unipress Corp. US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning) YAC Corp., Japan
Fire Suppression
Firetrace International
Flame Retardants
Paradigm Labs
Form-Finisher Bags
F.H. Bonn
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Forenta LP
B&G Lieberman Qualitex Co. Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons Zellermayer Corp.
Form Finishers
A&B Equipment & Sons
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA
Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Sankosha USA
Seickel & Sons
Trevil America Unipress Corp. W.A.G. Equipment
Formalwear, Wholesale
Ascot Formal Wear
Jim’s Formal Wear Sarno & Son
Thomas & Sons
Forms, Invoices
Cleaner’s Supply
Raco Industries
Franchises, Licenses
All Things Dry Cleaning
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
bizzie Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN)
COIT Services
Comet Cleaners Dryclean USA
FRSTeam GreenEarth Cleaning ImageFIRST
Leather Technologies Martinizing Dry Cleaning Prestige Preservation Sanitone
Fur Service, Supplies
Arrow Fabricare Services
The Cleaning Specialist
Colorex Chemical Co.
Leather Master Leather-Rich
Luetzow Industries
Midwest Leather Ram Leather Care Royaltone Co. Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Garment Analysis
Adco Cleaning Products Classic Heirlooms
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
National Cleaners Association (NCA)
Garment Bags
Carolina Textile Products Cleaner’s Supply Epsilon Plastics First Film Extruding Foster-Stephens
The Green Garmento B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries
National Gown Cleaners LLC Poly-Pak Industries Reuseniks
Ross Textiles
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Spector Textile Products
Garment Racks, Rails
A&B Equipment & Sons
Advanced Innovative Technologies
Cleaner’s Supply
Covers Etc.
Cutting Edge Storefronts
Iowa Techniques
Leonard Automatics B&G Lieberman Mak Marketing R&B Wire Products
Railex Corp.
Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyors
Hanger Guards, Capes, Covers
Cleaner’s Supply CTS Packaging
HBD Inc.
M&B Hangers Maruso USA
Nichols Paper Products Co. SNA Manufacturing United Wire Hanger
Hanger Holders
Hanger Holder B&G Lieberman
Hanger Holder
Hong Kong Wells Ltd.
M&B Hangers
Mainetti USA Maruso USA Sterling Hangers United Wire Hanger
Hazardous-Waste Services
EnviroForensics Kemron Environmental Services
MCF Systems Atlanta National Waste Clean Safety-Kleen Systems Veolia ES Technical Solutions ZeroWASTE
Heat-Seal Machines,
A&B Equipment & Sons Computype DryCleanZone.com
EZ Products International First Film Extruding B&G Lieberman Natmar Services Co. Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
Identification Systems
EZ Products International Stry-Lenkoff Tailwind Systems Thermopatch
Injection Systems
AMA Universal Pariser Industries Sanitone
R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Insulating Covers
Lab Test Products
Drycleaning & Laundry
Institute (DLI)
Henderson Insurance Irving Weber Associates NIE Insurance O’Brien Agency
Ironing Boards, Tables
Arch Sewing Machine Co. Cleaner’s Supply
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems Hoffman/New Yorker Iowa Techniques
Jacobson Products Leonard Automatics B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Pony USA Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons Trevil America
Irons, Iron Shoes
Arch Sewing Machine Co. Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Iowa Techniques
Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Miele Professional Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Pony USA PROS Parts Qualitex Co. Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Wawak Sewing Supplies
Laundry Chemicals
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
Caled Chemical Cleaners Chemical Corp. Diamond Chemical Co. Ecolab Textile Care
Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Metro-Chem Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. U.N.X. Inc.
18 American
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
Wausau Chemical Corp.
Winning Brands
Laundry Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Alliance Laundry Systems
American Dryer Corp. (ADC)
B&C Technologies
Colmac Industries
Consorzio Unimatic
Continental Girbau
Dexter Laundry
Donini International EDRO Corp.
Forenta LP
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
Hoffman/New Yorker
Imesa USA
Jiffy Steamer
Kemco Systems
R.W. Martin & Sons
Maxi Companies
Maytag Commercial Laundry
Milnor Laundry Systems
Mustang Enterprises
Poseidon Textile Care Systems
R&B Wire Products
Renzacci Speed Queen Trevil America
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Whirlpool Commercial Laundry YAC Corp., Japan
Lint Bags
F.H. Bonn
PROS Parts Qualitex Co.
Lint Cleaning Fans
Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
Lint Filters
Lint, Pill Removers
Cleaner’s Supply
Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman
Newhouse Specialty
Pepin Manufacturing Wawak Sewing Supplies
Marking Equipment & Supplies
California Counters
Cleaner’s Supply DryCleanZone.com
EZ Products International
B&G Lieberman
Natmar Services Co. Newhouse Specialty Thermopatch
Material-Handling Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons
Leonard Automatics Railex Corp. Speed Check Conveyor White Conveyors
Odor Control
Ah! Products
Big D Industries
Caled Chemical
Cleaners Chemical Corp. Epoleon Corp.
Kleerwite Chemical
Neuhaus Chemical Products
Newhouse Specialty Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co.
Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. Stry-Lenkoff Vaportek Wausau Chemical Corp.
Ozone Units
A&B Equipment & Sons
AMA Universal Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
Armstrong International ArtiClean Ozone Systems CB&I/Sonozaire ClearWater Tech Iowa Techniques The Ozone Experts
Packaging Products
American-Newlong BagMartUSA.com
Cleaner’s Supply Collarite Co.
CTS Packaging
Des-L Industries
First Film Extruding Foster-Stephens
The Green Garmento
Luetzow Industries Maruso USA
Nichols Paper Products Co.
Poly-Pak Industries
Prestige Preservation Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
Tie Out Station
United Wire Hanger
Parts, New & Rebuilt
Air World
American Dryer Corp. (ADC)
B&C Technologies
Cleaner’s Supply Colmac Industries
American Drycleaner,
European Finishing/Hi-Steam
EZ Timers
Fulton Boiler Works Maxi Companies
Multimatic Corp. Newhouse Specialty Parts Emporium Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
PROS Parts Realstar USA Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Piece-Counting Systems
EZ Timers WesVic Systems
Pillow Cleaning Systems, Services & Supplies
Harris Pillow Supply Luetzow Industries Ram Leather Care
Plant Design & Layout Services
A&B Equipment & Sons John Barry & Associates Imesa USA Trevil America
Poly Packaging
First Film Extruding Luetzow Industries Poly-Pak Industries Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
Press Pads & Covers
A&B Equipment & Sons Air World F.H. Bonn
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Forenta LP Jacobson Products Lab Test Products
B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
PROS Parts Qualitex Co. Ross Textiles
Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons YAC Corp., Japan Zellermayer Corp.
Press Plates
Air World Covers Etc.
Forenta LP
B&G Lieberman
PROS Parts Qualitex Co. Seickel & Sons
Zellermayer Corp.
Colmac Industries
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hoffman/New Yorker
Leonard Automatics
Maxi Companies
Mustang Enterprises
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Pony USA
Reliable Corp. Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp.
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning) W.A.G. Equipment
Puff Irons
A&B Equipment & Sons
Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Jacobson Products Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons Unipress Corp.
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. ArctiChill
Armstrong International Cleaner’s Supply
Crane Pumps & Systems DLT Electric FabTek Aero
Fulton Boiler Works Kemco Systems
MTH Pumps
PROS Parts Realstar USA Rema Dri-Vac Corp. Seickel & Sons
Union Drycleaning Products US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Restoration Equipment & Services
Evans Garment Restoration FRSTeam
Haralson Consulting Imesa USA
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
Sometimes We Like To Strut Our Stuff.
No assembly required. The complete Drapery Strut hanger from M&B Hangers is produced totally in-house from 10.5 gauge wire and a strong high-quality tube. Ideal for drapes, table cloths, and comforters, the M&B Drapery Strut hanger comes complete in a 200-pack box 100% assembled and ready to strut its stuff.
To try our Drapery Strut, go to www.mbhangers.com to find your local distributor, or call 888-699-5644 to speak with one of our customer service representatives.
Leonard Automatics
Morantz Ultrasonics
Reynolds Drapery Service Trevil America Widmer’s Cleaners
Reusable Garment Bags
Carolina Textile Products Cleaner’s Supply Foster-Stephens
The Green Garmento B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries
RFID Tags, Chips
Raco Industries Tagsys USA
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Rope Ties
B&G Lieberman MBH Enterprises
Rug Cleaning
Ah! Products
Rug Spa RugBadger.com
Scales, Scale Carts
A&B Equipment & Sons
AMA Universal Iowa Techniques Newhouse Specialty R&B Wire Products Techstar Plastics
Security/Surveillance Systems
Active Vision Global Business Systems
Separator Water Eliminators
A&B Equipment & Sons
Allied Boiler & Supply
Galaxy Wastewater Treatment Kleen-Rite Tatch Technical Services
Sewing Machines
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
B&G Lieberman Reliable Corp.
Singer Sewing Co. Wawak Sewing Supplies
Shirt Finishing Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Fujistar Shirt Systems Forenta LP
Imesa USA
Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery
Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp.
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning) YAC Corp., Japan
Shoe Cleaning, Repair & Supplies
B&G Lieberman Mr. ShoeWash Royaltone Co.
Signs & Graphics
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Sizing & Starch
Ah! Products
Caled Chemical ChemBrite
Cleaner’s Supply Ecolab Textile Care Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Paradigm Labs Royaltone Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Sleeve Forms
Cleaner’s Supply Newhouse Specialty
Solvents, Alternative
Adco Cleaning Products
Caled Chemical Cool Clean Technologies EnviroTech International Fabritec International GreenEarth Cleaning Solvair R.R. Street & Co.
Solvents, Hydrocarbon
Chevron Phillips R.R. Street & Co.
Solvents, Perchloroethylene
Caled Chemical Dow Chemical Co. Veolia ES Technical Solutions
Special Services
Arrow Fabricare Services Blanc Plume Classic Heirlooms
Evans Garment Restoration Heritage Preservation Leonard Automatics
Madame Paulette
Memories Gown Preservation
Wedding Gown Preservation Co.
Widmer’s Cleaners Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Specialty Chemicals
Adco Cleaning Products Ah! Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Caled Chemical ChemBrite Cleaners Chemical Corp. Colorex Chemical Co. Ecolab Textile Care Epoleon Corp. Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Fuller Supply Co. GreenEarth Cleaning Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler
Leather Technologies Neuhaus Chemical Products Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp. Winning Brands
Spotting Boards
A&B Equipment & Sons Albatross USA
Cleaner’s Supply European Finishing/Hi-Steam Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA
B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp.
Spotting Chemicals
Adco Cleaning Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Albatross USA
Caled Chemical
Cambridge Diagnostic Products
Cleaners Chemical Corp. EnviroTech International Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler
Leather Technologies B&G Lieberman Neuhaus Chemical Products
Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs
Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp.
Spotting Guns, Tools
A&B Equipment & Sons
Albatross USA
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Cleaner’s Supply European Finishing/Hi-Steam Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Steam Cabinets, Tunnels
A&B Equipment & Sons
Colmac Industries
Hoffman/New Yorker Leonard Automatics
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America YAC Corp., Japan
Steam Traps
A&B Equipment & Sons
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Armstrong International Cleaner’s Supply Fulton Boiler Works Jacobson Products Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts
Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Firbimatic Multimatic Corp. PROS Parts Realstar USA Renzacci Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
Store Fixtures, Counters, Cabinets
A&B Equipment & Sons California Counters Cutting Edge Storefronts
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
American Drycleaner,
R.J. Papalini Custom Cabinets
Suede & Leather Services
Arrow Fabricare Services
The Cleaning Specialist
Leather Master Leather-Rich Leather Technologies B&G Lieberman Midwest Leather Mr. ShoeWash
Ram Leather Care Sims City Cleaners Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Suede & Leather Supplies
Colorex Chemical Co.
Kleerwite Chemical Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Suede Products
Tagging Systems
Cleaner Business Systems
Cleaner’s Supply Dajisoft DCCS
EZ Products International Iowa Techniques
Liberty Computer Systems
B&G Lieberman
Stahls’ Hotronix Stry-Lenkoff Tagsys USA Thermopatch
Tags, Pins & Staples
Cleaner’s Supply
B&G Lieberman Prym Consumer USA Stry-Lenkoff Thermopatch Wawak Sewing Supplies
Teflon Hose
Cleaner’s Supply
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Flexaust
Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman
Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts
Realstar USA
Union Drycleaning Products
Tensioning Finishing Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons
European Finishing/Hi-Steam
Fimas SRL
Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hoffman/New Yorker
Leonard Automatics
B&G Lieberman
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery Sankosha USA
Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
Trade Show
Messe Frankfurt Riddle & Associates
Turn-Key Plants
A&B Equipment & Sons
AMA Universal Comet Cleaners
Dry Clean Concepts Forenta LP
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Uniform Rental
Up-Air Finishing Boards
A&B Equipment & Sons
European Finishing/Hi-Steam Fimas SRL
Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems B&G Lieberman Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Valves, Gaskets
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Cleaner’s Supply
Firbimatic Fulton Boiler Works Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot/Permac Machinery PROS Parts Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Topog-E Gasket
Union Drycleaning Products United Automation
US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Vans & Trucks
Freightliner Custom Chassis Utilimaster Corp.
Wastewater Treatment
Galaxy Wastewater Treatment Kemco Systems ZeroWASTE
Water Chillers
A&B Equipment & Sons
AMA Universal American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems
Aqua Products Co. ArctiChill
Crane Pumps & Systems Forenta LP Kleen-Rite KR Products
Rite-Temp Water Chillers Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Water Heaters, Accessories
A&B Equipment & Sons
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Aqua Products Co.
Armstrong International Cleaver-Brooks
Colmac Industries
Crane Pumps & Systems
Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Iowa Techniques Kemco Systems Maxi Companies Mustang Enterprises NATCO Parker Boiler Co. Takagi USA
Water Softeners
A&B Equipment & Sons
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Kemco Systems Maxi Companies Pariser Industries Parker Boiler Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Weaving & Reweaving
Website Hosting & Development
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
Direct Net Hosting
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Wedding Gown Preservation, Supplies
Arrow Fabricare Services
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
Cherished Heirlooming Classic Heirlooms CTS Packaging
Heritage Preservation
Jiffy Steamer
Kleerwite Chemical Leather-Rich Leather Master
Luetzow Industries Madame Paulette
Memories Gown Preservation National Gown Cleaners LLC Prestige Preservation Ram Leather Care
Sims City Cleaners
Thomas & Sons
Wedding Gown Preservation Co.
Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Wetcleaning Machines
A&B Equipment & Sons
Aqua Clean Systems
B&C Technologies
Consorzio Unimatic
Continental Girbau
Esporta Wash Systems
Firbimatic Imesa USA
Laundrylux Miele Professional
Poseidon Textile Care Systems Realstar USA Renzacci
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America UniMac Union Drycleaning Products US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
Wetcleaning Supplies
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
Aqua Clean Systems
Caled Chemical Cleaners Chemical Corp. Colorex Chemical Co. Esporta Wash Systems Faultless Starch Co. Imesa USA Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Metro-Chem
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co.
Sanitone Seitz Inc. Suede Products
Trevil America U.N.X. Inc.
Winning Brands
Cleaner’s Supply
Ideal Fastener Corp. B&G Lieberman Midwest Trim Quality Zipper & Supply Wawak Sewing Supplies
24 American
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
M. W. Equipment Co. 1130 N Pacific Avenue Glendale, CA 91202 Email: 2mwequipment@gmail.com Phone: 818-378-4255 Fax: 818-768-3191
uide (Continued)
Contact: Scott Androff
Phone: 952-230-7960
✉ scott@productsbyah.com www.productsbyah.com
Air Compressor Sales
PO Box 26099
Macon, GA 31221
Contact: Greg Parker Phone: 478-474-8460 Toll Free: 800-342-6016 Fax: 478-471-1095
✉ sales@aircompsales.com www.aircompsales.com
Air World 126 Christie Ave. Mahwah, NJ 07430 Toll Free: 888-720-4080
✉ airworld@gmail.com www.airworldpads.com
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co.
PO Box 207 Kearny, NJ 07032
Contact: Fred Schwarzmann Phone: 201-997-3300 Toll Free: 800-526-1188 Fax: 201-997-5122
✉ help@alwilson.com www.alwilson.com
All Things Dry Cleaning
485 Columbian St. South Weymouth, MA 02190
Contact: Robert Devaney Phone: 781-223-4211 Toll Free: 800-335-0567
✉ rdevaney@ allthingsdrycleaning.com www.allthingsdrycleaning.com
Allied Boiler & Supply
419 S. Front St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: DJ Baughman
Toll Free: 800-858-0484 Fax: 615-890-6607
✉ dj@alliedboiler.com www.alliedboiler.com
AMA Universal 937 Lee Ln. Concord, CA 94518
Contact: Lyman Caulk Phone: 510-815-2297 Fax: 925-609-9032
✉ lyman@cleaners-laundry.com www.cleaners-laundry.com
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp.
350 N. Ponderosa Ave. Ontario, CA 91761
AAAA Venture Business
Brokers, Ltd.
111 Kristin Cir. #2 Schaumburg, IL 60195
Contact: John Mikaelian Phone: 847-867-0050 Fax: 224-635-0844
✉ vbb@venturebus.com www.venturebus.com
A&B Equipment & Sons
635 Wellington St. Saginaw, MI 48604
Contact: Scott Clark Phone: 989-753-4764 Toll Free: 800-369-4764 Fax: 989-753-5523
✉ sales@ab-equipment.com www.ab-equipment.com
Accredit Capital Leasing
300 Lackawanna Ave., Ste. 8
West Paterson, NJ 07424
Phone: 973-785-3518 Fax: 973-785-2466
✉ info@accreditleasing.com www.accreditleasing.com
Active Ad Specialties
10746 Francis Pl., Ste. 305 Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: 310-558-3533
Toll Free: 800-866-8684 Fax: 310-558-0503
✉ sales@activeadspecialties.com
Active Vision
711 Koehler Ave., Ste. 6 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Contact: Don Spolar Phone: 631-585-0088 Fax: 631-585-0888
✉ web-sales@active-vision.com www.active-vision.com
Adco Cleaning Products
1706 Ledo Rd. Albany, GA 31707
Toll Free: 800-821-7556
✉ sales@adco-inc.com www.adco-inc.com
Advanced Innovative Technologies
530 Wilbanks Dr. Ball Ground, GA 30107
Contact: Steve LaMarsh
Phone: 770-479-1900 Fax: 770-479-4179
✉ info@aitequipment.com www.aitequipment.com
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
6657 S. State St., #7 Murray, UT 84107
Phone: 801-255-9646 Fax: 801-255-9647
✉ sales@allyequipment.com www.allyequipment.com
Ah! Products
5251 W. 73rd St., Ste. F Minneapolis, MN 55439
Albatross USA 36-41 36th St. (PO Box 6446) Long Island City, NY 11106 Phone: 718-392-6272 Toll Free: 800-233-4468 ✉ sales@albatross-usa.com www.albatross-usa.com
Aldridge & Associates Cleaner Business Brokers 8861 SW Commercial St. Tigard, OR 97223
Contact: David Aldridge Phone: 503-639-2340 ✉ aldridgedavid@gmail.com www.aldridgeand associates.com
Alliance Laundry Systems
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-553-5120 Fax: 920-748-4564 www.alliancelaundry.com
ALJ Electronics 1306 E. Imperial Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: 310-524-0011 Toll Free: 800-255-2522 Contact: Carolyne Johnson ✉ carolyne@aljco.com www.aljco.com
Phone: 909-390-2598 Toll Free: 800-444-8693 Fax: 909-390-1098
✉ sales@amcot.com www.amcot.com
American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems
105 Columbia Ave. West Columbia, SC 29170
Contact: Ken Schaafsma Phone: 803-822-3860 Fax: 803-822-3864
✉ sales@amchiller.com www.amchiller.com
American Dryer Corp. (ADC)
2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Steve Hietpas Phone: 269-923-5345
✉ steven_d_hietpas@ whirlpool.com www.adclaundry.com
American-Newlong 5310 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217
Contact: Brian Shannon Phone: 317-781-4341 Fax: 317-786-5225
✉ bshannon@ american-newlong.com www.american-newlong.com
23522 57th Ave. SE Woodinville, WA 98072
Contact: Ed Benintendi
American Drycleaner, February 2016
& PROVIDERS Buyer’s 2016 G
Phone: 425-487-1200
Toll Free: 877-678-0061, ext. 201 Fax: 877-678-0062
✉ edb@americapital.net www.americapital.net
America’s Best Cleaners
246 Delaware Ave.
Delmar, NY 12054
Contacts: Chris White, Catherine McCann Phone: 415-857-2378
✉ info@americasbest cleaners.com www.americasbest cleaners.com
123 Harrison Ave.
Harrison, OH 45030
Contact: George Beetz
Phone: 513-202-1600
Toll Free: 877-543-1678 Fax: 513-202-1660
✉ apparelmaster@live.com www.tryapparelmaster.com
Aqua Clean Systems
2330 N. Main St.
Paris, TX 75460
Phone: 903-737-9107 Toll Free: 800-760-0512 Fax: 903-739-9274
✉ jshurbet@ aquacleansystems.com www.aquacleansystems.com
Aqua Cool PO Box 670849
Dallas, TX 75367
Contact: Harry Gaffney Phone: 214-890-9888 Toll Free: 800-955-4330 Fax: 214-941-4473
✉ gaffnews@aol.com www.aquacool-gaffney.com
Aqua Products Co. PO Box 39
Prosperity, SC 29127
Contact: JR Seppamaki Phone: 803-321-0246 Toll Free: 800-849-4264
✉ adc@aquaproducts.us www.aquaproducts.us
Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
45 Priscilla Ln.
Auburn, NH 03032
Contact: Brett Daniels
Toll Free: 888-296-4777 Fax: 603-644-0498
✉ brett@awois.com www.aquawingozone.com
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
659 Callowhill St. Philadelphia, PA 19123
Contact: Joe Orlando
Phone: 215-627-1768
Toll Free: 800-272-4739 Fax: 215-627-2034
✉ archsewing@aol.com www.archsewing.com
71 Industrial Park Rd. Newberry, SC 29108
Toll Free: 800-849-7778 Fax: 803-321-1898
✉ sales@arcticchill.com www.arctichill.com
Armstrong International 816 Maple St. Three Rivers, MI 49093
Phone: 269-273-1415 Fax: 269-278-6555
✉ marketing@armstrong international.com www.armstrong international.com
Arrow Fabricare Services
3838 Troost Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64109
Contact: Susie Shatz Phone: 816-931-2452
Toll Free: 800-542-7769 Fax: 816-931-0300
✉ susie@arrow-care.com www.arrowleathercare.com
ArtiClean Ozone Systems
129 Fieldview Dr. (PO Box 455) Versailles, KY 40383
Contact: Mark Moore Toll Free: 866-748-9274
✉ info@articlean.com www.articlean.com
Ascentium Capital
23970 Highway 59 North Kingwood, TX 77339
Toll Free: 866-722-8500
✉ info@ascentiumcapital.com www.ascentiumcapital.com
Ascot Formal Wear
7807 Main St. Houston, TX 77030
Toll Free: 800-6-TUXEDO www.ascotformalwear.com
Associated Environmental Services
6001 N. Adams Road, #205 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Contact: Nicholas G. Maloof Phone: 248-203-9898 Fax: 248-647-0526
✉ ngm@associated environmental.net www.associated environmental.net
of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
454 Old Cellar Rd. Orange, CT 06477
Contact: Rogers Conant Phone: 203-875-3005 Toll Free: 800-501-5005
✉ info@weddinggown specialists.com www.weddinggown specialists.com
BB&C Technologies
17740 Ashley Dr. Panama City, FL 32413
Contact: Al Adcock Phone: 850-249-2222 Fax: 850-249-2226 ✉ sales@bandctech.com www.bandctech.com
BagMartUSA.com 687 Prospect St., Ste. 450 Lakewood, NJ 08701 Toll Free: 800-343-2247 ✉ customercare@ bagmartusa.com www.bagmartusa.com
Bahnson Inc. 4731 Commercial Park Court Clemmons, NC 27012
Contact: Cindy Johnson Phone: 336-760-3111 Fax: 336-760-1548 ✉ cjohnson@bahnson.com www.bahnson.com
Bane-Clene Corp. 3940 N. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46205 Phone: 317-546-5448 Toll Free: 800-428-9512 Fax: 317-543-2222
✉ bane@baneclene.com www.baneclene.com
Banks & Associates
40 Heritage Park Circle North Little Rock, AR 72116
Contact: Brooksher Banks Phone: 501-804-8410 www.banks-assoc.com
John Barry & Associates
3020 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663
Contact: Ted Barry Phone: 949-675-3551 Fax: 949-675-6756
✉ ted.barry@jbateam.com www.jbateam.com
Beneficial Capital Leasing
500 N. Broadway, #1475 St. Louis, MO 63102
Toll Free: 800-886-8944
✉ info@bencap.com www.bencap.com
Bessamaire Sales 10145 Philipp Pkwy. Cleveland, OH 44241
Toll Free: 800-321-5992 Fax: 440-439-1625
✉ buydirect@bessamaire.com www.bessamaire.com
Big D Industries 5620 SW 29th St. (PO Box 82219) Oklahoma City, OK 73148
Contact: Mike Biggers Phone: 405-682-2541 Toll Free: 800-654-4752 Fax: 405-681-4219
✉ mike@bigdind.com www.bigdind.com
2060 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
Phone: 248-654-7000
✉ info@bizzie.com www.bizzie.com/franchise
Blanc Plume 1333 Washington Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66102
Contact: Connie Mosier Phone: 913-396-4090 Toll Free: 800-307-0229 Fax: 913-396-4097
✉ connie.blancplume@ arrow-care.com www.blancplume.com
F.H. Bonn Co. 4300 Gateway Blvd. Springfield, OH 45502
Contacts: Kerry Woolum, Heather Stalder Phone: 937-323-7024 Toll Free: 800-323-0143 Fax: 800-745-2666
✉ customerservice@fhbonn.com www.fhbonn.com
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
PO Box 785
Lakebay, WA 98349
Contact: Tim Heitzman Toll Free: 800-983-1175 Mobile: 253-549-6437
✉ services@brightleafweb.com www.brightleafweb.com/ drycleaners
Bryan Steam
783 N. Chili Ave. Peru, IN 46970
Phone: 765-473-6651 Fax: 765-473-3074
✉ inquiry@bryansteam.com www.bryanboilers.com
www.americandrycleaner.com American Drycleaner, February 2016 27
Caled Chemical
26 Hanes Dr.
Wayne, NJ 07470
Contact: Jack Belluscio
Toll Free: 800-652-2533 Fax: 888-652-2533
✉ info@caledclean.com www.caledclean.com
California Counters
12006 Regentview Ave. H Downey, CA 90241
Phone: 562-920-7200
Toll Free: 800-286-4442 Fax: 562-920-7222
✉ sales@calcounters.com www.drycleancounters.com
Cambridge Diagnostic Products
6880 NW 17th Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: 954-971-4040
Toll Free: 800-525-6262 Fax: 954-975-5609
✉ info@stainrx.com www.stainrx.com
Careful Consulting Services
120 Promenade Cir. #910
Thornhill, ON L4J 7W9
Contact: Sidney Chelsky Phone: 905-881-5906 Cell: 416-573-1929 Fax: 905-881-5906
✉ chelsky@sympatico.ca
Carolina Textile Products
7 Karaway Ct. Elgin, SC 29045
Contact: Eric Dixon Toll Free: 877-239-0229
✉ info@carolinatexpro.com www.carolinatexpro.com
3102 E. Fifth St. Tyler, TX 75701
Contact: Clay Martin
Phone: 903-595-7779
Toll Free: 800-323-2115 Fax: 903-581-6178
✉ sonozaire@cbi.com www.sonozaire.com
Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN)
2060 Coolidge Hwy.
Berkley, MI 48072
Contacts: Steve Lajiness, Josh Titler
Phone: 248-246-7878
Toll Free: 800-520-2736 Fax: 248-246-7868
✉ contactus@crdn.com www.crdn.com
PO Box 25188
Anaheim, CA 92825
Toll Free: 888-524-6602 www.chembrite.net
Cherished Heirlooming
226 Walt Rauch Rd. Chapin, SC 29036
Contact: Janie Westphal Phone: 803-345-9746
Chevron Phillips 10001 Six Pines Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: 832-813-4100 Toll Free: 800-231-1212 www.cpchem.com
Childers & Associates
115 Mockingbird Ln. Tahlequah, OK 74464
Contact: Everett Childers Phone: 918-453-0495
✉ elcchilders@yahoo.com www.textilecleaning.com
CL Solutions
1776 Mentor Ave., Ste. 305 Cincinnati, OH 45212
Phone: 513-475-6625
✉ mts@cl-solutions.com www.cl-solutions.com
Classic Heirlooms
508 Mill Run Kerrville, TX 78028
Contact: Bob Reeves Phone: 830-895-1945 Toll Free: 800-622-4559 www.classicheirloom.com
Cleaner Business Systems (Shah Corp.)
414 Gateway Boulevard Burnsville, MN 55337
Contact: Tim Woodman Phone: 952-641-3000 Toll Free: 800-406-9649 Fax: 952-895-5816
✉ sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com
Cleaners Chemical Corp.
7652 Bella Verde Way Delray Beach, FL 33446
Toll Free: 866-307-0700
✉ sales@cleanerschemical.com www.cleanerschemical.com
Cleaners Profitmaker by Personal Touch Systems
Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: 801-649-6691
Toll Free: 800-950-6767
✉ sales@profitmaker.com www.profitmaker.com
Cleaner’s Supply 1059 Powers Rd. Conklin, NY 13748
Toll Free: 800-568-7768
✉ customerservice@ cleanersupply.com www.cleanersupply.com
Cleanez Technologies
21218 St. Andrews Blvd., #321
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Conttact: Henry Billini Toll Free: 800-253-2634 Fax: 866-308-2495 ✉ info@cleanez.com www.cleanez.com
The Cleaning Specialist
141 Lanza Ave., Bldg. 31-A Garfield, NJ 07026
Contact: Davide’ Dvorak Phone: 973-272-2977 Fax: 973-272-8563 ✉ davide@ cleaningspecialist.com www.cleaningspecialist.com
CleanSuite Software
PO Box 338091 Greeley, CO 80633
Contact: Joshua Valdez Phone: 970-405-3160 Toll Free: 888-727-4564 ✉ josh@cleansuite.com www.cleansuite.com
ClearWater Tech 850 Capitolio Way, Unit E San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: 805-546-2301 Toll Free: 800-262-0203 ✉ sales@cwtozone.com www.cwtozone.com
Cleaver-Brooks 11950 W. Lake Park Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Phone: 414-359-0600 ✉ info@cleaver-brooks.com www.cleaver-brooks.com
COIT Services
897 Hinckley Rd. Burlingame, CA 94010 Toll Free: 800-243-8797 www.coitfranchise.com
Collarite Co.
PO Box 251 Vineburg, CA 95487
Contact: Robert Salfi Toll Free: 800-558-4455 Fax: 707-996-5525
✉ sales@collarite.com www.collarite.com
(The Company Store)
20001 Peel Rd. Montgomery, TX 77356
Phone: 713-557-3476 Fax: 888-668-8702
✉ MTMinfo@cs.com www.collarstyx.com
Colmac Industries
PO Box 72
Colville, WA 99114
Contact: Justin Shamion Phone: 509-684-4505
Toll Free: 800-926-5622 Fax: 509-684-4500
✉ sales@colmacind.com www.colmacind.com
Colorex Chemical Co. 834 Foster Ave. Bensenville, IL 60106
Contact: Yvonne Matsoukas Phone: 630-238-3124 Toll Free: 800-963-3762 Fax: 630-238-3125
✉ colorexchemical@earthlink.net www.colorexchemical.com
Columbia Boiler Co. PO Box 1070
Pottstown, PA 19464
Phone: 610-323-2700 Fax: 610-323-7292
✉ cbcsales@columbiaboiler.com www.columbiaboiler.com
Columbia/ILSA Machines Corp.
231 Edison Ave.
West Babylon, NY 11704
Contact: Stephen Langiulli Phone: 631-293-7571 Toll Free: 800-446-5634 Fax: 631-293-7863
✉ columbia@goclean.us www.columbiailsa.com
Comca Systems
3143 Pine Shadow Dr. Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639
Contact: Kim Mirza Phone: 813-996-5922
✉ info@comcasystems.com www.comcasystems.com
Comet Cleaners
Franchise Group
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Toll-Free: 888-461-3555
✉ comments@cometcleaners.com www.cometcleaners.com
Commercial Coils
213 Chesterfield
Industrial Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005
Phone: 636-532-1523
Toll Free: 800-532-2645 www.comcoil.com
Compassmax (Maineline Computer Systems)
16 Northbrook Dr. Falmouth, ME 04105
Contacts: Joe McCammon, Nicole Gendron
Phone: 207-781-5590
Toll Free: 800-354-2525 Fax: 207-781-7220
American Drycleaner, February 2016
✉ joe@compassmax.com; nicole@compassmax.com www.compassmax.com
Computer Connections
1803 Springdale Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Contact: K.J. Sung Phone: 856-770-9898 Toll Free: 800-684-6650
✉ sales@wincleaners.com www.wincleaners.com
Computer Systems International (CSI)
150 Consumers Rd., #406 Toronto, ON M2J 1P9
Contact: Al Anjari
Phone: 416-497-0370 Toll Free: 888-836-7274 Fax: 416-497-6760
✉ sales@computersystemsint.com www.computersystemsint.com
2285 W. County Road C St. Paul, MN 55113
Phone: 651-633-0633 Toll Free: 800-328-0852
✉ contactus@computype.com www.computype.com
Consorzio Unimatic
Via R. Morandi, 13 06012 Citta di Castello, Italy
Phone: 39-075-852-1264 Fax: 39-075-852-0717
✉ info@consorziounimatic.it www.consorziounimatic.it
Continental Girbau
2500 State Road 44 Oshkosh, WI 54904
Phone: 920-231-8222
Toll Free: 800-256-1073 Fax: 920-231-4666 www.continentalgirbau.com
Cool Clean Technologies
915 Blue Gentian Rd., Ste. 400 Eagan, MN 55121
Contact: Parker Nickolay
Phone: 651-842-8600
Toll-Free: 866-262-9274
Fax: 651-842-8699
✉ sales@coolclean.com www.coolclean.com
315 N. Madison St.
Fortville, IN 46040
Contact: Stephani Bisignano
Phone: 317-577-0417
Toll Free: 800-557-5716 Fax: 317-485-0118
✉ sales@cool-space.com www.cool-space.com
Coreprobe International
5075 Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91776
Phone: 626-309-9932
Toll Free: 855-400-3959
Fax: 626-309-9978 www.coreprobe.com
Covers Etc.
925 W. Harris Road Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Jim Laleman Phone: 817-467-5030 Toll Free: 800-451-6593, ext. 113 Fax: 800-888-6613
✉ sales@coversetc.com www.coversetc.com
Crane Pumps & Systems
420 Third St.
Piqua, OH 45356
Phone: 937-778-8947 Fax: 937-773-7157
✉ cranepumps@cranepumps.com www.cranepumps.com
CTS Packaging
1730 Russell St. Covington, KY 41011
Phone: 859-291-5700 Toll Free: 800-292-5701 Fax: 859-291-5786
✉ sales@ctspkg.com www.ctspkg.com
Cutting Edge Storefronts
544 W. First St.
Rialto, CA 92376
Phone: 909-724-8524 Toll Free: 877-214-6222
✉ customerservice@ cuttingedgestorefronts.com www.cuttingedge storefronts.com
DCCS (Dry Cleaning Computer Systems)
1210 Stanbridge St. Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Lenny Gershater Phone: 610-275-6090 Fax: 610-275-9703
✉ sales@dccs.com www.dccs.com
Des-L Industries 130 Gamewell St. Hackensack, NJ 07601
Phone: 201-343-3330
✉ sales@lecoplastics.com www.des-l.com
Desert Boilers & Controls
305 W. Saint Louis Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-631-7780 Fax: 702-405-1084 ✉ rjohnson@desertboilers.com www.desertboilers.com
Dexter Financial Services
775 Kacena Rd. Hiawatha, IA 52233 Toll Free: 800-926-8230 ✉ customerservice@ dexterfinancial.com www.dexterfinancial.com
Dexter Laundry 2211 W. Grimes Ave. Fairfield, IA 52556 Toll Free: 800-524-2954 www.dexter.com
Diamond Chemical Co. Union Avenue & DuBois Street East Rutherford, NJ 07073 Phone: 201-935-4300 Toll Free: 800-654-7627 Fax: 201-935-6997
Phone: 630-552-4115, ext. 225
✉ sales@dltelectric.com www.dltelectric.com
Donini International
Via Lombardia, 5 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy Phone: 39-059-697-094 Fax: 39-059-641-523
✉ sales@donini.com www.donini.com
Dow Chemical Co. 4520 Ashman Street (PO Box 1206) Midland, MI 48642
Phone: 989-832-1560 Toll Free: 800-447-4369 Fax: 989-832-1465
✉ dowcig@dow.com www.dow.com
Draeger Safety
101 Technology Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Phone: 412-787-8383 Toll Free: 800-858-1737 Fax: 412-787-2207 www.draeger.com
Dry Clean Concepts 2516 Waukegan Rd., Ste. 201 Glenview, IL 60025
Contact: Aaron Kawer Phone: 847-363-3444
✉ info@drycleanconcepts.com www.drycleanconcepts.com
Dry Cleaning Plus
421 Heritage Ln. Monroe, NY 10950
Contacts: Richard or Judith Stone Phone: 845-395-0963
DDajisoft (Dryclean PRO)
4152 Meridian St. #105-117 Bellingham, WA 98226
Contact: Ali Khan Toll Free: 888-325-4763 Fax: 206-400-1135
✉ dcpesales@dajisoft.com www.dajisoft.com
Dallons Environmental Services
5455 Centralia St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Contact: Don Dallons Phone: 562-938-9986
✉ dondallons@yahoo.com
250 W. Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-281-2216 Fax: 781-300-7330
✉ textile-id@datamars.com www.datamars.com
✉ sales@diamondchem.com www.diamondchem.com
Diamond Computer Service 25779 N. Hillview Ct. Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847-550-6770 Toll Free: 800-298-5968 Fax: 847-550-6764
✉ diamond6770@gmail.com www.diamondcomputer service.com
Direct Net Hosting
PO Box 22447
Eagan, MN 55122
Contact: Dan L. Gray Sr. Phone: 651-336-5897 www.directnethosting.com
DLT Electric 202 W. Main St. Plano, IL 60545
✉ info@drycleaningplus.biz www.drycleaningplus.biz
Dryclean USA
290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138
Phone: 305-754-9966 Fax: 305-754-8010 www.drycleanusa.com
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
14700 Sweitzer Ln. Laurel, MD 20707
Contact: Jon Meijer
Phone: 301-622-1900 Toll Free: 800-638-2627 Fax: 240-295-0685
✉ techline@dlionline.org www.dlionline.org
504 Cahaba Park Cir. Birmingham, AL 35242
Contact: Mark Watkins Phone: 205-937-0045
✉ markwat.2@gmail.com
February 2016
EeAnytime Corporation
266 N. 4th St., Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215
Contact: Laurence Cohn Phone: 614-842-7000 Mobile: 714-969-7000
✉ information@eanytime.com www.eanytime.com
Eastern Funding
213 W. 35th St. New York, NY 10001
Contact: Michael Fanger Phone: 212-819-2000 Toll Free: 877-819-1764 Fax: 212-819-9764
✉ info@easternfunding.com www.easternfunding.com
Easy Plus Inc.
409 Easton Rd., Ste. #101A Willow Grove, PA 19090
Phone: 215-635-3555 Toll Free: 877-248-3684 Fax: 215-784-7055
✉ joanne@easyplusinc.com www.easyplusinc.com
Ecolab Textile Care 370 N. Wabasha St. St. Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 651-293-4476 Toll Free: 800-553-8683 Fax: 651-225-3185 www.ecolab.com
EDRO Corp. 37 Commerce St. (PO Box 308) East Berlin, CT 06023 Toll Free: 800-628-6434 Fax: 860-828-5984
✉ sales@edrocorp.com www.edrodynawash.com
Ehrenreich & Associates - Cleaner Broker Network
16917 MacDuff Ave. Olney, MD 20832
Contact: Richard Ehrenreich, CED, SBA, F-CBI Phone: 301-924-9247
✉ richard@ehrenassoc.com
Emerson Capital Corp.
1030 Forest Ave.
Glencoe, IL 60022
Contact: Douglas Adams Phone: 847-242-0229 Fax: 847-242-9017
✉ dadams@ emersoncapitalcorp.com www.emersoncapitalcorp.com
602 N. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46204
Contact: Greg Zumbaugh
Phone: 317-972-7870
Toll Free: 866-888-7911 Fax: 317-972-7875
✉ gzumbaugh@ enviroforensics.com www.enviroforensics.com
Environmental Strategies & Applications (ESA)
495 Union Ave., #1D Middlesex, NJ 08846
Contact: Stephen Fauer Phone: 732-469-8888 Fax: 732-469-1120
✉ info@askesa.com www.askesa.com
EnviroTech International
1800 N. 25th Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160
Phone: 708-231-4184 Fax: 708-343-4633 www.envirotechint.com
Epoleon Corp.
18414 Doty Ave. Torrance, CA 90504
Contact: Hiro Fukushima
Phone: 310-327-5801
Toll Free: 800-EPOLEON Fax: 310-324-6845
✉ technicalsupport@ epoleon.com www.epoleon.com
Epsilon Plastics
3100 E. Harcourt St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221
Contact: Tracie Castillo Phone: 310-609-1320 Fax: 310-609-2108
✉ tracie.castillo@ sigmaplastics.com www.alpha-industries.com
Esporta Wash Systems
1015 Crowley Ave., #101 Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R6
Contact: Howard Sures Toll Free: 800-881-7781
✉ info@esporta.ca www.esporta.ca
Essick Air Products 5800 Murray St. Little Rock, AR 72209
Phone: 501-562-1094
Toll Free: 800-643-8341 Fax: 501-562-9485
✉ info@essickair.com www.essickair.com
European Finishing Equipment Corp./ Hi-Steam
901 Penhorn Ave., #2 Secaucus, NJ 07094
Contact: Yuriko Tanabe Phone: 201-210-2247
American Drycleaner, February 2016
Toll Free: 888-460-9292 Fax: 201-210-2549
✉ sales@histeam.com www.histeam.com
Evans Garment Restoration
2831 Farmers Market Rd. Springfield, IL 62707 Toll Free: 866-933-8267 www.evansgr.com
EZ Products International
612 North Florida Ave. Wauchula, FL 33873
Contact: Diane Rue Phone: 863-735-0813 Toll Free: 877-906-1818 Fax: 863-735-0328 ✉ diane.ezproductsinc@ gmail.com www.ezpi.us
EZ Timers
5526 Crescent Valley St. Las Vegas, NV 89148
Contact: Bruce Grossman Phone: 702-376-6693 ✉ bruce@eztimers.com www.eztimers.com
Fimas SRL
Via Piantada, 9/C Interno 2 25036 Palazzolo Sull’oglio (BS) Italy www.fimassrl.it
Firbimatic 13802 Washington St., Ste. A Woodstock, IL 60098
Contact: Darrin Haiges Phone: 815-338-2355 Toll Free: 800-220-0630 Fax: 815-338-2365
✉ sales@firbimaticusa.com www.firbimaticusa.com
Firetrace International 8435 N. 90th St., Ste. 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Toll Free: 888-786-0780
✉ info@firetrace.com www.firetrace.com
First Film Extruding 9340 Meaux St. St. Leonard, QC H1R 3H2 Phone: 514-326-0200 Toll Free: 877-422-5226 Fax: 514-326-4383
✉ info@balcan.com www.balcan.com
FFabricare Management Systems
531 Tomahawk Trail Woodstock, GA 30188
Contact: Mark Van Buren Toll Free: 888-299-9493 Fax: 770-966-9884 ✉ sales@fabricaremanager.com www.fabricaremanager.com
Fabritec International 8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Connie Kramer Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280 ✉ ckramer@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
FabTek Aero 432 E. South St. Plano, IL 60545
Contact: Mike Chesnutt Phone: 630-552-3622 Fax: 630-552-8220
✉ mchesnutt@fabtekaero.com www.fabtekaero.com
Faultless Starch Co. 1025 W. 8th St. Kansas City, MO 64101
Contact: Sheila Rumney Phone: 816-842-1230 Toll Free: 800-821-5565 Fax: 816-842-6542
✉ lpginfo@faultless.com www.faultless.com
Flexaust 1510 Armstrong Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580
Toll Free: 800-343-0428
✉ sales@flexaust.com www.flexaust.com
Forenta LP PO Box 607 Morristown, TN 37814
Contact: D. Stanley King Phone: 423-586-5370 Fax: 423-586-3470
✉ sales@forentausa.com www.forentausa.com
1555 Greenleaf Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contacts: Kathy Daniels, Nancy Jones
Phone: 847-357-1100 Toll Free: 800-279-8269 Fax: 847-357-1101
✉ info@foster-stephens.com www.foster-stephens.com
Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp.
552 Hyatt St. Gaffney, SC 29341
Phone: 864-487-1700
Toll Free: 800-385-4357 Fax: 864-487-6400
✉ fcccservice@daimler.com www.freightlinerchassis.com
3201B Investment Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545
Engineered to exceed the professional fabricare industry’s highest standards, Poseidon Textile Care Systems deliver unrivaled programmability for superior wetcleaning results. Poseidon harnesses high-performance Wetcleaning Machines, Dryers and Flatwork Ironers for results and efficiencies that outshine traditional drycleaning. Industry-unique features set Poseidon apart. Contact Poseidon for the professional fabricare solution.
www.poseidonwetcleaning.com 800-482-3400 • 248-457-1140 2329 Alger • Troy MI 48083
Contact: Jim Nicholas
Phone: 510-723-1000
Fax: 510-723-0107
✉ jnicholas@frsteam.com www.frsteam.com
Fujistar Shirt Systems
12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066 Toll Free: 800-842-9661 Fax: 818-361-1002
✉ tony@fujistar.net www.fujistar.net
Fuller Supply Co. PO Box 1261
Concord, NC 28062
Phone: 704-782-0214 Toll Free: 800-323-3699 Fax: 704-782-0231
✉ marketing@dyelock.com www.dyelock.com
Fulton Boiler Works
972 Centerville Rd. Pulaski, NY 13142
Phone: 315-298-5121 Fax: 315-298-6354 www.fulton.com
GGalaxy Wastewater Treatment
9216 W. Grand Ave. Franklin Park, IL 60131
Phone: 847-451-1190 Toll Free: 800-708-2070 Fax: 847-451-6654
✉ ddellegraz@aol.com www.galaxywastewater.com
General Boiler Co. 1546 E. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90011 Phone: 323-233-1005 Fax: 323-233-1425
✉ sales@generalboiler.com www.generalboiler.com
Global Business Systems
1001 N. Old Rand Rd., #105
Wauconda, IL 60084
Toll Free: 800-717-2507
✉ info@smart4me.com www.smart4me.com
The Golomb Group
720 N. Larch St., Ste. 2
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Contact: Neil Schroeder
Phone: 630-833-4550
Toll Free: 800-833-0560 Fax: 630-516-1846 www.golombgroup.com
The Green Garmento 20109 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth, CA 91311
Contacts: Jennie Nigrosh, Rick Siegel
Phone: 323-512-2600 Fax: 866-601-9542
✉ help@thegreengarmento.com www.thegreengarmento.com
GreenEarth Cleaning
51 W. 135th St. Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Tim Maxwell Phone: 816-926-0895 Toll Free: 877-926-0895 Fax: 816-926-0754
✉ tmaxwell@ greenearthcleaning.com www.greenearthcleaning.com
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contact: Pravin Parmar Phone: 713-984-8833
Toll Free: 800-289-4756 Fax: 713-984-1005
✉ pravin@gslaundry.com www.gslaundry.com
GZA GeoEnvironmental
249 Vanderbilt Ave. Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: 781-278-3700 Fax: 781-278-5701
✉ info@gza.com www.gza.com
HHamilton Engineering 34000 Autry St.
Livonia, MI 48150
Contact: Jennifer Ross Phone: 734-419-0200 Toll Free: 800-968-5530 Fax: 734-419-0209
✉ sales@ hamiltonengineering.com www.hamiltonengineering.com
Hanger Holder
5226 E. Helena Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 602-788-1118
Toll Free: 866-796-2751 Fax: 866-796-1215
✉ info@hangerholder.com www.hangerholder.com
Haralson Consulting
734 Cotillion Pl. Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Contact: Sandra Haralson Phone: 843-813-3106
✉ sandra@sandraharalson.com www.sandraharalson.com
Harris Pillow Supply 3026 Trask Pkwy.
Beaufort, SC 29906
Contact: Patrick Harris Toll Free: 800-845-8240
American Drycleaner,
Fax: 843-846-4196
✉ sales@harrispillow.com www.harrispillow.com
HBD Inc. 3901 Riverdale Rd. Greensboro, NC 27406 Toll Free: 800-403-2247 www.hbdinc.com
Henderson Insurance 4675 MacArthur Ct., #420 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Contact: Scott Henderson Phone: 949-863-0900 Fax: 949-863-0963
✉ service@ hendersoninsurance.com www.hendersoninsurance.com
Heritage Preservation 4592 E 2nd St., Ste N Benicia, CA 94510
Contact: Kathy Wright Phone: 707-746-6300 Toll Free: 866-268-4696 Fax: 888-858-4843 ✉ kathy@heritagegown.com www.heritagegown.com
HMC Solutions PO Box 13453 Maumelle, AR 72113
Contact: Otis Butler Phone: 501-255-0498 Toll Free: 800-41-FETCH Fax: 866-554-3154 ✉ info@hmcsolutions.com www.hmcsolutions.com
Hoffman/New Yorker 46 Clinton Pl. Hackensack, NJ 07601 Contacts: Richard Greco, Jeff Rabinowitz Phone: 201-488-1800 Fax: 201-488-4480 ✉ info@hoffman-newyorker.com www.hoffman-newyorker.com
Hong Kong Wells Ltd. 9698 Telstar Ave, #306 El Monte, CA 91731
Contact: Luke Lee Phone: 626-575-2886 Toll Free: 877-666-8400 Fax: 626-575-2183
✉ lukelee@wellsmfg.com www.wellsmfg.com
Huebsch (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Huebsch Sales Toll Free: 800-553-5120 www.huebsch.com
Hurst Boiler & Welding 21971 U.S. Hwy 319 Coolidge, GA 31738
Contact: Jeff Hurst
Phone: 229-346-3545
Toll Free: 877-99-HURST Fax: 229-346-3874
✉ info@hurstboiler.com www.hurstboiler.com
IIdeal Fastener Corp. 603 W. Industry Dr. Oxford, NC 27565
Phone: 919-693-3115 Fax: 919-693-3118
✉ nc@idealfastener.com www.idealfastener.com
Idel International Trading 5726 1st Ave., Ste 2 Brooklyn, NY 11220 Phone: 718-238-0451 Toll Free: 800-224-4476 Fax: 718-228-9866
✉ info@laundrybagsonline.com www.laundrybagsonline.com
900 E. Eighth Ave., Suite 300 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Toll Free: 800-932-7472
✉ info@imagefirst.com www.imagefirst.com
Imesa USA PO Box 2329 Livingston, NJ 07039
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz Phone: 973-535-8305 Toll Free: 877-873-8451 Fax: 954-861-4572
✉ imesausa@aol.com
In The Bag Cleaners
1951 N. Ohio Ave. Wichita, KS 67214 Phone: 316-650-5125 Contact: Dave Coyle ✉ dcoyle@inthebagcleaners.com www.inthebagcleaners.com
Ingersoll-Rand Co.
131 W. Diversey Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126
Phone: 630-530-3843 Toll Free: 800-247-8870 Fax: 630-530-3894 www.ingersollrand products.com
Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
6220 Hacker Bend Ct., Ste. F Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Contact: Brad Carr Phone: 336-712-2437
✉ sales@iesclean.com www.iesclean.com
Iowa Techniques 524 Tradesman Park Dr.
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
Hoffman Manual Utility Press (Used) $1,995* UniMac 50-lb. Washer (Used) $4,200* Hoffman Utility Press $5,700* Forenta 32VB Body Press (Used) $3,295* Hoffman Form Finisher $3,295* Rema RP5 Air Vacuum $2,295* ADC (Coin-Op or OPL) 30-lb stack dryer $3,995* Huebsch 50-lb washer (Used) $3,600* Lattner 20hp Boiler $12,400* Milnor 60-lb. Washer $6,995* Unipress Single Buck SB1 (Used) $10,500* Unimac UM202 Washer $3,800* Bowe 40 Hydrocarbon Machine $26,500* Forenta Triple Puff Iron 33PS $1,800* Speed Queen 75-lb. Gas Dryer (Used) $1,800* 1/2” Steam Traps $35 each, 5 trap minimum 86 6 - 73 4 - 364 4 Monthly Specials Online: MustangEnterprises.com New & Used Equipment for Drycleaning & Laundry Huge Selection of Parts for Most Brands of Equipment Prices valid until March 1, 2015 | *Freight Not Included
Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Matt Kool
Phone: 512-846-2403 Toll Free: 800-727-1592 Fax: 512-846-2411
✉ info@iowatechniques.com www.iowatechniques.com
IPSO (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990)
Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: IPSO Sales Toll Free: 800-872-4776 www.ipsona.com
Irving Weber Associates (IWA)
180 E. Main St., Ste. 208
Smithtown, NY 11787
Contact: Adam Weber Toll Free: 800-243-1811 Fax: 888-622-0414
✉ info@iwains.com www.iwains.com
Via Ossola 7
San Giorgio di Piano
Bologna, Italy 40016
Contact: Eugenio Boni Phone: 39-051-663-0468 Fax: 39-051-663-0688
✉ italclean@italclean.com
7937 Cooper Ave. Glendale, NY 11385
Phone: 718-326-8888 Fax: 718-326-0159
✉ service@infoserveusa.com www.infoserveusa.com
JJacobson Products
1011 E. Park Industrial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130
Phone: 314-862-0800
Toll Free: 800-325-3390 Fax: 314-725-8808
✉ jacobson@ universalsewing.com www.jacobsonproducts.com
JCZ Training & Consulting
835 Fishburn Rd.
Hershey, PA 17033
Contact: Jane Zellers Phone: 717-507-4607
✉ jane@janezellers.com www.janezellers.com
Jenny Products
850 N. Pleasant Ave. Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: 814-445-3400
Fax: 814-445-2280 www.jennyproductsinc.com
Jiffy Steamer
PO Box 869
Union City, TN 38281
Phone: 731-885-6690
Toll Free: 800-525-4339 Fax: 731-885-6692
✉ jsinfo@jiffysteamer.com www.jiffysteamer.com
Jim’s Formal Wear
One Tuxedo Park
Trenton, IL 62293
Phone: 618-224-9211 Fax: 618-224-7924
✉ webmaster@jimsfw.com www.jimsformalwear.com
KKaeser Compressors
PO Box 946
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Phone: 540-898-5500 Toll Free: 800-777-7873 Fax: 540-898-5520
✉ info.us@kaeser.com us.kaeser.com
Kemco Systems
11500 47th St. North Clearwater, FL 33762
Phone: 727-573-2323
Toll Free: 800-633-7055 Fax: 727-573-2346 www.kemcosystems.com
Kemron Environmental Services
8521 Leesburg Pike, Ste. 175 Vienna, VA 22182
Contact: Juan J. Gutierrez Phone: 703-893-4106 Fax: 703-893-1741
✉ jgutierrez@kemron.com www.kemron.com
Kleen-Rite Inc.
4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116
Contact: Tom Murphy Phone: 314-353-1712 Fax: 314-353-5340
✉ kri@kleen-rite.com www.kleen-rite.com
Kleerwite Chemical PO Box 32063
Henrico, VA 23294
Phone: 804-721-8853
Toll Free: 877-553-3794 Fax: 703-563-9745
✉ info@kleerwite.com www.kleerwite.com
KR Products 4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
American Drycleaner,
EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE serving PA, NJ, DE and MD ...using Columbia’s Ipura dry cleaning machine and Forenta’s Self Contained Finishing System Complete drycleaning plant and coin laundry installations • Locations and stores for sale For more information, contact Jack 267-549-8264 or Brian 267-784-3686 CONVERT YOUR DROP STORE TO A DRYCLEANING PLANT! Model 461SURMC Press Model 604AF Form Finisher Rema RP1 air compressor, boiler, boiler return & blow down. Traps and steam piping are included and installation requires less than 120 s.f. of floor space. $ 59,995**freight,installation& taxesadditional O'Mara Bros 2.indd 1 1/11/16 10:05 AM
Phone: 314-353-1712
Fax: 314-353-5340
✉ sales@krproductsinc.com www.krproductsinc.com
6103 Johns Rd., Ste. 7
Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-884-1499 Fax: 813-884-1599
✉ office-tampa@kreussler.com www.kreussler.com
Krystal Klean Powder
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Contact: Jack Godfrey Sr. Phone: 817-461-3555
✉ jacksr@ krystalkleanpowder.com www.krystalkleanpowder.com
LLab Test Products
360 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112
Phone: 973-621-6859 Fax: 973-621-6851
✉ info@labtestproducts.com www.labtestproducts.com
Lattner Boiler Manufacturing Co.
1411 9th St. S.W.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: 319-366-0778
Toll Free: 800-345-1527 Fax: 319-366-0770
✉ sales@lattner.com www.lattnerboiler.com
461 Doughty Blvd.
Inwood, NY 11096
Phone: 516-371-4400
Toll Free: 800-645-2205 Fax: 516-371-4204
✉ sales@laundrylux.com www.laundrylux.com
The Leasing Experts
7254 Golden Wings Rd. #5
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Toll Free: 888-505-0060 Fax: 877-977-0095 www.tlejax.com
Leather Master
455 N. Ottawa St. Joliet, IL 60432
Contact: John Conway Toll Free: 800-240-0107
✉ jconway@suedecleaners.com www.suedecleaners.com
Leather-Rich Inc.
PO Box 23
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Rick Nettum Phone: 262-569-3100
Toll Free: 800-236-6996 Fax: 262-569-3119
✉ leatherrich@att.net www.leatherrich.com
Leather Technologies
N58 W39800 Industrial Rd., Ste. D
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Abbas Fadel Phone: 262-567-9627 Fax: 262-567-9630
✉ abbas@ leathertechnologies.com www.leathertechnologies.com
Leonard Automatics
PO Box 501
Denver, NC 28037
Contact: Dan Farnsworth Phone: 704-483-9316 Toll Free: 800-483-9316 Fax: 704-483-4538
✉ dfarnsworth@ leonardautomatics.com www.leonardautomatics.com
Liberty Computer Systems
280 Premier Drive, Ste. 107
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Phone: 919-651-0937 Toll Free: 800-233-9804 Fax: 773-249-8989
✉ info@libertycomputers.com
B&G Lieberman Co. 2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman Phone: 704-376-0717 Toll Free: 800-438-0346 Fax: 800-248-2696
✉ bgl@bglieberman.com www.bglieberman.com
Lint-All PO Box 723
501 Foote St. Crown Point, IN 46307
Contact: Tate Richardson Phone: 219-663-7693 Toll Free: 800-568-5468 Fax: 219-662-1503
✉ info@lintbags.com www.lintbags.com
Lucas Products Corp.
5655 Opportunity Dr., Ste. 1 Toledo, OH 43612 Phone: 419-476-5992 Fax: 419-476-0144
✉ sales@lucasproducts.com www.lucasproducts.com
Luetzow Industries
1105 Davis Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Contact: Ryan Luetzow Phone: 414-762-0410
American Drycleaner, February
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Toll Free: 800-558-6055
Fax: 414-762-0943
✉ luetzow.poly@gmail.com www.luetzowind.com
MM&B Hangers
PO Box 250
8575 Parkway Dr. Leeds, AL 35094
Toll Free: 800-227-0436 Fax: 800-622-4471
✉ staff@mbhangers.com www.mbhangers.com
Madame Paulette
42-20 12th St.
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: 347-689-7010 Fax: 718-482-7136 www.madamepaulette.com
Mainetti USA
300 Mac Lane
Keasbey, NJ 08832
Phone: 201-215-2900 Fax: 732-738-7210
✉ info.usa@mainetti.com www.mainetti.com
Mak Marketing
1141 N. President St. Wheaton, IL 60187
Contact: Bill Bishop Phone: 630-456-4195 Fax: 630-456-4005 www.makmarketing.net
The Marketing Shop
6784 Stanhope Way Indianapolis, IN 46254
Contact: Howard Kaschyk Phone: 317-387-9277
✉ howard_k@ themarketingshopusa.com www.themarketingshop usa.com
R.W. Martin & Sons
310 Park Ave.
Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330-673-8712
Toll Free: 800-635-4363 Fax: 330-673-7467
✉ info@rwmartin.com www.rwmartin.com
Martinizing Dry Cleaning
2001 Ford Circle, Ste. A Milford, OH 45150
Contact: Steve Lajiness or Josh Titler
Phone: 248-654-7001 or 248-654-7002
✉ steve.lajiness@ thinkhuntington.com or josh.titler@thinkhuntington.com www.martinizing.com
Maruso USA 2450 S. Sequoia Dr.
Compton, CA 90220
Phone: 310-328-3870
Fax: 310-328-3899
✉ info@marusousa.com www.marusousa.com
Maxi Companies
4317 E. Genesee
Dewitt, NY 13214
Phone: 315-446-1002 Fax: 315-446-2431 www.maxico.com
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
27100 Richmond Rd., #11
Solon, OH 44139
Phone: 440-248-3696
Toll Free: 800-382-7704 Fax: 440-248-3690 www.mayfieldgroup.com
Maytag Commercial Laundry
2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Chris Brick Phone: 252-292-3677
✉ christopher_a_brick@ whirlpool.com www.maytagcommercial laundry.com
MBH Enterprises
7963 Sailboat Key Blvd., Ste. 703
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Contact: Milt Heilweil Phone: 727-360-8243 Toll Free: 844-333-4808
✉ info@rope-ties.com www.rope-ties.com
MCF Systems Atlanta
4319 Tanners Church Rd. Ellenwood, GA 30294
Contact: Russ Kent Phone: 770-593-9434 Toll Free: 800-828-3240 Fax: 770-593-9919
✉ sales@mcfsystems.com www.mcfenvironmental.com
Memories Gown Preservation
5747 Glenmont Dr.
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-592-0592
Toll Free: 866-492-4696 Fax: 713-592-0672
✉ gowns@tmw.com www.gownspreservations.com
Messe Frankfurt
1600 Parkwood Cir., #615 Atlanta, GA 30339
Contact: Rebecca White Phone: 770-984-8016
Toll Free: 866-984-8016 Fax: 770-984-8023
✉ info@usa.messefrankfurt.com www.usa.messefrankfurt.com
8 E. Sunnyslope Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85020
Contact: Frank Dubasik Phone: 602-944-2923 Fax: 602-944-2903
✉ sales@metalprogetti.com www.metalprogetti.com
Methods for Management (MFM) 2269 Chestnut St., Ste. 309 San Francisco, CA 94123
Contact: Marta Shaffer Phone: 253-851-6327 Fax: 253-851-6090 ✉ mshaffer@mfmi.com www.mfmi.com
Metro-Chem 24 Pennsylvania Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032
Toll Free: 800-332-7627 Fax: 973-589-8444 www.metro-chem.com
Mid-Atlantic Assn. of Cleaners (MAC) 14700 Sweitzer Ln. Laurel, MD 20724
Contact: Peter Blake Toll Free: 800-235-8360 Fax: 240-295-4200 ✉ peteblke@aol.com www.macassociation.org
Midwest Leather 2201 Grand Ave. Billings, MT 59102 Phone: 406-259-3312 Fax: 406-969-2920 ✉ midwestleather77@gmail.com www.midwestleathermt.com
Midwest Trim 6625 N. Avondale Chicago, IL 60631
Contact: Allan Kass Phone: 773-594-0700 Toll Free: 800-222-8746 Fax: 773-594-0701 ✉ sales@midwest-trim.com www.midwest-trim.com
Miele Professional 9 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540
Toll Free: 800-991-9380 Fax: 609-419-4241
✉ proinfo@mieleusa.com www.miele-pro.com
Milnor Laundry Systems
PO Box 400
Kenner, LA 70063 Phone: 504-467-9591 Toll Free: 800-469-8780
✉ milnorinfo@milnor.com www.milnor.com
Miura Boiler 120 Sylvan Ave., Ste. 204
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Phone: 201-592-1260 Fax: 201-592-1262
✉ ny@miuraz.com www.miuraboiler.com
Morantz Ultrasonics 9984 Gantry Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115
Contact: Lisa Morantz Phone: 215-969-0266 Fax: 215-969-0566
✉ info@ultrasonicmachines.com www.ultrasonicmachines.com
(DENSO Products and Services Americas)
3900 Via Oro Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810
Contact: Eddie Stevenson Toll Free: 800-264-9573 Fax: 310-835-8724
✉ info@movincool.com www.movincool.com
Mr. ShoeWash
12544 Centralia St. Lakewood, CA 90715 Phone: 562-833-2544 www.shoewash.com
MTH Pumps
401 W. Main St. Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630-552-4115 Fax: 630-552-3688
✉ sales@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com
Multimatic Corp. 162 Veterans Dr. Northvale, NJ 07647
Contact: Ron Velli Phone: 201-767-9660 Fax: 201-767-7037
✉ info@multimatic-usa.com www.multimatic-usa.com
Mustang Enterprises
1238 W. Laurel San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: 210-734-3644
Toll Free: 866-734-3644 Fax: 210-734-0046
✉ info@mustangenterprises.com www.mustangenterprises.com
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
1836 E. Ontario St.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Contact: David Bacharach
Phone: 215-634-2626
Toll Free: 800-523-3331 Fax: 215-426-8060
✉ david@apparelmachinery.com www.apparelmachinery.com
American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
National Cleaners Association (NCA)
252 W. 29th St. New York, NY 10001
Contact: Ann Hargrove
Phone: 212-967-3002 Toll Free: 800-888-1622 Fax: 212-967-2240
✉ info@nca-i.com www.nca-i.com
National Combustion Co. (NATCO)
104-11 180th St. Jamaica, NY 11433
Phone: 718-291-8400 Toll Free: 888-OK-NATCO Fax: 718-291-6870
✉ sales@nationalcombustion.com www.nationalcombustion.com
National Gown Cleaners LLC
625 McGlincey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: 408-371-3174 Contact: Christine Morrissey ✉ info@nationalgown.com www.nationalgown.com
National Waste Clean 304 Pulaski St. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Phone: 908-756-4114 Toll Free: 800-329-0025
✉ info@nationalwasteclean.com www.nationalwasteclean.com
Natmar Services Co. 139 Beattie St. (PO Box 6743) Syracuse, NY 13217
Toll Free: 800-798-8206 Fax: 315-445-8046
✉ info@natmar-nsc.com www.natmar-nsc.com
Neuhaus Chemical Products
5727 Mobud St. San Antonio, TX 78238
Phone: 210-684-2411
Toll Free: 800-776-8688 Fax: 210-684-2433 www.jinxink.com
New York Machinery (Unisec)
609 Chancellor Ave.
Irvington, NJ 07111
Phone: 973-372-0100
Toll Free: 855-600-3636 Fax: 973-375-0200
✉ info@unisecusa.com www.unisecusa.com
Newhouse Specialty Co. 2681 Halladay St. Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Daniel Borrero
Toll Free: 877-435-3859
Fax: 714-432-7020
✉ sales@newhouseco.com www.newhouseco.com
Nextteq LLC
8406 Benjamin Rd., Ste. J Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-249-5888 Toll Free: 877-312-2333 Fax: 877-312-2444
✉ info@nextteq.com www.nextteq.com
Nichols Paper Products Co.
N8995 Pine St. (PO Box 137) Nichols, WI 54152
Contact: Brian Dahlin
Phone: 920-833-6895 Toll Free: 800-558-8010 Fax: 920-525-5527
✉ sales@nicholspaper.com www.nicholspaper.com
NIE Insurance
6030 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109
Phone: 314-832-1118 Toll Free: 800-325-9522 Fax: 314-832-6775
✉ newinfo@cleanerinsurance.com www.nie.biz
OO’Brien Agency
3156 New Holland St. Hudsonville, MI 49426
Contact: John O’Brien Phone: 616-669-2670 Fax: 616-669-2674
✉ john@obrienins.com www.obrienins.com
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales & Service
2314 E. Lehigh Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125
Contact: Jack or Brian Phone: 267-549-8264 or 267-784-3686
330 E. Easy St., Ste. A Simi Valley, CA 93065
Toll Free: 888-989-5560 Fax: 805-583-0561
✉ omegasonics@ omegasonics.com www.omegasonics.com
OnSite Fabricare
1909 W. Oakridge Dr. Albany, GA 31707
Contact: Jeff Berkowitz
Toll Free: 800-811-9367 Fax: 229-518-4002
2016 39
www.americandrycleaner.com American
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✉ jberkowitz@onsitefabricare.com www.onsitefabricare.com
The Ozone Experts
9483 State Hwy. 37 Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Contact: Susan Duffy Toll Free: 866-676-9663
✉ sduffy@queenaire.com www.ozoneexperts.com
PR.J. Papalini
Custom Cabinets
12410 Foothill Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 91342
Contact: Richard Pennington Phone: 818-896-7792 Toll Free: 800-896-4449 Fax: 818-899-3170
✉ rjpapalini@gmail.com www.rjpapalini.com
Paradigm Labs
7 Roberts Rd. (PO Box 138) Pine Grove, PA 17963
Contact: Brendan Maier Phone: 570-345-2600 Toll Free: 888-933-4554 Fax: 570-345-2800
✉ info@paradigmlabs.us www.paradigmlabs.us
Pariser Industries
91 Michigan Ave. Paterson, NJ 07503
Contact: Scott Pariser Phone: 973-569-9090 Toll Free: 800-370-7627 Fax: 973-569-9101
✉ spariser@pariser.com www.pariserchem.com
Parker Boiler Co.
5930 Bandini Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90040
Contact: Michael Leeming Phone: 323-727-9800 Fax: 323-722-2848
✉ sales@parkerboiler.com www.parkerboiler.com
Parts Emporium
7212 Nashville Rd. (PO Box 2540)
Bowling Green, KY 42102
Toll Free: 800-468-3272
✉ partsemporium@twc.com www.partsemporium.net
Patriot Business Advisors
4387 Swamp Rd., #255
Doylestown, PA 18902
Contact: Liliane Tietjen Phone: 267-391-7642 Fax: 800-903-0613
✉ tietjen@patriotbusiness advisors.com
www.patriotbusiness advisors.com
Pepin Manufacturing
1875 Hwy. 61 South Lake City, MN 55041
Contact: Roger Sattler
Phone: 651-345-5655
Toll Free: 800-291-6505 Fax: 651-345-5656
✉ roger@pepinmfg.com www.pepinmfg.com
Perfect Pleat Products
20 S. Main (PO Box 359) Aurora, UT 84620 Phone: 435-529-3358 Fax: 435-529-3423
✉ perfectpleat@hotmail.com www.perfectpleat.com
Permac Parts Depot/ Permac Machinery
112 Associate Dr.
Indian Trail, NC 28079
Contact: Bill Morgal Phone: 704-234-2818
Toll Free: 800-287-0870 Fax: 704-234-2821
✉ bill@permac.com www.permac.com
Phone Tree 301 N. Main St., #1800 Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Toll Free: 800-951-8733
✉ sales@phonetree.com www.phonetree.com
Poly-Pak Industries 125 Spagnoli Rd. Melville, NY 11747
Toll Free: 800-969-1993 Fax: 631-454-6366
✉ info@poly-pak.com www.poly-pak.com
Pony USA
4424 Arkansas Ave. NW Washington, DC 20011
Contacts: Frank Emanuele Jr., Nic Cervantes Phone: 202-723-7618 Fax: 202-723-7639
✉ sales@pony-usa.com www.pony-usa.com
709 Southview Circle (PO Box 2167) Center, TX 75935
Phone: 936-598-5651
Toll Free: 800-695-2942
✉ info@port-a-cool.com www.port-a-cool.com
Poseidon Textile Care Systems 2329 Alger Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-457-1140
Toll Free: 800-482-3400
✉ info@poseidonwetcleaning.com www.poseidonwetcleaning.com
Prestige Preservation 51 W. 135th St., #200 Kansas City, MO 64145 Phone: 816-931-6463 Toll Free: 888-490-6816 Fax: 855-492-7793
✉ info@ prestigepreservation.com www.prestigepreservation.com
Primus (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Primus Sales Toll Free: 877-724-0187 www.primuslaundry.com
PROS Parts 1630 91st Ave. N.E., #107 Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Toll Free: 888-545-4300 Fax: 763-231-7385 ✉ barryv@prosparts.com www.prosparts.com
Prym Consumer USA PO Box 5028 Spartanburg, SC 29304 Phone: 864-576-5050 Fax: 864-587-3352 www.prym-consumer-usa.com
Contact: Brett McLeod
Phone: 501-420-1682 www.garmentmanagement.com
Quietaire 505 N. Hutcheson Houston, TX 77003
Phone: 713-228-9421 Fax: 713-228-9425 ✉ info@quietaire.com www.quietaire.com
Quincy Compressor 701 N. Dobson Ave. Bay Minette, AL 36507 Phone: 251-937-5900
✉ rotary@ quincycompressor.com www.quincycompressor.com
RR&B Wire Products 2902 W. Garry Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Frank Rowe Phone: 714-549-3355 Toll Free: 800-634-0555 Fax: 714-549-0625
✉ sales@rbwire.com www.rbwire.com
Raco Industries 5480 Creek Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 Toll Free: 800-446-1991
✉ info@racoindustries.com www.racoindustries.com
Railex Corp.
QQualitex Co. 4248 N. Elston Ave. Chicago, IL 60618
Contact: Ava Campagna Phone: 773-463-6777 Fax: 773-463-5731 www.qualitexco.com
Quality Services Co. 7617 Gossamer Wind St. Las Vegas, NV 89139
Contact: Walter Jurek Phone: 702-215-4648 ✉ contact@ valuation-mergers.com www.valuation-mergers.com
Quality Zipper & Supply PO Box 5204
Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz Phone: 701-772-2788 Toll Free: 800-245-9515 Fax: 701-772-2699
✉ qualityzip@aol.com www.qualityzipper.com
QuickSort (Garment Management Systems)
3200 S. Shackleford Rd., Ste. 10 Little Rock, AR 72205
89-02 Atlantic Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416
Phone: 718-845-5454 Fax: 718-738-1020 www.railexcorp.com
Ram Leather Care
8720 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114
Phone: 314-429-5115
Toll Free: 800-5-ASK-RAM www.ramleather.com
Realstar USA
1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Tom Medlin
Phone: 404-363-6973
Toll Free: 888-822-7827 Fax: 404-363-8699
✉ dryclean@realstarusa.com www.realstarusa.com
Redstone Funding
10406 Lake Rd. Houston, TX 77070
Toll Free: 855-777-1014
✉ redstonefunding@ redstone-corp.com www.redstonefundingllc.com
Reimers Electra Steam 4407 Martinsburg Pike
American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
Clear Brook, VA 22624
Contact: Bill Hutton
Phone: 540-662-3811
Toll Free: 800-872-7562 Fax: 540-665-8101
✉ sales@reimersinc.com www.reimersinc.com
Reliable Corp.
5-100 Wingold Ave. Toronto, ON M6B 4K7
Contact: Art Garabedian
Phone: 416-785-0200
Toll Free: 800-268-1649 Fax: 416-785-7038
✉ sales@reliablecorporation.com www.reliablecorporation.com
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
45 Ruby St. Norwalk, CT 06850
Contact: Barry Gunderson Phone: 203-847-2464 Fax: 203-847-3609
✉ info@remadrivac.com www.remadrivac.com
Renzacci SPA
Via R. Morandi, #13 Cittá di Castello, Italy 06012
Contact: Marco Niccolini
Phone: 39-075-862-961 Fax: 39-075-855-9020
✉ renzacci@renzacci.it www.renzacci.it
989 Moraga Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90049
Contact: Jane Wyler Phone: 310-472-3873
✉ jane@reuseniks.com www.reuseniks.com
Reynolds Drapery Service
7440 Main St.
Newport, NY 13416
Phone: 315-845-8632 Fax: 315-845-8645 www.reynoldsdrapery.com
Riddle & Associates
2751 Buford Hwy., Ste. 100
Atlanta, GA 30324
Contact: John Riddle
Phone: 404-876-1988 Fax: 404-876-5121
✉ info@cleanshow.com www.cleanshow.com
Rite-Temp Water Chillers
PO Box 1275 Rogers, AR 72757-1275
Phone: 479-636-5199 Toll Free: 800-462-3120 Fax: 479-986-0727
✉ chillers@ritetemp.com www.ritetemp.com
Rock Line Products
1480 Arrow Hwy. La Verne, CA 91750
Contact: Arnie Behr Phone: 909-392-2170 Fax: 909-392-4651
✉ sales@airtow.com www.airtow.com
Ross Textiles
507 King St. (PO Box 622) Bethune, SC 29009
Contact: Gary Dixon Phone: 843-334-6443 Toll Free: 800-479-1357 Fax: 843-334-6503
✉ gary@rosstextilesinc.com www.rosstextilesinc.com
The Route Pro
7 NW 72nd St., Ste. 302 Kansas City, MO 64118
Contact: James Peuster Phone: 816-739-2066
✉ james@theroutepro.com www.theroutepro.com
Royal Basket Trucks
201 Badger Pkwy. Darien, WI 53114
Contact: Cindy Lapidakis Phone: 262-882-1227 Toll Free: 800-426-6447 Fax: 262-882-3389
✉ sales@royal-basket.com www.royal-basket.com
Royaltone Co.
7211 N. Harrison
Shawnee, OK 74804
Contact: Carl Randall Phone: 405-878-0577 Toll Free: 800-331-5506 Fax: 405-878-0526
✉ carl@royaltone.com www.royaltone.com
RSD Cooling Towers
26021 Atlantic Ocean Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92602
Phone: 949-380-7878, ext. 00405 Toll Free: 800-245-8007 Fax: 949-461-7459
✉ towers@rsd.net www.rsdcoolingtowers.com
Rug Spa
220 E. 2nd Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Richard Kirishian Toll Free: 800-624-RUGS
✉ info@rugspa.com www.rugspa.com
#445 Beta St. Victoria, BC V8Z 1A9 Phone: 250-686-7847
MANUFACTURERS & PROVIDERS www.americandrycleaner.com
2016 41
American Drycleaner,
8700 CM-500 LS-1377 MO-623 JUKI-LOCK TAILOR SHOP COMBO SPECIAL PORTABLE BLINDSTITCH $229 $495 3 THREAD • $279 HAND CRANK • $1195 ELECTRIC • $1295 (tilt bins kit optional) Hand Crank or Electric includes 24x24 table tall k legs & light BUTTON SEWER with CROSS STITCH FAX 1-800-248-2696 TEL 1-800-438-0346 www.bglieberman.com bgl@bglieberman.com B&G LIEBERMAN 2420 Distribution St. • Charlotte, NC 28203 LS-8700 Straight Stitch (complete w/stand) CM-500 Portable Blind Stitch MO-623 Portable 3 Thread Serger ALL THREE MACHINES $995 (taxes and shipping not included) SEWING MACHINE COMBO SPECIAL 0216adc_Lieberman.indd 1 1/6/16 10:10 AM
Toll Free: 866-885-7847
✉ info@rugbadger.com www.rugbadger.com
SSafety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
4661 Beatty Dr. Riverside, CA 92506
Contacts: Henry & Jan Parker
Toll Free: 877-302-5842 Fax: 951-684-7641 www.complyhere.com
Safety-Kleen Systems
2600 North Central Expressway, Ste. 400 Richardson, TX 75080
Toll Free: 800-323-5040 www.safety-kleen.com
Sanitone, A Division of Fabritec International
8145 Holton Drive, Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Connie Kramer
Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280
✉ ckramer@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
Sankosha USA
1901 Landmeier Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: 847-427-9120 Toll Free: 888-427-9120 Fax: 847-427-9634
✉ info@sankosha-inc.com www.sankosha-inc.com
Sarno & Son
401 S. Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: 570-346-5725 Toll Free: 800-233-1404 www.sarnotux.com
Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Co.
400 N. Kibbee St. (PO Box 40) St. Johns, MI 48879
Phone: 989-224-2371
Toll Free: 800-394-7644 Fax: 989-224-8788
✉ sales@saylor-beall.com www.saylor-beall.com
180 Prospect Pl.
Alpharetta, GA 30005
Phone: 678-240-9090
Toll Free: 866-722-6701 Fax: 678-240-9095
✉ info@scanq.com www.scanq.com
Schaefer Ventilation
1 Industrial Blvd., Ste. 101 (PO Box 460)
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-251-8696
Toll Free: 800-779-3267 Fax: 320-251-2922
✉ sales@schaeferventilation.com www.schaeferventilation.com
Seickel & Sons
360 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112
Contact: Joseph Seickel
Phone: 973-242-1948 Toll Free: 800-388-5044 Fax: 973-733-4956
✉ sales@seickel.com www.seickel.com
Seitz Inc.
5101 Tampa West Blvd., Suite 300
Tampa, FL 33634
Contact: Kurt Wickiser Phone: 813-886-2700
Alternate: 813-317-1864 Fax: 813-886-2510
✉ kurt.wickiser@seitz24.com www.seitz24.com
1000 112th Circle, Ste. 100
St. Petersburg, FL 33716
Phone: 727-530-3602 Toll Free: 800-451-9444 Fax: 727-539-0550
✉ info@sensidyne.com www.sensidyne.com
Sensors Safety
6003 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste. 117 Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: 919-278-7737
Toll Free: 800-499-7232 Fax: 919-854-4348
✉ sales@sensorssafety.com www.sensorssafety.com
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
15 Home News Row New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Contact: Robert Levine Phone: 732-846-8500 Toll Free: 800-966-2247 Fax: 732-846-9795
✉ robert.levine@ sigmaplastics.com www.sigmaplastics.com
Sims City Cleaners
9623 Hillcroft St. Houston, TX 77096
Phone: 713-721-3100 www.simscitycleaners.com
Singer Sewing Co.
1224 Heil Quaker Blvd. (PO Box 7017) LaVergne, TN 37086
Contact: Theresa Hesse Phone: 615-213-0880 Toll Free: 877-738-9869 Fax: 615-213-0891
American Drycleaner, February 2016
✉ industrialproducts@ svpworldwide.com www.cuttersexchange.com
SNA Manufacturing
4225 Industrial Ctr. Ln. NW Acworth, GA 30101
Contact: Stefano Zaccagnino Phone: 678-631-1010 Toll Free: 866-327-3880 Fax: 678-903-0403 ✉ stefano@snamfg.com www.nettunoasg.com
184 Shuman Blvd., #420 Naperville, IL 60563 Toll Free: 866-765-8247 www.solvaircleaning.com
Spector Textile Products
10 Embankment St. Lawrence, MA 01842
Contact: Howard Spector Toll Free: 800-533-3501 ✉ sales@spectortextile.com www.spectortextile.com
Speed Check Conveyor
5345 Truman Dr. Decatur, GA 30035 Phone: 770-981-5490 Toll Free: 800-241-0990 ✉ info@speedcheckconveyor.com www.speedcheckconveyor.com
Speed Queen (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Speed Queen Sales Toll Free: 800-590-8872 www.speedqueen commercial.com
SPOT Business Systems
12345 S. 300 East Draper, UT 84020
Contact: Ray Cheshire Phone: 801-495-1200 Fax: 801-495-1208 ✉ sales@spotpos.com www.spotpos.com
Spot Coolers
444 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Toll Free: 800-367-8675 Fax: 888-750-5082 www.spot-coolers.com
Stahls’ Hotronix
One Industrial Park Carmichaels, PA 15320
Toll Free: 800-727-8520 Fax: 724-966-7880
✉ info@clothingidlabel.com www.clothingidlabel.com
Stamford, A Division of Fabritec International
8145 Holton Drive, Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Connie Kramer Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280
✉ ckramer@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
290 NE 68th St.
Miami, FL 33138
Phone: 305-754-4551 Toll Free: 800-333-8883 Fax: 305-751-8390
✉ info@steineratlantic.com www.steineratlantic.com
Sterling Hangers
82 NE 29th St.
Miami, FL 33137
Phone: 305-470-6655 Fax: 305-470-6666
✉ info@sterlinghangers.com www.sterlinghangers.com
R.R. Street & Co. 215 Shuman Blvd., #403 Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: 630-416-4244 Toll Free: 800-4-STREET Fax: 630-416-4150
✉ info@4streets.com www.4streets.com
Stry-Lenkoff Co.
1100 W. Broadway
Louisville, KY 40203
Phone: 502-587-6804 Toll Free: 800-626-8247 Fax: 502-587-6822
✉ info@strylenkoff.com www.strylenkoff.com
Suede Products
18600 Graphics Ct.
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway Phone: 708-614-0939 Toll Free: 877-710-8200 Fax: 708-444-8205
✉ jconway@suedeproducts.com www.suedeproducts.com
TTagsys USA
841 Prudential Dr., 12th Flr. Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone: 904-423-8627 www.tagsysrfid.com
Tailwind Systems
186 Narrow Ave. Westport, MA 02790
Contact: Don Desrosiers Phone: 508-965-3163 Fax: 508-636-8839
✉ tailwindsystems@charter.net www.tailwindsystems.com
Takagi USA
500 Wald Irvine, CA 92618
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 949-770-7171 Toll Free: 888-882-5244 Fax: 949-770-3171
✉ takagihelp@hotwater.com www.takagi.com
Tatch Technical Services
22 Old Chimney Rd. Randolph, NJ 07869
Contact: Mike Tatch Phone: 973-366-1744 Fax: 973-361-4754
✉ mdtts@optonline.net
TCC, The Cleaners Consultants
PO Box 8543
Palm Coast, FL 32137
Contact: James Smith Phone: 386-627-4972 www.thecleaners consultants.com
Techstar Plastics
15400 Old Simcoe Road
Port Perry, ON L9L 1L8
Contact: Greg Barnes Phone: 905-985-8479 Toll Free: 800-263-7943 Fax: 905-985-0265
✉ sales@techstarplastics.com www.techstarplastics.com
Textile Care Allied Trades Assn. (TCATA)
271 U.S. Hwy. 46, #C205 Fairfield, NJ 07004
Contact: David Cotter Phone: 973-244-1790 Fax: 973-244-4455
✉ david@tcata.org or cheryl@tcata.org www.tcata.org
Thanks Again
1015 Tyrone Rd., #820 Tyrone, GA 30290 Toll Free: 888-572-8198
✉ customer.service@ thanksagain.com www.thanksagain.com
Thermopatch Corp.
2204 Erie Blvd. East Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: 315-446-8110 Toll Free: 800-252-6555 Fax: 315-445-8046 www.thermopatch.com
Thomas & Sons
276 S. Church St. Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone: 864-583-8459 Toll Free: 800-845-7088
✉ info@thomasandsons.com www.thomasandsons.com
Tie Out Station
14272 Chambers Rd. Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: 714-542-4487 Toll Free: 800-854-0137 Fax: 714-972-2978
✉ info@tieoutstation.com www.tieout.com
Tiger Leasing
33 W. 19th St., 4th Flr. New York, NY 10011
Contact: Steve Robbins Phone: 212-791-2250 Fax: 509-277-7468
✉ info@tigerleasing.com www.tigerleasing.com
Tonsil Filtration
North America 2121 E. Curry St. Long Beach, CA 90805
Phone: 562-422-1257 Toll Free: 800-894-1555
✉ contactus@ kelleherequipment.com www.kelleherequipment.com
Topog-E Gasket Co. 1224 N. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110-4682
Contact: Edwin Thomas
Phone: 918-587-6649
Toll Free: 800-587-7123
✉ sales@topog-e.com www.topog-e.com
Trevil America
PO Box 127
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz Phone: 973-535-8305 Toll Free: 877-873-8451 Fax: 954-961-4572
✉ trevilamerica@aol.com www.trevil.com
True Color Fabric Dyeing
2305 C Ashland St., #281 Ashland, OR 97520
Contact: Sherry Smilo Phone: 541-488-5911
✉ info@fabricdyeing.com www.fabricdyeing.com
Tuchman Training Systems
25 Heather Ave. San Francisco, CA 94118
Contact: Sid Tuchman Phone: 415-751-3374
✉ sidtuch@comcast.net www.tuchmantraining.com
February 2016 43
www.americandrycleaner.com American
ADC_Hhalf.indd 1 1/18/16 1:52 PM
7401 Alabama Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63111-9906
Toll Free: 800-527-0896
Fax: 314-457-9000
✉ sales@unicosystem.com www.unicosystem.com
UniMac (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: UniMac Sales Toll Free: 800-587-5458 www.unimac.com
US Bobae Marketing Inc. (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
153 North St. Lexington, MA 02420
Contact: Michael Chae Phone: 201-884-8949 Mobile: 781-858-1155
✉ boweusa@gmail.com www.bowe-usa.com
U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
1985 Bluestone Dr. St. Charles, MO 63303
Toll Free: 800-788-3838
✉ info@us-commerce.com www.us-commerce.com
Utilimaster Corp.
Waterbury Button Co.
1855 Peck Lane Cheshire, CT 06410
Contact: Craig Lefebvre Phone: 203-271-9055 Toll Free: 800-928-1812
✉ clefebvre@ogstech.com www.waterburybutton.com
Wausau Chemical Corp. 2001 N. River Dr. Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 715-842-2285 Toll Free: 800-950-6656 Fax: 715-842-9059 ✉ info@wausauchemical.com www.wausauchemical.com
Cincinnati, OH 45208
Phone: 513-321-5100 Fax: 513-321-7547 www.widmerscleaners.com
Williams & Davis Boilers
PO Box 539
Hutchins, TX 75141 Toll Free: 800-826-4537 Phone: 972-225-2356
✉ info@w-dboilers.com www.w-dboilers.com
Winning Brands
92 Caplan Ave., Ste. 134 Barrie, ON L4N 9J2
Drycleaning Products
1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Jack Burnett
Phone: 404-361-7775
Toll Free: 800-433-9401 Fax: 404-361-2454
✉ info@uniondc.com www.uniondc.com
Unipress Corp.
3501 Queen Palm Dr. Tampa, FL 33619
Contact: Tom Stites Phone: 813-623-3731 Fax: 813-626-2565
✉ info@unipresscorp.com www.unipresscorp.com
United Automation
1491 N. Kealy St., #4 Lewisville, TX 75057
Phone: 972-420-1123
Toll Free: 888-420-4430 Fax: 972-420-1103
✉ sales1@automation-dfw.com www.automation-dfw.com
United Wire Hanger
PO Box 2367
South Hackensack, NJ 07606
Phone: 201-288-4540
Toll Free: 800-225-0058
✉ info@unitedwirehanger.com www.unitedwirehanger.com
U.N.X. Inc.
707 E. Arlington Blvd. (PO Box 7206)
Greenville, NC 27835
Phone: 252-756-8616
Fax: 252-756-2764
✉ unx@unxinc.com www.unxinc.com
PO Box 55555
Boston, MA 02205-5555
Toll Free: 800-587-7309 www.upromise.com
603 Earthway Blvd. (PO Box 585) Bristol, IN 46507
Phone: 574-848-2000
Toll Free: 800-582-3454
✉ upfit@utilimaster.com www.utilimaster.com
W226 N6339 Village Dr. Sussex, WI 53089
Contact: Sunny SchneiderChristensen
Phone: 262-246-5060
Toll Free: 888-633-5633 Fax: 262-246-5065
✉ info@vaportek.com www.vaportek.com
Veolia ES Technical Solutions
107 S. Motor Ave. Asuza, CA 91702
Contact: Gary Saenz Phone: 626-334-5117, ext. 511 Toll Free: 800-395-6726, ext. 511
✉ gary.saenz@veolia.com www.veoliaes.com
4470 W. Sunset Blvd., #152 Los Angeles, CA 90027
Toll Free: 888-847-1888
✉ customerservice@vipcard.com www.vipcard.com
Wawak Sewing Supplies 1059 Powers Road Conklin, NY 13748 Toll Free: 800-654-2235 ✉ customerservice@wawak.com www.wawak.com
Wedding Gown Preservation Co. 709 North St. Endicott, NY 13760 Toll Free: 800-305-3108 ✉ info@gownpreservation.com www.gownpreservation.com
Western DC Computer 5757 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Joel Kim Phone: 773-878-0150 ✉ westernk@msn.com www.westerndccomputer.com
WesVic Systems 500 E. Main St. Turlock, CA 95380
Contact: Chad Boucher Phone: 209-648-5811 Toll Free: 866-781-8130 Fax: 209-667-1036 ✉ chad@wesvic.com www.wesvic.com
Whirlpool Commercial Laundry
2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Chris Brick Phone: 252-292-3677 ✉ christopher_a_brick@ whirlpool.com www.whirlpoolcommercial laundry.com
Phone: 705-737-4062 Toll Free: 866-722-3542 Fax: 705-737-9793 www.winningbrands.com
Ernest Winzer Cleaners PO Box 294 Bronx, NY 10453
Contact: Bruce Barish Phone: 718-294-2400 Toll Free: 877-WINZER-1 Fax: 718-294-2729
✉ borntoclean@ winzercleaners.com www.winzercleaners.com
Without-A-Trace 3344 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Linda Phone: 773-588-4922 Toll Free: 800-475-4922 Fax: 773-588-4919
✉ info@withoutatrace.com www.withoutatrace.com
YAC Corp., Japan 46722 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: 510-623-0700
✉ info@hyac.com www.yaccorporation.com
Zellermayer Corp.
PO Box 13026
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Contact: David Singer
Toll Free: 800-431-2244 Fax: 561-848-2995
✉ zellermayercorp@aol.com
(Air Quality Labs)
WW.A.G. Equipment
598 Burnett Rd.
Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong Phone: 615-830-5959 Fax: 615-754-8191
✉ wagnashville@comcast.net www.wagequipment.com
White Conveyors
10 Boright Ave.
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Phone: 908-686-5700 Toll Free: 800-524-0273
✉ info@white-conveyors.com www.white-conveyors.com
Widmer’s Cleaners 2016 Madison Rd.
2206 11th Ave. West, #3A Seattle, WA 98119
Toll Free: 800-467-3888 Fax: 310-393-5606
✉ info@zerowastemachines.com www.zerowastemachines.com
44 American Drycleaner, February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com
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Established Dry Cleaning/Laundry Plant – Colorado
estate available
PARTS FOR SALE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SELL OR BUY A DRYCLEANER. WE HAVE BUYERS!!! PATRIOT BUSINESS ADVISORS SPECIALIZES IN SELLING DRYCLEANERS IN NJ, PA, DE & MD. CALL LILIANE AT 267-391-7642. CONSULTING Western Wonder Touch POS Systems For Dry Cleaners $990 (refurb) + Free New Cash Drawer Commercial-grade touchscreens (not Dell) Perfect for small to medium cleaners www.westernDCcomputer.com 773-878-0150 westernk@msn.com PLANTS FOR SALE Last Chance For Hoyt Parts. Closing Forever April 1. CALL NOW! Call Parts Pros, Inc. NOW! 800-343-9411 (ask for Tom) We buy used Hoyt Equipment and Petromisers Last 1 Hoyt Parts WANTED Retiring Owners of Successful Businesses Benefit from the Experience our Boutique practice has gained from over 600+ successful Exit Consulting, Succession & Brokerage Assignments in the past two decades. We will guide you-from beginning to endthough the mystery of leaving your most valuable asset.
Ehrenreich &
Consultant, Coach and/or Broker
1-561-302-5031 or 1-888-275-6637.
Springs, Colorado,
standing building. Asking $155,000 and real
for lease or purchase. 1-800-530-2295 Dave Finsterwald NBB, Ltd.
Associates, LLC.
Richard@Ehrenassoc.com 301-924-9247
REWEAVING SERVICES WITHOUT-A-TRACE WEAVERS—More than 50 years’ experience. We are the experts in silks, knits, French weaving and piece weaving. Reasonable prices. Send garments for estimate to: 3344 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL 60659; 800-475-4922; www.withoutatrace.com. SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 800-532-2645 www.comcoil.com Laundry/Dry Cleaning Coils Steam Or Water Replacements Large Inventory • FASTDelivery SUEDE & LEATHER SERVICE LEATHER-RICH INC. • High quality cleaning, refinishing & repair Leather, Suede and Fur; • Free shipping in USA and rewards program FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.leatherrich.com E-mail: leatherrich@att.net Call 800-236-6996 Route Service in Upper Midwest 800.542.7769 // www.arrowleathercare.com Specialists LEATHERCARE SERVICES • Wholesale • High Fashion • Cleaning and Restoration Leather Ad American Drycleaner.indd 1 12/8/14 4:19 PM A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. 1 Ally Equipment Co. ............. 43 Arrow Leathercare Services ....... 47 B&G Lieberman Co. ............. 41 Cleaner Business Systems .......... 3 Cleaner’s Supply 47 Columbia/ILSA BC Commercial Coils 47 Dajisoft 11 Fabricare Management Systems 9 Firbimatic 25 Global Business Systems .......... 39 Hamilton Engineering ............ 17 Iowa Techniques ................. 5 Luetzow Industries 47 M&B Hangers 21 Maineline Computer Systems IFC Methods for Management 46 Mustang Enterprises.............. 35 Newhouse Specialty Co. .......... 47 New York Machinery ............ 23 O’Mara Brothers Equipment 36 Parker Boiler Co. IBC Parts Pros 46 Poseidon Textile Care Systems 33 PROS Parts 46 QuickSort 29 Realstar 31 Royal Basket Trucks ............. 37 Scan Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 SPOT Business Systems ........... 7 Union Drycleaning Products 19 Luetzow Manufactures The Finest Poly Garment Bags Sparkling Ultra Clear - Easy Opening - Crisp Snap Off L U E T Z O W I N D U S T R I E S 1105 Davis Ave South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172 www.eLuetzow.com Luetzow Sparkling Ultra Clear Poly Garment Bags adds that Look of Renewed Freshness and Clearly Protects and Stores Your Customers Cleaned Garments until They Wish to Wear Them. Save Money Buy Factory Direct Free Call - Order Today 800.558.6055 Highest Quality - Lowest Price Clear Clean Protection 21” x 4” x 39” Clear Poly Garment Bags .5 mil - 35 pound Roll 1023 Bags - $37.98* * Call for Pricing details Made in the U.S.A. Since 1956 35 Pounds 1023Bags AMERICANDRYCLEANER For more classifieds, visit: www. .com SUPPLIES
www.americandrycleaner.com American Drycleaner, February 2016 47
DeLuxe Cleaners celebrates 85 years in business
DeLuxe Cleaners, Clifton, N.J., family-owned since Joseph DeLora Sr. opened the doors back in 1930, celebrated its 85th anniversary in November.
Second-generation owner Patrick DeLora Sr. took over the business in the 1950s. Today, his children, Patrick DeLora Jr. and Linda DeLora, run things, having taken ownership in the 1990s.
The third-generation owners still adhere to the original objectives set by their grandfather, which focused on providing a high-quality finished product with exceptional customer service.
“The only way we could have made it for 85 years is through the loyalty our customers have shown throughout the years,” says DeLora Jr. “We are so grateful to each and every one of them.”
The two were eager to share news of the milestone with customers that both have grown up with.
“We have a lot of old-time customers. A lot were aware of the anniversary. We did some in-store promotion, put some old pictures up, did some social media stuff. I think they like dealing with a company that they can count on.”
DeLuxe Cleaners employs more than 35 people. Over the years, the business has expanded its services to include tuxedo rental and sales (run by family member Robert Genuardi); free pickup and delivery (now
expanded throughout northern New Jersey); free afterhours pickup and delivery to Clifton residents; wedding gown restoration and preservation; drapery and linen cleaning; expert alterations; Ugg cleaning; shoe shine and repair; and on-premise fur storage, cleaning and repairs.
It still maintains just the one store, preferring instead to expand its delivery operation covering a five-county area.
Magazine ranks dry cleaners among Top 500 franchises
Franchise Times, a trade magazine covering the franchise community, has named four franchises offering drycleaning services among those in its annual Top 200+ for 2015.
The Franchise Times Top 200+ is an annual ranking of the 200 largest franchise systems in the U.S. by global systemwide sales, based on the previous year’s performance. This year, for the fourth time, it also ranked the next 300 systems, for a total of 500.
Making the 2015 list:
• COIT, Burlingame, Calif., No. 304; 46 U.S. locations, system sales of $107,000,000
• Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN), Berkeley, Mich., No. 306; 136 U.S. locations, system sales of $105,210,946
• Comet Cleaners, Arlington, Texas, No. 333; 195 U.S. locations, system sales of $83,736,000
• ZIPS Dry Cleaners, No. 410; 40 U.S. locations, system sales of $40,000,000
The publication uses a combination of companies’ voluntary reports and publicly available data, including the franchises’ most recent franchise disclosure documents and Securities and Exchange Commission filings.
To qualify, a company must be a legal U.S. franchise. Franchisees must own at least 15% of the company’s total units. The company must also be based in the United States, or have at least 10% of its total units in the United States.
The top five franchises among all industries were McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, KFC, Subway and Burger King. ADC
48 American
February 2016 www.americandrycleaner.com AROUND THE INDUSTRY
Outside, DeLuxe Cleaners has maintained the original art deco look from the late 1950s, including neon lights. (Photo: DeLuxe Cleaners)
Steam Boilers
Steam Boilers
101-105 Series
101-105 Series
We expect 15 to 25 years from our interchangeable tube bundles, and 30 to 40 years of life our more out the boiler.
We expect 15 to 25 years from our interchangeable tube bundles, and 30 to 40 years of life our more out the boiler.
Indirect Fired Water Heaters
Indirect Fired Water Heaters
209-211 Series
We normally expect 10-25 years out of the copper heat exchanger, 30 to 40 years out of the boiler.
We normally expect 10-25 years out of the copper heat exchanger, 30 to 40 years out of the boiler.
Thermal Liquid Heaters
Thermal Liquid Heaters
207 Series
207 Series
We expect 30 to 50 years out of our thermal fluid heater models
We expect 30 to 50 years out of our thermal fluid heater models
A S M E S or H
A S M E S or H
Certified Rule 1146.2
209-211 Series
209-211 Series
Model WH600 Indirect Water Heater
On all of the above units we have continued to build, and will continue to have available any part of the pressure vessel, burners, cabinet, and controls meaning that for as long as a customer wants, they will be able to infinitely repair their equipment rather than replace the equipment.
On all of the above units we have continued to build, and will continue to have available any part of the pressure vessel, burners, cabinet, and controls meaning that for as long as a customer wants, they will be able to infinitely repair their equipment rather than replace the equipment.
We are asked by many new and existing customers on what is our projected life expectancy of our products. We are not always the lowest initial price but know we have one of the lowest cost of ownership of any boiler manufactured in North America. These facts are based on our 90 plus years of boiler manufacturing, feedback and experiences from our end users, service departments, and all of our representatives and dealers worldwide. These life spans are based on our boilers being installed properly, and do receive our minimal recommended care, are applied to the correct application, and include the proper maintenance and water treatment programs.
We are asked by many new and existing customers on what is our projected life expectancy of our products. We are not always the lowest initial price but know we have one of the lowest cost of ownership of any boiler manufactured in North America. These facts are based on our 90 plus years of boiler manufacturing, feedback and experiences from our end users, service departments, and all of our representatives and dealers worldwide. These life spans are based on our boilers being installed properly, and do receive our minimal recommended care, are applied to the correct application, and include the proper maintenance and water treatment programs.
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Model WH600 Indirect Water Heater Shown Never a Compromise for Quality or Safety sales@parkerboiler.com www.parkerboiler.com
5930 Bandini Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90040
Tel: (323) 727-9800 Fax: (323) 722-2848
Certified Rule 1146.2
Never a Compromise for Quality or Safety sales@parkerboiler.com www.parkerboiler.com
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