American Drycleaner - May 2016

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® May 2016 TEXCARE INTL. GOES BIG IN ’16 LOCAL POLITICS YOUR WAY © Copyright 2016 American Trade Magazines All rights reserved.

But they still deliver the high performance you've come to trust.

Spray one on to remove ground-in soil, collar and cuff stains, perspiration, etc. right in the wheel. No brushing, flushing or waiting required. They work at leveling too!


And now that they're low odor, they're more pleasant to work with. So breathe easy!

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May 2016 Vol. 83, No. 2 DEPARTMENTS

Pre-Inspection 4 Management Strategies 38 Olympics Fever and Your Visibility Diana Vollmer Spotting Tips 41 Nail Polish and You Martin Young Calendar of Events 43 Around the Industry 44 Classified Advertising 46 Advertiser Index 47 Wrinkle In Time 48 The Man From D.A.R.C.O.


Exhibit In Print

Booths full of products and equipment await your fingertips in our Exhibit In Print. Enjoy new listings, redesigned in color, including website addresses for fast look-ups, all from the comfort of your armchair.


Big is the Word for Texcare 2016

The international textile care show convenes again in Frankfurt, Germany, next month. More than 16,000 attendees will view products, equipment and services from hundreds of exhibitors, now expanded into two halls. That’s what’s big!

Tim Burke, Editor


Local Politics: Pull Strings Your Way

Learn about ways to work through local politics and your community’s movers and shakers to improve your business position.

Phillip Perry

Special Note: Have you visited us on Facebook lately, where Editor Tim Burke is posting regularly? Stop by, check us out, “Like” us (if you like), and join in the conversation. We’re missing you already, so c’mon and get in the action!


Scan this QR Code for help in finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!

American Drycleaner,
(Cover Photo: ©iStockphoto/vm)

“Business has never been better.”

“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”

“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”

800.406.9649 We Speak Cleaner
800.406.9649 We Speak Cleaner
PhilLandauer, OwnerofPierceCleaners has never been better.”
BrentRamenofsky BostonCleaners

Around the World and Back

So, I’m talking with many of you about what’s unique at your stores. Among varied topics, music comes up a lot. Quite a few of you have music playing in your plant for customers and employees, and the day flows better because of it. (A story for another issue, for sure.)

Rock music is the choice of most, and a couple of you shared your favorites. Two of you mentioned Bob Seger and surprisingly both mentioned his tune Roll Me Away. I suspect motorcycle riders both! (You can find the song on YouTube.)

Tim Burke

This tune just happens to play right into my theme, as we’re going to “roll you away” to different places within our May issue.

American Drycleaner has published its special, everyother-year Exhibit in Print section before, but never in

Publisher Charles Thompson 312-361-1680

Editorial Director Bruce Beggs 312-361-1683

Editor Tim Burke 312-361-1684

National Sales Director

Donald Feinstein 312-361-1682

Digital Media Director

Nathan Frerichs 312-361-1681

Production Manager

Roger Napiwocki

color! It’s newly re-designed this year. Roll down our aisles and check out booths full of new products and equipment, starting on page 6.

Next, roll over to Germany for a preview of the big Texcare International show, coming to Frankfurt in June.

Right after that, roll local with business writer Phillip Perry as he suggests clever ways to make local politics work for your business in a positive way.

Don’t stop now! Columnist Diana Vollmer takes you rolling to Rio as she writes about the upcoming Summer Olympics and ways you can promote your business in your sports-minded community.

Spotting expert Martin Young rolls it back home with his always useful Spotting Tips column, this time focusing on how to defeat nail polish stains.

You’re itching to play Roll Me Away now, aren’t you? OK, then get on with it. Anyway, it plays nicely in the background as you read the issue!

Advisory Board

Steven Dubinski Lawton Jones Mike Nesbit Herron Rowland Fred Schwarzmann

Contributing Editors

Howard Scott Diana Vollmer Martin Young

Main: 312-361-1700 Fax: 312-361-1685


Subscriptions 630-739-0900 x100 www.american

American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 83, number 2. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.

© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2016. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.

American Drycleaner, May 2016


American Drycleaner’s Armchair Trade Show Arrives

We Make This EASY For You

There’s a trade show happening in your armchair. Don’t get up. Strike the pose of a relaxed business professional as you fingerwalk our 2016 Exhibit In Print.

There might not be a Clean Show this year, however, there is the Entertaining American Drycleaner “armchair” trade Show just for You ….aka The EASY.

Step down our aisles and check out companies, products and equipment that you can look at and think about with comfort and relaxation.

That’s why we’ve created this easy-to-use exhibit awaiting you in the pages you hold.

Kick back with your favorite cup of hot joe or bubbly cold soda pop, put on your slippers, get your favorite bag of munchies ready, situate them right at your elbow, and take a fingertip “walk” along our Exhibit In Print, enjoying the great convenience of your own drycleaning industry-specific event right from the comfort of your favorite chair.

Just turn pages in The EASY and enjoy booths packed full of product punch.

See something you like? A website and phone number at the bottom of each booth provide you with the convenience to look it up quickly on the web or make one phone call to get more details.

No hurrying back after an exhibit to try and get online when you’re sleepy, hungry and exhaust ed. We’ve taken all that away. Slip into your favorite recliner and let us make your booth-surf experience fun, put it in your own terms, use it in your own style.

Go ahead now. Take it EASY. Have a great time browsing the 2016 Exhibit In Print

Itsumi USA

Itsumi USA now offers the BT-150A Single Buck Press Unit for shirt finishing jobs. This unit’s vac uum power is twice as strong as the company’s BT-100A-S unit and offers added backstroke func tionality along with higher blower pressure and adjustable sleeve angle.

This Gardena, Calif.-based company specializes in the exclusive manufacture and distribution of shirt finishing equipment. A full line of Itsumi USA finishing machines is featured on the company’s website along with several 4minute equipment demo videos showing them in action.

“We pursue innovation in designing and manu facturing of our products through exhaustive devel opment and research to match the U.S. popula tion’s body shape,” the company says.

Itsumi says its patented design of the buck move ment ensures the most energy-efficient operation and produces superior finishing quality for today’s market.

“Our patented design also contributes to the reli ability of our products so there is minimum down time in your production schedule,” the company fur ther notes. “Let Itsumi USA products be your choice if you are trying to have quality shirt finishing.”

Itsumi USA shirt finishing equipment featured in the videos on its website includes the Double Buck BT-500 and Single Buck BT-150. With the click of your mouse, you can not only watch but hear the equipment being used in actual plant settings and exhibits — you’ll feel like you’re standing right there! 310-532-0534

May 2016
American Drycleaner,
(Photo: ©iStockphoto/bradwieland) (Photo: ©iStockphoto/vm)

Parker Boiler Co.

ParkerView Lead Lag (PV-LL) panels provide a complete boiler control and monitoring system. They are custom-designed for each application and can accommodate the control and monitor ing of various equipment, the company says. PV-LL can monitor the system set point and stage the boil ers to meet load requirements.

PV-LLs are successfully inte grated to many front-end BMS software systems and can transmit if the boilers are on, their temperature, system pressure, alarm conditions and other useful information, Parker Boiler says.

A modem is provided for remote access through your phone or computer to a custombuilt dashboard. Having a modem installed gives Parker Boiler the ability to provide live online support during a start-up and make any necessary updates to the PLC. 323-727-9800

SPOT Business Systems

Since 1990, SPOT Business Systems has provided highly reliable, state-of-theart touchscreen-based drycleaning pointof-sale software and systems, according to the company.

In addition to hundreds of user-friendly features, new capabilities include: PPOH Production Trac; consumer-based mobile app; inte grated payment processing with support for swipe/ contactless/ApplePay credit cards; conveyorless Assisted Assembly or interfaces to all major conveyor systems; route GPS interface with Google mapping;


Poseidon Textile Care System delivers wetcleaning, ironing and drying results without shrinkage or damage to delicate fabrics, the company says. Thanks to Poseidon, an array of items can be safely wet-cleaned and dried, including tailored wool suits, cashmere sweaters, silk wedding dresses, and more.

Poseidon Wetcleaning Machines offer pre-set and customizable program options – delivering unrivaled flexibility, the company says. Nearly every variable of the wetclean ing process is programmable.

Poseidon Dryers precisely, gently remove residual mois ture from delicate items. “The dryer’s key feature is its ability to create steps in the dry cycle similar to what we see in the wash cycle,” says Jeffrey Quail, co-owner of Poseidon.

Poseidon Flatwork Ironers quickly iron flat goods at maximum productivity and “allow dry cleaners to provide customers with crisply finished table linens, runners and napkins, or to cater to hospitality accounts with expertly ironed duvets and bed linens,” adds Michael “Stucky” Szczotka, Poseidon co-owner. 248-457-1140

CustomerConnect web interface; and Route Trac mobile, Restoration Trac mobile and SPOT Dashboard for web-based systemwide dry cleaning. The company began cloud-based SPOT software host ing services in 1999, providing true real-time data central ization with robust data backup methodology. Customer support services offer advanced call-center equipment, real-time Internet connectivity to customer workstations, and competent staff of support representatives. 801-208-2212

American Drycleaner, May 2016

8 • 888.299.9493 Drycleaning Management at Your Fingertips Fabricare Manager Fabricare Manager’s point of sale system is the ultimate blend of power and simplicity. And if you ever need help, our technical support is known as the friendliest and most responsive in the industry. Now also available in the Cloud. Touch and Go!

Union Drycleaning Products

Since its inception in 1976, Union has been the benchmark by which all other drycleaning systems are measured, the company says. It leads the field in high-quality design and construction, incorporating continual advances in technology made possible by the industry’s most creative and visionary research team, Union adds.

The new Union “Cloud” is a machine that uses no solvent at all; it does require some water and laundrybased detergent. The process uses only about 1 gal lon of water for the cleaning process and 14 gallons of

Global Business Systems

SortingRobo is an automatic assembly and garment tracking system from Global Business Systems. With SortingRobo, an operator will be able to electronically track garments and assemble orders without any human error. The company says using SortingRobo can lower labor costs up to 75%.

A dry cleaning operation can reduce staff by using a permanent bar-code tag system, high-speed automated garment tracking and an assembly machine.

SortingRobo has a built-in invoice printer, a touch monitor, and helps an operator com municate with POS systems and other multiple stores. 800-717-2507

water for the drying process. A cloud of detergent and water coats the garments in the drum, then dry steam is used to flush the detergent, water and dirt from the garments. A small amount of non-toxic waste is drained out to a conven tional drain, then the garments are dried using warm air and a fan motor.

Union machines are environmentally friendly. The company has a wide range of models available for use with Class IIIA solvents. 800-433-9401


When clothing and other fabric items in a home are damaged by a fire or flood, the homeowner and their insurance company both benefit when these items are restored instead of replaced. As a result, CRDN, America’s larg est and leading orga nization of textile spe cialists, has become the insurance indus try’s premier solution for textile restoration, the company reports.

CRDN offers a complete, easy-to-implement system to restore textile items that also provides a valuable diver sification strategy for dry cleaners seeking growth that is unaffected by economic cycles.

CRDN created the textile restoration category and remains the category leader in the U.S. and Canada with a respected reputation among all insurance carriers, says the company. Textile restoration can provide additional revenue to your business, and CRDN provides you all the tools you need to make it happen. 248-654-7002

May 2016
American Drycleaner,
Computer Systems Free cordless scanner with our Garment Verification System! SOFTWARE FAST EFFECTIVE AFFORDABLE!& POWERED BY DAJISOFT LET’S WORK TOGETHER: (888) 325-4763 ❱❱ DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) is even simpler to use than before SUPPORT LIKE NO OTHER Ask us about our DCPe Rental ❱❱ Built in marketing and e-mail functionality Designed for both small and large stores THAT IS

Texcare International

Texcare International is the world’s leading international trade show for the laundry cleaning and textile rent al sectors, management firm Messe Frankfurt says. The event occurs once every four years, and the next edition is coming up June 11-15 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The show is a major driving force in the modern textile care market and offers an exclusive premiere of technical innovations, and sustain able and energy-efficient solutions.


Firbimatic believes that its EcoGreen Series models are the fastest, most efficient alternativesolvent machines on the market. The EcoGreen models feature innovations to reduce water and electrical consumption while increasing solvent mileage, the company says.

Firbimatic has also introduced a new combination to maximize

Ally Equipment

Ally Equipment Co. (AEC) has provided quality equipment, parts and service to drycleaning, laundry and coin laundry owners since 1987. Started by Craig Riddle (who now has more than 30 years of experi ence) and his wife, Mary Jean, and joined soon after by John Allen, a 27-year industry veteran, AEC

More than 260 exhibitors from 25-plus countries are expected to show their products to more than 16,000 visitors from more than 100 countries over the show’s five days. Traditionally, the show was only in Hall 8, but due to the growth of the industry and the show, Texcare International will now be in Halls 8

and 9 for the first time. There will also be a forum, Texcare Forum 2016, during which four top subjects in the industry will be discussed: training and career, the future of tex tiles and functions, sustainability and resource efficiency, and Industry 4.0.

Buying your ticket online at www. will allow you to pur chase a discounted ticket and pro vide you free public transportation on the local RMV network to and from the fairgrounds. 770-984-8016

EcoGreen models and available on all alternative-solvent machines to enhance the solvent’s cleaning power.

“cleanability.” A new solventheating system and jet spray are now standard features on the

Firbimatic EcoGreen models decrease the amount of spotting required and reduce wrinkles, which increases finishing produc tion, the company says. Firbimatic equipment is covered under warranty. 800-220-0630

has earned its reputation as the Intermountain West’s best choice for equipment expertise.

Gregg Townsend joined the Ally

American Drycleaner, May 2016

team in 2007 after more than 25 years at Kent Thomas, where he offered parts and troubleshooting to Ajax owners nationwide. Together, Riddle, Allen and Townsend boast more than 80 years of experience in solving dry cleaners’ equipment, ser vice and parts needs, the company says. 801-255-9646


A.L. Wilson Chemical Co.

Discover environmentally friendly stain remov ers from A.L. Wilson. The company suggests perc users, as well as alternative solvent users, replace traditional POG and VDS with TarGo®EF and EasyGo®, two of Wilson’s high-perfor mance, cost-effective, California-compliant stain removers. These products help dry cleaners avoid future regu latory and reme diation nightmares, the company says, while providing customers with the garment quality they are looking for.

The EasyGo spray spotter quickly penetrates to absorb collar and cuff stains, perspiration, ground-in soil and more, all without brushing. Turn to TarGo EF to remove any tough oil-based stains that remain behind. 800-526-1188

Unisec USA

Unisec USA is pleased to announce its new EasySec E model Dry Cleaning Machines. The company has main tained most of the standard features of its highly popular N model machines, such as stainless steel construction of all components that come in contact with solvent or solvent vapors.

The major change is the use of a standard, watercooled refrigeration system instead of an air-cooled heat pump system. This change has allowed Unisec to reduce the price of its E models as compared to the N models.

All EasySec machines now come with a built-in soap tank with a low-level alarm that alerts the operator as to when soap should be ordered. 855-600-3636


The Enlite POS system by ScanQ offers simplicity, efficiency and secu rity, the company says. It takes clean ers and their employees less than 20 minutes to learn how to use the system.

A menu screen can be edited to meet the user’s needs and make every transaction more efficient. Enlite offers a wide range of reports for market ing, accounting and employee activity that will increase revenue, help establish better relationships with custom ers, and prevent employee theft, ScanQ says.

Its software also features heat-seal tech nology, billing services, master accounts, multi-store management, garment manage ment services and more. These features were created to work together with com plete operational automation.

ScanQ invites cleaners to try out its soft ware before making a purchasing decision. “Go to, download Enlist POS for free and see why there are already thousands of dry cleaners around the world that are using our software,” the company says. 678-240-9090

American Drycleaner, May 2016

Hamilton Engineering

Hamilton Engineering combines its proven water-heating technology with your wasted con densate and excess steam energy to provide all of the hot water your laundry needs! “The Eliminator” can provide substantial quantities of hot water, just from the wasted energy in your condensate, the company says. If larger quantities of hot water are required, a tank with a second heat ing coil is available to heat water using excess steam capacity. By eliminating your gas-fired water heat er, you would eliminate:

• a iti nal installati n costs;

• heater aintenance and operation;

• the nee r a iti nal c usti n air openings for proper operation;

• tr u les e ent a pers

• a iti nal installati n c sts an • requent replace ent c sts 800-968-5530

EZProducts International

EzProducts International, locat ed in Florida, has manufactured heat-seal presses since 1989. There are three models: EzPress®, PopUpPress® and AirPress®. With these presses, you can apply per manent heat-seal labels to your customers’ garments for identification. This will eliminate the cost of paper tags and the labor to apply them.

The company has printers for text labels and can print sequentially numbered bar-code heat-seal labels and ship them to you in one day. EZProducts’ heat-seal presses

Cleaner Business Systems

Cleaner Business Systems is a browser-based software application designed to help dry cleaners get more con trol over their businesses and become more profitable.

Cleaner Business Systems is used by cleaners of all types and sizes to increase profitability, grow business and save time, the company says. Smaller operations wishing to modernize the front end and control cash will like the software’s detailed report ing, easy-to-use interface and time-saving functionality. Larger operations with mul tiple locations can use CBS Connected to manage stores from almost anywhere, maxi mizing control.

Cleaner Business Systems offers specialized proce dures for other types of cleaners as well. One-price/ pre-pay cleaners enjoy streamlined payments and a lot manager, the company says, while hotel and valet ser vices can use CBS’ commercial accounts function, which offers structured, commission-based billing statements. 800-406-9649

have interchangeable lower platens, are lightweight, have a small footprint and have advanced features. The presses have the highest safety certification in the world, TUV SUD, and are approved by UL and OSHA, the company says. Its newest product, HangerMagic, is a tabletop machine capable of making 225 different styles and sizes of hangers in your facility. The hangers are made from durable, American-made wire that will not fall off the racks in delivery vans or jam in assembly systems, the company says. 877-906-1818

American Drycleaner, May 2016



Becoming the top-selling drycleaning machinery brand in the United States doesn’t happen by accident. Thanks to its keen understanding of how to use solvents to obtain the highest level of garment care, and a sharp focus on the needs of shop owners, Columbia/ ILSA Drycleaning Systems has emerged as the No. 1-selling machine, the company says.

Columbia/ILSA understands that all solvents are not created equal. The company offers its complete line of machines as “The Evolution of Clean.” You pick the sol

Computer Connections

Computer Connections Inc. believes its WinCleaners management software is the lead ing technology for drycleaning point of sales. WinCleaners’ user-friendly interface has more than 300 configuration options that makes each copy unique to its individual user. Key features:

• ar ea y an ecurring harge secure, easy credit card processing.

• n i i uali e es n ust er ey Tag and Invoices — garment status 24/7.

• ur n leaners pp pp lay t re

• Heat seal agging ulti c l r e ge heat seal labels available.

• ut sse ly achine nter ace nter ace Metalprogetti, Q-Sort, and White Conveyor.

• eigh r earch ar eting l cate pr spec tive customers by geography.

• ic up an eli ery yste acc unts receivable billing for pickup and delivery.

• ase se esigne ith t uch screen 800-684-6650

vent, and leave the process to it — simple as that. Columbia/ILSA builds engineering concepts and design elements into every model, as a direct result of its ability to listen and to understand customers’ needs.

Columbia/ILSA’s reputation for developing the most technologically advanced system in the world is unmatched, the company says. From its patented Quick Dri Series to the state-of-the-art iPura Hybrid System, Columbia/ILSA has changed the course of the industry for generations to come. 800-446-5634

Garment Management Systems

QuickSort and QuickSeal are innovative products of Garment Management Systems (GMS). The vision of GMS is to provide revolutionary automation that is costeffective, effortless and dependable. Brett McLeod, GMS’ founder, has been design ing and installing automated equipment for more than a decade, providing dry clean ers, hotels, casinos and oth ers with solutions.

QuickSort automated assembly systems are an efficient, space-saving auto mated assembly option that won’t break the bank, the company says. The system, with its proprietary software, makes short order out of assembly. Bar-code technology coupled with a versatile assembly conveyor will reduce your labor and increase your accuracy.

QuickSeal heat-seal machines are manufactured spe cifically for the drycleaning industry for use in applying bar-code labels to garments. The machine is a heavyduty, auto-opening, small-format heat press. Easy to use, its small size allows for use on any work table surface. 501-420-1682

American Drycleaner,
Available in 25 lb, 40 lb, 50 lb, 60 lb, 75 lb and 90 lb. All components that come in contact with liquid solvent or solvent vapors are constructed of high grade stainless steel including the tanks, piping, valves and outer shell. No distillation. After 15 years of experience, using EM Technology, our customers are averaging one filter change every 9-18 months (depending on volume). No water, no steam with the ability to use water and steam when needed. Uses EM technology. Two tanks, no need to store extra solvent. UNISEC USA/ DIVISION OF NEW YORK MACHINERY 609 Chancellor Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 TEL: 973) 372-0100 855) 600-3636 FAX: 973) 375-0200 Visit our website at The Standard of Excellence in Dry Cleaning ®

Iowa Techniques

Your store closed three minutes ago. Bad news for your customer, and worse news for you!

Owning an Iowa Techniques Drop Box means your drycleaning operation is never truly closed, the company says.

If you were your cus tomer, when would you find time to come to your shop?

Leonard Automatics

Leonard Automatics offers a full line of pressing and tensioning equipment that can improve your production and quality without breaking your budget, the company says. Coupling this with its tunnel finishing line, Leonard says that it has become the only complete, full-line finishing supplier in the U.S. Standard features on most

Fabricare Management Systems

A convenient, 24-hour dropoff solution for “after-hours” cus tomers enables an operation to keep business rather than driving customers to the competition. Be the most convenient business in town with an Iowa Techniques Drop Box — both free-

presses incorporate two aluminum cylinders for closing and pressing, safety guards, stainless steel tables, and other features.

In addition to the traditional pressing and tensioning equipment available, Leonard offers a spotting table that is both hot and cold with built-in vacuum; a Rotor Cabinet that provides processing flexibility

standing (garment bags are easy to remove from the locked lower stor age area) and wall (can be mounted through glass windows or through walls up to a foot thick) versions are available.

Iowa Techniques can also provide you with rails to fit your delivery van, no matter what you’re driving — mini, regular, stretch, Transit, or Sprinter.

The company’s rail kits require no welding and are easy to install. 800-727-1592

like never before; and a Shirtmaster TST for high-quality executive finished shirts.

Visit the company’s website to find out more and to see the full line. Additionally, Leonard is offering a discount of up to 25% to buyers until June 30. 704-483-9316

Fabricare Management Systems contin ues to add new, breakthrough products and features to its lineup, the company reports. The latest version of Fabricare Manager sup ports EMV chip card processing along with Apple Pay and Android Pay for merchant security and consumer choice. Combined with the company’s secure end-to-end encryption devices and card-on-file tokeniza tion, Fabricare Manager continues to lead the industry in secure payments for dry cleaners, the company says. Another Fabricare Manager option introduced is our

new touch-screen interface for the Metalprogetti 24/7 kiosk. It has the flex ibility to allow you to create your own custom website as the home page, opening up infinite possibilities in con necting with your customers, says the company. Create custom signage with logos, advertise discounts or create membership regis tration pages. Whatever you can put on a website, you can put on the kiosk for your customers to see when they pick up and drop off. 888-299-9493

American Drycleaner, May 2016


Sometimes We Like To Strut Our Stuff.

No assembly required. The complete Drapery Strut hanger from M&B Hangers is produced totally in-house from 10.5 gauge wire and a strong high-quality tube. Ideal for drapes, table cloths, and comforters, the M&B Drapery Strut hanger comes complete in a 200-pack box 100% assembled and ready to strut its stuff.

To try our Drapery Strut, go to to find your local distributor, or call 888-699-5644 to speak with one of our customer service representatives.

M&B Hangers

Now in its fourth generation of operation, M&B Hangers was founded in 1943 with Milton Magnus Sr. at the helm; now Milton Magnus IV is the company’s vice president. M&B Hangers has proudly produced wire garment hang ers in the United States for more than 70 years, and has always been family-owned with family values.

M&B is constantly looking for ways to become a bet ter environmental leader. The company proudly uses recy cled steel in its hangers, and the most up-to-date, environ mentally safe coatings. Hanger boxes are made by local manufacturers that believe in sustainability, and tube and cape paper employs recycled scrap.

The company also gives back to the community by getting involved with the United Way, the American Cancer Society and several local charities. M&B believes in the “Three Ps” — People, Planet & Profit. 800-227-0436


With more than 3,000 installa tions, Dajisoft’s DryClean PRO is the choice of the most successful cleaners in the trade, the company says, thanks to its ease of use, reliability and versatility. With timetested, advanced features such as auto-marketing and per-piece item tracking, DryClean PRO lets dry cleaners concentrate on customers and the business while it takes care of unnecessary hassles.

Mustang Enterprises Ltd.

For more than 30 years, Mustang Enterprises Ltd. has earned an outstanding reputation among users of drycleaning and laundry equip ment for being a responsive, dependable sup plier of new and used machinery, parts and service, the company says.

The company stocks only the best lines of new equipment at its San Antonio, Texas, head quarters and warehouse, along with a large selection of used and reconditioned equipment. Mustang also offers an expansive selection of replacement equipment.

Mustang stocks an extensive inventory of parts for most major brands, and its knowledge able staff awaits your call for parts and trouble shooting, the company says. Staffers are spe cialists in the design and installation of complete plants, the company adds, so whether you need a single part or an entire production floor, you can count on Mustang. 866-734-3644

time employee performance, or zoom in to locate a lost item.

The new DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) offers even more labor-sav ing, item-tracking and cash-control features. DCPe lets owners control the entire drycleaning operation online from anywhere in the world, whether they want to view a store’s executive summary, monitor real-

Final Verification uses barcoding technology to ensure 100% accuracy for assembled garments. Simply scan bar-coded tags on assembled garments in each order printed by DryClean PRO Enterprise. Upon encountering a misplaced garment or an incomplete order, Final Verification’s audible alarm alerts the user to the mistake. 888-325-4763

American Drycleaner, May 2016

Delta Drycleaning Equipment 918 East Ten Mile Road Hazel Park, MI 48030 Phone: 248-789-4980 Fax: 248-545-8131 Email:

Royal Basket Trucks

Royal Basket Trucks says it strives to offer efficient material-handling solu tions and a valuable long-term invest ment. Royal produces a full line of bas ket trucks, poly trucks, bulk linen carts, wire laundry carts, hampers and more.

Efficiency is important when trans porting and processing laundry, but even more important is ensuring that the process is done correctly the first time, says the company. By investing in Royal’s Poly Scale Cart, your company can do just that.

Maineline Computer Systems

Maineline Computer Systems designs, sells, installs and supports Compassmax software. With a focus on creating innovative and customized solutions for the evolving fabricare marketplace, Compassmax is the most complete technologi cal solution available in the industry, the company reports.

Maineline now offers hosting with Compassmax Cloud. The company calls it the most secure hosting option in the industry, with data being repli cated on up to six servers in different geographic areas. The software combines advanced features with an easy-to-use interface. The newest version offers many improved features, including enriched HTML-based e-mail templates, report ing, route, account and billing enhancements. Additionally, an online customer gateway is available to allow customers to schedule a pickup, change personal preferences, and check order status. 800-354-2525

The Poly Scale Cart features a molded poly tub, in 6- or 8-bushel capacity, mount ed to a powder-coated tubular steel frame. The frame houses a digital scale rated for up to 250 pounds, backed by a lifetime war ranty. This unit allows accurate weighing of soiled linens to support the proper loading of a washer; correct chemical and water usage; lower maintenance costs from over worked equipment; and less rewash. Legalfor-trade scales are also available for any retail laundry processing. 800-426-6447


Realstar is an established company that has earned itself a reputation as one of the highest-quality manu facturers of drycleaning machines, the company notes. It boasts a complete range of solutions for the most demand ing of dry cleaners. You will find Realstar machines versatile, practical, and eco nomical, the com pany adds.

The KM-C Series is the latest addition to Realstar’s line of machines, available in 40- and 60-pound capacities. This series has self-cleaning, round solvent tanks. These new models feature non-distillation dry cleaning, and an air-cooled refrigeration system that requires no water, designed to save costs of acquisi tion and operation while at the same time protecting our environment.

Professional dry cleaners know they can count on Realstar technology and design to produce the finest possible cleaning results utilizing Class IIIA solvents, the company says. 888-822-7827

May 2016
American Drycleaner,

BIG is the Word for Texcare International 2016

Frankfurt trade show grows, shows off industry advances, reinventions— and sheer seam-bursting size

Big and growing bigger describes Texcare International 2016. Not only in the number of people sojourning to this event but in the actual physical size of the exhibit space. You might say it’s bursting its seams.

More visitors than the 2012 show (16,000) are expected to step through the entrance to view hundreds of exhibitors. Growth does come with interesting learning experiences.

This year’s Texcare International event is packed full of exciting new areas of interest such as tech innovations and sustainability, show managers say. Because of so many more exhibitors and attendees, the show will expand to take over another entire exhibit hall to accommodate everyone journeying to Frankfurt for the June 11-15 spectacle.

That’s the type of growth that drycleaning industry leaders want and expect. Texcare is poised to deliver. Topics brought together during this five-day festival of all things textiles cover everything from fiber to machine.

For the first time, the international industry will be showcasing its innovations and new developments across the whole range of modern textile care, reports Messe Frankfurt, the managing host of the big show.

Wolfgang Marzin, president and CEO of Messe Frankfurt, says, “We are very glad to see the strong demand for Texcare 2016. In this way, the trade fair will be offering its visitors an even wider and more international range.

Through this growth, Texcare is underlining its importance as a leading international trade fair for the industry.”

Going digital is also a hot topic this year, as well as buzz about the expected upturn in business prospects, particularly in Europe.

The megatrend at Texcare International is the digitaliza-

WHAT: Texcare International: World Market for Modern Textile Care WHERE: Frankfurt am Main, Germany

WHEN: June 11-15, 2016

tion of processes, Messe Frankfurt indicates in a recent update. This development is also reflected in a growing range of information-technology products at the trade fair.

Thanks to modern identification technologies such as RFID, clothes and textiles today can be allocated to the customer problem-free in the laundry, notes Messe Frankfurt. In this way, goods flow automatically, and even the intelligent wardrobe on the customer’s premises can trigger an order.

That all processes, machinery and data are linked and optimally visualized is a prerequisite for the smart fabric of the future, the show organizer further notes.

Digital control is also one of the main topics at Texcare, which include sustainability, innovative textiles and their treatment, and changes to job profile.

The textile care industry is constantly

26 American Drycleaner, May 2016
(Photos: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Petra Welzel)
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A A1 S.r.l.

ABG Systems S.r.l.

ABS Laundry Business Solutions

ABZ Zierler GesmbH & Co KG

Adamjee Enterprises

AdvanTex Software GmbH & Co. KG

All Japan Laundry and Drycleaning Association

Alliance Laundry Systems • ALUX A. Wieckowski

Alvi S.R.L.

Angeline Group Ltd.

Anghinetti & Camptel srl

AquaRecycle LLC

Artmecc di Fornaro Renato

AS-Shop Ladeneinrichtungs- und Messestände GmbH • ASA Horst Wieber GmbH • ATS-Tanner Banding Systems AG • Automated Packaging Systems Ltd. • Autovalet Systems • AVILON LTD • AVS FBI & Sept .fr + US Lab B Bandall International • BARBANTI S.r.l. • Bartex SCRL • Battistella B.G. S.R.L. • beck packautomaten GmbH & Co. KG • Beepee Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. • Beirholms Vaeverier A/S • Bergparma S.r.l. • BG Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse • Biar S.r.l. Ausiliari Biochimici • Bieffe S.r.l. Unipersonale • BIKO Engineering AG • BIMAP srl • BÖWE Textile Cleaning GmbH • BOLDODUC SAS • Borch Textile Group A/S • Brändl Textil GmbH • BRENTARENO S.r.l. • F.W. Brügelmann Söhne GmbH & Co. KG • BÜFA Reinigungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG • BurnusHychem GmbH • Bussetti & Co. GmbH C CARBONELL Compania Anonima • Cargo Pak S.R.L. • Catinet S.L. • CBAmachines N.V. • Certuss Dampfautomaten GmbH & Co. KG • Chicago Dryer Co. • Christeyns N.V. • CHT R. Beitlich GmbH

reinventing itself, with ongoing development in mechanical engineering, washing and enviro-tech, reports Messe Frankfurt. A textile’s sustainability is determined above all by its usage. The industry is committed to improving the general ecological and ethical conditions under which it operates.

Efficiency of resources and sustainability will be central topics at Texcare. The latest developments in mechanical engineering and detergent chemistry will further encourage the proper use of resources.

“A successful concept of sustainability includes the optimum interplay of sustainability principles and collaboration by players who are pursuing the same goal,” explains Robert Long, secretary general of the European Textile Services Association (ETSA), based in Brussels.

“Products and processes should have a minimum impact on the environment and still be efficient,” notes Long. “At the same time, they must enjoy a high level of functionality, which guarantees a business’ success. This, in turn, ensures jobs under good social conditions.”

A major step in implementing comprehensive sustainability is an effective network, Messe Frankfurt reports. It bundles the industry’s requirements, encourages the exchange of ideas between all partners involved, and multiplies pioneering results, to the benefit of all.

The top themes at Texcare Forum 2016, which will be held every afternoon except the show’s final day, include Industry 4.0, sustainability and resource efficiency, the future of textiles and functions, as well as careers and training. The program for the conference is prepared by important national and international textile care associations in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt.

Texcare Forum sessions are as follows: Training and career – building up the next generation of professionals, Saturday, June 11; The future of textiles and functions –opportunities for the textile care industry, Sunday, June 12; Sustainability and resource efficiency – key issues for stakeholders, Monday, June 13; and Industry 4.0 – leading textile care into an innovative future, Tuesday, June 14.

The growth of Texcare is reflected in the

American Drycleaner, May 2016
SL • Dragon Verkaufsgesellschaft mbH • DTV -
Textilreinigungs-Verband • Düchting Software & Consulting GmbH • Dunnewolt &
GmbH • Eco Impact Brüske
• Ecolab
• Ecotex GmbH & Co. KG • Electrolux
GmbH & Co. KG • Everstrong Commercial Products • Expo Detergo S. R. L. F F Fumagalli S.r.l. • Fagor Industrial S. Coop. • F.B. Italy di Fabio Bruno • Fimas Srl • Fintec Textilpflegesysteme GmbH • FIRBIMATIC S.p.A. • Flexco Europe GmbH • FLORINGO GmbH • Foltex B.V. • FriSatec GmbH • fuhlrottdatenverarbeitung ohg G Richard Geiss GmbH • Gemme Italian Producers S.r.l. - LELIT • GestiClean Up • Ghidini Benvenuto S.r.l. • Giannoni Group S.R.L. • Girbau S.A. • GMP Commerciale Srl • Machinefabriek Goudkuil Apeldoorn BV • Grandimpianti I.L.E. Ali S.p.A. • GreenEarth Cleaning • Gütegemeinschaft sachgemä e Wäschepflege e.V. • Gulfraz Fabrics H Hänel GmbH & Co. KG • Haghofer GmbH • Haosch Refrigeration Technology GmbH • hawo GmbH • Hayikama Makine Hali Yikame Ith. Ihr. San. Tic Ltd Sti • Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council • HeBeTec Wäschereitechnik und Service GmbH • HeboVandijk B.V. • Gebr. Heinemann GmbH & Co. KG • henningDatentechnik GmbH • HEPROTEX Maschinen GmbH • HIGEJA AB • Hohenstein Institute • hollu Systemhygiene GmbH • Holzmann Medien GmbH & Co. KG • HUQAS CORPORATION I Imprimerie Pascal Huyar • Ideal Manufacturing Ltd • IFL Industrie-Leasing GmbH • ILSA S.p.A. • Image Laundry Systems • Imesa Spa • INDEMAC S.r.l. • Indus Home Limited • Inwatec ApS • IPA LLC • Italclean Srl. • Italia Service S.r.l. J-K Jensen-Group • JFC Manufacturing Co. Ltd. • JOBET GmbH • Jumag Dampferzeuger GmbH • Jyden Workwear A/S • Herbert Kannegiesser GmbH • KEMAS GmbH • Kentaur A/S • Kleen-Tex Industries GmbH • Krebe-Tippo d.o.o. • Chemische Fabrik Kreussler & Co. GmbH • Kurtenbach GmbH & Co. KG • Kurtz Software GmbH L LACO Machinery NV S.A. • Lamac Machinery nv • Lampe Technical Exhibitor Listings (continued) ▲
• C.I.N.E.T. - Comit International L Entretien du Textile • Cizgi Tekstil Ithalat Ihracat San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Clayton of Belgium N.V. • Clean Show 1 • Clinotest GmbH Die textile Company • Colmac Industries Inc. • Conf Industries S.r.l. • Consorzio Unimatic - Group Industrial Technology • CORDES Bügeltechnik GmbH • Creazioni Futura S.r.l.
Damino GmbH
Danube International
Datamars SA
deister electronic GmbH
Delta P.B. S.r.l. • Delta Umwelt-Technik GmbH
Deren et Cie SA
Dexter Laundry Inc. • Dibella GmbH
Karl Dieckhoff GmbH & Co. KG
Reiner DIEZ e.K. Verpackungsmaschinen • DOMUS LAUNDRY • Dositec Sistemas
Rahe GmbH
Dyckhoff GmbH
EazyClean Technologies
Europe GmbH
econ solutions GmbH
Professional S.p.a.
Emco Bau-und Klimatechnik


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Textiles B.V. • Langheinrich Vertriebs GmbH • Lapauw International NV. • Laundry Computer Technics BV • Laundry Dashboard B.V. • Lautratex B.V. • Lavatec Laundry Technology GmbH • LG Electronics Inc. • LM CONTROL SAS M MACPI S.p.A. Pressing Divison • Maestrelli S.r.l. • MAGIELEK RFID • Malavasi - Mario Fonio S.r.l. • Malkan Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • MASA SPA - Industrie Tessili • Mascot International GmbH • Master Textile Mills Ltd. • MATO GmbH & Co. KG • Maxi Companies Inc. • MAXI-PRESS Elastomertechnik GmbH • MBT Endüstriyel Tekstil Ürünleri San. ve Tic. A.S. • Medical Modular System S.A. • Metalprogetti S.p.A. • MEVO-Metzler GmbH • Micross Automation Systems • Miele & Cie. KG • Millenium Mats Ltd. • Milliken Industrials Ltd. • Pellerin Milnor Corp. • MIP Europe GmbH • MiRiCal Emblems Ltd. • MKG • MMB GmbH Kändler • Mobics B.V. • Mohan Spintex India Ltd. • Montanari Engineering Construction S.r.l. • Mountek GmbH • Mountville Mills • MS Group SRL a socio unico • Mujtaba Textiles • Multimatic Maschinen GmbH • Multimatic iLSA Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG • Multitex Maschinenbau GmbH N-O-P-Q Naseeb Fashions Clothing Pvt. Ltd. • Negin Pazirik Isatis • Nettuno A.S.G. sas di Moroni Maria Ippolita & Co. • Nordhäuser Palettenbau GmbH • Nuova Folati S.r.l. • NYBO Workwear A/S • Özdemir Kece San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Pallas Finish-Systeme GmbH

strong and growing textile care market in Europe.

“For a number of years, we have been observing the trend that more and more companies are expanding their product range and developing it further,” says Günter Veit, chairman of VDMA Garment and Leather Technology. “Major drivers of growth here are the continued digitalization in textile care and rising requirements expected, for example, of hygiene.”

Texcare 2016 will grow into a new additional exhibit hall for the first time — occupying the traditional Hall 8 and taking over Hall 9 as well.

“By adding Hall 9, Texcare International will be able to respond even better to this growing product range,” Veit adds. “As CEO of a company, I can only recommend that visitors ensure they have enough time for the bigger range of products and services on show. A day is definitely not enough!”

At Texcare International, the industry shows everything: modern, professional textile care; plant and machinery; cleaning processes and materials; rental textiles; job and protective clothing; and information technologies and services, reports Messe Frankfurt.

Product groups and market leader companies will be distributed equally across both halls, the show manager adds.

Among companies exhibiting in Hall 8.0 will be Ecolab, Girbau, Jensen, Lavatec, Multimatic Ilsa and Pellerin Milnor, and in Hall 9.0 you will find Alliance Laundry Systems, Kannegiesser, Kreussler, Miele and Veit (see sidebar for the complete list as of April 18).

Even now, Messe Frankfurt says it is recording more booth space booked from Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey.

Hot topics at Texcare will be everywhere: in exhibitor booths spread across two convention halls and referenced in the fair’s complimentary program. Another highlight will be the fashion show featuring modern work clothing, and also there will be a competition for ironing.

To learn more about Texcare International, visit the show’s website at ADC

May 2016
• SoCom Informationssysteme GmbH • Soing d.o.o. • Spindle • Springpress N.V. • Sri Shanmugavel Mills P. Ltd. Home Textile Division • Gottlob Stahl Wäschereimaschinenbau GmbH • Stereotex S.r.l. • Stichting Vakblad voor Textielreinigung • STIRMATIC S.r.l. • Stiro Service S.R.L. • Surfchimica S.r.l. • SUZOHAPP – COMESTERO T-U TAGSYS S.A.S. • Technische Textilien Lörrach GmbH & Co. KG • TECNITRAMO • Temel Makine San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. • Texfinity NV • Textile Rental Services Association of America • Textilligence bvba • TFX Railtechnik GmbH • Thermopatch BV • ThermoTex Nagel GmbH • Tintolav S.r.l. • Tissus Gisèle S.A. – TGL • Tolkar Smartex Makina • TOLON Global Makina San. ve Tic. A.S. • Transferon Laundry Machines Asia Co. Ltd. • Trevil Srl • Ubi Solutions SAS • UNICA sa/nv • UNION S.p.A. • Unipress Corp. • USTEK RFID Solutions V Valmet Lda • VDMA Bekleidungs-und Ledertechnik • VEGA systems B.V. • VEIT GmbH • Virtual Laundry Holding BV • Vision Support Services Ltd • VOCO Helmut Voegeli OHG W Waretex Textilreinlichkeit aus einer Hand GmbH • Wash & Clean International Srl • Washing Systems Ltd. • Welspun Global Brands Ltd. • Wenzel und Kurz GmbH • wfk - Cleaning Technology Institute e.V. • Whirlpool Corporation Commercial Laundry • Wientjens B.V. • Wilgengroep BV • Wilhelm Wäschereibedarf GmbH • WIRTEX e.V. • WSP Systems BV Y-Z YAC Japan • Yellows Spun & Linens Pvt. Ltd. • Zöllner GmbH • ZOLLNER Weberei - Wäschefabrik GmbH & Co. KG • Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Note: Exhibitor listings from Messe Frankfurt GmbH. Current as of April 18. Visit for updates. Exhibitor Listings
• Pamilas Italia S.n.c. di Ancona Stefano e C. • M/S Paramount Textile Mills (P) Ltd. • Parotex Srl • Tessitura Perego s.r.l. • Picchi s.n.c. • Pir Inci A.S. • Polymark GB Ltd. • Polytex Technologies Ltd. • Pony S.P.A. • Premier Fine Linens Pvt Ltd • Prima Folder S.r.l. • Quadus GmbH
Ranyal Textiles
ratioplan GmbH Transportgeräte
ReaCoTec GmbH
Realstar S.R.L.
Renzacci SpA Industria Lavatrici
Reverberi Arnaldo Srl • REWAKON GmbH • Rohrbach Elektrotechnik GmbH
Rotel GmbH
ROTONDI Group s.r.l. • rs-etiketten & embleme GmbH
RTP - Radomskie Tekstylia Przemyslowe Sp. z o.o. S SAFECHEM Europe GmbH
San-Ai Industries Inc. • Sankosha Manufacturing Co. Ltd • Schmidmeier NaturEnergie GmbH
Hans-Joachim Schneider GmbH
Schulthess Maschinen AG • SEALED AIR / DiverseyCare • Jiangsu Sea-lion Machinery Group (Corp.) • SEIBT + KAPP GmbH & Co Maschinenfabrik KG • SEITZ GmbH • SEKO Deutschland GmbH • Senso Technics BV • SERVI-TEX Industries Sas • Shanghai Baiqiang Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. • Shanghai Great Union Textiles Co. Ltd • Shanghai Sailstar Machinery Group Co. Ltd. • SIANKA® by S&Z Verpackung GmbH • SIDI MONDIAL S.r.l. • SIL FIM S.r.l. • SK-ERSATZTEILE

Local Politics: How to Pull the Strings Your Way

With the 2016 elections quickly approaching, business owners everywhere are wondering who will win the presidential race and how the political makeup of Congress will change. And no wonder: The decisions of the voters will determine the passage of legislation that helps or hinders the economy over the coming four years.

Important as the federal elections are, though, your business operations will likely be impacted more profoundly by decisions made at a much lower level of the political food chain: your city.

“It’s all too easy to focus our attention on legislation and regulations from the federal government,” says Sean W. Hadley, a Moorestown, N.J.-based attorney active in government relations. “But the reality is that businesses are more affected by ordinances passed by their local communities than by anything that goes through — or doesn’t go through — Congress and the federal agencies.”


The good news is that you can make your voice heard.

“The small-business owner can have the greatest effect at the local government level, where the politicians can be the most approachable,” says Marc H. Pfeiffer, assistant director at the Bloustein Local Government Research Center, New Brunswick, N.J. “Politicians do not get reelected by saying ‘no’ to people. They want to be able to say ‘yes.’”

Local governments typically control a host of missioncritical “quality of business” issues. Among them are business licensing and expansion, the design of storefronts and building exteriors, parking, billboards, and any activities that affect the environment.

An unfriendly ordinance passed in any of those areas can throw a monkey wrench into your own business engine. Consider especially the control that local governments have over roads, including their quality, their cleanliness, and the placement of navigational signs making it easy or difficult for customers to find a business. Even the direction of traffic depends upon local regulations. Imagine waking up one morning to discover the street in front of your dry cleaner has been changed to a one-way conduit — in a direction not favorable to your customer pool.

Business ambitions can often be stymied by apparently arbitrary regulations.

“Zoning issues are a local concern and an issue many people don’t worry about until they start to expand or make business improvements such as installing new signs or larger and brighter windows,” says Hadley. “Then they can run into problems with a requirement to preserve structural elements

(continued) 32 American Drycleaner, May 2016 (Photo: ©iStockphoto/OSTILL)

or utilize certain themes or colors.”

Business-government conflicts can also arise when measures are passed that affect employment practices — paid sick leave and minimum wage laws among them.

When you try to resolve your own issues in any of these areas, points out Hadley, you’ll get no help from politicians at the national level. “Changes to city and state regulations can only be addressed by your local represen tatives, not by Congress or the president.”


Given the realities of local politics, how can you protect your business from damaging regulations? First, you need to be informed about what’s going on in your town hall, including pending legislative initiatives.

“Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to local laws and regulations,” says Nancy Bocskor, a political consultant in Arlington, Va.

Second, you need to set up your own early-warning system so you hear about harmful regulatory changes before they are so far advanced that you can no longer effectively counter them.

“When a story about a new regulation appears in your local press, it’s too late for you to make an impact,” says Fairfield, Conn.,-based attorney Cliff Ennico, author of the Small Business Survival Guide from Adams Press. “A

lot of debate occurs before votes are taken on a proposed measure, and you need to get your voice heard early in the decision cycle. If there’s a hearing in three weeks about rezoning the downtown business district, and that’s where your business is located, you want to be at that hearing.”

So, how do you set up an early-warning system? One way is to take advantage of existing resources.

“Most municipalities have a website,” says Pfeiffer. Many local agencies now post their calendars online, making it easy to check their activities. Is a meeting scheduled for the near future? Obtain a copy of the agen da to see what topics might impact your business.

“Your town website may offer news feeds, e-newslet ters, Facebook pages, or Twitter posts,” says Pfeiffer. All such media are conduits for news about proposed regula tions. “Also, look for ‘hyperlocal’ websites where people write blogs or maintain online newspapers about local government affairs.”

Making your voice heard at town meetings is one way to influence your local political establishment. Another way is to reach out to local politicians and make your presence known. Invite your representatives to visit your place of business.

“Let the politicians see what you do and how many people you employ and how much (continued)

custom solutions for all budgets

May 2016
Forenta Dry Cleaning Sandwich Legger $7,175* UniMac 50-lb. Washer (Used) $4,800* Hoffman Utility Press $5,700* Wascomat W762co 62-lb. Washer $7,785* Hoffman Form Finisher $3,295* Rema RP8 Air Vacuum $2,650* ADC (Coin-Op or OPL) 30-lb stack dryer $3,995* Hoffman Double Topper $5,795* Lattner 20hp Boiler $12,400* Milnor 45-lb. Washer $5,249* Unipress Single Buck SB1 (Used) $10,500* Unimac UM202 Washer $3,800* Bowe 40 Hydrocarbon Machine $26,500* Forenta Triple Puff Iron 33PS $1,859* Huebsch 75-lb. Gas Dryer (Used) $1,800* 1/2” Steam Traps $35 each, 5 trap minimum 86 6 - 73 4 - 364 4 Monthly Specials Online: New & Used Equipment for Drycleaning & Laundry Huge Selection of Parts for Most Brands of Equipment Prices valid until June 1, 2016 | *Freight Not Included

tax revenue you generate,” says Bocskor. “You need to be proactive in making sure they understand the value you bring to your community.”

Consider emphasizing your poten tial to help the politician do a better job, by saying something like: “I have my finger on the pulse of small business. I can be a friendly resource for you. Call me whenever you have any question about the impact of pro posed legislation on small business.”

The politician will see you not only as a spokesperson for your own interest, but also for those of the business community at large.

Helping a politician do a better job promotes the kind of win-win rela tionship that goes a long way toward building your power base.

“Politics is all about back-scratch ing,” says Ennico. “Tell the politi cian how you will help him or her in exchange for support for your posi

tion on proposed legislation.”

If the politician supports a bill you want passed, will you invite him or her to speak before your civic group on the topic? That can help garner more voters.

While you can employ the process described for as many politicians as you like, your time is limited so you will need to be selective.

“Find out who the powerful people are,” suggests Ennico. “In every community, there are people who are effective in making things happen, and people who are not. And the former might not be the people with the biggest offices. In one town, for example, it might be the head of the local Democratic party rather than the mayor.”


Your first contact with a politician should be to establish a dialogue. Avoid making a request right away.

“It’s never good to start a relation ship with your needs at the fore front,” says Hadley. “Remember, you will need this person’s assis tance over the long term.”

Once you have cultivated a grow ing relationship, though, you can feel free to approach the politician with your own ideas.

Perhaps you want to block a pro posed regulation. Or perhaps you want to promote an entirely new business-friendly ordinance. At this point, you will be happy that you have a friendly person to call.

Despite the relationship you have established with the politician, you want to present your case as benefit ting the community at large rather than your business in particular. That requires doing your homework.

When speaking about how a pro posed regulation will affect your rev enues or your employment activity, do so in the context of how your ac tivities, and those of other businesses in your town, help the region grow

May 2016

and prosper. Calculate the numbers.

“Back up your story with data,” says Bocskor. “Show the official how a certain proposed regulation will affect X, Y and Z. People need to know the consequences of govern ment actions that too often sound good before you do the math.”


Speaking of numbers, few are as important as the ones in your town’s budget. You may not ordinarily give much thought to that arcane docu ment, but it can have an outsized influence on your dry cleaner.

“Budget issues are really issues of priority,” says Hadley. “Suppose you need improvements to the roads lead ing to your place of business, and you were able to convince your town to pass an ordinance requiring that. You think you have accomplished your goal, but if the town budget does not allocate the requisite funds, you will see no road improvements over the coming year. Without the money to fund it, an ordinance is only worth the paper it’s written on.”

Vital as it is, involvement with the town budget is a long game.

“You have to start small, by get ting to know your town officials,” says Hadley. “You can’t just walk into your town hall and say, ‘I want to know everything about the budget and want to influence it.’ Your town officials will not be forthcoming. You have to get to know them first on a personal level as a smallbusiness owner.”


These suggestions have cham pioned the political power of the small-business owner acting alone. But there’s no doubt that schedul ing constraints can hamper the most well-intentioned effort.

“Any kind of community work is a time vampire,” says Ennico. “We are so busy running our shops and work

ing 24/7 that taking time out for civic involvement is a lot to ask. It’s easy to let things slide because you are too busy.”

Reach out to your fellow business owners for assistance. When they see you have blazed a trail through the wilderness of local politics, they will be more willing to lend a hand.

Small-businesspeople working to gether can improve the local business climate for everyone.

“If you don’t reach out, you will become invisible to local politi cians,” says Ennico. “And when you become invisible, bad things can happen.” ADC

Award-winning journalist Phillip M. Perry, who resides in New York City, is published widely in the fields of busi ness management, workplace psy chology and employment law, and his work is syndicated in scores of maga zines nationwide.


DU: 29.01.2016

World Market for Modern Textile Care June 11 – 15, 2016, Frankfurt, Germany

Even bigger. Even broader. Texcare International 2016. The world’s leading trade show for the laundry, cleaning and textile rental sectors is the number one venue for the entire industry. Your chance to get information on – and inspiration from – the latest trends, talking points and issues driving the market: digitization, automation, energy and resource efficiency, and of course innovations in textiles. For all the latest news and information, go to

Can’t miss event: The Texcare Forum will feature high-caliber presentations to help you further create new business opportunities. Tel. 770.984.8016

FOGRA 39 • C M Y K • mr: 21.01.2016

May 2016 37 American Drycleaner,
New: Texcare in Halls 8 and 9!


Olympics Fever and Your Visibility

Few events garner as much worldwide attention and engender as much excitement as the Olympic Games.

The residual national pride resulting from the sporting contests four years earlier, the build-up during the qualifying rounds, traditional rivalries between teams, the torch runs and the spreading interest in the Olympic sports among novice players all add fuel to the fire of enthusiasm for this major global event.

Even though the actual event is taking place in Rio this summer, sports fever is everywhere. All this broadcast attention on sports pomp and ceremony provides a tremendous opportunity for you to capitalize on the excitement it generates and turn it into increased sales volume, visibility, and most importantly, additional profit for your business.

This Olympic spectacle affords a rare chance to reach all ages and lifestyles in your target market, especially the more youthful generations that are just beginning to become fabricare customers on their own.

Many of you already sponsor local sports teams, but if you aren’t a sponsor, consider it now. Choose the kids teams based on the lifestyle of the parents and the parental support visible at the games. These sports contests provide a high concentration of your target customers and your target prospects in one place at one time.

The field banners are visible throughout the many scheduled games. Your van can serve as a high-exposure temporary water stand for players and spectators. And inexpensive pom-pons in the team colors with your logo on the handle grab immediate attention as they are passed out at the arena entrance.

Your staff can wear your logo as they serve as ushers or groundskeepers to increase your brand exposure. The sports teams will solicit your donations in many forms, so choose your participation wisely for maximum exposure and visible impact.

Your logo on the team uniforms can travel home with the families or, better yet, the uniforms can first go through your plant on a contracted (not free)

cleaning program.

Your service can stay top-of-mind with tie-in promotions, i.e. everyone in the stadium gets a complimentary cleaning of a pair of shorts when they bring in a golf shirt or sweatshirt.

Think beyond the teams themselves and reach out to all the auxiliary support opportunities, such as the bands, the flag bearers, the pep squads, the food and beverage services, and the groundskeepers. Don’t forget the team mascots – both the live and stuffed kind. You can make both versions look new again.

All of the ancillary contributors represent potential cleaning business.

As you concentrate on the sports obsession that exists, many opportunities for additional business will present themselves.

Contact the gymnastics training centers, the sportsplex that trains the athletes, the fitness centers where the competitors build strength, the coaches, the venues, the schools and the independent organizers.

You will be astounded at the extent of the influence of sports and fitness in every community at every age level. Consider the current popularity of Fitbit®!

Play on the nostalgia for the “glory days” of your customer’s peak sports performance. Display a preserved or restored letter jacket or sweater in a shadow box in your store and see how many requests you receive for the service.

This is also appropriate for national and commemorative flags, sailing burgees, World Series pennants, and sports uniforms. (Think hockey, football, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, rugby, volleyball, tennis, soccer, skiing, gymnastics, fencing, dressage, ice skating, motocross, car racing and more.)

The idea of gold, silver and bronze medals can lead to an entire range of promotional efforts that can build your business. Some examples are:

Sponsoring fitness events like bicycle races (races and/ or miles for charity) with winners being acknowledged on an Olympic-format podium.

Sponsoring charity runs, swims and kayaking in the same manner.

Incorporating maximum pomp and ceremony, award

American Drycleaner, May 2016
Diana Vollmer

prizes to winning individual or group donors (i.e. schools) for donating the most:

• Coats in your coat drive;

• Gowns for prom dress collection efforts;

• Blankets and sweaters to your “Keep Them Warm” drive;

• Whatever donation your imagination can create.

Tip: Park your van near the entrances or on the field at local stadium events to collect the donations.

Though the Olympics are an inspirational catalyst this year, sports and fitness are a focus all the time and can be a continuing source of big business for you!

The pomp and ceremony of sports can also be a model for you with which to capitalize on ceremonial opportu nities outside the sports world as well. There are many predictable life events that trigger the celebration and ceremony that includes the need for your expertise.

Be alert to the unique and less predictable events around you, too. The motivations for throwing a party are endless, and you can provide a much-needed service to make these festivities a success.

These celebrations can involve everyone, everywhere, all the time, so your potential to get involved is limitless.

Of course, there are the predictable standards of weddings, traditional holi days, religious celebrations, landmark birthdays, and rites of passage that have long been targets for cleaners.

As populations become more diverse, explore the less widely observed fes tivities that are occurring in your com munity as well.

Due to the emotional and historical meaning of these fetes, many of these private commemorations have bud gets that equal or exceed the budgets of lavish weddings. A good example of such a custom is the Hispanic obser vation of Quinceañera for 15-year-olds.

Public heritage celebration like the national-themed fairs provide a showcase to commemorate ancestral customs and to wear extravagant traditional costumes that need special tender loving care for cleaning and storage at the end of the event.

You can sponsor awards for the best costumes and gain great exposure for your brand and American Drycleaner, May 2016 39
your expertise informs customers and prospects
Why CRDN is the Ultimate Growth Plan for Your Drycleaning Business When clothing and household textiles are damaged by home fires or floods, most insurance companies prefer to restore the items rather than pay for replacement. A CONSTANT DEMAND Insurance textile restoration is a recession-resistant business. A STABLE BUSINESS MODEL A DIRECT LEAD-FLOW SYSTEM CRDN’s book of national accounts enables insurance carriers to directly assign claims to you. A REWARDING FUTURE Textile restoration can provide additional revenue to your business, and CRDN provides you with all the tools you’ll need with a minimal upfront investment. A RESPECTED BRAND CRDN created the textile restoration category and remains the category leader, respected among all insurance carriers. LEARN MORE ADC_Hhalf.indd 1 12/4/15 4:14 PM
(continued) Showcasing
they don’t readily associate with you.


obvious top-of-mind position for timely cleaning and preserving service. Search the Internet for calendars of celebrations around the world.

Reaching out to different ethnic groups and events plays on their national pride and helps you broaden your market share and increase referrals to your business. Remember both immigrant and Native American festivals in your planning. If you need ideas, the opening ceremony at the Olympics can stimulate your creativity.

In addition to the folkloric events, there are many ceremonial public events that are unique to a given market like the annual Black and White New Years Eve Ball in San Francisco, the gala openings of the symphony or ballet, the many jazz festival events around the country, and parades for various occasions, whether recurring or to celebrate a major victory.

All of these occasions provide an opportunity for swagger and regalia that falls squarely into your area of expertise.

Showcasing your expertise informs customers and prospects of services they don’t readily associate with you. Similar to the sports letter jackets, displaying a preserved military uniform in a shadow box in your lobby will attract attention and requests. This service is particularly popular for memorials for WWII veterans.

It is also appropriate for any life-event attire, i.e. christening gowns, bar/bat mitzvah clothes, graduation caps, gowns and college designation shawls, judges’ robes, dance costumes, beauty contest gowns, theatrical cos-

tumes or any sentimental outfit worn for a memorable event.

Theater is the height of pageantry that can provide you with ongoing business. New theater companies are being created in cities and towns across the nation. Performances are often quite strenuous, and the costumes need regular professional cleaning. Your expertise is needed to preserve the special effects created by the clothing for the actors and other talented performers.

Acknowledging the proliferation of talent shows and the popularity of Dancing with the Stars, America’s Got Talent, American Idol, The Voice, etc., consider cosponsoring a talent show that allows you visibility to the contestants and to the audiences.

These community events need not be expensive but do require creativity and commitment to succeed. Your choice of experienced co-sponsors makes the idea much simpler to implement.

As you help provide pomp and ceremony by being a good citizen in your community, you create fun and excitement for your associates and customers, become more visible to the society you serve and build your business at the same time. Enjoy the celebrations. ADC

MfM has served the drycleaning and laundry industry with affordable management expertise and improved profitability since 1953. For assistance with promotional tie-ins and joint ventures, contact Diana Vollmer at or call her at 415-577-6544.

May 2016
American Drycleaner,
(Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)

Bright, glossy, red nail polish on white linen slacks. Flat, dull, white interior latex paint on a navy cashmere sport coat. Such is the life of a cleaner/spotter.

Stain removal will probably include a chemical tool that is a solvent more aggressive than your general immersion solution. If you make a management decision to not keep one of the aggressive chemical tools, you are leaving good money on the table.

Paint and nail polish removers must by nature be “heavy hitters.” The protocol for removing paint is virtually identical to that of nail polish. Therefore,

this column will address nail polish specifically, but the methods used apply just as well to paints.

Manufacturers are spending thousands of dollars to make their nail enhancements durable and chip-resistant. Both of those traits spell trouble for the cleaner when the consumer lets the product stray onto a garment.

Nail polish and paint have two distinct parts: a pigment and a carrier.

When dissolved in the carrier, the pigment is easily applied to the desired surface. As the carrier vaporizes (dries), the pigment and additives will harden. This is designed to result in a smooth appearance to protect and enhance the surface to which it is applied.

When the nail polish and paint make their way to a fabric surface, they achieve the same result, only in an undesirable area. This is where the American Drycleaner, May 2016 41
Nail Polish and You
PO Box 501 Denver, NC 28037 / ph: 704.483.9316 / fax: 704.483.4538 / Leonard has a full line of pressing equipment to help your business prosper. Booth 126 - Fabricare 2016 Order by June 30, 2016 and receive 25% off pressing & 15% off tensioning equipment. Call 1-844-888-0906 ADC_Hhalf.indd 1 4/4/16 8:34 AM
Martin Young


cleaner/spotter finds the challenge: how to remove the hard surface and the pigment without distorting the garment’s color or its surface texture.

Always begin removal of nail polish by pre-spotting on the dry side. Use a general prespotter to lightly cover the stained area, then apply your POG.

The general pre-spotter will hold the broken-down stain in suspension until it can be flushed away. Use the most aggressive mechanical action you feel comfortable with, taking into consideration the dye, the fiber and the construction.

I usually tamp the stain about six times over the solid portion of the spotting board, then use a bone to work the POG into and through the nail polish. Never use the point of the bone. The bone is at an angle to provide a smooth surface to the fabric while being held at an angle in your hand.

You will begin to see the stain break up, with pigment “floating” on top of the general spotter used in the first step. When you observe the nail polish breaking down, avoid the impulse to rub harder or “dig” at the stain. Get into the habit of decreasing the pressure of your mechanical action, while applying a small amount of general spotter to flush the stain.

Overly aggressive mechanical action during stain removal is the second leading cause of drycleaning claims behind redeposition. Both are easily prevented.

There will come a time when you will observe little or no additional breakdown of the stain at the spotting board, with just the POG. At this point, add a few drops of amyl acetate to the area.

Amyl acetate will function as a co-solvent and in most cases break the stain down further. This is especially true when it comes to acrylic nail polish.

Your first consideration is the carrier of the pigment. The more carrier removed during dry-side pre-spotting, the better your chances of removing all the pigment if post-spotting becomes necessary.

I feel that I must address the subject of acetone. Acetone is an extremely harsh chemical, but can be effective on nail polish and paint, under limited conditions.

Acetate fabric is a wonderful and cost-effective material used as a lining in a majority of garments. Unfortunately, acetone will melt acetate on contact. No warning

(this is your warning). Bang! You have a hole and a valid claim!

Two or even three applications of POG and amyl acetate are much better for the garment than a single drop of acetone; I do not keep acetone in my building.

If the rare situation arises that I want acetone, I go to the drug store and buy a small bottle of nail polish remover that contains acetone. I do this only after I spend the time to verify that there is no risk of the acetone coming into contact with any acetate fabric.

You are now ready to dry-clean your garment, as usual. If the stain has become a glob of messy pigment after being softened by your chemical tools, placing the garment in a cotton pillowcase for cleaning is an option.

In the case of expected streaks and swales, you will need to have the garment “piggyback” on a successive run without the pillowcase to even out the surface of the garment. This is much better than dealing with contact stain transfer in the wheel or running a single item by itself.

If there is a remnant of the original stain, repeating the application of POG, amyl acetate and light mechanical action, followed by dry cleaning, will finish the stain removal process.

On those rare occasions when pigment remains, you will need to post-spot.

If you have followed the protocol as described, you have used two specialized chemical tools, applied mechanical action and dry-cleaned the garment twice. Any hint of a stain will be best treated as water-soluble, since you have already used the options for both chemically soluble and solvent-soluble stains.

Do not underestimate the value of neutral synthetic detergent (NSD). Place the remaining stain over the vacuum nose of the spotting board, apply NSD, then flush the area with steam.

The willingness to do spot-bleaching is a way to set yourself apart in the marketplace and in the industry. The mere mention of using a bleach sends some cleaner/ spotters into a panic. It does not have to be that way.

You can get 3% hydrogen peroxide at the drug store, and 10%, 20% and 30% hydrogen peroxide can be purchased from a store that sells to hair care professionals. Your supply distributor should have access to small, granular, activated sodium perborate that works well at

American Drycleaner, May 2016
(Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)

the spotting board.

Having the option of four progressive strengths of hydrogen peroxide is a way to gradually increase the bleaching action on the remnants of the stain.

Place the stained area over the vacuum nose of the board and flush with steam. Move the stain over the solid portion of the board and apply your choice of bleach. If you use peroxide, allow it to work slowly; do not heat the area.

The greatest control in spot-bleaching is achieved by applying progressively strong concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and waiting for results. There is no need to flush between applications.

Sodium perborate must be heated with a wisp of steam to melt the granules through the stain. Both peroxide and perborate should be neutralized with acetic acid after the last traces of the stain are gone.

Your most valuable tools in stain removal are confidence and patience.

Coin Laundry Association.

Excellence in Laundry Conference, to be held May 18-19 in Ojai, Calif. Call 800-570-5629.

North Carolina Association of Launderers and Cleaners.

Annual Convention, to be held May 27-30 in Wrightsville Beach, N.C. Call 704-689-1301.

Texcare International: World Market for Modern Textile Care.

To be held June 11-15 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Visit


Martin L. Young Jr. has been an industry consultant and trainer for 20 years, and a member of various stakeholder groups on environmental issues. He grew up in his parents’ plant in Concord, N.C., Young Cleaners, which he operates to this day. Contact him by phone at 704-786-3011, e-mail

Ontario Fabricare Association. 2016 Conference, to be held June 17-18 in Port Credit, Ont., Canada. Call 416-573-1929.

Wisconsin Fabricare Institute.

Fitzgerald Scholarship Golf Classic, Summer Conference, Trade Show and Auction, to be held June 21-22 in Mequon, Wis. Call 414-529-4707.


American Drycleaner, May 2016
43 ADC_R_Hhalf.indd 1 11/3/14 2:27 PM

Fabritec I nternational’s Kramer retires after 20 years of service

Fabritec International reports that its longtime adver tising manager, Connie Kramer, has retired.

“After 20 years with Fabritec, we say ‘Happy Re tirement’ to Connie Kramer,” Jeff Jordan, sales pro motion manager, writes in a customer newsletter from the maker of drycleaning, wetcleaning, spotting, resto ration and shirt laundry products.

“Many of you have worked closely with Con nie over the years on your various advertising projects and licensing agreements. Connie has been an integral part of promoting licensees, the Sanitone brand and Fabritec, from printed advertisement to

trade show booths.”

This from John Jordan, presi dent of Fabritec: “Connie was a pro at taking an idea and making it a reality. Whether it was a semi nar subject or speaker, marketing project or one of my obscure pro motional ideas, she got it done. She was a real asset to me and licensees alike.”

Kramer assembled an impressive understanding of the drycleaning business and retail marketing from literally hundreds of perspectives — those of the li censee customers she served, the company notes.

She led the development of the annual Sanitone Ad vertising Program and its implementation nationwide as well as coordinating national and regional semi nars.

44 American Drycleaner, May 2016 AROUND THE INDUSTRY
ADC_Hhalf.indd 1 4/15/16 11:42 AM

“Connie will enjoy her retirement with her husband Ray, who you may recognize as the deliveryman fea tured in many of your own advertisements and web sites,” Jeff Jordan writes to customers.

Going forward, Cindy Smith will continue to handle licensees regarding the Sanitone Advertising program. Licensee inquiries will be handled by Debbie Hartzel and Colleen Shelton in customer service.

“We thank Connie for her years of outstanding ser vice,” adds Jordan, “and wish her luck on the next chapter in her life!”

Leather Master to test leather cleaning, provide results

Leather Master Inc. is now the international testing facility for accurate leather and suede care labeling for Intertek, a quality assurance company, reports John Conway, owner of Leather Master, based in Joliet, Ill.

“Intertek does the care labeling testing for garments being imported to the U.S.,” he says.

“Leather Master handles the leather and suede clean

ing side,” Conway indicates. “What we do is provide a written analysis of the cleaning results to verify that the care labeling is accurate.”

Leather Master, which provides leather cleaning route services to dry cleaners throughout Illinois and Indiana, as well as wholesale leather cleaning to dry cleaners all across the country, will be involved in leather testing for drycleaning fastness, light fastness, finish adhesion and veslic rubbing.

Components such as zippers, linings, interlinings and buttons will also be assessed for cleaning performance.

Intertek’s textile and apparel industry services help retailers, brands and manufacturers uphold quality and safety while ensuring consumer confidence and brand loyalty.

The quality assurance company employs more than 38,000 people in 1,000 locations in more than 100 countries, notes Conway.

Leather Master will report its findings to Intertek be fore any garment goes to a retailer.

“Care labeling wasn’t always accurate, and today retailers want to make sure care labeling is accurate,” says Conway.

“I found it neat that Intertek picked us,” he relates. “They liked our experience in the industry.” ADC American
May 2016 45
ADC_R_Hhalf.indd 1 3/31/16 10:17 AM



Daytona Beach, Florida Large Laundromat & Dry Cleaners same location over 30 years. Solid Customer base with some corporate accounts. New long term lease with store remodeling underway. Priced for quick sale $189,900. E-mail: DRY CLEANERS TO BE SOLD BY MAIL IN BIDS. Dry Cleaners with land, building, equipment, name, supplies. This active Cleaners in a quiet, safe, beautiful town in Central PA. Six great routes that pick up in 3 counties and gain more customers each and every year. Have a very strong walk-in business. Top of the line employees with great management in place. Retiring owner will phase out as soon as you learn the routes and the day-to-day business. To see the operation and talk to my accountant check out the books. Please call Mr, Danz at 1-262-903-0070 . All bids must be in by July 30th 2016. Closing set for Aug 30th in my attorneys office. With bid please send check for $500.00 to be put in escrow.

Own Your Own Drycleaners—Managers, Spotters, Tailors, Pressers! 100% Financing. Plant or Drop, location of your choice. Call 1-561-302-5031 or 1-888-275-6637.

American Drycleaner, May 2016
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE CONSULTING Western Wonder Touch POS Systems For Dry Cleaners $990 (refurb) + Free New Cash Drawer Commercial-grade touchscreens (not Dell) Perfect for small to medium cleaners 773-878-0150 PLANTS FOR SALE We know we can’t make all the cooling towers, so... We Just Make the Best MAGICOOL 2003 E. Perkins Ave., Sandusky, OH 44870 Call 419-625-0539 for details. • Stainless Steel or Galvanized Steel • 7 to 175 Nominal tons PARTS FOR SALE PARTS FOR SALE BOILER DOWN? Boiler Feed Pumps Ship Same Day! 160 EASA service stations around the country. 815-666-4655 • Fax: 630-552-9014 • Exact AERO Replacement for 7CT7M ADDITIONAL REVENUE Big Bucks at the Beach! Coastal Carolina Established Quality Cleaner & Coin-Laundry chain with $1.4 M Sales and strong profit & market share. Year round busy, recreational community. Good area for restoration. Management and staff in place. Retiring owner will phase out. Exclusive Cleaner M&A Consultant: Richard Ehrenreich, CED Ehrenreich & Associates, LLC. 301-924-9247 American Drycleaner, May 2016 47 REWEAVING SERVICES WITHOUT-A-TRACE WEAVERS—More than 50 years’ experience. We are the experts in silks, knits, French weaving and piece weaving. Reasonable prices. Send garments for estimate to: 3344 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL 60659; 800-475-4922; SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 800-532-2645 Laundry/Dry Cleaning Coils Steam Or Water Replacements Large Inventory • FASTDelivery SUEDE & LEATHER SERVICE 800.542.7769 // LEATHERCARE SERVICES • Wholesale • High Fashion • Fur Cleaning & Repair Fur Ad American Drycleaner.indd 1 12/8/14 4:13 PM A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. 1 Ally Equipment Co. 44 Arrow Leathercare Services 47 Cleaner Business Systems 3 Cleaner’s Supply ................ 47 Columbia/ILSA ................ BC Commercial Coils 47 Computer Connections 36 CRDN 39 Dajisoft 11 EzProducts International 34 Fabricare Management Systems 9, 27 Firbimatic 23 Garment Management Systems ..... 31 Global Business Systems .......... 43 Hamilton Engineering 25 Hangers Direct 46 Iowa Techniques 5 Itsumi USA 15 Leonard Automatics 41 Luetzow Industries 47 M&B Hangers 21 Magicool 46 Maineline Computer Systems IFC Methods for Management ......... 46 MTH Boilers 46 Mustang Enterprises 35 Newhouse Specialty Co. .......... 47 Parker Boiler Co. IBC Poseidon Textile Care Systems 29 PROS Parts..................... 46 Realstar 33 Royal Basket Trucks 45 ScanQ ......................... 13 SPOT Business Systems 7 Texcare International 37 Union Drycleaning Products 17 Unisec USA 19 Scan here to Call & Receive a discount $22.98 Higher Quality, Lower Cost, Bigger Savings! BAG SALE Luetzow Poly is Made in the USA * NEW Roll SIZE 21x4x40, .5 mil 548/roll 21x8x40, .5 mil 472/roll 20 pound carton *Billed at $30.64 less 25% 10 days.. $22.98 Plus Shipping & Handling F.O.B. South Milwaukee, WI Price subject to change without notice. POLY Direct 800-558-6055 LUETZOW INDUSTRIES 1105 Davis Ave South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172 Dry cleaning plant with two dry store locations. Established 1962. Gross $350 K. 50# Realstar machine only 4 years old, GreenEarth solvent. Northern Ca location. For info call 707.367.0718 SELL OR BUY A DRYCLEANER. WE HAVE BUYERS!!! PATRIOT BUSINESS ADVISORS SPECIALIZES IN SELLING DRYCLEANERS IN NJ, PA, DE & MD. CALL LILIANE AT 267-391-7642. PLANTS FOR SALE RECEIVABLES STRATEGIES If monthly you individually bill 75 or more open accounts? Suffer slow/no-pays? Have finished jobs remain ‘on rack’ too long? My system forever resolves such costs and guarantees to double your cash flow, all for a one-time low cost. Worth a look? Call me, Jim Herst, 847/602-7030. (No commitment either side!) LEATHER-RICH INC. • High quality cleaning, refinishing & repair Leather, Suede and Fur; • Free shipping in USA and rewards program FOR MORE INFORMATION: E-mail: Call 800-236-6996 Route Service in Upper Midwest

The Man From D.A.R.C.O.

10 YEARS AGO. A committee of the U.S. Senate passed legislation that would allow small businesses to band together to offer health insurance coverage to workers. The measure was approved with no amendments as part of SB1955, the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization & Affordability Act. “With the rising number of uninsured workers and constantly spiraling costs of healthcare, America’s small businesses must be allowed to pool their risk and create economies of scale so they can provide coverage,” says Matthew Shay, president of the International Franchise Association (IFA). … Shoppers spent more this spring, pushing retail sales up 0.6%, the Commerce Department says, nearly reversing February’s 0.8% decline. Among the merchants posting sales gains were car dealers, furniture stores, building and garden centers, beauty shops, and book and music retailers.

25 YEARS AGO. It was a gala celebration unmatched in the 50 years of the Wisconsin Fabricare Institute. More than 100 persons gathered during the association’s 1991 convention in Pewaukee to pay tribute to the organization and its various leaders over the years, whose names and years of service were inscribed on decorative balloons. … A reflection of the season, Street’s newest spring poster spotlights a model wearing a white dress accented by fuschia trim and floral designs. The poster reminds customers that Custom-Care Finish helps keep favorite delicate fashions “springtime fresh” for special occasions. Street’s representatives are currently distributing this poster free of charge to plants using Custom-Care Finish.

use of carbon in cleaning operations, the unique film was produced for Atlas Chemical Industries Inc., Wilmington, Del. Patterned after the spy stories currently popular on television, the film tells how the D.A.R.C.O. (Drycleaners Association for Right Carbon Operations) agent outsmarts the S.M.O.C.K. (Society for Making Our Customers Komplain) agent. Filmed on location at a drycleaning-laundry plant in Pennsylvania, the movie is suitable for showing at drycleaning association meetings, employee training sessions, during plant tours, to drycleaning classes, etc. … A California cleaner tells about a recent alteration job that produced a king-sized problem. A woman came in and asked to have the skirt of her dress pegged to 34 inches at the bottom. The seamstress pinned it in, finished it, and everything seemed fine. A few days later, the customer brought back the dress. Her face was flushed and she said she couldn’t pull the dress over her hips on occasion, and she didn’t want to remove the dress every time. So, she asked them to please make the dress bigger at the bottom again.

May 1991

50 YEARS AGO. The Man From D.A.R.C.O., a 22-minute, 16mm color movie that uses tongue-in-cheek humor to relate how one dry cleaner wins out over plaguing problems, has been released for use by the industry. Primarily designed to point out the benefits of proper

75 YEARS AGO. One evening last month, the North Ballroom of the Stevens Hotel in Chicago was jam-packed with an enthusiastic crowd of 300 cleaners—members of the Guild of Synthetic Cleaners of Chicago and their key employees—who listened to Louis P. Butenschoen, Dow Chemical Co., outline the technical progress made by synthetic cleaners during the past few years. Butenschoen was followed by John McCutcheon, also of Dow Co., who pointed out practical ways to increase business through smarter merchandising and selling. Dow’s feature movie, Pay Dirt, showing by word and example how to build sales through intelligent personnel training, topped the evening’s program. … Step into the front office of Raleigh Dry Cleaning Co., Raleigh, N.C., and you will see a sign over the archway in back of the counter: Your Bundle Free If We Fail To Thank You. C.W. Wray tells us that this has been very effective in getting employees into the habit of saying “Thank You,” and while a few bundles were handled free at first, none has been given out so far this year. ADC

WRINKLE IN TIME 48 American Drycleaner, May 2016

Steam Boilers

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We expect 15 to 25 years from our interchangeable tube bundles, and 30 to 40 years of life our more out the boiler.

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On all of the above units we have continued to build, and will continue to have available any part of the pressure vessel, burners, cabinet, and controls meaning that for as long as a customer wants, they will be able to infinitely repair their equipment rather than replace the equipment.

We are asked by many new and existing customers on what is our projected life expectancy of our products. We are not always the lowest initial price but know we have one of the lowest cost of ownership of any boiler manufactured in North America. These facts are based on our 90 plus years of boiler manufacturing, feedback and experiences from our end users, service departments, and all of our representatives and dealers worldwide. These life spans are based on our boilers being installed properly, and do receive our minimal recommended care, are applied to the correct application, and include the proper maintenance and water treatment programs.

Tel: (323) 727-9800 Fax: (323) 722-2848 5930 Bandini Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90040 103 Series Internal View Shown Never a Compromise for Quality or Safety
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(800)446-5634 • In NY (631)293-7571 • The Ev luti n of Clean Highlights Include: Three stainless steel working tanks Clean Sep Single Stage Separator Super Flow Distillation • Dual independent filter circuits with all carbon post filter • Inline solvent cooling • Inline solvent heating system • Programmable drum turns and stops • Programmable drum speeds •Programmable solvent levels • Soap injections • Full dried button trap New New has just been improved... Hydrocarbon ...and now more affordable than ever! New

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