August 2019
Vol. 86, No. 5
Pre-Inspection 4 Struttin’
Talk of the Trade 6 Summer Slowdown
Management Strategies 30 Get Growing Diana Vollmer
The Clean Show, version 2019, happened in New Orleans back in June. It was a “jazzy cocktail party,” so to speak, of ideas being exchanged, business connections being reaffirmed, and tremendous learning opportunities in the educational sessions and in the aisles. “Quality show,” was a buzzy phrase used most often by many exhibitors. “Finding everything I need,” was a superlative sentence uttered quite often by drycleaning attendees. The show had pizazz Fabricare had quite a bit to strut about.
Tim Burke, Editor
A couple of drycleaning owners will share with you just why they love texting so much. Their words of advice to those of you not using texting are simple. One owner says, “Don’t be afraid of texting. It is the way of the future for communicating and I promise you, your customers will love it.” The other notes: “Text messages get immediate and positive responses.” One more point they make.... they’ll be no more lines at the counter. Tim Burke, Editor
Owner’s Office 34 Swing With Summer Dan Miller Spotting Tips 38 Fake Fur Still Brings the ‘Ka-Ching’ Martin Young Special Feature 40 Win the Cyber War Jacqueline Labor Around the Industry 42 Classified Advertising 46 Advertiser Index 47
Wrinkle in Time 48 We Landed On The Moon 50 Years Ago!
Scan this QR Code for help in finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!
“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”
“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”
This issue’s feature is the big Clean ’19 show report called: Clean Show Strut. Catchy title huh? <You might want to play that Bob Seger ‘Strut’ tune as you read it.>
The front cover shows smiling dry cleaner attendees and one struttin’ up the aisle at the Clean Show, which was held in humid New Orleans at the Ernest Morial Convention Center. Clean ’19 was a happening, amidst about 11,000 attendees and 430 exhibitors.
Clean ’19 was called “a quality show” by many exhibitors, and many attendees told me it offered, “lots of great ideas.”
Educational sessions were standing room only. Lots of pens writing notes and smart phone recording presentations. And the biggest telltale: after a speaker got done, how many from the audience lined up and waited to ask questions. Well, let me tell you, there were long lines for every speaker at all the sessions!
Many dry cleaners came to discuss needs for their plants and told me they found everything they wanted. Their mood always seemed upbeat. (Also, there were product roll-outs, like at GreenEarth, CleanCloud, Itsumi, Firbimatic, Leonard, Poseidon, Columbia/IlSA, Realstar/Union, more.) Great show comments from A.L. Wilson, Sankosha, among others.
In the other feature in this issue, I Texting, drycleaning owners talk about why they love texting so much at their business. Maybe you’re texting with your clients right now as you read this? (Some of you probably are!) Dry cleaners talk about the ‘bennies’ to offering texting. One big one: The lines at your front counter disappear!
Our three columnists are here to give you more great ideas. There’s a special feature on cyber security. There’s A Talk of the Trade on page six all about the Summer Slowdown. The Wrinkle In Time reminds us of the Apollo 11 moon landing 50 years ago. Hey, can this issue get any better? .... We might as well go do our own strut!
Charles Thompson
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P.S. We’re launching something brand new: The Publisher’s Impact Award. To shine a spotlight on a person, company, innovation or event that has made an impact on the drycleaning industry! E-mail your nomination(s) to: tburke@atmags.com.
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 86, number 5. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2019. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
Mike Bleier Steven Dubinski John-Claude Hallak Mike Nesbit Herron Rowland Fred Schwarzmann Beth Shader Ellen Tuchman Rothmann
Contributing Editors
Dan Miller Diana Vollmer Martin Young Office Information Main: 312-361-1700
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When asked in this August 2019 American Drycleaner Your Views survey to tell us: “Does your drycleaning business have a summer slowdown?” Here is how respondents answered:
Thirty-four percent say, “Yes, painfully so!”
Twenty percent answer, “Yes, but not significantly.”
Twenty-four percent relate, “Slight dip but we’re used to it.”
Seven percent indicate, “Not really at all.”
And 15% exclaim: “We do fine in summertime!” See graphic.
The survey then asks: “How do you overcome the annual ‘summer slump’ in sales at your dry cleaner?”
Respondents reveal:
• “Wedding gown and new business development.”
• “Keep extra cash flow in the separate account.”
• “We do not lay anyone off, but we have to cut back.”
• “We all need time away from our four walls. With people on vacation, we keep busy.”
• “Our summer mix of clothes varies greatly with our winter mix. During summer we have greater amounts of cotton, linen, silk, and other lightweight fabrics to process. Household items also increase in volume.”
• “We let our employees have vacations during the summer months.”
• “Try to find cleaning projects during summer for fill in. Examples: Choir robes from churches; school organizations; uniform cleaning.”
• “We do wash ‘n’ fold for a local campground that rents furnished cabins by a local lake. It gives us an additional $500-$1,000 per week in extra sales. It’s more profitable than our regular drycleaning business.”
• “Store acorns for the summer, and hotel accounts.”
• “I shoot skeet.”
The survey also asks: “On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 strongest), how do you rate your summer sales and revenue?” Many respondents indicated a “5” but several put “8” or even “10.” One saying: “I stay aggressive.”
The survey then asks: “Many drycleaning owners use summer’s slow time for vacations. What do you and your team do during summer?”
Respondents relate:
• “Work harder!!!”
• “I take a week to host my adult children at a condo in Myrtle Beach.”
• “Vacations and catch our breath before fall.”
Lastly, the survey asks: “Do you throw an annual summer employee party?”
• “At the end of the summer season we throw a party.”
• “Yes. BBQ. Ice cream truck. Weekly lunches.”
• “We always have a summer outing for everyone and their families. Usually 75-100 people.”
• “We have an annual employee picnic in September and are planning our first annual family bowling party.”
The Your Views survey offers a current snapshot of the trade audience’s views. Qualified subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited to participate anonymously in the unscientific poll. ADC
The Clean ’19 Strut! It’s about having a positive attitude. It’s about finding everything you’re looking for as an attendee drycleaning owner. It’s about connecting as an exhibitor at the Clean Show. There was lots to strut about at the recent ‘big show’ in New Orleans, described by many of the 430 exhibitors and 11,000 attendees with one word: “Quality!” (Start
At Clean ’19, drycleaning owners could find everything they were looking for to help them improve their businesses. The show was upbeat, personable, and full of great ideas! That gave everyone lots to strut about at the big show back in June in the Crescent City. Exhibitors and attendees alike described it with the phrases: “quality show”and “positive attitude.”
Let’s get some basics out of the way: Was Clean ’19 in New Orleans a success?
Yes. Positively. So positively! Why?
Because many exhibitors and drycleaning attendees over the four hot, steamy, muggy June days in the Crescent City,
that I talked to at the show, told me so in a resounding way. Clean ’19 was, in effect, a “jazz-infused jam session” of great ideas, if you will, where fabricare industry manufacturers and attendees came together to lay down some upbeat vibes all their own.
The convention center was nicely air-conditioned and kept the 430 exhibitors and 11,000 show attendees cool — and that was wonderful when the heat outside was 110! The show sold out space at 224,500 sq. ft., notes Messe. What made Clean ’19 a big success?
….For that we’ll take some comments: “Having a positive attitude makes a difference not only in your sales, but in your life,” says early morning (before the doors even opened) first day speaker at Clean ’19, Bruce Hamilton, author of No Bad Days. He set the tone. Those words would prove true over and over, in many subtle tones and bold notes, all during the
Clean ’19: All about ‘quality’ and a ‘positive attitude’that Bob Seger Strut song!) (Photos by Tim Burke)
Clean Show held at the Ernest Morial Convention Center.
Brian Harrell, drycleaning owner of Shores Fine Dry Cleaning, based in Winston-Salem, N.C., exemplifies that positive attitude on the first afternoon when he says to me, with delight on his face, “I’m on a mission, and I’m finding everything I’m looking for here at the Clean Show.” Then a pause, “Great show!” he exclaims, then continues up the busy aisle with a big grin and a great attitude.
Attendees brought their energetic, vibrant ‘tudes to Clean ’19, and made business connections and learned new things in many ways: At the booths; by chatting with each other at events and in the aisles; and at the great educational sessions, which were hosted by the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) and the other show sponsors across all four days.
Bobby Patel, owner of Kona Cleaners and a partner in the BeCreative360 web design company, gave a talk on Marketing Then & Now to a standing room only packed house session later that first day.
“I came from India. I started out as an owner knowing nothing about dry cleaning,” he says, deep voice filling the session arena.
He grabbed everyone’s attention.
“At first I walked around just trying to understand the business. Changes were needed. I remodeled my store; my business started going up!”
Pens are starting to write and the glow from cell phone screens are popping up by the dozens.
“Deal with negative feedback right away,” Bobby says. “That’s the biggest thing I do. Do whatever it takes. If the
Rollout: Locker! Clean ’19 exhibitors introduced product and equipment roll-outs at booths, such as this one example from CleanCloud. That’s John Buni, company co-founder, introducing their new Locker. He says, “You put it in drycleaning stores right in the front for unattended customers; access with a ping card most likely.” He says he, “sold hundreds at Clean ’19.” That’s just one of many exhibitors’ new rollouts that happened at the Clean Show in New Orleans back in June.
customer says the price is too high, I give them a full refund, whatever the cost. Put your ego in check and fix the problem! Don’t remove that negative post. Make customers happy. They’ll remove it themselves.”
You can hear a pin drop.
Patel changes the tone seamlessly: “I found out what ‘Kona’ meant and so I put in a fish tank right in my store — it calmed down the customers who were pissed off at me!”
The audience roars. And I mean ROARS!
Learning Is Now In-Session, And How! Bobby Patel, on right in above photo, owner of Kona Cleaners in Orange, Calif., talked to a standing room only crowd in his educational session on Marketing on the first day at Clean ’19. He says not to let those negative online reviews stay. “They can cost you. Put your ego in check and fix the problem! Don’t remove that negative post. Make customers happy. They’ll remove it themselves!” These two new drycleaning owners are wowed by Patel, they say: “Incredible Bobby!”
“Make lobbies fresh and clean,” he says. “Update graphics. We clean military uniforms free. You’re doing good. And it’s fantastic goodwill. Make protecting your reputation your #1 priority!”
Attendees taking notes like crazy. Bobby is a sensation at Clean ’19!
Two young drycleaning owners waiting in the long line to talk to Patel afterward finally got their chance. I was keeping an eye on them and hanging nearby and could hear them. They say: “Incredible Bobby!” Their faces are lit with excitement. “We’re new to the (continued)
Happy Drycleaning-Moon! Matt and Kim Bizzack, owners of Phoenix, Ariz.-based Legend Dry Cleaners, visited Clean ’19 for the purpose of, “buying a new machine. We started with wet cleaning two years ago. We have 32 employees, one plant and five drop stores. Our business is 20 years old this year. We are celebrating our company anniversary here at Clean,” they laugh.
The Awww In Awesome! Naples, Fla.,
chat about how great Clean ’19 is for him. This dry cleaner, only six months in the business, and a co-owner with his brother Chris, displayed an excited and positive attitude about the show and the educational sessions and called Clean ’19 “awesome!”
business. So many great ideas.”
“Come by the booth later and we’ll talk,” Patel smiles. “I’ll help you with anything you need. Anytime. I’m so glad to!” They leave on a cloud!
That scene was so far over the moon in ‘positive attitude’ vibes that it gave me chills. So much goodwill here in fabricare. And it carries to the show floor all that day and throughout all four days in so many ways.
The exhibitors and sponsors were happy with the show and a little over the moon as well.
American Drycleaner, August 2019
Mission: Possible!
exemplified the positive attitude that flowed so strongly throughout all of Clean ’19, on the show floor and in the many educational sessions. He was, “On a mission to find everything I’m looking for! Great Show!” The Clean Show grooved like a great, hot jazz number the host city of New Orleans is known for.
Count among them: Bill Odorizzi at Sankosha; Steve Henley at Realstar/Union; Mike Leeming at Parker Boiler; the Schwarzmanns, father and son, at A.L. Wilson; the Kelly family at My Shoe Hospital; John Buni at CleanCloud; Stephen Langiulli at Columbia/ILSA; Mark Jones at SPOT; Stuart Ilkowitz at Trevil USA; Stucky and Jeff at Poseidon; Marcelo at Fabricare; Tim at GreenEarth; Darrin at Firbimatic; and also the folks at NCA, White Conveyors, Garment Management Systems, Cleaner’s Supply, Tide, Itsumi, Cleaner Business Systems, Leonard (continued)
Rollout: Shoe Kiosk! My Shoe Hospital’s Shoe Repair Kiosk beta test model was a roll-out at Clean ’19. Here Stephen Kelly, firm co-owner with his brother, shows how the kiosk touch-screen walks customers through selecting their own individual shoe repair needs. The kiosk can stand in the cleaners lobby or a smaller version on a counter, and produces a detailed repair ticket that can then be dropped off at the dry cleaners counter with the shoes. “We put our 100 years experience into the kiosk questions,” says Stephen. The brothers’ dad, also at the booth, is a cobbler, “one of only about 150 left in the U.S. today,” he relates.
Automatics, Royal Basket Trucks, Hi-Steam, Starchup, John at Air World; and sponsors DLI, TCATA, TRSA, CLA and ALM, and so many more exhibitors as well. Here’s the upshot: Sales were made; seeds of ideas were planted; and that groove beat of fabricare connecting in quality ways was so very positive indeed!
Husband and wife drycleaning owners Matt and Kim Bizzack, who started their business in 1999, celebrated their anniversary of 20 years in business at Clean ’19. They paused to tell me in a busy aisle toward the back of the venue: “We are buying a new machine here. Our business is all about quality and service,” Matt says.
“We started wet cleaning two years ago. We have one plant and five drop stores. We’re Legend Dry Cleaner in Phoenix, Arizona. We’re having a blast here,” he adds.
Ideas, Find Me!
Husein Jivaji, owner, Sunshine Dry Clean, in Boynton Beach, Fla., came to the show to, “Find ideas, improve my sorting of clothing, and check out conveyors, right now we do everything the old-fashion way.” He bought his cleaners three years ago and has six employees.
He bought his
Rollout: Shirt Finishing! Carrie Charpentier, who has been with Hi-Steam for six years, is operating the new Turbo-440 deluxe tensioner shirt finisher at Clean ’19.
He’s not the only one. A little while later, near the front of the show entrance, I meet dry cleaner Garry Jackson from Peerless Cleaners, Corpus Christi, Texas. “I’m here looking for bar-coding and it’s a great show.”
Jackson tells me he’s been in the drycleaning business for 28 years and has seen quite a bit. Have you been to any of the educational
White Conveyors’ SUV-OAS is the perfect solution to boost your productivity, improve customer service and increase your profits while reducing your operating costs. The system is delivered fully assembled, and can be operational in less than two hours. As an option, it can be mounted on wheels for mobility or storage. Simply set it up on its supports, plug in the power, connect the computer, and link the system to an Internet connection. It’s time to begin realizing remarkable time and money savings.
Easy to use
Reduces labor costs
Increases productivity
Assembles over 2000 pieces per shift
Interfaces with all major POS systems
Can utilize a bar-code or RFID chip system
Easy-to-read computer touch screen
Highly accurate and reliable
Fast return on investment
Proudly made in the USA with fast support
He nods yes and smiles, saying, “I’m learning things!”
Educational sessions drawing packed crowns included the session titled Extending Customer Experience: How To Use Digital Tools To Engage Customers, by Nick Chapleau, co-founder of Starchup, and Rachel Delehanty, customer success, also from Starchup. The session is hosted by Mary Scalco and Brian Johnson of DLI.
Scalco provides a great opening remark in her introduction of Chapleau, saying, “They will tell you how to take your customer experience from your front door to online.”
Chapleau says to an attentive gathering: “The customer journey has three parts: The first impression, when people click to find you; the engagement, when there is a call to action; and the retention, when you use digital tools to bring them back.”
He reminds attendees: “The cost to acquire customers today is growing. Make a better online presence.”
Another educational session, held on day two of the Clean Show, was presented in the convention center’s grand ballroom, which holds about 800 at full capacity. Business Apps To Make Your Life Easier was the topic, and the speaker was Crystal Washington. She asked the big standing room only crowd, “Why are apps necessary?”
Then she answered it with their help by asking if attendees would write down how many tasks in their lives today’s smart cell phone has eliminated. An attendee in the front row had listed 17 things!
“Apps help you do things!” Washington belted out. “Things that you don’t have time for anymore. Use automation tools like Google Alerts which are very fast.”
Again, like other sessions, audience cell phones were recording her words. (Hey that’s yet another task elimi-
nated — by use of an app on a smart phone!)
And yet another Clean ‘19 general session: Helping You Tell Stories That Sell, by popular speaker Brian Rashid, was full to capacity again in the same grand ballroom setting. His message: “Your ‘brand’ and your ‘sales’ are separate. Brand describes you, as a confident owner; you have ‘the knowledge’; and it means your reputation. Build those ideas, then sales will follow.”
On day three, Jason Loeb, owner of Sudsies, talked to a rapt audience about Being Good Isn’t Good Enough.
John Meijer of DLI introduced his program with these cool words, “Jason’s operation rated the best ever in our DLI Secret Shopper program.”
Loeb gets everyone’s attention with this opener: “Keep sharpening your saw.”
plenty of time to have a meaningful conversation about the industry, about products and services, and about the grid-lock of cabbing it to theFrench
Quarter!Here at the A.L. Wilson booth an attendee (by coincidence it’s our front cover struttin’ guy) talks stains with Randy Schwarzmann, on far right, and Jeff Schwarz, aka The Stain Wizard. ....He’s the Wiz, and nobody beats him!
GreenEarth president Tim Maxwell, shows visitors his alpha-test microplastics filter, designed to help keep plastics out of the oceans.
He relates: “Make your business all about yourself. I feel the passion and I show it. You wear your brand. Your message goes out to your team. It’s you!”
His message is all about how he strives for world-class standards; showing his staff a world-class experience. He says the way they train is key, along with this: “Understand the people you serve.”
Accolades and milestones also strutted at Clean ’19.
The Clean Show wished a very happy retirement to longtime show manager and friend of us all, John Riddle. TCATA presented him with a plaque and a cowboy cap and gave a warm, loving and also tearful sendoff into that happy land of cattle roping and fishing, surrounded by colleagues, friends, and his son. And at another, separate event, we were introduced to the new show owners Messe Frankfurt and new show manager Greg Jira! “The new John,” as they said, in a smiling, upbeat transition.
Messe Frankfurt, in a press conference, noted they were,
“Honored to continue the Clean Show and develop it more in the future.”
Constatin von Vieregge, president of Messe North America, said: “The show is about people doing business. We will continue to provide that platform in North America and we will offer exporters a global opportunity within our worldwide network. We want to continue to make exhibitors happy and look forward to seeing you in 2021 in Atlanta!”
Joe Ricci, Clean ’19 executive committee chairman, and president of TRSA, in the same press conference added an explainer about the new ownership transition process: “We weren’t looking to sell; three years ago we found out John was going to retire and we talked to Messe about managing the show.” It evolved from there and he relates that, “We felt Messe would best be suited to service the show. We have a 10-year agreement to continue the Clean Show and we hope it’s longer than that,” he notes with a smile. “This Clean ’19 show has educational sessions with big themes, such as apps, sexual abuse prevention, and marijuana use.”
At yet another event, we met new DLI president Dennis Schmidt who takes over for Leland Waite. Mary Scalco, DLI CEO, received a recognition award for all her great service to their membership, from the DLI board.
At the GreenEarth Cleaning booth in
Oh When The Attendees Go Strutting In! Clean ’19 participants made a grand entrance, as shown here. Attendees were led in by a raucous local Louisiana jazz band playing the tune When The Saints Go Marching In. Plenty of struttin’ as the Clean Show kicked off another great fabricare industry event for people connecting and learning what’s new. The next Clean Show is in 2021 in Atlanta.
“Not only did I reduce my assembly sta from 2 people to 1, I also noticed signi cant reduction in mark in labor costs as well.The opportunity for human error has been vastly reduced. I should have switched years ago when Brett rst spoke with me!!”
“I can honestly say that the QuickSort is the single best item I’ve ever purchased. The direct labor saving payback was less than one year. The increased e ciency from barcoding at the mark-in counter coupled with the complete elimination of assembly mistakes makes this the smartest business decision I’ve ever made, and one that is paying daily nancial dividends. “
the 4400 aisle, this exhibitor displayed a new microplastic filter prototype that Tim Maxwell, president, is telling attendees about. His company reports it has joined forces with two other companies, Plastic Soup Foundation, an advocacy group to tackle plastics pollution, and PlanetCare, a developer of specialty filtration equipment for the removal of microplastic fibers.
The partnership is designed to help keep microplastic fibers out of our oceans, it notes. GreenEarth has performed alpha tests on the initial filter design and is beta testing in California, and planning a 2020 U.S. rollout, it writes.
Royal Basket Trucks debuted the Stair-Climber at the Clean Show. Cindy Lapidaikis demonstrated in the company’s booth how it can be moved up steps. She also said that for dry cleaners, “the drop-in divider accessory on their carts are very popular and the scale cart is popular in the drycleaning industry, mostly the six-bushel capacity.”
Rusty Smith at Forenta USA pointed out the new equipment they rolled out at Clean’19: “We introduced a new line of drycleaning presses available in both the scissor press format and the clear buck format.”
About Clean’19 impact, he says, “The interest shown in these improved presses was everything we had hoped for.”
Marcelo Rangel at Fabricare Systems said, “We rolled out our Fabricare University offering monthly webinars, and had great interest at the Clean Show.”
Sam at Itsumi had a new press that was getting attention and selling. The CleanCloud Locker rollout was going great, co-founder John Buni told us. Steve Henley at Realstar/Union said they made sales and added, “It was a successful show; we met with key distributors and it’s always good to keep in contact with partners.” Diane Rue, VP at EZPi, announced “EzBar™, an improved version of the 100 year old Z-Bar that has been used by dry cleaners to store and transport garments on hangers.
The Kelly family at My Shoe Hospital was creating quite a traffic jam in the 4900 aisle with their Shoe Repair Kiosk.
Stephen Langiulli at Columbia/ILSA’s booth right on
the main aisle was getting lots of attention, especially at his machine running Sensene demonstrations all during the show and at one point, Jan Barlow, owner of Jan’s Professional Cleaners, threw some ink pens in the machine with clothes as a demo, right on the spot to see how they cleaned. (It was a fun, spontaneous moment at Clean!)
Mark Jones at SPOT said this about the Clean Show: “I believe the quality of attendees this year was exceptional. We had 118 people attend our SPOT/CompassMax user group on Wednesday at the convention center and 450+ attendees visit our booth at the show. Thursday, Friday and most of Saturday our booth was rockin’!”
At Sankosha, Wes Nelson, company president, said they were having a wonderful show, saying, “Clean ‘19 is going great and our booth is making sales!”
Other roll-outs at the show included Leonard Automatics showcasing their new Coatmaster machine, “Perfect for lab coats as well as executive shirts,” Sherry noted. Cleaner’s Supply who was showing their new video program; HiSteam demonstrating their new Turbo-440 deluxe tensioner shirt finisher; and at Poseidon, Stucky and Jeff were dem onstrating their new line of wet cleaning machines and programmable dryer.
Stucky said he was, “Showing my own personal suits I used to wear, and I’ve wet cleaned them 70 times and they’re still looking real sharp.” He adds, “You buy the technician expertise.” About the show he relates, “We don’t sell, we plant the seeds here to produce a great harvest!”
Sensene, co-exhibiting with its U.S. exclusive distribution partner Seitz, said they, “Attracted lots of foot traffic.”
Drycleaning owner of Sunshine Dry Clean in Boynton Beach, Fla., Husein Jivaji said, “I’m getting ideas here, and I need to improve my sorting of clothing, and I’m looking for conveyors. We still do it the old-fashioned way. I’m also looking for bar-coding. But I’ll find it. There’s everything here,” he says with joy. He’s been a dry cleaner for three years and was a real estate agent when a friend told him about a store. “An opportunity came my way so I bought it.”
Another drycleaning owner, Joe Ferrante, Duro Cleaners in Pittsburgh said, “Here at Clean I’m finding everything I’m looking for!” Big smile and away he goes!
Yet another drycleaning owner, Craig Bamberg from Naples, Fla., came over saying that he just wanted to say hello, and tell me he’s been an owner six months.
“I love everything about the business and I’m here to learn and to buy. This is the place. The sessions are very educational and the show is awesome!”
He’s a co-owner with his brother Chris. With a brisk handshake and a big warm beaming smile, off he goes with a wave — to see more, talk more, and get more ideas!
That is the positive attitude! Learning. Connecting. And doing that strut! And that was Clean ’19! ADC
At the heart of SMRT, we are a dry cleaner. It’s the reason we created our software in the first place: To solve the everyday problems we ran into at our own business.
We’ve stood in your shoes -- pressing, cleaning the button trap, filling in when the driver is sick, making payroll, and replacing equipment.
And with a dry cleaner’s perspective, we’ve built, from the ground up, the best dry cleaning software in the marketplace.
We understand that dry cleaners are dynamic, high-performing entrepreneurs. It’s no small feat to run both the factory and the dealership every damn day. You deserve a software partner that knows your business and is there for you 24/7. You deserve SMRT.
Next-level customer service to match their next-level technology. The SMRT team is passionate about solving problems and supporting their users.
Jason Yerby
Vice President: Crest Advanced Dry Cleaners
There’s more to SMRT than great software. They really know the business, bringing a new dimension to customer support.
Daniel Cha
Owner: Orchid Dry Cleaners
SMRT is light years ahead of the competition! We’ve never been so on top of our business and in tune with our customers.
Wayne Edelman
Owner: Meurice Garment Care
Richard Aviles
Owner: Bridge Cleaners & Tailors, King Garment Care
Texting offers a quick and easy way to communicate with customers. ‘Simplicity’ might be the best word for what it offers our customers. Simple reminders can be: Orders are ready for pickup, or You have earned an award, or We noticed a stain on your garment. Then customers can text back ON WAY. We see it right on our Dashboard, and know to get their orders ready for a fast and speedy pickup.”
That’s Tonny Walden, CEO of Norman, Okla.-based Walden Cleaners, which he says is, “a third generation dry cleaner that has been in business since 1933. Walden Cleaners specializes in the utmost in quality care for your garments,” he says. “Our mission is: To gain life out of garments, not take it away.”
“Extremely valuable!” Is how Walden describes the value in texting with customers for his drycleaning operation.
“We have to be able to communicate with our customers easily and effectively,” he relates. “The old way was through a phone call or face-to-face interaction and in today’s world, texting is the easiest and most effective way to communicate.”
As an owner, Walden points out, “I love how easy it is to get a hold of our customers for all aspects of communicating. Our team loves the simplicity of texting right from the Point of Sale (POS) Dashboard.”
He adds that, “Our customers might love it the best. They don’t want to be bothered with a phone call, they
just need a simple notification.”
Walden says his business has been texting with customers for, “About a year now, but just over the past few months we have really ramped it up due to our new POS, Starchup. They have perfected customer communication and specialize in texting features when it comes to communication.”
And there are many other computer software firms to check into that serve fabricare with texting and POS as well.
When something new appears it can naturally come with surprises, but those can be good surprises. Speedy client-interactive surprises.
“One of the biggest challenges is responding to all the communications coming back from the customers!” Walden says. “Customers love how easy it is to reply. They don’t mind texting back and they text back very quickly!”
He explains that one of the biggest surprises comes when their POS system sends out texts to customers that their orders are complete and ready for pickup, those customers start heading his way immediately.
“The absolute best side benefit so far is that our lines stay empty,” Walden says. “Customers pick up their clothing when they get their notification.”
Texting and POS seem to almost be symbiotic — they help each other and work together.
Many drycleaning owners across the country have POS and texting ability but some (continued)
Owners describe the bennies of a ‘text takeover’: Easy, speedy and lines stay emptyBy Tim Burke
says: “As an owner I love how easy it is to get a hold of a customer. Our team loves the simplicity.” He also adds that: “The absolute best side benefit so far is that our lines stay empty.”
don’t. Some are still learning the game. Trying to understand how it all works together. Mike Bleier, owner of the Greener Cleaner in Chicago, can’t seem to separate his texting service from his POS.
“My thoughts on text messaging? Sorry for the headto-head comparisons but I really can’t separate my text messaging experience from my POS experience.
“Your POS system can make text messaging incredibly powerful and simple, or just another hassle to have to deal with,” he says, and gives his own example of software he uses: “SMRT has made text messaging a huge part of our customer communication strategy.”
Text messages, he relates, get immediate and positive responses.
“Texts get read,” he says, “e-mails simply get ignored. In an age where customers’ inboxes are filled with dozens or hundreds of e-mail messages per day, the ability to send a message directly to someone’s phone is unbelievably powerful.”
But one thing to note, he advises, “We do not use text messaging for marketing. I’ve found that is one way to get your number banned. We use text messaging to send business-related notifications.”
That’s a word to the wise from a drycleaning owner who is using texting full-time, all day, everyday, to connect with his drycleaning clients. But he’s not telling you the only lesson to be learned here.
As far as another “lesson learned” about texting at your drycleaning business, Tonny Walden reminds you
to: “Watch what your employees are texting and set some strict guidelines about what they send to your customers.
“There is such a thing as text etiquette! What one might think is funny, another might not, and through a text there is no emotion, no human voice like on a phone call, so your customers might not take it as joking,” he notes.
For his Walden’s drycleaning operation in Oklahoma, today, texting with customers has made a real difference.
“Texting has been a complete game-changer for running our dayto-day operations! Just the basics alone, like texting customers that their orders are ready for pickup, and asking simple questions, has streamlined our process!”
For our other drycleaning owner weighing in on the text takeover who answered questions for this article by e-mail, he adds this amusing aside: “Just in the typing of this, I’ve quickly stopped and texted with at least five customers — one about a special pickup request for an office; another had a question about a fur item for storage; and yet another customer has moved and wants service at her new address. And this was all in the last 10 minutes!”
Message received!
The words in this article’s headline: I Texting mean simply that owners today have found another way to conveniently serve their clients.
Text messaging is taking over mostly because it provides the following bennies: ease of use for you and your team; it’s right at your clients’ fingertips on their cell phone; it allows for speedy interaction; and, there’s no more standing in line at the counter, because by texting ahead, lines become empty.
How many of your clients, and you, would love no more lines? Probably everyone!
Walden passes along this concluding thought for those of you who are considering adding texting service at your drycleaning operation: “If you are afraid of texting don’t be. It is the way of the future for communicating and I promise you, your customers will love it!” ADC
Wet cleaning is better & faster than dry cleaning. We wet clean anything from wool suits to wedding gowns.
Poseidon offers innovative programmability for complete control over every conditional aspect of the wet cleaning, drying and ironing process. That’s why professional fabricare operations rely on Poseidon equipment to perfectly wet clean the most delicate items including tailored wool suits, cashmere sweaters, silk wedding dresses, and so much more! CALL 800-482-3400
— Gary Heflin, Owner, Perfect Cleaners
Want to grow your business, your sales and your revenue? A special kind of audit can help you.
Don’t let the word “audit” frighten you.
An external Business Alignment Audit, or BAA, unlike an IRS audit, provides a wealth of non-threatening information and offers suggestions designed specifically for improving the value, profit and future viability of your company.
There are no fines, no penalties and no mandated requirements to change anything. You are in control.
Audit definition: Conduct a systematic review of.… (Can be anything, but in this case, of a business.)
Businesses are living, changing entities that either adapt to new environments or die. Many enterprise owners and their associates don’t even notice the unhealthy deterioration, because familiarity blinds them from seeing reality.
Whether healthy or slowly dying, all businesses can benefit from a professional impartial review.
Answer these challenge questions for yourself:
1. When did you last have someone outside your business perform an assessment of any department inside your business?
2. Do your friends, associates, employees, advisors or customers provide solicited or unsolicited feedback based on their experience?
3. Does that feedback relate to single aspects of the business or encompass broader perspectives?
4. Do you see value in the suggestions, praise, critiques or complaints?
Here’s just one example of how a BAA can help you: Preventative vehicle maintenance can help avoid breakdowns and costly catastrophic repairs. It also helps your drivers depart and return to the plant on a timely schedule, thereby reducing plant downtime and/or overtime which affects total payroll.
Some of the benefits to having a BAA:
• Identifies gaps and inconsistencies between goals of personnel and departments with key corporate goals for achievement efficiency.
• Provides a map for correcting mismatched goals.
• Identifies best practices that can be replicated.
An objective professional outside source can more readily identify opportunities through a full audit of every department and process because they are not blinded by daily exposure or “we’ve always done it that way” syndrome.
The following BAA is a format proven to add value:
Business Alignment Audit
• Index
• Executive Summary: Introduction to Assignment;
A Business Alignment Audit, or BAA, can help you better plan, strategize, and grow your drycleaning empire
Key Findings From Pre-Project Team Preparation;
Primary Goal(s): 1 Year, 3-5 Years, 10-15 Years.
Competitive Advantages; Key Opportunities; Ranked Priorities.
• Financial Results and Opportunities
• Company Structure
• Management Effectiveness
• Division/Department Goal Alignment
• Team Goal Alignment
• Data From Audit
• Branding
• Pricing
• Product Quality
Relative to Target Niche
• Customer Service: Content; Accessibility.
• Sales Structure & Effectiveness
• Marketing and Promotion
• Technology: Customer Facing; Partner Facing; Internal.
• Physical Plants: Manufacturing; Processing; Retail Stores; Office.
• Efficiency: Processes; People; Tools.
List your primary goals, like this example: 1. Increase revenue by 10% this year; 2. Increase profitability by 14% this year; 3. Grow revenue to $5 million in three years; 4. Create detailed plan and timeline to reach goals.
Although not your stated primary goal, remember that pricing has immediate impact on profit. A simple increase in your retail drycleaning price of $1.00 (X%) per piece would increase your profit by $X and EBITDA by $X.
Have action plans that can be filled out, like this example:
Primary Responsibility:John Doe
Goal: Plan to achieve
Formal Maintenance PlanSee Steps Below
Step 1. Review and prioritize the current list of maintenance/repair projects including but not limited to:
• Cooling tower on roof • Painting interior • Single-buck shirt unit • Touch-up board • Unsafe stairs • Prepare plant for new DC machine • Long-term maintenance plan • Physical aspects of rebranding building
• Van repair
Step 2. Set dates for each to be completed with a project plan for overlapping project dates
Step 3. Track and manage process
• Human Resources: Morale; Training; Recruitment and Retention.
• Maintenance & Safety.
Note: The items on this BAA shown above, should be customized to your specific company, and the subsequent report should provide details regarding these three following examples: Specific actionable results of the audit; Suggestions for improvement; and, Estimated profitability resulting from the implementation.
American Drycleaner, August 2019
TimingAdditional Responsibility
By 7/31/19Jill Jones
By 4/15/19
Jack Smith
John Doe
Jill Jones, Jack Smith, and John Doe
You control the Business Audit focus and depth. Any level of audit and implementation has proven to benefit company value and profitability. Now get growing! ADC
Diana Vollmer is a managing director for Methods for Management, which has served dry cleaners and launder ers with affordable management expertise and improved profitability since 1953. For assistance with your Business Alignment Audit (BAA), contact her at dvollmer@mfmi.com or call 415-577-6544.
In 1999, three dry cleaners, Jim Douglas, Jim Barry, and Ron Benjamin, founded GreenEarth Cleaning to provide an alternative to perc. Now, after 20 years, GreenEarth has evolved into a process that is recognized by landlords, garment manufacturers, insurance companies, regulators, and consumers as the most sustainable way to care for fabric. Our sincere thanks go to our GreenEarth Members worldwide, who daily provide their customers with quality service and the planet, its people, and their business with the care they each deserve.
One of the biggest challenges in the drycleaning industry is seasonality. In the springtime and fall in Minneapolis it seems like everyone simultaneously says to themselves, “I should go to the dry cleaner,” and volume spikes to overwhelm your plant.
But in the frigid winter or steamy summer, those same people hightail it out of town. In Minnesota, people drive out to their cabins on the lakes and volume drops significantly after Memorial Day. The slowdown in customers and excess capacity can lead to the “summertime blues.”
The summertime blues present three major issues for dry cleaners that work in lockstep to make life difficult. First, you have a decline in volume, which corresponds to a decline in revenue. Second, you have excess capacity, which results in lower productivity. Finally, you have a decrease in morale, as your staff wonders if the business is going down the toilet or they are unable to make their full 40 hours.
If not managed carefully, the summertime blues can go from a temporary seasonal issue to a full-on, year-round disorder.
While you can never fully eliminate the seasonality associated with the summertime blues, there are things you can do to mitigate its effects and even take advantage of it. As President Kennedy said, “in a crisis, be aware of the danger — but recognize the opportunity.”
So, the question then is: What are the opportunities in the summertime slowdown?
The summertime slowdown generally results in excess capacity. Your store associates have more time to assist customers and your plant staff has more free capacity to process garments. This represents an amazing opportunity for you to provide your customers with a truly delightful and rewarding experience.
There are countless ways to do this, but here are a couple examples.
You can encourage your store staff to write personalized thank you notes to their top customers with exclusive offers. You can offer volume discounts on clothing to fill the excess capacity. You can add special gifts to customer orders that you wouldn’t normally have time to assemble. You can send out mailings for side services that your customers might appreciate.
I can’t tell you how many times
I’ve spoken with owners who say, “We’d love to make such and such improvement, but we just never have the time.” Well, this is your moment!
Ask yourself, “What major improvement can I make to my plant or stores that hasn’t been accomplished because we haven’t had the time or teampower?” It
could be remodeling your stores or cleaning up your plant. You’ve been given the gift of time. Now it’s up to you to use it.
As we’ve discussed in other articles, culture is the foundation to a successful business. However, drycleaning and laundry production has such time-intensive demands that it is often difficult to pull your team away to do the teaching and culture-building that empowers your team members to improve your business.
By using the summer slowdown to teach your employees about how your company is doing, what values you want to have, how they can improve and drive improvement themselves, you will be preparing yourself for the inevitable fall volume increase that will follow.
Of course, these are just a few examples of what is possible to counter the summertime blues. What really matters is for you to change your mindset from summertime blues to summertime opportunity and to instill the same in your staff.
Miele Professional Laundry systems are unrivaled when it comes to getting your laundry cleaned. The end results are perfectly washed, fresh linens, that are processed in the shortest amount of time - allowing you to maximize your business day. Whatever the day may have in store for you, you can count on the Miele system to Conquer Clean on Day 4,000 the same way it did on Day 1.
We should be excited for the summer because it offers us the opportunity to reward our customer and build our culture. The baseball and sunshine aren’t half bad either. Enjoy your summer! ADC
Dan Miller is the chief executive officer of Mulberrys Garment Care, a premium drycleaning and laundry business with 17 locations in Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Dallas. You may contact him at dmiller@ mulberryscleaners.com or 866-4730798.
The fake suede garments or garments with fake suede trim are easily restored in a wetcleaning operation.
For me the most useful advancement in garment care over the last 35 years has been the refinement of wet cleaning.
Once it was viewed as a “pipedream,” but, when used under the strict parameters of reduced pH detergent, reduced mechanical action, and reduced temperature, the door has been opened to restoring a wide Martin Young
variety of items with less effort and less risk.
A great example of this is the imitation suedes, imitation leathers, and imitation furs.
There was a time, not so long ago, when polyurethane struck fear in the eyes of garment care professionals. It is a synthetic film-like material that can be formulated in a way to mimic suede and leather.
Often, it is used as a trim to enhance the garments appearance and its perceived value. It is a synthetic, glued together in layers, or bonded to the fabric portion of the garment.
Exposure to drycleaning solvent will often lead to the adhesives weakening. This will result in bubbling or peeling and a ruined garment.
The advances in wetcleaning technology now allow the garment care professional to use water as the immersion solution, rather than a chemical solvent. The wetcleaning protocols seldom have an impact on the bonding of the polyurethane.
You should not apply any type of dry side POG to poly urethane. It is sensitive to the chemistry used by manufac turers to penetrate and remove paint, oil and grease. When needed use a laundry degreaser even at the spotting board.
Inspect the fake garment and pre-spot stains on the wet side, especially oily stains. Turn the garment inside-out.
If the fake suede has additional ornamental trim, I would recommend running the item in a net bag.
A standard wetcleaning cycle, with a good softener/con ditioner, is all you need. The fake suede or polyurethane, can be finished in the same manner as a synthetic fiber garment, such as polyester.
Place it on the body form, with or without manual air and brush it lightly in both directions with a new whisk broom.
Fake furs in white, light and pastel colors are also candidates for soaking in a color-safe bleach, such as sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate. This can restore the appearance of an item that is showing its age and remove some of the stains that have been overlooked over time.
This simple step can make you a hero, and word of mouth still remains the least expensive, most effective advertising around.
There is money in fakes, they just have to be treated as fragile. ADC
Martin L. Young Jr. has been an industry consultant and trainer for 20 years, and a member of various stakeholder groups on environmental issues. He grew up in his parents’ plant in Concord, N.C., Young Cleaners, which he operates today. Phone: 704-786-3011, e-mail: mayoung@ctc.net.
Technology is constantly progressing, becoming better and better as the years go by.
According to Small Business Trends, at the end of 2018, 43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses, and out of those, 60% of the companies go out of business within six months of one single cyber-attack.
As intricate and advanced as technology is becoming, cyber criminals are also getting smarter and finding new avenues to target any data that is put out there — putting everyone at risk.
As a drycleaning business, you may be a perfect target for the malicious cyber hackers present in the digital world. Smaller companies typically have a fewer amount of security layers to access websites or databases owned by the company, thus an easy hacking job.
Now more than ever, it is important for small businesses to understand the risks that cyber-attacks hold against smaller companies and put security protocol at the top of the priority list. There are some simple steps you can take to protect your company and its assets, as follows.
Every drycleaning business has company and/or customer data stored; whether it’s data from a customer’s payment info, from your delivery service, or from an online client portal — this is all information that cyber criminals look for in identity theft.
Backing up your data regularly will secure your business assets no matter what catastrophic cyber-attack strikes. You should also back-up your data on a third-party platform or data center that is unrelated to your content location.
This way, hackers may attack or hold your data hostage from the primary location, but will not have automatic access to your safety net as well. The following are some cloud backup platforms: iDrive; BackBlaze; Acronis; Carbonite; SpiderOak; and Zools.
Installing firewall software for your computer or server will add extra levels of security for all of your data that is being passed back and forth from your computer to the internet. There are many firewall software applications available at many different levels, to fit your budget.
An anti-malware software will help protect you from any malicious software transmitted through your Wi-Fi connection, spam e-mails, and unsecured websites. This not only includes viruses, but any Trojan horses, worms, spyware and key logger programs, ransomware, root kits, boot kits, and even adware. Just like your firewall software, the anti-malware will add even more layers of security for each employee’s device.
This may go without saying, but having unsecured WiFi leaves the door wide-open for hackers.
Securing your Wi-Fi network with a strong password to
gain access to your connection will help lower your risk of cyber theft. This especially holds true when you are using your Wi-Fi or hotspot in a public location.
If you’d like to offer your clients free Wi-Fi connection while they wait on their drycleaning services, we suggest having them ask for the password (don’t have it easily accessible to anyone who walks through the door), or only allowing employees to utilize the Wi-Fi connection. Note: your Wi-Fi password should be changed-out regularly.
Not only do you want to use a strong password for your Wi-Fi connection, you’ll want to incorporate this throughout your whole business.
Require your employees to create strong passwords on any platform that permits them access to company data. One of the biggest keys in having a strong password is to change it often. A strong password is typically at least six characters that are a combination of letters, numbers and symbols, and include uppercase and lowercase letters.
We also recommend having a password not related to your business. For instance, if you own a dryclean ing service, it wouldn’t be best to make your password “DryClean#123,” as hackers could make the correlation between the password and your business.
You can either seek a professional or engage your man agement team to perform your company’s risk analysis. You will want to identify and prioritize your assets in order to identify any of your company’s threats and vul nerabilities.
There are four major things to look for in your cyber risk assessment: Relevant threats to your organization; Internal and external vulnerabilities; Impact if those vulnerabilities are exploited; and Likelihood of exploitation.
These four items should give your management staff a good start when looking to reduce long-term costs, provide a template for future assessments, provide greater selfawareness, and help avoid breaches and cyber incidents.
Education is key. One of the best ways you can stay protected is by having security protocols in place and training all employees.
Keep your employees informed by writing out a formal policy and guideline for them to follow. This policy could go over Wi-Fi security, password format, spam e-mails. ADC
Jacqueline Labor is the marketing assistant at Choice Insurance Agency. She can be contacted at: jacqueline. labor@choiceins.com.
Zips Dry Cleaners drycleaning franchise, which de scribes itself as being, “Known for its same-day, oneprice business model,” reported it signed a development deal for 20 locations set to open throughout Atlanta over the next five years.
The stores will be owned and operated by business partners Allan Boomer and Tiffany Hawkins, the firm relates.
“After opening a few locations in Zips’ home market of Maryland-D.C.-Virginia, we were ready to break ground in a new market and there was no question that Atlanta was our first choice,” Hawkins explains.
“I have lived in Atlanta on two occasions in my adult life and I love the area for so many reasons,” says Hawkins.
Both entrepreneurs have positions at Momentum Ad visors, a company founded by Boomer. No strangers to
franchising, the business partners own multiple loca tions, as well as other businesses.
“Since becoming a Zips franchisee in April 2016,” says Boomer, “my partners and I have been involved in some of the most successful new drycleaning stores in the company. We are extremely excited about the oppor tunity to bring Zips to a thriving new market,” he relates.
“I know Atlanta. I love Atlanta,” Hawkins says. “The people of this city deserve a one-price, high-capacity dry cleaner that is modern, service-oriented and focused on cutting costs — without cutting the quality,” she adds.
“In analyzing the competitive landscape, Atlanta was the No. 1 market on our radar,” Boomer relates. “It is a great market with great people. Our team has long ties to the region and we are really looking forward to building a significant presence in Atlanta.”
In today’s increasingly green-conscious society, Zips writes, it is, “Leading the way in the search for new environmentally-friendly practices, such as its’ use of 100 percent biodegradable plastic bags and its hanger recycling program.”
“Zips is pleased to announce that Franklin Morgan Capital has agreed to introduce our company to the At lanta Market,” notes Drew Ritger, Zips CEO.
Pilgrim Dry Cleaners Inc. from Minneapolis, Minn., was honored to host the Round Table of Launderers & Dry Cleaners 2019 conference in Costa Rica earlier this year, it notes. The success of the Round Table has led them to continue this tradition now going into their 80th year of annual meetings, it adds.
The cleaners hosted 14 companies that were members and 3 invitee companies who participated in a week of meetings, dinners, and excursions, it says.
The Round Table of Launderers & Dry Cleaners, it points out, is a group of top executives from across the country who meet twice a year to discuss and exchange ideas.
Bonnie Engler, the president of Pilgrim Dry Cleaners, says “The sharing of ideas from some of the top compa nies in our industry continues to lead to success in our operations. We strive to improve and serve our custom ers and communities in the best way possible.”
“This elite group began in 1940 and continues to be self-sustaining and valuable to the leaders in our indus try,” the cleaners says.
This year’s participating members included: A Clean er World, Admiral Cleaners, Anton’s Cleaners, Avon Cleaners, Classic Cleaners, Dependable Cleaners, Max
I Walker, Model Cleaners, Pilgrim Dry Cleaners, Por ter’s Fine Dry Cleaning, Pratt-Abbott Cleaners, Puritan Cleaners, Red Hanger Cleaners, Zengeler Cleaners, and
Tuchman Advisory Group (T.A.G.) says it, “Held a very successful meeting,” recently, hosted by Bill Munro and Rick Kirksey of Munro Cleaners.
Highlights of the meeting, T.A.G. notes, included a tour of Munro Cleaners, Munro’s Uniform Rental and Munro’s Safety Division, review of YTD financials, critique of Munro Cleaners operations, and hearing member presentations.
“We were pleased to welcome Mark Porter of Porter’s Cleaners as a new member of T.A.G.,” the group says.
“Our guest speakers included, Vinay Bachireddy, CEO, HRO Resources, a company that offers employee payroll options, tax filing, 401K plans, and employee benefit cost saving plans,” it notes.
Also speaking it relates, were: “Ray Cheshire, sales manager, and Toran Brown, development director, at SPOT, who reviewed current and new features. Dru Shields, director of sales at EnviroForensics explained how they use historical insurance data to help pay for environmental clean-up.”
Mulberrys Garment Care, a toxinfree laundry and drycleaning provider, recently opened its first
Dallas retail store here at 4441 Lovers Lane, it reports.
“We are so happy to open our first retail location in Dallas and know that our customers from University Park will love visiting our store,” says Dan Miller, Mulberrys founder and CEO.
The company says its store, “features bright and modern décor, free coffee and snacks, and 24-hour drop boxes.”
The firm reports it has been providing service in Dallas via its on-demand app since July, 2018. The University Park retail location is the first of many the company plans to open in Dallas and Texas
“We are reinventing the laundry experience both with our storefronts and with our on-demand app service and we look forward to our continued expansion in Big D and beyond,” says Miller. ADC
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number is used,
cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted. DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month.
For example, for a June ad, the closing date is May 1st.
10 YEARS AGO. The Recession Is Easing up, according to the latest economic indicators from the Conference Board. The New York-based research group’s gauge of the economic outlook for the next three to six months increased a higher-thanexpected 0.7% after gaining 1.3% in May. Of 10 economic indicators, seven were positive. Factors such as housing starts, stock prices and a longer factory workweek contributed to the uptick.
35 YEARS AGO. “Do What The Label Says!” There’s a lot more knitting and cotton production in the United States. Cotton sweater sales have doubled in the past year. Cotton and wool blends are in a big surge. Men are showing increased interest in cashmere and camel hair. Demand for silk is continuing, with sales up 9% this year. Silk is in and polyester is out in neckwear, and tie widths of 4 1/2 to 5 inches are coming back, in the view of Normal Oehlke, chief analyst at IFI. Oehlke spoke at the June convention of the South Eastern Fabricare Assn. in Atlanta and expressed mixed feelings about these developments. He said dry cleaners still have some problems with silk, but are doing better, and are falling down in the handling of cotton, linen and ramie.
50 YEARS AGO. We Landed On The Moon 50 Years Ago! Editor’s note:
“The Eagle has landed,” said Neil Armstrong, famously, as Apollo 11 landed on the moon July 20, 1969. To celebrate, American Drycleaner’s August 1969 front cover shows an illustrated depiction of our Apollo astronaut finding a cleaners up there, one offering astronaut specials! Great!
A real nice touch on the August 1969 front cover of American Drycleaner is this fun, illustrated depiction of the Apollo moon landing that happened on July 20, 1969, as the astronaut, on his moonwalk, comes upon a sign for a dry cleaners’ weekly special for cleaning astronauts’ suits! …. The Old Con Game Runs Rampant Again! Beware of shakedowns! A revival
of the old claim check fraud scheme was reported. It goes like this: A stranger comes into a call office, without a claim check, to pickup “his” drycleaning order. Shortly thereafter, a second person comes in with a claim check for the same order. The store, of course, cannot come up with the merchandise, so a ruckus is raised, and a settlement is angrily demanded. “Most insurance contracts will not accept liability for this kind of loss,” it is warned. “The only way the dry cleaner can protect himself against this racket is either to know or to have positive identification of his customer — or demand a claim check.”
75 YEARS AGO. Green
Underclothing! At Camp Elliott, San Diego, Calif.,undershirts and shorts, the last Marine articles of clothing to retain the white colors of civilization, are going native. Two platoons of Leathernecks here are busy dyeing the underclothing of their buddies a deep jungle green. Long experience in the tropics has taught the Marines the value of camouflage, even down to the last strip of clothing. Troops going into action in the Pacific at the start of the war quickly dimmed the whiteness of their undies by boiling them in coffee.
To read more of American Drycleaner’s chronicling of the industry over the years, visit www. americandrycleaner.com.
101-105 Series
We expect 15 to 25 years from our interchangeable tube bundles, and 30 to 40 years of life our more out the boiler.
209-211 Series
We normally expect 10-25 years out of the copper heat exchanger, 30 to 40 years out of the boiler.
207 Series
We expect 30 to 50 years out of our thermal fluid heater models
On all of the above units we have continued to build, and will continue to have available any part of the pressure vessel, burners, cabinet, and controls meaning that for as long as a customer wants, they will be able to infinitely repair their equipment rather than replace the equipment.
We are asked by many new and existing customers on what is our projected life expectancy of our products. We are not always the lowest initial price but know we have one of the lowest cost of ownership of any boiler manufactured in North America. These facts are based on our 90 plus years of boiler manufacturing, feedback and experiences from our end users, service departments, and all of our representatives and dealers worldwide. These life spans are based on our boilers being installed properly, and do receive our minimal recommended care, are applied to the correct application, and include the proper maintenance and water treatment programs.
Did you visit the
dry cleaning machine booth in New Orleans?
OMG and Holy Moly...they are awesome!
It was the only booth to visit! No need to look anywhere else.
Yeah, the booth was loaded with equipment and they were running live demo’s with full loads of garments with SENSENE solvent. That was amazing!
I was so impressed I bought 2 for my shop, I can’t wait to get them installed and running...So many Columbia users were there to talk about their experience with the machine and SENSENE solvent...and I just am so excited to get this system in my shop.
See I told you so...Columbia has always been the leader of change in the industry, and they continue to be the game Changer! You made the right choice...call me when your machines are installed...I’ll come by !
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