Since stain removal matters to your customers, each stain is an opportunity to impress them.
InkGo is the effective and safe way to remove ink stains from all types of fabric - including acetates. Use it to remove adhesives, too.
It's eco-friendly... California compliant, chlorinated-solvent and NPE free, biodegradable and non-combustible. And since InkGo is user-friendly and odor-free, it's pleasant to work with.
Use InkGo to deliver stain-free cleaning. You'll build your reputation for quality – and keep customers coming back.
To learn more, visit ALWilson.com or call 800-526-1188 A. L. WILSON CHEMICAL CO.
February 2020 Vol. 86, No. 10
Products & Services section offers the companies you need to find, listed alphabetically by their product/service category. This “Helping Hand” reaches out to you so you can find the products and services you need, right at your fingertips — starting on page 8.
Manufacturers & Providers section begins on page 22 and provides the most accurate and updated listings of company names, addresses, e-mails and websites you’ll need — to serve you and your garment care operation.
This Owner’s Office column discusses strategic planning involving a four-step method that includes: Reviewing what has come before; deciding as a team where opportunities exist and improvements can be made; setting that plan in motion; and making sure all the team members understand it and can implement it.
Scan this QR Code for help in finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!
“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”
“I don’t have to rely on anybody for information. I can see immediately what I have for inventory, orders and accounts receivable.”
You’ve heard enough riffs on tv, radio and in magazines (not me of course!) about 2020! Well, pun no more! To accompany this year’s Buyer’s Guide, I’ve asked a few drycleaning owners from around the U.S. to share their realities — tell us what their biggest need is this year?
A drycleaning owner from out west says: “Staffing is a year-round issue. I don’t know how to put this in a nicer way, but I feel the work force has gotten lazier and more expensive at the same time.
“With my machinery, I’m up to state law and I try to maintain them so I don’t see any issue of replacement, just minor repairs.
Charles Thompson 312-361-1680 cthompson@ATMags.com
Associate Publisher/ National Sales Director
Donald Feinstein 312-361-1682 dfeinstein@ATMags.com
Editorial Director
Tim Burke“Pricing is something I always try to raise. Because minimum wage and cost of living rises, so must we. I talk with other owners in the industry about not playing the low ball game with competition and to give the best quality you can and the highest price you can get in your community. You are in business to make money. Don’t sell yourself short.”
A drycleaning owner from the south says: “With industry in decline, the biggest need is attracting more customers, or a different type of customer, and slowing piece count decline.
“Attracting staff, in an environment where unemployment is so low, is the second biggest challenge facing the industry today.”
Another drycleaning owner in the east concurs, “We can’t find enough energetic, polite personnel for the counter who want to come to work everyday.”
The Products & Services section gives you companies listed in categories by alpha order. The Manufacturers & Providers section, also alpha, gives you updated company names, along with their contacts, emails and websites.
Also this month is the latest Talk of the Trade survey, Worth Your Weight, and Dan Miller’s column called Plan Your Success! Let this 2020 Buyer’s Guide give you a helping hand to finding what you need to run your business! ADC
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $46.00; 2 years $92.00. Foreign, 1 year $109.00; 2 years $218.00. Single copies $9.00 for U.S., $18.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 86, number 10. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2020. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
American Drycleaner, February 2020
Bruce Beggs 312-361-1683 bbeggs@ATMags.com
Editor Tim Burke 312-361-1684 tburke@ATMags.com
312-361-1681 nfrerichs@ATMags.com
When asked in this first quarter 2020 American Drycleaner Your Views survey to tell us: “Do you know your drycleaning operation’s value?” Here is what respondents reveal:
Thirty-three percent say, “I have a fairly good idea but haven’t sat with my accountant and gone over it,” while 20% admit they have “no idea,” of the worth of their business, another 15% know exactly what their business is worth in the market today.
Still another 27% of respondents say they, “don’t really have a firm idea, only guessing at this point,” and 5% aren’t thinking about it at all. (See graphic.)
The survey then asks: “Is your business comfortably profitable?” Here is what respondents relate:
• “It is, however you can never stop trying to improve it or rest on your laurels.”
• “Yearly it is going down since four or five years ago, and I think that is the general trend.”
• “On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say about a 6 or 7.”
• “Just comfortable.”
• “No. This is my number one business focus.”
• “Yes.” (Many answered like this, but some said “No,” or “Not really.”)
• “It is finally generating a profit, but not enough for me to live off of. I’m using profit to pay down debt at this point.”
• “Yes, we can improve some operational effectiveness and make things more robust.”
The survey also asks: “Where does your largest chunk of revenue come from?” Respondents by far indicate that “Walk-In/Drop-Off” generates the largest chunk of revenue, at 71%. “Routes” generated eight percent and “Wholesale” just two percent, while a “Balanced Mix” of everything garnered 19%.
The survey then asks respondents to finish this sentence: “If you were going to sell your drycleaning business tomorrow would you be….”
“Happy with the price you’ll offer the market, and expect to get it,” says 15%.
“Comfortable with the price, hoping to get it,” answers 46% of respondents.
“Know it’s a reach, and probably full of negotiations,” notes another 24%.
“Have to take a pass now, wait until the value rises,” says 15%.
Lastly the survey poses this: “Does your drycleaning operation’s bottom line give you peace of mind?”
• “Yes. Always a positive cash flow with cushion.”
• “Labor is my biggest expense and I still can’t get good employees; that doesn’t give me peace of mind.”
• “No, there’s a lot of uncertainty between economy, big players in the game, and casual business attire.”
• “Yes, have delegated many of the management roles to my employees and they have maintained our customer base with many weekly clients.”
• “No; I worry about it virtually every day.”
• “Yes, we maintain a steady 30% profit margin.”
The Your Views survey offers a current snapshot of the trade audience’s views. Qualified subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited to participate anonymously in the unscientific poll.
White Conveyors’ OAS is the perfect solution to expand your existing business, improve customer service and increase profits. Order Assembly couldn’t be easier.
The OAS significantly reduces your labor costs while greatly increasing productivity. What’s more, order accuracy is optimized, and employee morale is improved as fatigue is virtually eliminated.
And if that were not enough, savings from reduced labor costs combined with increased productivity typically results in a return on investment in less than one year.*
The system can be delivered and operational the same day. As an option, it can be mounted on wheels for mobility or storage. It couldn’t be easier. Isn’t it time to realize remarkable time and money savings?
Easy to Use clear and easy-to-read color touch screen, plus audible instructions
Increase Productivity while Reducing Labor Costs capable of assembling over 2000 garments per shift with one operator
Fast Return on Investment typical ROI in less than 1 year*
More Capacity standard 5 slots per foot have 50-80% more hanger capacity than competitors, reducing the need to split large orders
Flexible software customization is available for specialized customer’s requirements
Highly Accurate and Reliable greatly reduces the chance for human errors
Reliable, Robust and Durable Construction with average operational lifespan of 25+ years
USA Based Manufacturer for over 75 Years remote diagnostics, setting adjustments and troubleshooting assistance reduces downtime, and minimizes the need for an on-site service technician
* ROI is based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Advertising & Marketing Services
Active Ad Specialties
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
Cleaner Business Systems
Fabritec International
The Golomb Group
Iowa Techniques
Mainetti USA
Mak Marketing
The Marketing Shop
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
National Cleaners Association
Phone Tree
The Route Pro Sanitone
Spector Textile Products
Thanks Again
Tuchman Advisory Group
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Air Compressor Sales Inc.
AMA Universal
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Ingersoll-Rand Co.
Jenny Products
Kaeser Compressors
Maxi Companies
Quincy Compressor
Saylor-Beall Mfg. Co.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems Inc.
Aqua Products Co. Inc.
Bessamaire Sales, Inc. Colmac Industries Inc.
Commercial Coils Inc.
Crane Pumps & Systems
Essick Air Products
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Mustang Enterprises
Schaefer Ventilation
Spot Coolers
AMA Universal Draeger Inc.
Newhouse Specialty
Nextteq LLC
Sensors Safety
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Ideal Fastener Corp. B&G Lieberman Lucas Products Corp.
Newhouse Specialty Quality Zipper & Supply Seickel & Sons Singer Sewing Co. Waterbury Button Co.
Comca Systems Inc.
Fabricare Systems LLC (Fabricare Manager)
Liberty Computer Systems, A div. of SMRT Systems
SPOT Business Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Global Business Systems HMC Solutions
Iowa Techniques
Railex Corp.
SPOT Business Systems
White Conveyors
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists
Consorzio Unimatic Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
Mid-Atlantic Association of Cleaners
National Cleaners Association Southwest Drycleaners Association
Textile Care Allied Trades Association
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. DCCS
eAnytime Corp.
Frankford Machinery Inc. HMC Solutions
QuickSort (Garment Management Systems)
White Conveyors
Phone Tree
Frankford Machinery Inc.
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries
R.W. Martin & Sons
Railex Corp. Sankosha USA
YAC Corp., Japan
The Green Garmento
Air World
Carolina Textile Products
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Epsilon Plastics
First Film Extruding
The Green Garmento HBD Inc.
Idel International Trading B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries
National Gown Cleaners LLC
Poly-Pak Industries R&B Wire Products
Ross Textiles
Spector Textile Products
The Green Garmento
Cleaner Business Systems
EzProducts International Inc.
Fabricare Systems LLC
Iowa Techniques
Natmar Services Co.
Raco Industries
SMRT Systems
SPOT Business Systems Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Covers Etc.
Epsilon Plastics
Frankford Machinery Inc.
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries
Newhouse Specialty
R&B Wire Products
Ross Textiles
Royal Basket Trucks
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Techstar Plastics
Morantz Ultrasonics
OnSite Fabricare
EZ Timers
Adco Cleaning Products
Allied Boiler & Supply
Bryan Steam
Caled Chemical
Cleaner’s Supply
General Boiler Co.
Kemco Systems
Kleerwite Chemical
Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Pariser Industries
R.R. Street & Co. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Allied Boiler & Supply
Bryan Steam
Columbia Boiler Co.
Crane Pumps & Systems
Desert Boilers & Controls
DLT Electric
EZ Timers
FabTek Aero Ltd.
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fulton Boiler Works
General Boiler Co.
Hoffman/New Yorker
Hurst Boiler & Welding Imesa USA
Kemco Systems
Lattner Boiler Mfg. Co.
B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Miura America Co. Ltd.
MTH Pumps
Mustang Enterprises
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
Parker Boiler Co.
Reimers Electra Steam
Reliable Corp.
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
Seickel & Sons
Topog-E Gasket
Trevil America
Williams & Davis Boilers
All Things Dry Cleaning
COIT Services
Comet Cleaners
Martinizing Dry Cleaning Royaltone Co.
Leather Master OnSite Fabricare
Ram Leather Care Rug Spa RugBadger.com
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Armstrong International Commercial Coils Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
PROS Parts Realstar USA
Union Drycleaning Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
ALJ Electronics
Alliance Laundry Systems
American Dryer Corp. (ADC) Continental Girbau Dexter Laundry Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Huebsch Laundrylux Maxi Companies Milnor Laundry Systems Primus Renzacci Speed Queen Whirlpool Commercial Laundry
Collarite Co. CollarSTYX
Lang Innovations B&G Lieberman Million Dollar Collar
Liberty Computer Systems, A div. of SMRT Systems
Natmar Services Co.
SMRT Systems
SPOT Business Systems
Starchup Sysmetic Thermopatch Western DC Computer
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
AMA Universal
America’s Best Cleaners
Associated Environmental Banks & Associates
John Barry & Associates
Careful Consulting Services Dallons Environmental Dry Clean Concepts
Dry Cleaning Plus
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
ECC Horizon Ehrenreich & Associates
Frankford Machinery Inc.
The Golomb Group
GreenEarth Cleaning Haralson Consulting
Ron Herrmann Sells LLC
In The Bag Cleaners
JCZ Training & Consulting
Kemron Environmental Services
Kleerwite Chemical
The Marketing Shop
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Methods for Management
Ontario Fabricare Association
The Route Pro
Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
SPOT Business Systems
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tailwind Systems
Tatch Technical Services Tuchman Advisory Group WashClub
w/Iron Hi-Steam/European Finishing
AAA Venture Business Brokers Ltd.
Aldridge & Associates
Banks & Associates
Dry Cleaning Plus
Ehrenreich & Associates
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Patriot Business Advisors
Quality Services Co.
Small Business America, The Lafayette Group, LLC
Redstone Funding/Payment Solutions
Computer Systems, Software, POS Cleaner Business Systems
Cleanez Technologies
CleanSuite Software
Comca Systems Inc.
Compassmax (Maineline Computer Systems)
Computer Connections
Computer Systems Intl. (CSI) Dajisoft DCCS
Diamond Computer Service Easy Plus
EzProducts International Inc.
Fabricare Systems LLC (Fabricare Manager)
Global Business Systems
iDryclean by Personal Touch Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Colmac Industries Inc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Iowa Techniques
Leonard Automatics
Mustang Enterprises
Railex Corp. Sankosha USA
Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Sysmetic White Conveyors
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Wet cleaning is better & faster than dry cleaning. We wet clean anything from wool suits to wedding gowns.
Poseidon offers innovative programmability for complete control over every conditional aspect of the wet cleaning, drying and ironing process. That’s why professional fabricare operations rely on Poseidon equipment to perfectly wet clean the most delicate items including tailored wool suits, cashmere sweaters, silk wedding dresses, and so much more! CALL 800-482-3400
— Gary Heflin, Owner, Perfect Cleaners
AMA Universal
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp.
American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems Inc.
Aqua Products Co. Inc.
Crane Pumps & Systems
Frankford Machinery Inc. Magicool RSD Cooling Towers
California Counters
Cleaner’s Supply
The Green Garmento
Kleerwite Chemical B&G Lieberman
Morantz Ultrasonics
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Bane-Clene Corp.
COIT Services
Forenta LP
Hoffman/New Yorker Luetzow Industries
Newhouse Specialty Omegasonics
OnSite Fabricare
Perfect Pleat Products Reliable Corp.
Reynolds Drapery Service Widmer’s Cleaners
Iowa Techniques
Metalprogetti White Conveyors
Dry Cleaning Plus
Patriot Business Advisors
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products Inc.
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Inc.
Albatross USA
Big D Industries
Caled Chemical
Fabritec International
Indy Hanger and Supply
Kleerwite Chemical
Leather Technologies Inc.
Olin Corporation
Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co.
Sanitone Seitz Inc.
Stamford R.R. Street & Co. Inc.
Wausau Chemical Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. Columbia/ILSA
Frankford Machinery Inc. Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Cool Clean Technologies
EnviroTech International Firbimatic
Frankford Machinery Inc.
GreenEarth Cleaning Mustang Enterprises New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Permac Parts Depot Realstar USA Renzacci
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tonsil Filtration
Union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. Equipment
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. A.E.C./Ally Equipment AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Donini International Firbimatic Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Italclean Multimatic Corp. Mustang Enterprises New England Dependable Equipment Inc. New York Machinery (Unisec)
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot Realstar USA Renzacci
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tonsil Filtration
Union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. Equipment
Drycleaning Machines, Perchloroethylene
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. A.E.C./Ally Equipment
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic Donini International
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Italclean
Multimatic Corp.
Mustang Enterprises
Olin Corporation
Realstar USA Renzacci
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. Equipment
Drying Cabinets, Racks
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Frankford Machinery Inc. Iowa Techniques
IPSO Seickel & Sons UniMac
Bahnson Inc. Flexaust
Royaltone Co. True Color Fabric Dyeing
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
The Golomb Group JCZ Training & Consulting National Cleaners Association Royaltone Co. Tuchman Advisory Group
Tailwind Systems
Environmental Compliance Counsel
Associated Environmental Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
Environmental Strategies & Applications Inc. GreenEarth Cleaning GZA GeoEnvironmental Kemron Environmental Services Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants Tatch Technical Services
Associated Environmental Coreprobe International Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants Tatch Technical Services
Environmental Site Investigation,
Associated Environmental CL Solutions
Coreprobe International EnviroForensics
Environmental Strategies & Applications Inc.
GZA GeoEnvironmental Kemron Environmental Services
Veolia ES Technical Solutions
Accredit Capital Leasing
Ascentium Capital Banks & Associates
Beneficial Capital Leasing, Inc. Dexter Financial Services
Eastern Funding
Emerson Capital Corp. The Leasing Experts
Quality Services Co.
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tiger Leasing U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
Air-Tow Trailers
Dry Cleaning Plus
Filter Powder
GreenEarth Cleaning
Krystal Klean Powder Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. Inc. Tonsil Filtration Wausau Chemical Corp.
Adco Cleaning Products
Firbimatic Kleen-Rite Inc. Krystal Klean Powder Lint-All Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts
Realstar USA R.R. Street & Co. Inc. Tonsil Filtration
Union Drycleaning Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Colmac Industries Inc.
Consorzio Unimatic Continental Girbau Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Gulf States Laundry Machinery Haralson Consulting
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA
Itsumi USA
Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel
Machinery & Supply
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Permac Parts Depot
Reliable Corp.
Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
Firetrace International
Flame Retardants
Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Cleaner’s Supply
Covers Etc.
Forenta LP
B&G Lieberman Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons
Zellermayer Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Imesa USA
Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot Sankosha USA
Seickel & Sons
Trevil America Unipress Corp. W.A.G. Equipment
Ascot Formal Wear
Jim’s Formal Wear
Sarno & Son
Thomas & Sons
Cleaner’s Supply
Raco Industries
All Things Dry Cleaning
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists
Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network
COIT Services
Comet Cleaners Dryclean USA
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Leather Technologies Inc. Martinizing Dry Cleaning Prestige Preservation
Arrow Fabricare Services
The Cleaning Specialist
Colorex Chemical Co.
Leather Master
Leather-Rich Luetzow Industries
Midwest Leather Ram Leather Care Royaltone Co.
Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Adco Cleaning Products
Classic Heirlooms
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute National Cleaners Association
Carolina Textile Products
Cleaner’s Supply
Epsilon Plastics
First Film Extruding Foster-Stephens Inc. The Green Garmento
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries
National Gown Cleaners LLC Poly-Pak Industries Reuseniks Ross Textiles Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Spector Textile Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Advanced Innovative Technologies
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Cutting Edge Storefronts
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Iowa Techniques
Leonard Automatics
B&G Lieberman Mak Marketing
R&B Wire Products Railex Corp.
Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyors
EzProducts International Inc.
Cleaner’s Supply CTS Packaging HBD Inc.
M&B Hangers
Maruso USA
Nichols Paper Products Co.
American Drycleaner, February 2020
SNA Manufacturing
United Wire Hanger
B&G Lieberman
EzProducts International Inc. Indy Hanger and Supply M&B Hangers Mainetti USA Maruso USA Northern Hanger Company
United Wire Hanger
Kemron Environmental Services
MCF Systems Atlanta National Waste Clean Safety-Kleen Systems Veolia ES Technical Solutions ZeroWASTE
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. Computype
DryCleanZone.com EZ Products International First Film Extruding B&G Lieberman Natmar Services Co. Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
DryCleanZone.com EZ Products International Stry-Lenkoff Thermopatch
AMA Universal Pariser Industries Sanitone
R.R. Street & Co. Inc. U.N.X. Inc.
Lab Test Products Inc.
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
Henderson Insurance Irving Weber Associates National Cleaners Association NIE Insurance O’Brien Agency
Ironing Boards, Tables
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Cleaner’s Supply
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Iowa Techniques
Jacobson Products
Leonard Automatics B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot
Pony USA/NYM Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons Trevil America
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Iowa Techniques
Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies Miele Professional Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot
PROS Parts Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
eAnytime Corporation
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
Caled Chemical
Cleaners Chemical Corp. Ecolab Textile Care
Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co.
Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Inc. Metro-Chem
Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. U.N.X. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp. Winning Brands
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Alliance Laundry Systems
B&C Technologies
Colmac Industries Inc. Consorzio Unimatic
The Venice Wetcleaning System by Imesa gives you complete control over the washing and drying cycles providing superior results.
Continental Girbau
Dexter Laundry
Donini International
EDRO Corp.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Huebsch Imesa USA
Jiffy Steamer
Kemco Systems
R.W. Martin & Sons
Maxi Companies
Maytag Commercial Laundry Milnor Laundry Systems
Mustang Enterprises
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Poseidon Textile Care Systems
R&B Wire Products
Speed Queen Trevil America
Whirlpool Commercial Laundry YAC Corp., Japan
PROS Parts
Lint Cleaning Fans
R.W. Martin & Sons SonicAire Inc.
Cleaner’s Supply
Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman Newhouse Specialty Pepin Manufacturing Management Coaching Haralson Consulting
California Counters
Cleaner’s Supply
EzProducts International Inc.
B&G Lieberman
Natmar Services Co.
Newhouse Specialty Thermopatch
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Leonard Automatics
Railex Corp.
Speed Check Conveyor White Conveyors
White Conveyors
Ah! Products
Big D Industries
Caled Chemical
Cleaners Chemical Corp. Epoleon Corp.
Kleerwite Chemical
Neuhaus Chemical Products Newhouse Specialty Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. Inc. Stry-Lenkoff Vaportek Wausau Chemical Corp.
Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
AMA Universal Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
Armstrong International ArtiClean Ozone Systems
ClearWater Tech Iowa Techniques The Ozone Experts Sonozaire
American-Newlong Inc. BagMartUSA.com
Cleaner’s Supply Collarite Co.
CTS Packaging
Des-L Industries
First Film Extruding Foster-Stephens Inc. The Green Garmento Luetzow Industries Maruso USA
Nichols Paper Products Co.
Plas-Ties, Co.
Poly-Pak Industries Prestige Preservation
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics United Wire Hanger
ADC Air World B&C Technologies
Cleaner’s Supply Colmac Industries Inc.
EZ Timers
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fulton Boiler Works
Hi-Steam/European Finishing
R.W. Martin & Sons Maxi Companies Multimatic Corp. New England Dependable Equipment Inc. Newhouse Specialty Parts Emporium Permac Parts Depot
PROS Parts Realstar USA Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
Harris Pillow Supply
Luetzow Industries Ram Leather Care
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. John Barry & Associates Frankford Machinery Inc. Imesa USA Trevil America
First Film Extruding Indy Hanger and Supply Luetzow Industries Poly-Pak Industries Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
Press Pads & Covers
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. Advance Cover Texas
Air World Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Jacobson Products Lab Test Products Inc. B&G Lieberman
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts Ross Textiles Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons YAC Corp., Japan Zellermayer Corp.
Air World Covers Etc. Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. B&G Lieberman PROS Parts Seickel & Sons
Zellermayer Corp.
Colmac Industries Inc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Lang Innovations
Leonard Automatics
Maxi Companies
Mustang Enterprises
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service
Permac Parts Depot Pony USA/NYM Reliable Corp. Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. W.A.G. Equipment
Haralson Consulting WesVic Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Hoffman/New Yorker
Jacobson Products Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons Unipress Corp.
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. ArctiChill
Armstrong International Cleaner’s Supply
Crane Pumps & Systems
DLT Electric FabTek Aero Ltd.
Frankford Machinery Inc. Fulton Boiler Works
Kemco Systems
MTH Pumps New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
PROS Parts Realstar USA
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. Seickel & Sons
Union Drycleaning Products
Evans Garment Restoration FRSTeam Haralson Consulting
Imesa USA
Leonard Automatics
Morantz Ultrasonics
Reynolds Drapery Service
Trevil America
Widmer’s Cleaners
Carolina Textile Products
Cleaner’s Supply
Foster-Stephens Inc.
The Green Garmento
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries
Raco Industries
SMRT Systems Tagsys USA US Bobae Marketing (BÖWE Textile Cleaning)
B&G Lieberman
EzProducts International Inc.
Ah! Products
Rug Spa RugBadger.com
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
AMA Universal
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Iowa Techniques
Newhouse Specialty R&B Wire Products
Techstar Plastics Inc.
Active Vision Global Business Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Allied Boiler & Supply
Galaxy Wastewater Treatment
Kleen-Rite Inc.
Tatch Technical Services
EZ Timers
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Frankford Machinery Inc.
B&G Lieberman
Reliable Corp.
Singer Sewing Co.
Hi-Steam/European Finishing
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Imesa USA
Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Permac Parts Depot
Pony USA/NYM Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
B&G Lieberman
Mr. ShoeWash
My Shoe Hospital Royaltone Co.
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Ah! Products
Caled Chemical ChemBrite
Cleaner’s Supply
Ecolab Textile Care
Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co.
Paradigm Labs, Inc. Royaltone Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Cleaner’s Supply Newhouse Specialty
GreenEarth Cleaning The Green Garmento
Adco Cleaning Products
Caled Chemical Cool Clean Technologies
EnviroTech International Fabritec International GreenEarth Cleaning Solvair
R.R. Street & Co. Inc.
Chevron Phillips
R.R. Street & Co. Inc.
Caled Chemical Olin Corporation Veolia ES Technical Solutions
Arrow Fabricare Services
Blanc Plume
Classic Heirlooms Evans Garment Restoration Heritage Preservation Leonard Automatics Madame Paulette Memories Gown Preservation Wedding Gown Preservation Co.
Widmer’s Cleaners Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Inc.
Caled Chemical ChemBrite
Cleaners Chemical Corp. Colorex Chemical Co. Ecolab Textile Care
Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Fuller Supply Co. GreenEarth Cleaning Indy Hanger and Supply Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler
Leather Technologies Inc. Neuhaus Chemical Products Paradigm Labs, Inc. Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. Inc. U.N.X. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp. Winning Brands
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Albatross USA Cleaner’s Supply Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA
B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp.
Adco Cleaning Products A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Inc.
Albatross USA
Caled Chemical Cambridge Diagnostic Products ChemBrite
Cleaners Chemical Corp. EnviroTech International Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Indy Hanger and Supply Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler
Leather Technologies Inc. B&G Lieberman
Neuhaus Chemical Products Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc.
R.R. Street & Co. Inc. U.N.X. Inc. Wausau Chemical Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Albatross USA
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
Cleaner’s Supply
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. Colmac Industries Inc.
Frankford Machinery Inc. Hoffman/New Yorker
Leonard Automatics Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America YAC Corp., Japan
EZ Timers
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Allied Boiler & Supply
AMA Universal Armstrong International
Cleaner’s Supply
Frankford Machinery Inc. Fulton Boiler Works Jacobson Products
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts
Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
It means...
being a Member of a network of over 2,000 sustainable dry cleaners around the globe...
representing a brand that is recognized by landlords, garment manufacturers, and retailers as the only environmentally non-toxic way to dry clean...
having all of the marketing tools necessary to grow your businss at your fingertips...
having immediate technical operations support at your disposal...
having a complete system: optimized concentrated detergent, moisture carrying pre-spotter, low utility filtration medium—delivering low operating cost.
having on-call consultants for every facet of your business.
Your GreenEarth Team always has your back. Contact: Joe Blaha Phone: 816-944-3445 Email: jblaha@greenearthcleaning.com
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA
Consorzio Unimatic
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Multimatic Corp.
PROS Parts
Realstar USA
Renzacci Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
California Counters
Cutting Edge Storefronts
Frankford Machinery Inc. R.J. Papalini Custom Cabinets
Arrow Fabricare Services
The Cleaning Specialist
Leather Master
Leather-Rich Leather Technologies Inc.
B&G Lieberman
Midwest Leather
Mr. ShoeWash
Paradigm Labs, Inc.
Ram Leather Care Sims City Cleaners
Sunshine Suede and Leather Co. Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Colorex Chemical Co.
Kleerwite Chemical Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Suede Products
Tagging Systems
Cleaner Business Systems
Cleaner’s Supply Dajisoft DCCS
EzProducts International Inc.
Iowa Techniques
Liberty Computer Systems, A div. of SMRT Systems
B&G Lieberman Stahls’ Hotronix
Stry-Lenkoff Tagsys USA Thermopatch
Tags, Pins & Staples
Cleaner’s Supply
B&G Lieberman
Prym Consumer USA Stry-Lenkoff Thermopatch
Teflon Hose
Cleaner’s Supply
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Jacobson Products
B&G Lieberman Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts
Realstar USA
Union Drycleaning Products
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Fimas SRL
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Fujistar Shirt Systems
Hi-Steam/European Finishing Hoffman/New Yorker
Leonard Automatics
B&G Lieberman
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Sankosha USA
Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
Messe Frankfurt Inc.
Tubing, Heat Seal Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
AMA Universal Comet Cleaners
Dry Clean Concepts Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Gulf States Laundry Machinery O’Mara Brothers Equipment Sales and Service Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc. European Finishing/Hi-Steam Fimas SRL
Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fujistar Shirt Systems
B&G Lieberman Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Allied Boiler & Supply
AMA Universal Cleaner’s Supply
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fulton Boiler Works
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Newhouse Specialty
Permac Parts Depot
PROS Parts Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Topog-E Gasket
Union Drycleaning Products United Automation
Freightliner Custom Chassis
Utilimaster Corp.
Galaxy Wastewater Treatment
Kemco Systems
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
AMA Universal American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems
Aqua Products Co. Inc. ArctiChill
Crane Pumps & Systems Forenta LP
Frankford Machinery Inc. Kleen-Rite Inc. KR Products
Rite-Temp Water Chillers Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Allied Boiler & Supply
AMA Universal Aqua Products Co. Inc.
Armstrong International Cleaver-Brooks
Colmac Industries Inc.
Crane Pumps & Systems
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Fulton Boiler Works
General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Co., Inc. Iowa Techniques Kemco Systems
R.W. Martin & Sons Maxi Companies Mustang Enterprises NATCO Parker Boiler Co. Takagi USA
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Frankford Machinery Inc. Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Co., Inc. Kemco Systems
R.W. Martin & Sons Maxi Companies Pariser Industries Parker Boiler Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
Direct Net Hosting
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
Arrow Fabricare Services
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists
Cherished Heirlooming
CTS Packaging
Foster-Stephens Inc.
Heritage Garment Preservation
Jiffy Steamer
Kleerwite Chemical
Leather Master
Luetzow Industries
Madame Paulette
Memories Gown Preservation
National Gown Cleaners LLC
Prestige Preservation
Ram Leather Care
Sims City Cleaners
Thomas & Sons
Wedding Gown Preservation Co.
Ernest Winzer Cleaners
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
Aqua Clean Systems
B&C Technologies
Consorzio Unimatic
Continental Girbau
Esporta Wash Systems Inc.
Frankford Machinery Inc.
Imesa USA
Miele Professional
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
Poseidon Textile Care Systems
Realstar USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Trevil America
Union Drycleaning Products
Adco Cleaning Products
Ah! Products
Aqua Clean Systems
Caled Chemical
Cleaners Chemical Corp. Colorex Chemical Co.
Esporta Wash Systems Inc. Faultless Starch Co. Haralson Consulting Imesa USA
Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Inc. Metro-Chem Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Sanitone Seitz Inc.
Suede Products
Trevil America
U.N.X. Inc.
Winning Brands
Iowa Techniques
Quality Fabricators
Cleaner’s Supply
Ideal Fastener Corp.
B&G Lieberman
Midwest Trim
Quality Zipper & Supply
AAAA Venture Business Brokers Ltd.
111 Kristin Cir. #2 Schaumburg, IL 60195
Contact: John Mikaelian Phone: 847-867-0050
✉ john@venturebus.com www.venturebus.com
A&B Equipment & Sons Inc.
635 Wellington St. Saginaw, MI 48604
Contact: Scott Clark Phone: 989-753-4764 Toll Free: 800-369-4764
✉ sales@ab-equipment.com www.ab-equipment.com
Accredit Capital Leasing
300 Lackawanna Ave., Ste. 8 West Paterson, NJ 07424
Phone: 973-785-3518
✉ info@accreditleasing.com www.accreditleasing.com
Active Ad Specialties
10746 Francis Pl., Ste. 305 Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: 310-558-3533
Toll Free: 800-866-8684
✉ sales@activeadspecialties.com www.activeadspecialties.com
Active Vision
711 Koehler Ave., Ste. 6 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Contact: Don Spolar Phone: 631-585-0088
✉ web-sales@active-vision.com www.active-vision.com
ADC 2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Chris Brick Phone: 252-292-3677
✉ christopher_a_brick@ whirlpool.com www.adclaundry.com
Adco Cleaning Products
1706 Ledo Rd. Albany, GA 31707
Toll Free: 800-821-7556
✉ sales@adco-inc.com www.adco-inc.com
Advance Cover Texas
4751 Gulf Freeway Houston, TX 77023
Phone: 713-923-5299
✉ advancecover4751@yahoo.com www.advancecovertexas.com
Advanced Innovative Technologies
530 Wilbanks Dr. Ball Ground, GA 30107
Contact: Steve LaMarsh Phone: 770-479-1900
✉ info@aitequipment.com www.aitequipment.com
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
6657 S. State St., #7 Murray, UT 84107
Phone: 801-255-9646
✉ sales@allyequipment.com www.allyequipment.com
Ah! Products Inc.
5251 W. 73rd St., Ste. F Minneapolis, MN 55439
Contact: Scott Androff Phone: 952-230-7960
✉ scott@productsbyah.com
Air-Tow Trailers 1480 Arrow Hwy. La Verne, CA 91750
Contact: Danny Gaviria Phone: 909-392-2170 Toll Free: 800-479-7975
✉ sales@airtow.com www.airtow.com
Air Compressor Sales Inc.
PO Box 26099 Macon, GA 31221
Contact: Greg Parker Phone: 478-474-8460 Toll Free: 800-342-6016 ✉ sales@aircompsales.com www.aircompsales.com
Air World Pads and Covers 126 Christie Ave. Mahwah, NJ 07430 Toll Free: 888-720-4080 ✉ airworld@gmail.com www.airworldpads.com
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Inc. PO Box 207 Kearny, NJ 07032
Contact: Fred Schwarzmann Phone: 201-997-3300 Toll Free: 800-526-1188
✉ help@alwilson.com www.alwilson.com
Albatross USA
36-41 36th St. (PO Box 6446) Long Island City, NY 11106 Phone: 718-392-6272 Toll Free: 800-233-4468
✉ sales@albatross-usa.com
Aldridge & Associates
Cleaner Business Appraisals, Brokerage
8861 SW Commercial St. Tigard, OR 97223
Contact: David Aldridge Phone: 503-789-5333
✉ aldridgedavid@gmail.com www.aldridgeand associates.com
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-553-5120 www.alliancelaundry.com
ALJ Electronics 1306 E. Imperial Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone: 310-524-0011 Toll Free: 800-255-2522
Contact: Carolyne Johnson
✉ carolyne@aljco.com www.aljco.com
485 Columbian St. South Weymouth, MA 02190
Contact: Robert Devaney Phone: 781-223-4211 Toll Free: 800-335-0567
✉ rdevaney@ allthingsdrycleaning.com www.drycleaning.net
Allied Boiler & Supply 419 S. Front St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: DJ Baughman Toll Free: 800-858-0484
SMRT POS was built from the ground up by dry cleaners, for dry cleaners. It’s everything you need to get the job done – cheap, quick and easy.
Turbocharge your revenue with delivery & lockers. Automatic reminders, change alerts and integrated payments make mobile business a snap.
Your customers prefer communicating by text. Automated messaging and easy-to-use templates will radically improve your productivity.
SMRT records who’s doing what, where and when with every item, order and customer. Employee theft is a thing of the past.
With SMRT’s built-in message center and issue tracker, you’ll never miss an opportunity to delight your customers with excellent service.
SMRT looks and acts like your phone, so it’s easy to teach and easy to learn. We do all the set-up for you, so you can start rocking it on day one.
✉ dj@alliedboiler.com www.alliedboiler.com
AMA Universal 937 Lee Ln. Concord, CA 94518
Contact: Lyman Caulk Phone: 510-815-2297
✉ lyman@cleaners-laundry.com www.cleaners-laundry.com
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp.
350 N. Ponderosa Ave. Ontario, CA 91761
Phone: 909-390-2598 Toll Free: 800-444-8693 ✉ sales@amcot.com www.amcot.com
American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems Inc.
105 Columbia Ave. West Columbia, SC 29170
Contact: Ken Schaafsma Phone: 803-822-3860 ✉ sales@amchiller.com www.amchiller.com
American-Newlong Inc. 5310 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217
Contact: Brian Shannon Phone: 317-787-9421
✉ bshannon@ american-newlong.com www.american-newlong.com
23522 57th Ave. SE Woodinville, WA 98072
Contact: Ed Benintendi Phone: 206-388-2304 Toll Free: 877-678-0061, ext. 201
✉ edb@americapital.net www.americapital.net
America’s Best Cleaners
246 Delaware Ave. Delmar, NY 12054
Contacts: Chris White, Catherine McCann Phone: 415-857-2378
✉ info@americasbest cleaners.com www.americasbest cleaners.com
123 Harrison Ave. Harrison, OH 45030
Contact: George Beetz Phone: 513-202-1600 Toll Free: 877-543-1678
✉ apparelmaster@live.com www.tryapparelmaster.com
Aqua Clean Systems 2330 N. Main St. Paris, TX 75460
Phone: 903-737-9107 Toll Free: 800-760-0512
✉ jshurbet@ aquacleansystems.com www.aquacleansystems.com
Aqua Products Co. Inc. PO Box 39 Prosperity, SC 29127
Contact: JR Seppamaki Phone: 803-321-0246 Toll Free: 800-849-4264
✉ apc@aquaproducts.us www.aquaproducts.us
Toll Free: 866-722-8500
✉ info@ascentiumcapital.com www.ascentiumcapital.com
Ascot Formal Wear 7807 Main St. Houston, TX 77030
Toll Free: 800-6-TUXEDO www.ascotformalwear.com
Associated Environmental Services
40701 Woodward Ave., Ste. 50 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
✉ blbanks@banks-assoc.com www.banks-assoc.com
John Barry & Associates
3020 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663
Contact: Ted Barry Phone: 949-675-3551
✉ ted.barry@jbateam.com www.jbateam.com
Laundry Systems
45 Priscilla Ln. Auburn, NH 03032
Contact: Brett Daniels Toll Free: 888-296-4777
✉ info@aquawingozone.com www.aquawingozone.com
Arch Sewing Machine Co.
659 Callowhill St. Philadelphia, PA 19123
Contact: Joe Orlando Phone: 215-627-1768 Toll Free: 800-272-4739
✉ archsewing@aol.com www.archsewing.com
71 Industrial Park Rd. Newberry, SC 29108
Toll Free: 800-849-7778
✉ sales@arcticchill.com www.arctichill.com
Armstrong International 816 Maple St. Three Rivers, MI 49093
Phone: 269-273-1415
✉ marketing@armstrong international.com www.armstrong international.com
Arrow Fabricare Services
3838 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64109
Contact: Susie Shatz Phone: 816-931-2452 Toll Free: 800-542-7769
✉ susie@arrow-care.com www.arrowleathercare.com
ArtiClean Ozone Systems
129 Fieldview Dr. (PO Box 455)
Versailles, KY 40383
Contact: Mark Moore Toll Free: 866-748-9274
✉ info@articlean.com www.articlean.com
Ascentium Capital 23970 Highway 59 North Kingwood, TX 77339
Contact: Nicholas G. Maloof Phone: 248-203-9898 ✉ ngm@associated environmental.net www.associated environmental.net
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
454 Old Cellar Rd. Orange, CT 06477
Contact: Rogers Conant Phone: 203-875-3005 Toll Free: 800-501-5005 ✉ info@weddinggown specialists.com www.weddinggown specialists.com
BB&C Technologies
17740 Ashley Dr. Panama City, FL 32413
Contact: Al Adcock Phone: 850-249-2222 ✉ sales@bandctech.com www.bandctech.com
BagMartUSA.com 687 Prospect St., Ste. 450 Lakewood, NJ 08701 Toll Free: 800-343-2247 ✉ customercare@ bagmartusa.com www.bagmartusa.com
Bahnson Inc. 4731 Commercial Park Ct. Clemmons, NC 27012
Contact: Cindy Johnson Phone: 336-760-3111 ✉ cjohnson@bahnson.com www.bahnson.com
Bane-Clene Corp. 3940 N. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46205
Phone: 317-546-5448 Toll Free: 800-428-9512 ✉ bane@baneclene.com www.baneclene.com
Banks & Associates
40 Heritage Park Cir. North Little Rock, AR 72116
Contact: Brooksher Banks Phone: 501-804-8410
4506 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92807
Contact: Dave Troemel Phone: 949-270-1609
✉ dave@becreative360.com www.becreative360.com
500 N. Broadway, #1475 St. Louis, MO 63102
Toll Free: 800-886-8944
✉ info@bencap.com www.bencap.com
Bessamaire Sales Inc.
10145 Philipp Pkwy., Unit B Streetsboro, OH 44241
Contact: Bill Sullivan Phone: 440-439-1200 Toll Free: 800-321-5992
✉ buydirect@bessamaire.com www.bessamaire.com
Big D Industries
5620 SW 29th St. (PO Box 82219) Oklahoma City, OK 73148
Contact: Mike Biggers Phone: 405-682-2541 Toll Free: 800-654-4752
✉ mike@bigdind.com www.bigdind.com
2060 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
Phone: 248-654-7000
✉ info@bizzie.com www.bizzie.com/franchise
1333 Washington Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66102
Contact: Connie Mosier Phone: 913-396-4090 Toll Free: 800-307-0229
✉ connie.blancplume@ arrow-care.com www.blancplume.com
PO Box 785 Lakebay, WA 98349
Contact: Tim Heitzman Toll Free: 800-983-1175
✉ services@brightleafweb.com www.brightleafweb.com/ drycleaners
American Drycleaner, February 2020
Bryan Steam
783 N. Chili Ave.
Peru, IN 46970
Phone: 765-473-6651
✉ inquiry@bryansteam.com www.bryanboilers.com
CCaled Chemical
26 Hanes Dr. Wayne, NJ 07470
Contact: Jack Belluscio Toll Free: 800-652-2533
✉ info@cleanerschoice.com www.cleanerschoice.com
California Counters
12006 Regentview Ave. H Downey, CA 90241
Phone: 562-920-7200
Toll Free: 800-286-4442
✉ sales@calcounters.com www.calcounters.com
Cambridge Diagnostic Products
6880 NW 17th Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: 954-971-4040 Toll Free: 800-525-6262
✉ info@stainrx.com www.stainrx.com
Careful Consulting Services
120 Promenade Cir. #910 Thornhill, ON L4J 7W9
Contact: Sidney Chelsky Phone: 905-881-5906
✉ chelsky@sympatico.ca
Carolina Textile Products
7 Karaway Ct. Elgin, SC 29045
Contact: Eric Dixon Toll Free: 877-239-0229
✉ info@carolinatexpro.com www.carolinatexpro.com
Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN)
2060 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
Contact: Kira Kusky Phone: 248-246-7878
Toll Free: 800-520-2736
✉ contactus@crdn.com www.crdn.com
PO Box 25188
Anaheim, CA 92825
Contact: John M. Ferrari
Phone: 714-777-1587
Toll Free: 888-524-6602 www.chembrite.net
Cherished Heirlooming
226 Walt Rauch Rd.
Chapin, SC 29036
Contact: Janie Westphal Phone: 803-345-9746
Chevron Phillips 10001 Six Pines Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: 832-813-4100 Toll Free: 800-231-1212 www.cpchem.com
CL Solutions
1776 Mentor Ave., Ste. 305
Cincinnati, OH 45212
Contact: Michael Saul Phone: 513-475-6625
✉ mts@cl-solutions.com www.cl-solutions.com
145 City Rd. London, England EC1V 1LP
Phone: 44791 5061 174
✉ john@cleancloud.com www.cleancloudapp.com
Cleaner Business Systems (Shah Corp.)
414 Gateway Blvd. Burnsville, MN 55337
Contact: Tim Woodman Phone: 952-641-3000 Toll Free: 800-406-9649
✉ sales@cleanerbusiness.com www.cleanerbusiness.com
Cleaners Chemical Corp.
7652 Bella Verde Way Delray Beach, FL 33446
Toll Free: 866-307-0700
✉ sales@cleanerschemical.com www.cleanerschemical.com
Cleaner’s Supply
1059 Powers Rd. Conklin, NY 13748
Toll Free: 800-568-7768
✉ customerservice@ cleanersupply.com www.cleanersupply.com
Cleanez Technologies
21218 St. Andrews Blvd., #321 Boca Raton, FL 33433
Contact: Henry Billini Toll Free: 800-253-2634
✉ info@cleanez.com www.cleanez.com
The Cleaning Specialist
141 Lanza Ave., Bldg. 31-A
Garfield, NJ 07026
Contact: Davide’ Dvorak Phone: 973-272-2977
✉ davide@ cleaningspecialist.com www.cleaningspecialist.com
CleanSuite Software 8948 Elbow Drive SW, #803 Calgary, AL T2V 0H9
Contact: Wayne Thomas
Toll Free: 888-727-4564
✉ info@cleansuite.com www.cleansuite.com
ClearWater Tech LLC
850 Capitolio Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Contact: Mark DeBrum Phone: 805-549-9724 Toll Free: 800-262-0203 ✉ sales@cwtozone.com www.cwtozone.com
11950 W. Lake Park Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Phone: 414-359-0600 ✉ info@cleaver-brooks.com www.cleaver-brooks.com
COIT Services
897 Hinckley Rd. Burlingame, CA 94010 Toll Free: 800-243-8797 www.coitfranchise.com
Collarite Co. PO Box 251 Vineburg, CA 95487
Contact: Robert Salfi Phone: 707-938-8090 ✉ sales@collarite.com www.collarite.com
CollarSTYX (The Company Store) 20001 Peel Rd. Montgomery, TX 77356 Phone: 713-557-3476 ✉ leegibson1@cs.com www.collarstyx.com
Colmac Industries Inc. PO Box 72 Colville, WA 99114
Contact: Jeff Hughes Phone: 509-684-4505 Toll Free: 800-926-5622 ✉ sales@colmacind.com www.colmacind.com
Colorex Chemical Co. 834 Foster Ave. Bensenville, IL 60106
Contact: Yvonne Matsoukas Phone: 630-238-3124 Toll Free: 800-963-3762
✉ colorexchemical@earthlink.net www.colorexchemical.com
Columbia Boiler Co. PO Box 1070 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-323-2700
✉ cbcsales@columbiaboiler.com www.columbiaboiler.com
Columbia/ILSA Machines Corp.
231 Edison Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704
Contact: Stephen Langiulli
Phone: 631-293-7571
Toll Free: 800-446-5634
✉ columbia@goclean.us www.columbiailsa.com
Comca Systems Inc.
3143 Pine Shadow Dr. Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639
Contact: Kim or Jesse Phone: 813-996-5922
✉ info@comcasystems.com www.comcasystems.com
Comet Cleaners Franchise Group
406 W. Division St.
Arlington, TX 76011
Toll Free: 888-461-3555
✉ comments@cometcleaners.com www.cometcleaners.com
Commercial Coils Inc. 213 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005
Contact: Patrick Jovanovic
Phone: 636-532-1523 Toll Free: 800-532-2645
✉ patrick@comcoil.com www.comcoil.com
16 Northbrook Dr. Falmouth, ME 04105
Contacts: Joe McCammon, Nicole Gendron
Phone: 207-781-5590
Toll Free: 800-354-2525
✉ joe@compassmax.com, nicole@compassmax.com www.compassmax.com
Computer Connections
1803 Springdale Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Contact: K.J. Sung Phone: 856-770-9898 Toll Free: 800-684-6650
✉ sales@wincleaners.com www.wincleaners.com
Computer Systems International (CSI)
150 Consumers Rd., #406 Toronto, ON M2J 1P9
Contact: Al Anjari
Phone: 416-497-0370
Toll Free: 888-836-7274
✉ sales@computersystemsint.com www.computersystemsint.com
2285 W. County Rd. C St. Paul, MN 55113
Phone: 651-633-0633
Toll Free: 800-328-0852
✉ contactus@computype.com www.computype.com
American Drycleaner, February 2020 www.americandrycleaner.com
Consorzio Unimatic
Via R. Morandi, 13
06012 Citta di Castello, Italy
Phone: 39-075-852-1264
✉ info@consorziounimatic.it www.consorziounimatic.it
Continental Girbau 2500 State Rd. 44 Oshkosh, WI 54904
Phone: 920-231-8222 Toll Free: 800-256-1073 www.continentalgirbau.com
Cool Clean Technologies
915 Blue Gentian Rd., Ste. 400 Eagan, MN 55121
Contact: Parker Nickolay
Phone: 651-842-8600 Toll-Free: 866-262-9274
✉ sales@coolclean.com www.coolclean.com
315 N. Madison St. Fortville, IN 46040
Contact: Stephani Bisignano Phone: 317-577-0417 Toll Free: 800-557-5716
✉ sales@cool-space.com www.cool-space.com
Coreprobe International
5075 Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91776
Phone: 626-309-9932 Toll Free: 855-400-3959 www.coreprobe.com
Covers Etc.
925 W. Harris Road Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Jim Laleman Phone: 817-467-5030 Toll Free: 800-451-6593, ext. 113
✉ sales@coversetc.com www.coversetc.com
420 Third St.
Piqua, OH 45356
Phone: 937-778-8947
✉ cranepumps@cranepumps.com www.cranepumps.com
CTS Packaging
1730 Russell St.
Covington, KY 41011
Phone: 859-291-5700
Toll Free: 800-292-5701
✉ sales@ctspkg.com www.ctspkg.com
Cutting Edge Storefronts
544 W. First St. Rialto, CA 92376
Phone: 909-724-8524
Toll Free: 877-214-6222
✉ customerservice@ cuttingedgestorefronts.com www.cuttingedge storefronts.com
DDajisoft (Dryclean PRO)
4152 Meridian St. #105-117 Bellingham, WA 98226
Contact: Ali Khan
Toll Free: 888-325-4763
✉ dcpesales@dajisoft.com www.dajisoft.com
Dallons Environmental Services
5455 Centralia St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Contact: Don Dallons Phone: 562-938-9986
✉ dondallons@yahoo.com
250 W. Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-281-2216
✉ textile-id@datamars.com www.datamars.com
280 Premier Dr., Ste 117
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Contact: Rick Mugno Phone: 610-275-6090 Toll Free: 800-233-9804
✉ sales@dccs.com www.dccs.com
Des-L Industries 130 Gamewell St. Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201-343-3330
✉ sales@lecoplastics.com www.des-l.com
305 W. Saint Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-631-7780
✉ rjohnson@desertboilers.com www.desertboilers.com
Dexter Financial Services
775 Kacena Rd. Hiawatha, IA 52233
Toll Free: 800-926-8230
✉ customerservice@ dexterfinancial.com www.dexterfinancial.com
Dexter Laundry
2211 W. Grimes Ave. Fairfield, IA 52556 Toll Free: 800-524-2954 www.dexter.com
25779 N. Hillview Ct. Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847-550-6770 Toll Free: 800-298-5968
✉ diamond6770@gmail.com www.diamondcomputer service.com
Direct Net Hosting
PO Box 22447 Eagan, MN 55122
Contact: Dan L. Gray Sr. Phone: 651-336-5897 www.directnethosting.com
DLT Electric 202 W. Main St. Plano, IL 60545 Phone: 630-552-4115, ext. 225 ✉ sales@dltelectric.com www.dltelectric.com
Donini International Via Lombardia, 5 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy Phone: 39-059-697-094 ✉ sales@donini.com www.donini.com
Draeger Inc. 7256 S. Sam Houston Pkwy. W, Ste. 100 Houston, TX 77085 Phone: 215-723-5935 Toll Free: 800-437-2437 www.draeger.com
Dry Clean Concepts 2516 Waukegan Rd., Ste. 201 Glenview, IL 60025 Contact: Aaron Kawer Phone: 847-363-3444 ✉ info@drycleanconcepts.com www.drycleanconcepts.com
Dry Cleaning Plus 421 Heritage Ln. Monroe, NY 10950 Contacts: Richard or Judith Stone Phone: 845-395-0963 ✉ info@drycleaningplus.biz www.drycleaningplus.biz
Dryclean USA 290 NE 68th St. Miami, FL 33138 Phone: 305-754-9966 www.drycleanusa.com
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) 14700 Sweitzer Ln. Laurel, MD 20707 Contact: Jon Meijer Phone: 301-622-1900 Toll Free: 800-638-2627 ✉ techline@dlionline.org
DryCleanZone.com 7364 Cahaba Valley Rd. Birmingham, AL 35242
Contact: Mark Watkins Phone: 205-937-0045 ✉ markwat.2@gmail.com www.drycleanzone.com
EeAnytime Corp. 9151 Atlanta Ave., #5100 Huntington Beach, CA 92615
Contact: Laurence Cohn Phone: 714-969-7000
✉ information@eanytime.com www.eanytime.com
213 W. 35th St. New York, NY 10001
Contact: Angela Lim Phone: 212-819-2000 Toll Free: 877-819-1764
✉ info@easternfunding.com www.easternfunding.com
Easy Plus Inc.
1055 Virginia Dr., Ste. 106 Ft. Washington, PA 19034
Contact: Mike Kang Phone: 215-635-3555 Toll Free: 877-248-3684
✉ mk@easyplusinc.com www.easyplusinc.com
ECC Horizon
8383 Craig St., Ste 110 Indianapolis, IN 46250
Contact: Annie Paschal Phone: 317-595-4400
✉ apaschal@ecchorizon.com www.ecchorizon.com
370 N. Wabasha St. St. Paul, MN 55102
Contact: Laurie Reding Toll Free: 800-352-5326
✉ institutionalorders@ecolab.com www.ecolab.com
EDRO Corp.
37 Commerce St. (PO Box 308) East Berlin, CT 06023 Toll Free: 800-628-6434
✉ sales@edrocorp.com www.edrodynawash.com
16917 MacDuff Ave. Olney, MD 20832
Contact: Richard Ehrenreich, CED, SBA, F-CBI Phone: 301-924-9247
✉ ehrenassoc@gmail.com
Emerson Capital Corp.
1030 Forest Ave. Glencoe, IL 60022
American Drycleaner, February 2020
Contact: Douglas Adams
Phone: 847-242-0229
✉ dadams@ emersoncapitalcorp.com www.emersoncapitalcorp.com
825 North Capitol Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Contact: Greg Zumbaugh Phone: 317-972-7870 Toll Free: 866-888-7911 ✉ gzumbaugh@ enviroforensics.com www.enviroforensics.com
Environmental Strategies & Applications Inc.
495 Union Ave., #1D Middlesex, NJ 08846
Contact: Stephen Fauer Phone: 732-469-8888 ✉ info@askesa.com www.askesa.com
EnviroTech International
1800 N. 25th Ave.
Melrose Park, IL 60160
Phone: 708-231-4184 www.envirotechint.com
Epsilon Plastics
3100 E. Harcourt St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221
Contact: Tracie Castillo Phone: 310-609-1320 ✉ tracie.castillo@ sigmaplastics.com www.alpha-industries.com
Esporta Wash Systems Inc.
101-1015 Crowley Ave. Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R6
Contact: Howard Sures Toll Free: 800-881-7781 ✉ info@esporta.ca www.esporta.ca
Essick Air Products
5800 Murray St. Little Rock, AR 72209
Phone: 501-562-1094 Toll Free: 800-643-8341 ✉ info@essickair.com www.essickair.com
Evans Garment Restoration
2831 Farmers Market Rd. Springfield, IL 62707
Toll Free: 888-653-8267 www.evansgr.com
EzProducts International Inc
612 N. Florida Ave.
Wauchula, FL 33873
Contact: Diane Rue Phone: 863-767-0155 Toll Free: 877-906-1818
✉ diane@ezpi.us www.ezpi.us
EZ Timers
5526 Crescent Valley St. Las Vegas, NV 89148
Contact: Bruce Grossman Phone: 702-376-6693 ✉ bruce@eztimers.com www.eztimers.com
FFabricare Systems, LLC (Fabricare Manager)
4462 Bretton Court NW, Ste. 12 Acworth, GA 30101
Contact: Marcelo Rangel Phone: 770-966-9323 Toll Free: 888-299-9493 ✉ sales@fabsyspos.com www.fabricaremanager.com
Fabritec International 8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Jeff Jordan Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 ✉ jeffjordan@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
FabTek Aero Ltd.
432 E. South St. Plano, IL 60545
Contact: Mike Chesnutt Phone: 630-552-3622 ✉ mchesnutt@fabtekaero.com www.fabtekaero.com
Faultless Starch Co. 1025 W. 8th St. Kansas City, MO 64101
Contact: Sheila Rumney Phone: 816-842-1230 Toll Free: 800-821-5565 ✉ lpginfo@faultless.com www.faultless.com
Via Piantada, 9/C Interno 2 25036 Palazzolo Sull’oglio (BS) Italy www.fimassrl.it
13802 Washington St., Ste. A Woodstock, IL 60098
Contact: Darrin Haiges Phone: 815-338-2355 Toll Free: 800-220-0630 ✉ info@firbimaticusa.com www.firbimaticusa.com
Firetrace International 8435 N. 90th St., Ste. 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Contact: Bob Gibbs Toll Free: 888-786-0780 ✉ info@firetrace.com www.firetrace.com
First Film Extruding
9340 Meaux St. St. Leonard, QC H1R 3H2 Phone: 514-326-0200
Toll Free: 877-422-5226 ✉ info@balcan.com www.balcan.com
1510 Armstrong Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580 Toll Free: 800-343-0428 ✉ sales@flexaust.com www.flexaust.com
Forenta LP PO Box 607 Morristown, TN 37814
Contact: Ruth Laico Phone: 423-586-5370 ✉ sales@forentausa.com www.forentausa.com
Foster-Stephens Inc. 1555 Greenleaf Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contacts: Kathy Daniels, Nancy Jones Phone: 847-357-1100 Toll Free: 800-279-8269 ✉ info@foster-stephens.com www.foster-stephens.com
Frankford Machinery Inc. 4500 Torresdale Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Contact: Nick Kashkashian Phone: 215-289-3434, ext. 16 ✉ info@frankfordonline.com www.frankfordonline.com
Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. 552 Hyatt St. Gaffney, SC 29341 Phone: 864-487-1700 Toll Free: 800-385-4357 ✉ fcccservice@daimler.com www.freightlinerchassis.com
FRSTeam 3201B Investment Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545 Contact: Jim Nicholas Phone: 510-723-1000 ✉ jnicholas@frsteam.com www.frsteam.com
Fujistar Shirt Systems 12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066 Toll Free: 800-842-9661 ✉ tony@fujistar.net www.fujistar.net
Fuller Supply Co. PO Box 1261 Concord, NC 28062 Phone: 704-782-0214 Toll Free: 800-323-3699
✉ marketing@dyelock.com www.dyelock.com
Fulton Boiler Works 972 Centerville Rd. Pulaski, NY 13142
Phone: 315-298-5121 www.fulton.com
9216 W. Grand Ave.
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Phone: 847-451-1190 Toll Free: 800-708-2070
✉ ddellegraz@aol.com www.galaxywastewater.com
General Boiler Co. 1546 E. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90011 Phone: 323-233-1005
✉ sales@generalboiler.com www.generalboiler.com
Global Business Systems
1001 N. Old Rand Rd., #105 Wauconda, IL 60084
Toll Free: 800-717-2507
✉ info@smart4me.com www.smart4me.com
The Golomb Group
720 N. Larch St., Ste. 2 Elmhurst, IL 60126
Contact: Neil Schroeder Phone: 630-833-4550 Toll Free: 800-833-0560 www.golombgroup.com
The Green Garmento
9667 Owensmouth Ave. Unit F Chatsworth, CA 91311 Contacts: Jennie Nigrosh, Rick Siegel Phone: 323-512-2600
✉ help@thegreengarmento.com www.thegreengarmento.com
51 W. 135th St. Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Tim Maxwell Phone: 816-926-0895 Toll Free: 877-926-0895
✉ tmaxwell@ greenearthcleaning.com www.greenearthcleaning.com
Laundry Machinery
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contact: Pravin Parmar Phone: 713-984-8833
Toll Free: 800-289-4756
✉ pravin@gslaundry.com www.gslaundry.com
GZA GeoEnvironmental
249 Vanderbilt Ave. Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: 781-278-3700
✉ info@gza.com www.gza.com
Hamilton Engineering Co., Inc.
34000 Autry St. Livonia, MI 48150
Phone: 734-419-0200
Toll Free: 800-968-5530
✉ sales@ hamiltonengineering.com www.hamiltonengineering.com
Haralson Consulting
529 John Gatlin Rd. Bonneau, SC 29431
Contact: Sandra Haralson Phone: 843-813-3106
✉ sandra@sandraharalson.com www.sandraharalson.com
Harris Pillow Supply
5 Parker Dr. Beaufort, SC 29906
Contact: Patrick Harris Phone: 843-846-8196
Toll Free: 800-845-8240
✉ sales@harrispillow.com www.harrispillow.com
HBD Inc.
3901 Riverdale Rd. Greensboro, NC 27406 Toll Free: 800-403-2247 www.hbdinc.com
Henderson Insurance
4675 MacArthur Ct., #420 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Contact: Scott Henderson Phone: 949-863-0900
✉ shenderson@ hendersoninsurance.com www.hendersoninsurance.com
Heritage Garment Preservation
4592 E 2nd St., Ste. N Benicia, CA 94510
Contact: Darryl Flynn Phone: 707-746-6300 Toll Free: 866-268-4696
✉ darryl@heritagegown.com www.heritagegown.com
Ron Herrmann Sells LLC
17584 W. Cedarwood Lane
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Contact: Ron Herrmann Phone: 623-498-0073
✉ ron@ronherrmannsells.com www.ronherrmannsells.com
1 County Rd., Unit A-10
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Contact: Yuriko Tanabe
Phone: 201-210-2247
Toll Free: 888-460-9292
✉ sales@histeam.com www.histeam.com
Hoffman/New Yorker
46 Clinton Pl. Hackensack, NJ 07601
Contacts: Jeff Rabinowitz Phone: 201-488-1800
✉ jeff@hoffman-newyorker.com www.hoffman-newyorker.com
Huebsch (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Huebsch Sales Toll Free: 800-553-5120 www.huebsch.com
Hurst Boiler & Welding
100 Boilermaker Ln.
Coolidge, GA 31738
Contact: Jeff Hurst Phone: 229-346-3545 Toll Free: 877-99-HURST ✉ info@hurstboiler.com www.hurstboiler.com
IiDryclean by Personal Touch Systems
Mesquite, NV 89027
Phone: 801-649-6691 Toll Free: 800-950-6767
✉ sales@idryclean.com www.idryclean.com
Ideal Fastener Corp.
603 W. Industry Dr. Oxford, NC 27565
Phone: 919-693-3115 ✉ nc@idealfastener.com www.idealfastener.com
Idel International Trading 5726 1st Ave., Ste. 2 Brooklyn, NY 11220 Phone: 718-238-0451 Toll Free: 800-224-4476
✉ info@laundrybagsonline.com www.laundrybagsonline.com
900 E. Eighth Ave., Ste. 300
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Toll Free: 800-932-7472
✉ info@imagefirst.com www.imagefirst.com
Imesa USA
PO Box 2329
Livingston, NJ 07039
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz Phone: 973-535-8305 Toll Free: 877-873-8451
✉ imesausa@aol.com
In The Bag Cleaners
1951 N. Ohio Ave. Wichita, KS 67214
Phone: 316-650-5125
Contact: Dave Coyle
dcoyle@inthebagcleaners.com www.inthebagcleaners.com
Indy Hanger and Supply
1440 Brookville Way
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Phone: 317-285-0315
Contact: Steve Cox ✉ scox@indyhanger.com www.indyhanger.com
Ingersoll-Rand Co.
131 W. Diversey Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 Phone: 630-530-3843 Toll Free: 800-247-8870 www.ingersollrand products.com
Iowa Techniques
524 Tradesman Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Matt Kool Phone: 512-846-2403 Toll Free: 800-727-1592
✉ info@iowatechniques.com www.iowatechniques.com
IPSO (Alliance Laundry Systems)
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: IPSO Sales Toll Free: 800-872-4776 www.ipsona.com
Irving Weber Associates (IWA)
180 E. Main St., Ste. 208 Smithtown, NY 11787
Contact: Christine Brazier Phone: 631-619-9207 Toll Free: 800-243-1811 ✉ info@iwains.com www.iwains.com
Via Ossola 7 San Giorgio di Piano Bologna, Italy 40016
Contact: Eugenio Boni Phone: 39-051-663-0468 ✉ italclean@italclean.com www.italclean.com
7937 Cooper Ave. Glendale, NY 11385 Phone: 718-326-8888
✉ service@infoserveusa.com www.infoserveusa.com
Itsumi USA
7 Reuten Dr., Ste #C Closter, NJ 07624
Contact: Sam Ahn Phone: 201-786-6276
✉ info@itsumi.us www.itsumiusa.com
JJacobson Products
1011 E. Park Industrial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130 Phone: 314-862-0800 Toll Free: 800-325-3390
✉ jacobson@ universalsewing.com www.jacobsonproducts.com
Training & Consulting
424 Yale Ave. (Box 505) Mount Gretna, PA 17064
Contact: Jane Zellers Phone: 717-507-4607
✉ jane@janezellers.com www.janezellers.com
Jenny Products
850 N. Pleasant Ave. Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: 814-445-3400 www.jennyproductsinc.com
Jiffy Steamer
PO Box 869 Union City, TN 38281 Phone: 731-885-6690 Toll Free: 800-525-4339
✉ jsinfo@jiffysteamer.com www.jiffysteamer.com
Jim’s Formal Wear
804 East Broadway Trenton, IL 62293 Phone: 618-224-9211
✉ webmaster@jimsfw.com www.jimsformalwear.com
Kaeser Compressors
PO Box 946
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Phone: 540-898-5500 Toll Free: 800-777-7873
✉ info.us@kaeser.com us.kaeser.com
Kemco Systems
11500 47th St. North
Clearwater, FL 33762
Phone: 727-573-2323 Toll Free: 800-633-7055 www.kemcosystems.com
Kemron Environmental Services
8521 Leesburg Pike, Ste. 175 Vienna, VA 22182
Contact: Juan J. Gutierrez Phone: 703-893-4106
✉ jgutierrez@kemron.com www.kemron.com
Kleen-Rite Inc. 4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116
Contact: Tom Murphy
Phone: 314-353-1712
✉ kim@kleen-rite.com www.kleen-rite.com
Kleerwite Chemical
PO Box 32063
Henrico, VA 23294
Contact: Bill Carli
Phone: 804-721-8853 Toll Free: 877-553-3794
✉ info@kleerwite.com www.kleerwite.com
KR Products
4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116
Phone: 314-353-1712
✉ sales@krproductsinc.com www.krproductsinc.com
6103 Johns Rd., Ste. 7
Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-884-1499
✉ office-tampa@kreussler.com www.kreussler.com
Krystal Klean Powder
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Contact: Jack Godfrey Sr. Phone: 817-461-3555
✉ jacksr@ krystalkleanpowder.com www.krystalkleanpowder.com
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Phone: 904-541-1220
Toll Free: 888-505-0060
✉ suraj@tlejax.com www.tlejax.com
Leather Master
455 N. Ottawa St.
Joliet, IL 60432
Contact: John Conway Toll Free: 800-240-0107
✉ jconway@suedecleaners.com www.suedecleaners.com
Leather-Rich Inc.
PO Box 23
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Rick Nettum Phone: 262-569-3100 Toll Free: 800-236-6996
✉ leatherrich@att.net www.leatherrich.com
Leather Technologies Inc.
N58 W39800 Industrial Rd., Ste. E Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Abbas Fadel Phone: 262-567-9627
✉ abbas@ leathertechnologies.com www.leathertechnologies.com
Leonard Automatics
PO Box 501
Denver, NC 28037
info@lintbags.com www.lintbags.com
Lucas Products Corp. 5655 Opportunity Dr., Ste. 1 Toledo, OH 43612
Phone: 419-476-5992 ✉ sales@lucasproducts.com www.lucasproducts.com
Luetzow Industries 1105 Davis Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Contact: Ryan Luetzow Phone: 414-762-0410 Toll Free: 800-558-6055 ✉ luetzow.poly@gmail.com www.luetzowind.com
MM&B Hangers
8575 Parkway Dr. (PO Box 250) Leeds, AL 35094 Toll Free: 800-227-0436 ✉ staff@mbhangers.com www.mbhangers.com
Madame Paulette
✉ info@rwmartin.com www.rwmartin.com
Martinizing Dry Cleaning
2001 Ford Circle, Ste. A Milford, OH 45150
Contact: Steve Lajiness or Josh Titler Phone: 248-654-7001 or 248-654-7002
✉ steve.lajiness@ thinkhuntington.com or josh.titler@thinkhuntington.com www.martinizing.com
Maruso USA
2450 S. Sequoia Dr. Compton, CA 90220
Phone: 310-328-3870
✉ info@marusousa.com www.marusousa.com
Maxi Companies
4317 E. Genesee Dewitt, NY 13214
Phone: 315-446-1002 www.maxico.com
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau
LLab Test Products, Inc.
201 Pond Ave., Ste. 2 Middlesex, NJ 08846
Phone: 732-529-6915
✉ info@labtestproducts.com www.labtestproducts.com
Lang Innovations
2680 Pine Rd.
Poolville, TX 76487
Contact: Brian Lang Phone: 817-901-8891
✉ brian@langinnovate.com www.collarcone.com
Lattner Boiler Manufacturing Co.
1411 9th St. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: 319-366-0778
Toll Free: 800-345-1527
✉ sales@lattner.com www.lattnerboiler.com
461 Doughty Blvd.
Inwood, NY 11096
Phone: 516-371-4400
Toll Free: 800-645-2205
✉ marketing@laundrylux.com www.laundrylux.com
The Leasing Experts
7254 Golden Wings Rd. #5
Contact: Dan Farnsworth Phone: 704-483-9316 Toll Free: 800-483-9316
✉ dfarnsworth@ leonardautomatics.com www.leonardautomatics.com
Liberty Computer Systems, A div. of SMRT Systems
280 Premier Dr., Ste. 117 Holly Springs, NC 27540
Contact: Rick Mugno Phone: 919-651-0937 Toll Free: 800-233-9804
✉ rick@libertycomputers.com www.libertycomputers.com
B&G Lieberman Co.
2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman Phone: 704-376-0717
Toll Free: 800-438-0346
✉ bgl@bglieberman.com www.bglieberman.com
Lint-All 501 Foote St. (PO Box 723) Crown Point, IN 46307
Contact: Tate Richardson Phone: 219-663-7693 Toll Free: 800-568-5468
42-20 12th St. Long Island City, NY 11101 Contact: Karen Jean-Aimee Phone: 718-482-9210 Toll Free: 888-434-7039 ✉ karen@madamepaulette.com www.madamepaulette.com
Magicool 2003 E. Perkins Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870 Contact: Denis A. Cote Phone: 419-625-0539 ✉ denis@ahner-industrial.com www.magicool.net
Mainetti USA 300 Mac Ln. Keasbey, NJ 08832 Phone: 201-215-2900 ✉ info.usa@mainetti.com www.mainetti.com
Mak Marketing 1141 N. President St. Wheaton, IL 60187
Contact: Bill Bishop Phone: 630-456-4195 www.makmarketing.net
The Marketing Shop 6784 Stanhope Way Indianapolis, IN 46254
Contact: Howard Kaschyk Phone: 317-387-9277 www.themarketingshop usa.com
R.W. Martin & Sons 310 Park Ave. Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330-673-8712 Toll Free: 800-635-4363
27100 Richmond Rd., #11 Solon, OH 44139
Phone: 440-248-3696 Toll Free: 800-382-7704 www.mayfieldgroup.com
2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Chris Brick Phone: 252-292-3677 Toll Free: 800-662-3587
✉ christopher_a_brick@ whirlpool.com www.maytagcommercial laundry.com
4319 Tanners Church Rd. Ellenwood, GA 30294
Contact: Russ Kent Phone: 770-593-9434 Toll Free: 800-828-3240
✉ sales@mcfsystems.com www.mcfenvironmental.com
5747 Glenmont Dr. Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-592-0592
Toll Free: 866-492-4696
✉ gowns@tmw.com www.gownspreservations.com
Messe Frankfurt Inc.
3200 Windy Hill Road, Ste. 500 West Atlanta, GA 30339
Contact: Veronica Carmichael Phone: 770-984-8016 x6306
veronica.carmichael@usa. messefrankfurt.com www.usa.messefrankfurt.com www.cleanshow.com
8 E. Sunnyslope Ln.
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Contact: Frank Dubasik Phone: 602-944-2923
✉ sales@metalprogetti.com www.metalprogetti.com
Methods for Management (MFM)
5007 Leavenworth St.
Omaha, NE 68106
Contact: Marta Shaffer Phone: 253-851-6327
✉ mshaffer@mfmi.com www.mfmi.com
24 Pennsylvania Ave.
Kearny, NJ 07032
Toll Free: 800-332-7627 www.metro-chem.com
Mid-Atlantic Assn. of Cleaners (MAC)
14700 Sweitzer Ln. Laurel, MD 20724
Contact: Peter Blake Phone: 617-791-0128 Toll Free: 800-235-8360
✉ peteblke@aol.com www.macassociation.org
Midwest Leather
2201 Grand Ave. Billings, MT 59102 Phone: 406-259-3312
✉ midwestleather77@gmail.com www.midwestleathermt.com
Midwest Trim
4535 25th Ave. Schiller Park, IL 60176
Contact: Allan Kass Phone: 773-594-0700 Toll Free: 800-222-8746
✉ sales@midwest-trim.com www.midwest-trim.com
Miele Professional
9 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Contact: Alexandra McNamara Toll Free: 800-991-9380
✉ proinfo@mieleusa.com www.mieleusa.com/professional
Milnor Laundry Systems
PO Box 400
Kenner, LA 70063
Contact: Ricky Munch Phone: 504-467-9591
Toll Free: 800-469-8780
✉ rmunch@milnor.com www.milnor.com
Million Dollar Collar PO Box 794 Grafton, WI 53024
Contact: Michael Kay Phone: 310-741-1110
✉ michael@milliondollarcollar.com www.milliondollarcollar.com
Miura America Co. Ltd. 120 Sylvan Ave., Ste. 204 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Contact: David Vrana Phone: 201-592-1260
✉ us.northeast@miuraz.com www.miuraboiler.com
Morantz Ultrasonics
9984 Gantry Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115
Contact: Lisa Morantz Phone: 215-969-0266
✉ info@ultrasonicmachines.com www.ultrasonicmachines.com
MovinCool (DENSO Products and Services Americas)
3900 Via Oro Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90810
Contact: Eddie Stevenson Toll Free: 800-264-9573
✉ info@movincool.com www.movincool.com
Mr. ShoeWash
12544 Centralia St.
Lakewood, CA 90715
Contact: John Bae Phone: 562-833-2544 www.shoewash.com
MTH Pumps
401 W. Main St. Plano, IL 60545
Phone: 630-552-4115 ✉ sales@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com
Multimatic Corp.
162 Veterans Dr. Northvale, NJ 07647
Contact: Ron Velli Phone: 201-767-9660
✉ info@multimatic-usa.com www.multimatic-usa.com
Mustang Enterprises
1238 W. Laurel
San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: 210-734-3644 Toll Free: 866-734-3644 ✉ info@mustangenterprises.com www.mustangenterprises.com
My Shoe Hospital
4909 B Commercial Park Dr. Austin, TX 78724
Toll Free: 877-471-SHOE
✉ support@myshoehospital.com www.offershoerepair.com
NNaomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply
1836 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134
Contact: Bill Herald Phone: 215-634-2626 Toll Free: 800-523-3331 ✉ bill@apparelmachinery.com www.apparelmachinery.com
National Cleaners Association (NCA) 252 W. 29th St. New York, NY 10001
Contact: Ann Hargrove Phone: 212-967-3002 Toll Free: 800-888-1622 ✉ info@nca-i.com www.nca-i.com
National Combustion Co. (NATCO)
104-11 180th St. Jamaica, NY 11433 Phone: 718-291-8400 Toll Free: 888-OK-NATCO ✉ sales@nationalcombustion.com www.nationalcombustion.com
National Gown Cleaners LLC 625 McGlincey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 Phone: 408-371-3174 Contact: Christine Morrissey ✉ info@nationalgown.com www.nationalgown.com
National Waste Clean 304 Pulaski St. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Phone: 908-756-4114 Toll Free: 800-329-0025 ✉ info@nationalwasteclean.com www.nationalwasteclean.com
Natmar Services Co. 139 Beattie St. (PO Box 6743) Syracuse, NY 13217 Toll Free: 800-798-8206 ✉ info@natmar-nsc.com www.natmar-nsc.com
Neuhaus Chemical Products Inc.
PO Box 32063 Henrico, VA 23294 Phone: 804-721-8853 Toll Free: 877-553-3794 ✉ info@kleerwite.com www.jinxink.com
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
153 North St., Unit 2B Lexington, MA 02420
Contact: Michael Chae
Phone: 781-891-5676
✉ mchae@dependableusa.com www.dependableusa.com
New York Machinery (Unisec)
609 Chancellor Ave. Irvington, NJ 07111
Phone: 973-372-0100 Toll Free: 855-600-3636
✉ info@unisecusa.com www.unisecusa.com
2681 Halladay St. Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Daniel Borrero
Toll Free: 877-435-3859
✉ sales@newhouseco.com www.newhouseco.com
Nextteq LLC
8406 Benjamin Rd., Ste. J Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-249-5888 Toll Free: 877-312-2333
✉ info@nextteq.com www.nextteq.com
Nichols Paper Products Co. PO Box 137 N8995 Pine St. Nichols, WI 54152
Contact: Brian Dahlin Phone: 920-833-6895 Toll Free: 800-558-8010
✉ sales@nicholspaper.com www.nicholspaper.com
NIE Insurance
6030 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109
Contact: Ann Hawkins Phone: 314-832-1118 Toll Free: 800-325-9522
✉ hawkins@nieinsurance.com www.nie.biz
Northern Hanger Co.
9 Hershey Dr. (PO Box 250)
Smith Falls, ON K7A 4T1
Toll Free: 877-850-0980 www.northernhanger.com
3156 New Holland St. Hudsonville, MI 49426
Contact: John O’Brien Phone: 616-669-2670
✉ john@obrienins.com www.progressive.com/agent/ local-agent/michigan/ hudsonville/obrien-agency/
Call for stories and photos of when you cleaned something of a patriotic nature for a veteran or service personnel. Be part of our July special feature.
E-mail your photos and story to: tburke@atmags.com.
We’re asking drycleaning owners to share stories of a patriotic nature from the fabricare industry.
So many dry cleaners do things for U.S. service personnel and veterans, including cleaning uniforms, flags and more. And maybe you have a veteran who comes in your store or one who has worked for you. Send us your photos and stories so we can put them together in our reader favorite Red, White and Blue (And You) special feature coming in the July issue. The Red, White and Blue (And You) special feature
helps celebrate our country’s Fourth of July spirit in our own fabricare style. But we can’t share these great stories and images without your help! The three photo examples shown above were from last year. Won’t you help out this year and share a story and a couple photos of something of a special patriotic nature — something you’ve cleaned related to our veterans or our fire, police and EMT personnel.
E-mail tburke@atmags.com. Send it to me today! Thank you very much!
2314 E. Lehigh Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Contact: Jack or Brian Phone: 267-549-8264 or 267-784-3686
✉ oakdaleholding@hotmail.com
Olin Corporation
190 Carondelet Plaza, Ste. 1530
Clayton, MO 63105
Contact: Kyle Haas Phone: 989-486-6709
✉ khaas@olin.com www.olin.com
330 E. Easy St., Ste. A
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Toll Free: 888-989-5560
✉ omegasonics@ omegasonics.com www.omegasonics.com
Ontario Fabricare Association
120 Promenade Circle, #910 Thornhill, ON L4J 7W9
Contact: Sidney Chelsky Phone: 905-881-5906
✉ chelsky@sympatico.ca www.fabricare.org
OnSite Fabricare, A ServeCo North America Company
19 Smiley Ingram Rd. Cartersville, GA 30121
Contact: Jeff Berkowitz Toll Free: 800-811-9367
✉ jberkowitz@onsitefabricare.com www.onsitefabricare.com
The Ozone Experts
9483 State Hwy. 37 Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Contact: Susan Duffy Phone: 315-393-5454 Toll Free: 866-676-9663
✉ sduffy@queenaire.com www.ozoneexperts.com
Custom Cabinets
12410 Foothill Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 91342
Contact: Richard Pennington Phone: 818-896-7792
Toll Free: 800-896-4449
✉ rjpapalini@gmail.com www.rjpapalini.com
Paradigm Labs, Inc.
7 Roberts Rd.
(PO Box 138)
Pine Grove, PA 17963
Contact: Bobbi Maier Phone: 570-345-2600
Toll Free: 888-933-4554
✉ customerservice@paradigmlabs.us www.paradigmlabs.us
Pariser Industries
91 Michigan Ave.
Paterson, NJ 07503
Contact: Scott Pariser Phone: 973-569-9090
Toll Free: 800-370-7627
✉ spariser@pariser.net www.pariserchem.com
Parker Boiler Co.
5930 Bandini Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90040
Contact: Michael Leeming Phone: 323-727-9800
✉ sales@parkerboiler.com www.parkerboiler.com
Parts Emporium
7212 Nashville Rd. (PO Box 2540)
Bowling Green, KY 42102
Toll Free: 800-468-3272
✉ partsemporium@twc.com www.partsemporium.net
Patriot Business Advisors
4387 Swamp Rd., #255 Doylestown, PA 18902
Contact: Liliane Tietjen Phone: 267-391-7642
✉ tietjen@patriotbusiness advisors.com www.patriotbusiness advisors.com
Pepin Manufacturing
1875 Hwy. 61 South Lake City, MN 55041
Contact: Judy Mead Phone: 651-345-5655 Toll Free: 800-291-6505
✉ judy@pepinmfg.com www.pepinmfg.com
Perfect Pleat Products
20 S. Main (PO Box 359)
Aurora, UT 84620
Phone: 435-529-3358
✉ perfectpleat@hotmail.com www.perfectpleat.com
Permac Parts Depot
272-B Unionville-Indian Trail Rd. Indian Trail, NC 28079
Contact: Bill Morgal
Phone: 704-234-2818
Toll Free: 800-287-0870
✉ bill@permac.com www.permac.com
Phone Tree 301 N. Main St., #1800 Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Toll Free: 800-951-8733
✉ sales@phonetree.com www.phonetree.com
Plas-Ties, Co. 14272 Chambers Rd. Tustin, CA 92780
Contact: Chad Szabo
Phone: 714-542-4487
Toll Free: 800-854-0137
✉ info@plasties.com www.plasties.com
Poly-Pak Industries 125 Spagnoli Rd. Melville, NY 11747 Toll Free: 800-969-1993 ✉ info@poly-pak.com www.poly-pak.com
Pony USA/NYM Chancellor Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111
Contact: Richard Greco Phone: 973-375-1111 Toll Free: 800-816-2243 ✉ infousa@pony-usa.com www.pony-usa.com
Port-A-Cool 709 Southview Cir. (PO Box 2167) Center, TX 75935 Phone: 936-598-5651 Toll Free: 800-695-2942 ✉ info@port-a-cool.com www.port-a-cool.com
Poseidon Textile Care Systems 2329 Alger Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-457-1140 Toll Free: 800-482-3400 ✉ info@poseidonwetcleaning.com www.poseidonwetcleaning.com
Prestige Preservation 51 W. 135th St., #200 Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Scott Steele Phone: 816-931-6463 Toll Free: 888-490-6816 ✉ ssteele@ prestigepreservation.com www.prestigepreservation.com
Primus (Alliance Laundry Systems) Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Primus Sales Toll Free: 877-724-0187 www.primuslaundry.com
PROS Parts
1630 91st Ave. NE, #107 Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Toll Free: 888-545-4300
✉ barryv@prosparts.com www.prosparts.com
Prym Consumer USA PO Box 5028 Spartanburg, SC 29304
Contact: Stephen Voyles Phone: 864-576-5050 Toll Free: 800-255-7976
✉ stephen.voyles@prymconsumer-usa.com www.prym-consumer-usa.com
QQuality Fabricators
3240 Heritage Dr. NW, Ste. B Kennesaw, GA 30144
Contact: David Battaglia Phone: 770-218-0117 Toll Free: 877-637-3712
✉ dave@zracks.com www.zracks.com
Quality Services Co. 7617 Gossamer Wind St. Las Vegas, NV 89139
Contact: Walter Jurek Phone: 702-215-4648
✉ contact@ valuation-mergers.com www.valuation-mergers.com
Quality Zipper & Supply
PO Box 5204
Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz Phone: 701-772-2788 Toll Free: 800-245-9515
✉ qualityzip@aol.com www.qualityzipper.com
QuickSort (Garment Management Systems)
3200 S. Shackleford Rd., Ste. 10 Little Rock, AR 72205
Contact: Brett McLeod Phone: 501-420-1682 www.garmentmanagement.com
505 N. Hutcheson Houston, TX 77003 Phone: 713-228-9421
✉ info@quietaire.com www.quietaire.com
Quincy Compressor
701 N. Dobson Ave. Bay Minette, AL 36507 Phone: 251-937-5900
✉ rotary@ quincycompressor.com www.quincycompressor.com
RR&B Wire Products
2902 W. Garry Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Frank Rowe Phone: 714-549-3355 Toll Free: 800-634-0555
✉ sales@rbwire.com www.rbwire.com
Raco Industries
5480 Creek Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 Toll Free: 800-446-1991
American Drycleaner, February 2020 www.americandrycleaner.com
✉ info@racoindustries.com www.racoindustries.com
Railex Corp.
89-02 Atlantic Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416
Phone: 718-845-5454
✉ railex@railexcorp.com www.railexcorp.com
Ram Leather Care
8720 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114
Phone: 314-429-5115
Toll Free: 800-5-ASK-RAM www.ramleather.com
Realstar USA
1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Tom Medlin Phone: 404-363-6973 Toll Free: 888-822-7827
✉ dryclean@realstarusa.com www.realstarusa.com
Redstone Funding/ Payment Solutions
10406 Lake Rd. Houston, TX 77070
Toll Free: 800-311-1225
✉ redstonefunding@ redstone-corp.com www.redstonefundingllc.com
4407 Martinsburg Pike Clear Brook, VA 22624
Contact: Bill Hutton Phone: 540-662-3811
Toll Free: 800-872-7562
✉ sales@reimersinc.com www.reimersinc.com
Reliable Corp.
5-100 Wingold Ave. Toronto, ON M6B 4K7
Contact: Robert Kahn Phone: 416-785-0200 Toll Free: 800-268-1649
✉ sales@reliablecorporation.com www.reliablecorporation.com
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
45 Ruby St. Norwalk, CT 06850
Contact: Barry Gunderson Phone: 203-847-2464
✉ info@remadrivac.com www.remadrivac.com
Via R. Morandi, #13 Cittá di Castello, Italy 06012
Contact: Marco Niccolini Phone: 39-075-862-961
✉ renzacci@renzacci.it www.renzacci.it
989 Moraga Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90049
Contact: Jane Wyler Phone: 310-472-3873
✉ jane@reuseniks.com www.reuseniks.com
Reynolds Drapery Service
7440 Main St.
Newport, NY 13416
Phone: 315-845-8632 www.reynoldsdrapery.com
Rite-Temp Water Chillers
PO Box 1275
Rogers, AR 72757-1275
Phone: 479-636-5199 Toll Free: 800-462-3120
✉ chillers@ritetemp.com www.ritetemp.com
Ross Textiles
507 King St. (PO Box 622) Bethune, SC 29009
Contact: Gary Dixon Phone: 843-334-6443 Toll Free: 800-479-1357
✉ gary@rosstextilesinc.com www.rosstextilesinc.com
The Route Pro
7 NW 72nd St., Ste. 302 Kansas City, MO 64118
Contact: James Peuster Phone: 816-739-2066
✉ james@theroutepro.com www.theroutepro.com
Royal Basket Trucks
201 Badger Pkwy. Darien, WI 53114
Contact: Royal Customer Service Team
Phone: 262-882-1227
Toll Free: 800-426-6447
✉ sales@royal-basket.com www.royal-basket.com
Royaltone Co.
3800 Duranzo Avenue El Paso, TX 79905
Phone: 405-878-0577 Toll Free: 800-331-5506 www.royaltone.com
RSD Cooling Towers
26021 Atlantic Ocean Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92602 Phone: 949-380-7878, ext. 00405 Toll Free: 800-245-8007
✉ towers@rsd.net www.rsdcoolingtowers.com
Rug Spa
220 E. 2nd Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Richard Kirishian Toll Free: 800-624-RUGS
✉ info@rugspa.com www.rugspa.com
#445 Beta St. Victoria, BC V8Z 1A9
Phone: 250-686-7847 Toll Free: 866-885-7847
✉ info@rugbadger.com www.rugbadger.com
180 Prospect Pl. Alpharetta, GA 30005
Contact: Bahman Matlogh Phone: 678-240-9090
Toll Free: 866-722-6701
✉ info@scanq.com www.scanq.com
Schaefer Ventilation
1 Industrial Blvd., Ste. 101 (PO Box 460)
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-251-8696
Toll Free: 800-779-3267
✉ sales@schaeferventilation.com www.schaeferventilation.com
Seickel & Sons
Singer Sewing Co.
1224 Heil Quaker Blvd. (PO Box 7017) LaVergne, TN 37086
Contact: Theresa Hesse Phone: 615-213-0880 Toll Free: 877-738-9869
✉ industrialproducts@ svpworldwide.com www.cuttersexchange.com
Small Business America, The Lafayette Group, LLC 4801 S. Lakeshore Dr., Ste. 202
Tempe, AZ 85282
Contact: David A. Miller Phone: 602-510-3239
SSafety & Environmental Compliance
Consultants, Inc.
2027 W. Division St. #414 Chicago, IL 60622
Contacts: Henry & Jan Parker Toll Free: 877-302-5842
✉ hwdp@aol.com www.complyhere.com
Safety-Kleen Systems
2600 North Central Expressway, Ste. 400 Richardson, TX 75080 Toll Free: 800-323-5040 www.safety-kleen.com
Sanitone, A Division of Fabritec International
8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Jeff Jordan Toll Free: 800-543-0406
✉ solutions@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
Sankosha USA
1901 Landmeier Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contacts: Wesley Nelson, Mike Tungesvick Phone: 847-427-9120 Toll Free: 888-427-9120
✉ info@sankosha-inc.com www.sankosha-inc.com
Sarno & Son
401 S. Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: 570-346-5725
Toll Free: 800-233-1404 www.sarnotux.com
Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Co.
400 N. Kibbee St., PO Box 40 St. Johns, MI 48879
Phone: 989-224-2371
Toll Free: 800-394-7644
✉ sales@saylor-beall.com www.saylor-beall.com
360 Elizabeth Ave. #1 Newark, NJ 07112
Contact: Joseph Seickel
Phone: 973-242-1948 Toll Free: 800-388-5044
✉ sales@seickel.com www.seickel.com
Seitz Inc.
5101 Tampa West Blvd., Ste. 300
Tampa, FL 33634
Contact: Kurt Wickiser Phone: 813-886-2700 Alternate: 813-317-1864
✉ kurt.wickiser@seitz24.com www.seitz24.com
1000 112th Cir., Ste. 100 St. Petersburg, FL 33716
Phone: 727-530-3602 Toll Free: 800-451-9444 ✉ info@sensidyne.com www.sensidyne.com
Sensors Safety
6003 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste. 117 Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: 919-278-7737
Toll Free: 800-499-7232
✉ sales@sensorssafety.com www.sensorssafety.com
15 Home News Row New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Contact: Robert Levine
Phone: 732-846-8500
Toll Free: 800-966-2247
✉ robert.levine@ sigmaplastics.com www.sigmaplasticsgroup.com
Sims City Cleaners
9623 Hillcroft St. Houston, TX 77096
Contact: Rick Sims Phone: 713-721-3100
✉ rdiver48@aol.com www.simscitycleaners.com
✉ dmiller@sbaphoenix.com www.sbaphoenix.com
280 Premier Drive, Ste. 117 Holly Springs, NC 27540
Contact: Bill Alber Toll Free: 800-233-9804 ✉ bill@smrtsystems.com www.smrtsystems.com
SNA Manufacturing
4225 Industrial Ctr. Ln. NW Acworth, GA 30101
Contact: Stefano Zaccagnino Phone: 678-631-1010 Toll Free: 866-327-3880 ✉ stefano@snamfg.com www.snamfg.com
Solvair LLC
184 Shuman Blvd., #420 Naperville, IL 60563
Contact: Jon Beard Toll Free: 866-765-8247 ✉ jbeard@solvairllc.com www.solvaircleaning.com
SonicAire Inc. 3831 Kimwell Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27103
Contact: John Sanders Phone: 336-712-2437 ✉ moreinfo@sonicaire.com www.sonicaire.com
3636 Shiloh Road Tyler, Texas 75707
Contact: Clay Martin Phone: 903-595-9336 Toll Free: 800-323-2115
✉ clay@sonozaire.com www.sonozaire.com
Southwest Drycleaners Association
801 S. Hwy 183, #1115 Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 512-873-8195 www.sda-dryclean.com
Spector Textile Products
10 Embankment St. (PO Box 315)
Lawrence, MA 01842
Contact: Howard Spector Toll Free: 800-533-3501
✉ sales@spectortextile.com www.spectortextile.com
Speed Check Conveyor 5345 Truman Dr. Decatur, GA 30035
Contact: John Speckhart Phone: 770-981-5490 Toll Free: 800-241-0990
✉ John.Speckhart@white-conveyors.com www.speedcheckconveyor.com
Shepard Street (PO Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Speed Queen Sales www.speedqueen commercial.com
SPOT Business Systems
12345 S. 300 East Draper, UT 84020
Contact: Ray Cheshire Phone: 801-495-1200
✉ sales@spotpos.com www.spotpos.com
444 E. Palmetto Park Rd., Ste. 200 Boca Raton, FL 33432
Toll Free: 800-367-8675 www.spot-coolers.com
Stahls’ Hotronix
One Industrial Park Carmichaels, PA 15320
Toll Free: 800-727-8520
✉ info@clothingidlabel.com www.clothingidlabel.com
Stamford, A Division of Fabritec International
8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Jeff Jordan
Toll Free: 800-543-0406
✉ solutions@fabritec.com www.fabritec.com
80 Metropolitan Ave., 2P Brooklyn, NY 11249
Phone: 574-360-7593
Contact: Nick Chapleau
✉ sales@starchup.com www.starchup.com
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
290 NE 68th St.
Miami, FL 33138
Phone: 305-754-4551
Toll Free: 800-333-8883
✉ info@steineratlantic.com www.steineratlantic.com
Sterling Hangers
82 NE 29th St.
Miami, FL 33137
Phone: 305-470-6655
✉ info@sterlinghangers.com www.sterlinghangers.com
R.R. Street & Co. Inc.
215 Shuman Blvd., #403 Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: 630-416-4244
Toll Free: 800-4-STREET
✉ info@4streets.com www.4streets.com
Stry-Lenkoff Co. 1100 W. Broadway Louisville, KY 40203
Phone: 502-587-6804 Toll Free: 800-626-8247
✉ sales@strylenkoff.com www.strylenkoff.com
Suede Products
18600 Graphics Ct. Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway
Phone: 708-614-0939
Toll Free: 877-710-8200
✉ jconway@suedeproducts.com www.suedeproducts.com
Sunshine Leather Care
4854 Mary Ingles Hwy, Ste A
Cold Spring, KY 41076
Contact: Jeff Schwegmann Toll Free: 800-232-0792
✉ jeff@prestigepreservation.com www.sunshinecleaners.com
161 Prairie Laval, QC H7N 2T8
Phone: 855-767-2322
✉ sales@sysmetic.com www.sysmetic.com
TTagsys USA
841 Prudential Dr., 12th Flr.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Phone: 904-423-8627 www.tagsysrfid.com
Tailwind Systems
40 Winchester Lane, Ste #5 Fall River, MA 02721
Contact: Don Desrosiers Phone: 508-965-3163
✉ tailwind.don@me.com www.tailwindsystems.com
Takagi USA
500 Wald Irvine, CA 92618
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 949-770-7171 Toll Free: 888-882-5244
✉ takagihelp@hotwater.com www.takagi.com
Tatch Technical Services
22 Old Chimney Rd. Randolph, NJ 07869
Contact: Mike Tatch Phone: 973-366-1744
✉ mdtts@optonline.net
Techstar Plastics Inc. 15400 Old Simcoe Rd. Port Perry, ON L9L 1L8
Contact: Greg Barnes Phone: 905-985-8479 Toll Free: 800-263-7943
✉ sales@techstarplastics.com www.techstarplastics.com
Textile Care Allied Trades Assn. (TCATA)
4023 N. Armenia Ave., Ste. 270 Tampa, FL 33607
Contact: Leslie Schaeffer Phone: 813-348-0075
✉ leslie@tcata.org www.tcata.org
Thanks Again
1015 Tyrone Rd., #820 Tyrone, GA 30290
Toll Free: 888-572-8198
✉ customer.service@ thanksagain.com www.thanksagain.com
Thermopatch Corp.
2204 Erie Blvd. East Syracuse, NY 13224
Contact: Robert Fudge Phone: 315-446-8110 Toll Free: 800-252-6555
✉ sales@thermopatch.com www.thermopatch.com
276 S. Church St.
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone: 864-583-8459 Toll Free: 800-845-7088
✉ info@thomasandsons.com www.thomasandsons.com
33 West 19th St., 4th Flr. New York, NY 10011
Contact: Steve Robbins Phone: 212-791-2250
✉ info@tigerleasing.com www.tigerleasing.com
North America
2121 E. Curry St.
Long Beach, CA 90805
Phone: 562-422-1257
Toll Free: 800-894-1555
✉ contactus@ kelleherequipment.com www.kelleherequipment.com
Topog-E Gasket Co.
1224 N. Utica Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74110-4682
Contact: Edwin Thomas Phone: 918-587-6649 Toll Free: 800-587-7123
✉ sales@topog-e.com www.topog-e.com
Trevil America
PO Box 127
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz
Phone: 973-535-8305
Toll Free: 877-873-8451
✉ trevilamerica@aol.com www.trevilamerica.com
Fabric Dyeing
2305 C Ashland St., #281
Ashland, OR 97520
Contact: Sherry Smilo Phone: 541-488-5911
✉ info@fabricdyeing.com www.fabricdyeing.com
250 Euclid Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94118
Contact: Ellen Tuchman Rothmann
Phone: 415-370-9204
✉ ellenrothmann@yahoo.com www.tuchmanadvisorygroup.com
1120 Intagliata Dr. Arnold, MO 63010
Toll Free: 800-527-0896
✉ sales@unicosystem.com www.unicosystem.com
Shepard Street (PO Box 990)
Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: UniMac Sales
Toll Free: 800-587-5458 www.unimac.com
1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Jack Burnett Phone: 404-361-7775
Toll Free: 800-433-9401
✉ info@uniondc.com www.uniondc.com
Unipress Corp. 3501 Queen Palm Dr. Tampa, FL 33619
Contact: Tom Stites Phone: 813-623-3731 ✉ info@unipresscorp.com www.unipresscorp.com
United Automation 1491 N. Kealy St., #4 Lewisville, TX 75057
Phone: 972-420-1123
Toll Free: 888-420-4430
✉ sales1@automation-dfw.com www.automation-dfw.com
United Wire Hanger PO Box 2367
South Hackensack, NJ 07606
Phone: 201-288-4540 Toll Free: 800-225-0058
✉ info@unitedwirehanger.com www.unitedwirehanger.com
U.N.X. Inc. 707 E. Arlington Blvd. (PO Box 7206) Greenville, NC 27835 Phone: 252-756-8616
✉ unx@unxinc.com www.unxinc.com
PO Box 55555
Boston, MA 02205-5555
Toll Free: 800-587-7309 www.upromise.com
U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
1985 Bluestone Dr. St. Charles, MO 63303
Toll Free: 800-788-3838 ✉ info@us-commerce.com www.us-commerce.com
Utilimaster Corp. 603 Earthway Blvd. (PO Box 585) Bristol, IN 46507
Phone: 574-848-2000
Toll Free: 800-582-3454 ✉ upfit@utilimaster.com www.utilimaster.com
W226 N6339 Village Dr. Sussex, WI 53089
Contact: Sunny Schneider Phone: 262-246-5060 Toll Free: 800-237-6367 ✉ info@vaportek.com www.vaportek.com
Veolia ES Technical Solutions
107 S. Motor Ave. Asuza, CA 91702
Contact: Gary Saenz Phone: 626-334-5117, ext. 511 Toll Free: 800-395-6726,ext. 511 ✉ gary.saenz@veolia.com www.veoliaes.com
4470 W. Sunset Blvd., #152
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Toll Free: 888-847-1888
✉ customerservice@vipcard.com www.vipcard.com
WW.A.G. Equipment
598 Burnett Rd.
Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong Phone: 615-830-5959
✉ wagnashville@comcast.net www.wagequipment.com
New York, NY
Toll Free: 888-920-1370 www.washclubs.com
Waterbury Button Co.
1855 Peck Lane
Cheshire, CT 06410
Contact: Craig Lefebvre Phone: 203-271-9055
Toll Free: 800-928-1812
✉ clefebvre@ogstech.com www.waterburybutton.com
Wausau Chemical Corp.
2001 N. River Dr.
Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 715-842-2285
Toll Free: 800-950-6656
✉ info@wausauchemical.com www.wausauchemical.com
Wedding Gown Preservation Co.
709 North St. Endicott, NY 13760
Toll Free: 800-305-3108
✉ info@gownpreservation.com www.gownpreservation.com
5757 N. Lincoln Ave., Ste. 19 Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Joel Kim Phone: 773-878-0150
✉ westernk@msn.com www.westerndccomputer.co
PO Box 775
Denair, CA 95316
Contact: Chad Boucher Phone: 209-648-5811 Toll Free: 833-293-7842 ✉ chad@wesvic.com www.wesvic.com
2901 Lakeshore Dr. St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Chris Brick Phone: 252-292-3677
✉ christopher_a_brick@ whirlpool.com www.whirlpoolcommercial laundry.com
White Conveyors
10 Boright Ave. Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Contact: John Speckhart
Phone: 908-686-5700
Toll Free: 800-524-0273 ✉ john.speckhart@white-conveyors.com www.white-conveyors.com
Widmer’s Cleaners
2016 Madison Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45208
Phone: 513-321-5100 www.widmerscleaners.com
Williams & Davis Boilers
PO Box 539
Hutchins, TX 75141
Toll Free: 800-826-4537 Phone: 972-225-2356 ✉ info@wdboilers.com www.w-dboilers.com
92 Caplan Ave., Ste. 134
Barrie, ON L4N 9J2
Phone: 705-737-4062 Toll Free: 866-722-3542 ✉ customerservice@ winningbrands.ca www.winningbrands.com
Ernest Winzer Cleaners
PO Box 294
Bronx, NY 10453
Contact: Bruce Barish Phone: 718-294-2400 Toll Free: 877-WINZER-1 ✉ borntoclean@ winzercleaners.com www.winzercleaners.com
3344 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Linda Phone: 773-588-4922 Toll Free: 800-475-4922 ✉ info@withoutatrace.com www.withoutatrace.com
YAC Corp., Japan 46722 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 Phone: 510-623-0700 ✉ info@hyac.com www.hyac.com
Zellermayer Corp.
PO Box 13026 North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Contact: David Singer Toll Free: 800-431-2244 ✉ zellermayercorp@aol.com www.zellermayerpresspads.com
(Air Quality Labs)
2206 11th Ave. West, #3A Seattle, WA 98119
Toll Free: 800-467-3888 ✉ info@zerowastemachines.com www.zerowastemachines.com
We’re well into the new year! The end of a previous year is always a difficult time for us as business owners. We frantically try to make sure we’ve met last year’s goals.
There’s paperwork and other filings that seem to gobble up the hours. It’s a classic case of the “urgent” crowding out the “important.”
It’s easy to postpone, delay, or outright cancel the most important thing you can do: strategic planning. Yet taking the time to craft, execute and communicate a robust, coherent strategic plan is arguable the most critical step you can take as a business owner.
There are countless ways to develop a strategic plan and everyone has their own opinion on how it can and should be done.
At my company we have a process that we’ve used for
over a decade that works well for us, but at the end of the day I would encourage you to find whatever approach works best for you and your team.
My preferred strategic planning approach is built on four core tenets:
Before you can even begin to think about where you want your company to go this year, you must first force you and your team to take a hard look at where you’ve been.
To guide this approach, I recommend using the strategic plan that you created the previous year, if you have one.
Specifically, go one by one through the goals that you laid out last year and check off the goals you’ve achieved and highlight the goals that still remain.
This enables you to refresh your memory regarding what you were hoping to accomplish and to what extent you’ve succeeded in reaching those goals. Hopefully you
Develop a strategic plan: Where you’re going, and how you’re getting thereDan Miller (Image licensed by Ingram
began a “year in review process” at the end of last year. It gives you time to get laser-focused on completing the goals that have gone unaddressed.
The other side-benefit of taking this self-inventory is that it tends to boost morale substantially.
In the flurry of activity that characterizes a typical year, it’s easy to forget how much you and your team have accomplished.
But when you sit down and take the time to do a year in review you and your team will realize how much you’ve done and be reenergized about completing whatever is left undone.
Once you’ve completed a comprehensive look back, now it’s time for you and your team to look forward to the rest of this year.
At the core of any good strategic plan is one word: Improvement. A year in which we’re not improving is not a year worth having, so the driving theme of your strategic plan should be one question: How do we improve?
In my experience, the greatest difficulty in this part of the process is collecting an authentic list of the company’s opportunities for improvement.
This is the case for a number of reasons: Employees may not want to be seen as criticizing their colleagues or management; they may fear change; they may not have been taught how to identify and solve problems; or they may just be shy.
To counteract these challenges I recommend formally soliciting opportunities for improvement from your staff, but in a totally anonymous way. This can be as simple as handing out notecards and collecting them in a box or sending out a Google forms or Survey Monkey survey.
The key here is making sure that staff understand that their opinions will be confidential, and to ask probing questions to maximize the likelihood of insight.
Here are some examples of questions your team can address:
• “What makes your job more difficult than it needs to be?”
• “What annoys you about working at our company?”
• “What would make your work experience better?”
• “How can we make our customer’s experience with us better?”
• “How can we improve quality?”
• “What do you wish you knew more about?”
Asking these questions and giving your team a safe space to communicate their thoughts will give you a laundry list of opportunities for improvement, which you can then synthesize into a plan.
Now that you have a clear understanding of what your company needs to do, it’s time to make a plan on how to execute on that throughout the year.
In order to ensure execution, it’s important to first synthesize your list of opportunities for improvement into larger tasks. There’s countless ways to do it, but in my experience I’ve found a few categorizations are critical.
First, it’s extremely helpful to differentiate between truly complex problems and “quick wins.” The quick wins like “getting a new coffee maker,” or “new paint in the front lobby,” should be assigned and allocated to whoever is responsible right away.
For the complex problems, I recommend setting aside some significant time at your strategic planning meeting to make sure you are all able to dig in and come up with pre liminary ideas on how to go about solving them.
After you’ve categorized these new issues, the other criti cal piece in strategic planning is accountability. Every task should be clearly assigned to someone in your company with a specific timeline and metric to make sure it is achieved.
In addition, you should be sure to confirm that that person has the resources necessary to achieve their ob jective. Without accountability, clear deadlines, and the resources to achieve your goals, a strategic plan isn’t worth having.
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen a company craft a strategic plan and then fail to roll it out, I could retire. A strategic plan can be an incredibly powerful tool in driving the culture of your company during the year, but in order to do so it must be communicated to every single person in the organization. Otherwise, it’s a ghost.
In our company we communicate our strategic plan through an all-staff annual meeting. At the meeting we spend time reviewing the previous year; where we suc ceeded and where we came up short. We then allow different team members to present our priorities for the year and where we hope to go.
This ensures that every single person, from the presser, to the store associate, to the president of the company are all on the same page as to what we’re trying to achieve.
This year, do yourself the favor of setting a course for your team by creating a comprehensive strategic plan. It’s a lot of work, but I promise it will pay off.
As they say, a year is a terrible thing to waste! ADC
Dan Miller is the chief executive officer of Mulberrys Garment Care, a premium drycleaning and laundry business with 17 locations in Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Dallas. You may contact him at dmiller@mulberryscleaners.com or 866-473-0798.
Pariser Industries hired Jim Massey as the company’s central Pennsylvania territory manager, it reports.
“We are excited to have Jim become a part of the Pariser team. He brings more than 25 years of sales experience in the janitorial supply and on-premise equipment sales service markets,” says Chad Dare, U.S. regional sales manager.
Massey will be responsible for distribution growth, account man agement, and driving revenue, the firm adds.
The company describes itself as a, “Diversified innovator and manufacturer of cleaning chemical specialties for the drycleaning, wet cleaning, and laundry industries, as well as food ser vice/ware washing, housekeeping/janitorial, and water treatment industries.”
“DLI exists to help dry cleaners succeed!” So says its motto.
To that end, the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) School of Drycleaning Technology, last year, trained 30 students in the art and science of running a successful drycleaning business, it reports.
Students attended DLI’s 376th General Dryclean ing Course, comprised of the one-week Introduction to Drycleaning and two-week Advanced Drycleaning Courses. In these courses, students learned about:
• Sorting loads for dry cleaning;
• The science of dry cleaning;
• Fibers and their characteristics;
• Fabric construction;
• Cleaning silk, stain, and other fabrics;
• Soil and cleaning theory;
Advanced Drycleaning Class number 376 held July 22-August 2, 2019:
Front row, from left: Genesis Grandberry, Lyons Cleaners, Memphis, Tenn.; Debbie Young-Baker, Al Phillips The Cleaner, Irvine, Calif.; Boipelo Lindiwe Mosaka, Sakies Dry Cleaners, Soweto, Gauteng, South Africa; Mojgan Anvari, Carousel Cleaners, N. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Debbie Nieto, Lyons Cleaners, Memphis, Tenn.; Elizabeth Knight, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC; Natalia Perez, Crystal Cleaners, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Back row, from left: Nate Whitmer, Balfurd Cleaners, State College, Pa.; Wayne Riddle, Al Phillips The Cleaner, Irvine, Calif.; Silvio Carlos Santos Russo, ZAPS Cleaners, Lanham, Md.; Robert Marshall, Glyndon Lord Baltimore Cleaners, Glyndon, Md.; John Pack, Davids Cleaners, Inc., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Danilo Hernandez, DLI, Laurel, Md.
• Operating a drycleaning machine;
• Stain removal chemistry and procedures;
• Removing coffee, ink, grease, and other stains from clothing;
• Pressing pants, coats, blouses, ties, pleated gar ments, and skirts;
• Designing a drycleaning plant with the most effec tive workflow; and much more.
The next complete DLI courses offered in 2020 are on these dates:
• Introduction to Drycleaning: February 24-28;
• Advanced Drycleaning: March 2-13.
Founded in 1927, DLI’s School of Drycleaning Tech nology has, as it notes, “Helped shape the careers of thousands of dry cleaners worldwide.”
“While Zengeler Cleaners has always enjoyed a wonder ful long-time partnership with the Glass Slipper Project (GSP), we all thrilled to add Mothers Trust Foundation (MTF) as a partner once again for the coming year,” says Tom Zengeler, president of Zengeler Cleaners.
Zengeler Cleaners reports it will again support both the GSP, which helps thousands of Northern Illinois high school women experience the joy of prom, and adds the partnership with the MTF of Lake Forest, Ill., with this year’s prom apparel collection drive.
“Plans are already underway at Mother’s Trust Founda tion to build on the success of the MTF’s first ever Pop-up Prom Shop promotion in 2020,” the cleaners relates.
According to Susan Suhling, executive director of the Lake-Forest based organization, “The 2019 Pop Up Prom Shop was one of the most moving and inspiration al events we’ve been privileged to host.
“We received tremendous feedback, took copious notes on how to improve where possible and with help of our vol unteers and partners, have already begun to set the stage for another successful Pop Up Prom Shop this coming spring.”
The 2020 dates for the MTF are tentatively set for April 3, 4 and 5, at the College of Lake County, Ill., it notes.
The cleaners provides several important services for the drive, such as working with north suburban high schools to solicit donations of, “lovingly worn prom ap parel,” from students; also, its stores serve as collection points for donations from individuals and businesses.
Zengeler Cleaners relates that it, “then inspects, re pairs as needed and cleans the donated items, all at no cost to MTF and GSP. This assures every student wear ing a dress from the collection drive looks her best on this important evening.”
2020 RATES: One- to five-time rate: $2.20 per word, boldface $2.30 per word. Minimum charge: $25.00 per ad. Call or write for our three- and 12-time rates. If box number is used,
add cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted. DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month.
MLS#828245 Located in the center of the Florida Panhandle between Tallahassee and Pensacola. Up and running successfully for 10 years, this “Green” dry cleaning business is Available For Sale.
Call Larry Medlock RE/MAX Agency One, Inc. (850) 830-7006 for details
For example, for a June ad, the closing date is May 1st.
PAYMENT FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Must accompany order.
10 YEARS AGO. Retailers saw modest gains during the holiday season, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers, with December sales up 2.8% from 2008. Combined sales for November and December 2009 rose 1.8%, compared with the 5.8% drop that made 2008 the weakest holiday shopping season in four decades. Manufacturing surged at the end of 2009, according to the Institute for Supply Management index.The index rose to its highest level in almost three years.
35 YEARS AGO. In the bag?
Marcia Miller, in her Over The Counter column from February 1985, writes, “How do your customers bring their clothes into your store? Do they scoop up a piece or an armload from the car seat? Do they occasionally drop something (usually a light color) on the way in? All of the above, probably, and more ways, besides. It surprises me that only a relatively few drycleaning organizations furnish their customers with a convenient way to transport clothes, in a bag.”
50 YEARS AGO. Paper, Schmaper…. Paper’s Out, Plastic’s In! Worried about disposable paper garments?
Probably just a fleeting fad! Our fashion reporter tells us about a new fad unveiled at a recent Chicago fashion show—clothing made of plastic. The material is a polyester film normally used for packaging and computer tapes. Among items featured: a plastic see-through wedding gown.
GI Cleaner Comes Back! Announces the February 1945 front cover of American Drycleaner and touts a seven-page special section inside the issue on returning veterans.
75 YEARS AGO. GI Cleaner Comes Back! Cleaners naturally feel that returning veterans should be given every opportunity to reestablish themselves in civilian life. 3 Soldiers No. 1: Before Pearl Harbor, this returning GI was an executive employee for a large cleaning firm. He was 31, married 10 years. Him and a friend went into business for themselves (see photo) and their days ranged from 12 to 15 hours, and one of them sleeps there every night. Their business is largely wholesale. They are already wishing they had more room. No. 2: A turret gunner who became a plant owner in Ohio.
Inside the issue, the headline 3 Soldiers looks at three returning WWII veterans, with one of their first remarks, “The plant’s too small already!” In another story of a GI coming home, a veteran inspects work on a Navy uniform at his drycleaning plant.
He advertised his business with this line: “Owned and operated by veteran of World War II.” No. 3: He came home from the Army but on the way stopped by American Drycleaner to talk about the industry. He had won three spotting awards from the magazine before the war. His dream was to open a small plant in a small town somewhere in the Northwest. He told the magazine editor, “I believe the industry is leaving its infancy and we are going to see some radical changes and everincreasing volume.” ADC
— Compiled by Tim Burke, Editor
The Parker Boiler tube bundle is extremely flexible and offers a long life with a 25 year warranty against thermal shock.
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5:1 Burner Turndown Ratio. Digital Pressure Control. Boilers require access on two sides only. Reflex Prismatic Sight Glass. Up to 4” of insulation and 1/2” thick steam drum.