Current laundry techniques should kill new Coronavirus
McCurdy takes over as HLAC board president

PLAINFIELD, Ill. — Linda McCurdy has assumed her role as board president of the Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC), a nonprofit organization formed for the purpose of inspecting and accrediting laundries processing healthcare textiles for hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities.
McCurdy’s role as president became effective Jan. 1. She succeeds Bradley J. Bushman, who had been board president since 2017.
McCurdy has been an HLAC board member since 2017. She is president and chief executive officer of K-Bro Linen Systems Inc., a provider of healthcare and hospitality laundry and linen services in Canada.
She was named president-elect by HLAC’s board of directors in November 2018. ALN
BY FONTAINE SANDSRICHMOND, Ky. — With cases of the now-named COVID-19 disease outbreak from China being diagnosed in the United States, many laundry workers may feel anxious and uncertain in what precautions they need to take.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are commonly present in animals and the environment. What makes this Coronavirus different is that it is classified as a novel or new strain, called 2019nCoV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Novel viruses can spread quickly and infect more hosts because the host has no immunity against the new strain. The CDC says outbreaks of novel viral infections are always a public health concern, especially if the virus spreads quickly and the severity of the illness is high.
The U.S. government and the World Health Organization (WHO) have taken
steps to get ahead of this situation by implementing a public health emergency alert, which allows the government to put in place measures to limit the spread and avoid another widespread global pandemic like we had with the 2009-2010 H1N1 outbreak.
Based on data published on the CDC’s website (Feb. 12), there have been a total of
427 cases under investigation in the United States, but only 14 cases have tested positive for the virus, 347 have tested negative and 66 are still pending. It is expected that these statistics will change daily as more results of those screened become available.
It is important to note that even though
First Veterans Affairs West Coast steamless laundry opens
LOS ANGELES — Dedication ceremonies were recently held for the renovated textile care processing facility at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center here, now considered one of the most automated facilities in the VA system, reports Western State Design Inc. of Hayward, California, and R.W. Martin Company located in Kent, Ohio.
Western State Design and R.W. Martin Company were the government-selected contractors to modernize the textile care processing facility, which was originally built in 1999.
More than 100 attendees enjoyed tours, presentations and refreshments at the open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony held on Jan.16. Members of the laundry industry and VA senior management gave pre-
Volume 46, Number 3
Columnist at Large
In this issue, Eric Frederick writes about the value of adaptability for laundry managers.

sentations regarding the systems design and operational improvements.
Shawn Martin, CEO/project manager of R.W. Martin Company, gave a detailed explanation regarding the project management challenges of such a unique initiative.
R.W. Martin Company says the modernization effort has already received numerous national VA awards for energy and water conservation and has passed all locally required emission reviews of the Chicago Dryer gas-fired flatwork finishing system.
In concert with continuous batch washing and drying, the new laundry design also includes a staph barrier anteroom for washer-extractor operations—a first for the entire VA system, R.W. Martin Company says.
The modernization of this 45,000-square-
foot laundry facility was completed in phases over the past several years, with a total cost estimated at $14 million.
R.W. Martin Company says key equipment partners supporting this modernization-automation effort were Pellerin Milnor Corp., Chicago Dryer Co., E-TECH, Parker Boiler, Thermal Engineering of Arizona, Softrol Inc. and Colmac Industries.

Project design was provided through David Pelligra Architects Inc. of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. R.W. Martin’s Timothy Campbell served as project superintendent.
The facility provides healthcare laundry services for VA West Los Angeles and VA Long Beach Healthcare Systems.
The VA Laundry System Inspection
Operators and COVID-19
Two healthcare laundry operators share insights on the recent Coronavirus outbreak.
Appropriate use of PPE, good hand hygiene practices key for employeesMcCurdy
Your Views Survey:
Many operations use more than one linen tracking method
CHICAGO — When it comes to goods, laundry and linen services need to know what’s happening with their product. That’s because textiles can far too easily go astray, leading to greater costs for operations.
So, laundry services have taken to using a variety of tracking options, according to a recent American Laundry News Your Views survey.
Almost 90% of respondents say that their operations make use of some type of tracking system for their linens.

The top two types of systems used? Piece count and weight, with both types utilized by nearly 52% of managers taking the survey. The next most used is radio-frequency identification (RFID) at 38%, followed by bar codes (31%) and labels (24%).
When asked why their companies use tracking systems, 75% of managers say it’s for inventory purposes, followed by eliminating waste at 64%. Almost 47% say they use tracking to assess productivity.
Other reasons given by respondents include, “Developing par levels” and “Projected order fill.”
One manager of a laundry/linen service that doesn’t use linen tracking methods says the company doesn’t because, “We’re one resort and we do in-house, so there’s no need.”
Another says it’s because, “We’re a COG laundry.”
When asked, “If you process customer-owned goods (COG), do any of those customers use tracking methods,” nearly 47% say yes, while 23% say no. Just over 3% didn’t know if their customers use linen tracking, and almost 27% of respondents don’t process COG.
For COG laundries whose customers do use tracking, the systems used mirror those of laundry operations with weight (53%) and piece counts (47%) leading the way. These were followed by RFID (33%) and labels (20%).
Unlike the laundry response, no COG customers use bar codes, according to respondents.

One survey taker did say that it has a customer that uses a manual tracking form to keep an eye on its linens.
When asked if, in general, the tracking of goods has increased or decreased over the past five years, almost 65% of respondents say it has increased. Nearly 23% say tracking levels have remained the same, while no survey taker sees a decrease in tracking. Almost 13% are unsure of tracking levels in the industry.
Technology and automation have seen major leaps in the laundry indus-
try, so RFID tracking has been getting a lot of press. However, when asked if the use of RFID has increased or decreased over the past five years, more than 46% of respondents didn’t know.
Another 46% say the use of RFID tracking has increased, while 7% indicate it has remained the same. No survey takers say RFID tracking levels have decreased.
When asked the value for a laundry/linen service to use RFID tracking, 46% of respondents say “very valuable,” followed by “somewhat valuable” at 31%.
Almost 20% of survey takers say laundry use of RFID is “not really valuable,” followed by “not valuable at all” at almost 4% of respondents.
Of those who express a lower impression of RFID value, reasons centered on reliability and usability:
• Errors with readers and RFID chips themselves coupled with lack of ROI when all costs are truly known.
• Customer disagrees with results.
• If a customer calls and says they’re missing something, explaining that your system shows they should have inventory is not a satisfactory answer to them.
• This would be difficult with personal items and small items like washcloths.

• Unreliable.
• As cost decreases and the reliability rate of the scanning process increases, RFID will become more valuable.
While the Your Views survey presents a snapshot of readers’ viewpoints at a particular moment, it should not be considered scientific. Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100%.
Subscribers to American Laundry News e-mails are invited to take the industry survey anonymously online each quarter. All managers and administrators of institutional/OPL, cooperative, commercial and industrial laundries are encouraged to participate, as a greater number of responses will help to better define operator opinions and identify industry trends.
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POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Laundry News, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440. Volume 46, number 3. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Laundry News is distributed selectively to qualified laundry and linen management and distributors in the United States.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2020. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Laundry News does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Laundry News or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
Milnor has a better solution through dilution.
When Milnor introduced PulseFlow® technology, CBW® washing was thrust into the future. The idea of balancing time, temperature, mechanical action and chemistry was missing one critical piece of the pie – DILUTION through the efficient use of water.

PulseFlow combines the innovative RecircONE® fast wet down and chemical immersion in the first module with standing bath washing in every spacious process module. Thorough and efficient dilution occurs by way of intermittent high velocity counterflow rinsing and traditional True Top Transfer.
The result is hygienically clean linen using less water (as low as 0.3 gallons per pound/2.5 liters per kilogram) and less energy as proven time and again by hundreds of PulseFlow tunnels in a variety of laundry applications worldwide.
Contact an authorized Milnor distributor or call 504-712-7656 to find out more.

Information at your fingers
Every year, my focus when putting together the March issue of American Laundry News is on what takes up most of the issue: the annual Buyer’s Guide.
However, developments related to healthcare laundry operations made this cycle a bit more challenging. Of course, I’m talking about the outbreak of the new Coronavirus disease that’s making its way around the world from China.
While purchasing the right products and services is important, it’s vital that laundry operations know how to safely handle and process linens potentially infected with a new disease.
That’s why I contacted knowledgeable folks like infection prevention consultant Fontaine Sands and healthcare laundry operators Edward McCauley and David Griggs. You’ll find their take on the situation on pages 1 and 6.
From The Editor’s Desk MATT POENot only was there a new Coronavirus outbreak, there was a voluntary recall of certain disposable surgical gowns manufactured at unauthorized sites in China. Turn to page 6 to read HLAC’s reminder about the value of reusable, laundered gowns.
These stories made updating the 2020 Buyer’s Guide a little more interesting, but once again, inside you’ll find as up-to-date
as possible information on companies and the products and services they provide that you need, from air vacuum units to wrapping systems/products.

The guide is easy to use. You’ll find the product or service that you’re in the market for in our Product/Service Directory starting on page 10.
From that listing, you’ll see all of the companies that offer what you’re in need of. Then, turn to the Company Directory beginning on page 24 to find their contact information so you can further investigate the companies and their products and services.
You can also access the guide online. Just log onto www., click “Resources” and then “Buyer’s Guide.”
Whether it’s industry information or products and services, we try to help everybody get what they need to keep it clean. ALN
100 years of TCATA, conference ‘creating a path to the future’
WESLEY CHAPEL, Fla. — The Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA) will celebrate its 100th anniversary during its 2020 Educational & Management Conference at The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort in Hilton Head, South Carolina, April 20-May 2, shares conference chair, Mack Magnus of M & B Hangers.
TCATA says it believes takeaways from the speakers this year will provide valuable insights that members can implement into their own businesses.
The keynote speaker this year is John R. DiJulius III, according to Canessa and Trevor Hericks, of Fabriclean Supply, business committee co-chairs. DiJulius is considered the authority on world-class customer service and is the author of three books on customer experience.

He is the president of The DiJulius Group, a cus-

tomer service consulting firm that works with companies like Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, The Ritz-Carlton, Nestle, PwC, Lexus, and many more. He is also the founder and owner of John Robert’s Spa, named one of the top 20 salons in America.
The association will also hold a gathering for TCATA’s Young Executives again this year to provide an opportunity for young leaders from the laundry and dry-cleaning sides of the industry to network. Jenna Johnson of Chicago Dryer is the chair of the Young Executives committee.
Gene Williams of American Laundry Products, golf chair, invites all members to participate in this year’s golf tournament on Thursday, April 30.
Stephanie Magnus, M & B Hangers, will host Spouses and Guests at this year’s program on Thursday, April 30. ALN
Value of adaptability (or ‘Is there a better way?’)
I have often thought about writing the definite book on laundry management.
I learned so much over my 44 years in the laundry business and my over 100 consulting jobs. Also, I have been publishing a monthly article for over 25 years.
One major lesson I learned over these years is that there are no absolute rules that can be applied to every laundry. The size of the laundry, the equipment available for use, the mix of product and mix of materials require rules to be flexible and individually adapted to each laundry.
I have written a number of articles about how to set up a soil sorting area and the number of sorts a laundry should perform. Washing equipment is the first major concern. Open pocket washers and tunnel washers do well with mixed loads but side pocket washer-extractors require sorted linen with the same water absorption characteristics and weight so that they will stay in balance.
Sorting linen in the soiled state is faster and easier than at any other point in the process. It also allows the facility to remove single-use items, lost hospital equipment and just plain, old trash from the linen before washing, therefore increasing the quality of the wash and the life of the linen.
Most laundries sort linen into categories to speed up the processing on the clean side. Larger laundries will normally have more sort categories than smaller laundries. Laundries that process customer-owned goods (COG) will normally have fewer sorts than those that are linen rental.
Finding unique solutions to your laundry is the key management responsibility of the management team. Ideas like rotating job assignments every two hours may seem like a great idea on paper, but some employees are star performers on a particular job and prefer to work at that job all day.
When I first started in the laundry business, my boss tried to discourage the employees from talking to each other while working together on a piece of equipment. He had been trained that talking is a distraction and will slow production down.
This laundry had a number of employees from the isle of Tonga, and this particular group of Polynesian employees performed better when they could talk and sing. Happy employees are more productive than unhappy employees. It took some data gathering on my part to show him that there was an exception to his rule.
We also had several deaf employees working for us, and in order for them to talk to each other required the ability to stop work and to start using their hands to communicate. Obviously, this was an excellent example as to why employees should not talk to each other.
General laundry rules can be found for each and every area of the laundry but all these rules must be adapted to your facility and your unique requirements. I have often said that visiting other laundries and seeing their adaptations will increase your ability to go back to your laundry facility and see changes that will benefit your operation.
The enemy of good management is complacency and the belief that what we are doing is the best possible way to get things done. The more the management team sees the need to review the current process and ask the simple questions “Is there a better way?” or “What happens if we try this?,” the better the performance of the laundry will become. ALN
Eric Frederick served 44 years in laundry management before retiring and remains active in the industry as a laundry operations consultant. You can contact him by e-mail at, or by phone at 540-520-6288.

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this is a new strain with a large number of people becoming ill in China, the current overall mortality (death) is low, around 2%, and similar to the mortality rate associated with seasonal influenza.
For the laundry industry, there are no recommended changes in normal laundry processing of textiles from the CDC, as the current textile processing standard of appropriate time, temperature and chemical should kill the virus.
For employee exposure risk on the sorting side, again the CDC has made no recommended changes in textile han-
dling procedures at this time. Viruses usually do not live outside a live host for long periods, especially on porous surfaces like textiles, limiting the potential exposure risk to laundry personnel who will be handling the laundry hours or days after use.
tiles. Normal sorting practices of contaminated healthcare linens should include the use of gloves and frequent hand hygiene, at a minimum.
According to the CDC, there is a higher risk of exposure with close direct person-to-person contact than with indirect contact of potentially contaminated objects. Since laundry personnel are not providing direct care to ill patients, PPE requirements per OSHA’s bloodborne pathogen standards and following good hand hygiene practices should limit the exposure risk of handling contaminated textiles.
Based on current infection control practices, laundries should include the use of standard/universal precautions when handling tex-
HLAC reinforces awareness of industry best practice in sterility, safety for gowns
PLAINFIELD, Ill. — Hospital and healthcare professionals have expressed renewed concern about the sterility and safety of disposable surgical gowns following the recent voluntary recall of AAMI Level 3 surgical gowns manufactured at unauthorized sites in China.
On Jan. 30, the recall was extended to include procedure packs that contained the gowns and that had been kept on voluntary hold since the announcement of the initial recall.
These events have heightened the industry’s awareness of the need for strict risk management in ensuring the safety of operating room gowns and other hospital textiles and sparked calls for increased vigilance in this fundamental of patient health.
The Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC) reminds hospitals whose personnel and patients seek reassurance that compliance with its standards for laundering the gowns and textiles with which they have daily contact contributes to the protection of public health.
“A site investigation of the unauthorized manufacturer found open windows, a door that was not properly secured, food within the production area, and inadequate facilities for washing hands,” notes HLAC president Linda McCurdy. “Each of these conditions introduces the risk of exposure to bacteria or the growth of other organic matter that could become deadly in an operating room.
“Conversely, reusable gowns that are processed in an HLAC-accredited laundry must comply with standards created to eliminate these risks. As a further safeguard that’s easily implemented because they are local, these processing facilities are subject to unannounced inspections by infection prevention and other hospital officials.
“Hospitals and other medical institutions that partner with accredited laundries can offer credible reassurance to their staff and patients that the recent recall is no barometer of healthcare textile safety
perils in their operating rooms or on their premises.”
The organization reminds healthcare professionals and the public that:
• Reusable surgical gowns are subject to a two-part cleaning process. First, they are laundered to established infection prevention standards, and then they are sterilized in a healthcare laundry’s or the surgical center’s or hospital’s own pack-room. Local processing facilitates inspections that ensure compliance with best practices, fosters open communication with processing staff, and promotes the transparency that is essential to sustained, reliable performance.
• The organization notes that in addition to offering the highest caliber of assurance on safety and public health concerns, reusable surgical gowns provide employment to workers in hospitals’ and surgical centers’ own communities. As a result, those medical facilities play an active role in supporting the local economy.
• Their social welfare benefits extend to reducing the waste that is associated with climate change concerns. Singleuse gowns must be disposed of as regulated medical waste. A 2015 study published by Lac-Mac reported that adopting reusable rather than disposable textiles “can reduce surgical waste by an average of 65%.”
• Reusable surgical gowns also outperform disposables as measured by several criteria. In a 2010 study conducted at two large hospitals in Washington, D.C., Conrardy et al. found that 86% of surgeons and surgical technologists rated reusable gowns as superior in comfort, and 87% rated them superior in ease of use. Only 6% of participants stated a preference for disposable gowns.
The extensive inspection checklist and additional information are available at
Gowns, masks and eye protection can also be worn if the laundry worker is concerned about splashing or aerosolization of microorganisms. As long as laundry workers utilize standard precautions, the risk of exposure should be absent or very low.
VirusContinued from Page 1 Sands
Novel viruses are epidemiologically important, as they can spread rapidly, and it takes time, resources and quick action to identify their genetic make-up, implement containment controls and develop vaccines to prevent ongoing disease.
The U.S. government and WHO have sounded the alarm so all countries take the necessary steps to prevent the on-going spread of this virus, while we learn about its genetic and epidemiological properties. This does not mean that these alerts should cause panic, but make everyone aware of the situation and to take the necessary steps to limit the spread of this disease.
The CDC frequently updates information on its website, and laundry operators can follow the status at ALN
Operators recommend material handling, chemistry reviews

CHICAGO — As the COVID-19 disease outbreak from China, caused by the Coronavirus strain 2019-nCoV, continues to grow, information is key for laundry and linen operations that serve healthcare clients.
American Laundry News contacted healthcare laundry providers on the situation and received input from Edward McCauley, president and CEO of United Hospital Services in Indianapolis, and David Griggs, general manager of Superior Linen Service’s Healthcare Division located in Muskogee, Okla.
For McCauley, proper material handling and donning of personal protective equipment (PPE) is vital.
“As most are aware, the soil sort departments of healthcare laundries treat all soiled linens as if they are contaminated,” he points out. “This means that these workers are fully gowned, gloved and depending on the severity masked and capped.
“That said, some laundries are deficient in methodology and procedures around standard precautions, such as proper donning and doffing of the gowns and other PPE.”
McCauley says that if PPE aren’t put on properly, contamination could make its way into the cracks and crevices of the improperly donned gear. Likewise, if PPE aren’t taken off properly, the contamination could touch the skin by mistake.
“Proper training in this area will give our employees the confidence they need to know that they will be safe when handling these contaminated linens,” he adds.
McCauley goes on to say that healthcare laundries should be “doubling down” on the best practice for preventing any virus from compromising their workers—to wash hands for 20 seconds with soap or alcohol and to never touch any part of their faces with their hands.
“If these two measures are consistently followed, then our employees will be safe from the spread of Coronavirus,” he says.
Griggs points out that the early symp-
toms of COVID-19 are the same as the flu normally see this time of year, so a hospital may be unaware it is dealing with a case from 2019-nCoV.
“Fortunately, healthcare laundries are trained to handle all soil linen as contaminated, and as long as they are following guidelines set by Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC) and TRSA Hygienically Clean standards, the laundry personnel will be protected,” he shares, echoing McCauley’s statements.
Some of the steps are as follows:
• All soil linen should be bagged at the hospital before it is placed in the transportation cart. No loose linen should be transported between facilities.
• All soil room personnel should be wearing their PPE—plastic gloves, barrier coats, medical face mask and glasses.
• The soil room should be cleaned and disinfected at the end of the shift.
• Carts should be cleaned and disinfected before they are reused for clean linen.
Griggs says the linen itself will be decontaminated using a standard healthcare formula, adding that “it would be a good time to have a representative from your chemical provider perform wash titrations to ensure all chemical and temperatures are reaching disinfecting levels.”
“There is no need to treat healthcare linen any differently than how we do it as an industry now, as we already treat the linen as if it is contaminated with blood, viruses and bacteria,” McCauley adds.
“As long as we are diligent in properly donning and doffing our PPE and following other important blood borne pathogens protocols, our employees will be safe.
“There is no evidence to suggest that this particular Coronavirus will survive the wash chemistry and temperatures in the wash-and-dry process, and so we are confident that our entire laundry process is sufficient to kill the virus and yield hygienically clean linens.”

Asking the right questions for OPL equipment sizing

HOUSTON — Bigger is not always better.
That’s true when talking about cities, homes, cars, food portions or even your business pursuing growth just for growth’s sake.
But it’s also very true when considering the size of washing machines and dryers for onpremises laundry applications.
Many people assume that the bigger the facility, the larger capacity washer they will need. However, laundry rarely arrives all at once. Many times, multiple smaller-capacity machines make more sense, as they keep loads of laundry flowing, rather than having staff sitting around and waiting for enough linen to fill larger equipment.
If sales people are doing their job, they’re just not selling washers and dryers. They’re educating laundry managers and property general managers on what they need to do their laundry job right.
Many customers know they need a washer, but they don’t know what size machine they need, if it should be high or low G-force, or if they need a reversing or non-reversing dryer.
Distributor sales staff often need to educate their clients, but they also need information to help direct the correct solutions.
Many factors should be considered when deciding on the correct equipment sizing for onpremises laundry applications, including the type of garments being washed, the type of facility, the number of shifts doing laundry and the size of the facility. That means asking questions, lots of questions. In fact, a lot of the same questions should be asked, no matter what type of facility you have.
In a hotel, for instance, do you
have banquet facilities or full-service restaurants? Are you washing table rounds and napkins, or doing straight room linen? How many rooms are in the hotel? Are you doing your laundry in one shift or two? Do you have a pool or waterpark and are you providing the towels?
If it is a high-end hotel, where you need to turn rooms over fast, you’ll need a high G-force machine and a dryer with overdry protection so you don’t burn the linens.
In a nursing home, you need to answer how many beds, how many shifts do laundry, and what type of patients are cared for. Long-term care could mean memory care to assisted living and there is a big difference between those two.
Those living in an assistedliving facility are sometimes doing their own laundry, while patients in a memory unit will mean you’re dealing with some very soiled laundry, so you want to make sure you’re washing the laundry with the right temperature water.
Some manufacturers have machines with temperature control that allow you to maintain a specific water temperature throughout the wash. That’s important, especially in states
that require nursing homes do the laundry at 165 F, both fill and exit, such as Ohio.
In prisons, you’ll need to determine how many inmates, if you’re washing inmate’s clothing separately or together, and how many shifts. Do any inmates have diseases like HIV? If so, you’ll need to wash those items separately in a special bag that dissolves in hot water to keep contaminations from affecting everyone else’s bedding.
A lot of prisons have finishing equipment and will launder guard uniforms because inmates provide free labor. That’s a big savings since labor generally contributes 45 to 50% of the laundry budget.
For fire departments, you need to ask many of the same questions, such as the number of firefighters in house and if the station wear will be washed onsite. But you also need to make sure the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards are followed.
For instance, firefighters can’t wash anything over 100 G-force extraction, and they are limited in what they can put in the washing machine, due to the contaminants and carcinogens that gather on their gear from fighting fires. In addition, much of the gear,
like Kevlar and fire barrier fabrics, can’t be tumble dried. That gear must be hung in drying cabinets with forced air, ensuring all parts of the gear are totally dry.
Why so many rules and regulations? The answer is simple: safety. For instance, if a cuff on a uniform is still damp when a firefighter is fighting a fire, he or she may receive steam burns.
Many people also falsely believe that it’s okay to run smaller loads than the machine’s capacity. That is wrong. It’s inefficient and wastes water and chemicals, in addition to being hard on key components of the washerextractor. Today’s machines are meant to be workhorses. You’re putting more stress on the bearings if you aren’t loading them full.
We have one hotel that persistently tells us they should only be putting in 70% of the laundry capacity, believing they get a better wash with more swooshing, and they have created problems for themselves on the service side, because bearings are going out sooner than their life expectancy.
There are many real-life examples, where buying the right
VA Laundry
Continued from Page 1
Team from the VA Central Office in Washington, D.C., recently certified that the new laundry facility meets the government’s rigorous requirements for productivity, automation, systems management and reporting, quality assurance, design, installation, and safety.
Other steamless automated laundry facilities are located at VA Healthcare Systems in Biloxi, Mississippi; Battle Creek, Michigan; and Little Rock, Arkansas.
Additional steamless automated laundries are currently planned for VA Healthcare Systems in Brooklyn, New York; Bay Pines, Florida; and Brockton, Massachusetts. ALN
laundry equipment for the facility will save time and money. For instance, we have a customer who is building a 100-room hotel and thought he needed two 45-pound washers and two 75-pound dryers. We were able to convince him of the benefits of high-featured equipment, and it’s saving him time and money on utilities and labor.
The washers and dryers communicate with each other in real time, and the general manager can get a daily or weekly report that tells him how efficiently the laundry is operating. He can keep an eye on if a washer is down, and if he’s getting complaints from guests that linens are dirty, he can look at what detergents are being used and what cycles, and see if an attendant is rapid advancing the process so he or she can get out of work sooner.
In addition, a 400 G-force extraction delivers maximum water removal for decreased drying times, as well as maximizes throughput, while reducing gas and labor costs. Its over-dry protections use sensors in the cylinder to detect the ideal dryness level and automatically stop the dryer once it is reached.
It, too, delivers maximum throughput per labor hour to greatly reduce your labor costs, and eliminates the industry-average eight minutes of over-drying per cycle to help maximize your utility costs. ALN
Mike Hand is general manager of the Commercial and Coin Laundry Equipment Co. (CLEC) Texas, a UniMac distributor in the Houston area. Hand has more than 25 years in the commercial laundry industry. He can be reached at or 281-961-1627. Hand

Participants in the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center
textile care processing facility ribbon-cutting ceremony were (left to right): Shawn Martin, CEO of R.W. Martin Company; Eugene Humphries, chief of environmental management services; Steven E. Braverman, M.D., director of the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System; Randy Quinton, deputy network director of VA Desert Pacific Healthcare Network (VISN 22); Tammy Czarnecki, assistant deputy under secretary for Health/Administrative Operations; Vonda Broom, deputy director for Environmental Program Services; and Alfredo Villanueva, senior field tech for Western State Design Inc.

When dealing with laundry stains, your reputation rides on getting the outstanding results The Laundry Two deliver. RiteGo® laundry spray spotter quickly penetrates to absorb collar & cuff stains, perspiration, ground-in soil and more, all without brushing. Turn to Laundry TarGo® to remove any tough oil based stains that remain behind.

Use The Laundry Two with confidence on shirts, wedding gowns... anything you're washing or wetcleaning.
Both Laundry TarGo and RiteGo are chlorinated-solvent free, biodegradable, noncombustible and California 2013 VOC and Prop-65 compliant.
Use them to deliver stain-free laundry and wetcleaning. You'll build your reputation for quality - which is what keeps customers coming back.
Product / Service Directory
Welcome to the 2020 American Laundry News Buyer’s Guide, which is being circulated to all segments of the laundry/linen services industry.

Our annual Buyer’s Guide begins here on Page 10 with a directory of products and services that are important to institutional/on-premises laundries or textile rental companies (commercial, industrial or linen supply).
It continues on Page 24 with a directory of companies that responded to our request for updated information.
The contact information, including e-mail addresses, is subject to change without notice
Air Vacuum Units
Hoffman-New Yorker
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard
Faultless Starch
Gurtler Industries
Innovative Chemical Systems
Norchem Corp.
Pariser Industries Santec Inc.
Simoniz USA Inc.
Sunburst Chemicals U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Wausau Chemical Corp.
Antimicrobial Laundry Additive
EDMAR Chemical Co.
Gurtler Industries U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Aprons (Garment)
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Calderon Textiles
California Textiles
Chef Works
Encompass Group
Harbor Linen
Medline Industries
Omni Apparel
Orr Textile Co.
Riegel Linen
Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare
Venus Group
Bags, Conveyor
Bobco Systems
Everstrong Commercial Products
The Green Garmento
Industrial Bag & Specialties
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Lubbert Supply Co.
R.W. Martin & Sons
Material Flow Systems
Ryco Conveyors
Storms Industries
Tingue White Conveyor Inc.
Bags, Laundry
A-1 Flatwork Ironer Specialists
ADI American Dawn
Advanced Poly-Packaging
American Associated Companies
Bobco Systems
C&W Equipment Co.
California Textiles
Carolina Textile Products
Encompass Group
Everstrong Commercial Products
Friedman & Co.
The Green Garmento Harbor Linen
Industrial Bag & Specialties
Laundry Loops
R.W. Martin & Sons
Material Flow Systems
Medline Industries MIP
Olek Belts
Orr Textile Co.
Plexus Industries
R&B Wire Products
Royal Basket Trucks
Royal Blue International
Ryco Conveyors
Shamron Mills
Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products
Standard Textile
Steele Canvas Basket Corp.
Storms Industries Streamline Solutions
Venus Group
Bags, Sling
Bobco Systems
C&W Equipment Co.
Carolina Textile Products Covers Etc.
Everstrong Commercial Products
FLM Fairfield Laundry Machinery
Gardner Machinery Corp.
The Green Garmento
Industrial Bag & Specialties
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lubbert Supply Co.
R.W. Martin & Sons
Material Flow Systems
Olek Belts
Orr Textile Co.
Plexus Industries
Ryco Conveyors
Softrol Systems
Southern Converters
Southwest Laundry Equipment Speed Check Conveyor Storms Industries Tingue White Conveyor Inc.
Bar Code Equipment/Supplies
Automation Dynamics
EzProducts Intl.
Material Flow Systems Metalprogetti USA
Phoenix Scale Co.
Texas Automation Products Thermopatch
American Associated Companies Diversified Plastics
Everstrong Commercial Products R&B Wire Products
Royal Basket Trucks
Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Storms Industries Tecni-Quip Carts
Basket Liners/Covers
American Associated Companies Carolina Textile Products
Everstrong Commercial Products R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Royal Basket Trucks Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Storms Industries Streamline Solutions
Consolidated International Corp. Lubbert Supply Co. New Jersey Wire Cloth Co. Olek Belts Texchine Inc.
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies Calderon Textiles
California Textiles
Domestic Fabrics & Blankets Encompass Group Everstrong Commercial Products Friedman & Co. Medline Industries MIP
Orr Textile Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Riegel Linen Royal Blue International Standard Textile United Feather & Down Venus Group White Knight Engineered Products
Chef Works
Codet Newport Corp. (Big Bill)
Encompass Group
Standard Manufacturing Co.
Standard Textile
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare Workrite Uniform Co.
Adco Products
Advanced Blending & Packaging
Anderson Chemical Co. D.W. Davies & Co.
Faultless Starch
Gurtler Industries
Innovative Chemical Systems Kingsfield
Klipper Group Kreussler Norchem Corp.
OMNI Solutions
Pariser Industries
Procter & Gamble Professional Sani Wash Santec Inc. Seatex Seitz
Simoniz USA Inc.
Spartan Chemical Co.
TMA/Chemnet Systems U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Venture Labs Washing Systems Wausau Chemical Corp.
Boilers & Related Systems
Clayton Industries
Columbia Boiler
The Fulton Companies General Boiler
Hamilton Engineering Hoffman-New Yorker
J.P. Equipment
Lattner Boiler Co.
The Laundry List Inc.

Ludell Manufacturing R.W. Martin & Sons
Miura America Co. Ltd
National Combustion Co.
Parker Boiler Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
Sellers Manufacturing Co.
Stanco Industries
Thermal Engineering of Arizona
Washburn Machinery
Wausau Chemical Corp.
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
Bayhead Products Corp.
Bobco Systems
C&W Equipment Co.
Diversified Plastics
Dura-Cast Products
Durable Superior Casters Ebco Industries
Everstrong Commercial Products
Friedman & Co.
Gardner Machinery Corp. George O’Day’s Granger Plastics Co. G.S. Manufacturing J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Leebaw Mfg. Co.
Mat Processing Technology
McClure Industries
M.I.T. Poly-Cart Corp.
Olek Belts
Orr Textile Co.
Precision Conveyors
R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Rotational Molding
Royal Basket Trucks Ryco Conveyors Southern Converters
Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Storms Industries Techstar Plastics Tecni-Quip Carts
Cart Covers
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies
Bobco Systems
C&W Equipment Co.
Carolina Textile Products
Diversified Plastics
Dura-Cast Products
Durable Superior Casters Encompass Group
Everstrong Commercial Products Friedman & Co.
Gourmet Table Skirts & Linens G.S. Manufacturing
Industrial Bag & Specialties
Maxi-Movers/Chem-Tainer McClure Industries Medline Industries
Orr Textile Co.
PHS West
Plexus Industries
R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Royal Basket Trucks Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products
Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Storms Industries Streamline Solutions
Tecni-Quip Carts
White Knight Engineered Products
Cart/Truck Dumpers
Automation Dynamics
Bobco Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Diversified Plastics
Durable Superior Casters Granger Plastics Co. J.P. Equipment

Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
McClure Industries
Orr Textile Co.
R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Speed Check Conveyor Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Cart/Truck Movers/Tuggers
Appleton Mfg. Division
Diversified Plastics Lift Free Products PHS West
Cart Washers
Automation Dynamics
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Energenics Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Leonard Automatics Inc.
R.W. Martin & Sons
Mat Processing Technology
McClure Industries
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. VEGA Systems USA
Bobco Systems Caster Connection
Durable Superior Casters
Everstrong Commercial Products Tingue
Ceiling Cleaning Systems
Material Flow Systems SonicAire
Chemical Dispensers/Injection
Brightwell Dispensers Inc.
Custom Control Systems
Faultless Starch
Gardner Machinery Corp.
Gurtler Industries Hydro Systems Co.
Innovative Chemical Systems Knight Kreussler
Lavo Solutions
Norchem Corp.
Pariser Industries
Procter & Gamble Professional Sani Wash
Santec Inc.
Seko Dosing Systems Corp.
Shepard Bros.
Simoniz USA Inc.
Softrol Systems
Sunburst Chemicals
TCD Parts
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research
Venture Labs
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp.
Zep Inc.
Chemicals, Water Treatment
D.W. Davies & Co.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Norchem Corp.
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co.
Santec Inc.
Shepard Bros.
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp. Zep Inc.
Cleanroom Equipment
G.A. Braun
Laundrylux Material Flow Systems
R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Steiner-Atlantic Corp. UniMac
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies Chef Works
DenLine Uniforms
Encompass Group Medelita
Omni Apparel Royal Blue International SanMar
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare
Venus Group
White Knight Engineered Products Workrite Uniform Co.
Commercial Coils MultiTherm
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Thermal Engineering of Arizona
Compressed Air Equipment
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Kaeser Compressors
The Laundry List Inc.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Saylor-Beall Mfg.
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Texas Automation Products
Industrial Specialties Mfg. TCD Parts
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Standard Textile
Superior Laundry Equipment TBR Associates
Technical Consulting Associates, LLC 3E Technologies
Turn-Key Ind. Engineering Services Vaporpress by Leonard Victor Kramer Co. Water Energy - Laundry Consulting
Continuous Towels/Cabinets
Calderon Textiles
Darman Manufacturing Co.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. George O’Day’s
Midwest Specialty Products Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Venus Group
Continuous Towels
Processing Equipment
Darman Manufacturing Co. VEGA Systems USA
Conveyor Equipment & Parts
AAdvantage Laundry Systems Automation Dynamics Bobco Systems
Consolidated Laundry Machinery Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Durable Superior Casters Felins USA
Gardner Machinery Corp. Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lavatec Laundry Technology Material Flow Systems Metalprogetti USA
(Contact companies for specifics)
Active Vision Alliant Systems
American Laundry Systems
Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
ARCO/Murray Natl. Const. Co.
Arnopole & Associates
John Barry & Associates
Bobco Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Dsquared Design Solutions
Dye Systems
ECC Horizon Encompass Group
Fike & Fike, Inc.
Gardner Machinery Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Victor Kramer Co.
Laundry Design Group
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Mat Processing Technology Medline Industries Pariser Industries Performance Matters
Pertl & Alexander
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Positek RFID
Precision Conveyors
Procter & Gamble Professional
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
RAMCO Laundry Machinery RK Conveyors Ryco Conveyors Sankosha USA Softrol Systems Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tingue White Conveyor Inc.
AAdvantage Laundry Systems AmkoAmerica/JB Industries Bobco Systems Centrex Technologies Colmac Industries
Consolidated Laundry Machinery
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp. Felins USA
FLM Fairfield Laundry Machinery Forenta
Garment Management Systems
Gardner Machinery Corp. Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology Leonard Automatics
Material Flow Systems Metalprogetti USA Olek Belts Planiform Conveyors PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery RK Conveyors Ryco Conveyors Sankosha USA
Shrink Tech Systems Softrol Systems Speed Check Conveyor
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. VEGA Systems USA
White Conveyor Inc.
Counting/Monitoring Systems
Automation Dynamics
Colmac Industries
Custom Control Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Gardner Machinery Corp. JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Leonard Automatics LinenMaster
Material Flow Systems
Pennsylvania Scale Co. Phoenix Scale Co. RD Industries Softrol Systems
Spindle Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. WesVic Systems
ADI American Dawn
Codet Newport Corp. (Big Bill) Encompass Group
Omni Apparel
Orr Textile Co.
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare White Knight Engineered Products Workrite Uniform Co.
Deodorizing/Odor Control Equipment/Products
Adco Products
Artemis Bio-Solutions
EDMAR Chemical Co. F-Matic
Gurtler Industries U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research Vaportek
West Sanitation Services Inc. dba Aerowest International
Adco Products
Advanced Blending & Packaging
Anderson Chemical Co. D.W. Davies & Co.
Esporta Wash Systems
Faultless Starch
Gurtler Industries
Innovative Chemical Systems
Kingsfield Kreussler
Norchem Corp.
OMNI Solutions
Pariser Industries
Royaltone Co.
Sani Wash
Santec Inc.
Shepard Bros.
Simoniz USA Inc.
Spartan Chemical Co. Sunburst Chemicals
TMA/Chemnet Systems
U.N.X. Industries Inc. Venture Labs
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp. Zep Inc.
Drain Troughs/Lint Interceptors
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging H-M Co.
Dryer Controls/Repair
ADC Laundry
ALJ Electronics AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
B&C Technologies
Consolidated Laundry Machinery
Continental Girbau
Custom Control Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial Huebsch
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Maytag Commercial Laundry PODAB
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Softrol Systems Speed Queen Steiner-Atlantic Corp. UniMac
Dryers, 100 Pounds or Less
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
ADC Laundry
Alliance Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Consolidated Laundry Machinery Continental Girbau
D&M Laundry Equipment
Dexter Laundry
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Domus
EDRO Corp. Ellis Corp. Huebsch Imesa USA J.P. Equipment Laundrylux Lavatec Laundry Technology
LG Maytag Commercial Laundry Miele Milnor Laundry Systems PODAB
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash Speed Queen Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Superior Laundry Equipment Tolon Trevil America UniMac
Vaporpress by Leonard Washburn Machinery WashTech
Dryers, 101 to 400 Pounds
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
ADC Laundry
Alliance Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Brim Laundry Machinery Co. Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Consolidated Laundry Machinery Continental Girbau
D&M Laundry Equipment
Dexter Laundry
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Domus EDRO Corp. Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial Imesa USA J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Maytag Commercial Laundry Milnor Laundry Systems
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery ▲

At your facility, your production is strategic. It’s scheduled. It happens on every shift, every day. And you don’t like surprises. It’s why we bring you purposeful engineering in powerful machines built to help your facility perform at its peak — because we don’t like surprises either. Maximize your productivity with the help of Maytag® Commercial Laundry by your side.

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Sani Wash
Speed Queen
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Trevil America
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA Washburn Machinery WashTech
Dryers, 401 Pounds & Larger
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
ADC AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Consolidated Laundry Machinery
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Dryer Exhaust Systems
Tjernlund Products
Bonneau Co.
California Textiles Dye Systems
KeyColour Mountville Mills Orr Textile Co.
True Color Fabric Dyeing Washing Systems
American Patch & Emblem Co.
CSE Emblems
Ensign Emblem
Omni Apparel Penn Emblem Co. Thermopatch
World Emblem International
Century Place
Chef Works
CSE Emblems
Encompass Group
Ensign Emblem Harbor Linen
Medline Industries
Omni Apparel
Orr Textile Co.
Penn Emblem Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp.
World Emblem International
Energy Conservation Equipment
Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
Articlean Ozone Laundry Systems
Automation Dynamics
B&C Technologies
Continental Girbau Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial
Innovative Chemical Systems
Kemco Systems
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons National Combustion Co.
Norchem Corp.
Sellers Manufacturing Co.
Solar Panels Plus Spindle
Thermal Engineering of Arizona 3E Technologies
Gurtler Industries
TMA/Chemnet Systems U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Equipment Financing/Leasing
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
ADC Laundry Continental Girbau D&M Laundry Equipment
Dexter Laundry Girbau Industrial Huebsch
Maytag Commercial Laundry Speed Queen TCF Equipment Finance UniMac U.S. Capital Corp.
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
RD Industries
Southwest Laundry Equipment
Equipment Rebuilds
C&W Equipment Co.
Gardner Machinery Corp.
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Mountain Electronics Superior Laundry Equipment
Extractors, Centrifugal
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp. JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Milnor Laundry Systems
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA Voss Laundry Solutions
Extractors, Hydraulic
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard
Extractors, Press
B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
A-1 Textiles & Hospitality
ADI American Dawn American Laundry Products C&W Equipment Co.
Calderon Textiles
California Textiles
Covers Etc.
Domestic Fabrics & Blankets
Encompass Group
Everstrong Commercial Products Harbor Linen
Medline Industries Milliken & Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp. Protect-A-Bed Shamron Mills
Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products Standard Textile UMF Corporation White Knight Engineered Products
Feeders, Flatwork Ironer
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
C&W Equipment Co.
Chicago Dryer Co.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Foltex USA
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Fender/Seat Covers
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies Calderon Textiles California Textiles Carolina Textile Products Everstrong Commercial Products Industrial Bag & Specialties Orr Textile Co.
Spector Textile Products Venus Group
Finishers, Garment/Shirt
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment CMV Sharper Finish Colmac Industries Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Domus Forenta Hoffman-New Yorker Imesa USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. The Laundry List Inc. Leonard Automatics Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Sankosha USA
Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard
Floor Coatings Milamar Coatings
Folder/Crossfolders, Flatwork
AAdvantage Laundry Systems AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Chicago Dryer Co. Cincinnati Laundry Equipment CMV Sharper Finish Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc. Laundrylux Lavatec Laundry Technology Leonard Automatics Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Folders, Garment
G.A. Braun
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Foltex USA
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Folders, Small-Piece
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Chicago Dryer Co. Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Consolidated Laundry Machinery Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Foltex USA
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA J.P. Equipment JPE Inc.
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology Leonard Automatics Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Folders, Towel
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies
G.A. Braun
Chicago Dryer Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Consolidated Laundry Machinery
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Foltex USA
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Sani Wash
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Encompass Group
Medline Industries
Omni Apparel
Shamron Mills
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare Venus Group White Knight Engineered Products
Garment Bagging Machines
R.W. Martin & Sons
Metalprogetti USA Sankosha USA
Garment/Linen Dispensers
George O’Day’s
Metalprogetti USA
Penco Products Positek RFID R&B Wire Products
American Associated Companies
Ebco Industries
Encompass Group
Everstrong Commercial Products Medline Industries R&B Wire Products
Royal Basket Trucks
Spector Textile Products Steele Canvas Basket Corp. Streamline Solutions Tecni-Quip Carts
Hand Cleaners/Sanitizers
EDMAR Chemical Co. F-Matic Sierra Hygiene Products U.N.X. Industries Inc.
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies EzProducts Intl. Gourmet Table Skirts & Linens Indy Hangers Material Flow Systems
Heat Reclaimers
The Fulton Companies J.P. Equipment
The Laundry List Inc. Lavatec Laundry Technology Ludell Manufacturing R.W. Martin & Sons
MultiTherm Norchem Corp. Rototherm Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Thermal Engineering of Arizona ThermalRecycle
Heat-Sealing Equipment
Advanced Poly-Packaging
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ensign Emblem
EzProducts Intl. Garment Management Systems IPC-Tags Mark-N-Mend
R.W. Martin & Sons
Metalprogetti USA Penn Emblem Co. Rennco LLC
Stahls’ Hotronix
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Texas Automation Products Thermopatch
Tingue World Emblem International
Heaters, Fluid
The Fulton Companies Hydro-Thermal Corp. The Laundry List Inc.

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Project Spotlight:

Vantage Healthcare Linen
Todd Lohr, Vantage Healthcare’s Director of Operations, was extremely satisfied with the production of their Braun equipment over the years, as well as his experience with Braun’s service and parts organizations. As a result of his experience with Braun, Todd quickly arranged to meet with the Braun team for consultation, and the opportunity to replace his existing equipment.

the allocated facility space and provided the most efficient processing environment. All of this was accomplished while making certain these efficiencies were retained, and in some cases enhanced, as Vantage extended operations and looked to the long-term growth and sustainability of their business.

Braun’s design proposal and scope of work was developed under the requirements for retooling the existing laundry operation at Vantage Healthcare Linen and focused on a solution that maximized the use of
Braun’s approach to integrated project management was leveraged to maintain the project schedule in accordance with the agreed-upon objectives and set forth by Vantage Healthcare Linen. Braun coordinated the equipment delivery and freight loading plan to coincide with the rigout of the existing equipment and the off-loading of the new equipment. Braun’s expertise in equipment rigging was key given the aggressive timeline for project execution. In addition, Braun partnered with an experienced 3rd Party MEP contractor to execute the equipment utility systems installation. The MEP Contractor was responsible for reviewing and validating the existing utility systems in the Vantage Healthcare facility to make certain all were sized accordingly to support the requirements of the new equipment. To ensure the plant did not experience lost production, work was completed during off-shift hours as well as on weekends. The Braun Project Management Team prepared and provided all the equipment specifications as well as the utility connection overlay to the MEP contractor so fabrication of raw materials to support the installation could be completed in advance to expedite the schedule. All the coordination and planning, including project meeting sessions on-site as well as via teleconference, resulted in a safe and effectively executed retool of the laundry.
When Vantage Healthcare Linen, Erie, Pennsylvania realized the need to replace their 24 year old Braun batch tunnel washing system, dryers, and small piece folders, they looked no further than G. A. Braun, Inc. IN Left-to-Right; CJ Spencer, Regional Sales Manager, G. A. Braun, and Todd Lohr, Director of Operations, Vantage Healthcare.The plan was continually reviewed and refined in preparation for the project execution to assure that the provided solution exceeded the level of production and quality expected by Vantage Healthcare Linen.
“Analytical details combined with concise presentation materials are critical so that the business owner can make important strategic decisions. Equally important was adherence to project activity timelines. This was essential to complete Vantage Healthcare’s laundry re-tool on-time and on budget. We also provided a complete ROI analysis which included savings of all utilities, parts and maintenance, labor, and a reduction in linen replacement costs”; stated Cliff Quick, Director of Inside Sales and Project Management, G. A. Braun, Inc.
The team at Braun developed a detailed project activity timeline in coordination with Vantage to determine the appropriate timing and activity for both the installation and training of the staff for all provided equipment. “The facility re-tool required minimal downtime with extremely tight schedules”; stated Quick.
Braun’s equipment solution included a 130 lb. 16 chamber 130 lb. remanufactured Batch Tunnel Washing System, a 130 lb. remanufactured batch press extractor, 150 lb. dual cake elevating/nesting shuttle, 5-each new 300 lb. side-by-side gas system dryers, and 3 new Precision Series Small Piece Folders.

“With Vantage Healthcare growing, we know we made the right decision to partner with Braun. The regional sales manager, service, and project management team are A-1”; stated Todd Lohr, Vantage Healthcare’s Director of Operations.
“The remanufactured tunnel looks and functions like new, as does the remanufactured press, and we were given a new machine warranty for both!

Our new Braun side-by-side dryers allowed us to add two additional dryers to our layout in the same footprint as the old system. This provided us with the capability to add more processing capacity without taking up more space, and the process is more efficient.

We selected Braun’s Precision Series Small Piece Folders because of their durability, speed, and ease of maintenance. Braun was able to put three machines where their competitors could only fit 2, and those were not capable of the production rates for healthcare items as the Braun machines are.”; added Lohr.
Braun’s ultimate goal is to complete value-adding projects on-time and onbudget, in line with the goals and expectations of our client partners through comprehensive analysis, consultation, design, and installation.
Quick Director of Inside Sales and Project Management G.A. Braun, IncMultiTherm
Parker Boiler Co.
Pick Heaters Inc.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Hot Oils - Thermal Fluids
B&C Technologies
R.W. Martin & Sons
Paratherm Corp.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Wausau Chemical Corp.
Housekeeping Products
Adco Products
American Associated Companies Anderson Chemical Co.
California Textiles
Chef Works D.W. Davies & Co.
EDMAR Chemical Co.
Encompass Group
ERC Wiping Products
The Green Garmento
Lift Free Products
Medline Industries
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Procter & Gamble Professional
R&B Wire Products
Royal Basket Trucks
Sani Wash
Sunburst Chemicals
TCD Parts
Tecni-Quip Carts
UMF Corporation
U.N.X. Industries Inc
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research Zep Inc.
Identification Tape
Ensign Emblem
Mark-N-Mend Penn Emblem Co. Thermopatch Unitherm Inc.
World Emblem International
Incontinence Care Products
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Beck’s Classic Manufacturing Inc.
Comfort Concepts
Encompass Group
Friedman & Co.
Harbor Linen
Material Imports
Medline Industries
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Royal Blue International
Standard Textile
Star Linen USA
Insurance Services
Brown & Brown Co.
Irving Weber Associates Inc.
Ironer Aprons & Tapes
A-1 Flatwork Ironer Specialists
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
Buckeye Pads/FH Bonn
C&W Equipment Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
CMV Sharper Finish Covers Etc.
Lubbert Supply Co.
MAXI-PRESS Elastomeric Inc.
R.W. Martin & Sons
Olek Belts
Orr Textile Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Southern Converters
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Storms Industries Tingue
Ironer/Press Cleaner
B&C Technologies
C&W Equipment Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
CMV Sharper Finish
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. J.P. Equipment
Lubbert Supply Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Southwest Laundry Equipment
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Storms Industries Tingue
Ironer Covers & Pads
American Laundry Products
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
B&C Technologies
Buckeye Pads/FH Bonn
C&W Equipment Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
CMV Sharper Finish Covers Etc.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Lubbert Supply Co.
R.W. Martin & Sons
MAXI-PRESS Elastomeric Inc.
Olek Belts
Orr Textile Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Southern Converters
Southwest Laundry Equipment Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Storms Industries Tingue
Ironers, Flatwork
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
American Laundry Products
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
C&W Equipment Co.
Chicago Dryer Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
CMV Sharper Finish
Continental Girbau
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Girbau Industrial Huebsch
Imesa USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Sani Wash
Speed Queen
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Storms Industries
Trevil America
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Felins USA
Metalprogetti USA Orr Textile Co.
Penn Emblem Co.
Spector Textile Products
Stahls’ Hotronix TCD Parts
Thermopatch World Emblem International
Laundry/Linen Management Software/Systems
ADI American Dawn G.A. Braun
California Textiles Centrex Technologies Colmac Industries Encompass Group Fike & Fike, Inc.
Gurtler Industries Innovative Management Designs
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology LinenMaster
Lyons Information Systems Inc. R.W. Martin & Sons
Medline Industries Phoenix Scale Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp. Positek RFID
Softrol Systems Standard Textile Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Textile Technologies
Laundry Straps/Ties Laundry Loops
Lift Tables Automation Dynamics
FLM Fairfield Laundry Machinery J.P. Equipment
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons Mat Processing Technology RAMCO Laundry Machinery Ryco Conveyors Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tingue
Linen, Bath
A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products American Associated Companies Boca Terry Calderon Textiles California Textiles Domestic Fabrics & Blankets Encompass Group Friedman & Co. Harbor Linen Garnier-Thiebaut Material Imports Medline Industries Monarch Brands Orr Textile Co. Phoenix Textile Corp. Riegel Linen Royal Blue International Standard Textile Star Linen USA Texas Microfiber Inc. Thomaston Mills Venus Group
Linen, Bed
A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies Beacon Linens & More Calderon Textiles California Textiles Comfort Concepts The Comphy Co.
Domestic Fabrics & Blankets Encompass Group Friedman & Co. Harbor Linen
Garnier-Thiebaut Material Imports Medline Industries
Monarch Brands
Orr Textile Co. Phoenix Textile Corp.
Protect-A-Bed Riegel Linen
Royal Blue International Standard Textile Star Linen USA Texas Microfiber Inc. Thomaston Mills Venus Group White Knight Engineered Products
Linen, OR, OB
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies California Textiles Encompass Group Friedman & Co. Harbor Linen K-Tex
Medline Industries Orr Textile Co. Phoenix Textile Corp. Riegel Linen Shamron Mills
Standard Manufacturing Co. Standard Textile
Linen, Table
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies
At Work Uniforms
Calderon Textiles California Textiles Friedman & Co.
Gourmet Table Skirts & Linens Harbor Linen Garnier-Thiebaut K-Tex
Medline Industries Milliken & Co.
Monarch Brands Orr Textile Co. Phoenix Textile Corp. Riegel Linen Standard Textile Star Linen USA Venus Group
Lint Collectors/Filters
AquaRecycle Automation Dynamics Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Clean Cycle Systems
Consolidated Laundry Machinery Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Energenics Corp.
FLM Fairfield Laundry Machinery JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Storms Industries
Tecni-Quip Carts Thermal Engineering of Arizona Tingue
Vaporpress by Leonard
Lockers, Garment Exchange
George O’Day’s
Material Flow Systems
Penco Products Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyor Inc.
Management Recruiting/Search
The Griffin Group
Marking Equipment/Supplies
Metalprogetti USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
World Emblem International
Material-Handling Controls
Automation Dynamics
Bobco Systems
G.A. Braun
Gardner Machinery Corp. Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Mat Processing Technology Material Flow Systems Softrol Systems Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
American Associated Companies Covers Etc. Mountville Mills Tingue
Mats, Processing & Handling
California Textiles
Consolidated Laundry Machinery JPE Inc.
Mat Processing Technology Material Flow Systems
Milnor Laundry Systems Mountville Mills Positek RFID Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Texas Automation Products
Microfiber Products
Calderon Textiles California Textiles Encompass Group ERC Wiping Products Golden Star Monarch Brands Moonsoft International Standard Textile Texas Microfiber Inc. UMF Corporation
Mobile Computing
ABS Laundry Business Solutions Alliant Systems Innovative Management Designs
Monorail/Rail Systems
Bobco Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. FLM Fairfield Laundry Machinery Gardner Machinery Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Material Flow Systems
Metalprogetti USA
Planiform Conveyors
Precision Conveyors
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Ryco Conveyors
Softrol Systems
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Tingue White Conveyor Inc.
ADI American Dawn California Textiles Encompass Group ERC Wiping Products Golden Star Material Imports Medline Industries Moonsoft International Orr Textile Co. Phoenix Textile Corp. Royal Blue International Texas Microfiber Inc.

UMF Corporation Venus Group
Nets Bobco Systems
Carolina Textile Products
EzProducts Intl.
Industrial Bag & Specialties
Medline Industries
Orr Textile Co.
Ryco Conveyors
Southern Converters
Spector Textile Products
Steele Canvas Basket Corp.
Tingue White Conveyor Inc.
Nonstick Coating for Dryers
R.W. Martin & Sons
Optical Brighteners
Advanced Blending & Packaging
Gurtler Industries
Kreussler Santec Inc.
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp.
Ozone Equipment Systems
Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems
ArtiClean Ozone Laundry Systems
B&C Technologies
Bodycare Purification Tech
ClearWater Tech
EDRO Corp.
Guardian Manufacturing LLC
Hamilton Engineering
Innovative Chemical Systems
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
OMNI Solutions
Ozone Laundry Systems
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
3E Technologies Water Energy - Laundry Consulting
Packaging Equipment/Supplies
Advanced Poly-Packaging
B.H. Bunn Co.
Davis Packaging
EAM-Mosca Corp.
Felins USA
Felrap World
The Green Garmento
Luetzow Industries
Plas-Ties Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Rennco LLC
Shrink Tech Systems
Streamline Solutions
Texchine Inc.
Wausau Chemical Corp.
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Chef Works
Codet Newport Corp. (Big Bill)
Encompass Group
Landau Uniforms
Medline Industries
Shamron Mills
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare
Venus Group
Workrite Uniform Co.
Patient Wear
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Boca Terry
Calderon Textiles
Comfort Concepts Encompass Group
Friedman & Co.
Material Imports
Medline Industries MIP
Orr Textile Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Royal Blue International
Shamron Mills
Standard Textile Venus Group
Harris Pillow Supply
Orr Textile Co.
Standard Textile United Feather & Down
Pillow-Cleaning Equipment
Harris Pillow Supply
Plant-Cooling Equipment
Arctic Big Ass Fans Chiller Mfg. Commercial Coils
Movin Cool/DENSO Products and Services Americas Inc.
Quietaire Cooling Schaefer Ventilation Equipment
Plant Layout/Design/ Installation/Construction Services
American Laundry Systems
ARCO/Murray Natl. Const. Co.
Arnopole & Associates
John Barry & Associates
Bobco Systems
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging
Gardner Machinery Corp.
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Laundry Design Group R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Turn-Key Ind. Engineering Services
Vaporpress by Leonard
Polyurethane Wheels
Industrial Wheels R.W. Martin & Sons
Press Pads
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
Buckeye Pads/FH Bonn C&W Equipment Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Colmac Industries Covers Etc.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Lubbert Supply Co.
Olek Belts
Sani Wash
Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Colmac Industries
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Girbau Industrial Hoffman-New Yorker Imesa USA J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Leonard Automatics Inc. Mark-N-Mend
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash Sankosha USA
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Unipress Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard
Printer/Shop Towels/Wipers
Calderon Textiles ERC Wiping Products K-Tex
Midwest Specialty Products Monarch Brands Riegel Linen Spector Textile Products Texas Microfiber Inc. Venus Group
Production Management Systems
ABS Laundry Business Solutions Arnopole & Associates Centrex Technologies Fike & Fike, Inc. JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Victor Kramer Co. Lavatec Laundry Technology LinenMaster R.W. Martin & Sons
Material Flow Systems Softrol Systems Spindle WesVic Systems
Pumps/Pump Systems
Brightwell Dispensers Inc. Ellis Corp. The Fulton Companies Hanning Elektro-Werke GmbH & Co. KG
Ingersoll Rand Kemco Systems Knight Lavatec Laundry Technology Ludell Manufacturing R.W. Martin & Sons
National Combustion Co. Parker Boiler Co.
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. Seko Dosing Systems Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Thermal Engineering of Arizona U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Wausau Chemical Corp.
Racks, Garment/Flow
ADI American Dawn Bobco Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Everstrong Commercial Products Gardner Machinery Corp. The Laundry List Inc. Planiform Conveyors R.W. Martin & Sons
Mat Processing Technology Material Flow Systems Quality Fabricators Ryco Conveyors Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. TCD Parts Tingue
Radio Frequency ID Tags/ Scanners
Automation Dynamics
Centrex Technologies
Innovative Management Designs
Metalprogetti USA Positek RFID White Conveyor Inc.
Repellency Restoration
EDMAR Chemical Co. Gurtler Industries
Replacement Parts/Supplies
Bobco Systems
Brim Laundry Machinery Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Frontec Inc.
MAXI-PRESS Elastomeric Inc. MultiTherm
Superior Laundry Equipment TCD Parts
Texchine Inc.
Vaporpress by Leonard
Restroom Sanitation Products
Anderson Chemical Co.
EDMAR Chemical Co. F-Matic Penco Products
UMF Corporation U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Route Accounting Systems
ABS Laundry Business Solutions Alliant Systems
Fike & Fike, Inc.
Innovative Management Designs LinenMaster Softrol Systems Textile Technologies
Automation Dynamics
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. J.P. Equipment
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons
Pennsylvania Scale Co. Phoenix Scale Co.
R&B Wire Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Royal Basket Trucks Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tingue
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
Chef Works
DenLine Uniforms
Encompass Group
Friedman & Co.
Harbor Linen Landau Uniforms
Medline Industries
Orr Textile Co.
Phoenix Textile Corp.
Royal Blue International
Shamron Mills
Standard Textile
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare
Venus Group
White Knight Engineered Products
Security Systems
Active Vision
Separators, Flatwork
B&C Technologies
Chicago Dryer Co.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Sewing Equipment/Supplies
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Shelving/Linen Storage
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Durable Superior Casters Material Flow Systems
Medline Industries
M.I.T. Poly-Cart Corp.
Penco Products
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tecni-Quip Carts
ADI American Dawn American Associated Companies Century Place Chef Works
Codet Newport Corp. (Big Bill) Encompass Group Landau Uniforms Medline Industries Omni Apparel SanMar Shamron Mills Venus Group Workrite Uniform Co.
Adco Products Ecolab Faultless Starch Gurtler Industries Innovative Chemical Systems Kreussler Norchem Corp. Royaltone Co. Sani Wash Santec Inc. Seatex Seitz
TMA/Chemnet Systems
U.N.X. Industries Inc. Washing Systems Wausau Chemical Corp.
Skirts (Apparel)
Encompass Group Landau Uniforms Medline Industries Omni Apparel Shamron Mills Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare Venus Group
Softeners (Fabric)
Advanced Blending & Packaging Anderson Chemical Co. D.W. Davies & Co.
Dye Systems
Ecolab EDMAR Chemical Co. Faultless Starch Gurtler Industries Innovative Chemical Systems Kreussler Norchem Corp. OMNI Solutions Pariser Industries Procter & Gamble Professional Sani Wash Santec Inc.
Your table linens touch every Customer at every event. Your linen needs to speak their language… fresh, clean, safe, consistent, reliable, and yes elegant. They count on it.

Together, ADI and Milliken have set the standard of linen excellence for decades. USA made Signature Plus fabric. Soft luxurious hand, consistent long-lasting color. Whites that stay white, and colors that stay bright.
ADI American Dawn. The world’s leading supplier of Milliken Signature table linen products. Count on us.
Signature Plus is a registered trademark for Milliken & Company for fabrics.

Simoniz USA, Inc.
Spartan Chemical Co.
Sunburst Chemicals
TMA/Chemnet Systems
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Venture Labs
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp. Zep Inc.
Solar Heating Systems
Hamilton Engineering Solar Panels Plus
Sorting Systems
Automation Dynamics
Bobco Systems
Gardner Machinery Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc.
Mat Processing Technology
Material Flow Systems
Metalprogetti USA
Planiform Conveyors
Positek RFID
Ryco Conveyors
Softrol Systems
Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyor Inc.
Adco Products
Anderson Chemical Co.
D.W. Davies & Co.
Dye Systems
Faultless Starch
Gurtler Industries
Innovative Chemical Systems Norchem Corp.
OMNI Solutions Pariser Industries Sani Wash Santec Inc.
Simoniz USA, Inc.
Spartan Chemical Co.
Sunburst Chemicals
TMA/Chemnet Systems U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Venture Labs
Washing Systems
Wausau Chemical Corp. Zep Inc.
Spotting Agents
Adco Products
Anderson Chemical Co. D.W. Davies & Co.
Faultless Starch
OMNI Solutions
Royaltone Co.
Spartan Chemical Co.
Sunburst Chemicals
TMA/Chemnet Systems
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research Wausau Chemical Corp.
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Zep Inc.
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
B&C Technologies
G.A. Braun
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Foltex USA Girbau Industrial
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Leonard Automatics Inc.
R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Vaporpress by Leonard
Stain Removers or Repellents
Adco Products
Advanced Blending & Packaging
Anderson Chemical Co. D.W. Davies & Co.
Dye Systems
Gurtler Industries
Innovative Chemical Systems
Norchem Corp.
OMNI Solutions
Procter & Gamble Professional Sani Wash Santec Inc.
Simoniz USA, Inc.
Sunburst Chemicals
U.N.X. Industries Inc.
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research
Venture Labs Wausau Chemical Corp.
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Zep Inc.
Static Control
EDMAR Chemical Co. Kreussler
Steel Bases for Washer-Extractors
Continental Girbau Girbau Industrial
Strapping/Tying Equipment
B.H. Bunn Co.
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging Dynaric EAM-Mosca Corp.
Felins USA
R.W. Martin & Sons Plas-Ties Co.
Shrink Tech Systems
Surgical/Isolation Gowns
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies
DenLine Uniforms
Encompass Group
Medline Industries
Shamron Mills
Standard Textile
Omni Apparel
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare
Automation Dynamics
Bobco Systems
Gardner Machinery Corp.
Leonard Automatics
Mat Processing Technology
Phoenix Textile Corp.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Ryco Conveyors
Speed Check Conveyor
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Dura-Cast Products
General Boiler
Granger Plastics Co.
Kemco Systems
R.W. Martin & Sons
National Combustion Co. Norchem Corp. Parker Boiler Co.
Rema Dri-Vac Corp.
Sellers Manufacturing Co. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Thermal Engineering of Arizona
Trucks/Walk-in Vans
Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. Maxon
Morgan Olson
Utilimaster Corp.
ADC Laundry Alliance Laundry Systems B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Continental Girbau EDRO Corp. Electrolux Girbau Industrial Huebsch JENSEN USA
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc. Laundrylux Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons Maytag Commercial Laundry RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Sani Wash Speed Queen
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Superior Laundry Equipment UniMac Vaporpress by Leonard Wascomat
Tunnel Finishers
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Colmac Industries
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. JENSEN USA J.P. Equipment Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. The Laundry List, Inc. Lapauw USA
Leonard Automatics R.W. Martin & Sons
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard
ADI American Dawn
American Associated Companies At Work Uniforms
Century Place
Chef Works DenLine Uniforms
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Encompass Group Harbor Linen
Landau Uniforms Medelita
Medline Industries Phoenix Textile Corp. SanMar Shamron Mills
Superior Group of Companies/ Fashion Seal Healthcare Venus Group Workrite Uniform Co.
Washer Controls/Repair Alliance Laundry Systems ADC Laundry
ALJ Electronics
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries
B&C Technologies
Continental Girbau
Custom Control Systems
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. EDRO Corp. Ellis Corp. Girbau Industrial Huebsch
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Maytag Commercial Laundry Norchem Corp. PODAB
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Softrol Systems Speed Queen Steiner-Atlantic Corp. UniMac
Vibration/Noise Isolation Pads Airloc
Washer-Extractors, 100 Pounds or Less
AAdvantage Laundry Systems Alliance Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Continental Girbau
D&M Laundry Equipment
Dexter Laundry
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Domus EDRO Corp. Huebsch Hydrofinity Imesa USA
J.P. Equipment
The Laundry List Inc. Laundrylux Lavatec Laundry Technology LG R.W. Martin & Sons Maytag Commercial Laundry Miele Milnor Laundry Systems PODAB
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Speed Queen Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Superior Laundry Equipment Tolon Trevil America UniMac
Vaporpress by Leonard Washburn Machinery WashTech Yamamoto North America
Washer-Extractors, 101 to 400 Pounds
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
Alliance Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies
G.A. Braun
Brim Laundry Machinery Co.
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Continental Girbau
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Domus EDRO Corp. Ellis Corp. Esporta Wash Systems Girbau Industrial Huebsch Imesa USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery Sani Wash
Speed Queen Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Superior Laundry Equipment Tolon
Trevil America UniMac
Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA Washburn Machinery WashTech Yamamoto North America
Washer-Extractors, 401 Pounds and Larger
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries B&C Technologies G.A. Braun
Brim Laundry Machinery Co.
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. EDRO Corp. Ellis Corp. Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc. Lavatec Laundry Technology R.W. Martin & Sons Milnor Laundry Systems
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment RAMCO Laundry Machinery Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Vaporpress by Leonard VEGA Systems USA
Washer-Extractors, Softmount
AAdvantage Laundry Systems Continental Girbau Girbau Industrial Maytag Commercial Laundry PODAB
Superior Laundry Equipment
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
Alliance Laundry Systems
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries G.A. Braun
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment Continental Girbau Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging Dexter Laundry
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
Esporta Wash Systems Girbau Industrial Huebsch JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc.
The Laundry List Inc. Laundrylux
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
Sani Wash
Speed Queen Stanco Industries Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Superior Laundry Equipment 3E Technologies
Vaporpress by Leonard
Washburn Machinery
Washers, Continuous-Batch
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
B&C Technologies
G.A. Braun
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial JENSEN USA
J.P. Equipment
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. Lapauw USA
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
Milnor Laundry Systems
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
3E Technologies
VEGA Systems USA
Wastewater Treatment Systems
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging

Ellis Corp.
Guardian Manufacturing, LLC
Hydro-Thermal Corp.
Industrial Waste Water Services
J.P. Equipment
Kemco Systems
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Ludell Manufacturing R.W. Martin & Sons
Miura America Co. Ltd
Norchem Corp. Parker Boiler Co.
Pick Heaters Inc. Shepard Bros.
Thermal Engineering of Arizona Walchem
Water Heaters
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. Ellis Corp.
The Fulton Companies
Hamilton Engineering
Hydro-Thermal Corp.
J.P. Equipment
Kemco Systems
The Laundry List Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Ludell Manufacturing
R.W. Martin & Sons
National Combustion Co.
OGI Process Equipment
Parker Boiler Co.
Pick Heaters Inc.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Sellers Manufacturing Co.
Solar Panels Plus
Stanco Industries
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Thermal Engineering of Arizona
Water Reuse/Recycling Systems
Concurrent Technologies Corp.
Continental Girbau
Ellis Corp.
Girbau Industrial
Innovative Chemical Systems
J.P. Equipment
Kemco Systems
The LaundryList Inc.
Lavatec Laundry Technology
Ludell Manufacturing
R.W. Martin & Sons
Norchem Corp.
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Thermal Engineering of Arizona
3E Technologies Water Energy - Laundry Consulting
Water Softeners

Cleaver-Brooks Dye Systems
Ellis Corp.
The Fulton Companies Hamilton Engineering J.P. Equipment
The Laundry List Inc.
Marlo Inc.
R.W. Martin & Sons
Pariser Industries
Parker Boiler Co.
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Thermal Engineering of Arizona
Wetcleaning Equipment
B&C Technologies
Continental Girbau
Direct Machinery Sales Corp.
Esporta Wash Systems
Hoffman-New Yorker Imesa USA
Milnor Laundry Systems
Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Superior Laundry Equipment
Trevil America
Vaporpress by Leonard
Wrapping Systems/Products
B.H. Bunn Co.
Davis Packaging
Felins USA
Lavatec Laundry Technology
R.W. Martin & Sons
RAMCO Laundry Machinery
Rennco LLC
Company Directory
A-1 Textiles & Hospitality Products
P.O. Box 5259 Chattsworth, CA 91313
T 800-351-1819 W www.a1hospitality
AAdvantage Laundry Systems 2510 National Dr. Garland, TX 75041
T 800-880-2138 W www.aadvantagelaundry. com
ABS Laundry
Business Solutions

3140 Harbor Ln., Ste. 204 Plymouth, MN 55447
T 877-380-9527 W
Active Vision 731 Union Pkwy. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 T 631-585-0088 W
Adco Products 1706 Ledo Rd. Albany, GA 31707
T 800-821-7556 W
ADI American Dawn 401 W. Artesia Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90220
T 800-821-2221 W C Steve Kallenbach
ADC Laundry 400 Klock Rd. Benton Harbor, MI 49022 T 515-710-7068 W
C Tim Sullivan
Advanced Poly-Packaging 1331 Emmitt Rd. Akron, OH 44306
T 330-785-4000 or 800-754-4403 W
Air-Weigh 1499 E. 6th St. Beaumont, CA 92223
T 800-424-7929 W
Airloc 5 Fisher St. Franklin, MA 02038
T 508-528-0022 or 800-922-3019 W
ALJ Electronics 12501 Crenshaw Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250
T 310-524-0011 or 800-255-2522 W
Alliance Laundry Systems Shepard St. (P.O. Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971-0990 T 920-748-3121 W
Alliant Systems 122 W. John Carpenter Fwy., Ste. 540 Irving, TX 75039 T 972-331-5060 or 888-513-9293 W C Eric Smith
American Associated Companies 140 Cecil Ct. Fayetteville, GA 30214 T 770-719-4330 W C Dawn Aguilera
American Laundry Products 1691 Edgefield Rd. North Augusta, SC 29860 T 803-663-6606 W www.americanlaundry
C Gene Williams
American Laundry Systems 9 Floyd Rd. Derry, NH 03038 T 978-373-1883 or 603-216-5751 W
American Patch & Emblem Co. 400 Franklin Ave., Ste. 210 Phoenixville, PA 19460
T 610-546-7734 W
AmkoAmerica/JB Industries 8011 Monetary Dr., Ste. B5 Riviera Beach, FL 33404 T 561-863-9696 W
C Jurgen Bischoff or
Anderson Chemical Co. 325 S. Davis Ave. Litchfield, MN 55355
T 800-366-2477 W
C Alex Carlson
Appleton Mfg. Division 1025 Breezewood Ln. Neenah, WI 54956
T 920-751-1555 or 800-531-2002 W C Matt Spang
AquaRecycle/ThermalRecycle 1861 W. Oak Pkwy. Marietta, GA 30062
T 770-565-8488 or 866-272-9253 W
Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems 45 Priscilla Ln. Auburn, NH 03032 T 888-296-4777 W C Brett Daniels
ARCO/Murray National Construction Co. 3110 Woodcreek Dr. Downers Grove, IL 60515 T 331-251-2726 W C Elliot Mata
Arctic 71 Industrial Park Rd. Newberry, SC 29108
T 800-849-7778 W www.arctichillergroup. com
Arnopole & Associates P.O. Box 699 Volcano, HI 96785 T 808-987-4233 W C Ken Arnopole
Artemis Bio-Solutions 960 Industrial Dr., # 4 Elmhurst, IL 60126 T 630-359-4090 W www.artemisbiosolutions. com
ArtiClean Ozone Laundry Systems 129 Fieldview Dr. (P.O. Box 455) Versailles, KY 40383 T 866-748-9274 W C Danny Kirk
Astar 3020 39th St. Metairie, LA 70001 T 504-717-0487 W C Randy Stiver
At Work Uniforms 26953 Canal Rd. (P.O. Box 40) Orange Beach, AL 36561 T 251-981-6701 or 800-683-1374 W
C Chuck Campbell
Automation Dynamics 605 N. High St. Independence, MO 64050 T 816-461-8989 or 877-482-7200 W C Steven Twombly
B&C Technologies
17740 Ashley Dr., Ste. 109 Panama City, FL 32413 T 850-249-2222 W C Al Adcock
John Barry & Associates 3020 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 T 949-675-3551 W C Bob Barry
Bayhead Products Corp. 173 Crosby Rd. Dover, NH 03820 T 603-742-3000 or 800-BAYHEAD W C Gregg Moore
Beacon Linens & More 545 Carl Eller Rd. Mars Hill, NC 28754 T 828-689-5271 W
Beck’s Classic Manufacturing 50 Emjay Blvd. Brentwood, NY 11717 T 631-435-3800 W C Steven Beck or Jeff Bloom
Big Ass Fans 2348 Innovation Dr. Lexington, KY 40511 T 877-244-3267 W

349 Decatur St S.E., #H Atlanta, GA 30312 T 404-549-7964 W
Bobco Systems 12713 320th Ave. Princeton, MN 55371 T 763-389-3625 W C Bob Brazier
Boca Terry 3000 S.W. 15th St. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 T 954-312-4406 or 877-421-6001, ext. 206
C Laura Lewis
Bodycare Purification Tech 29-18 Daoyi 3rd St. Shenbei New District Shenyang/Liaoning/110136, China T 86-24-8972-2178 W
Bonneau Co. 3334 S. Tech Blvd. Miamisburg, OH 45342
T 937-886-9100 or 800-394-0678 W
G.A. Braun P.O. Box 3029 Syracuse, NY 13220
T 315-475-3123 or 800-432-7286 W C Pamela Simonetti
Brightwell Dispensers Inc. 9567 Alden St. Lenexa, KS 62215
T 913-956-4909 W C Andy Lewis
Brim Laundry Machinery Co. 302 Nichols Dr. Hutchins, TX 75141
T 214-630-4517 or 800-527-5886 W
Brown & Brown Northwest 2701 N.W. Vaughn St., Ste. 340 Portland, OR 97210
T 503-274-6511 or 800-344-5581 W
Buckeye Pads/FH Bonn 338 W. Columbus Rd. South Charleston, OH 45368
T 937-323-7024 W
B.H. Bunn Co. 2730 Drane Field Rd. Lakeland, FL 33811
T 863-647-1555 or 800-222-BUNN W
C&W Equipment Co. 1114 Ferris Rd. Amelia, OH 45102
T 800-443-3573 W
Calderon Textiles 6131 W. 80th St. Indianapolis, IN 46278 T 800-252-1986 or 888-742-1998
California Textiles
P.O. Box 77306
Corona, CA 92877
T 951-272-1200 W
C Lenore Law
Calsco 1114 Ferris Rd. Amelia, OH 45102
T 513-753-9750 or 800-443-3573 W
C Bob Folchi
Carolina Textile Products
7 Caraway Ct. Elgin, SC 29045
T 877-239-0229
C Eric Dixon
Caster Connection
2380 International St. Columbus, OH 43228
T 800-544-8978 W
Centrex Technologies
2021 Midwest Rd., Ste. 200 Oak Brook, IL 60523
T 800-768-0700 W
C Kevin O’Hara
Century Place Apparel
10220-A Western Ridge Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28273
T 800-438-1246
W www.centuryplace
Chef Works
12325 Kerran St.
Poway, CA 92064
T 858-643-5600 or 800-372-6621 W
Chicago Dryer Co. 2200 N. Pulaski Rd. Chicago, IL 60639
T 773-235-4430
C Thomas Egebrecht
Cincinnati Laundry Equipment
2650 Spring Grove Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45214
T 513-542-5000 or 877-542-3300
Clayton Industries
17477 Hurley St.
City of Industry, CA 91744
T 626-435-1200 or 800-423-4585
Clean Cycle Systems
960 Crossroads Blvd. Seguin, TX 78155
T 830-401-4400 or 800-826-1245
C Mike Reilly, Dave P. or Evan Reilly
ClearWater Tech
850 Capitolio Way San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
T 805-546-2301
or 800-262-0203
221 Law St. Thomasville, GA 31792 T 229-226-3024 or 800-250-5883 W
CMV Sharper Finish 4500 Augusta Blvd. Chicago, IL 60651 T 773-276-4800 or 800-247-4766 W
C Mark Camelotto
Codet Newport Corp. (Big Bill) 294 Crawford Rd. Newport, VT 05855
T 800-992-6338 W
Colmac Industries P.O. Box 72 Colville, WA 99114
T 509-684-4505 or 800-926-5622 W C Rick McElhose
Columbia Boiler P.O. Box 1070 Pottstown, PA 19464 T 610-323-2700 W
Comfort Concepts 501 Broad Ave., Unit 7 Ridgefield, NJ 07657 T 800-935-2241 W
Commercial Coils Inc. 213 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 T 636-532-1523
or 800-532-2645 W C Patrick Jovanovich
The Comphy Co. 7034 Portal Way, #110 Ferndale, WA 98248 T 323-225-8234 W
Concurrent Technologies Corp. 100 CTC. Dr. Johnstown, PA 15904 T 814-269-6881

or 800-CTC-4392
W solutions/techandinnovation/waterrecycling.aspx
C Dan Markiewicz
Consolidated International Corp. 3804 Main St., Ste. 1 Chula Vista, CA 91911
T 866-632-2298 W
Consolidated Laundry Machinery (CLM) 211 Erie St. Pomona, CA 91768
T 323-232-2417 W
C Gabriel Camacho
Continental Girbau 2500 State Rd. 44 Oshkosh, WI 54904
T 920-231-8222 or 800-256-1073
C Joel Jorgensen
315 N. Madison St. Fortville, IN 46040
T 317-577-0417 or 800-557-5716
Cornerstone Equipment & Rigging
2535 Burton Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46208
T 877-773-1850
C Eric Trudo
Covers Etc. 925 W. Harris Rd. Arlington, TX 76001
T 817-467-5030 or 800-451-6593 W
C Charlie Dubin
CSE Emblems
14505 Parallel (P.O. Box 459) Basehor, KS 66007
T 913-724-1000 or 800-624-5537
Custom Control Systems 45 Sherrill Ln. New Hartford, NY 13413
T 315-732-1990
W www.customcontrol
C Kevin Hagberg
898 U.S. Hwy. 62E Cynthiana, KY 41031
T 859-235-0036
D&M Laundry Equipment
4822 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, IL 60639
T 773-889-5500
W www.dandmequipment. com
Darman Manufacturing Co. 1410 Lincoln Ave. Utica, NY 13502
T 315-724-9632 or 800-732-4107 W
1110 Industrial Blvd. Temple, TX 76504
T 254-598-3440 W
D.W. Davies & Co. 3200 Phillips Ave. Racine, WI 53403
T 800-888-6133 W
Davis Packaging 1002 N. Palmway Lake Worth, FL 33460
T 561-290-0412 or 800-622-3015 W C Tim Davis
1266 Wallen Ave. S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49507 T 616-588-2850 W C Mike Michalak
DenLine Uniforms
301 Oak St. Quincy, IL 62301 T 217-228-9272 or 800-336-5463 W
Dexter Laundry 2211 W. Grimes Ave. Fairfield, IA 52556 T 641-472-5131 or 800-524-2954 W C Kevin Hietpas
Direct Machinery Sales Corp. 50 Commerce Pl. Hicksville, NY 11801 T 800-572-5573 W C Ronald Hirsch
Diversified Plastics 1309 Highway 917 West Latta, SC 29565
T 843-752-7145 or 800-768-7636 W
Domestic Fabrics & Blankets
2002 West Vernon Ave. Kinston, NC 28504
T 252-523-7923 W
C/Energia 12 - P.I. La Quintana 08504 Sant Julia De Vilatorta Barcelona (Spain) T 34-93-8887153 W
Dura-Cast Products 16160 Hwy. 27 Lake Wales, FL 33859 T 863-638-3200 or 800-683-4116 W
Durable Superior Casters 2801 E. Abram St. Arlington, TX 76010 T 800-848-4517 W
Dye Systems 2211 Industrial South Rd. Dalton, GA 30721 T 800-440-7481 W
Dynaric 5740 Bayside Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23455
T 757-363-5850 or 800-440-7481 W
EAM-Mosca Corp. 675 Jaycee Dr. Hazle Township, PA 18202
T 570-459-3426 or 800-456-3420 W C Pam Kuzmak
Ebco Industries 7851 Alderbridge Way Richmond, BC V6X 2A4 T 604-276-1491 W
ECC Horizon 8383 Craig St., Ste. 110 Indianapolis, IN 46250 T 317-595-4400, ext.100 W C Annie Paschal
Ecolab 1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102 T 651-250-2692 or 800-553-8683 W
EDMAR Chemical Co. 539 East Washington St. (P.O. Box 598) Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 T 440-247-9560 or 800-401-4780 W C Jack Binder
EDRO Corp. P.O. Box 308 East Berlin, CT 06023 T 860-828-0311 W C Scott Kirejczyk
Ellis Corp. 1400 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Itasca, IL 60143 T 630-250-9222 or 800-611-6806 W C Craig Mundt
Encompass Group 615 Macon St. McDonough, GA 30253 T 800-245-4636 W
Energenics Corp. 1470 Don St. Naples, FL 34104 T 239-643-1711 or 800-944-1711 W C Bryant Dunivan
Ensign Emblem 1746 Keane Dr. Traverse City, MI 49686
T 800-521-0575 W C Gayle Zreliak
Esporta Wash Systems 1015 Crowley Ave., Unit 101 Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R6 T 800-881-7781, ext. 109 W
Everstrong Commercial Products 1001 E. 24 St. Hialeah, FL 33013 T 786-409-3079 W C Joe Kaminsky
EzProducts Intl. 612 N. Florida Ave. Wauchula, FL 33873 T 863-767-0155 or 877-906-1818 W C Diane Rue
F-Matic 299 S. Millpond Dr. Lehi, UT 84043 T 801-768-2000 or 800-824-9994 W
Faultless Starch 1025 W. 8th St. Kansas City, MO 64101 T 800-846-1230 W
Felins USA 8306 W. Parkland Ct. Milwaukee, WI 53223 T 800-843-5667 W
Felrap World P.O. Box 297 Warren, RI 02885 T 401-245-4796 or 800-969-4940 W C Joseph Fernandes
Fibertech 11744 Blue Bell Rd. Elberfeld, IN 47613 T 812-983-2642 or 800-304-4600 W C Natalie Young
Fike & Fike Inc.
1701 Clearwater Ave., Ste. D Bloomington, IL 61704 T 309-663-5254 or 800-525-3678 W C Sheena Dryer
FLM Fairfield Laundry
5 Montesano Rd. Fairfield, NJ 07004 T 973-575-4330 or 800-962-7032
C Dennis Hall
Foltex USA 7001 St. Andrews Rd., #351 Columbia, SC 29212 T 855-436-5839
C Sarah Sinclair
Forenta 185 Cold Creek Dr. Morristown, TN 37814 T 423-586-5370 W C Ruth Laico
Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. 552 Hyatt St. Gaffney, SC 29341
T 864-487-1700 W
Friedman & Co. Ocala, FL
T 352-678-8258 C Lee Friedman
Frontec Inc. 1330 Main St., Floor 2 Sarasota, FL 34236 T 941-726-0808 W
The Fulton Companies 972 Centerville Rd. Pulaski, NY 13142 T 315-298-5121 W C Mike McLean
Gardner Machinery Corp. 700 N. Summit Ave. (P.O. Box 33818) Charlotte, NC 28216 (28233) T 800-352-6496 W C Dick Gardner
Garment Management Systems 3200 Shackleford Rd., Ste. 10 Little Rock, AR 72205
T 501-420-1682 W C Matthew James
3000 S. Eads St. Arlington, VA 22202
T 888-9-LINENS, ext. 112 W C Justin Hibey
General Boiler
1546 E. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90011
T 323-233-1005 W
George O’Day’s
19 E. 143rd St. Hammond, IN 46327
T 800-253-1160 W
Girbau Industrial 2500 State Rd. 44 Oshkosh, WI 54904
T 920-231-8222 or 800-256-1073 W C Joel Jorgensen
Golden Star 6445 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, Kansas 66202 T 816-842-0233 or 800-821-2792
Gourmet Table Skirts & Linens
9415 W. Bellfort
Houston, TX 77031
T 713-666-0602 or 800-527-0440 W
Granger Plastics Co.
1600 M.A.D.E. Industrial Dr. Middletown, OH 45044
T 513-424-1955 or 866-510-9701
C Shawn Cravens
The Green Garmento 9667 Owensmouth Ave., Ste. F Chatsworth, CA 91311
T 323-512-2600
Green Hospitality 3855 Nobel Dr., #2122 San Diego, CA 92122
T 619-250-3753 W
C Fernando Michelson
The Griffin Group Inc.
207 Stonewall Jackson Blvd. Staunton, VA 24401
T 540-213-8773
C Deana Griffin
G.S. Manufacturing
760 Burnett St. Kingston, ON K7M 5W3
T 613-389-7026 or 800-363-2278 W
C Cathy Ballow
Guardian Manufacturing LLC 2971A Oxbow Cir. Cocoa, FL 32926
T 321-631-4580
C Tom Allen
Gurtler Industries 15475 S. LaSalle St. South Holland, IL 60473
T 708-331-2550 or 800-638-7300
C Steven Tinker
H-M Co. 2305 Gilbert Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45206
T 513-281-3832 or 800-365-1900
C Joe Stern

Hamilton Engineering
34000 Autry St. Livonia, MI 48150
T 734-419-0200 or 800-968-5530
C Jeff Deal
Hanning Elektro-Werke
GmbH & Co. KG
Holter Str. 90 Oerlinghausen, D-33813, Germany
T 49-5202-707-0 W
Harbor Linen
4 Eves Dr., Ste. B100 Marlton, NJ 08053
T 856-568-4407 or 800-257-7858
W C Jim Carey
Harris Pillow Supply
5 Parker Dr. Beaufort, SC 29906
T 800-845-8240 W
Hoffman-New Yorker 46 Clinton Pl.
Hackensack, NJ 07601
T 201-488-1800 W
Shepard St. (P.O. Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
T 800-553-5120 W

Hydro Systems Co. 3798 Round Bottom Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45244
T 513-271-8800 or 800-543-7184 W
Hydrofinity 195 Dupont Dr. Providence, RI 02907 T 44 (0)114 2699 656 W
Hydro-Thermal Corp. 400 Pilot Ct. Waukesha, WI 53188 T 262-548-8900 or 800-952-0121 W
Imesa USA P.O. Box 2329 Livingston, NJ 07039

Industrial Specialties Mfg.
4091 S. Eliot St. Englewood, CO 80110
T 303-781-8486 or 800-781-8487
C Taylor Maez
Industrial Waste Water Services 610 Industrial Blvd. Cleveland, GA 30528
T 706-219-3229 or 800-457-5641
Industrial Wheels
4293B Hamann Pkwy. Willoughby, OH 44094
T 440-954-8010 or 866-954-8010
C Barney Klevay
Indy Hangers
801 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46103
T 317-215-5988 W
C Steve Cox
Ingersoll Rand 800 Beaty St. Davidson, NC 28036
T 704-655-4000
Innovative Chemical Systems
First Prize Industrial Center 76 Exchange St. Albany, NY 12205
T 800-777-1728 W
C Robert J. Strong
Innovative Management Designs 135 Whitney Rd. Gray, Maine 04039
T 207-699-2900 W
1527 State Hwy. 114 West, Ste. 500 Grapevine, TX 76051
T 817-714-8400 W
C Debbie Schuster
Irving Weber Associates Inc. 180 E. Main St., Ste. 208 Smithtown, NY 11787
T 800-243-1811
or 800-925-3236 W
C Patrick Bowers
Kaeser Compressors
P.O. Box 946
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
T 540-898-5500 or 866-516-6888
Kannegiesser ETECH Inc. 2090 Elm St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414
T 612-722-1366 W www.kannegiesser-etech. com
C Phil Hart
Kemco Systems 11500 47th St. N. Clearwater, FL 33762
T 727-573-2323 or 800-633-7055
KeyColour 3002 W. Weldon Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017
T 602-424-9990 or 800-274-4393 W
1 Dewolf Rd., Ste. 210 Old Tappan, NJ 07675
T 201-767-0414 W C Ryan Choi
Knight 15340 Barranca Pkwy. Irvine, CA 92618
T 949-595-4800 or 800-854-3764
Victor Kramer Co. 305 6th Ave. Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
T 201-628-5219 or 800-835-0414 W C Steve Miller
Kreussler 6103 Johns Rd., Ste. 7 Tampa, FL 33634
T 813-884-1499 W
Laundry Design Group 5940 S. Rainbow Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89118
T 855-226-3500 W C Bob Corfield
The Laundry List Inc. 4525 Sherman Oaks Ave. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
T 818-789-8045 W
Laundry Loops P.O. Box 5167 Bozeman, MT 59717
T 406-582-7550 or 888-246-5667 W C Peggy Durney 1114 Fearrington Post Pittsboro, NC 27312 T 877-295-5693 W C Craig Lloyd
Laundrylux 461 Doughty Blvd. Inwood, NY 11096 T 516-371-4400 or 800-645-2205 W
Lavatec Laundry Technology 49 Lancaster Dr. Beacon Falls, CT 06403 T 203-632-8777 W C Mark Thrasher
Lavo Solutions 23192 Verdugo Dr., Ste. D Laguna Hills, CA 92653 T 949-377-1250 W C Chip McAslan
Leebaw Mfg. Co. P.O. Box 553 Canfield, OH 44406 T 800-841-8083 W C John C. Leek
Leonard Automatics Inc. 5894 Balsom Ridge Rd. (P.O. Box 501) Denver, NC 28037 T 704-483-9316 W C Dan Farnsworth
Lubbert Supply Co.
89 Eastern Steel Rd. Milford, CT 06460 T 203-690-1105 W
C Eric Lubbert
Ludell Manufacturing 5200 W. State St. Milwaukee, WI 53208 T 414-476-9934 or 800-558-0800 W C Greg Thorn
Luetzow Industries 1105 Davis Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 T 414-762-0410 or 800-558-6055 W
Lyons Information Systems Inc. 6 Firethorn Dr., Ste. 500 Edison, NJ 08820 T 919-771-1510 W C Deepan Modi
Mm Mm
Mark-N-Mend 38151 Airport Pkwy., #54 Willoughby, OH 44094 T 440-951-2003 W C Carol Burry
Marlo Inc. 2227 South St. Racine, WI 53404 T 262-681-1300 W C Steve LaMere
R.W. Martin & Sons 310 Park Ave. Kent, OH 44240 T 330-673-8712 or 800-635-4363 W C Jeff McLain
Mat Processing Technology 7308 Aspen Lane N., Ste. 125 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 T 763-421-4260 W
Material Flow Systems LLC 2160 S. Hellman Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 T 909-930-6151 W C Matt Yates
C Hector Alejandro
Maxon 11921 Slauson Ave.
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
T 562-464-0099 or 800-227-4116 W
Maytag Commercial Laundry 400 Klock Rd. Benton Harbor, MI 49022
T 508-375-8367 W www.maytagcommercial C Tim Sullivan
McClure Industries
9051 S.E. 55th Ave. Portland, OR 97206 T 503-777-2821 or 800-752-2821
C Kim Nitsos
23456 S. Pointe Dr. Laguan Hills, CA 9253
T 877-987-7979 W
C Joe Francisco
Medline Industries
One Medline Pl. Mundelein, IL 60060
T 847-949-5500 or 800-633-5463 W
1745 Cragmont St. Madison, IN 47250
T 800-829-4535 W
C Dan Rodriguez
Metalprogetti USA
8 E. Sunnyslope Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85020
T 602-944-2923 W www.metalprogettiusa. com
Midwest Specialty Products
110 Washington St. Winneconne, WI 54986
T 920-582-7254 or 800-296-1884 W
C John Morgan
9 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540
JjJENSEN USA 99 Aberdeen Loop Panama City, FL 32405
T 850-271-5959
C Norbert Gittard
J.P. Equipment
4024 Millersville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46205
T 317-432-5915 or 800-925-3236
C Patrick Bowers
JPE Inc.
4024 Millersville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46205
T 317-546-7158
LlLandau Uniforms
8410 W. Sandidge Rd. Olive Branch, MS 38654
T 662-895-7200 or 800-238-7513 W
Lapauw USA
1887 Gold Dust Lane, Ste. 201 Park City, UT 84060
T 435-731-4091 or 855-751-5872 W
Lattner Boiler Co. 1411 9th St. S.W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 T 319-366-0778 or 800-345-1527
LG 1000 Sylvan Ave. Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 T 201-816-3157 W commercial-laundry
Lift Free Products 14260 W. Greenfield Ave., Ste. 202 Brookfield, WI 53005 T 262-754-6990 W C Robert Hansen
LinenMaster 601 21st St., Ste. 300 Vero Beach, FL 32960 T 207-443-8014 W
Material Imports
10 Oxford Dr. Moonachie, NJ 07074 T 201-229-1180 W
Maxi-Movers/Chem-Tainer 361 Neptune Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704 T 631-661-8300 or 800-275-2436 W
MAXI-PRESS Elastomeric Inc. 80 Turnpike Dr., Ste. 4 Middlebury, CT 06762 T 203-527-5800 or 844-447-5559 W
T 609-419-9898 or 800-991-9380 W professional
Milamar Coatings
311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73114
T 405-755-8448 or 800-459-7659 W
Milliken & Co.
920 Milliken Rd., M143 Spartanburg, SC 29304
T 800-322-8326 W
Milnor Laundry Systems
P.O. Box 400 Kenner, LA 70063
T 504-467-9591


MIP P.O. Box 448
Champlain, NY 12919-0448
T 800-361-4964
C Mark Mann
M.I.T. Poly-Cart Corp.
211 Central Park West New York, NY 10024
T 212-724-7290 or 800-234-7659
C Marty Winnick
Miura America Co. Ltd
2200 Steven B. Smith Blvd. Rockmart, GA 30153
T 888-309-5574
C Andrew Eklind
Monarch Brands 11350 Norcom Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19154
T 215-482-6100 W
C Hal Kanefsky
Moonsoft International 3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Bldg., 14Q Spokane, WA 99216
T 877-892-9360
C Sales

Morgan Olson 1801 S. Nottawa St. Sturgis, MI 49091
T 800-624-9005 W
Mountain Electronics 621 Micaville Loop, Ste. 300 Burnsville, NC 28714
T 828-675-9200 W www.mountainelectronics .com
Mountville Mills 1729 S. Davis Rd. LaGrange, GA 30241
T 706-882-2961 or 800-241-5549 W
Movin Cool/DENSO Products and Services Americas Inc. 3900 Via Oro Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810
T 800-264-9573 W
C Eddie Stevenson
MultiTherm P.O. Box 579 Devault, PA 19432
T 610-408-8361 or 800-225-7440 W C Marianne Landi

National Combustion Co. 104-11 180th St. Jamaica, NY 11433
T 718-291-8400 or 888-OK-NATCO W
New Jersey Wire Cloth Co. 55 Park Slope Clifton, NJ 07011
T 973-340-0101 W C John Rafanello
Norchem Corp. 5649 Alhambra Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90032 T 323-221-0221 or 800-442-4360 W C Kevin Minissian
Omni Apparel Inc.
113 Kingsbridge Dr. Carrollton, GA 30117
T 770-838-1008 W
C Brenda Horsley
OMNI Solutions 700 Moore St. Baraboo, WI 53913 T 888-356-9111 W C Andrew Rupnow
Orr Textile Co. 4777 Blalock Rd. Houston, TX 77041 T 713-939-7788 or 800-346-4918
C Tammy Kalpaske
Ozone Laundry Systems

434 Crystal Spring Dr. Draper, UT 84020
Pariser Industries 91 Michigan Ave. Paterson, NJ 07503
T 973-569-9800 W
C Scott Pariser
Parker Boiler Co. 5930 Bandini Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90040
T 323-727-9800 W
C Michael Leeming
PCM Co. 1431 Ferry Ave. Camden, NJ 08104
T 800-222-0317 W C Jon Sinrich
Penco Products 1820 Stonehenge Dr. Greenville, NC 27858

OoOGI Process Equipment 8939 W. 21st St. Sand Springs, OK 74063 T 918-246-1600 W
Olek Belts 443 Mill Rd. Bensalem, PA 19020 T 215-638-4550 or 800-869-2683 W C Tony Olek

T 801-747-0306 or 888-283-0306
C Randy Zorn
Paratherm Corp. 2009 Renaissance Blvd. King of Prussia, PA 19406
T 800-222-3611 W
T 800-562-1000 W

Penn Emblem Co. 2577 Interplex Dr., Ste. A Trevose, PA 19153
T 800-793-7366 W C Jon Joseph
Pennsylvania Scale Co. 665 N. Reservoir St.
Lancaster, PA 17602
T 717-295-6935, ext. 101 or 800-233-0473 W
C Rob Woodward
Performance Matters
2764 Pleasant Rd., #11018 Fort Mill, SC 29708
T 803-897-0044 W
C Troy Lovins
Pertl & Alexander
7823 Brown Gulf Rd. Manilus, NY 13104
T 888-419-3444 W
C Matt Alexander
Phoenix Scale Co.
4904 S. Power Rd., Ste. 103-110 Mesa, AZ 85212
T 623-435-9511 or 800-326-9860 W www.phoenixscalesaz. com
Phoenix Textile Corp.
21 Commerce Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366
T 314-291-2151 or 800-325-1440 W
C Scott Rodgers
PHS West Inc.
6704 Bleck Dr. Rockford, MN 55373
T 763-498-7576 or 888-639-5438 W
Pick Heaters Inc.
730 S. Indiana Ave. West Bend, WI 53095
T 262-338-1191 W
Planiform Conveyors
1060 Nationale Terrbonne, QC J6W6C1
T 450-961-1983 or 866-904-9292
Plas-Ties Co. 14272 Chambers Rd. Tustin, CA 92780
T 714-542-4487 W
Plexus Industries
2305 Historic Decatur Rd., #100 San Diego, CA 92106
T 619-888-7173
C Scott Benjamin
1330 Main St. Floor 2 Sarasota, FL 34236
T 941-479-0763
Positek RFID
1210 Stanbridge St., Ste. 710 Norristown, PA 19401
T 610-275-2905 W
Precision Conveyors
4203 Mara Lane Monroe, NC 28110
T 859-743-2010
C Ken Messer
Procter & Gamble Professional
1 Procter & Gamble Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202
T 800-332-7787 W
ProSonix 11411 W. Theodore Trecker Way West Allis, WI 53214
T 800-849-1130 W C Tom Podwell
Protect-A-Bed 1500 S. Wolf Rd. Wheeling, IL 60090 T 866-297-8836 W
PSP Industrial Laundry Equipment
2700 Gateway Dr. Pompano Beach, FL 33069
T 305-517-1421 or 800-517-1432 W
Quality Fabricators
3240 Heritage Dr. N.W., Ste. B Kennesaw, GA 30144 T 877-637-3712 W
Quietaire Cooling 505 N. Hutcheson Houston, TX 77003
T 713-228-9421 W
R&B Wire Products 2902 W. Garry Santa Ana, CA 92704 T 714-549-3355 or 800-634-0555 W C Frank Rowe
RAMCO Laundry Machinery 301 E. Stephens St., Ste. 100 Arlington, TX 76018 T 817-640-5100 or 800-878-5578 W C Ralph McMillan
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. 45 Ruby St. Norwalk, CT 06850
T 203-847-2464 W C Jay Reed or Barry Gunderson
Rennco LLC 300 Elm St. Homer, MI 49245
T 517-568-4121 or 800-409-5225 W C Jeanne George
Riegel Linen 900 Trail Ridge Rd., Ste. 3 Aiken, SC 29803
T 803-275-5922 or 800-845-2232 W C Bob Pestrak
Rinnai America Corp. 103 International Dr. Peachtree City, GA 30269 T 800-621-9419 W
Rotational Molding 17038 S. Figueroa St. Gardena, CA 90248 T 310-327-5401 W
Royal Basket Trucks 201 Badger Pkwy. Darien, WI 53114 T 262-882-1227 or 800-426-6447 W
Royal Blue Textiles 6820 S. Victoria Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043 T 310-888-0156 or 800-693-5426 W C Sam Kahen
Royaltone Co. 3800 Durazno Ave. El Paso, TX 79905 T 915-533-8217 or 800-331-5506 W C David Royalty
Ryco Conveyors 1512 E. 17th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 T 605-610-4026 W C Rick Reichow
Sani Wash 58-90 55th St. Maspeth, NY 11378 T 718-729-1700 or 800-288-7264 W C Richard Gettinger
Sankosha USA 1901 Landmeier Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 T 847-427-9120 or 888-427-9120 W C Wes Nelson
SanMar 22833 S.E. Black Nugget Rd., Ste. 130 Issaquah, WA 98029 T 206-727-3200 or 800-426-6399 W C Barb Herman
Santec Inc. 1420 E. Linden Ave. Linden, NJ 07036 T 908-912-2500 or 888-726-8323 W C Charles Zahler
Saylor-Beall Mfg. 400 N. Kibbee St. (P.O. Box 40) St. Johns, MI 48879 T 989-224-2371 or 800-394-7644 W
Schaefer Ventilation Equip.
P.O. Box 460 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 T 320-251-8696 or 800-779-3267 W
Seatex 445 TX 36 (P.O. Box D) Rosenberg, TX 77471 T 713-357-5300 W C Scott Childers
Seitz, The Fresher Company Inc. 5101 Tampa West Blvd., Ste. 300 Tampa, FL 33634 T 813-886-2700 W C Kurt Wickiser
Seko Dosing Systems Corp. 913 William Leigh Dr. Tullytown, PA 19007 T 215-945-0125 W
Sellers Manufacturing Co. 918 W. Walnut Danville, KY 40422 T 859-236-3181 W
Shamron Mills 484 River St. Troy, NY 12180 T 212-354-0430, 518-874-4085 or 800-426-1414 W C Ronnye B. Shamam
Shepard Bros. 503 S. Cypress St. La Habra, CA 90631 T 562-697-1366 or 800-645-3594 W C Carlos Colorado
Shrink Tech Systems 1226 Ambassador Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132 T 314-997-4259 W C Mel Meyer
Sierra Hygiene Products 4749 Bennett Dr., Ste. B Livermore, CA 94551 T 925-371-7173 W
Simoniz USA Inc. 201 Boston Turnpike Bolton, CT 06043 T 800-227-5536 W C Sam Levine
Softrol Systems 1100 Northpoint Pkwy. S.E. Acworth, GA 30102 T 770-974-2700 or 888-763-8765 W C Dave Smith
Solar Panels Plus 2133 Smith Ave. Chesapeake, VA 23320 T 757-549-1494 or 866-576-5277 W
SonicAire 3831 Kimwell Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
T 336-712-2437 W C Chuck Morrison
Southern Converters
309 Dividend Dr. Peachtree City, GA 30269
T 866-841-5618 W
Southwest Laundry Equipment 2430 S. 11th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85007
T 602-253-9687 W
C Marcella
Spartan Chemical Co. 1110 Spartan Dr. Maumee, OH 43537
T 419-531-5551 or 800-537-8990 W
C Jamie Venable
Spector Textile Products
10 Embankment St. (P.O. Box 315) Lawrence, MA 01842
T 800-533-3501 W
C Howard Flagler
Speed Check Conveyor
5345 Truman Dr. Decatur, GA 30035
T 770-981-5490 or 800-241-0990 W
Speed Queen Shepard St. (P.O. Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971
T 800-590-8872 W www.speedqueen
11230 Katherine’s Crossing, Ste. 100 Woodridge, IL 60517
T 630-410-7300 or 800-323-4983 W
C Jon Witschy
Stahls’ Hotronix
One Paisley Park Carmichaels, PA 15320
T 724-966-5996 or 800-727-8520 W
Stanco Industries
2626 Jefferds Ave. Fort Wayne, IN 46803
T 260-420-2600 or 800-932-3769 W
C Mike Stanley
Standard Textile
One Knollcrest Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45237
T 513-761-9255 or 800-999-0400 W
C Cecil Lee
Star Linen USA
1501 Lancer Dr. Moorestown, NJ 08057
T 856-231-0700 or 800-782-7999
C Joe Haughey
730 Forest Edge Dr. Vernon Hills, IL 60061
T 847-913-8400 or 800-258-6771
Steele Canvas Basket Corp. 201 Williams St. Chelsea, MA 02150
T 617-889-0202 or 800-541-8929
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. 290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138
T 305-754-4551 or 800-333-8883
C Michael Steiner
Storms Industries
1500 S. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60608
T 800-426-4964
Streamline Solutions
P.O. Box 560775 Orlando, FL 32856
T 561-350-4995 or 866-244-7700
C Ross Sanders
Sunburst Chemicals
220 W. 86th St. Bloomington, MN 55420
T 952-884-3144 or 800-899-7627
Superior Laundry Equipment 458 Cozine Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11208 T 718-871-7545 W C Esteban Austin
Superior Group of Companies/
Fashion Seal Healthcare
10055 Seminole Blvd. Seminole, FL 33772
T 800-727-8643 W www.superiorgroupof
TBR Associates
535 N. Midland Ave. Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
T 973-809-5349 W C J.R. Ryan

TCD Parts
19450 Highway B Edgerton, MO 64444
T 816-790-3575 or 800-823-8313 W Matt Fisher
Technical Consulting Associates LLC

144 Cypress Lancing Dr. Mooresville, NC 28117
T 315-882-2950 W C Sam Garofalo
Techstar Plastics
15400 Old Simcoe Rd. Port Perry, ON L9L 1L8 T 800-263-7943 W
Tecni-Quip Carts 960 Crossroads Blvd. Seguin, TX 78155
T 830-401-4400 or 800-826-1245 W C Amanda Stevens, A.D. Sanchez or J.B. Reilly
Texas Automation Products 300 Nichols Dr. Hutchins, TX 75141
T 972-288-5000
W www.texasautomation
Texas Microfiber Inc. 2515 Tarpley Rd., #118 Carrollton, TX 75006
T 214-810-9563 or 800-742-2913 W C Alisa O’Banion

Texchine Inc. 207 Beaufort St. Chapin, SC 29036
T 803-345-5171 or 800-768-8205 W C Bill Rowell
Textile Technologies 6407 Shorewood Dr. Arlington, TX 76016

T 817-561-1273 or 800-536-7652 W C Joe Dulworth
Thermal Engineering of Arizona 2250 W. Wetmore Rd. Tucson, AZ 85705
T 520-888-4000 W C Jeff Kosek

Thermopatch 2204 Erie Blvd. E. Syracuse, NY 13224 T 800-252-6555 W C Candice Ariola
Thomaston Mills 135 Greenwood Ave. Wyncote, PA 19095 T 877-474-3300 W C Tim Voit
3E Technologies 77 Maple St. (P.O. Box 1437) Tryon, NC 28782
T 828-859-0464 W
Tingue 309 Dividend Dr. Peachtree City, GA 30269 T 800-829-3864 W

Tolon 99 Aberdeen Loop Panama City FL 32405 T 850-980-1554 W C Scott Robinson
Tjernlund Products 1601 9th St. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 T 800-255-4208 W C Bob Tjernlund
TMA/Chemnet Systems 2335 Buttermilk Crossing, Ste. 308 Crescent Spring, KY 41017 T 859-727-7854 or 877-395-7627 W C Tom Fyan
Trevil America P.O. Box 127 Mamaroneck, NY 10543 T 877-TREVIL-1 W C Stuart Ilkowitz
True Color Fabric Dyeing 2305C Ashland St., #281 Ashland, OR 97520 T 541-488-5911 W C Sherry Smilo
Turn-Key Industrial Engineering Services 3525 Foxwood Dr. Barboursville, VA 22923 T 434-227-6706 W
C Chip Malboeuf
UMF Corporation
4709 Golf Rd., Ste. 300-A Skokie, IL 60076
T 847-983-8627 or 888-920-0370 W C Kim Roman
U.N.X. Industries Inc. 707 E. Arlington Blvd. (P.O. Box 7206) Greenville, NC 27858 T 252-756-8616 W
C Adam Zwyer
UniMac Shepard St. (P.O. Box 990) Ripon, WI 54971-0990
T 800-587-5458 W
C Bill Brooks
Unipress Corp. 3501 Queen Palm Dr. Tampa, FL 33619 T 813-623-3731 W C Tom Stites
United Feather & Down 520 W. Erie St., Ste. 300-A Chicago, IL 60654 T 847-296-6610 W
Unitherm Inc. 601 Norgal Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036
T 937-278-1900 or 800-227-9488 W
Urine-Off by Bio-Pro Research 1140 Tate Blvd. S.E.

Hickory, NC 28602

T 877-874-6363 W

U.S. Capital Corp. 111 W. Jackson Blvd., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60604
T 312-675-6063 W
Utilimaster Corp. 603 Earthway Blvd. Bristol, IN 46507

T 800-582-3454 W

C Thad Southwick

Venture Labs 4345 WI-33 West Bend, WI 53095
T 262-353-3980 W

Venus Group 25861 Wright St. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
T 949-609-1299 or 800-421-6599 W

C Kris Patel
VvVaporpress by Leonard 5894 Balsom Ridge Rd. (P.O. Box 501) Denver, NC 28037
T 704-483-9316
C Dan Farnsworth
Vaportek W226N6339 Village Dr. Sussex, WI 53089
T 262-246-5060 or 800-237-6367 W
VEGA Systems USA 9891 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 368 Cincinnati, OH 45242

T 855-834-2797
Walchem, an Iwaki America Co. 5 Boynton Rd. Holliston, MA 01746
T 508-429-1110 W
Washburn Machinery 175 Gaylord St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 T 847-364-9274 or 800-245-8425 W C Jeff Fox
Washing Systems 167 Commerce Dr. Loveland, OH 45140 T 800-272-1974
W C Kasey Wahl
Water Energy - Laundry Consulting 9741 Tappenbeck Dr. Houston, TX 77055 T 713-464-2580 W C Bob Beddingfield
Wausau Chemical Corp. 2001 N. River Dr. (P.O. Box 953) Wausau, WI 54402-0953 T 800-950-6656 W C Susan Vernick
West Sanitation Services Inc. dba Aerowest International 2158 Beaumont Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70806
T 225-302-5570 W
WesVic Systems P.O. Bos 775 Denair, CA 95316 T 209-648-5811 or 833-293-7842 W C Chad Boucher
White Conveyors Inc. 10 Boright Ave. Kenilworth, NJ 07033 T 908-686-5700 or 800-524-0273 W

White Knight Engineered Products 9525 Monroe Rd., Ste. 100 Charlotte, NC 28270
T 888-743-4700 W
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. P.O. Box 207 Kearny, NJ 07032 T 201-997-3300 or 800-526-1188 W C Fred Schwarzmann

Workrite Uniform Co. 545 Marriott Dr. Nashville, TN 37214 T 800-223-3372 W
World Emblem 4601 Sheridan St., Ste. 300 Hollywood, FL 33021 T 305-899-9006 or 800-766-0448 W C Nicolas Restrepo

Yamamoto North America
507 W. Olive St. Bloomington, IL 61702 T 866-204-0519 W
Zep Inc. 3330 Cumberland Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30339 T 404-352-1680 or 877-428-9937 W ALN
You can also access the
Guide at AmericanLaundryNews. com Just click on the “Resources” tab at the top of the home page, then click on “Buyer’s Guide.”
Listen as guest David Bernstein, president and chief propeller-head of Propeller Solutions Group, a provider of engineering, training and consulting services for the laundry industry, talks about how educating customers can help create a better laundry/linen partnership.

Reducing Rewash
In this episode, Gregory Gicewicz, president and CEO of Sterile Surgical Systems in Tumwater, Washington, talks about the common causes of rewash and ways laundry/linen services can eliminate rewash as much as possible.
Getting the Best from Your Laundry Employees
In this episode, learn the difference between “leaders” and “managers,” and how each
employees and their productivity with guest Deana Griffin, president of The Griffin Group, a recruiting firm that specializes in the rental uniform and linen/textile industry.
Track Career
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — G.A. Braun Inc., a laundry and textile equipment manufacturer located here, reports that Jack Harlander has joined the company in the position of project manager on its inside sales and project management team.
“In his new role, Jack will be responsible for working with our commercial sales team to qualify equipment for both Braun’s domestic and international customer base,” says Cliff Quick, Braun’s director of inside sales and project management.
“He will be working with our clients and third-party partners to coordinate equipment installation requirements and scope-of-work details, completing business and technical proposals for projects, facility layout design activities, and managing the execution of projects.”
Harlander is a graduate of Clarkson University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering and management. Most recently, he served as project manager for a firm specializing in bridge and highway construction services for select private and public clients.
Harlander also served as a project manager and system engineer for Universal Instruments in Binghamton, New York. In this capacity, he was responsible for managing all aspects of project execution, customer communications, technical reviews and the product acceptance process.
“We are extremely excited to have Jack join Braun as our business continues to grow,” adds Quick. “I am confident that he will further strengthen capabilities, our ability to develop solutions for our dynamic customer base and support our strategic growth initiatives.”
Albright new regional sales manager at Lavatec

BEACON FALLS, Conn. — Commercial laundry industry veteran Bill Albright has signed on as a regional sales manager with Lavatec Laundry Technology Inc., the company reports.
Based in Joplin, Missouri, he will be responsible for working with customers in eight Midwest states and reports to Keith Ware, vice president of sales for Lavatec.
Albright has 30 years of sales and operations experience
in the industry. He began his career with CLEAN Uniform Company in 1989. Most recently, he worked as a strategic business development executive on the healthcare side of the business with Aramark Uniform Services.
“I’m looking forward to being a key contributor to Lavatec’s growth throughout the Midwest,” says Albright. “My goals are to increase market share and customer satisfaction in my territory. I love the teamwork and atmosphere here, and the impeccable quality the Lavatec brand has represented in the commercial laundry business.”
A Southern Illinois native, Albright earned a business administration degree at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. A father of two daughters, he spends his free time playing golf and following his beloved St. Louis Blues.
EAST BERLIN, Conn. — The board of directors of laundry equipment manufacturer EDRO Corp. reports that Scott Kirejczyk has been appointed managing director of the company.

He succeeds former CEO Joseph Futcher, who is no longer with EDRO, which thanks him for his service wishing the best for his future.
The company says Kirejczyk will be leading the third-generation-owned family business into an exciting new chapter of the iconic brand’s history.
“I’m truly excited about the future opportunities that lie ahead for EDRO and growing and continuing our proud tradition of manufacturing USA-made ‘Battleship Quality Laundry Equipment’ for many years to come,” says Kirejczyk.
Bringing a wealth of knowledge and an array of expertise in the laundry industry to the position, EDRO says Kirejczyk’s principal goal will be continuing to build a strong foundation for the business to facilitate future growth opportunities.
This will include expanding the company’s range of commercial washer-extractors, tumbler dryers, and ozone systems into more commercial markets; developing and evolving the product range; improving operations; and reducing overall costs.
“Building on my grandfather’s and family’s legacies, I look forward to leveraging the core values of EDRO’s 73-year history, designing and building high-end, quality laundry products at competitive prices, providing unparalleled customer service, and promoting an engaging work environ-
ment for our employees for years to come,” he adds.
Kirejczyk’s management team includes four longserving EDRO employees: Donald Price (Materials Manager), Kenneth Bridges (Electrical Engineering Manager), Robert Yorski (Chief Engineer), and David Burnham (Sales and Marketing Manager).
The company says the management team is highly motivated and fully committed to moving EDRO forward in 2020 and beyond.
Mission Linen Supply promotes Champagne to VP of human resources

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Mission Linen Supply, a provider of linens, uniforms, laundry services and supplies located here, reports it has promoted Brad Champagne, who previously served as the company’s senior director of human resources, to vice president of human resources.
In his new role, Champagne oversees all human resources responsibilities, including compensation, benefits, learning and development, and recruiting.
Champagne first joined the Mission team in 1991 as a management trainee, and by 1994, he was promoted to corporate safety inspector and developed several new safety programs the company says are still in use today. He moved into the human resources department in 1996, where he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually earning his senior director role, and now, the vice president position.
During his time at Mission, the company says Champagne has been instrumental in increasing automation across human resources functions, developing effective employee compensation plans, establishing key business metrics, and implementing company-specific e-learning programs to help employees better understand compliance, customer service, job duties and more.
“Brad is an exceptionally talented, hardworking individual, and a great fit for this role,” says Mission’s president and CEO, John Ross.
“He has a proven track record of success at Mission, and his tremendous experience and expertise leave him well-equipped to make a positive impact for both our company and our customers as he takes over his new responsibilities.”
Champagne earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and has obtained Senior Professional in Human Resources (SHPR) certification and Society for Human
Resources Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) designation.

He is a recipient of the Pensions & Investments Eddy Award for Excellence in 401(k) Education, and he has served as both an expert speaker and panelist on various human resources topics.
Fourth-generation president for Liniform Linen and Uniform Service
BARBERTON, Ohio — Liniform Linen and Uniform Service, located here, reports that Jennifer Peroli has been named the company’s new president as of Feb. 1
Peroli is the great granddaughter of Albert E. Good Sr., who started Barberton White Wash (now Liniform) with his brother, Chris, in Barberton in 1924.
Peroli will turn 40 on Feb. 20 and has been involved with Liniform since she was 15 years old. She started out in dry folding towels. Her grandfather, Ed Good, would drive her to work, “Listening to my grampy’s lectures about business all the way to Liniform,” she recalls.
Peroli worked at Liniform every summer until she graduated with honors from Ohio University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in business administration, majoring in finance and economics.
After college, Peroli decided to venture out on her own and got a job at Nationwide Insurance as a casualty claims liability adjuster. She worked for Nationwide for 12 years in both the Cleveland and Canton offices, and obtained multiple promotions.
In 2015, Peroli decided to come back to her roots to work at Liniform as the healthcare development manager to grow its medical sector. In 2016, she took over as the customer service manager and was able to develop strong, lasting relationships with her customers.
In April 2018, Peroli was promoted to vice president of Liniform.
She married Judd Peroli Aug. 12, 2017, and on Jan. 13, 2019, they welcomed their little boy, Leo James Peroli. The family resides in Wadsworth, Ohio, in her grandfather’s home that the couple purchased.
“Liniform is my grandfather’s legacy, and I will do everything in my power to make sure Liniform continues to grow and move forward while maintaining the business culture my grandfather was known for,” says Peroli.
“Stay on the high ground, for life at work and away from work is for real. You may pretend to yourself that the company is just a place where you work, but the truth is that company is you.”
New project manager joins Braun’s customer support team
EDRO makes changes to 2020 management team

Field Service Technicians –G. A. Braun, Inc.

Due to the growth of our business, G. A. Braun is seeking Field Service Technicians so we may continue to provide exceptional support to our clients. Braun technicians will install, and repair equipment that is both new and preexisting at the customer site. Other responsibilities include customer training so they may efficiently operate and maintain their Braun equipment.
Required qualifications include but are not limited to; electrical/electronic and mechanical knowledge, hydraulic and pneumatic systems equipment and components. Candidates must be computer literate in Microsoft Office and be capable to lift/move up to 100 pounds.

The Braun Field Service position also requires extensive travel.
Benefits include a competitive salary, 401K plan, medical, dental, vision, disability, and life insurance benefits in addition to paid vacation and personal time.

For a challenging and rewarding career opportunity as a G. A. Braun Field Service Technician, please inquire at

Pellerin Milnor Corp. P.O. Box 400, Kenner, LA 70063 504-467-9591, Fax: 504-468-3094

Pellerin Milnor Corp.
P.O. Box 400, Kenner, LA 70063 504-467-9591, Fax: 504-468-3094
Pellerin Milnor Corp.
P.O. Box 400, Kenner, LA 70063 504-467-9591, Fax: 504-468-3094
Pellerin Milnor Corp.

P.O. Box 400, Kenner, LA 70063 504-467-9591, Fax: 504-468-3094

BBJ Rentals acquires La Tavola Linen
NILES, Ill. — Greg Sullivan, chief executive officer of BBJ Rentals Inc., a provider of special event linen rental products and services, reports the company has acquired La Tavola Linen, an event linen rental company based in Napa, California.
“Unifying La Tavola’s well-respected brand with the dependability and depth of inventory BBJ Linen is known for creates a unified organization with unmatched offerings,” says Sullivan. “We’re excited to bring these companies together and have high expectations as these two excellent teams merge and form the very best in the industry.”
Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
“By coming under the BBJ umbrella, we’ll be able to share our extensive collection more widely throughout the U.S. and beyond, showing the combined breadth and depth of this new entity,” says Carmel Drudy, La Tavola’s CEO. “Working together with BBJ will bring the best of both worlds to our respective client bases, combining the strong La Tavola brand integrity with BBJ Linen’s wide distribution model. This partnership surely is a win for the industry.”
JEGI, an independent investment bank for the global media, events and event services, information, marketing, software, and tech-enabled services sectors, was the exclusive financial advisor to La Tavola in this transaction.
In memoriam: Seymour Antman, Kleen Kraft Services

COMMERCE, Calif. — Seymour Antman, the former leader of Kleen Kraft Services, died at the age of 90 on Jan. 3, after battling with dementia related to a stroke. He retired in 2007 after more than 55 years in the business. His son, Fred Antman, continues to head the family-owned independent uniform rental company based here.
Seymour’s father, Albert Antman, founded Kleen Kraft in 1952 as a small retail laundry that pressed and ironed retail garments, sending the laundering out to another plant.
In 1956, soon after graduating from USC, Seymour joined the family business, expanding the operation and relocating it into a larger facility with its own washroom. By 1968, the company began moving away from the commercial laundry business.
Seymour led the company through acquisitions adding larger facilities and additional services including uniform and linen rental programs.
Fred Antman, the third-generation Antman, joined the company in 1975. Together, Seymour and his son grew Kleen Kraft Services into one of the largest privately owned uniform rental companies in Southern California.
Fred was appointed president and CEO in 1993, while Seymour remained active in the business on a consulting basis for almost 15 years.
“My father had a true passion for his customers and in doing what he said he would,” shares Fred. “That’s a family value that was passed down from his father and still holds true throughout the entire company. I know he is proud of the legacy of our family and the company.”
Seymour leaves behind two children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Lavatec sets wash aisle for Metro Detroit’s new laundry facility
BEACON FALLS, Conn. — Laundry equipment manufacturer Lavatec Laundry Technology reports it has set major washroom equipment for the new Metro Detroit Area Hospital Services laundry.
This new, state-of-the-art laundry is expected to be operational in spring of 2020.
The new 12-compartment, 220-pound tunnels, paired with Lavatec’s new LAVASPEED presses, will feed 16 Lavatec

TT745G natural gas dryers, the company says.
The dryers will be loaded by an overhead monorail system onto eight conveyers that can send wet goods in either direction for loading to the next available dryer.
Lavatec says its dryers utilize infrared technology to more efficiently determine when the linen is dry, resulting in lower dryer times and reduced energy consumption.
The dryers will be unloaded by conveyors that will transfer the loads to a monorail system for transport to the finishing side of the plant.
Seaport Capital invests in Linen King
NEW YORK and TULSA, Okla. — Seaport Capital, a private equity firm based in New York, reports that it has completed a strategic investment alongside the founders and operators of Linen King, Leonard and LK McCullough, to support the continued growth of the company.
Details of the investment were not disclosed.
Linen King, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a provider of outsourced laundry cleaning and management services to hospitals, health systems and healthcare clinics in the regions it serves, which include the South Central and Midwest United States.
Through its network of six laundry facilities in five states, Linen King says it offers healthcare customers the security associated with knowing their outsourced linen needs have redundant support within the region.
“I’m looking forward to our new partnership with Seaport Capital and the exciting growth opportunities they will help us execute on for Linen King,” says Leonard McCullough, founder and CEO. “Seaport has a very successful history of helping entrepreneur-led services companies grow.
“They quickly understood, and demonstrated that they shared the values our company embraces in providing not only the highest levels of service to our customers, but a great place to work for our employees.”
“Linen King has established remarkable success throughout its history and has proven to be a leader in the healthcare laundry services sector,” says Drew Meyers, partner at Seaport Capital. “We are proud to support Leonard and his team as they pursue the next chapter of growth for the company both organically and through acquisitions.”
Bob Tamashunas, partner at Seaport Capital, adds, “We’re excited to partner with the Linen King team. Linen King’s business model and approach of staying regionally focused in a highly fragmented industry, maintaining long-term customer contracts and being led by its founders aligns well with Seaport’s investing strategy.”
Stephens Inc. served as exclusive financial advisor to Linen King. Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP served as exclusive legal advisor to Seaport Capital.

Association for Linen Management
IMPACT Conference
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Info: 859-624-0177
23-25 G.A. Braun
Service School: Washers
Syracuse, N.Y.
Info: 800-432-7286, ext. 219
25-26 TRSA
10th Annual Legislative Conference
Washington, D.C.
Info: 703-519-0029
Batch Tunnel System Spring Service Seminar
Panama City, Fla.
Info: 850-248-4115
14-16 JENSEN
Flatwork Finishing Spring Service Seminar
Panama City, Fla.
Info: 850-248-4115
20-24 Association for Linen Management
Laundry & Linen College: Textile Care Services
Richmond, Ky.
Info: 859-624-0177
L-Tron DTX Tumbler/Dryer Spring Service Seminar
Panama City, Fla.
Info: 850-248-4115
Miura, Hartford Steam Boiler, Armstrong International partner to offer ‘steam as a service’
ROCKMART, Ga. — Miura, an industrial boiler manufacturer, reports that it has formed an alliance with Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) and Armstrong International to introduce steam-as-a-service (SaaS).
The company says the three partners have developed a turnkey, fully financed solution to solve three major challenges facing steam users today: capital funding, declining workforce expertise, and subpar system efficiencies.
Miura says the offering allows customers to focus on their core business while having a partnership onsite to design, build, operate, maintain and continuously optimize steam generation. It adds that this will help customers update aging steam infrastructure that is operating well beyond its optimal life span, or to invest in the best available technology and system design to future-proof new construction. ALN
We carry a full line of Laundry bar mops. Custom colors, weights, and private labeling are available with minimums.

Spun poly napkins perform consistently over time, are wrinkle-free, and are less likely to stain. Custom colors available. 20” x 20” - Packed 25 dozen/case.

Our restaurant linen lines are woven from spun polyester and benefit from being stain resistant, colorfast, and wrinkle-free. Linens are packaged in manageable carton sizes for laundries, and are Internet-ready packs for retail sales opportunities.

Packed four 6 packs/case

These bar mops are perfect for wipe-and-toss in heavily soiled environments. Minor weaving defects such as over-stitching or imperfect cuts reject perfectly good bar mops from circulation. We buy these at a deep discount and pass the savings on to you. Packed: 100 doz/bale.
When bar mop production runs are over and inspections have been completed, mills may still have excess yarn. Run Of Mill (ROM) bar mops contain every bar mop that comes off the loom after the first quality run has been finalized, so are more economical than Grade A1 bar mops.
Spun poly bistro napkins are quickly becoming a staple of restaurants who would like to add a little sophistication to their ambiance. 18” x 22”
Packed 25 dozen/case.
Route Ready bar mops are optically white and packed in bags of 25 so you never have to pre-wash or recount them prior to use. Typically, laundries save 70¢/doz by freeing washroom and finishing floor operators from a wash cycle, you gain production time to focus on other laundry room bottlenecks. STARTING
Color Price
Part Number
TL-42X42-WHITE White $25.75
TL-52X52-WHITE White $40.50
TL-62X62-WHITE White $51.00

TL-72X72-WHITE White $82.25

TL-85X85-WHITE White $106.75

TL-52X114-WHITE White $80.50

TL-42X42-BLACK Black $25.75
TL-52X52-BLACK Black $40.50
TL-62X62-BLACK Black $51.00

TL-72X72-BLACK Black $82.25 TL-85X85-BLACK Black $106.75 TL-52X114-BLACK Black $80.50