1 minute read


Access Hamilton’s 23 collections in just one click, tap or swipe with the company’s new comprehensive 428-page online guide.

A quick, easy reference: All switch and insert options, plate finishes, and functionality configurations are clearly itemised by product code for ease of identification.


Available on any desktop or handheld smart device, it’s the perfect Quick Product Look-Up for conversations between wholesalers, contractors and their clients.

Helping you work smarter, not harder

With a drop-down contents menu helping you navigate directly to the collection of interest and magazine style page turn enabling you to flick through page-by-page, it’s like having a printed catalogue at your fingertips wherever you are – with the peace of mind of a more sustainable and convenient approach – and no trees were harmed in its production!

Discover the new collections

New for 2023, the Linea-Tetra CFX, Sheer G2 and Verve white plastic collections are all introduced, along with the new Basalt Gray and Anthra Gray finishes in their respective collections.

The latest product releases…the new 45W combined USB-A&C double-switched sockets – for superior charging of smart devices, and the NEW WSA50+ Wireless Streaming Amplifier – with new active bass. But don’t forget the favourites! Hartland, Hartland G2 and Sheer are still the contractor’s choice for many – available in up to 13 plate finishes, with complementary switch insert finishes, and both EuroFix and GRID options!

For your chance to win £250 worth of wiring accessories from the Hartland Collection, simply scan the above QR Code or visit hamilton-catalogue.co.uk, and answer the following questions correctly.

1. Hartland is available in how many finishes? (Hartland Collection, page 170) a) 9 b) 11 c) 13

2. What’s the part number for the 2-Gang, 13A Single Pole Switched 45W USB-A&C socket in a Matt Black plate finish with Black/Black inserts? (Hartland USB Power Sockets, page 175) a) 7MB SS2USBULT BL-B b) 7MB SS2USBC BL-B c) 7MB SS2USBPD BL-B

3. What’s the part number for the 2-Gang 250W 2-Way Dimmer with an Anthra Gray plate finish with Anthra Gray inserts? (Hartland 250W 2-Way Dimmers, page 181) a) 7A 1XLEDITB250 b) 7A 2XLEDITB250 c) 7A 3XLEDITB250

February Competition

The winner of the February competition – a Sevadis Maxicharger AC 7.4kW EV Charger – was Jeremy Turner.

Closing date

All entries must be returned by 30 April 2023. The editor’s decision is final. For the full terms and conditions, visit electricalcontractingnews.com/ competition-terms.

The name of the winner will be published in the June issue of ECN.

*Prize not exchangeable.

To enter, please complete the form below and post to: ECN Competition, All Things Media Ltd, Suite 14, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Kent, ME5 8UD. Alternatively, you can enter online at electricalcontractingnews.com/competition or email your answers and contact details to: carly@allthingsmedialtd.com.

The answers to April’s competition are:

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