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Timeguard believes in giving you freedom of choice. So, just like you can decide on the best combination of outdoor lighting for your customers with the modular LEDPro range, you can now choose how best to kick start your New Year, as Timeguard has £250 worth of John Lewis vouchers for this month’s winners. Shop online or in store.


Just when you thought Timeguard’s LEDPro floodlight range couldn’t get any better…

Now there’s a new option of offering your customers the LEDPROCAM, an integrated Wi-Fi camera with audio to fit on to any of the LEDPro range of LED floodlights and provide your customers with the complete confidence that they’ll know what’s going on outside their building. It really couldn’t be easier.

The new PIR camera system provides a view of what is happening outdoors as well as two-way audio for direct communication with visitors and has a warning siren option. The camera is integrated with the PIR switch, as part of the modular NightEye LEDPro range so it can be installed from scratch with any of the Timeguard LEDPro floodlights (from 10W up to 100W) or retrofitted to an existing LEDPro floodlight, or replacing an existing PIR, photocell or RF switching module.

The new LEDPro Camera unit communicates over Wi-Fi, so there’s no extra wiring and it really couldn’t be easier.

For your chance to win £250 worth of John Lewis vouchers, simply answer the following questions correctly.

1. The new LEDPro Camera offers:

a) Camera recording b) Two-way audio c) Both 2. The security camera requires: a) Batteries b) Independent connection c) No extra wiring at all – it operates over WiFi 3. The LEDPROCAM can be:

a) Fitted to any of the LEDPro floodlight range from 10W to 100W. b) Retrofitted to upgrade an LEDPro PIR, photocell or RF switch c) Both

October Competition

The winner of the October competition – a £250 multi-store voucher, courtesy of Unicrimp – was Andre Ingram.

Closing date

All entries must be returned by 31 December. The editor’s decision is final. For the full terms and conditions, visit electricalcontractingnews.com/ competition-terms. The name of the winner will be published in February of ECN. *Prize not exchangeable.

To enter, please complete the form below and fax to 01634 673173, or post to: ECN Competition, All Things Media Ltd, Suite 14, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Kent, ME5 8UD. Alternatively, you can email your answers and contact details to: carly@allthingsmedialtd.com.

The answers to December’s competition are:


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