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Previously called Connected Home Over IP (CHIP) was designed to bring together tech companies, manufacturers and IoT platforms to give true smart home interoperability. A good number of manufacturers including Google, Apple, Amazon and Eltako are already onboard – Version 1 of the Matter specification was launched on 3 November 2022. The software is truly open source, and the only requirement is to register and consent to the terms and conditions.
controlling blinds. As well as working with Matter, they can be integrated into and work with Apple HomeKit, Google Home and Amazon (Alexa) and the configuration can be made over the free Eltako Connect software. This will open a whole new world of possibilities for homes to become truly integrated and smart.
will add the device to the selected app. You then select a name for the device such as ‘Lounge Lights’ from a drop-down box or type in your own selection and basically that’s it. Any updates are downloaded automatically. It should be noted that the software is encrypted and totally secure.
Eltako has initially launched four devices, for switching and dimming lights and controlling blinds
Unlike Eltako’s wide range of EnOcean devices, which are wireless, Eltako Matter devices can be controlled via wired switches and the Wi-Fi app. Eltako has initially launched four devices, for switching and dimming lights and
The Eltako modules will need to be professionally installed, which means that UK electricians will be able to install smart controls into properties with minimum fuss. Switching devices can be standard UK switches or retractive switches, which can be purchased from any wholesaler and come in many different designs (not just white). In general, once the devices are installed and powered up you will hear a tone after a few seconds. Then, scanning the correct QR code supplied
Once the devices are integrated to make a system and configured via the chosen app, they can then be controlled via wall switch, over the smart home app or by voice control over “Hey Siri”, “Hey Google” or “Alexa”.
Matter will also open many possibilities for assisted living, for example, PIR sensors to see where people are in the home, is their door locked at night, is the temperature of the room correct, and so much more. These things are already possible with Eltako’s wireless devices, but now there will be an alternative wired/Wi-Fi possibility.
There will soon be hundreds of devices for heating, lighting and blinds that work with Matter, some professionally installed, some plug and play. Matter is open protocol, so you are not dependent on one single manufacturer. Matter will put the smart home in the reach of just about everyone.
For installers, this opens up a new and lucrative revenue stream, without the need for expensive commissioning gear or training. For the homeowner, it means smart control, without the expected high price tag and little or no disruption to their home. You could start with one room or the whole house and take away or add devices as you need. It has long been the desire to easily integrate all the smart devices in a home using one open protocol – now we can. Matter will bring all the devices together.
Eltako also offers an open API for anyone who would like to configure and control the new IP devices from Eltako with their own software. Information on this can be downloaded from the Eltako website.
Eltako is a German based, family-owned company that has been manufacturing control products for over 70 years, with offices based around Europe and beyond. Eltako stands for innovation, quality and being cost effective.
Eltako, eltako.com