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Mike Beatty, Pulse Cinemas MD, introduces the company’s new Reference Cinema, confident that the months of planning and expert execution, will change what home cinema can mean forever.
A subtle, but beautiful floral design adorns the walls - which are in fact Vicoustic acoustic panels treating and improving the room’s audio abilities, so right from the off we are dealing with form meeting function to a very high-level. The next thing the eye is drawn to is the attractive Vicoustic diffusers, which are mounted at regular vertical intervals around the room, framing the space and adding another level of sophistication and drama. Once again, the design is multi-functional as behind the diffusers is intelligent Lutron lighting; adding a deeper aesthetic impact and practical results, bringing the house lights up and down as required. Form meeting function is taken to even greater heights here as some of the diffuser panels do not just hide lighting, but also speakers from the Alcons Audio array, which has been expertly woven into the cinema.
Completing the acoustic treatment of the room is a beautiful black Vicoustic sculptural ceiling mounted diffuser, again adding great visual impact with practical advantages to audio performance.
Kapes Patel, our Technical Director explains, “Designing a true Reference Cinema for us was never going to be just about hitting recommended industry levels for out-put, room dimensions and so on, that is a given. We wanted to go further and come up with ways to combine interior design and performance - not as a compromise for each other, but as a single entity taking a genuinely holistic approach where everything improves the look, feel and performance of everything else. The diffusers/lighting panel/speaker covers are just one example of this approach which permeates throughout the cinema.”
The approach we have taken here means that if you are used to dressing home cinema walls with cloth (to cover a multitude of sins to get the room finished) witnessing what we have achieved here, will change your mind forever on the right way to create and present a home cinema.
Continuing the opulent approach to this space, are two rows of Fortress Seating. On the front row are four West End models (two with lounger extensions) and on the back, four sumptuous Nova models. All the seats have been fitted with slightly different abilities and control button arrays to show the versatility of what Fortress Seating can deliver, some are also fitted with D-Box functionality. After the initial impact of noting how comfortable and fantastic looking these seats are, like the rest of the cinema, the positive first impression goes to another level when you realise how precise and user friendly the adjustment capabilities are. Whether it’s finding the right height for your feet or the exact support necessary for the head and neck, these expertly created seats deliver. Even before the performance starts, this cinema puts you in the best of moods, relaxed and ready to be entertained.
This room also benefits from some truly cutting-edge world-class equipment. Sim2’s Dual Stack Nero 4 combines two machines, which are already world-beaters, into a Reference level projector array which takes our understanding of what an image can be like to new heights.
Kapes explains. “HDR has long been held aloft as the next generation of viewing technologies to really deliver at a new

experience. As is always the case, technologies arrive before equipment makers and content producers fully understand how to get the very best out of it. However, it is also true that there comes a point where you can say, ”this is what it is supposed to be like, and boy is it good!”
Delivering the audio to populate this world class cinema is a collection of Alcons Audio CRM Series laid out to deliver the true potential of Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. You can check out all the technical on this fantastic brand on the Pulse Cinemas website, but for our purposes here, just imagine the best performance you have heard in a cinema and go up several notches.
Kapes explains, “The brand has taken everything it knows from the commercial world and created a truly world beating domestic audio system that, coupled with its intelligent amplification products, literally makes this cinema sing, its an instrument as much as anything else you will listen to using it. Soulful, warm and powerful, all at the same time. We have been waiting for home cinema to sound like this, the wait is over.”
Many other Pulse Cinemas high-performance staples populate this cinema. Kaleidescape is of course front and centre providing the content and a Décor Mask Screen Research installation will provide the perfect partner for the rest of the equipment as well as delivering even more aesthetic value to the room.
Pulling the whole space together is RTI, placing every aspect of this cinema into the palm of the hand of any user, easy to use is not the right phrase, a pleasure to use is the correct one.
Kapes sums up, “Home cinema to a point has always attempted to mimic its commercial counter-part and why not, we started out trying to match its performance, but then we went past what most commercial cinemas achieve. Certain aesthetic and build approaches were necessary to get there, but the knowledge and abilities of the systems we have now can take home cinema into a new era standing proudly on its own, not just a noisy neighbour, but as good as any highlevel commercial cinema performance wise, but better because we can completely personalise each creation for each client. Come and see what we have built here and learn how to recreate it for your customers.”
Pulse Cinemas pulsecinemas.com Reference Cinema Equipment List • Sim2 Dual Nero 4S • XLR3 Deco Mask 150in • Trinnov Altitude 32 • Alcons ALC Sentinel 3 • Alcons ALC Sentinel 10 • Alcons Speakers • CRMS-MK II • CRMS-SRHV • CRMSC-SRIW • CRMS-SRHV • CRMSC-SRIW • CRMS-LFE18 • CRMS-LFE18sl
• Acoustic Treatment
• Vicoustic MD55 • Custom printed Vicoustic VMT panels • Vicoustic VicPattern Ultra Wavewood • Vicoustic Multifuser Wood 36 • Fortress Nova Theatre Chairs with
D-BOX • Fortress West End Theatre Chairs
Film-making glamour and high-performance equipment are combined