The status centre for your diagnostics
ATMOS ENT Status Saving ENT diagno
Centre nostic results made easy Your desires are our motivation: more time for your patients - due to the simple and easy storage of diagnostic results. Computer technology has significantly changed diagnostics. Would you like to have a PC workstation which enables you to save and print diagnostic results simply and swiftly? Innovative operating concepts, such as touch screen or iHandle function can simplify your work flow exceedingly.
This is what the modern storage of diagnostic results looks like! The ATMOSoft ENT supports you by these new processes with its intuitive interface and functionalities, which meet the growing demands on documentation and archiving and the statutory claims and last but not least your patients. Thus you are able to instantly edit, archive or create a doctors report for your patients with high quality images and videos gained from perfectly matched ATMOS components.
Saving ENT diagnostic results made easy Automated and uncomplicated
You want to... … save and archive diagnostic results easily and swiftly? … have the best resolution due to perfectly coordinated ATMOS products? … give your patients a doctor's report for the after-treatment? … see video signals in real time?
ATMOSoft 31
ATMOSoft 41
Then we have the complete package for you!
Displaying of video signals on pc
Saving and editing of individual images
Freezing of up to eight individual images
Saving and cutting of videos
Saving and amplifying of audio signals
Selection of the camera via key combination
HD recording possible
ATMOS patient database for the administration of diagnostic results (compatible with ATMOS® Diagnsotic Cube)
GDT interface
Optimization of the video signal (brightness, sharpness, contrast
Compile a doctor's report in word/pdf
Display on full screen
Optimated workflow - Intuitive handling
Starting up
Always at hand:
The ATMOSoft ENT starts automatically by pressing a button on the ATMOS Scope.
The ATMOS Scope combines diagnostics with an intuitive handling.
With a single movement:
Simplest documentation:
You can control picture and video recording by use of the buttons on the ATMOS Scope. Control via PC or touch screen are alternate options.
With one click you can print your protocols on a work place or network printer.
ATMOS MedizinTechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig-Kegel-Str. 16 79853 Lenzkirch / Germany Tel: +49 7653 689-370
P094.6123.1 • 2013-12 Index: 04
A TM O S - S l o gan O p e n S ans R e g u l a r 8p t 17p t D u r c h s c h u ß L a u f w e i t e 100