4 minute read
State Officers
Stacey Ward President, Humble (4)
Jayne Serna Vice President, Leander (13)
Jason Forbis Secretary, Midway (12)
Jerrica Liggins Treasurer, Paris (8)
Karen Hames Past President, Lewisville (11)
Board of Directors
MaElena Ingram McAllen (1)
Adriane Taylor Corpus Christi (2)
Mandy Vahrenkamp Bloomington (3)
Eli Rodriguez Cypress-Fairbanks (4)
Suellen Ener Beaumont (5)
Donna Ward Willis (6)
Teresa Millard Woden (7)
Abby Rogers Paris (8)
Patti Gibbs North Central Texas College (9)
Wanda Bailey Mesquite (10)
Teri Naya Birdville (11)
Christina Flores Belton (12)
Stephanie Stoebe Round Rock (13)
Leslie Ward Merkel (14)
Betty Gail Wood-Rush Early (15)
Sherry Boyd Spearman (16)
Allyson Haveman Lubbock (17)
Gail Adlesperger Big Spring (18)
Robert Zamora Clint (19)
Laura Herrera North East (20)
ATPE News Staff
David George Editor
John Kilpper Art Director
Michael Spurlin Associate Editor
Jack Densmore Associate Editor
Jennifer Tuten Digital Editor
Marjorie Parker Contributing Designer
Kate Johanns Editorial Director
ATPE News (ISSN 0279-6260) is published quarterly in fall, winter, spring, and summer
Subscription rates: for members of the association, $3 32 per year (included in membership dues); non-members, $10 per year Extra copies $1 25 each Published by the Association of Texas Professional Educators, 305 E Huntland Drive, Suite 300, Austin, TX 787523792 Periodical postage paid at Austin, Texas, and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ATPE News, 305 E Huntland Dr , #300, Austin, TX 78752-3792 Advertising rates may be obtained by sending a written request to the above address Opinions expressed in this publication represent the attitude of the contributor whose name appears with the article and are not necessarily the official policy of ATPE ATPE reserves the right to refuse advertising contrary to its purpose Copyright 2023 in USA by the Association of Texas Professional Educators
ISSN ©ATPE 2023 0279-6260 USPS 578-050
305 E Huntland Dr , Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752-3792 (800) 777-ATPE (2873) atpe org | atpe@atpe org
Spring has sprung! Can you believe we are already more than halfway through this school year? Not that I am complaining by any means, but it feels like time has flown by. Gone are the cold, dreary days, and now we’re looking forward to the warm, sunny days of spring break before the heat waves arrive in a few short months. Make sure you take time to care for yourself because we need you to be on your game!
This issue focuses on the ongoing legislative session, which is very important to public educators. We need to be kept in the loop and informed about the decisions that affect our profession. One thing to remember is that you are the expert in your field. So when you contact your legislators—and I hope you do—make sure to let them know you can assist with any question they may have in your field of expertise. Get to know their staffers. Often they are key information conduits who help legislators make decisions in specific policy areas such as education. Another way to be involved is to get to know your school board. In my local unit, we give each of our board members a gift subscription to ATPE News. This helps them understand who we are, what we have to offer teachers, and that we are not the bad guys. Many times, if they have questions, they will contact one of our local officers. Our superintendent is also a member, which helps a lot! Go ahead and ask to sign them up. The worst that can happen is they say no—and it might open a door of communication between your local unit and school board that was once closed.
I hope you have an amazing spring semester full of growth and celebrations. Keep doing the amazing job you do, and know that I appreciate each and every one of you for what you do and who you are. If I can be of service, please let me know!
Stacey Ward ATPE State President
140 Days and Nights: Use ATPE’s Advocacy Tools to Make the 88th Legislative Session Count
The Texas Legislature is debating bills that will affect public education for years to come. Find out what tools you can use to ensure lawmakers pass legislation that benefits your students and your profession.
14 Leadership ATPE: Discover Your Potential
As the application process for the next Leadership ATPE cohort opens, we caught up with Leadership ATPE alumni to learn where this professional learning experience has taken them in the association and beyond.
18 Books Beginning at Birth: Improving Early Childhood Literacy One Book at a Time
The Books Beginning at Birth program provides Texas families with children up to 4 years of age free access to print and digital books to support the development of early literacy skills and foster a love of reading in young children. Learn how you can help!
Special Sections
17 In Memoriam
Remembering Past State President Sam Spurlock
20 2023 ATPE Summit: Choose Your Own Adventure
Embark on new ATPE adventures during the 2023 ATPE Summit at Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Round Rock. This is a summertime safari like no other.
22 In Your Neighborhood
Join us as we visit ATPE “neighborhoods” all over Texas to get an inside look at what volunteers are doing to recruit, retain, and rejoice with their fellow ATPE members.
Everything Else
6 Calendar
7 Your Ally Tips for a Successful Evaluation
8 Regional Roundup
10 Your Voice Understanding State and Federal Advocacy for Your Retirement
11 PAC Honor Roll
24 Your ATPE
Using ATPE’s Professional Learning Portal I Wanted: Candidates for State Office I ATPE House of Delegates
Meeting I Member Discount for SXSW
EDU I Gen ATPE I ATPE Wellbeing Packages I Do You Enjoy Podcasts
During Your Commute?
31 Volunteer Spotlight
Meet LaMarcus Wallace, transportation facilitator, treasurer for Nacogdoches ATPE, and ATPE’s 2021-22 Campus Rep of the Year for local units with 201–500 members.
“I tailor it to the individual. I let them talk to me. I let them tell me what they’re passionate about. Then I will sell ATPE, but not before.”
— LaMarcus Wallace
The Atpe Vision
The Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) supports the state’s largest community of educators who are dedicated to elevating public education in Texas.
The Atpe Mission
ATPE advocates for educators and delivers affordable, high-quality products and services that give members the peace of mind needed to inspire student success.