2012 September Newsletter

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Workshop Provides Resources, Relaxation Association of Texas Photography Instructors


Newsletter September 2012

Three and a half days of intense photo instruction mingled with opportunities to share the insights of their peers was what the teachers attending the ATPI Summer Workshop for Instructors Only experienced June 6-9 at Allen High School in Allen, Texas. “I loved sharing ideas with colleagues from across the state, and as a result, I am leaving with lots of resources and techniques to try in the fall,” said Courtney Wellmann from College Station HS. “The workshop was rejuvenating and has me excited for the coming school year. ATPI instructors are a knowledgePhotoshop students gather around for instruction. photo Bradley Wilson able and fun bunch of creative professionals.” Over the past twenty years the workshop has Bootcamp members learned to create and maintain a provided instruction to over 600 teachers from not web site as well and manage social media such as twitter only Texas but Oklahoma, Minnesota and this year and facebook. California. “WordPress Bootcamp with Jake Palenske provided “This summer workshop was worth the trip from me the opportunity to feel safe in attempting the unknown California. ATPI is an impressive organization, one that when creating my school’s online news website,” Wende Summer Workshop combines the experience and expertise of committed Holland from Reynolds Middle School in Prosper, TX SPECIAL GUESTS: professionals with the hunger of teachers who are said. “Anything I may have messed up he was able to Skeeter Hagler striving to improve their instruction,” Jim McCarthy, back me out of and his easy explanations of all the ‘bells Pulitzer Prize Winner from Gregori HS in Modesto, CA said. “The 10 Minute and whistles’ of WordPress helped me polish the site.” Broadcast workshop provided a unique opportunity for For those new to photography or those looking to refresh Debbie Keller Adobe Education Leader me to focus on that one specific area of media instruc- their teaching techniques the Back to Basics class did tion that I haven’t found anywhere else. A valuable just that covering topics such as camera handling to lesJohn Knaur experience that will benefit my students.” son plans. ATPI Star of Texas Recipient Various classes were provided so those teaching art, “Part of ‘Back to the Basics’ was a photo assignment Jake Palenske photojournalism, broadcast or technology courses had using macro. I had no idea what macro was and now Raytheon several choices. I love it. I can’t wait to come back next year,” Melinda The 10-Minute Newscast provided hands-on instruc- Coalson from MacArthur HS in Irving, TX said. “PhotogSpecial Thanks: tion in producing and daily broadcast, Action Photography is my weak spot, but this workshop has given me •Krista Luter, Dusty Parrish raphy covered equipment and lighting needed in all more confidence, more resources, and more contacts.” and the office staff - Allen HS •Jeff Masure - Fort Worth Camera types of settings from the baseball field to the rodeo, No matter the class, teachers came away feeling Store Photoshop CS5 Certification prepared students to refreshed and ready for the classroom. •Daniela Birch - Adobe pass the Adobe exam in addition to learning teach“The workshop was a ‘pep talk’ to remind me that I’m •Betsy Waliszewski - O’Reilly ing tips to be used in the classroom and Wordpress Media/Rocky Nook doing what I’m supposed to do with my •Julie Simpson - Photographers God given talents,” Linda Wilson from Forum Caprock HS in Amarillo, TX said. “ It was •Josh Haftel - NIK Software great to meet other advisers from across •Logan Aimone - NSPA •Stephen Ditoro - Rangefinder the state who have the same problems •Bill Gratton - The MAC Group and difficulties that I have.” •Joel Bryant - WACOM

Volume 23 Issue 1 September 2012 A publication of the Association of Texas Photography Instructors

Leland Mallett, adviser at Mansfield Legacy High School, practices his video skills. photo Bradley Wilson

Summary of ATPI board of directors meeting June 5 in Allen, Texas Present: Deanne Brown, Jeff Grimm, Sue Jett, Mark Murray, Dusty Parrish, Dan Regalado, Bradley Wilson

UPCOMING ELECTION There will be an election this spring for president, first vice president and secretary. Write-in votes are allowed. There will also be a need for people to head up and work on committees. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please email Mark Murray.

WINTER CONFERENCE Feb. 8-10 at UT Arlington Scheduling changes:

1.The opening session on Friday covers rules and metadata and is mandatory. 2.Friday contests will include School Portfolio, Picture Pack- age, Video, Scavenger Hunt and Digital Photo. 3.Saturday contests will be Digital Editing and Cropped. 4.Twitter contest will run all weekend long. 5.The traditional college and vendor show is going to take a more “meet and greet” approach. 6.We will continue to offer the lunch option for Saturday. 7.We would like to offer bonus activities on Saturday, such as a Night-Photography Adventure, Planetarium, etc. 8.All hands-on sessions will be offered on Saturday to have access to more speakers. General sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Both hands-on classes will be Saturday after- noon. 9.General sessions (using teachers at the conference) will be offered on Sunday morning for 1 hour before keynote and awards.

Contest changes: 1.Environmental Portrait is now digital. All school entries must be on one disk or USB drive. A person may enter this contest and not be present at the Winter Conference, however some one from the school must be in attendance. 2.We will use jump drives to transfer files. At this point, we are trying to find a sponsor to donate the drives. If we do not get a sponsor, students will need to furnish their own.

IMAGEMAKER/TOP PROGRAM/RISING STAR 1.Students will continue to submit their images printed and

matted/mounted for these contests. 2.For the Imagemaker Team — philosophically, the officers agreed that contests which can count toward the Imagemaker recognition need to be statewide or larger, and need to be open to anyone. Approved contests must not require attendance at an event to participate and must not require membership in another organization (besides ATPI) to enter. The executive committee will set the list each sum- mer for the following year and publish the list of accepted contests for the year. Other contests will be added (or contests removed) that instructors petition us to add or remove. ATPI will provide links and information on those contests on its web site. The contests approved by the board

for 2012-13 include: ATPI Fall Contest, State Fair of Texas, PTA Reflections, Photographer’s Forum, 2013 Comm- erce Shoot-Out, 2013 Jostens, Alliance or Young Artists and Writers Scholastic Art Awards, Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Environmental Photographer of the year.


1.Students can enter no more than two in each of the two categories (photojournalism and fine art) for a total of no more than four entries.


1.The cost of membership will increase to $20 per year pend- ing membership vote this school year. 2. All teachers who have paid their membership by November will receive a free copy of The Best of Texas book.


1.We increased the allotment to scholarship for 2012 and will keep it at that level for 2013. 2.ATPI is financially solid. 3.We are considering offering a scholarship to attend the summer workshop for instructors. 4.Decided that ATPI should move toward some sort of model that supports the stipend of the executive director.


1.The Best of Texas High School Photography, Volume III book will be unveiled at the convention in November, with several being given away as prizes.

OTHER 1.Video division of ATPI. Members interested in seeing

this expand should develop some pilot projects including contests and student opportunities and present these to the Board.

Upcoming Dates:

Fall Photo Contest Deadline October 26, 2012 atpi.org

JEA/NSPA National Convention November 15-18 2012 sanantonio.journalismconvention.org.

Association of Texas Photography Instructors P.O. Box 121092 Arlington, TX 76012 Articles my be reprinted with the permission of the Association at P.O. Box 121092, Arlington, TX 76012. ATPI is a non-profit organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Craig Coyle , President Deanne Brown, Editor Sue Jett, Editor

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