2015 ATPI Winter Conference Program

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Association of Texas ­Photography Instructors Feb. 20-22, 2015



Workshop Overview Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 | University of Texas at Arlington Pre-registration: Not all classes

Submitted entry contest submission deadline......................................Feb. 19 SCHOOL PORTFOLIO, INDIVIDUAL PICTURE PACKAGE, ENVIRONMENTAL SELF-PORTRAIT, CROPPED ROUND 1

require pre-

Registration opens (Architecture Lobby).....................................................1 p.m.


Opening session (Architecture Theater).............................................. 2:30 p.m.

Consult your class

On-site contests* .................................................................................................. 3:15 p.m.

schedule and the program. Speakers should check-in at FA348A.



Class sessions......................................................................................................... 3:15 p.m. Class sessions......................................................................................................... 4:15 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 | University of Texas at Arlington Opening session.................................................................................................... 8:30 a.m. REQUIRED FOR THOSE WHO DIDN’T ATTEND YESTERDAY – FA148

On-site contests*..........................................................................................................9 a.m. CROPPED – FA148; DIGITAL EDITING – FA368

Class sessions................................................................................................................9 a.m. Class sessions............................................................................................................. 10 a.m.

Your individual

Class sessions.............................................................................................................. 11 a.m. Lunch (provided), ATPI business meeting..................................... noon-1 p.m.

schedule lists the

Hands-on classes*................................................................................... 1:15 - 3:15 p.m.

class period and

Hands-on classes*................................................................................ 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

room assignment for any classes that required

Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015 | University of Texas at Arlington Keynote and awards (Lone Star Theater)............................................ 9:30 a.m.

pre-registration. All of these classes are full. Please do not go to a different room if the same class is offered in multiple locations.


Class Schedule PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE CLASSES. Zero hour........................................................... 2:30 p.m. Friday 1st............................................................................ 3:15 p.m. Friday 2nd......................................................................... 4:15 p.m. Friday 3rd...........................................................................9 a.m. Saturday 4th........................................................................ 10 a.m. Saturday 5th......................................................................... 11 a.m. Saturday 6th.............................................................................noon Saturday 7th..................................................................... 1:15 p.m. Saturday 8th................................................................... 3:30 p.m. Saturday 9th.......................................................................9:30 a.m. Sunday

2 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Friday  1 p.m. REGISTRATION OPENS.........................................................................ART LOBBY FACULTY DIGITAL.................................................................................... FA 348A Trey Grissom

All faculty members will be registered into this contest. There is no entry fee, but teachers must bring their own digital camera. Teachers will be given several categories to select from. Images must be downloaded from the digital cameras by noon Saturday in FA348. Award recipients will be posted online at atpi.org. Materials: digital camera, any special equipment

2:30 p.m. REQUIRED OPENING SESSION......................................................... ARCHITECTURE THEATER Bradley Wilson and Deanne Brown

Before the workshop begins, instructors will review some basic rules for students and instructors guidelines for submission of all entries in the on-site digital contests and specific topics for the digital image and scavenger hunt contests.

3:15-4:05 p.m. DOCUMENTING THE VERNACULAR LANDSCAPE.......................................... FA 346

CONTESTS: Students and teachers should carefully note the requirements and supplies listed for each of the contests. No teachers or advisers will be allowed to advise or instruct students during competitions.

Peter Calvin

A presentation of documentary work dealing with the built environment in Texas and Mexico, the photographers who have influenced it, and how Calvin’s personal work informs his professional architectural work.


NIGHTSCAPE/ ASTRO-LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY...................................FA 327A Darren Huski

An introduction to night landscape photography. How to photograph the landscape and Milky Way in the dark of the night. Equipment, technique and tips to successfully photograph the stars and landscape.

THE AMERICAN CRAFTSMAN PROJECT AND BOOK....................................... FA 148 Tadd Myers

Myers will present the story and images from a personal photographic project he started in 2008 photographing various companies and individuals that handcraft beautiful products in America. The book, a 288-page, hardcover, coffee-table book, was released in 2013.

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 3

Friday  MODERN NEWSPAPER PHOTOJOURNALISM............................................FA 2102A Gerry McCarthy

McCarthy will discuss the myriad ways a newspaper photographer can tell stories and reach new audiences. He will cover everything from social media, like Instagram and Twitter, to new technologies that make capturing and sharing photos faster and easier.

All contests require preregistration as do portfolio critiques.

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

DIGITAL IMAGE CONTEST............................................................................FA 327 Craig Coyle, Trey Grissom, Michael Peña

The contest will provide students with a list of categories and two hours to photograph. Students will submit entries from a lab on campus. No manipulation of the images in software such as Adobe Photoshop will be allowed. Schools are limited to four contestants for this contest. Materials: digital camera, card reader or cables to connect the camera to a computer for downloading, any special equipment. Advanced registration required.

SCAVENGER HUNT CONTEST..........................................................ARCHITECTURE Sue Jett and Deanne Brown

This contest will challenge the students’ power of observation. The team of one to three students will be provided a list of items to photograph and two hours to photograph with a single camera. No more than three students on a single team. By 5 p.m. the team must turn in a point tally sheet and the camera storage card, which will be returned on Sunday morning. Materials: one digital camera. Advanced registration required.

N400 | FACULTY DIGITAL CONTEST.......................................................... FA 348A Trey Grissom

All faculty members will be registered into this contest. There is no entry fee, but teachers must bring their own digital camera. Teachers will be given several categories to select from. Images must be downloaded from the digital cameras by noon, Saturday, Feb. 21. Images will be judged from the computer. Materials: digital camera. Advanced registration required.

4 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Friday 4:15-5:05 p.m. DIGITAL BLACK-AND-WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY............................................FA 327A Darren Huski

An introduction to digital black-and-white photography. Learn how to make black-and-white images in camera and during post processing in your computer.

ANIMATION PRODUCTION AT UTA............................................................... FA 166 Mark Clive

FACULTY DIGITAL: Information sheets are available in

A revelation and discussion of the process of animation at UT– Arlington. View current and past student work in a variety of formats.

the hospitality

DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY................................................................. FA 148

no entry fee, but

Mona Reeder

teachers must

Three separate multimedia presentations of documentary picture stories - first piece contains stories from Texas, Arizona, California, and Hurricane Katrina, the second piece is a collection of international stories from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kurdistan, and the final piece is about The Bottom Line, an in-depth project which depicts the frayed social safety net caused by flawed public policies.

INTRO TO DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKING: THE FORGERS, FREAKS AND FOOLS........................................................FA 2102A Stacy Short, Matt Garnett and Annabel Thorpe

How students forge their way through different styles of documentaries to create award winning pieces, the freaks they deal with along the way, and the fools that really didn’t know what they were doing.

room. There is

bring their own digital camera. Images must be must be turned in to ACC Room 3140 (hospitality) by the deadline.

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference.

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 5

Saturday  8:30-9 a.m. REQUIRED FOR ANYONE NOT ATTENDING YESTERDAY OPENING SESSION..................................................................................... FA 148 Bradley Wilson and Deanne Brown

Before the workshop begins, instructors will review some basic rules for students and instructors guidelines for submission of all entries in the on-site digital contests and specific topics for the digital image and scavenger hunt contests.

9-9:50 a.m. A BRIEF HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING!................................................FA 357 Michael Peña

Except for the contests and portfolio reviews, the Friday and Saturday morning sessions do NOT require pre-registration. Attend any session that interests you.

Do you need some inspiration? Dive into a brief history of nearly everything photographic! After all, to understand where we are going, we must know where we have been.

BE AN ACTION HERO..................................................................................FA 358 Deanne Brown and Cindy Todd

“With great power comes great responsibility.” You may not be Spider-Man, but that press pass does give you the power and the responsibility to capture images that transform your publications’ pages. Channel your inner Peter Parker as we reveal the secrets of taking compelling action photos while on assignment. Step out from behind that shadow and assume your true identity.

CREATING YOUR AP PORTFOLIO................................................................ FA 346 Brenda Slatton

Want college art credit for your work but you aren’t taking AP Art? This class will go over the basics of AP Portfolio and get you ready turn in your portfolio this year.

CINEMAGRAPHS - MAKING MOVING PORTRAITS..........................................FA 327 Melanie Sherwood

Llook at the beautiful world of making still photography move. See demonstrations of techniques and ways you can use Photoshop to create Cinemagraphs and stop-motion animations. Leave the workshop with access to resources and how to add a new dimension to still photography.

FLIGHT OF THE DRONE...........................................................................FA 2102A Drew Loker

An overview of recent developments with remote-controlled aircraft and the impact on the photography industry.

6 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Saturday CAN THE IPHONE REPLACE YOUR DSLR?...................................................FA 327A Steve Baker

IPhone apps in iOS8, including Instagram, provide students with new ways to take pictures and to interpret scenes. The new technology also brings in new legal implications worth noting.

CREATIVE COLOR IN LIGHTROOM..............................................................FA 368C Brenda Marafioto

Adjusting color in LightRoom is so much more than saturation and vibrance. Learn to use hue, saturation, luminence, and split toning to enhance your photographs and take them to the next artistic level.

DIGITAL EDITING CONTEST.......................................................... FA 368, FA 368A Trey Grissom

Students will be given a series of scanned images and a period of time in which to use Adobe Photoshop to create a contest entry emulating the style of Scott Mutter. The emphasis of this contest is to see how creative the students can be. Students will use a computer lab on campus for this contest. This contest runs until 11 a.m. Materials: none. Advanced registration required.

CROPPED CONTEST.................................................................................... FA 148 Bradley Wilson

From the images uploaded to contest.atpi.org of a portrait of an adult over 50 years old, half of the students will be selected to move into the next round of the contest. In each round, students will have a specific amount of time to capture one image. After a quick critique from the judges, half of the students will be cropped from the group. Materials: digital camera. Advanced registration required.

10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. GOING FROM GOOD TO GREAT: MASTER SERIES..........................................FA 357 Michael Peña

What do some of history’s greatest photographers have to teach us about the creative process of making images? Get inspired and win more awards by learning from two masters of photography: Sam Abell and Henri Cartier Bresson.

Except for the contests and portfolio reviews, the Friday and Saturday morning sessions do NOT require pre-registration. Attend any session that interests you.

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference.

THE VISUAL PUZZLE.................................................................................FA 327A Steve Hamm

Extraordinary photos don’t just magically appear on the back of your camera because you are “cool.” Being aware of light, color, motion, angles and lens selection all contribute to your success in photography. Compiling these pieces of the visual puzzle will raise your photographic prowess as well as advance your ability to tell an interesting story with your images.

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 7

Saturday  WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY INSIGHTS...........................................................FA 358 Clint and Crystal Smith

Just showing up with your camera to a wedding doesn’t make you a great wedding photographer. It takes planning, teamwork and a basic understanding of business.

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY.....................................FA 327 Irwin Lightstone

Macro photography allows you to transform the commonplace into the exceptional. Indulge your sense of wonder by by learning to slow down and take a closer look.

Rooms for the morning sessions have limited space. If you arrive and the room is full, select another session to attend.

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

SHOOTING FOR THE EDIT........................................................................... FA 346 David Robb

Come learn how to improve the visual appeal of your broadcast journalism stories.

A LOOK AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL PORTRAITS.........................................FA 2102A Deanne Brown

One of the most successful contests ATPI has done has been the environmental self-portraits. Over the years, students and instructors have produced portraits with insight into their personalities and portraits that demonstrate their skill as a photographer. Discuss what makes a good environmental portrait and see this year’s winners.

BEGINNING PORTFOLIO REVIEWS.............................................................FA 376A For those just getting started, this portfolio review and contest will offer an opportunity for beginning students to have their work critiqued by other instructors from around the state. Portfolios will be judged after critiquing and awards will be presented to the top portfolios in both the beginning and advanced groups. Materials: No more than five images on USB. Advanced registration required.

ADVANCED PORTFOLIO REVIEWS.............................................................FA 368C

A personal critique for juniors or seniors, this is an excellent warmup for the Hal Fulgham Memorial Scholarship contest. Portfolios will be judged after critiquing and awards will be presented to the top portfolios in both the beginning and advanced groups. Materials: Five to 10 images on USB. Advanced registration required.

11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. SO YOU WANT TO GO PRO?.........................................................................FA 358 Christine Peirce Coleman

Here is the list and the order to accomplish becoming a professional, a discussion of the business side that must accompany the creativity.

8 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Saturday  TURN YOUR ADVENTURE INTO A BOOK...................................................... FA 346 Wes Ferguson and Jacob Botter

Wes and Jacob wanted to know more about the river that flows through their hometown, so they borrowed a boat and set off to explore. The adventure became the subject of their first book. During their session, they will describe the publication process, starting with their adventure and ending with the book launch.

CACTUS, STARS AND TIMELAPSE.................................................................FA 327 Roy Mata and Irwin Lightstone

From hobby to niche market, photographing cactus in studio and in the wild. Come see some techniques on lighting, time-lapse, and selling your work.

Rooms for the

ARCHITECTURAL HOTEL PHOTOGRAPHY.....................................................FA 357

have limited

Roger Hein

morning sessions

Hein will show what he did for an international photography company for a year, shooting images such as those of hotels on Expedia, Trivago, Priceline and Hotwire.

space. If you arrive

GETTING INTO FILM FESTIVALS.................................................................FA 327A

session to attend.

and the room is full, select another

Barton Weiss

Learn the film festival process from the inside out as Weiss, founder and director of Dallas Video Fest gives tips on how to select a festival to apply to, how to best get in and what to do once you get in to be successful.

Except for the contests and portfolio reviews,

SMALL TOWN KID, BIG CITY DREAMS......................................................FA 2102A

the Saturday

Mitchell Franz

morning sessions

Witness the development of Franz’ work from still photography to video production while hearing the experiences he has encountered along the way. Visual work will span from high school and college to imagery created for professional clients.

BEGINNING PORTFOLIO REVIEWS...............................................................FA 376 For those just getting started, this portfolio review and contest will offer an opportunity for beginning students to have their work critiqued by other instructors from around the state. Portfolios will be judged after critiquing and awards will be presented to the top portfolios in both the beginning and advanced groups. Materials: No more than five images on USB. Advanced registration required.

do NOT require pre-registration. Attend any session that interests you.

ADVANCED PORTFOLIO REVIEWS................................................ FA 368, FA 368C

A personal critique for juniors or seniors, this is an excellent warmup for the Hal Fulgham Memorial Scholarship contest. Portfolios will be judged after critiquing and awards will be presented to the top portfolios in both the beginning and advanced groups. Materials: Five to 10 images on USB. Advanced registration required.

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 9

Saturday  noon L200: LUNCH (PROVIDED).........................................................................LOBBY

All students and teachers should pick up their lunch in the lobby. Please help us out by disposing of all trash in the trash cans provided.

ATPI BUSINESS MEETING........................................................................... FA 346 Instructors only. Come sit in on our business meeting and find out about some of the future activities for the organization. Pick up your lunch in the lobby, and then come join us in 346.

1:15-3:15 p.m. (7th period) H101: COMIC BOOK ART WITH PHOTOSHOP................................................ FA 404 Andrew Ortiz

Use Adobe Photoshop to create amazing works of art. Deconstruct scanned comic books in Photoshop and create new narrative pieces in the style of artist Rubin Nieto. Materials: 3-4 comic books, USB drive

H102: ADVANCED PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES................................................FA 411 Leah Waters

This class assumes at least one year of experience with Photoshop and will look at additional techniques for editing images. Materials: USB drive with 10-15 images

H103: PAINTING WITH LIGHT...................................................................... FA 143 All of the Saturday afternoon, handson classes require pre-registration. Due to limited space, equipment and supplies, do NOT switch classes.

Drew Loker

Light. The raw material of photography. Come learn to use it as an artist uses oil paints to create their masterpieces. Materials: digital camera, black/dark clothing

H104: GETTING YOUR WORK ONLINE..........................................................FA 368 Mitchell Franz

A look at options for selling your work on the web, including SmugMug, Flickr and TwitPix, that can earn money and create a presence for your business, even as a student. Materials: none

H105: ENVIRONMENTAL PORTRAIT.............................................................FA 327 Brian Coats, Greg Kopriva, Ian McVea

Take your subject out of a sterile environment and put him or her into an environment that tells us something about the subject. Go on location to see how to get the most out of a portrait situation. Materials: camera

10 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Saturday  H106: DESIGN AND COMPOSITION............................................................ FA 2102 Michael Peña

After a brief discussion of photographic design and aesthetics, you’ll participate in a walking tour on the UTA campus to examine ways of seeing photographically. Materials: camera

H107: STUDIO PORTRAITURE................................................................... FA 290A Roger Hein

Lighting styles and lighting quality, posing tips and working with subjects in a formal studio setting will all be covered. Materials: camera

H108: PINHOLE PHOTOGRAPHY..................................................................FA 350 Ralph Howell

All of these sessions require

Learn how to make and use pinhole cameras. Materials: none


H109: SHOOTING WORKSHOP.................................................................... FA 348

space, equipment

Jacob Botter, Chad Smith

Perfect for the first-year photo student. Learn how to be a master of your camera. Composition, light metering in tricky situations, bulb and flash will all be covered. Bring your questions and your cameras! Materials: camera and external flash

Due to limited and supplies, do NOT switch classes.

H110: WORKING WITH SHUTTER SPEEDS.................................................... FA 346 John Knaur, “Stickboy” Powell, John Isaac

Blurring motion. Stopping motion. Panning. From Eadweard Muybridge’s photos of a horse running to today’s bursting balloons here is your chance to experiment with some of these techniques. Materials: camera and tripod

H111: SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY......................................................... FA 368A Laura Negri

Learn how to use some of the cool apps for smartphones to capture unique images. Materials: a smartphone with any of the following apps: Hipstamatic, Instagram, 645 Pro, ProHDR, SnapSeed

H112: ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY....................................................... FA 291

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

James Zeilan

Go out into the field and learn some of the skills required for photographing architectural interiors and exteriors. Materials: camera

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 11

Saturday  H113: LIGHTING ON LOCATION Mike McLean and Bryan Stewart....................................................................................................FA 327A Clif Palmberg.........................................................................................................................................FA 2105

Get the perfect lighting whether dealing with the bright sun of a daytime football game to the night lights of the city. Learn how to control the lighting by balancing available light with fill flash as well as slow/rear curtain sync flash or how to avoid the use of flash at all with techniques for supplementing existing light. Materials: digital SLR and external electronic flash

All of these sessions require pre-registration. Due to limited space, equipment and supplies, do NOT switch classes.

H114: LEARNING TO USE YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA.........................................FA 363 Craig Coyle

Did you get a new digital camera recently? Bring it to this hands-on workshop to learn how to do more than shoot with the auto/program mode. Materials: digital camera

H115: SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY.................................................................FA 2102A Darrell Byers, Steve Hamm

Learn ways to cover sports in the gym, the natatorium and the playing field. Materials: camera, extra lenses

H116: FINE ART PRINTING.........................................................................FA 376A Kenda North

Work with different paper types to learn the basics of inkjet printing. Materials: USB drive with at least 10 4Mb images

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

H117: CYANOTYPE LARGE SCALE IMAGERY.................................................. FA 349 Joshua Dryk

A classic alternative photographic method that dates to the 1840’s, this fun and inexpensive process produces a blue image on paper or fabric. Students will learn how to create a negative, coat, dry, and expose large pieces of fabric to create body portraits. Materials: a 4 megapixel image (approximately 2500 x 1500 pixels), this image must be turned in at registration on Friday on a USB drive labeled with the student’s name and school

H118: TABLE TOP AND PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY ........................................FA 350 Leighton McWilliams

Lighting and set-up of table top and small product photography with studio flash combining both products and food on different sets.The students will be able to work with different products with different lighting requirements and learn to use studio flash equipment. Materials: digital camera and tripod

12 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Saturday H120: LIGHTROOM: BEST PRACTICES FOR THE NEW USER..........................FA 368C Stan Godwin

Learn the basics of Adobe Lightroom - creating catalogs, importing images and creating Collections and Smart Collections. Materials: USB drive with collection of images

H122: WORKING WITH MODELS.................................................................. FA 148 Oliver Martinez, Roy Mata

Learn techniques for posing a model and working with light to capture the best portrait or advertising photograph. Materials: digital camera

H125: CINEMATOGRAPHY CAMERA TECHNIQUES.........................................FA 357 Dusty Parrish

Three basic things used in cinematography – composition, lighting and camera movement. Students will not only learn these three concepts, but each school will build a do-it-yourself slider unit to take home. Materials: video camera or DSLR with video capability

H127: VIDEO INTERVIEWING 101..................................................................FA 358 David Robb

Students learn the fundamentals of preparing for and conducting a video interview that includes more than just asking good follow-up questions but also includes framing and lighting. Materials: Video camera and tripodbus departs for studio at 3:25 p.m.

All of these sessions require pre-registration. Due to limited space, equipment and supplies, do NOT switch classes.

3:30-5:30 p.m. (8th period) H101: COMIC BOOK ART WITH PHOTOSHOP................................................ FA 404 Andrew Ortiz

Use Adobe Photoshop to create amazing works of art. Deconstruct scanned comic books in Photoshop and create new narrative pieces in the style of artist Rubin Nieto. Materials: 3-4 comic books, USB drive

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference.

H102: ADVANCED PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES John Smallwood.................................................................................................................................... FA 368 Leah Waters.............................................................................................................................................. FA 411 This class assumes at least one year of experience with Adobe Photoshop and will look at additional techniques for editing images. Materials: USB drive with 10-15 images

H103: PAINTING WITH LIGHT...................................................................... FA 143 Drew Loker

Light. The raw material of photography. Come learn to use it as an artist uses oil paints to create their masterpieces. Materials: digital camera, black/dark clothing

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Saturday  H105: ENVIRONMENTAL PORTRAIT.............................................................FA 327 Jacob Botter, Craig Coyle, Ian McVea

Take your subjects out of a sterile environment and put them into an environment that tells the viewer something about the subject. Go on location to see how to get the most out of a portrait situation. Materials: camera

H106: DESIGN AND COMPOSITION............................................................ FA 2102 Michael Peña

After a brief discussion of photographic design and aesthetics, you’ll participate in a walking tour on campus to examine ways of seeing photographically. Materials: camera

H107: STUDIO PORTRAITURE Roger Hein............................................................................................................................................FA 290A Krista Luter.............................................................................................................................................. FA 350 Chad Smith.............................................................................................................................................. FA 348

Visit atpi.org to visualize images from the top programs in Texas as well as some of the winners of the on-site competitions.

Lighting styles and lighting quality, posing tips and working with subjects in a formal studio setting will all be covered. Materials: camera

H110: WORKING WITH SHUTTER SPEEDS.................................................... FA 346 John Knaur, “Stickboy” Powell, John Isaac

Blurring motion. Stopping motion. Panning. From Eadweard Muybridge’s photos of a horse running to today’s bursting balloons, here is your chance to experiment with some of these techniques. Materials: camera and tripod

H111: SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY......................................................... FA 368A Laura Negri

Learn how to use some of the cool apps for smartphones to capture unique images. Materials: a smartphone with any of the following apps: Hipstamatic, Instagram, 645 Pro, ProHDR, SnapSeed

H112: ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY....................................................... FA 291 James Zeilan

Go out into the field and learn some of the skills required for photographing architectural interiors and exteriors. Materials: camera

H113: LIGHTING ON LOCATION Mike McLean and Bryan Stewart....................................................................................................FA 327A Clif Palmberg.........................................................................................................................................FA 2105

Get the perfect lighting whether dealing with the bright sun of a daytime football game to the night lights of the city. Learn how to control the lighting by balancing available light with fill flash as well as slow/rear curtain sync flash or how to avoid the use of flash at all with techniques for supplementing existing light. Materials: digital SLR and external electronic flash

14 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Saturday  H115: SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY.................................................................FA 2102A Darrell Byers, Steve Hamm

Learn ways to cover sports in the gym, the natatorium and the playing field. Materials: camera, extra lenses

H119: LIGHTING STILL PHOTOGRAPHY VS LIGHTING VIDEO.......................... FA 132 Gyorgy Beck

An overview of film-style lighting working with digital still cameras and HD video. Work with scenes in a production studio to learn how to tell a visual story. Materials: DSLR with video capability

H121: LIGHTROOM POWER SKILLS.............................................................FA 368C Stan Godwin

Have you worked with Lightroom but are ready to discover some of its secrets? This class is designed for someone who already knows the program but is ready to take advantage of some of the more powerful features of the Library, Develop and Print modules. Materials: USB drive with at least 10 RAW images.

H125: CINEMATOGRAPHY CAMERA TECHNIQUES.........................................FA 357

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference.

Dusty Parrish

Three basic things used in cinematography – composition, lighting and camera movement. Students will not only learn these three concepts, but each school will build a do-it-yourself slider unit to take home. Materials: video camera or DSLR with video capability

H126: BLACK-AND-WHITE CONTACT PRINTING............................................FA 350 Bryan Florentin

Take a digital image and convert it into a black-and-white negative that can be printed in a darkroom. Learn how to use polycontrast filters to adjust your results. Materials: a 4 megapixel image (approximately 2500 x 1500 pixels), this image must be turned in at registration on Friday on a jump drive labeled with the student’s name and school

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

H128: ADVANCED VIDEO STORYTELLING.....................................................FA 358 Clint Smith

Video, whether for news or entertainment, is all about storytelling. Learn techniques on how to be a better story teller in your videos. Materials: Video camera and tripod

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 15

Keynote • Received a bachelor’s in zoology from The New College, Madras University. • Began his career at the United Nations as a messenger, moving on to become a darkroom technician, and eventually a photojournalist. • In 2008, he co-authored a book, The Vale of Kashmir, about the people and landscape of Kashmir. Throughout his career Isaac has received numerous awards, including: • 1978: First prize in the Photokina International Photo Contest in Cologne, Germany • 1985: Picture of the Year from the Missouri School of Journalism • 1991: Best Outdoor Photograph of the Year from Graphis magazine


UNITED NATIONS AND NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER Sunday, Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m. | Lone Star Theater


ohn Isaac is an Indian-born photographer and author who has lived in New York City for the better part of his career and life. As a United Nations photographer from 1978 to 1998, Isaac covered everything from the Cambodian killing fields of Pol Pot and the famine in Ethopia to wars in Kuwait, Bosnia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Isaac has also been heavily involved with UNICEF (which promotes the survival, protection and development of all children worldwide through fundraising, advocacy, and education), and has worked with the likes of Michael Jackson, Luciano Pavarotti, Harry Beleafonte and Audrey Hepburn. (Ms. Hepburn chose Isaac’s portrait of her as her all time favorite photo of herself.) More recently, he has been working mainly in wildlife and travel photography. Isaac now shoots images of the wondrous and colorful varieties of people, places and wildlife.

• 1993: Named Professional Photographer of the Year by the Photographic Manufacturers and Distributors Association

16 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Digital files FILENAME CON_CAT_IDNUMBER.jpg where CON is an abbreviation of the contest as indicated at left and on the contest instruction sheet, CAT is an abbreviation of the category as indicated on the contest instruction sheet and IDNUMBER is the student’s identification number as printed on his or her name badge.

ALL digital images (including those in the faculty

FILE FORMAT All files should be saved as RGB, JPEG files at 300ppi unless otherwise instructed.

contest) must include metadata as indicated or they will be disqualified. Save files using the naming scheme indicated as RGB, JPEG files. Contest abbreviations (CON) Digital Image: DIG Faculty: FAC Digital Editing: EDIT School Portfolio: PORT Picture Package: PKG

METADATA Using Adobe Bridge (Metadata / IPTC Core / Description) or Adobe Photoshop (File / File Info / Description) put the following information in the field. Make note of the punctuation and order of material. Do NOT try to put content on separate lines. Just let it wrap. Contest name, student name (first then last), school (city, state); instructor name (first then last), instructor EXAMPLE Digital Editing 2015, John Doe, Leaguetown High School (Leaguetown, Texas); Jane Smith, instructor

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 17

Biographies STEVE BAKER is the photojournalism instructor and newspaper adviser at DeSoto High School. His professional career has spanned more than 40 years as a newspaper, magazine, and corporate photographer in addition to owning a 2,000 square foot studio. He has won awards in wedding photography as well as portraiture and commercial work in which he traveled extensively throughout the U.S. and Canada. | sbaker@desotoisd.org GYORGY BECK teaches film at UT–Arlington. He is known internationally as an artist, director, cinematographer and photographer. Beck graduated from the Theatre and Film Academy of Budapest, and received a scholarship from the Soros Foundation which enabled him to study at Miami University of Ohio from 1992-1993. An accredited member of the Hungarian Society of Cinematographers, he has received numerous awards for his camera work in film and television, including Best Camera Work at the 2005 Kamera Hungaria Festival and an Award of Merit from the Hungarian Academy of the Arts. His work has been exhibited extensively in Hungary, as well as in New York, Ljubljana and Berlin, and he often blends several disciplines into one show. Artist and craftsman, JACOB BOTTER is co-author of Running the River: Secrets of the Sabine, a nonfiction book that chronicles a 500-mile journey from the headwaters of the Sabine River to its end at the Gulf of Mexico. Botter lives in South Florida where he is concluding work on The Blanco Project and growing Georgia collards. DEANNE BROWN has advised The Featherduster newsmagazine and taught photojournalism at Westlake High School in Austin for 28 years. Three of her students have been named Texas High School Journalist of the Year and National High School Journalist of the Year. The newsmagazine has received the NSPA Pacemaker, CSPA Gold Crown, and ILPC Gold Star awards. Brown received the Edith Fox King in 2002, a TAJE Trailblazer Award in 2005 and was named the Max R. Haddick Teacher of the Year by ILPC last April. She is president of the Association of Texas Photography Instructors. | phototeacher13@yahoo.com DAN BRYANT started his photography career back in 1985, after graduating from East Texas State University (now Texas A&M–Commerce) with a degree in photography. He spent the first couple of years working with corporate location photographer, Greg Booth. After a two-year internship and traveling the globe, he set out on his own. After a trip to New York to make the rounds at the photo editors’ desks, he was off shooting for Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and others. In 1987 he landed a freelance contributor position with American Airlines, and he was again traveling the world shooting stories for American. His work today consists of a mixture of corporate and editorial clients. If he doesn’t have a camera in his hands you will probably find him out hiking or enjoying the outdoors. | dan@danbryant.com

DARRELL BYERS is a native of Arlington, with a bachelor’s in journalism from UT–Arlington. He has spent 30 years documenting moments large and small. From small towns to big cities, backroads to well-worn highways, Byers has looked for the stories that tie us each to one another. He has also been fortunate to cover a number of North Texas sporting milestones including Nolan Ryan’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Dallas’ Stars Stanley Cup run in 2000, two remarkable World Series runs by the Texas Rangers and more football (college and pro) than he can recall. In the process, his images have been featured in many major publications, including Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated and USA Today. | dbyers@aisd.net PETER CALVIN is a Dallas-based architectural photographer and filmmaker, holding a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Ohio University and an Master of Fine Arts from Texas A&M–Commerce. He has lived and worked in Mexico, built furniture, written for magazines and newspapers and played in a jazz trio. He photographs people, places and events for architectural, editorial, and corporate clients, in still and motion. MARK CLIVE has been a leader in the fields of motion graphics, animation, and visual effects in the Dallas/Fort Worth area since 1993. His commercial clients have included many Fortune 500 Companies. He has created numerous award-winning title sequences and effects for documentary films, from the Emmy Award-winning “After Goodbye, an Aids Story,” for PBS in 1993, to his current project, “Disaster at the Wilberg Mine.” As special effects editor for the acclaimed “Barney and Friends” PBS television show, Clive thrilled children for several years, providing the Barney magic they know so well. | mclive@uta.edu BRIAN COATS has spent most of his life capturing images of events and people on a personal and professional level. In his early 20s, he moved from Nebraska to Texas where he began his photography career. He also lived and worked in New York for several years before returning to Texas. His work has appeared in Fortune, Ladies Home Journal, Neiman Marcus, Parade magazine, TV Guide, USA Weekend and more. CHRISTINE COLEMAN is a teacher and a part-time, on-location photographer who prefers natural light and reflectors because she can only remember to charge one battery at a time. In her “freetime” she enjoys the luxury of Netflix, naps and chocolate. JOSH DRYK is a first-year MFA student at UT–Arlington with a focus in photography. He specializes in alternative and experimental photographic techniques. Prior to starting his graduate studies he completed an associate of arts degree in photography at Collin College in Plano followed by his Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography at Texas Woman’s University in Denton.

18 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Biographies Writer WES FERGUSON and photographer Jacob Croft Botter are the authors of Running the River: Secrets of the Sabine, a nonfiction book about their travels on the Sabine River. Wes and Jacob are working on a book about the Blanco River in the Texas Hill Country. | wesferguson@gmail.com BRYAN FLORENTIN said he approaches photography and installation in various ways. In recent years, his work had been exhibited in Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Cincinnati, Houston and Dallas. He is a senior lecturer in art at UT–Arlington and is chair of the South-Central Region of Society for Photographic Education. Florentin has an Master of Fine Arts in Photography from the University of North Texas and a bachelor’s in art and performance from the University of Texas at Dallas. A soon-to-be-graduate of Syracuse University — once he finally finishes that last class, MITCHELL FRANZ manages media and communications for a state-wide healthcare management company based in Victoria. However, he is still available for freelance photo and video assignments. He photographs a wide range of people, places and things from Ross Perot to Istanbul, Turkey to medical implants in Memphis. Franz photographs and assists with Jensen Larson Photography of Florida on larger wedding and commercial projects. A former award-winning scholastic journalistic, Franz actively participated in scholastic journalism during high school. In addition, he teaches at the Gloria Shields All-American Publications Workshop, ATPI and ILPC. | m.a.franz@gmail.com MATT GARNETT, a senior at Argyle High School, is the editor of the publication The Talon News. He also works as a freelance journalist for Dallas Morning News, Denton Record Chronicle, Dave Campbell’s Texas Football, MaxPreps, Fox Sports Southwest and other media outlets. Garnett is an avid member of the #txhsfbMediaMafia via his Twitter handle, @matt_garnett. | matt@thetalonnews.com STAN GODWIN taught in and coordinated the photography program at Texas A&M–Commerce for 30 years. He was the lead for one of the first five digital photography programs at American universities. At retirement Godwin was the interim-head of the art department. He was awarded the ATPI Star of Texas in 2005. Godwin has taught more than 200 workshops on Cape Cod and in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, California, Georgia, Louisiana and Florida and continues to shoot professionally and personally. He is a nationally recognized educator of Adobe Lightroom, HDR, raw, Lenbaby lenses and color management and profiling. His photographic work has been published in hundreds of magazines, newspapers and books over the last four decades. Godwin received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rochester Institute of Technology and a master’s from Texas A&M–Commerce. | www. stangodwin.com, stan@stangodwin.com

STEVE HAMM is in his 13th year of teaching photography students at Arlington High School, where he said he has one of the best jobs in the world. “It’s exciting encouraging my students to think outside of the box and not be afraid to take a risk with a camera. It’s awesome witnessing beginning students as they are praised by their peers over capturing an awesome image after all of the photographic planets line up.” | shamm@aisd.net ROGER HEIN earned his applied bachelor’s degree in photography and never looked back. Hein has used photography in some way, shape or form to support himself as a professional photographer. Hein continues to shoot as a freelancer in and around the Dallas / Forth Worth area. He shoots architecture, executive portraits, products and has used his video skills to produce trailers and a local commercial. | rhein@aisd.net RALPH HOWELL is a fine arts photographer and teacher who has constructed more than 110 different pinhole cameras from found objects that take unusual images without lenses or viewfinders. His artwork has been featured in the PBS series, “EGG the Arts Show” and a CBS episode of “Texas Country Reporter.” He has conducted numerous workshops in pinhole photography, 3D photography, alternative processes, and digital photography throughout the United States and Europe. He received his Master of Fine Arts at the University of Texas in San Antonio, has an extensive exhibition record, and has been a recipient of several grants in art and education. | rhowell@smhall.org DARREN HUSKI is a photographer and writer from Fort Worth. He photographs the far reaches of the Lone Star State, across the Great Plains and throughout the Rocky Mountain West. Huski chases light across the big open landscapes of the American West looking for the empty places, lonely mountains and big sky. | wildernessphotographer@gmail.com SUE JETT has taught journalism and advised publications for 27 years. She received degrees in journalism and English from Southeast Missouri State University. For the last 17 years she has taught at Churchill High School in San Antonio. Jett is a member of the Journalism Education Association and serves on the boards of ATPI and TAJE. | suecjett@yahoo.com JOHN KNAUR’s photographic career began in 1970 while in college working as a lab tech and later a photojournalist for the local paper. In 1976 he moved to Arlington and began freelancing in the area. Olympus Cameras hired him as a field technical representative and photographer in 1978. From 1978 until 2011 his work with Olympus included corporate and product photography, audiovisual production, and, with the advent of digital cameras, marketing. His activities allowed him to photograph events such as the Republican and Democratic conventions, the Pan Am Games, Detroit Grand Prix, Indy 500, World Cycling Championships and many other venues. Knaur has also been an instructor at the ATPI Summer Workshops, a guest speaker since the 1980s and is a Star of Texas recipient. | johnknaur@mac.com

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Biographies GREG KOPRIVA is a Fort Worth-based commercial photographer, received his bachelor’s in photography from East Texas State University (now Texas A&M–Commerce). He has extensive experience with a broad range of clients across North America and has taught photography, both analog and digital, to all ages and skill levels. He is employed with Heritage Auction Galleries and maintains a freelance commercial photography business. gfkopriva@gmail.com IRWIN LIGHTSTONE is president of the North Texas Cactus and Succulent Society and past president of the Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies. He led numerous photographic seminars throughout the state including Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth, Plano, Kerrville, McKinney, and Dallas and was a featured speaker at the Gulf States Photographic Conference. Additionally, he led programs sponsored by the Dallas Museum of Art, the Dallas Arboretum and the International Photography Hall of Fame and the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. His photography has won numerous awards and is often featured in the Cactus and Succulent Journal. DREW LOKER has been an avid photographer for more than 25 years, with many of those years as a wedding photographer and photojournalist/photo editor in addition to high school photography teacher. Loker said his favorite photography is landscape and long exposure images, but he also enjoys people photography and even the weddings because of the opportunity to define the moment with powerful images. During the past several years, Loker has worked in the classroom to help students understand the importance of defining their “dash” with great imagery, to not just GO shoot pictures, but to DO life-defining activities — and shoot their life. www.drewloker.com | drewloker@gmail.com KRISTA LUTER is a fine arts photographer and the commercial photography teacher at Allen High School. As a professional photographer, Luter has mostly specialized in children and family portraiture. Her landscapes have been in galleries in Florida. “I have the perfect job. I get to work with kids and work on my own photography. Who could ask for more than that?” | Krista_Luter@ allenisd.org G.J. McCARTHY is a staff photographer at the Dallas Morning News, where he’s worked since 2007. He has been a part of the team coverage of such stories as the West, Texas chemical plant explosion, the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, and Hurricane Ike’s 2008 devastation of the Texas Gulf Coast. His contributions to the paper’s sports coverage range from high school to professional action, and he has covered the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup series and NBA championships. He graduated from the University of Texas School of Journalism in 2002. | gmccarthy@dallasnews.com

MIKE McLEAN is a Texas-based freelance photojournalist and teaches photojournalism workshops throughout the nation. In 2004 he was inducted into the Journalism Hall of Fame. As a staff photographer for the Dallas Times Herald he served on a reporting team nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the crash of Delta flight 191 at the DFW airport. He is a co-author of Get The Picture published by Jostens and developed a digital photojournalism curriculum for a university based in Colorado. He is the director of the photojournalism course sequence for A BackPack Journalist, an educational services and event support company, providing curriculum, workshops and events for military. Working as a freelance photojournalist for 20 years, his images have appeared in publications such as Newsweek, Forbes, Rolling Stone, Outside and Climbing magazines. With clients such as American Red Cross, Motorola, Discovery Channel and Sony Music, McLean sees his role as a visual storyteller: “Your story, my eyes” he says. | McLeanPhoto.com British-born photojournalist IAN McVEA was raised in Southeast Asia and East Africa. He is a graduate of the UT–Arlington College of Business with a degree in management and was on staff at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for 25 years, until 2014, serving as staff photographer, photo editor and director of photography. He now teaches photography and video at Martin High School in Arlington and also teaches digital photography certification classes at UT—Arlington. He still freelances for area newspapers, magazines and the Associated Press. He’s happiest shooting film. | mcvea@uta.edu LEIGHTON McWILLIAMS is associate chair and an associate professor in the Department of Art and Art History at the UT–Arlington. He has 40 years experience in photojournalism, commercial photography, film/ video production, and fine art photography. His work is shown throughout the country and internationally. | leighton@uta.edu BRENDA MARAFIOTO is the photography teacher at Robert G. Cole High School and a lifestyle and event photographer in San Antonio. Marafioto has been teaching photography for eight years and has developed new photography programs at the KSAT magnet program and at Cole High School. Her students have won numerous photography awards through ATPI and VASE and have developed gallery partnerships with multiple businesses and organizations in San Antonio. | bmarafioto@fshisd.net OLIVER MARTINEZ is a freelance photographer working in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and proud graduate from the Texas A&M–Commerce photography program. | olivermartinezphoto. com, oliver@olivermartinezphoto.com ROY MATA is a graduate of Westlake High School and the Brooks Institute of Photography. He is a freelance photographer in Austin. | roymata9@hotmail.com

20 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Biographies TADD MYERS is an award-winning photographer who specializes in advertising, corporate, and editorial projects around the world. Myers’ extensive client list includes advertising agencies such as The Richards Group, Arnold World Wide, TM Advertising, Young & Rubicam, and companies such as MD Anderson, Dr Pepper, American Airlines and Sears Craftsman among many others. Tadd discovered photography through his father’s printing company in Houston, where at an early age he began operating a printing press and working in the darkroom. His passion for photography led him to Texas A&M–Commerce, where he earned a bachelor’s in photography with a minor in computer science. This combination of artistry and inquisitiveness, he said, drives him to look beyond what is in front of his camera lens, and makes the images he creates so alive with emotion and the feeling there’s a story you want to hear behind each moment captured. | AmericanCraftsmanProject.com, TaddMyers.com, tmyers@taddmyers.com LAURA NEGRI teaches photojournalism, journalism, audio video production, digital media, newspaper and yearbook at a non-traditional high school on the southwest side of Houston. She learned photography at a small-town East Texas newspaper, shooting everything from car accidents to prize-winning calves. | laura.negri@aliefisd.net KENDA NORTH is professor and head of photography at UT–Arlington, where she has been on the faculty since l989. She has had more than 50 one-person exhibitions and more than 100 group exhibitions, both nationally and internationally. Her work is in major collections throughout the U.S. and Europe and is represented by Craighead-Green Gallery in Dallas. | www. kendanorth.com, kenda@uta.edu ANDREW ORTIZ was born in Los Angeles and has been a resident of Arlington since 1997 when he began his teaching career with the UT–Arlington art and art history department. In 2004 he earned tenure and was promoted to associate professor. He teaches photography and digital imaging to undergraduate and graduate students at the university. | ortiz@uta.edu CLIF PALMBERG works for Balfour yearbooks in the Dallas area. Palmberg has a background in photojournalism and is a graduate of Kansas State University. He has worked for and been published in newspapers and magazines from Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. | clif.palmberg@ balfour-rep.com DUSTY PARRISH. Wow. He teaches audio-visual courses at Allen High School. He was an Adobe education leader for nearly 10 years. He said he loves teaching, making films, audio and art. He loves collaboration and has founded and encouraged many contests such as the Global Video Battle and the ATPI video contests. Such mustache. Such amaze. Many cool. | dusty_parrish@allenisd.org

MICHAEL PEÑA teaches at Deer Park High School, his alma mater. He is the proud father of two little girls and is serving his first term as ATPI vice president. | mpena@dpisd.org BRYAN “STICKBOY” POWELL started his career in photography when he was just a kid. Back in the ’80s, he would model in his short tight blue PE shorts thinking he would be the next big fashion model. After several years of being laughed at, he decided that being on the other side of the lens might be a better place for him. “How wrong I was; but I have wasted all of this time and money on being a photographer, so I thought I might stick it out.” | stickboy@stickboyproductions.biz As a documentary photographer, MONA REEDER has traveled the world covering social issues, war zones, global disasters, and politics. Her work was awarded the prestigious Visa d’or Daily Press Award in Perpignan, France, the Robert F. Kennedy Award, and she was a 2008 Pulitzer Prize finalist. For more than two decades her photographs have been recognized in state, national and international competitions such as World Press Photo, Pictures of the Year International, and Best of Photojournalism. She is a frequent speaker at photography conferences and also as an instructor in photography workshops. After working for several years at newspapers in California, Arizona, and Texas, she is pursuing a Master of Fine Arts in photography at UT–Arlington. | mona. reeder@mavs.uta.edu DAVID ROBB has advised the newspaper and broadcast at Pflugerville High School since 2010. His newspaper staffs have won the NSPA Pacemaker, CSPA Crown and ILPC Bronze Star. Individually, his students have been awarded the ILPC Tops in Texas, CSPA Gold Circle and NSPA Multimedia Story of the Year. Their work has also been featured on PBS NewsHour. | david. robb@pfisd.net MELANIE SHERWOOD, a reluctant still photographer, spent 13 years as an art director in television making still images move in space and time before moving into education. She’s taught graphic design, illustration and commercial photography and now animation. | melanie.sherwood@austinisd.org STACY SHORT is the adviser of the The Talon News, which encompasses a website, social media, broadcast videos, writing, and photography. Short graduated from Texas Woman’s University with a master’s in English, but has been passionate about journalism her whole life, growing up on the sidelines with her uncle who was the editor of her hometown newspaper in Weatherford. | sshort@argyleisd.com In her 25th year of teaching, BRENDA SLATTON advises the online newspaper and the yearbook at Robert E. Lee High School in San Antonio. The school has won the Rising Star award the past two years, mostly due to students’ AP Portfolio preparation. | bslatt@neisd.net

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Biographies JOHN SMALLWOOD has been a photography teacher for 25 years in Killeen Independent School District and is the commercial photography instructor at the KISD Career Center. His father and grandmothers loved taking photos, which is where he thinks his desire to teach photography comes from. He started teaching using pinhole cameras and the darkroom, and now loves digital editing images using Adobe Photoshop. | john.smallwood@ killeenisd.org CHAD D. SMITH is an accomplished photographer with more than 25 years of teaching experience in photography on many levels. He is a professor of photography in the Department of Art at Texas A&M–Commerce. Before teaching, Smith was a commercial photographer and videographer in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Smith has numerous awards, and his photographs have been exhibited and collected both nationally and internationally and are part of the permanent collection at the Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida. He was also the director of photography for the internationally acclaimed cult classic feature length film “Blood Suckers from Outer Space.” | chad. smith@tamuc.edu CLINT SMITH is the photography and online media adviser at Texas High School in Texarkana. He and his wife, Crystal, also work as a team photographing weddings. | clint.smith@txkisd.net CRYSTAL SMITH is the owner of Little Bird Studio in Texarkana. Her specialty is infant portraiture. However, she and her husband, Clint, work as a team photographing weddings as well. BRYAN STEWART has been a professional freelance photographer for 19 years. He has been published in several magazines over his career to include Rolling Stone and Nashville Lifestyles. Stewart has shot for documentaries on pro bull riding, NASCAR racing and rock and ice climbing. Stewart makes his living by shooting editorial and lifestyle photography for newspapers, magazines and ad agencies, as well as shooting weddings and events. He has taught photojournalism all over the country for the last 17 years and has taught photography at the local college in Tyler for the last three years. | stewbphoto@gmail.com ANNABEL THORPE is the managing editor for The Talon News. She is a second-year staffer and recently directed the UIL film state finalist “Rubber Band Reminders.” Thorpe will serve as editor of the paper next year.

TANYA VITELA is a senior photography student at UT–Arlington. Her work consists of identity through portraiture with a keen sense of lighting. Her experiences have included working in the studio, printing lab, black and white darkroom, as well as black and white film processing. Throughout her three years at UT–Arlington, her professors and peers have helped her understand the fundamentals of photography as well as other key aspects of artistry. LEAH WATERS, CJE, advises media publications and teaches photography at Creekview High School in Carrollton. Waters teaches art through photography in her 2D Studio Art class, as well as the visual side of journalism in her foundation classes. Waters has also traveled to parts of Africa and Europe, photographing people in rural villages, as well as the business of urban communities. | lwaters6609@gmail.com BART WEISS, an associate professor of UT–Arlington, is an awardwinning independent film and video producer, director, editor and educator, who has lived in Dallas since 1981. He is mostly known as the director and founder of the Dallas VideoFest. He produces the TV show “Frame of Mind” on KERA TV in Dallas, and is the artistic director of 3 Stars Cinema. He has been a video columnist for the Dallas Morning News, Dallas Times Herald, and United Features Syndicate. Weiss received an Master of Fine Art in Film Directing from Columbia University in 1978 and a bachelor’s in radio, TV and film from Temple University in 1975. BRADLEY WILSON, Ph.D., is an assistant professor and director of student media at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. Publications he advised have received the highest awards from the Associated Collegiate Press and Columbia Scholastic Press Association. He is the editor of the publications for the national Journalism Education Association. He has received the Robin F. Garland Educator Award from the National Press Photographers Association in 2013, the Carl Towley Award from JEA, the Pioneer Award from the National Scholastic Press Association and the Star of Texas from ATPI. | ­bradleywilson08@gmail.com JAMES ZEILAN, owner of Zeilan Photographic Design, shoots commercial/corporate and architectural projects. Zeilan teaches beginning and advanced photography and Adobe Photoshop along with other digital imaging programs part-time at the Dallas County Community College District. He also provides private lighting seminars | http://www.zeilanphotographic.com, jimmyzphoto@gmail.com

CINDY TODD advises the El Paisano yearbook and teaches photojournalism at Westlake High School in Austin. In her 24 years of advising, her students’ publications have earned top awards from ILPC, CSPA, NSPA and TAJE. Awards Todd has received include the 2012 H.L. Hall National Yearbook Adviser of the Year, Max Haddick Teacher of the Year Award, TAJE Trailblazer, CSPA Gold Key, NSPA Pioneer and JEA Medal of Merit. Todd is a past president of TAJE and teaches workshops around the country. | ctodd@eanesisd.net

22 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Acronyms •

CSPA — Columbia Scholastic Press Association, http://cspa.columbia.edu/

JEA — Journalism Education Association, http://jea.org/

ILPC — Interscholastic League Press Conference, http://www.uiltexas.org/journalism/ilpc

NSPA — National Scholastic Press Association, http://www.studentpress.org/nspa/

TAJE — Texas Association of Journalism Educators, http://www.taje.org/

UIL — University Interscholastic League, http://www.uiltexas.org/

VASE — Visual Arts Scholastic Event of the Texas Art Education Association, http://www.taea.org/vase/

SURVEY What do you want us to know? Visit atpi.org to give us feedback on how we can improve the conference. Jot down your ideas here and then share your thoughts in the online survey. What was your favorite session? Why?

What was your least favorite session? Why?

Who was your favorite speaker? Why?

Was your participation in the contests productive? Why?

If you could change one thing about the winter conference, what would it be?

Upload your fun 2015 conference images to Twitter or Instagram using the ATPI hashtag to be eligible to receive a prize. #ATPIWC15

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2015 Summer Photography Workshop


Classes to be determined 31st annual begins Tuesday, June 23, noon ends Friday, June 26, 2 p.m. $250 Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Austin, Texas ATPI.ORG

24 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Other ATPI Opportunities Several ATPI contests have deadlines this spring. Students and teachers should be planning to enter these contests now. Entry forms for all contests can be found at http://www.atpi.org/contests/.



TOP PROGRAM PORTFOLIO CONTEST Due April 25, 2015 http://atpi.org/topprogram/


Due May 2, 2015 http://atpi.org/imagemaker/ Texas Imagemaker selections are based on awards students have received in state and national photography contests. There is no fee for entering. For 2014-2015, the ATPI Board has changed the procedures for applying for the Imagemaker Team. As long as a) more than one school participates in a contest; and b) both the entry rules and the list of winners are available online on a public website, the contest can be included on the application. ATPI will require entrants to include the URLs on the entry forms with the student’s name easily identified on the list of winners. The points will be awarded as indicated on the website — http:// www.atpi.org/imagemaker/.

The Top Program will be awarded to the school with the highest number of winning portfolios, with four points awarded for a first place portfolio in each category, three points for second place, two points for third place and one point for honorable mention. Sponsoring teacher must be a Texas member of ATPI. Schools enter portfolios in up to four of the following categories: • Documentary/Photojournalism • Architecture • Landscape/Nature • Sports • Portrait • Still Life • Thematic

rising ★r st Portfolio Contest RISING STAR PORTFOLIO CONTEST

HAL FULGHAM SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP PORTFOLIO Due April 25, 2015 http://atpi.org/fulgham/ $1000 for first place, $500 for second place and $250 for third place

Portfolios will compete in either a fine art or a photojournalism category, which must be indicated on the entry form. $5 entry fee per portfolio. Portfolio Requirements: • Sponsoring instructor must be a Texas ATPI member • The portfolio should show consistency and reflect the student’s personal vision or style. Students may only receive one scholarship award. The student does not have to major in photography in college to receive the Hal Fulgham scholarship.

Due April 25, 2015 http://atpi.org/risingstar/ Co-sponsor: PhotoVideo.edu (The MAC Group) Designed for schools that don’t feel ready for the Top Program portfolio contest, this contest provides an opportunity for schools to compete in a school portfolio contest just for them. $10 entry fee per portfolio; $20 maximum. Winning school will receive a lighting kit and a workshop with Tony Corbell to learn how to use it at the school’s site. Schools enter portfolios in three of the following categories: • Documentary/Photojournalism • Architecture • Landscape/Nature • Sports • Portrait

Sharon Jacobus

Memorial Scholarship for future educators

SHARON JACOBUS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Due April 25, 2015 http://atpi.org/jacobus/ $500 for first place

For future educators, this scholarship is available to a Texas graduating senior. Applicants submit written and photographic materials and are expected to show registration into a program of teacher preparation to receive the cash scholarship. Co-sponsored by Arlington Camera.

ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas | 25

Brown | Peña | Jett | Coyle | Waters | Wilson | Murray

ATPI Officers DEANNE BROWN President Westlake High School dbrown2@eanesisd.net

CRAIG COYLE Past President Martin High School mcoyle@aisd.net

BRADLEY WILSON Senior Consultant Midwestern State University bradleywilson08@gmail.com

MICHAEL PEÑA Vice President Deer Park High School mpena@dpisd.org

LEAH WATERS Contest Committee Chair Creekview High School lwaters6609@gmail.com

MARK MURRAY Executive Director Arlington ISD mmurray@atpi.org

SUE JETT Secretary Churchill High School sjett@neisd.net

ANDREA NEGRI Newsletter Editor Alief Hastings HS andrea.negri@aliefisd.net

Credits CO-SPONSORED BY The University of Texas at Arlington Art & Art History Department Robert Hower, professor and chairperson Kenda North DOOR PRIZES Adobe Balfour Jostens

THANKS TO Faculty, staff and students of the University of Texas at Arlington Art & Art History Department Our special guest Brenda Hipsher from PhotoVideo.edu. Drew Hendrix, Red River Paper And thanks to John Dryk, Mitchell Franz and Trey Grissom for their overall assistance.

PHOTOVIDEOEDU is a special program for college and university students and educators in all schools. High school students who register online at PhotoVideoEDU.com will be extended the opportunity to take advantage of special discounts usually reserved for college students. Just visit PhotoVideoEDU at the event on Saturday to secure your eligibility through July 31, 2015. This special offer is made to attendees of ATPI Winter Conference as a way to support aspiring photographers who are still in high school.

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference. 26 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas

Visit atpi.org to complete a SURVEY of the 2015 conference.

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The University of Texas at Arlington F15 36 35 F5






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S. West St.






33 Parking 14 25 26 27 28 29 31

F-2 A-6 B-5 B-4 C-2 C-4 C-1

30 33 34 35 36 38 47 49 50 51 52 55 56

C-3 D-2 D-2 D-1 E-1 F-2 F-4 E-5 E-6 F-6 F-5 G-5 G-6

F1 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 UCH F13 F15 F16 F17 F48

B-4 C-2 C-2 D-2 E-2 D-3 D-4 E-5 F-2 E-2 E-2 F-4 E-1 G-5 G-5 G-5

Bookstore Campus Ctr Davis Hall Engineering Annex Garage Nedderman Drive 46 48

MAC Maverick Activities Center F-2

FA Fine Arts 50 Building

D-3 D-4 E-2

PARKING is available on campus on not marked E-4 the weekends in any spot SC:C-1 E-4“Handicapped Only.” “At All Times” orG-5 G-5 BUSSES must park at the parking lot on the south side of Maverick Stadium on Mitchell, west of Davis Drive. (Daycare Parking)

28 • ATPI WINTER CONFERENCE | Feb. 20-22, 2015 | Arlington, Texas




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