ATS Brochure 2014

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Transforming Leaders for the Church and the World

ATS offers quality programs in:

Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Christian Education Intercultural and Urban Studies Intercultural Ministries Pastoral Counseling Counseling Advanced Pastoral Studies Pastoral Studies Theological Studies Theology Transformational Urban Leadership MBA - Biblical Stewardship & Christian Management Managing Non-Profit Organizations Professional Christian Fundraising Pastoral Ministry Biblical Interpretation Lay Counseling


Grad. Dip.









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ATS is an evangelical, interdenominational, multicultural theological institution that serves the needs of the Asian church and beyond by training and equipping Christian men and women to be competent, Spirit-filled servant-leaders who will, by the Spirit of God, effect Biblical transformation in society and the world, for the cause of Christ and the glory of God.

Accreditations: Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA), Asia Theological Association (ATA), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)


GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIBLICAL LANGUAGES A 30-unit 1-½ year Degree Program The Graduate Diploma in Biblical Languages is a one and a half to two year degree program designed for pastors, church workers, translators, educators in Bible schools or seminaries, and lay people who want to learn biblical Hebrew and/or Greek for responsible interpretation of Scripture. The program nurtures integrated spirituality: cultivating respect for the Word of God, interpreting it in light of both biblical and present-day contexts, and appropriating it for personal and corporate life. Its specific focus is the responsible interpretation of the Old and New Testaments using the biblical languages and the practice of genre-based exegesis. At the end of the program, students will have developed the ability to translate, read and memorize Hebrew and/or Greek passages, and use the biblical language(s) in their exegetical paper(s) in the context of everyday ministry. Students are required to complete 27 units of course work, prerequisite courses Writing Academic Papers and Introduction to the Bible, and participate in one Care Group. This can be a ladderized degree towards the ATS M.Div. program.

MASTER OF DIVINITY IN BIBLICAL STUDIES A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies is designed to provide the biblical, theological, and ministerial foundations for church ministry. In addition, it prepares students to train pastors and church workers in a Bible school or seminary setting. The program nurtures integrated spirituality: cultivating respect for the Word of God, interpreting it in the light of both biblical and present-day contexts, and appropriating it for personal and corporate life. Its specific focus is the responsible interpretation of the Old and New Testaments using the biblical languages and the practice of genre-based exegesis. In addition to classroom studies, students are required to complete one internship and three Care Groups as part of their integrated learning.


MASTER OF DIVINITY IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The Master of Divinity in Christian Education is designed to prepare students for leadership in church and para-church educational programs. It enables students to formulate a biblical philosophy of education, understand principles of the teachinglearning process, and develop skills and values essential for teaching and administering educational programs in various settings. Key objectives of this concentration include holistic formation (academic, spiritual, and professional) and praxis (the integration of theory and practice).

MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION A 57-Unit Two-Year Degree Program The Master of Arts in Christian Education is designed for persons who desire to prepare for leadership positions in church and para-church organizations including formal education ministries. This program will enable students to grow in their ability to formulate a biblical philosophy of education and to apply that philosophy to the Asian context. Students will gain an understanding of basic principles of teaching and learning as well as develop specific competencies for teaching, organizing, and administering educational programs. The students will learn to design curricula to fit the needs of their target audience. Growth in ability to apply selected principles of pedagogy and andragogy to specific age groups and to families is a key objective of the Master of Arts in Christian Education. This program also addresses students' needs to be theologically informed and to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. The Master of Arts in Christian Education builds upon the Graduate Diploma in Christian Education. As a degree program it focuses on Christian Education as a profession.

GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION A 27-Unit One-Year Degree Program The Graduate Diploma in Christian Education is designed for those students who are seeking a stronger background in education from a Christian perspective but will be pursuing CE as an avocation or adjunct ministry rather than a career. It is a practitioner's course for CE workers, pastors, teachers, or church leaders those involved in the planning, management, and delivery of educational services of church and para-church organizations. It contains basic CE courses included in the higher CE programs. Provision is made for CE students to choose a development-based (preschoolers, children, youth, adults) or a family-oriented course as part of their concentration. 4

MASTER OF DIVINITY IN INTERCULTURAL AND URBAN STUDIES A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The Master of Divinity in Intercultural and Urban Studies is designed to meet the needs of those students who are called to a career as pastors, evangelists, church planters, church workers, mission administrators and traditional and tentmaking missionaries, particularly in Asian and 10/40 window countries and urban centers. As an M.Div. program, this major includes the Biblical and theological grounding needed for professional ministry. Key objectives of this major include holistic formation (academic, spiritual, and professional) and praxis (the integration of theory and praxis). In addition to classroom studies, Master of Divinity in Intercultural and Urban Studies students are required to complete the internship program and participate in care groups for three semesters.

MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERCULTURAL MINISTRIES A 57-Unit Two-Year Degree Program The purpose of the Master of Arts in Intercultural Ministries is threefold. First of all, it is designed to prepare pastors, evangelists, church planters, church workers, mission administrators, traditional and tent making missionaries including OFWs and missionary candidates to be more effective communicators of the gospel in both multi-cultural and cross-cultural contexts, particularly in Asian and 10/40 window countries and urban centers. The students will develop a spirituality that integrates Biblical/theological perspectives into a framework for doing missions ministry. They will become theologically informed and grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Using a series of seven Bible and Theology courses the M.A. core curriculum will ground the students in the Scriptures. Second, the program is designed (primarily through the Plan A, thesis track) to give qualified missions students extended time to analyze a current or future mission strategy, or a particular mission problem, that will result in enhanced current or future missions strategy. Third, it is designed (through Plan B, non-thesis track) to give Master of Arts in Intercultural Ministries students options for further Biblical studies and missions coursework. The Master of Arts in Intercultural Ministries gives students the opportunity to earn a degree while at the same time getting them to the field of service within an expedient time frame. This program builds upon the Graduate Diploma in Intercultural and Urban Studies. In addition to classroom studies, Master of Arts in Intercultural Ministries students are required to complete one Prerequisite Course of internship program and participate in care groups for two semesters. 5

GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERCULTURAL AND URBAN STUDIES A 27-Unit One-Year Degree Program The Graduate Diploma in Intercultural and Urban Studies is designed to improve the qualifications and skills of pastors, evangelists, church planters, church workers, mission administrators, traditional and tent making missionaries including OFWs and missionary candidates who desire training at the graduate level, but who, for various reasons, choose not to complete the M.A. or M.Div. degree at this time in their lives. It aims to develop Christian practitioners who are able to initiate and sustain evangelism, discipleship, and church planting efforts in culturally sensitive, holistic and transformational ways. It emphasizes the practical dimensions of ministry with many of the courses requiring out-of-classroom exposure and research trips. It contains most of the missions focus courses included in the M.A. and M.Div. programs. Students are also required to participate in a care group for one semester.


MASTER OF DIVINITY IN COUNSELING A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program This program offers Counseling as a focus of study for students who are preparing for pastoral ministry. Through intensive classroom interaction, mentoring under competent counselors, self-directed study, simulated learning experiences and supervised internship (200 hours), students integrate theology and psychology as they address human problems in both church and community settings.

MASTER OF ARTS IN PASTORAL COUNSELING A 60-Unit Two-Year Degree Program The M.A.PC program provides advanced studies in Counseling. With an option for either a thesis or a non-thesis track, students engage in a scholarly, yet reflective, graduate program which enhances their competencies in effectively responding to the needs of individuals, churches and communities for hope, healing and growth. Students are required to complete 200 hours of supervised internship.


This program is designed for ministers (lay and ordained) who would like to improve their counseling competencies under the mentorship of counselors who are widely recognized and respected in the field. In addition to classroom studies, Graduate Diploma in Counseling students are required to complete 100 hours of internship.


MASTER OF DIVINITY IN PASTORAL STUDIES A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The Master of Divinity in Pastoral Studies is designed to meet the needs of those whose ministries require advanced training in pastoral theology and counseling. Students enrolling for this program are advised that Hebrew and/or Greek, if desired, can be taken as elective subjects.

GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ADVANCED PASTORAL STUDIES A 30-Unit One-Year Degree Program The Graduate Diploma in Advanced Pastoral Studies course is designed to improve the qualifications and skills of ministers with prior vocational experience in Christian service. The program is open only to students who hold a Bachelor of Theology degree or its equivalent, and who have at least three years of post-B.Th. experience in vocational Christian ministry.


MASTER OF DIVINITY IN THEOLOGY A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The Master of Divinity in Theology is a three-year masteral program whose aim is the holistic development of pastor-theologians, emphasizing the balanced training of head (academic scholarship), heart (spirituality) and hand (ministry skills, contextualization and especially the ability to communicate the truths of the Christian faith through writing). Those who graduate from the study program will be able to: w exegete the Bible according to sound hermeneutical principles, aided by the insights of Christian tradition, and in accordance with the highest standards of academic scholarship. w do local theology by applying one's own exegesis of the Bible to one's own historical context in such a way that holistic transformation is effected within one's own social, political, and cultural spheres of influence. w consistently model the disciplined and practical exercise of an internally formed biblical holiness. w shepherd the flock of God through the effective use of God-given spiritual gifts and seminary honed ministry skills. w communicate the Christian faith through the faithful exercise of preaching and writing. Though the study program is primarily designed to equip students for pastoral ministry, it also provides excellent preparation for those intending to pursue higher theological education or to engage in a vocation involving theological education, reflection and writing. All who take the Master of Divinity in Theology program must complete a total of 96 credit units, which include 90 credit units of core, focus, and elective courses, as well as the two prerequisite courses, Writing Academic Papers and Introduction to the Bible, which are 3 non-credit units each. These prerequisite courses, however, may be validated. All who take the Master of Divinity in Theology program are also required to participate in at least three Care Group sessions, attend the weekly Chapel services, and to read through the entire Bible once a year until their program of study is completed.


MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY A 57-Unit Two-Year Degree Program The Master of Arts in Theology is a professional program for those who wish to pursue a Master's degree in theology. Those who complete the program should be able to:

w integrate the Christian faith in the practice of w w w

doing theology model a life showing an internally formed biblical holiness interpret the Bible adequately and apply biblical insights to effect holistic transformation within their own spheres of influence develop competencies in doing theology.

All who take the Master of Arts in Theology program must complete 63 credit units which include 57 credit units of core, focus, and elective courses, as well as the two prerequisite courses, Writing Academic Papers and Introduction to the Bible , which are 3 non-credit units each. These prerequisite courses, however, may be validated. The Master of Arts in Theology program will also require the completion of a Comprehensive Exam and a Masteral Thesis. All credit units earned under the Master of Arts in Theology program may be credited towards the Master of Divinity in Theology degree. All who take the Master of Arts in Theology program are required to participate in at least two Care Group sessions and attend the weekly Chapel services during the course of their study.


GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGICAL STUDIES A 27-Unit One-Year Degree Program The Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies is a one-year non-degree program of study which aims is to provide a basic introduction to theological studies. This program is intended for students who have no plans to pursue a career in theological reflection, education or writing but who desire personal enrichment and training in the art and skill of theological reflection for use in their personal ministry. Those who complete the program will be able to:

w exegete the Bible according to sound hermeneutical principles, aided by the insight of Christian tradition, and in accordance with the highest standards of academic scholarship.

w do local theology by applying one's own exegesis of the Bible to one's own historical context in such a way that holistic transformation is effected within one's own social, political, and cultural spheres of influence.

w consistently model the disciplined and practical exercise of an internally formed biblical holiness. All who take the Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies program are required to complete 33 credit units, which include 27 credit units of core, focus, and elective courses, as well as the two prerequisite courses, Writing Academic Papers and Intro to the Bible, which are 3 non-credit units each. These prerequisite courses, however, may be validated. All credit units earned under the Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies program may be credited towards the Master of Arts in Theology degree. All who take the Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies program are required to participate in at least one Care Group session and attend the weekly Chapel services during the course of their study.


MASTER OF DIVINITY IN TRANSFORMATIONAL URBAN LEADERSHIP A 90-Unit Three-Year Degree Program The 90-Unit Master of Divinity is a professional degree designed to enable urban leaders to do Christian ministry in localized urban poor areas in Metro Manila and the major cities in Asia. Our emphasis is on transformation and development work, paired with deeper theological and Biblical reflection for leaders in urban poor ministry, who also do pastoral ministry and are involved in theological education. These programs combine community development-related urban transformation skills with an emphasis on evangelism and church planting. Students are equipped to become movement leaders by mobilizing and multiplying teams. The programs emphasize classroom theory combined with significant practical fieldwork. Students are exposed to the necessary theory components but the majority of their time is spent in urban poor settings testing those theories in the practice of urban ministry.

MASTER OF ARTS IN TRANSFORMATIONAL URBAN LEADERSHIP A 45-Unit Two-Year Degree Program The 45-unit Masteral course is designed to give urban leaders the opportunity to complete graduate studies that will enable leaders to transform localized urban poor areas in Metro Manila and the major cities of Asia. Our emphasis is on equipping for transformation. These programs combine community development-related urban transformation skills with an emphasis on evangelism and church planting. Students are equipped to become movement leaders by mobilizing and multiplying teams. The programs emphasize classroom theory combined with significant practical fieldwork. Students are exposed to the necessary theory components but the majority of their time spent in urban poor settings testing those theories in the practice of urban ministry.

GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TRANSFORMATIONAL URBAN LEADERSHIP A 30-Unit One-Year Degree Program The 30-unit Diploma course is designed to give urban leaders the opportunity to complete graduate studies that will enable leaders to transform localized urban poor areas in Metro Manila and the major cities of Asia. Our emphasis is on equipping for transformation. These programs combine community development-related urban transformation skills with an emphasis on evangelism and church planting. Students are equipped to become movement leaders by mobilizing and multiplying teams. The programs emphasize classroom theory combined with significant practical fieldwork. Students are exposed to the necessary theory components but the majority of their time is spent in urban poor settings testing those theories in the practice of urban ministry.


ATS CENTER FOR BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP The Center for Biblical Stewardship is one of the three centers of Asian Theological Seminary that offers special programs, other than those offered in the regular programs. Its thrust is to provide degree and nondegree programs that will advance the understanding and practice of biblical stewardship such as management, leadership, resource mobilization, and environmental stewardship.

MBA IN BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP AND CHRISTIAN MANAGEMENT The MBA in Christian Management is a 42-unit professional program designed for executives of church, parachurch, mission groups, denominations and Christian NGOs, as well as business people desiring to obtain a Christian MBA. The goal of this program is to equip the leaders and managers of Christian non-profit organizations in the areas of strategic thinking, good governance, management and effective resource development. Classes are held one week every month for 3 unit courses. The rest of the time, the student returns to his/her work. Students must submit an MBA paper (6 units) that is workrelated and implementable.


“Training at the MBA in Biblical Stewardship and Christian Management has well-equipped me to face the challenges of the corporate world with its fast moving landscape.� -MS. NORA LUCERO ATS MBA Graduate 2007 General Secretary of Philippine Bible Society Immediate Past Chairman of United Bible Societies Global Board

Core Courses (24 units) Strategic Planning and Control Organizational Development Strategic Marketing Biblical and Theological Bases for Social Transformation Spirituality and Work Biblical Leadership Development Managerial Accounting and Financial Management Program and Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

Elective Courses (12 units) Biblical Stewardship and Resource Development God's View of Economic Life Entrepreneurship Corporate Governance Human Resource Development

ATS CENTER FOR CONTINUING STUDIES (CCS) The Center for Continuing Studies is the response of Asian Theological Seminary to the growing need for quality theological training for pastors, Christian workers, lay leaders and professionals who are unable to attend regular seminary programs. Some common reasons are lack of time, distance and financial constraints. The Center offers Certificate Programs that are modular in nature in order to help address the said challenges. The objective of these programs is to help equip leaders and pastors meet the changing demands and needs in the ministry. CCS PARTNERSHIP The ATS Center for Continuing Studies works in partnership with local ministerial and pastoral fellowships, Christian organizations, denominations and ATS alumni chapter fellowships. Special arrangements can be made for groups outside Metro Manila. WHO MAY APPLY? A group of pastors and church leaders may request to hold the program in their area. There will be no educational qualification except participants should understand both English and Filipino as well as answer given assignments. HOW MUCH IS THE TRAINING COST? A minimum cost for the program covers overhead expenses. The total cost will be customized according to the arrangement made with the group. ATS CCS TRAINING PROGRAMS A special modular program designed to meet the training needs of pastors and Church leaders in their location at the quickest possible time and at an economical cost but maintaining the same quality theological education ATS is known for. Each module takes 16 hours to complete. After completing ten (10) modules in a particular certificate program, participants will receive their certificate either in Pastoral Ministry (CPM) or Biblical Interpretation (CBI) or Biblical Preaching (CBP) or Lay Counseling (CLC). ATS CCS Programs Certificate in Pastoral Ministry Certificate in Biblical Interpretation Certificate in Biblical Preaching Certificate in Lay Counseling

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.� 2 Timothy 2:15 NIV

For more information, please contact: ASIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Tel.: (632) 928-6717; 923-0669 Fax: (632) 928-5114 (local 128, look for Ptr. Ian Hibionada ) Mobile: 0917-5383269 Email:


INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES OFFICE (ISSO) Our office seeks to assist international students through the entire process of enrollment and matriculation. Prospective international students should contact the ISSO for important information on enrollment, immigration procedures, and documentation before arrival in the Philippines. ATS recognizes the special needs of international students including their families and is committed to help each student receive the maximum benefits of a graduate-level education. We do this by helping them find housing and schooling for their children, providing orientation to life in the Philippines, especially Metro Manila, and awarding scholarships to eligible and qualified students. But before a non-Filipino citizen can study in the Philippines he/she needs to secure a Student Visa, which is required by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. (Please visit for guidelines on how to get a Philippine Student Visa) Admission Requirements (Please visit for details) For Countries with No Reciprocity Agreement. The Philippine Embassy notifies student-applicant with instruction that he appear in person to the Philippine Embassy/Consular Officer for interview and submission of required documents, as follows: Ideally, the prospective student should arrive in the Philippines one month before the semester starts, so that the ISSO may have sufficient time to assist him/her with housing, orientation, finding a church, completing the enrolment process and assessing the student's competence in English for graduate level studies. Special Students for non-credit or non-degree courses The applicant goes to the ISSO to submit the requirements for the SSP (Special Study Permit) for non-credit or non-degree courses of less than one year. The applicant applies for the SSP at the Bureau of Immigration which requires documents or list of documents. Exemption from Student Visa Application Applicants with the following visas are exempted from the Student Visa application: Missionary Visa holder/dependent; Working Visa (9G) holder/dependent; Diplomat Visa holder/dependent; Temporary/Permanent Resident Visa; Naturalized/ Recognized Filipino Citizenship; Dual Citizenship (present Filipino Passport) ATS Scholarship Program Applicant should earn at least 9 units on their first semester with a GPA of 1.75 and above. Although the minimum number of units is only 9 for the application of scholarship, the international students who are holders of Student Visa are required by the Bureau of Immigration to enroll at least 12 units every semester. Those who graduated with honors in their Bachelor's degree can avail themselves of scholarship upon enrollment, or if his/her GPA is 1.0-1.50. The applicant must present proof that he graduated with honors e.g. Authenticated Transcript of Record, Certificate of Graduation and Certificate of Award.


Whether you are a worker involved in ministry or a believer seeking to deepen your spirituality, you will need the spiritual formation, knowledge and competencies that will enable you to be God's mouth, hands and feet in the world. Get involved in God's work by becoming part of the ATS community in transforming leaders for the church and the world.



EQUIP LEAD TRANSFORM ATS seeks to raise leaders who will, by the grace and power of God, help transform the world. Be that leader! Experience a greater high!



And see God change our world! *Scholarships are available For more information, please contact: ASIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY

×54 Sct. Madriñan, Quezon City 1103 Philippines

×QCCPO Box 1454-1154, Quezon City 1100 Philippines Tel.: (632) 928-6717; 923-0669 Fax: (632) 928-5114 (local nos. 120-Admissions, 112-Registrar) Email: or

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