InTouch 2013 Vol. 1

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Th e O ffic ia l News lette r of th e As ia n Th e o logica l S e min a ry

INTOUCH Vol.1.2013

Tending God’s Creation p8 C REATI O N C ARE C L AS S GO ES TO MT. BANAHAW Cover Story

First Semester



AD MI S S I O N EX AMS O N May 20, 25 and 27 June 3

ENRO L L MENT O N June 6-7

Enroll. Pray. Give.

p16 2 0 13 ATS GRAD UATES S P EAK An Interview

Transforming Leaders for the Church and the World




Eva n ge lica ls a n d C re ation C a re A Reflection b y D r. A t h e n a Gorospe


C re ation C a re Goe s to Mt. Ba n a h aw Cover Story b y D r. P e t e r Nitschke


A P ie ce of Gre e n Ea rth A Report by Catherine Sharon


ATS Graduate s S pe a k An Interview


Growin g Stro n g in th e Fa ith A Devotion b y R e v. D r. V i c e n t e Yu S i a

6FDQ WKH QR Code to visit

From the President

Creation care. Christians in conservation. A call for Christians to be more active in greening the earth. This issue challenges us to think beyond current ministry thrusts to also include caring for Nature, the world—our home, and believe that by doing so, we live out our spirituality more fully. Find out why dead leaves should not be burned, and why Christians need to get involved in caring for creation, page 8. Meanwhile, a couple which ventured into organic farming and holistic community development has seen success in their passion to help make D GLIIHUHQFH LQ D SRRU FRPPXQLW\·V OLIH 6HH page 12. $Q $76 %RDUG PHPEHU H[KRUWV XV WR UXQ RXU faith race and finish it well. We have a few things to do and others to let go off in order to grow strong in our faith. Check out page 22. Last March 25, we graduated 38 students from different countries. We praise God for XVLQJ $76 WR KDYH DQ LPSDFW LQ WKHLU OLYHV DQG ministries. Read pages 16 to 21. Why not consider enrolling in some of our programs—whether toward a full degree or to learn from modules offered by our different centers and departments? Visit ph I hope to see \RX VRRQ LQ $76

DR. TIM D. GENER ATS President

INTOUCH S t a f f Editor Ammi Belle M.Armas

Staff Roy Antonio Glevy Baybayon Marizol Duran Ella Abigail Santos Honey Belle Wong

Contributors D r. A t h e n a G o r o s p e D r. Z e n e t M a r a m a r a D r. P e t e r N i t s c h k e Ly d i a R o b l e d o Catherine Sharon R e v. D r. V i c e n t e Yu S i a

Photographers Glevy Baybayon D r. P e t e r N i t s c h k e Ly d i a R o b l e d o Neon Rosell AT S P h o t o g r a p h y C l u b Layout Kyleen Sayas

AT S V I S I O N To become the leading Evangelical seminary in Asia that produces outstanding servant leaders

AT S M I S S I O N Teach. Lead. Transform. To glorify God by providing quality theological education for Christian leaders to effect Biblical transformation in the Church and society in Asia and beyond

ATS BOARD O F T RU STEES Officers of the Board: Dr. Cecilio K. Pedro Chairman %LVKRS &HVDU 9LFHQWH 3 Punzalan III Vice Chairman Arch. Erlinda G. Tan Secretary Rev. Noel Pantoja Treasurer

Members: Pastor James Aberin $WW\ )UHG % %UDYR Rev. Mark Chapman Atty. Francis M. Egenias Dr. Anastacio Escosar, Jr. Mr. Noel Pabiona 5HY 'U 9LFHQWH <X 6LD 5HY 5XVVHOO 6LPRQV Rev. Peter Tan-Chi %LVKRS (IUDLP 0 7HQGHUR Rev. Dwayne F. Thielke

C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S A r c h . E r l i n d a G . Ta n w h o h a s b e e n a w a r d e d a D o c t o r o f D i v i n i t y d e g r e e b y AT S f o r b e i n g a faithful Christian and servant of the Lord, having demonstrated what being an outstanding servant leader really means. For 23 years, you have been a Deacon of Jubilee Evangelical Church and has faithfully served at AT S i n a s i g n i f i c a n t a n d n o t a b l e w a y, n o t o n l y i n y o u r c a p a c i t y a s B o a r d S e c r e t a r y b u t a l s o a s a c o m m i t t e d m i n i s t r y d o n o r. AT S v a l u e s y o u r l o v e a n d c o m m i t m e n t t o o u r L o r d a n d t o t h e AT S c o m m u n i t y.





(In keeping with an emphasis on ministry training that is holistic, we are sharing a biblical reflection from Dr. Athena Gorospe adapted from a paper presented at the “Consultation on Scripture: Its Authority, Meaning and Mission in the Asian Context,� Kuala Lumpur, June 2012 sponsored by the Asia Theological Association. The fuller version will be published in Light for Our Path: the Authority, Inspiration, Meaning and Mission of Scripture, edited by Bruce Nicholls.)

The Cape Town Commitment of the Lausanne Movement (uniting Evangelicals worldwide) calls on Christians to “adopt lifestyles that UHQRXQFH KDELWV RI FRQVXPSWLRQ Âľ ´H[HUW JRYHUQPHQWVÂŤ RQ LVVXHV of environmental and potential climate change,â€? and recognize that environmental protection and restoration is part of our missional calling 3DUW 6HF D 3DUW 6HF &OHDUO\ (YDQJHOLFDOV KDYH JRQH D ORQJ way in making creation care an integral part of our mission. One of the key concepts Evangelicals use in caring for creation is “stewardship.â€? The real owner of creation is God and human beings DUH RQO\ FDUHWDNHUV ZKR PXVW ´VWHZDUGÂľ WKH HDUWK DFFRUGLQJ WR *RG¡V purposes. However, the stewardship concept can lead to a utilitarian view of creation since wise use can be defined only in relation to what LV JRRG IRU KXPDQ EHLQJV 6FULSWXUH VKRZV KRZHYHU WKDW FUHDWLRQ KDV value apart from its benefit to human beings. God declared parts of the created order as good even before the entrance of human beings LQWR WKH ZRUOG *HQ &UHDWLRQ H[LVWV DV WKH 6FULSWXUHV DWWHVW QRW RQO\ DQG QRW SULPDULO\ IRU KXPDQ EHLQJV EXW IRU WKH JORU\ DQG SUDLVH RI *RG 3V ,VD Although “stewardshipâ€? has provided an impetus for Evangelicals to be involved in environmental issues, it is limited in its usefulness. Taking WKH FXH IURP WKH 6FULSWXUDO SRLQWV DERYH LI ZH VHHN WR VXSSOHPHQW RU JR beyond the concept of stewardship in thinking about the environment, what other scriptural themes and concepts can we use as organizing principles?




b y D r. A t h e n a G o r o s p e

One is to look at our eschatology * . A widespread belief in some sectors of Evangelicalism is that the world will be totally annihilated before the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth. This has resulted in a world-denying form of Christianity in which Christians no longer feel the need to be involved in long-term solutions to societal DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO SUREOHPV %XW LI WKH SK\VLFDO ZRUOG WKDW ZH OLYH LQ has continuities with our future hope, then we are motivated to work for the renewal of creation now because the fruit of our labors will not be wasted.


key biblical theme

that has not been expounded fully is the

This theme goes to the

heart of the Gospel and runs from Creation to the New Creation.


6 The links between poverty and justice have also given rise to the concept of ecojustice. The central theme in ecojustice is that caring for the earth and caring for humanity, particularly for the poor and the marginalized, are bound together. A lack RI KHDOWK\ HQYLURQPHQW LPSDFWV WKH SRRU PRUH RQ WKH RWKHU hand, the poor can contribute to environmental problems as they try to survive economically without regard for the longterm impact their actions make on the environment. Thus, in ecojustice, both poverty and environmental degradation need to be addressed in a manner that knits them together. 2QH RI WKH NH\ ELEOLFDO WKHPHV WKDW KDV QRW EHHQ H[SRXQGHG fully is the theme of life. This theme goes to the heart of the *RVSHO DQG UXQV IURP &UHDWLRQ WR WKH 1HZ &UHDWLRQ 7KH %LEOH repeatedly affirms that life comes from God (Isa 42:5), so WKDW ZLWKRXW *RG¡V OLIH JLYLQJ VSLULW SHRSOH GLH 3V -RE ,W LV *RG¡V OLIH JLYLQJ EUHDWK WKDW OLQNV XV ZLWK DOO living creatures: “In his hand is the life of every living thing DQG WKH EUHDWK RI HYHU\ KXPDQ EHLQJÂľ -RE 1569 7KLV LV H[SUHVVHG LQ WKH +HEUHZ WHUP XVHG IRU KXPDQ EHLQJV and animals—nephesh haya (“living beingsâ€?)—that shows our continuity and commonality with other creatures of the earth. We are all dependent on God for life. The theme of life is productive not only for ecological engagement but is encompassing enough to include the whole scope of Christian mission. Thus, a theology of the environment and Christian ethics is not separated from the rest of life, which often happens in many green theologies. Moreover, it is also closest to the Asian mindset, where reverence for life is characteristic of many Asian religions. In the Philippines, this deep respect and value for life is seen in times of celebration ZKHQ SHRSOH VKRXW ´0DEXKD\ Âľ ´7R OLIH Âľ RU ´/RQJ /LYH Âľ To believe in God, says one theologian (Gutierrez), is to believe in the God of life. This affirmation leads to actions that sustain life and give life. In this way, we can be “friends of life.â€? 6XVWDLQHG E\ WKH *RG RI OLIH DQG LQWHUGHSHQGHQW ZLWK WKH UHVW of creation, human beings respond by being “friends of lifeâ€? and “bearers of lifeâ€? to a world threatened daily by death.

* Eschatology

is the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. (from a computer dictionary)


Dr. Athena E. Gorospe is Associate Professor and Research Director at ATS. She has written a book, Narrative and Identity: An Ethical Reading of Exodus 4, published by Brill, as well as several articles and essays. She also started an eco group at ATS called Friends of Life.


July 13, 2013 (Saturday) 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Asian Theological Seminary



(54 Scout Madrinan, Quezon City)

I NI I BI G KO ANG P I L I P I NAS Christians Caring for the Philippine Environment Celebrating the Wonder of Creation / Biblical Basis for Creation Care Dr. Nomer Bernardino, Bread from Heaven Community Pastor The State of Philippine Environment Dr. Rodel Lasco, Philippine Climate Change Consultant Preserving Philippine Bio-diversity Dr. Carmela Espanola, Wildlife Biologist Panel Discussion Topics: Nurturing Trees Seedling Bank Philippine Deforestation Report Â’ Solid Waste Management Menace of Air Pollution Â’ Our Threatened Watersheds Â’ Creating Field Study Centers for Conservation For Registration, contact: Dr. Zenet Maramara ATS Center for Biblical Stewardship (+632) 929 7806 Â’

Â’ Â’

CHRISTIANS IN CONSERVATION is a Christian organization seeking to enhance the awareness of Christians for environment stewardship through Bible-based and science-based research, education and advocacy. One of its ongoing projects is a nurturing trees seedling bankk for fast reforestation.





b y D r. P e t e r N i t s c h k e

Environmental problems are present wherever we go. Floods, storms, landslides, water and air pollution, soil erosion, mining deforestation and so on often hit the headlines. As Christians, we can no longer close our eyes on these issues. Rather, we need to ORRN IRU DQVZHUV DQG RXU IDLWK LV KHOSLQJ XV KHUH 7KH %LEOH GUDZV a strong framework of how we should relate to God and creation by showing us how God loves his creation. Emerging from this strong PHVVDJH RI WKH %LEOH FUHDWLRQ WKHRORJ\ DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO HWKLFV follow to inform our action. However, books and articles are only one way to learn about creation. A more superb way to learn is immersion into creation.

Christians In Conservation Core Group shouting, “Yes, Lord, Yes,� committing to continue caring for creation after a tree planting activity.

9 7KH WULS WR ´%DQJNRQJ .DKR\¾ RU %. 9DOOH\ QHVWOHG EHWZHHQ 0W %DQDKDZ DQG 0W &ULVWREDO LQ 'RORUHV 4XH]RQ ODVW -DQXDU\ 15-16 was the highlight of the Creation Care class* I taught last VHPHVWHU 7KH SXUSRVH ZDV WR KDYH DQ RQVLWH H[SHULHQFH ZLWK learning from nature and to love nature. $UULYLQJ DW 0W %DQDKDZ ZDV RYHUZKHOPLQJ FRPLQJ IURP polluted, crowded Metro Manila into the wilderness of the forest. The fresh green surrounding, the sounds of the birds and different forest creatures, the cold air, the healthy food, just strolling through the landscape gave us a sense of awe of creation and the Creator. Our burdened souls were refreshed and we were overwhelmed with joy over its marvelous beauty. However, we were saddened to hear that though Mt. %DQDKDZ LV D UDLQ IRUHVW RQO\ D VPDOO SDUW RI LW UHPDLQV YLUJLQ It is under constant threat from purging and slash and burn farming (kaingin). We discovered with dismay that the poverty RI WKH PRXQWDLQ¡V LQKDELWDQWV OHDYHV WKHP QR RWKHU FKRLFH EXW to destroy the nature around them. After slashing and burning the forest, they plant vegetables or other crops, but the forest soil is no longer good for farming. After two or three years the soil lost its fertility and they slash and burn another parcel of forest. Intensely, we discussed options like eco-tourism and other forms of livelihood that could help the people to earn a living while protecting one of these last forest reserves of the country, which must be protected by all means. We realized that the church lacks awareness of these important issues and that classes like ours need to be further promoted. The new emerging movement headed by Dr. Zenet Maramara and others, in Christians in Conservation carries the hope to mobilize the evangelical community to respond to these pressing issues of our time, before the last tree is cut down and it is too late. In this hope, we integrated a tree-planting activity in our final devotion before we OHIW 0W %DQDKDZ DV D V\PERO RI our commitment to be advocates in protecting the good creation.

mobilii ze the evangg elicaa l community before the lass t t ree is cut downn ...

10 %DFN LQ 0DQLOD ZH GLVFRYHUHG WKDW WKHUH DUH VPDOO VLJQV RI hope even in the city, where people unite and work together to give FUHDWLRQ D SODFH *RLQJ WR %DUDQJD\ +RO\ 6SLULW LQ 4XH]RQ &LW\ was another highlight, where we learned about their composting plant, which produces natural fertilizer for their urban gardening site. This small LGU (local government unit) is the only one in Metro Manila that employs a full-time agriculturist, but it led to an amazing gardening project surrounded by informal settlements, where they produce beautiful flowers and different kinds of organic vegetables. We were also amazed that financially their projects allow them to be independent from the FLW\¡V ZDVWH PDQDJHPHQW V\VWHP DV ZHOO Creation Care will remain a pressing issue IRU XV LQ WKH IXWXUH , ZDV WRWDOO\ H[FLWHG WR teach this class and I am looking forward to teaching it again.


Tree wildling nurtured by nitrogen-rich leaf litter (dead leaves) which protects the topsoil, lessens the impact of rain, gives moisture for plants to thrive. Earthworms, snails, spiders, beetles, caterpillars, and thousands of other insects, even bacteria benefit from the leaf litter. They all are part of a magical eco-system that shows the wisdom and glory of a Master Creator.

Photo by: Neon Rosell *



*An elective course in the ATS M.A. in Urban Transformational Leadership, this class seeks to develop a strong awareness for the protection of creation, based on a biblical framework, and explore ways to help development workers promote environmentally sustainable community development. Peter finished BS Nursing in Germany, MA in Community Development at Alliance Graduate School, and Doctor of Education at Asia Graduate School of Theology. He is the Director of ATS-Center for Transformational Urban Leadership * and Country-Director of ShelterNow Filipinas Inc. Married to Fe, a Filipina, and a father of two children. Red-bellied pitta bird feeds on worms and other insects from under the decaying leaf litter.

* Neon Rosell is a consultant for Christians in Conservation Photos and captions courtesy of Lydia Robledo




EARTH by Catherine Sharon



Visiting GreenEarth Heritage Foundation at WKH IRRWKLOOV RI WKH 6LHUUD 0DGUH LQ 6DQ 0LJXHO %XODFDQ ODVW )HEUXDU\ ZDV LQGHHG D ZRQGHUIXO HQFRXUDJLQJ \HW FKDOOHQJLQJ H[SHULHQFH In 2009, James and Mylene Matti, founders of GreenEarth Heritage Foundation, were blessed by a generous landowner with more than 100 hectares of raw beauty. They answered the siren call to transform the almost denuded rolling hills into a Garden of Eden upon the inspiration RI 3VDOP ´7KH HDUWK LV WKH /RUG¡V DQG everything in it.â€? The couple envisioned this would benefit hundreds of struggling families in the community by converting them from illegal loggers and charcoal makers into selfsustaining organic agricultural farmers and protectors of the fragile environment. And, most of all their prayer was to introduce them to the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.

Green Earth Heritage Foundation is a holistic Christian organization whose mission is to preserve the environment, adhere to sound and sustainable agricultural practices and assist in alleviation of poverty through

To bolster their mission call, James enrolled LQ $76 &HQWHU IRU %LEOLFDO 6WHZDUGVKLS¡V Fundraising Institute headed by Dr. Zenet Maramara. He finished “Fundraising for Christian NGOs and Foundationsâ€? course in June 2009 and was elected president of the Class of 2009. James attributes a lot of key learnings from this relevant course in their efforts to fundraise and seek grants for GreenEarth. Last October, KH VSRNH DW WKH $76 &KULVWLDQ 6WHZDUGVKLS $VVRFLDWLRQ¡V $QQXDO &RQIHUHQFH ZLWK WKH theme “Fundraising in a Global Villageâ€?, sharing the nascent story of GreenEarth. *UHHQ(DUWK¡V PLQLVWU\ DSSURDFK LV KROLVWLF in nature. They share the Christian message of salvation, complemented by engaging socio-economic programs. To address poverty alleviation, GreenEarth has various community development programs such as agri-forestry LQ WKH SODQWLQJ RI RYHU DQWL R[LGDQW ULFK moringa (malunggay) trees, converting the once arid and unproductive land into a large, lush organic vegetable garden by using earthfriendly tools such as vermiculture and bioFKDU SURGXFWV LQVWHDG RI WKH WR[LF FKHPLFDO pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers.

livelihood, education and community development. Transforming Land. Transforming Lives.

Photos courtesy of Green Earth Heritage Foundation greenearthheritage



It empowered its farmer-beneficiaries to be productive, involved and responsible Filipino citizens and heads of their families. In the past, the average income of their farmer-beneficiaries through their environmentally destructive ways such as tree cutting for charcoal-making purposes was roughly Php 1500 per month. Today, using the Productivity scheme as the basis of remuneration, the average monthly take home pay of its farmer-beneficiaries ranges from Php 6000.00 to Php 12,000 per month. The promotion of social justice is OLNHZLVH D NH\ IDFHW RI *UHHQ(DUWK¡V mandate. This is conducted through the practice of fair trade principles with its farmers and workers by allowing them to take part in their sustainable agricultural planning and decision-making. Already, five of its farmer-beneficiaries have been provided decent housing with the benefits of electricity and running water from One 0HUDOFR )RXQGDWLRQ ZKLFK JUDQWHG OLJKW posts and electrified one kilometer of its Northern hilltop in March of 2012. Their Learning Center was established in March 2011 through donations from individual donors and Acer Philippines (22 desktop computers and laptops for the GreenEarth-sponsored children and those who won scholarships). One hundred FKLOGUHQ LQ WKHLU &KLOG 6SRQVRUVKLS 3URJUDP are now better versed in English, Reading, 0DWK 6FLHQFH DQG &RPSXWHU 6NLOOV Today, GreenEarth is blessed to have eight scholars originating from their Learning Center initiative who have become %LEOH EHOLHYLQJ &KULVWLDQV ,W LV PDNLQJ D great spiritual impact in the community as residents feel the love of Christians and the holistic ministry they have begun. Worship VHUYLFHV PLG ZHHN %LEOH VWXGLHV DQG Devotionals are regularly held.

3D Learning like never before!

GreenEarth is Christianity in action. They are EDWWOLQJ IRXU ,¡VÂłIllegal deforestation, Insurgency, Illiteracy and Idleness through the intervention of pro-active solutions in the form of four Ls—Love for the Environment, Livelihood in Organic Agriculture, Literacy for the Children and responsible community Living and Lifestyles.

15 As a farmer’s child Romnick walked four hours round trip across rough terrain and a bridgeless river to go to Green Earth’s Library and Learning Center at the farm. After a year of sacrifice and outpacing the rest in his English proficiency, he became a scholar of the prestigious International School Manila, the first farmer’s child to gain acceptance in ISM’s 92year history.

)RXQGHU DQG H[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU 'U 0\OHQH 0DWWL DWWULEXWHV LWV success to God alone, as she shared, “The genuine miracle that is GreenEarth Heritage Foundation and its evolving story is vividly FDSWXUHG E\ 3VDOP ´8QOHVV WKH /RUG EXLOGV WKH KRXVH WKH\ ODERU in vain who build it. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchmen stay awake in vain.â€? 2XU ILHOG WULS WR WKLV OLWWOH SLHFH RI JUHHQ HDUWK LQ 6DQ 0LJXHO %XODFDQ JDYH PH QHZ LQVLJKWV LQ DOWHUQDWLYH OLYHOLKRRG IRU WKH poor, and rekindled my passion in protecting and taking care of our environment. For God is not just concerned about humans but also all +LV FUHDWLRQ *UHHQ(DUWK¡V XQZDYHULQJ GHGLFDWLRQ DQG FRPPLWPHQW WR serve the Lord is very inspiring, and challenges all followers of Christ to be more open, pen, n, relevant and holistic in our approach to evangelism and mission.

Catherine Sharon is finishing her MBA at the ATS Center for Biblical Stewardship. She has been working in Pakistan (with her late husband, Ptr. Zaheer Sharon) for almost 12 years now as Chief Executive Director of Day By Day Community Development Society, a registered NGO educating the poor children and empowering marginalized women.

Organic harvest day has become techno-fun!




7DNH D SHHN DW VRPH RI %DWFK JUDGXDWHV¡ replies to the questions: How has your ATS education/experience changed your life, character, perspective and approach to ministry? What are your plans for the future? What did you enjoy most as an ATS student?



SARA RYER, USA MA Transformational Urban Leadership

7KURXJK $76 , KDYH EHJXQ WR OLVWHQ PRUH WKLQN PRUH deeply, and in a critical manner. I am now able to see things in the bigger picture as well as understand the GHWDLOV VXUURXQGLQJ FRPSOH[ LVVXHV I believe that ministry cannot be done unless we have true relationship with people---a lifetime investment, about growing, learning, and living with people. To do this we need to begin to understand ourselves, and the best way to learn these lessons is to be in relationship with people. My highest hopes are to work in an urban ministry ZLWK WKRVH ZKR DUH PDUJLQDOL]HG DQG IRUJRWWHQ to work in a ministry/ organization that pays attention to the need and importance for undoing institutionalized racism, which recognizes people as innate individuals, and who all have something to offer the world. , PRVW HQMR\HG WKH FRPPXQLW\ RI $76 VWXGHQWV and how everyone was accepted and made to feel DV WKRXJK WKH\ EHORQJHG , DOZD\V OHIW $76 ZLWK D smile on my face, even if I just dropped by to drop something off.

EDUARDO DOMINGO MDiv Pastoral Studies

$76 KHOSHG PH UHDFK RXW PRUH WR WKH PDUJLQDOL]HG and look beyond the four walls of my church and personal biases. Its theological program developed in me critical thinking and profound reflection for a practical engagement of my faith---a bridging of my heart and mind to my hands and feet. It taught me to be more reflective and cautious with my positions on issues and views, therefore my ministry has broadened its scope in terms of doing service to the community of faith and our community at large. I intend to pursue doctoral studies so I can be more adept in training others too. , HQMR\HG P\ WLPH LQ WKH OLEUDU\ ERQGLQJ PRPHQWV LQ WKH FDQWHHQ RSHQ GLVFXVVLRQV LQ WKH FODVV considerate professors ofesso and the whole community of friendly people.

$76 SURYLGHG PH WRROV WR JDLQ D GHHSHU DQG DFFXUDWH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI 6FULSWXUH DQG P\ FRQFHSW RI VHOI &RXSOHG ZLWK SUDFWLFDO OLIH H[SHULHQFHV DQG *RG¡V ever-abounding grace, these helped me become more mature and equipped to effectively handle the multiple facets of life and ministry. My worldview, and even my Christian worldview changed. Evangelistic approach is no longer “conversionâ€? oriented but more of identification with the people we want to disciple.I hope to train & equip more leaders who will disciple our urban poor PLQLVWU\ FRQWDFWV DQG EH\RQG WR VWDUW QHWZRUNLQJ with other Christian groups on a small to medium scale enterprise that will provide sustainable income generating jobs for the poor. I truly enjoyed the no-holds-barred discussions/ IHOORZVKLS FDUH JURXS DW WKH FDQWHHQ WKH OHDUQLQJ GLVFRYHULHV DQG WKDW DIWHU WKH VZHDWLQJ RXW RI D WKHRORJLFDO H[HJHWLFDO UHIOHFWLRQ SDSHU , NQRZ DQG bel understand more of God, my beliefs, my flock, the world and of course, myself.




CARMELITA ARCENO MA Transformational Urban Leadership

I learned the deeper value of developing a sustainable spirituality that will thrive in the challenges of urban poor communities. I had a better understanding of God, as the God of justice and that I should seek to emulate Him. God created in me a desire to help move to the center the people who are in the margins of our society.

economic/socio-political VWUXFWXUHV 6HQVLELOLW\ E\ engaging in social inclusion, community economics, advocacy and bottom-up approach to development.

God willing, I desire to engage in social transformation in crosscultural urban poor communities in our (GXFDWLRQ DW $76 WDXJKW PH nation and beyond. that a careful social analysis and active engagement in , HQMR\HG OHFWXUHV RI $76 social transformation are professors, immersions, important components in retreats, friendship gospel proclamation. We with classmates and need to develop sensitivity instructors plus unlimited DQG VHQVLELOLW\ 6HQVLWLYLW\ DFFHVV WR $76 OLEUDU\ by seeing social reality and classroom lessons from the lens of gender, that are practical and social classes, structures, can be applied to the ecology and the interplay present ministry. of global, national and local

From being dogmatic and legalistic, I became more loving DQG DFFHSWLQJ RI SHRSOH WKURXJK P\ $76 FRXQVHOLQJ training and various spiritual formation classes. God has humbled me and helped me find some of the missing SLHFHV RI P\ œSDJNDWDR¡ LGHQWLW\ , OHDUQHG LQ $76 WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI EDODQFHG PLQLVWU\ - head (sound doctrine), hands (sound action), heart (sound purpose) and even habit (right discipline) and FRQWH[WXDO DSSURDFK WKDW UHFRJQL]HV WKH LQQDWH GLJQLW\ DQG H[SHULHQFH RI SHRSOH , PLQLVWHU WR I will continue my MA Psychology and become a licensed PHQWDO KHDOWK SUDFWLWLRQHU LQ WKH IXWXUH DOVR P\ SDVWRUDWH of two churches so I can train the church leaders and \RXQJ SHRSOH ZLWK WKH WKLQJV , OHDUQHG IURP $76 , WKDQN *RG IRU DOORZLQJ PH WR VHUYH +LP DQG $76 IDPLO\ DV D VWXGHQW WXGHQW OHDGHU DQG WKH IULHQGVKLSV WKDW ,¡P VXUH will last.


19 $FTXLULQJ NQRZOHGJH WKURXJK WKH $76 SURIHVVRUV LV UHDOO\ D UHPDUNDEOH H[SHULHQFH IRU PH ,W KHOSHG PH go deeper into the various schemes of analysis of His :RUG DSSO\ WKHP LQ WKH FRQWH[W RI WKH XUEDQ SRRU DQG live with a humble heart and servant attitude.

PTR. RICKY TAPAO MA Transformational Urban Leadership

, KDYH OHDUQHG WR HQKDQFH P\ FRPSHWHQFH IRU *RG¡V JORU\ DQG WKH H[SDQVLRQ RI +LV NLQJGRP WR EH YLJLODQW to develop my very being that is being formed in the PLQG RI &KULVW DQG +LV H[DPSOH 3KLOLSSLDQV The theology that impacts the dark world is one that GUHDPV *RG¡V GUHDP IRU FUHDWLRQ FDUH ,QFDUQDWLRQDO transformation, relevant advocacy and promulgation of the glad tidings, as well as having the heart of Christ towards the poor, marginalized and oppressed people. I wish to pursue my mission, which is “to encourage, educate and mobilize Mindoro churches to do the holistic and Incarnational transformation.â€? , HQMR\HG WKH FRPPXQLW\ RI $76 WKH ORYH DQG FRQFHUQ RI WKH IDFXOW\ DQG WKH practical application of learning, especially journeying with the urban poor..

CORITHA LEMON MA Christian Education

0\ OLIH GUDVWLFDOO\ FKDQJHG KHUH LQ $76 )URP EHLQJ individualistic, I learned to embrace the spirit of oneness as being part of ONE community and to work and serve with people of different personalities and life backgrounds. This taught me to value my family even more. $76 HGXFDWLRQ RSHQHG P\ H\HV WR VR PDQ\ OLIH and ministry perspectives that taught me not to be judgmental of people. I learned that being a Christian is looking beyond myself, to the concerns of people around me. Loving God then means loving the people we see, the unacceptable, even those who hate us. , ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN DW $76 5HJLVWUDU¡V 2IILFH as I seek His will for future mission opportunities. Meanwhile I want to participate in local mission, and help develop curriculum that will be used for nd teens tee reaching, teaching and discipling kids and from economically challenged communities.



I learned the importance of relationship and how it is core to all we are and do. It has been a privilege WR VHH WKLV SOD\HG RXW LQ $76 OLIH DQG LQFRUSRUDWHG into our classes and we learn together from one another. There is such a good family atmosphere at $76 DV WKH FRPPXQLW\ VXSSRUW DQG HQFRXUDJH RQH another.

DENISE ABRAHALL UK MA Pastoral Counseling

I eagerly wait to see how God will lead me as a missionary to use the increased time I will have available. I enjoyed the wonderful fellowship, learning new skills and gaining knowledge to assist in my future ministry, coming further along in the journey of better integrating my spirituality and theology into all I do and of course much fun and laughter amidst the hard work.

VACHNA VA, Cambodia MDiv Pastoral Studies

$W $76 , OHDUQHG KRZ WR WUXVW *RG DQG OLYH E\ IDLWK WR DSSUHFLDWH RWKHUV¡ WUDGLWLRQV DQG FXOWXUHV in terms of doing theology, to be more careful in FRQWH[WXDOL]LQJ PLQLVWU\ , OHDUQHG WR IHDU *RG \HW gain more confidence in doing ministry as a pastor. $76 QRW RQO\ WUDLQHG PH LQ DFDGHPLFV EXW DOVR shaped my life to be a competent minister. I will be pastoring a church in Cambodia and hope to be teaching in seminaries. I enjoyed my classroom time the most. It is not just lectures, but most of the time it ministered to me. Class discussions gave me more insights DQG DSSOLFDWLRQV IRU P\ RZQ PLQLVWU\ FRQWH[W 2XU 2X professors positively influenced our lives and faith. th..

2 0 14 ATS

Th e ofo rum Deadline of submission for proposal abstracts:

August 31, 2013 Send to:

$76 KDV JLYHQ PH D PXFK ZLGHU SHUVSHFWLYH RI WKH ZRUOG 0\ FXOWXUDO H[SHULHQFH KDYLQJ FRPH IURP the UK, having lived in Canada for many years, and now combined with living and studying in the Philippines, have given me a deeper appreciation IRU WKH FRPSOH[LW\ RI LQWHUFXOWXUDO PLQLVWU\ 0\ IDLWK and walk with God have deepened and I have gained many new brothers and sisters of faith in Asia.

THOMAS POTTER MDiv Intercultural and Urban Studies

I must seek to understand people, their culture, and ZRUOG YLVLRQ %\ HQJDJLQJ LQ FXOWXUDO VWXG\ DORQJVLGH theological reflection, we are best able to understand the needs of the people and how to reach them with the saving message of Christ. The mission I work with is focused on education ( and I plan to return to prepare to open a school to serve our partner orphanages LQ WKH $QWLSROR DUHD 7KH %LEOH WHDFKHV WKDW ZKDWHYHU ZH GR IRU WKH ´OHDVW RI these,â€? we in effect do for the Lord. As I look at the immense poverty here in the Philippines, I see the orphans as the true “least of these.â€? We desire to serve God by serving a quality and strong education to the very least of the Philippines. $76 LV D WUXO\ XQLTXH SODFH DQG IDPLO\ ZLWK VWXGHQWV IURP DFURVV $VLD WKH west, and even Africa. I am so thankful for the support ppor I have received from my teachers, the administration and fellow students.

STUDENT AWARDEES Faculty Award Denise Paula P. Abrahall Christian Education Award Patricia M. Tamang Church History / Missions Award Philip Manuelson M. Arandia &RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFH $ZDUG Ronaldo M. Hernandez Counseling Award Denise Paula P. Abrahall Cross-Cultural Missions Award Thomas William Andrew Potter ([HJHWLFDO %LEOLFDO 6WXGLHV $ZDUG Junette Galagala-Nacion ([SRVLWRU\ 3UHDFKLQJ $ZDUG Ronaldo M. Hernandez 3DVWRUDO 6WXGLHV $ZDUG Eduardo F. Domingo Theological Education Award Patricia M. Tamang Transformational Leadership Award Maria Carmelita P. ArceĂąo




b y R e v. D r. V i c e n t e Yu S i a

Church renewal (including the Protestant Reformation) was sparked by a simple faith received from the Word of God. The same is true with Christian growth and maturity. Growth stems from simple and obedient faith. To grow strong in faith, it is vital that we look up to men and women of faith who lived before us and learn from their unwavering faith. When the writer to the Hebrews mentioned that “we are surrounded by such a JUHDW FORXG RI ZLWQHVVHV¡ +HEUHZV KH ZDV UHIHUULQJ WR WKH KHURHV RI IDLWK LQ chapter 11. The model of the “men of faithâ€? encourages us to rely on solid evidences that are true and reliable. The faithfulness of God and His people was tested in the OLYHV RI WKRVH 2OG DQG 1HZ 7HVWDPHQW KHURHV RI IDLWK ZKR ZHUH QRW ILFWLWLRXV WKH\ were real. They can be traced from the history of the Israelites and the Church. People like Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Deborah in the Old Testament as ZHOO DV WKH $SRVWOHV /\GLD %DUQDEDV 3ULVFLOOD DQG $TXLOD 7LPRWK\ DQG 7LWXV LQ the New Testament. There were many others in the Church Age during and after the Reformation, including Zwingli, Calvin, Luther, and later on Hudson Taylor and William Carey. These are the “great cloud of witnessesâ€? that are our models today. What can we learn from them and in light of Hebrews 12:1-3? 1. Run the spiritual race with perseverance. When running the spiritual race, some might have to run the 100-, 200- ,400 meter dash, or the marathon. Whatever kind of ministry we are in, or however long our ministry will last, WKHUH¡V RQH WUDLW WKDW ZH PXVW KDYH SHUVHYHUDQFH RU ZH FDQQRW ILQLVK WKH race marked out for us. 2. Set aside anything that hinders our growth in our spiritual journey. It might be something we consider as neutral---neither bad nor good. It can be a hobby, like running, that is worthwhile, but may just easily eat up our time and energy, instead of reading the Word of God and praying. The Apostle 3DXO DGPRQLVKHV XV WKDW VSLULWXDO WUDLQLQJ LV EHWWHU WKDQ SK\VLFDO H[HUFLVH IRU it has present and eternal results. He told Timothy, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to comeâ€? (1 Timothy 4:8).

A d a p t e d f r o m D a r e To S o a r ( 2 0 1 0 ) b y : R e v. D r. V i c e n t e Yu S i a , f o r m e r S e n i o r P a s t o r o f J u b i l e e

23 3. Set aside sin that easily entangles us. What is the sin that easily entangles us? We have to overcome it. Jesus Christ had always rebuked His disciples for being men of little faith. The sin of little faith is just around the corner. If we are not careful, we might be ambushed or encircled by it. The ten spies who entered the Promised Land came out of Jericho downhearted, fearful, hopeless and of little faith. They let the “sin that easily entanglesâ€? encircle them. %XW -RVKXD DQG &DOHE FDPH RXW RI -HULFKR ZLWK KRSH enthusiasm, bravery and great faith. Hudson Taylor, founder of the Overseas Missionary )HOORZVKLS VDLG ´,I , KDYH RQH WKRXVDQG SRXQGV ,¡OO JLYH WKHP DOO WR &KLQD DQG LI , KDYH RQH WKRXVDQG VRXOV ,¡OO JLYH WKHP DOO WR &KLQD Âľ :LOOLDP &DUH\ GHFODUHG ´([SHFW great things from God. Attempt great things for God.â€? The Apostle Paul challenged us, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strengthâ€? (Philippians 4:13). These men of faith did great things for God after they have set aside the sin that easily entangled them. Are you contemplating on giving up following Christ and his ZLOO LQ \RXU OLIH" %URWKHUV DQG VLVWHUV ORRN WR -HVXV $QG NHHS DW LW 3HUVHYHUH DV -HVXV GLG :H KDYHQ¡W VXIIHUHG \HW WKH ZD\ KH GLG /HW¡V IROORZ WKH ZD\ RI REHGLHQFH DQG ORYH WKDW -HVXV KDV shown.

“Growth stems from simple and obedient faith.�

:KDW¡V KLQGHULQJ \RX LQ JLYLQJ \RXU EHVW WR *RG" $UH \RX RI OLWWOH IDLWK" :KDW LV WKDW VLQ WKDW HDVLO\ HQWDQJOHV \RX" 6HW WKHVH aside and focus on the Lord who is the author (“pioneerâ€?) and perfecter of our faith. -HVXV JLYHV XV IDLWK E\ WKH SRZHU RI WKH +RO\ 6SLULW +H pioneered the path of faith Christians should walk on. He perfected the way of faith since He finished it and made it into perfection. Perfection means “mature.â€? Mature faith can bring us into many avenues of blessings. Immature faith leads us into ruin and destruction. What was His attitude in pioneering and perfecting our faith? He kept his eyes on the “joy set before Himâ€? (Hebrews 12:2) and thus, endured the cross, scorned the shame and sat at the right KDQG RI WKH WKURQH RI *RG ,I ZH IL[ RXU H\HV RQ -HVXV ZH ZLOO QRW grow weary and lose faith. Instead our faith will grow stronger. ou r faith fait fa it and we will do mighty things for Let us grow strong in our WKH /RUG DQG +LV NLQJGRP

E v a n g e l i c a l C h u r c h , a l s o a n AT S A l u m n u s ( M . D i v. , 1 9 9 4 ) a n d M e m b e r o f t h e AT S B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s .

Asian Theological Seminary (ATS) is an evangelical, interdenomenational, multicultural theological institution that serves the needs of the Asian church and beyond by training and equipping Christian men and women to be competent, Spirit-filled servant-leaders who will, by the Spirit of God, effect Biblical transformation in society and the world, for the cause of Christ and the glory of God.


I t e q uips stude nts with th e un de rly in g core dis tin ctive s of b e in g:





‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

([FHOOHQW LQWHUQDWLRQDO IDFXOW\ DQG VWXGHQWV Global curriculum with global outreach and impact Demonstrates the inter-cultural character of the body of Christ Encourages students to serve God in their home country, thus helping impact Asia and the world

‡ Equips students while remaining in ministry, thus learning is UHOHYDQW DQG FRQWH[WXDOL]HG ‡ Encourages students to reflect critically and dynamically in the midst of an active ministry


‡ %LEOH EDVHG IUDPHZRUN ‡ Integrates personal holiness, evangelism and social responsibility ‡ (QJDJHV VWXGHQWV LQ VRFLDO LVVXHV DQG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI RQH¡V community and nation



Asian Theological Seminary For more information, please contact us at: 6FW 0DGULxDQ 4XH]RQ &LW\ 3KLOLSSLQHV 7HO )D[ ORFDO QRV $GPLVVLRQV 5HJLVWUDU %XVLQHVV 2IILFH Email:

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