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loose lips
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We were especially impressed with the entries for this month's Caption Contest(!). Due to the nature of the photo, things had the potential to get a little X-rated, but everyone kept it amazingly clean and clever. Aaaaaaaannnnnnd the winner is:
"Now we can berth this baby without worrying about a fleet of Optimists in nine months." — Mike Turner "The dodger project took on a life of its own." — Robert Johnston "These pot greenhouses are popping up everywhere." — Roger Briggs "You're seriously going to try to row that thing across an ocean?" — Scott Pyne "Where do we mount the spoiler?" — Rudy Salazar "Safe Boating." — Dan Baker "Just peeking to see if it's spring yet?" — Sue E. David "It's that hookah smoking caterpillar." — Wilson Partridge "Howard Hughes' new boat Contagion. — Karen Wilson "Why is it always so hard to get the packaging off these new toys?" — Matt Seidenzahl
The world's largest ship should be easy to spot, though it may take several long tacks to get around it. The Shell Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Facility will be deployed off Northwest Australia, and will be the largest floating structure ever built. At 1,601 feet long, the facility will be the length of approximately 10 Olympic swimming pools, and at 600,000 tons, weigh six times the bulk of the largest aircraft carrier. It will include 260,000 tons of steel, about five times more than was used to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Some fun facts about this leviathan: — Four soccer fields, laid end-to-end, would be shorter than the facility's deck. — 175 Olympic-sized swimming pools could hold the same amount of liquid as the facility's storage tanks. — 6,700 horsepower will power each of the three thrusters used to steer the facility. — 50 million liters of cold water will be drawn from the ocean every hour to help cool the natural gas. — 6 of the largest aircraft carriers would displace the same amount of water as the facility. —105 meters is the height of the turret that runs through the facility, secured to the seabed by mooring lines. Next thing you know some Saudi prince will be trying to outdo this with his next megayacht.

The cocoon phase when a yachterpillar turns into a boaterfly. — Steve Marriott
With recent failed legal action against Point Buckler Club in the Delta — a private island for kiteboarding and duck hunting — and ongoing attacks on Westpoint Marina in Redwood City, the tactics of the Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC) have come into the spotlight. Our coverage has inspired a number of 'tips' from people who, fearing retribution, are afraid to go on record, but want to point out what seem like absurd levels of regulatory oversight. One such instance came in a letter about an action where BCDC's chief of enforcement found the following violations during an "unannounced site visit at a restaurant" on August 30, 2017. The citations included the following: "One movable public access sign was missing (the chief of enforcement did acknowledge that three other public access signs were visible)." Also, "There were 14 tables and 31 chairs in position in accordance with the approved plan." However, all of the tables should have been silver and round. Instead four were silver and square, and 10 were brown and round. The chief of enforcement also found that "There were two chairs and one table (brown, not silver) located in the public access area . . . and not in position per the approved plans." While we do give the BCDC an A+ for attention to detail, and we're big supporters of the vastly improved Bay waters, marshlands and more sustainable development, we think sustainable fisheries would be better served if the BCDC worried more about habitat restoration rather than the tables the fish are being served upon.

For four decades, Latitude 38 has received inquiries from would-be sailors wondering how to get connected with boats to crew on. Among the top answers is to use our Crew List and then, for those who enjoy a cold beverage and a little socializing, come to our Crew List Party.

In the 21st century the Crew List is online, and it's free. The Crew List Party that we hold each spring is a catch-all for all kinds of sailing, from yacht racing to longdistance cruising to casual daysailing, and all levels of experience are welcome. As they've done for many years, Golden Gate Yacht Club on the San Francisco Marina will host our Spring Crew List Party on Wednesday, March 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. We charge $7 (cash only) at the door (ages 25 and under with ID get in for just $5). Included in that price are colorcoded, detailed name tags, a munchies buffet, a door-prize drawing, a slideshow and guest experts. Drinks can be purchased at GGYC's bar. You don't have to be on the Crew List to come to the party, but the party can serve as a great neutral meeting place for making a fi rst contact. See www.latitude38.com/crewlist/Crew.html for more info.
"Hey sailor, what's your name?" Mixing it up at GGYC.

The Unsinkable Legend
Select 2018 Models Have Arrived!
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