2 minute read
just sailing


Though there is less racing, there is plenty of 'just sailing', as summer weekends have fi lled the Bay with mariners escaping life ashore.
With smaller, often household-only crews, there have been more white sails and fewer spinnakers. Singlehanded or doublehanded sailing is more popular than ever, though less so among the friends and crew who are left ashore.
We're not sure if it's a trend, but we've heard of more than a few boatless crewmembers purchasing an old Cal 20, Santana 22, Catalina 22 or similar small boat as an inexpensive way to solve the dilemma and get their sailing fi x. We've also seen lots of the easy-to-solo Alerion 28s out on the Bay. The Bay is our greatest close-to-home escape from our pandemic life ashore.
It's more diffi cult to share the experience with your friends this year, but sometime soon, we'll all be sailing together again. For now just be grateful that we can sail on San Francisco Bay. — latitude / john
Spread: The return of beer can racing is a bright spot in a restricted season. Insets, clockwise from top left: Nick Gibbens' Express 27 'Shenanigans', the Catalina 36 'Allegretto', 'Passion', and an Alerion 28, 'Encore', sailing the Bay. — All photos latitude / john


Clockwise from top left: Elise and Sarah distance on the foredeck; David James' Lapworth 36 'Leda'; nothing serious aboard Summer Sailstice; a Delta escape may just suit you now; Anja Bandt has been enjoying her new Cal 20; 'Roust About' chills with just the jib; the Swan 52 'Beowolf'; end of day sunsets have been spectacular.