Employee performance management.

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Employees Performance Management at Workplace

What is meant by Employees Performance Management? “Employees Performance Management is the management of workforce skills and competencies towards organization goal. Basically, it is a shared understanding of organization ‘s objectives between workforce and organization. It is a very crucial matter for every organization that its employees must have a cleared and seamless view about organization aims.”

What are the factors which can affect the employees performance management? Following are the 3 factors which can affect the employees performance management. 1) Managerial Standards 2) Motivation & Commitment 3) Employee Evaluations

How managerial standards can affect? Managerial standards play vital role in this phenomenon. Managerial standards should be according to employees skills and competencies. If standards are set too high for employees then it will cause de-motivation in employees. This de-motivation will give deteriorating results or redundancy can take place also. If your organization is suffering from this pathetic situation then here are a few Remedial Measures: : 1) Management should conduct employees training and reinforcement programs. Example: Reinforcement programs for missed targets. 2) Flexible and friendly environment to support the learning process. Example: Flexible working hours.

Motivation & Commitment Employees effective motivation and commitment towards an organization objective can tend to a greater success. But if there is any lack in motivation or commitment then organization goals can not be achieved by employees. To overcome the de-motivation and lack in commitment issues, organization should consider the following factors: 1) Plan incentive or reward system for achieved targets. Example: Quarterly performance based bonus. 2) Implement the proper attendance tracking system to ensure the productive hours. Example: Attendance tracking application. 3) Boost employees morale by maintaining the positive culture. Example: Employees Appraisal Dinner

Employee Evaluations Employee Evaluation is an interactive process where the management gives its input on the employee's performance, and the employee gets the chance to point out what they have learned throughout the year. If this process is not effective then it will lead towards employees and organization dissatisfaction. To resolve these problem, following are the suggestions: 1) Reduce the span of control Example: Reporting should be department to department. 3) Reduce chain of command Example: Quick communication process.

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