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Art Education

Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang memerbanyak, menggunakan, mencetak dan menerbitkan sebagian atau seluruh isi portofolio ini dengan cara dan dalam bentuk apapun juga tanpa seizin pemilik.

Contact and Portofolio 28 th March 1995

+6282 136 721 220

Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah




Organization Experience

Work Experience

Sponsorhip Division in International Exhibition At Edu Care #6 (December 2014 - March 2015)

Teaching Internship in SMK 9 Surakarta (August 2016 - January 2017)

Sponsorship Division in International Exhibition Art Edu Care #7 (December 2015 - March 2016)

Article Writer in Detik.com (November 2018 - August 2019)

Faculty Choir Sebelas Maret University (September 2014 - August 2015)

Jewelry Designer in PT Gemopia Indonesia (April 2019 - August 2020)

Committe of HMP Art Education of Sebelas Maret University (batch 2013-2017)

Art Teacher in SMA N 1 Nguntoronadi (July 2020 - now)


Hard Skills Adobe Photoshop CorelDRAW


Adobe Illustrator JewelCAD Autodesk

Graphic Design

Layout Design


I am detailed and little bit perfectionist. I define myself as an outgoing, open minded, hard worker and honest person. I do all my work by heart, because I believe the results will be good.

Hi, I am Attika Puspa Aji

CONTENT Graphic Design 01 SOCIAL MEDIA @pandapagift 02 SOCIAL MEDIA @buyandcare 03 JEWELRY DESIGN PT. Gemopia Indonesia 04 WEDDING INVITATION @senang_artdesign 05 STICKER DESIGN @ayambakarsorsong 06 LOGO DESIGN @lunsproject @ohmyglsky @buyandcare 07 MONOGRAM @pandapagift @byends Illustration 08 PERSONAL PROJECT Hand Drawn Illustration 09 PERSONAL PROJECT Portrait (Face Sketch) 10 PERSONAL PROJECT Caricature 11 COVER OF BOOKS Digital Illustration 12 WEDDING GREETINGS Digital Illustration Manual Painting 13 LETTERING, TYPOGRAPHY, CALLIGRAPHY 14 MURAL

01 Social Media Feed Layout Design Client : @pandapagift Year : 2019 Pandapagift is an online store that services with a sketch, a caricature, vector, lettering, or mozaik located in surakarta. Not only defend for visual and aesthetic purposes but also commercial and good interaction with their audiences

02 Social Media Feed Layout Design Client : @buyandcare Year : 2019 Buyandcare is an online store that sells products wearing socks and hoodie. Buyandcare's based in Surakarta. Not only defend for visual and aesthetic purposes but also commercial and good interaction with their audiences

03 Jewelry Design 2D Jewelry Design Client : PT. Gemopia Indonesia Year : 2019-2020 PT. Gemopia Indonesia is a company that sells gold, silver, and other metals. The company based in Sukoharjo. Here I work as a two-dimensional designer of the sketch process, the digital design of the jewelCAD program and the coloring design.

04 Wedding Invitation Invitation Design and Digital Invitation Design Client : @senang_artdesign Year : 2019

The Wedding of


Sabtu, 7 Oktober 2017

Kepada Yth. Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i :

Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan nama, gelar dan alamat

Wedding Invitation

Invitation Design Client : @senang_artdesign Year : 2017

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah dijadikan-Nya pasangan hidup dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu mendapat ketenangan hati, dan dijadikan-Nya kasih sayang diantara kamu Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang-orang yang berfikir

Dengan memohon Rahmat dan Ridho Allah SWT, kami mengharapkan kehadiran serta doa restu Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i pada syukuran pernikahan putra-putri kami:

Putri Bapak Achmad Subari & Ibu Eko Wiharni (alm) Jl. Lumbu Tengah 1 G No. 59 Blok IV RT 002/027 Rawa Lumbu Bekasi Timur

(Surat Ar-Rum:21)

Putra Bapak Joko Mulyoko & Ibu Kusmiati Jl. Bojong Megah 6 Blok F.33 No. 3 RT 04/17 Bekasi Timur

Sabtu, 7 Oktober 2017 Bertempat di Aula Ibrahim Jl. Kemang Dahlia 1 Blok F No. 2 Kemang Pratama Kota Bekasi Atas kehadiran serta doa restu Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i, kami ucapkan terima kasih Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Wedding Invitation Invitation Design Client : @senang_artdesign Year : 2017

05 Sticker Design Sticker Design Client : @ayambakarsorsong Year : 2020 Sorsong is place that sells roasted chicken and fried chicken. The restaurant place in Giriwoyo village, Wonogiri. It also sells chili sauce and also a Wonogiri special gift, tempe kripik. I made a design sticker for this reastaurant and also other design graphic for here.

Logo Design Logo Design Client : @lunsproject Year : 2019 The logo design that describes art. Art synonymous with brush and paint. Here I make the logo look like paint splatters on a pad.

06 Logo Design Feminine Logo Design Client : @ohmyglsky Year : 2020

Logo Design Logo Design Client : @buyandcare Year : 2020

06 Logo Design Logo Design Client : @byends Year : 2019

*Concepts given

07 Monogram Logo Design Client : @pandapagift Year : 2019 Pandapagift is an art services store. The owner likes panda animals and also in the name of this shop. Here I drew the logo I incorporated of the panda and took the p and d as ‘pandapa’ for the eye parts.

*Logo selected

08 Personal Project Hand Drawn Illustration Year : 2019-2020 This is some hand drawn illustration I’m creating for my friends. I made this illustration in my spare time. I’m illustrated this used colored pencils and drawing pen on paper.

09 Personal Project Portrait (Face Sketch) Year : 2015-2020 This is some portrait (face sketch) I’m creating for my friends or I made for commision works. I make this using colored pencils and drawing pen on paper.

10 Personal Project Caricature Year : 2015-2020 This is some caricature. I’m creating for commision works. I make this using colored pencils, spidol and drawing pen on paper.

11 Cover Books Digital Illustration Year : 2019 I made a book cover for commision work. I used a pencil for sketch, and then I digitized it and I colored with Adobe Photoshop.

12 Wedding Greetings Digital Illustration Client : @chandiraweddingorganizer Year : 2020 I’m designed a wedding greetings. This design I did for my client, a wedding organizer called Chandira. Chandira is a wedding organizer based in Jakarta and already has many customers, including Indonesian artists. Here I design for greetings wedding and also for wedding souvenirs. I’m used the autodesk to digital this design.

Wedding Greetings Digital Illustration Client : @chandiraweddingorganizer Year : 2020 I maked an illustrasion for the wedding card. I sketched a manual for this illustration. Then I combined it with Adobe Photoshop to make a digital picture.

13 Lettering Hand Drawn Lettering Year : 2017-2020

I made lettering in my spare time for my friends, either for my college assignment or for my customer order. Here I used a variety of tools and materials such as colored pencils, marker, pen, watercolor, and oil paint depending on the media I use to draw.

Lettering Digital Lettering Client : @basicandknotty_ Year : 2017

Lettering Digital Lettering Client : @100derajat.celsius Year : 2020

Lettering Hand Drawn Lettering Client : @pacupi.guitar Year : 2017 Oil paint on guitar

Lettering Digital Lettering and Manual Lettering Year : 2017-2020

14 Mural Painting Mural Painting Client : Sahabat Kecil Café Year : 2019 It’s a mural for a café called “Sahabat Kecil”. I made a lettering on the café wall by used black wall paint.

Mural Painting Year : 2020

I made this mural in early 2020. And this is my first work in this year as well as my first one piece with spray paint. And I literally painted the concreate in my friend’s house.

Mural Painting Year : 2017

I created this mural while accompanying my friends at the jamming mural in Sukoharjo. In this piece I used wall paint.

+6282 136 721 220 attikapuspa@gmail.com

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