6 minute read
Resort Places in Japan
from att.JAPAN Issue 92
Resort Places with Magnificent Views in Japan
There are many attractive resort places in Japan. Whether you want to refresh yourself in the great outdoors, or relax on the beach or in an onsen, away from your daily life, a wealth of excitement awaits you in places all over Japan.
Atami Niijima
日本的絕美景色度假區 日本擁有許多魅力萬千的「度假區」。在大自然的懷抱中讓身心煥然一新,或在海灘與 溫泉忘卻日常、悠閒放鬆也不錯。許許多多的感動,正在日本各處等著您去探索。
Furano (Hokkaido) 富良野 (北海道) Located nearly in the center of Hokkaido, Furano is famous as a place where movies and dramas are filmed. The beautiful hills and wonderful rural landscape create a gorgeous view.
富良野位於北海道近中央之處。優美 的丘陵與田園風景秀麗無比,也是知 名的電影與電視劇的外景地。
The view of the hill, entirely covered with purple lavender plants like a carpet from late June to early August, is simply overwhelming. At the expansive farm, visitors can also see many other different types of pleasing-to-the-eye flowers.
從6月下旬起至8月上旬,薰衣 草宛如紫色絨毯一般彩染整片 山丘的景緻精彩動人。廣大的 園內除了薰衣草外,還可欣賞 各式各樣不同種類的花田。
Ningle Terrace
This small village in the forest was created by So Kuramoto, a famous screenwriter who is best known for the drama “Kita no Kuni Kara.” Along the walking path, there are 15 triangular-roofed log houses, each selling unique nature-themed crafts that feature Furano.
以連續劇《從北國來》而廣為人 知的劇本家倉本聰所製作的森 林中的小村莊。在沿著步道而 立的15棟三角屋頂小木屋中, 銷售著以自然為主題,洋溢富 良野風格的工藝作品。

A variety of food and drink is available, including lavender soft-serve ice cream! 包括薰衣草霜淇淋等, 餐飲種類豐富充實!▶︎

Hakuba (Nagano) 白馬 (長野) Although Hakuba is famous as a ski resort, new places that can be enjoyed in seasons without snow are opening one after another. Feel the comfortable breeze of the highland and refresh yourself.
白馬雖然是遠近馳名的滑雪度假區,不過,在無雪季 節裡也能盡享樂趣的嶄新景點正一個接著一個開張。 感受高原清爽的涼風,讓身心煥然一新吧!

A sky terrace with a gorgeous panoramic view of Northern Alps (the Hida Mountains) from an altitude of 1,289 meters. The cafe at the terrace, “THE CITY BAKERY,” offers various dishes, such as sandwiches with local ingredients.
天空絕景露臺可從海拔1,289公尺處遠眺北阿爾卑 斯山的絕美景觀。在附設的「THE CITY BAKERY」中, 可享受使用當地食材製作的三明治。
Gigantic swing “Yoo-Hoo! SWING” makes you feel like you are about to dive into the gorgeous view. 大型盪鞦韆「Yoo-Hoo!SWING」可體驗彷彿躍入絕美風景般的感覺▶︎


Although a “beach resort on the mountain” may sound strange, the relaxing space with hammocks and beach chairs is basically a beach resort in style. From an altitude of 1,400 meters, you can get a panoramic view of Yatsugatake and Mount Asama, which are as far as 100 km away.
「山上的海濱度假區」聽起來 或許有些不可思議,但吊床與 海灘椅並排的放鬆空間,儼然 就是一座海濱度假區。從海拔 1,400公尺處,可遠眺100公里 遠的八岳與淺間山等。

還有稀奇的纜車型三溫暖! ▲ Try a rare gondola-shaped sauna!
How about having a glamping experience offered by Snow Peak, an outdoor product manufacturer? In a private space, which is limited to eight groups per day, you can fully enjoy the grand nature of Hakuba.
想不想體驗看看戶外用品業者Snow Peak策畫的豪華露營呢?在一 天限定8組的私密空間中,奢華盡享白馬的大自然。

Niijima (Tokyo) 新島 (東京) This island, beloved by surfers from all over the world, can be reached in about two and a half hours by high-speed jet ferry from Tokyo’s Takeshiba Pier. With its high water visibility, you can also encounter various kinds of fish while diving.

從東京竹芝棧橋搭乘高速汽船約需2個半小時。這裡是 知名的衝浪島,深得國內外衝浪客的喜愛。在高透明度 的海洋潛水,將可邂逅各式各樣的魚兒。
Habushiura Coast 羽伏浦海岸 One of Niijima’s famous surfing spots. The 新島具有代表性的衝浪景 beautiful contrast between the white building 點。被稱為正門的白色建 that is referred to as the “Main Gate” and the 築與藍色海洋的對比,將 blue ocean brings additional excitement to your 瞬間提高您的興致! extraordinary experience on this island.

推薦以租用自行車在島內往來! ▲ It is recommended to rent a bicycle to go around the island!
Atami (Shizuoka) 熱海 (靜岡) This major resort area is a popular place to enjoy the ocean, onsen, and local food. Once one of the most popular honeymoon destinations in Japan, its popularity is perhaps in part because of its accessiblility from Tokyo—Atami is only about a 50 minute Shinkansen ride from Tokyo Station.

過去被稱為蜜月聖地,海洋、溫泉,以及美食深 受歡迎的度假區。從東京站搭乘新幹線約50分 鐘,可輕鬆前往或許也是此地人氣高漲的理由。

MOA Museum of Art MOA美術館 This is an art museum with an ocean view, where you 「觀海美術館」可欣賞以日 can enjoy various art works, including Japanese art. 本美術為主的美術品。一搭 After taking a lengthy escalator from the entrance, 上入口處的長電扶梯,立刻 you can immediately dive into the world of art. 就會被帶進藝術的世界裡。
Hatsushima Island 初島 Just 30 minutes by ship from Atami Port, this 從熱海港乘船30分鐘可到!在可輕 casually-accessible isolated island will add more 鬆前往的離島,讓度假氣氛繼續高漲 excitement to your resort experience. The warm, 吧!五彩繽紛的魚類棲息於溫暖且透 clear ocean has colorful fish and is also popular 明度極高的清澈海洋中,此地也是廣 as a diving and snorkeling destination. 受歡迎的潛水、浮潛景點。

PICA Hatsushima

Relax in a hammock surrounded by sub-tropical trees and flowers, and you can quickly feel an extraordinary exotic atmosphere of a tropical place. This resort place is fully equipped with air conditioning, offering a comfortable place throughout the year. You can enjoy fun activities, where you can be very active, as well as bathhouses using mineral rich water from the sea.

在亞熱帶的花草樹木環繞的Villa中,輕輕晃動 吊床,立刻就能感受到有別於日常的異國風情。 冷暖氣設備完善,無論何種季節都能舒適旅居 此地,也可享受盡情舒展身體的活動,以及汲 取海水、充滿礦物質的溫泉浴場設施。
Okinawa is one of Japan’s representative resort places, attracting many travelers from overseas. It attracts people not only with its warm weather and beautiful oceans but also unique culture and history different from those on the main islands.
吸引眾多海外遊客到訪,日本具有代表性的度假 名勝。除了有溫暖的氣候與美麗的海洋之外,有 別於日本本州的獨有文化與歷史亦別具魅力。
Kaichu-doro causeway
This road connects four islands, and starts from Yokatsu Peninsula in Uruma City, located in the middle part of Okinawa. Driving while gazing at the emerald-blue ocean on both sides is an amazing feeling.
從位於沖繩縣中部宇流麻市的與勝半島起,連結四個離島的海中 道路。一邊兜風,一邊眺望左右碧藍的海洋,心情無比暢快。
▲ Henza Island 平安座島

▲ Hamahiga Island 濱比嘉島
▲ Miyagi Island 宮城島

▲ Ikei Island 伊計島


Hoshino Resorts Banta Cafe 星野集團 Banta Cafe
One of the biggest cafes of Japan is now open in the middle part of Okinawa. You can choose one of four areas with different tastes to spend your time in a way that suits your fancy.
國內最大規模的海景咖啡館於中部地區開 幕。可從不同趣味的4大區域中,依據心 情尋找您喜愛的休閒方式吧!
There are lots to choose from the colorful menu with a tropical flavor! 供應多種洋溢異國氣氛的繽紛餐飲!▶︎