2 minute read
Asamushi Onsen 淺蟲溫泉
from att.JAPAN Issue 93
① ② ③ ④
Nagoya Tokyo
Great onsen surrounded by the ocean and mountains 山海環擁的知名溫泉

①A view of the sun setting behind Yu no Shima island is a must-see. ②Dolphins’ performances accompanied by Aomori’s traditional music are available only at Aquarium Asamushi. ③The view from baths on the 5th floor of hot spring facility “Yusa Asamushi” is open and pleasant! ④Some hotels offer original sweets using delicious apples from Aomori Prefecture with a drink for 500 yen.
①「湯之島」位於淺蟲觀光港西北處800公尺的海面上。太陽落入島嶼對面的夕景不容錯過。 ②搭配以青森縣傳統藝能津輕三味線和睡魔囃子為主題的音樂進行的海豚表演,只有在淺蟲水族館才看得到! ③若想體驗當日往返入浴,就到道之驛(公路休息站)「Yu~Sa淺蟲」。從5樓瞭望浴場所見的景色宏偉壯觀,無比舒暢! ④青森是聞名的蘋果產地。在淺蟲溫泉的幾處旅館中,將可以500日圓搭配飲料超值 享受使用青森縣產品製作的甜點。
Located at the base of the Natsudomari Peninsula facing Mutsu Bay in Aomori Prefecture at the northern edge of the main island of Honshu, Asamushi Onsen has been one of the renowned onsen in the Tohoku region since olden days. Discovered in the 9th century, this onsen is said to have been used to steam hemp for weaving cloth at that time. It is said that Honen, the founder of the Jodo Sect of Buddhism, visited this place in 1190, saw an injured deer immersing itself in the onsen water, and recommended people to do the same. Since then, people have been using this onsen. The onsen water, which is clear with no color, taste, or smell, is said to be effective for nerve pain, rheumatism, and lower back pain.
At the onsen town spreading along the ocean shore facing Mutsu Bay, there are more than 10 Japanese-style ryokan hotels dotted here and there. You can enjoy onsen while seeing a great view of the ocean at some of the hotels. If you purchase an “Asamushi Yufuda” coupon, you can enjoy onsen at three places for the 1,500-yen coupon or two places for the 1,000-yen coupon.
At the ocean, various kinds of activities are available, including boardsailing, yacht sailing, fishing, and SUP (stand-up paddling). If you want to go for an easy activity, Asamushi Umizuri Park, where you can enjoy fishing at the ocean with rented gear, is recommended.
Behind the onsen town at Mutsu Bay, there are lush green mountains. Asamushi Onsen Shinrin Park, which is located about 20 minutes on foot from Asamushi Onsen Station, is one of the selected “100 best forests for forest bathing” throughout Japan. You can walk along the forest path stretching about 10 km for free, while enjoying looking at seasonal trees and watching wild birds. The best part of Asamushi Onsen is that you can make the most of the ocean and forest and then relax in the nice onsen.
淺蟲溫泉位在本州北端的青森縣,座落於面對 陸奧灣的夏泊半島連接處,自古就以東北的知名溫 泉廣為人知。這座於9世紀所發現的溫泉,據說當時 是為了蒸織布用的麻而使用。相傳1190年造訪此地 的淨土宗開山祖師法然因見到受傷的鹿隻在此泡湯, 便推薦村民於此入浴,從此即為人們所利用。溫泉無 色透明、無味無臭,據傳對神經痛、風濕性關節炎、 腰痛等具有功效。 溫泉街開展於面對陸奧灣的海岸旁,有超過10 間的溫泉旅館分布,其中也有可一邊欣賞海景、一邊享 受溫泉的旅館。若是購買「麻蒸湯札」,可以1,500日圓 周遊3處或1,000日圓周遊2處的溫泉,十分超值。 在海邊,則可享受海水浴、風浪板、遊艇、釣魚、 立式划槳SUP等各式各樣的活動。如果想要自在地 享受海濱樂趣,則推薦空手造訪就可進行海釣的淺 蟲海釣公園。 此外,在陸奧灣溫泉街的反方向,則有綠意盎 然的山岳。座落於淺蟲溫泉站步行約20分鐘處的淺 蟲溫泉森林公園,還曾獲選日本全國的「森林浴之森 100選」。約10公里的林間步道可免費散步,並欣賞 四季應時的林木與觀察野鳥。在海濱、森林盡情玩 耍後,悠閒地於溫泉放鬆休養,正是淺蟲溫泉的精 髓所在!
Access 交通
Tokyo Sta. → 190 min. by Tohoku Shinkansen → Shin-Aomori Sta. → 7 min. by JR Ou Line → Aomori Sta. → 20 min. by Aoimori Railway Line → Asamushi-Onsen Sta.
東京站→搭乘東北新幹線 190 分鐘→新青森站→ 搭乘 JR 奧羽本線 7 分鐘→ 青森站→青森鐵道 20 分鐘 →淺蟲溫泉站
More Info 詳細資訊
Asamushi Onsen Kanko Kyokai
淺蟲溫泉觀光協會 TEL: +81-17-752-3250 URL: www.asamushi.com/
From Editor
At “Onsen Tamago-jo” in the onsen town, you can immerse some eggs you bought from a nearby store in the onsen water to make soft-boiled eggs to your liking!