2 minute read
Setting goals, building your network, launching a career, and making it all happen.
from Spokane Scholar
Among the most common questions we receive as current students this one stands out, “Are you worried about post-grad job prospects?” It’s not a secret that law school is (in most cases) an expensive graduate program to pursue, and while we continue to see improvements in the job market, it can still be daunting to dive into that kind of uncertainty. Allow me to introduce you to the Center for Professional Development. The greatest people you may ever meet who make up an office designed to help students navigate the job market from day one.
We begin with Jennifer Gill. She is the first person you will see when you walk into the office, and if you've toured the law school there is a good chance you already had the good fortune to meet her. She is coordinator extraordinaire and one of the key components to making the OCIs a smooth event for law students (and more on that in a minute). Jennifer is also on top of every detail that surrounds the job interview process and has on hand everything you didn’t know you need in a pinch – lint rollers, mending kits, hairspray, stain remover, shoe polish . . . you name it, she probably has it in the interview closet.
Next up is Laurie Powers. She is the Assistant Dean of Professional Development and you will be required to meet with her or the CPD’s Associate Director at some point during your first year. She will coach and counsel you on how to make your resume shine and write a polished cover letter for every job you apply to. But more than that, she will work with you to determine what it is that you want to do with your law degree and what steps you will need to take to make it a reality. Laurie also has the information and statistics on bar passage rates, employment placements, the states students are working in, and more. If you have questions about any of that or want to know more, feel free to send her a message.
Gonzaga Law has an incredibly connected alumni network, and the CPD is a key component to cultivating it. These connections are not only found in Spokane or Washington State, but extend across the country and internationally. Also noteworthy, the CPD’s support in the career development process does not end at graduation. Alumni looking to transition to the next phase of their careers, or make a career change within the legal community, seek support and find success working with the CPD.
Now back to OCIs, shorthand for "On-Campus Interviews." Many schools offer this program, so you might have already heard about it, or be familiar with the concept from undergrad. In any event, OCIs can be your best friend in law school. The CPD works tirelessly throughout the year and for months in advance, contacting firms, non-profit organizations, government entities, and more, compiling a wide variety of internship/externship opportunities. Students can apply for as many jobs as they are interested in and the CPD reviews the resumes and cover letters before they are submitted to prospective employers. Then, after employers select the students they would like to interview, the CPD hosts those employers at the law school for an "interview round-robin" day. They plan the interviews around students’ schedules and you don't have to worry about running all over town. Win-win!