Atul Goel launched his first book "The Real Rich"
Atul Goel Ganga Pune
Atul Goel launched his first book "The Real Rich"
Atul Goel Ganga Pune
Atul Goel, Goel Ganga Group Owner, a renowned real estate developer in Pune, has published a book, "Real Ric h". It is the first book on the real estate industry to equip readers with the knowledge they need to make informed real estate decisions.
Atul Goel Pune's latest book, Real Rich, is delivered as a voice experience, reporting from the ground on everything you need to know about how to approach real estate if you want to make it work for you. Real Rich is a quick, compelling book that can change how people understand, engage with, and benefit from real estate.
This book is for everyone interested in building true, longterm, sustainable wealth for themselves a nd their fa m ilies. It will prom pt you to rethink some fundamental beliefs and stereotypes, but most im porta ntly, it will a ssist you in developing a workable roadmap for your future. The real estate industry is more of a service industry than anything else.
"It is a m ust-rea d for a ll those who wa nt to get Real Rich; this is one book that should have been written a couple of decades ago. But we can only be grateful tha t it got written a t a ll," a dded Atul Goel Pune .