Local 1433 By Laws

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As Amended March 15, 2010

Table of Contents Article______________________________________________________________ Article I



Article II



Article III



Article IV



Article V



Article VI



Article VII



Article VIII



Article IX



Article X



Article XI





AMENDMENTS TO THESE BY-LAWS…………………………………………………




Article XII Article XIII Article XIV

Article XV

GENERAL FUND…………………………………………


BY-LAWS OF A.T.U LOCAL 1433 Article 1 NAME This local Union shall be known as Phoenix, Arizona, Bus Drivers and Transit Personnel Local Union 1433-Amalgamated Transit Union A.F.L.-C.I.O.

Article II OBJECTS The object of these By-Laws is to prescribe certain rules which govern the affairs and activities of this local division.

Article III OFFICERS Section 1: The officers of this local shall be the President/Business Agent, VicePresident, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Executive Board Members. Executive Board seats designed for each company shall be as follows: 20 150 300 450 600

to to to to to

149 members - 1 executive board seat 299 members - 2 executive board seats 449 members - 3 executive board seats 599 members - 4 executive board seats 749 members - 5 executive board seats

Each additional increase of 150 members in each company shall entitle that companies members to an additional executive board seat. Shop Stewards shall be appointed by the President/Business Agent. The number of Stewards for each property shall be determined by President/ Business Agent. Removal of a Shop Steward shall be at the sole discretion of the President/ Business Agent. Shop Stewards may be removed without notice for the following reasons but not limited to: (Disclosing Union business, Failure to attend monthly and Executive meetings, Failure to perform duty assignments, Violation of duly established and applicable rules, regulation, or policies or practice as determined by the President/ Business Agent,). (Provision for over the road motor coach properties). The properties shall need only the number of Executive Board position and votes as prescribed. They shall be allowed a substitute Executive Officer to an elected position. (Example): Membership qualifies for one Executive Board Officer per this article. For properties of over the road drivers the membership shall elect (1) one regular Executive Board Officer and (1) one substitute Officer. Property would still only cast (1) one vote at Executive Board meetings. Stipends would be paid to Officer attending meeting for month. Section 2: The monthly compensation of the Officers, Executive Board Members and Stewards shall be as follows:

The President/Business Agents shall be the first full time Officer of this Local. The President/Business Agent's Salary will be based on fifty-five (55) hours per week or shall be the same number of hours as the highest run time being paid an operator by the employing company whichever figure is higher. In addition he will be paid at the straight time rate, of the highest paying company under this Local along with all benefits (i.e., health and welfare insurance, uniform allowance, pension/ 401K benefits vacation time, holiday time and sick time). The Financial Secretary will be the second full time Officer of this Local. The Financial Secretary’s salary will be forty- eight (48) hours per week at the top straight time rate, of the highest paying company under this Local along with all benefits (i.e., health and welfare insurance, uniform allowance, pension/ 401K benefits vacation time, holiday time and sick time). The Vice President, will be the third full time Officer for the Local. The Vice Presidents salary will be forty-eight (48) hours per week at the top straight time rate, of the highest paying company under this Local along with all benefits (i.e., health and welfare insurance, uniform allowance, pension/ 401K benefits vacation time, holiday time and sick time). The Recording Secretary will be the fourth full time Officer of this Local. The Recording Secretary’s salary will be forty-eight (48) hours per week at the top straight time rate, of the highest paying company under this Local along with all benefits (i.e., health and welfare insurance, uniform allowance, pension/ 401K benefits vacation time, holiday time and sick time). Any Officer or Shop Steward, excluding the President/Business Agent, Vice President, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, and the Recording Secretary required to perform work for the Local Union on their day off, shall receive compensation (at their straight time hourly rate) for the amount of time required to conduct the business of the Local with a minimum of two (2) hours paid. Those Officers or Shop Stewards, excluding the President/Business Agent, Vice President, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, and the Recording Secretary required to work additional time on a regular workday shall only receive compensation ( at their straight time hourly rate) for the amount of time required to conduct the business of the Local. This will follow the guide lines set forth in Article XIV section 5. Benefits such as no preventable accidents and absenteeism incentives shall not be included for the President/Business Agent, Vice President, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, and the Recording Secretary and all others that are construed to be based on operator’s job performance. Section 3: The President /Business Agent, Vice President Financial SecretaryTreasurer, and the Recording Secretary shall receive two hundred ($200.00) per month

expense allowance plus a parking allowance per month. Executive Board Members and Shop Stewards shall each receive an expense allowance equal to Union Dues per month. When the President/Business Agent is away and office is being run by Vice-President or other Officer acting as the President/Business Agent these monies will be pro-rated from the President/Business Agent allowance and divided as fairly as possible.

Article IV GRIEVANCES Section 1: Any member who considers themselves unfairly dealt with or unjustly suspended or discharged, shall within five (5) days; file a grievance with the President or any Executive Board Member. All grievances must be in writing and signed by the member. Section 2: Any complaint filed regarding schedules or equipment must be in the form of a grievance. Section 3: It shall be the duty of the President/Business Agent and/or the Vice President to investigate all disputes and questions which arise between the members and the employing company and report his or their findings and actions to the Executive Board and to the regular meetings of the Local Union. The President/Business Agent and/or the Vice President shall handle all grievance duties, subject to the recommendations of the Executive Board and action of the members attending the Union meetings. At each membership meeting the President/Business Agent and/or Executive Board shall make a full report on the handling of all grievances which have been instituted since the previous meetings. Any member, as an individual, who shall enter any agreement or contract with the management, or its agents, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO A FINE OR SUSPENSION FROM THE UNION.

Article V INITIATION FEES-DUESASSESSMENTS-REINSTATEMENTS Section: The initiation fee of this Local Union shall be the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars. This initiation fee can be paid upon submission of application of membership or may be added on the first month’s dues; whichever the member chooses. Part-time employees joining the Union will not be required to pay an initiation fee until such time as they are promoted to a full-time operator. At such time full initiation fee will be applicable. Section 2: The regular monthly dues of this Local Union shall be two and a sixth (2 1/6) times the top hourly rate of Operators and will be adjusted once yearly on January 1 st of each year. Section 2A: All part-time Operators regular monthly dues of this Local Union shall be the prevailing rate of all per capita tax, plus five ($5.00) dollars. Section 2B: All R.O.S.I operators’ regular monthly dues of this local union shall be the prevailing rate of $24.50 per month. The dues of the R.O.S.I members will be increased once a year in the same manner as it applies to the regular full time members of this Local Union. Section 3: Dues and assessments are due and payable on the first day of each month. A member who is in arrears for his dues and assessments after the fifteenth day of the month is not in “good standings” and is not entitled to disability or funeral benefits, to vote or participate in the affairs of this Local Union, or Amalgamated Transit Union. A members who is out of work due to illness/injury or termination where the member is pursuing the termination with the help of the Union, may apply to the local to have their dues reduced to only per captia taxes until they are able to return to work. To be eligible for reduction in dues, the member must not be receiving a check from their employer. “The exception is disability insurance payments.” Members receiving workman’s compensation payments are not eligible for this reduction of dues. Members may receive this reduction of dues only one time in seven (7) years.

Section 4: Dues for pensioned members of this Local shall not be subject to the annual adjustments formulas and shall be no less than two dollars forty cents ($2.40) per month for any pensioned members retired prior to January 1, 1993, and four dollars forty cents ($4.40) per month for any pensioned member transferred to pension status on or after January 1, 1993. Assessments levied by the Local Union shall not apply to retired members. Section 5: Payroll deductions will be used for the payment of dues, fines and assessments provided the member signs a “dues deduction card� authorizing Management to make such deductions and remit same to the Financial SecretaryTreasurer of the Local Union. Section 6: Special Assessments may be levied, provided a written proposal stating the amount of the assessment, the reason for same and bearing the names of the sponsors is read at the regular membership meetings (or special meeting, provided reasonable notice of not less than fifteen (15) days has been given to the membership that such special meeting is to be held). Action on such proposed assessments shall be taken at the next regular meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members voting by secret ballot shall be required to adopt the assessment. Section 7: If and when the International Amalgamated Transit Union decides to raise the reinstatement fee, the Local Union will automatically assess the same amount on its members. Section 8: A suspended member being in arrears for dues, fines and assessments for less than twelve (12) months shall be able to reinstate him/herself by paying all back dues, fines and assessments plus the reinstatement fee as provided for in the International Constitution and General Laws. Section 9: A suspended member, being in arrears for dues, fines and assessments for more than twelve (12) months cannot reinstate him/herself into membership. If he/she desires to again join the Union he/she must be enrolled as a new member and he/she shall pay an administrative fee of five ($5.00) dollars for each month that he/she was suspended from membership on their previous enrollment in the Union. The total fee shall be paid at the application is submitted.

Article VI MEETINGS Section 1.A: When there are no night runs being operated in regular service, the regular membership Charter meeting of this Local Union shall consist of one (1) session which shall be held at 2:00 PM on the third (3 rd) Sunday of each month. It shall require twenty (20) members, including Officers, to constitute a quorum to transact business at a membership meeting. When a Holiday, that requires a special bid for holiday work, or there is no service for the day, falls on the day that a meeting is scheduled to be held on – then the meeting will be postponed until the next Sunday. Section 1.B: Where there are night runs being operated in regular service, the regular membership meeting shall consist of three (3) sessions. The first session will be the Charter meeting which would be the 3rd Sunday of each month at 2:00pm, the second session the following day Monday of each month at 8:00pm and the third session on the following day Tuesday at 9:00am the second and the third session shall be con current with the first. When a Holiday, that requires a special bid for Holiday work, or there is no service for the day, falls on a day that any session is scheduled to be held – then all sessions shall be postponed until the next week. It shall require a combined total of 20 members including officers to constitute a quorum at these sessions to transact business. The officers shall be included in the count for a quorum, either at the 1st, 2nd, or the 3rd, session of the meeting, but not all three. The first and second session shall be held regardless of the number of members present. The third session shall be held if the combined attendance of the three sessions constitutes a quorum. In the event that a quorum is not attained then the business transacted at the 1st, & 2nd, session shall null & void and the officers shall proceed to make a report of their activities to the members attending the third session. However, in the event no quorum is achieved, all actions of the executive board which would have been reported to the membership shall become final and binding upon the L.U. without further action by the membership. Section 2: Special membership meetings may be called by the Executive Board when deemed necessary for the good and welfare of the Union. The President shall have the power to call special meetings when requested to do so by petition, signed by one third

(1/3) or more, of the members in good standing. The only business transacted at a special meeting shall be that for which the meeting was called. Section 3: At no time will this Local Union allow any tape recording device at a Union meeting (except Officers at their option will be allowed to record meetings).

Section 4: Any eligible member attending a membership meeting shall have the right to only one (1) vote on each issue or motion at that meeting. If the meeting is held over more then one session the member is only allowed to vote at the session in which the member initially signed in. Section 5: If it is determined that the monthly meetings need to be moved for any reason other then what has been previously cited in section 1A of this article; it shall only be authorized by a majority vote of the Executive Board in attendance at the meeting in which the motion is made. In the event movement of the scheduled meeting becomes necessary between meetings, a polling of the Executive Board may be taken by phone or in person in order to determine a course of action. The polling shall be conducted by no less then two (2) Executive Board Officers, one of which must be the President, Vice President, or Financial Secretary (a reasonable attempt shall be made to contact all Executive Boards officers being polled). Any time the dates of the monthly meetings are changed, the Executive Board will ensure the information is posted on all properties.

Article VII ORDER OF BUSINESS RULES OF ORDER Section 1: The business of local Union meetings shall be conducted in the order as set forth in the International Constitution and General Laws. Section 2:

The chairman shall not entertain a motion unless it has been seconded.

Section 3: Any member who wishes to speak will first rise and receive recognition from the Chairman. He will then confine his remarks to the subject which is before the house and avoid personalities. Section 4: When a motion is on the floor the Chairman shall not recognize any other motion except: • • •

A motion to amend provided the amendment does not change the sense of the original motion. A motion to lay the main motion on the table. A motion to adjourn.

A motion to “lay-on-the-table” requires two-thirds (2/3) vote for adoption and are not debatable. Motions to adjourn take precedents over all other motions and are not debatable. It shall require a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership signed in at that meeting in which the motion is made to approve an adjournment motion. Section 5: No motion can be withdrawn from the floor except by the maker with the consent of the second. Section 6: A majority vote shall carry any motion except those motions which these Local Union By-Laws and/or the International Constitution and General Laws require a two-thirds (2/3) vote for adoption.

Section 7: No member shall be permitted to speak more than once on a subject until all other members who desire to speak have been heard. Section 8: The president shall be privileged to speak on a motion only after relinquishing the Chairmanship to the Vice-President.

Section 9: All communications received shall be acted upon by the members. No communiquĂŠs shall be posted unless first presented at the monthly membership meeting for membership consideration. If a communiquĂŠ becomes necessary to post between the monthly meetings the President B/A shall have the authority to authorize that posting. Section 10:

Religious faiths shall not be discussed under any circumstances.

Article VIII AUDITS Section 1: The Executive Board shall select a C.P.A. or P.A. to audit the books and financial accounts of the Local Union annually. This audit shall be during the month of January for the previous twelve (12) months ending December 31st of each year. It will be the duty of the Financial Secretary-Treasurer to deliver all books, records, and accounts to the Accountant, see that all International Reports are completed, signed, and delivered to the Recording Secretary, in order that the proper report can be made to the regular meeting of the Local Union, and a copy sent to the International office. The mid year audit, as of June 30th, for the previous six (6) months, may be done by the committee appointed by the Executive Board, following the same procedures as above. Section 2: Before the resignation of the President or Financial Secretary-Treasurer is effective, the Local Union’s accountants must be first examined by a C.P.A., P.A. or Audit Committee appointed by the Executive Board and the Membership.

Article IX NEGOTIATION OF CONTRACTS Section 1: Not less than one (1) or more than three (3) members of the Executive Board shall be appointed to serve with the President/Business Agent and an International Vice-President on the negotiating committee. The President/Business Agent shall act as Chairman of this Committee. Section 2: A majority vote of the members attending a regular or special meeting of the Local Union shall authorize the demands to be made by the Negotiating Committee upon the employer. Section 3: No contract affecting seniority, wages, hours or working conditions shall be concluded or signed by an Officer or Officers, nor the Executive Board members individually or collectively, nor by any negotiating committee or an individual member thereof unless the contract has first been approved by the International President, or his authorized deputy, and secondly has been approved by a majority of members voting by secret ballot at a regular or special meeting of the Local Union. Section 4: No proposal to rescind or amend any provision, or part thereof, of a current working agreement shall be acted upon unless said proposal has first been presented, in writing, at a regular membership meeting and immediately thereafter posted on the Union bulletin board until the next regular meeting, at which meeting said proposal must be accepted by a majority vote of the meeting in order to be adopted for presentation to the employer. Thereafter the adopted proposal shall be handled in strict compliance with the first, second and third Sections of this Article.

Article X CONVENTION DELEGATES Section 1: Each delegate shall be paid his run time (Time Lost Union Wages) for each day while traveling and living as a Convention Delegate. If said Delegate is on the extra board, he will be paid eight (8) hours T.L.U.W. Section 2: If a delegate does not desire to travel to and from the convention by plane, he may choose to travel round trip by means of automobile, train or bus; however in that event the amount paid the delegate for transportation and “lost work days” shall not exceed the amount he would have been paid for fare and “lost work days” had he traveled by commercial airliner. The plane fare shall be at the coach rate. Section 3: In addition to being paid T.L.U.W. and transportation, each delegate shall receive per diem allowance, of an amount as determined by the membership in each instance, for each day away from home to cover hotel, meals and miscellaneous expenses. Section 4: Pursuant to the International Constitution and General Laws and the Articles cited with in these by-laws, the following full time officers shall be Delegates to all conventions. The President /Business Agent shall by virtue of his or her office, be the first (1st) Labor Union convention delegate, The Financial Secretary shall by virtue of his or her office, be the second (2nd) Labor Union convention delegate and The Vice President shall by virtue of his or her office, be the third (3 rd) Labor Union convention delegate and the election ballot shall in each instance so state. In addition, if there is an approved motion by the membership to send more then three delegates to any one convention there shall be a vote by secret ballot at the next monthly meeting to select additional delegates to the convention. The additional delegates to the convention shall be selected from the remaining executive board officers not already identified as delegates to the convention and the election ballot shall in each instance so state them as alternate delegates. The number of delegates selected to attend any one convention shall not exceed the number allotted by the convention in which participation is sought.

Article XI TERM, NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1: The office and the Executive Board Members of this local Union shall be elected to serve for a term of three (3) years. Section 2: To be eligible to run for office, a member must have complied with the provisions of the International Constitution and General Laws and also the provisions of the Local By-laws. To be qualified, a member must have kept himself in good standing at all times. Those members who choose not to have union dues deducted on dues check off are considered in bad standing as of the 15th day of the month and in order to be eligible, must therefore remain in good standing for the next two (2) years in order to hold office. Section 3.A: The nomination of candidates and election of the union offices shall be by means of the preferential balloting method. Nominations of candidates for office shall be held at the regular meeting for the month of October, and any member in good standing may appear and place in nomination any member who is qualified to run for office. Section 3.B: Under the preliminary system where there are but two candidates for office, voter shall vote for only one. If there are three of more candidates for the same office, a run-off election will be necessary unless one candidate receives a majority of all votes cast. Should no one receive a majority of all votes cast, then the two candidates with the highest number of votes shall contest in a run-off election. Where two or more offices are to be filled, such as members of the executive board or delegates to a convention, etc. each office shall be contested separately, as position No 1. or position No. 2, etc. Failing to obtain a majority on the first ballot, the top two in each position will be in a run-off election. Section 4: Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the nomination meeting the recording secretary shall mail to each member, at his last known address, a notice of the time, place and date of the nomination meeting, primary election and general election. This initial mailing will also serve as notice to all members for all run off elections if it

becomes necessary following the primary or general elections. This fifteen (15) days notice, in lieu of being mailed, shall be considered as sufficiently given if conspicuously placed in a publication which is mailed to members of the Union.

Section 5: Upon reaching the proper order of business at the nomination meeting the presiding officer shall declare that it is in order to proceed with the nomination of candidates for the office of the President/Business Agent and International Delegates. After nomination for this office have been closed, by motion from the floor carried by majority vote, the meeting shall proceed to nominate candidates have been named for following offices in the order named: President/Business Agent, and International Delegate, Vice-President and International Delegate, Recording Secretary and International Delegate, Financial Secretary-Treasurer and International Delegates, Executive Board Members-At-Large and International Delegates, with a total of three (3) positions form each employer. The Financial Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare the sample ballot, placing the candidates’ names for the respective office in alphabetical order, and post same on the Union bulleting board within forty-eight (48) hours after the meeting. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the posting of the sample ballot all candidates must notify the Recording Secretary of their intentions to run and for which office they will be a candidate. Failure of any candidate to notify the Recording Secretary in writing of their intentions within forty eight (48) hours of posting will make them ineligible for any office and they will be automatically scratched. Section 6: Every bonafide candidate shall have the right, once within thirty (30) days prior to the election in which he is a candidate, to inspect, but not copy, the list of names and last known addresses of all members of the Local Union which list shall be maintained and kept at the principle office of the Local Union. Section 7: No monies received by the local Union by way of dues, assessments, or similar levy, and no monies of any employer shall be contributed or applied to promote the candidacy of any person in an election. Such monies of the Union may be utilized for notices, factual statements of issues not involving candidate, and other expenses necessary for the holding of an election. Section 8: The general election shall be held no less then seven (7) days, nor more than thirty (30) days after the nomination meeting. Section 9: All elections shall be by secret ballot and shall be so conducted as to afford all members an opportunity to vote as they desire without the exertion of influence

or coercion from any source. This union’s elections shall be done by a mail in ballot to afford all members an opportunity to vote. The mail in ballot shall be handled by using the Department of Labor guidelines for mail in ballots. Also L.M.R.D.A act. Section 10: All elections and counting of ballots shall be under the supervision of an election committee, consisting of three (3) members appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 11: The Recording Secretary shall furnish the election committee with a roster of the qualified voters listed in alphabetical order. Section 12:

Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.

Section 13: The ballot shall contain the printed names of candidates for each office and the voter shall indicate the candidate (as per Section 3 of this article) of his choice. Section 14: As soon as the ballots are counted the results shall be posted on the union bulletin board. The voter’s roster, tally sheets and ballots shall be sealed and safeguarded for a period of one (1) year by the Financial Secretary-Treasurer. Section 15: Installation of officers shall take place at the first regular meeting in the month of January following the election. Retiring officers shall see that all officers elected are duly installed and placed in charge of the affairs of the Union before surrendering or turning over their office.


Section 1: Any officer wishing to resign shall submit his resignation, in writing, to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall present such resignation to the next regular membership meeting. Section 2: When a vacancy occurs in any office and there is one year or less remaining in the term, the President shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy, except in the case of the President which will be six (6) months and the Vice-President will succeed to the office of President. Section 3: Any Officer or Executive Board Member who fails to attend any combination of six (6) meetings (i.e., regular or executive board) in any year may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article XIII AMENDMENTS TO THESE BY-LAWS Section 1: In order to amend, alter or rescind any section, or part thereof, of these By-Laws, the proposed change must be submitted to the Executive Board in writing, bearing the signature of the author, at least two (2) weeks prior to the regular meeting at which the proposed change is presented and read, the Executive Board shall post a copy of the proposed change on the union bulletin board where it shall remain posted until adopted or rejected. Action, as a result of the discussion on the proposed change shall be taken at the first regular meeting following the presentation and the proposed change must be accepted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the meeting in order to be adopted. Section 2: Neither the initiation fee nor the dues of this Local Union shall be increased, or an assessment levied, except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, by secret ballot, of the members in good standing voting at a regular or special meeting after reasonable notice (not less than fifteen (15) days) of intention to vote upon the question.

Article XIV MISCELLANEOUS Section 1: It shall be the responsibility of each member to keep their dues paid in full and to carry their current membership card in their possession at all times and show the same when called upon to do so. Section 2: Each member shall keep the Financial Secretary-Treasurer advised of his latest address. Section 3: The President/Business Agent shall have the power to appoint all committees, and the members thereof, not otherwise provided for. Section 4: Any member required to perform work for the Local Union on their day off, shall receive compensation (at their straight time hourly rate) for the amount of time required to conduct the business of the Local with a minimum of two (2) hours paid Section 5: Payment of T.L.U.W. shall be considered as a standing authorization and applied only in cases where time-off for Union work has been authorized, either by a majority of the Executive Board or by action of a membership meeting, prior to the performances of such Union work. Section 6: Except as provided in these By-Laws, the Union shall not be liable for any claim for salary or expenses for services performed by any officer, committee or member unless such has been authorized by the membership prior to the performance of such services. Section 7: The President/Business Agent shall fill the position of CorrespondentConductor and also Warden-Sentinel by appointment. Section 8: The President/Business Agent and the Recording Secretary shall each be responsible for the preservation of an official copy of these Local Union By-Laws and shall keep attached thereto an exact copy of any change made in same and also communication received from the International Office approving such By-Law change. Section 9: All members of the Union shall be required to wear the regular membership button in plain view.

Section 10: There shall be maintained a permanent Post Office Box in the same of the Union for the purpose of obtaining its correspondence. The key or combination of the lock on the box shall be issued only to the President or Financial Secretary-Treasurer. Section 11: Those members of the Executive Board and Duly appointed Stewards shall be the only persons authorized access and to post approved material on the Union Boards.

Article XV GENERAL FUND Section 1: The General Fund will be maintained at a minimum level of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Should the fund deposit balance be depleted below this amount, an automatic assessment of ten dollars ($10.00) will be levied on the dues of all active members and will be deposited into the general fund. Section 2: All costs incurred in negotiating a work agreement or labor contract, all legal and professional fees, all arbitration costs and all other bills and accounts owed to the extent that Local Union 1433 is liable, shall be paid from the General Fund. Section 3: All monies in this General Fund or in process of levy, collection or deposits, will not be borrowed or loaned for any cause or circumstance. Section 4: The Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and deposit all monies collected in the name of Local Union 1433, pursuant to the International Constitution and General Laws.

These By-Laws are amended and proposed by the Executive Board of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433. President/Business Agent: Vice-President: Financial Secretary-Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Executive Board First Transit: Executive Board First Transit: Executive Board MV PHX: Executive Board Veolia PHX: Executive Board Veolia PHX: Executive Board Veolia PHX: Executive Board Veolia PHX: Executive Board Veolia Mesa: Executive Board Veolia Mesa: Executive Board Veolia RCC: Executive Board Veolia RCC: Executive Board Veolia TEMPE: Executive Board Veolia TEMPE: Executive Board ACI Rail:

Bob Bean Michael Cornelius Richard Johnson Dana Kraiza Virginia Mazzone Rosie Pedrego Jeanette Vaughn Mike Hennessey Sebastian Aldama Arturo Suastegui Frank Gutierrez Jr. Kaise Lambert Ed King Luke McCubbin Debbie Jones Dwayne Handy James Washington Charles Gooch

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