Ashutosh Deshpande - Martial Arts

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Martial Arts goes beyond self-defense. The resilence of martial arts lies in strength and discipline. Be it the impressive movements or the endeavor to practice discipline; martial arts is perceived as a work of art. It is like a sport but may not exactly fall under the same criteria. It is aggression with a hold of control and sway of grace. Its emphasis on making the mind more alert and practicing calmness the body and the soul add to the benefits of good health - physically and mentally. Simplicity is the crux of martial arts. The debut goes beyond the physical exercises adding discipline of the mind and emphasizing heavily on patience, humility, and respect for others.

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques

武芸 Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques


Contents Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Aikido


01 - 06

Introduction ......................................................

01 - 02

About it


03 - 04



05 - 06



Chapter 5

07 - 12

Introduction ......................................................

07 - 08

About it


09 - 10



11 - 12



13 - 18

Introduction ......................................................

13 - 14

About it


15 - 16



17 - 18

Chapter 6



19 - 24

Introduction ......................................................

19 - 20

About it


21 - 22



23 - 24

Kung Fu


25 - 30

Introduction ......................................................

25 - 26

About it


27 - 28



29 - 30

Taekwondo ......................................................

31 - 36

Introduction ......................................................

31 - 32

About it


33 - 34



35 - 36

Contents Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Aikido


01 - 06

Introduction ......................................................

01 - 02

About it


03 - 04



05 - 06



Chapter 5

07 - 12

Introduction ......................................................

07 - 08

About it


09 - 10



11 - 12



13 - 18

Introduction ......................................................

13 - 14

About it


15 - 16



17 - 18

Chapter 6



19 - 24

Introduction ......................................................

19 - 20

About it


21 - 22



23 - 24

Kung Fu


25 - 30

Introduction ......................................................

25 - 26

About it


27 - 28



29 - 30

Taekwondo ......................................................

31 - 36

Introduction ......................................................

31 - 32

About it


33 - 34



35 - 36

Martial Arts Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as self-defense; military and law enforcement applications; competition; physical, mental and spiritual development; and entertainment or the preservation of a nation’s intangible cultural heritage.Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of East Asia, it originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin and means “arts of Mars”, the Roman god of war. [2] Some authors have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never “martial” in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.

Martial Arts Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as self-defense; military and law enforcement applications; competition; physical, mental and spiritual development; and entertainment or the preservation of a nation’s intangible cultural heritage.Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of East Asia, it originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin and means “arts of Mars”, the Roman god of war. [2] Some authors have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never “martial” in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.

Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of selfsacrifice creates trust in the power of love.


Aikido 合 気 道 2

Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of selfsacrifice creates trust in the power of love.


Aikido 合 気 道 2

Benifits of Aikido ?

What is Aikido ? Aikido Japanese sport is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy and religious beliefs. Ueshiba’s goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attackers from injury. Aikido is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”. According to the founder’s philosophy, the primary goal in the practice of aikido is to overcome oneself instead of cultivating violence or aggressiveness.


Aikido is great for aerobic conditioning, increased strength and flexibility, improved posture, enhanced sense of timing, better reactions, coordination, and improved balance. Other benefits include pain relief, better cardiovascular health and reduced blood pressure. People who practice Aikido are generally healthier from the training. Aikido keeps you looking and feeling younger because of the physical, mental and spiritual/community aspects of training. The training helps you develop greater flexibility, strength and overall levels of general fitness.


Benifits of Aikido ?

What is Aikido ? Aikido Japanese sport is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy and religious beliefs. Ueshiba’s goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attackers from injury. Aikido is often translated as “the way of unifying (with) life energy” or as “the way of harmonious spirit”. According to the founder’s philosophy, the primary goal in the practice of aikido is to overcome oneself instead of cultivating violence or aggressiveness.


Aikido is great for aerobic conditioning, increased strength and flexibility, improved posture, enhanced sense of timing, better reactions, coordination, and improved balance. Other benefits include pain relief, better cardiovascular health and reduced blood pressure. People who practice Aikido are generally healthier from the training. Aikido keeps you looking and feeling younger because of the physical, mental and spiritual/community aspects of training. The training helps you develop greater flexibility, strength and overall levels of general fitness.



A control using one hand on the elbow and one hand near the wrist which leverages uke to the ground. This grip also applies pressure into the ulnar nerve at the wrist.

“Aikido ain’t a defensive nor offensive martial art. It proactively halts the enemy’s intention to attack.”

Nikyo A danger pronating wristlock that can torques the arm and applies painful nerve pressure for the opponent .

Younkyo A shoulder control similar to ikkyō, but with both hands gripping the forearm. The knuckles (from the palm side) are applied to the recipient’s radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone.




A control using one hand on the elbow and one hand near the wrist which leverages uke to the ground. This grip also applies pressure into the ulnar nerve at the wrist.

“Aikido ain’t a defensive nor offensive martial art. It proactively halts the enemy’s intention to attack.”

Nikyo A danger pronating wristlock that can torques the arm and applies painful nerve pressure for the opponent .

Younkyo A shoulder control similar to ikkyō, but with both hands gripping the forearm. The knuckles (from the palm side) are applied to the recipient’s radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone.



樹 拾 Jujitsu 7

“Jiu jitsu and martial arts do not build character, they reveal it. We are all born with unmeasurable courage and determination, but it is as we go through the trials of rigorous training that we rediscover those gifts.”


樹 拾 Jujitsu 7

“Jiu jitsu and martial arts do not build character, they reveal it. We are all born with unmeasurable courage and determination, but it is as we go through the trials of rigorous training that we rediscover those gifts.”



What is

Benifits of

Jujitsu ?

Jujitsu ?

Jujitsu is a self-defence martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting and submission holds. It focuses on the skill of controlling one’s opponent, gaining a dominant position and using a number of techniques to force them in to submission via joint locks or chokeholds.

Studying jiu jitsu provides students with physical and mental benefits. It is an effective way to build strength, and you won’t even need to pick up any dumbbells. The full-body workout you get with BJJ includes a lot of grappling, which builds strength throughout your entire body. Lowering blood pressure is another positive effect of the aerobic exercise jiu-jitsu provides.Because jiu-jitsu also requires strength and flexibility thus your overall fitness level will probably increase.



What is

Benifits of

Jujitsu ?

Jujitsu ?

Jujitsu is a self-defence martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting and submission holds. It focuses on the skill of controlling one’s opponent, gaining a dominant position and using a number of techniques to force them in to submission via joint locks or chokeholds.

Studying jiu jitsu provides students with physical and mental benefits. It is an effective way to build strength, and you won’t even need to pick up any dumbbells. The full-body workout you get with BJJ includes a lot of grappling, which builds strength throughout your entire body. Lowering blood pressure is another positive effect of the aerobic exercise jiu-jitsu provides.Because jiu-jitsu also requires strength and flexibility thus your overall fitness level will probably increase.



Hane Goshi Uke attacks Tori with right hane goshi, as he does so Tori counters by hooking his left leg around Uke’s lower left leg and reaps it to the right.Alternatively, Tori lifts Uke up and reaps both his legs to the left with his right leg. Similar to harai goshi gaeshi, the counter to the sweeping hip throw.


It is accomplished by initially having a firm grip on the opponent while facing him or her. The attacker then moves the foot to the opposite side of his opponent, to sweep the opponent’s opposite leg out from underneath him.

Kata Guruma The Kata Guruma, also known as the Fireman’s Carry This throw has been perfect for wrestlers and Jiu-Jitsu Competitors. What make’s this throw great is the use of lapel and level drop, which creates numerous opportunities. This throw is an excellent option for anyone looking to compete in Jiu-Jitsu.

Jujitsu Gym 12


Hane Goshi Uke attacks Tori with right hane goshi, as he does so Tori counters by hooking his left leg around Uke’s lower left leg and reaps it to the right.Alternatively, Tori lifts Uke up and reaps both his legs to the left with his right leg. Similar to harai goshi gaeshi, the counter to the sweeping hip throw.


It is accomplished by initially having a firm grip on the opponent while facing him or her. The attacker then moves the foot to the opposite side of his opponent, to sweep the opponent’s opposite leg out from underneath him.

Kata Guruma The Kata Guruma, also known as the Fireman’s Carry This throw has been perfect for wrestlers and Jiu-Jitsu Competitors. What make’s this throw great is the use of lapel and level drop, which creates numerous opportunities. This throw is an excellent option for anyone looking to compete in Jiu-Jitsu.

Jujitsu Gym 12

空 手 Karate 13

“Karate aims to build character, improve human behavior, and cultivate modesty; it does not, however, guarantee it.”


空 手 Karate 13

“Karate aims to build character, improve human behavior, and cultivate modesty; it does not, however, guarantee it.”


What is Karate ? Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Kung Fu, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. A karate practitioner is called a karateka, and its plural is “karateka” or “karatekas”.


Benifits of Karate ? Karate is a Japanese martial art whose physical aspects seek the development of defensive and counterattacking body movements. Karate will help to develop self-confidence, self-esteem, mental toughness, and resilience. All these mental benefits can then be applied in your everyday life and will make you a better, well-balanced person. Karate benefits at every aspect of their lives – physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Developing balance, coordination, focus, respect, discipline, self-defense is well known features of every practice.


What is Karate ? Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Kung Fu, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. A karate practitioner is called a karateka, and its plural is “karateka” or “karatekas”.


Benifits of Karate ? Karate is a Japanese martial art whose physical aspects seek the development of defensive and counterattacking body movements. Karate will help to develop self-confidence, self-esteem, mental toughness, and resilience. All these mental benefits can then be applied in your everyday life and will make you a better, well-balanced person. Karate benefits at every aspect of their lives – physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Developing balance, coordination, focus, respect, discipline, self-defense is well known features of every practice.


Gyaku Zuki Reverse punch using left hand or right hand should impact at the same place, in the center of the target. As you connect, lock your body for a moment as you tense up to make maximum force. Exhale or Kiai as you connect. Executing a gyaku-zuki in front stance.

Tate Zuki

Vertical punch should impact at the same place, in the center of the target. It is very usefull for a short distance as an attack.

Yama Zuki

Mountain Punch, a U-punch, resembles the character for mountain, thus the name.

Karate Training 17


Gyaku Zuki Reverse punch using left hand or right hand should impact at the same place, in the center of the target. As you connect, lock your body for a moment as you tense up to make maximum force. Exhale or Kiai as you connect. Executing a gyaku-zuki in front stance.

Tate Zuki

Vertical punch should impact at the same place, in the center of the target. It is very usefull for a short distance as an attack.

Yama Zuki

Mountain Punch, a U-punch, resembles the character for mountain, thus the name.

Karate Training 17


Judo 柔 道 The Art of Self-Perfection.



Judo 柔 道 The Art of Self-Perfection.



What is Judo ? Judo is generally categorized as a modern martial art, which has since evolved into a combat and Olympic sport. The sport was created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano as a physical, mental, and moral pedagogy in Japan. Judo combats rely on all three metabolisms, with the anaerobic alactic sytem being reponsible by the short duration powerful actions during technique applications, the anaerobic lactic system being responsible for the maintainance of high-intensity actions during longer periods, while the aerobic system is responsible for the recovery processes between high-intensity actions and matches.


Benifits of Judo ? Mostly judo is an important sport because of the advantage it gives you in self defence, discipline, and control.Judo gives its students a code of ethics, a way of living, and a way of being. Judo students also learn valuable social skills, and build long-lasting and meaningful relationships with others. If you train Judo you most likely develop a skill in standup grappling and some skill for grappling on the ground. Both can be very useful if you get into a brawl. 22

What is Judo ? Judo is generally categorized as a modern martial art, which has since evolved into a combat and Olympic sport. The sport was created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano as a physical, mental, and moral pedagogy in Japan. Judo combats rely on all three metabolisms, with the anaerobic alactic sytem being reponsible by the short duration powerful actions during technique applications, the anaerobic lactic system being responsible for the maintainance of high-intensity actions during longer periods, while the aerobic system is responsible for the recovery processes between high-intensity actions and matches.


Benifits of Judo ? Mostly judo is an important sport because of the advantage it gives you in self defence, discipline, and control.Judo gives its students a code of ethics, a way of living, and a way of being. Judo students also learn valuable social skills, and build long-lasting and meaningful relationships with others. If you train Judo you most likely develop a skill in standup grappling and some skill for grappling on the ground. Both can be very useful if you get into a brawl. 22

Morote gari

Ippon seoinage Single-handed back throw

Two-hand move

Hiza Guruma Place the sole of your left foot on the bottom side of uke’s right knee cap to prevent uke from stepping. Keep your left leg almost straight and continue your turn to the left to throw uke over your left leg.

Judo Gym 23


Morote gari

Ippon seoinage Single-handed back throw

Two-hand move

Hiza Guruma Place the sole of your left foot on the bottom side of uke’s right knee cap to prevent uke from stepping. Keep your left leg almost straight and continue your turn to the left to throw uke over your left leg.

Judo Gym 23


カ ン フ ー Kung Fu 25


カ ン フ ー Kung Fu 25


What is Kung Fu ? Martial arts, often named under the umbrella terms kung fu, kuoshu or wushu, are several hundred fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. They include physical exercises involving Five Animals. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as “families”, “sects” or “schools” of martial arts. There are many forms of kung fu, namely Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai chi, etc. and are practiced all over the world. Each form of kung fu has its own principles and techniques, but is best known for its trickery and quickness, which is where the word Kung Fu is derived.


Benifits of Kung Fu ? Kung fu teaches practitioners to draw energy in, focusing on good breathing techniques and visualization. These techniques can be used in training, but are also helpful in everyday situations, such as a frustrating work meeting, when you’re stuck in traffic, or during an argument with a spouse. Through this exercise, you will tone muscles that are important in fighting stances and forms in the arms, legs, and core.


What is Kung Fu ? Martial arts, often named under the umbrella terms kung fu, kuoshu or wushu, are several hundred fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. They include physical exercises involving Five Animals. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as “families”, “sects” or “schools” of martial arts. There are many forms of kung fu, namely Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai chi, etc. and are practiced all over the world. Each form of kung fu has its own principles and techniques, but is best known for its trickery and quickness, which is where the word Kung Fu is derived.


Benifits of Kung Fu ? Kung fu teaches practitioners to draw energy in, focusing on good breathing techniques and visualization. These techniques can be used in training, but are also helpful in everyday situations, such as a frustrating work meeting, when you’re stuck in traffic, or during an argument with a spouse. Through this exercise, you will tone muscles that are important in fighting stances and forms in the arms, legs, and core.


Lepord Fist The leopard fist, which utilizes the second knuckles of the four fingers, is seen in a number of martial arts—and for good reason. Flexing the fingers makes the hand rigid and strong. Since the knuckles form a smaller striking surface, the shock of a strike is not spread over a large area. And the thinness of the leopard fist allows you to insert it into narrow openings to hit soft targets.

Hiza Guruma The tiger claw is the primary weapon. Forming your hands into claws involves spreading your digits and bending them slightly. It’s effective at tearing up muscles in the arms, legs and body of your opponent, or it can be used to press, push and drive him away.

Morote gari The snake hand, in which all four fingers are extended to strike like a spear, is the primary weapon. “You can move the snake hand up, down or from side to side using it or your arm to block, then you can strike your opponent’s throat or another vital area with the same hand.

Kung Fu Training 29


Lepord Fist The leopard fist, which utilizes the second knuckles of the four fingers, is seen in a number of martial arts—and for good reason. Flexing the fingers makes the hand rigid and strong. Since the knuckles form a smaller striking surface, the shock of a strike is not spread over a large area. And the thinness of the leopard fist allows you to insert it into narrow openings to hit soft targets.

Hiza Guruma The tiger claw is the primary weapon. Forming your hands into claws involves spreading your digits and bending them slightly. It’s effective at tearing up muscles in the arms, legs and body of your opponent, or it can be used to press, push and drive him away.

Morote gari The snake hand, in which all four fingers are extended to strike like a spear, is the primary weapon. “You can move the snake hand up, down or from side to side using it or your arm to block, then you can strike your opponent’s throat or another vital area with the same hand.

Kung Fu Training 29


“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”


Taekwondo テ コ ン ド ー


“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”


Taekwondo テ コ ン ド ー


Benifits of What is Taekwondo ? Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do or Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art, characterized by its emphasis on headheight kicks, jumping spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques with kicks and striking being above waist height only. Taekwondo has played a major role in disseminating some of the basic philosophical beliefs and cultural principles of Korea. Lee emphasized participation in Taekwondo often means that a person is determined not only to attain the highest skill level of Taekwondo techniques, but the person is ultimately trying to achieve simsin-ilyeo (unity between mind and body).


Taekwondo ? The discipline of Taekwondo leads to increase energy, better health and fitness, greater coordination, and higher self-esteem. These qualities are vital to a happier, longer life. The World Martial Arts Academy program helps you recognize and handle situations in which self-defense may be required.


Benifits of What is Taekwondo ? Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do or Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art, characterized by its emphasis on headheight kicks, jumping spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques with kicks and striking being above waist height only. Taekwondo has played a major role in disseminating some of the basic philosophical beliefs and cultural principles of Korea. Lee emphasized participation in Taekwondo often means that a person is determined not only to attain the highest skill level of Taekwondo techniques, but the person is ultimately trying to achieve simsin-ilyeo (unity between mind and body).


Taekwondo ? The discipline of Taekwondo leads to increase energy, better health and fitness, greater coordination, and higher self-esteem. These qualities are vital to a happier, longer life. The World Martial Arts Academy program helps you recognize and handle situations in which self-defense may be required.


Front kick

This is a very linear kick. The practitioner raises the knee to the waist, pulls the toes back and quickly extends the foot at the target. It is also known as the snap kick. The front kick is one of the first kicks learned in taekwondo; if mastered it can become one of the most powerful. This technique is more meant to be used to push the attacker away, but can injure the opponent as well.

Back kick The practitioner turns the body away from the target and pushes the back leg straight toward the target, hitting it with the heel while watching over the shoulder. The turning motion helps to give this kick a lot of power. Without proper care, you can “spin out� and lose your balance from using this attack.

Side kick A very powerful kick, in which the practitioner simultaneously raises the knee and rotates the body 90 degrees, while extending their leg. In WTF style taekwondo, this technique should strike with the outside edge of the foot, although using the heel may provide more force if used in sparring.

Taekwondo Training 35


Front kick

This is a very linear kick. The practitioner raises the knee to the waist, pulls the toes back and quickly extends the foot at the target. It is also known as the snap kick. The front kick is one of the first kicks learned in taekwondo; if mastered it can become one of the most powerful. This technique is more meant to be used to push the attacker away, but can injure the opponent as well.

Back kick The practitioner turns the body away from the target and pushes the back leg straight toward the target, hitting it with the heel while watching over the shoulder. The turning motion helps to give this kick a lot of power. Without proper care, you can “spin out� and lose your balance from using this attack.

Side kick A very powerful kick, in which the practitioner simultaneously raises the knee and rotates the body 90 degrees, while extending their leg. In WTF style taekwondo, this technique should strike with the outside edge of the foot, although using the heel may provide more force if used in sparring.

Taekwondo Training 35


Martial Arts Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as self-defense; military and law enforcement applications; competition; physical, mental and spiritual development; and entertainment or the preservation of a nation’s intangible cultural heritage.Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of East Asia, it originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin and means “arts of Mars”, the Roman god of war. [2] Some authors have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never “martial” in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.

Martial Arts Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced for a number of reasons such as self-defense; military and law enforcement applications; competition; physical, mental and spiritual development; and entertainment or the preservation of a nation’s intangible cultural heritage.Although the term martial art has become associated with the fighting arts of East Asia, it originally referred to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. The term is derived from Latin and means “arts of Mars”, the Roman god of war. [2] Some authors have argued that fighting arts or fighting systems would be more appropriate on the basis that many martial arts were never “martial” in the sense of being used or created by professional warriors.

Martial Arts goes beyond self-defense. The resilence of martial arts lies in strength and discipline. Be it the impressive movements or the endeavor to practice discipline; martial arts is perceived as a work of art. It is like a sport but may not exactly fall under the same criteria. It is aggression with a hold of control and sway of grace. Its emphasis on making the mind more alert and practicing calmness the body and the soul add to the benefits of good health - physically and mentally. Simplicity is the crux of martial arts. The debut goes beyond the physical exercises adding discipline of the mind and emphasizing heavily on patience, humility, and respect for others.

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques

武芸 Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques


Martial Arts goes beyond self-defense. The resilence of martial arts lies in strength and discipline. Be it the impressive movements or the endeavor to practice discipline; martial arts is perceived as a work of art. It is like a sport but may not exactly fall under the same criteria. It is aggression with a hold of control and sway of grace. Its emphasis on making the mind more alert and practicing calmness the body and the soul add to the benefits of good health - physically and mentally. Simplicity is the crux of martial arts. The debut goes beyond the physical exercises adding discipline of the mind and emphasizing heavily on patience, humility, and respect for others.

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts

The Power of Martial Arts Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques

武芸 Japanese Martial Art Styles and techniques


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