Signatures - Spring 2020

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A S INGLE F RAME The crazy part is, we didn’t plan this photo. We didn’t bring the confetti. We didn’t tell Rodney to pose. This is just what happens when the bird’s involved. A spontaneous party. A celebration of Anderson University’s past, right here in the present, ready for the future.


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President’s Letter

Soar, Ravens, Soar The theme of this Signatures edition is Soar, Ravens, Soar. One of the key issues facing many of our students today is, to what are they called to soar? The passage from Jeremiah 29:11,13 comes to mind; “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’” What we strive for here at AU is to help students discern their calling and then equip them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve well, regardless of their major or chosen profession. We do this by providing outstanding classroom, lab, and clinical instruction, coupled with excellence in John S. Pistole BA ‘78 sharing a message with students in Chapel.

student services, all within the context of a Christ-centered liberal arts education. One of our campus themes this year and last has been real life transformed. transformed. What does it mean to live a transformed life for Christ and the Kingdom? Students have an opportunity to experience this firsthand on campus, not only in classrooms, but also in our engaging chapel services, on athletic fields and courts, and in dance studios and on the stage. I’ve mentioned Romans 12:2 before: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” God is at work at AU, transforming and renewing minds for godly work. I believe our world is in desperate need of hardworking servant leaders who are committed to integrity and excellence in all they do. These are the students we are equipping today, all with your help. We’ve started several new scholarship initiatives for the incoming class of fall 2020. These new, life-transforming scholarships can be viewed on our website at If you believe in the mission of AU, I would encourage you to prayerfully consider how God may be leading you to make a new gift to AU, perhaps even a sacrificial gift. Your gift, whatever the amount, will help us transform lives for Christ and equip future Ravens. Blessings,


14 IN FLIGHT Anderson University introduces some new initiatives for building upon the “Four Pillars” of its five-year strategic growth plan.

12 GOLDEN GIVING See how AU students are bringing the



FSB alum Kent Kramer is making an

Alumni Julie Short and Sarah Scharbrough

Golden Rule to life by using their time

impact at Goodwill Industries through

McLaughlin are making “sound” waves

and gifts to serve the Kingdom of God.

his AU education and his love of retail.

on Spotify.

VOLUME 100 ISSUE 1 Editor — Susanna J. Spencer; Art Director — Michael Baker BA ’08, MBA ‘15; Designer — Kyle Lockhart BA ’15; Illustrator — Jeffrey Jackson BA ’12; Contributing Writers — Caitlynn Elkins, Marissa Johnson BA ’13, President John Pistole BA ’78, Cassie Sanchez ’20, Aaron Schneider, Erin Smith ’20, Susanna J. Spencer, Michael Ulrich BA ’10; Photographers — John Bragg, Jill Cooper BA ’03, MBA ’07, Hannah, Lockhart BA ’15, Noelle Parks ’22, Dale Pickett; Director of Marketing — Mischon Hart BA ’07; Director of Alumni Engagement — Trent Palmer BA ’06. Signatures is the official institutional periodical of Anderson University. Editorial offices are located in Smith House on the AU campus. The mailing address is Anderson University, ATTN: Signatures magazine, 1100 E. 5th St., Anderson, IN 46012. Signatures and the Anderson University logo are registered trademarks of Anderson University.

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Stay up to date with

Campus News

WHY STANDING OUT MATTERS AU’s electrical and computer engineering programs were accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in September. This honor was already earned by the mechanical engineering program in 2018. AU adds to a handful of CCCU schools with these accredited engineering programs. This places the university in rare company and increases the value and credibility of an engineering degree for past, present, and future Ravens.

SOARING TO SERVE IN TOKYO Dr. Brian Dirck is a history professor who has been known to take his passion beyond the classroom. He is the recent recipient of the Fulbright scholarship, a program funded by Congress and administered by the State Department, which oversees all sorts of research, teaching, and study abroad programs. In Dr. Dirck’s case, he will be teaching at a Japanese university in Tokyo for 10 months. “I will encounter a fascinating culture, make valuable connections with Japanese students and faculty colleagues, and act as a goodwill ambassador and representative of both Anderson University and the United States while abroad,” he says.


Chris Luekenga BA '85 was named AU’s assistant provost and dean of students in June. Due to his arrival time, he had to quickly get up to speed with the responsibilities of the position. However, he admires any moment he has had with students, whether it be through a cup of coffee at Mocha Joe’s or a stroll in the Valley. “I have a deep sense of calling to assist students with an outstanding experience as they journey through their time at AU,” he says.


Heather Kim was recently named AU’s new vice president of enrollment and marketing. She stepped onto campus with an extensive background in higher education and a fresh perspective. “To partner with such an institution as AU, that has been devoted to graduating students with academic and spiritual integrity, seems to be a perfect fit for what I’ve long considered my life’s calling,” says Kim. “I am passionate about helping foster the academic and spiritual journey of young adults.”


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Athletes in Action


or many students, their participation in Anderson University athletics, whether on the field or in the stands, will be among their favorite memories of life at AU. Athletics allows students to actively soar through their God-given abilities, and challenges them to achieve more — not just personally, but also for their teammates.

Student-athletes make up a significant percentage of the AU community, with extracurricular activities playing a big role in their experience. In addition to athletics, many find other ways to get involved. Seniors Alphonso Blackwell ’20 and Taylor Lawson ’20 are dual-sport athletes who are heavily engaged within the campus and Madison County communities. Blackwell competes in both football and track and field, while Lawson is on the volleyball and softball teams. Blackwell wanted to be engaged on campus from the start of his freshman year.


“I was looking to join a social club, but I didn’t find one that matched what I was looking for,” which, according to Blackwell, was a social club for minority students who share similar values as the Cultural Resource Center. With the help of other upperclassman students, as well as AU staff, Mike Thigpen BS ’07, MBA ’17 and Linda Robertson, Blackwell started the social club Phi Alpha Kappa (PAK) his freshman year, and became president during his second semester. This new social club has given students a place to come together and share different perspectives regarding diversity. Blackwell has also spent his time writing for the Andersonian, AU’s student newspaper, and the Office of Marketing and Communication as the digital content intern. He serves on the student senate, the Black Student Association, Raven Watch (AU’s student-produced sports television show), and as the play-by-play announcer for AU athletics.

BY AARON SCHNEIDER God transcend all borders was a life-changing experience.”

Taylor Lawson also immerses herself within the AU community.

It’s evident that Anderson University offers many ways for students to get involved and make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The opportunities provided through AU in part come from the generosity of those who give back to the university so current and future Ravens can continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.

“It has been an amazing opportunity to play two sports at the collegiate level,” she says of her involvement in volleyball and softball. “I have created friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.” In addition to athletics, Lawson participates in the Anderson University gospel choir, and mentors children from the Madison County community through an after-school program called College Mentors for Kids. These children come to AU’s campus, are paired with a student mentor, and get a glimpse of life as a college student.

“Overall,” Lawson shares, “my involvement on campus has given me opportunities to learn more about myself and become the person God intended me to be.”

Lawson shares, “Because of the many different organizations at [the university], I have been able to grow in many different aspects of my life.” Lawson has even had the opportunity to travel with AU’s Tri-S Global program to both Belize and Jamaica. She says that “seeing the love of

New Year, New Website:

Anderson University is grateful to those who have contributed to its campus activities and athletic programs. It’s evident that these opportunities equip and develop students far beyond the classroom into hardworking servant leaders who are making a difference.


Love God, Love Others

Golden Giving BY ERIN SMITH

Toward the end of 2019, Anderson University started a social media series titled, “The Golden Rule.” On the periodic table of elements, “Au” is the symbol for gold, and our community seeks to emulate this image. This series is dedicated to AU students, to showcase the many ways they are making an impact and serving others, which is what the Kingdom of God is all about. With the common messaging of love God, love others, these social media posts dive a little deeper into some of the students who make up our powerful community.


sabelle Thomas ’20, a student within the School of Nursing, did not see herself attending Anderson University. However, upon visiting campus and through many prayers, she discovered God was calling her to pursue her studies as a Raven. Throughout her time at AU, Thomas has been able to build relationships with others and has experienced what it means to love God, love others, saying,

“I think intentionality is where love is seen.” Last summer, Thomas participated in a medical mission trip to Kenya and was able to use the skills she has learned inside the classroom to help those she encountered. She was deeply impacted by this experience and the ways the Lord spoke to her heart. “The trip I took to Kenya was like a medical clinic. We would go to a different village every day and the people would work their way through the

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stations. In between, pastors would be praying for them and asking them if they wanted to learn more about Jesus and be part of the church they are planting there. It was all God.” “Meeting people where they are is key,” Thomas says. “Jesus Christ is the perfect model for servant leadership because He was humble, selfless, and straightforward in the way He interacted with others.” She says, “Servant leadership is putting the greater cause before you,” and this impacts the way she chooses to interact with those around her. As a lead discipleship coordinator, Thomas has been able to share this enlightening perspective to other students on campus. She helps encourage and give strength to the other discipleship coordinators who are in the residence halls so that they can pour into the students who need to hear the Good News. “You’re not supposed to be comfortable as a Christian; you’re called to grow. Sometimes it means stretching yourself and giving yourself to others when they might not even notice it.”

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The university stepped into its second century as a private, liberal arts college in the winter of 2018. Bright-eyed and excited for the future, Anderson University set a five-year strategic plan that would pave the way for the next 100 years. We call this plan the “Four Pillars.” These pillars are based on AU’s core values of creating an environment that fosters a community focused on an outstanding student experience, forwardthinking, fiscal strength, and an outstanding place to work.

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making an au education


More Accessible

ur financial aid department has been renamed the Office of Financial

Aid and Scholarships. The emphasis on scholarships will point our

students in the right direction so that they can find several financial

opportunities to enhance their AU experience. This year, AU rolled out three new distinctive scholarships in an effort to build upon our forwardthinking pillar by engaging constituents and making AU affordable for families.

Madison County Scholarship: In an effort to keep local talent local, this undergraduate scholarship is eligible to 3.0 GPA graduates of a Madison County high school or 3.0 GPA graduates who are current residents of Madison County.

Christian High School Scholarship: This opportunity is eligible to 3.0 GPA graduates from a Christian high school.

Church of God Scholarship: This scholarship is worth $3,000 (renewable over four years) and is awarded to students who are actively involved in a Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) congregation and are recommended by their pastor.

getting students to their future


in Just Three Years!

he university is now offering over 30 programs that can be completed in three years Future Ravens can now receive the same quality education and

preparation for success faster. This academic option could mean saving

a whole year’s tuition for a family. participating programs include :



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au initiatives Grow by $95K


t the tail end of 2019, AU was awarded a $95,000 planning grant through the Charting the Future for Indiana’s Colleges and Universities initiative from Lilly Endowment Inc. “We are excited about the opportunity to extend our collaborative partnerships with the city of Anderson, Madison County, area industries, and entrepreneurs by providing rich experiential learning experiences for our students,” said Anderson University Provost Marie Morris. “With generous funding from Lilly, we will be able to dream and implement initiatives to strengthen institutional and community effectiveness.”

rodney Flies Higher


ne of the key roles in creating an outstanding student experience is to focus on student engagement. Last fall, we unveiled a new and improved Rodney for our community. Though he remains the Rodney we all know and love, carrying with him our rich history and traditions, his new look symbolizes our progression into the future as we endeavor to be distinct, compelling, and relevant to the current generation of students seeking higher education. Rodney, along with the AU community, is now ready to fly even higher!

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ent Kramer MBA ’13 fell in love with retail at a young age. His grandfather owned a couple of grocery stores during his childhood, and Kramer worked in a grocery store for three years before leaving his hometown of Muncie, Indiana, to attend Indiana State University. Unlike many teenagers, he knew for sure that he wanted to make a career in retail.

Kramer’s first post-grad job was as a trainee for Sam’s Club in Springfield, Missouri. Over the next 11 years, he grew within the company and moved eight times, while he and his wife started to grow a family. Wanting their children to grow up closer to extended family, they eventually returned to Indiana, where Kramer took a position with K-Mart. In 2002, Kramer was contacted by a search firm looking to hire a vice president of retail for a local retailer. “When I found out it was Goodwill, I didn’t know what to think,” he says. But as he started in the position, he found that he enjoyed the culture and the mission of the organization. “Pretty quickly, I realized that I had landed someplace special.” Learning how the mission of Goodwill Industries aligned with his own Christian calling inspired Kramer to find more ways to impact the populations Goodwill serves. He moved up from vice president of retail to chief operating officer, which is where Anderson University came into the picture. Kramer had heard great things about AU’s MBA program, and knew that most Goodwill chief executive officer (CEO) positions, in which he was interested, required an advanced degree. “Getting my MBA was always something I had thought of doing,” he says, but with “moving so much and having four kids close together, there wasn’t much time for anything else.”

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The unique MBA program at AU allowed Kramer to attend classes one night a week at the Flagship Enterprise Center, a convenient location from his home in Pendleton, Indiana. He found a cohort of peers whom he could learn both with and from, as well as supportive administration in the Falls School of Business. He completed his MBA in 2013, and in 2014 a national search began for the president and CEO of Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana. The timing was perfect, and he was named to the position in April 2015. Kramer also recently joined the Goodwill International Board of Directors, which provides international consulting, data collection, and advocacy on Capitol Hill. It was an especially exciting honor because most of their board members have been in their CEO roles for a significant number of years, but Kramer was nominated to the board after being a CEO for less than five.

“With Goodwill, not only do I get to help the people I work with move toward success, but we also serve a population of individuals whom I believe Jesus would be fighting for.” Helping others is where Kramer finds joy and his calling. “That’s what makes me soar every day in my job.”

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A Case of

Momnesia “Sharing the stories we want to remember, and the ones we wish we could forget.”


momnesia: a word used to describe the forgetfulness that comes with motherhood


e call ourselves sisters, once removed,” says Julie Short BA ’00 about her friend and co-host of the Momnesia podcast, Sarah Scharbrough McLaughlin BA’01, whose brotherin-law is married to Julie’s sister.

The co-hosts state on their website that “The Momnesia podcast is a place to share and preserve the hilarious, mundane, and heartbreaking stories of motherhood. By sharing and listening to each others’ stories, we hope to build connections between moms that will lead to a kinder and more compassionate world.” Momnesia is a word used to describe the forgetfulness that comes with motherhood. For McLaughlin, using "momnesia" and "gramnesia" in everyday conversation is a normal occurrence. “[Julie and I] come from a great line of moms and grandmothers, but if they [would ever] say, ‘We never had that,’ or ‘Our kids never did that,’ I’d be like, ‘Gramnesia — they don’t remember.’”

After a long road trip with family from Indiana to Texas, in which McLaughlin passed the time listening to podcasts, she told Short it would be fun to start their own. The two got together to brainstorm and pinpoint a topic they both had in common. “That topic ended up being motherhood,” Short concludes, and Momnesia was born. Proud Anderson University alumni, Short and McLaughlin are making waves with their podcast, which first aired in October 2018. Not only did Momnesia chart in the top 100 podcasts for its genre on Apple Podcasts in its first season, but it recently reached 10,000 downloads in November 2019. Momnesia is currently wrapping up the release of Season 2, and began recording its third season in January 2020. While it’s evident the two have had measurable success, the best part about the podcast, for them, is that it impacts listeners and is just plain fun.

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“I love everything about it,” says Short. “I love the outlet that it is...I love the stories we get to hear.” McLaughlin echoes this sentiment. She says that when she and Short get to hear stories from those they host on the podcast — whether good, hard, or hilarious — she counts herself blessed. “I feel like it’s a gift. We’re able to spread this story that people wouldn’t know [otherwise]. That’s really fulfilling.” McLaughlin adds that she’s needed encouragement during different seasons of motherhood, so she hopes the podcast can be an encouragement to listeners, as well. Short and McLaughlin also feel it’s important to learn from each parenting experience, and they take comfort in knowing they’re not alone. “Not only are [we] not alone, but we have no idea what is going on...behind that Instagram feed that we see,” Short says about other mothers. “It’s so easy to think, ‘Their life is so much better than mine’.” However, Short feels that taking time to listen to others’ stories helps her realize that everyone has their own struggles.

Short runs social media for the podcast, and McLaughlin does the recording and mixing through her music background. Still, the two share they had much to learn in the beginning to take the podcast from being a dream to a success on Spotify. Phil Larson BA ’07 helped significantly with Momnesia’s creation, as well. Larson’s own podcast, Your Motivational High 5, recently surpassed a million downloads on Spotify. “He wrote his own music, which he lets us use for our podcast,” says McLaughlin. “He gave me all kinds of information to give everything the best sound, and ways to use the media.” Additionally, adds Short, “Jill Cooper [BA ’03, MBA ’07] did our photography for our website. She and Phil were our first two supporters.”

“We’re here to share stories.”

Momnesia has reached thousands of listeners, and is a powerful example of Anderson University alumni following their call to soar. By combining their AU education, God-given gifts, and experiences of motherhood, Short and McLaughlin are certainly contributing to “a kinder, more compassionate world.”

Despite the challenges of parenting, McLaughlin believes God has used her children to provide countless laughs and joys throughout the journey. She says that even though it can be difficult, it can also be good at the same time. Each day she sees more and more “the things that matter and the things that don’t.”

When asked what advice the two would give to moms or moms-to-be, Short laughs and says, “We don’t give advice. There are a lot of podcasts that do that, but we don’t. We’re not here to give advice. We’re here to share stories.”

In addition to being fun for the co-hosts, each has contributed to the creation and success of Momnesia.

Short feels most affirmed by the fact that Momnesia is helping listeners feel connected, supported, and part of a community of mothers going through similar battles, victories, and humors.

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Speaking to the ability of podcasts to connect people, Short says that “it feels like we’re [all] together when we’re listening. My hope is that people have that same experience with Sarah and me — that they feel like they know us and trust us.”

Find the podcast:


Whether the stories shared are intended to be remembered, or forgotten, Momnesia leaves the listener with a lifted spirit, higher hopes, and a deeper sense of compassion and purpose.

And that’s what being a Raven is all about.



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MORRISON SOCIETY 1917 ASSOCIATION Recognition of accumulated lifetime giving of $1,000,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mr. Daniel W. Babb Naomi H. Bennett Dr. Eric and Mrs. Sally Blom Mr. Leland E. Boren Church of God Ministries Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Falls Bill and Gloria Gaither Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Goerz Dr. Jayne Grandison Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilber Hardacre Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Hardacre Independent Colleges of Indiana Foundation Kardatzke Foundation Krannert Charitable Trust John and Cleo Leppien Lilly Endowment, Inc. Estate of Betty Ann McCullough Mrs. Dana H. Moore National Christian Foundation Harold and Betty Pontious Kenneth and Mabel Scheierman Paul and Kathryn Strickler

Tom and Sch’ree Ward Winner Family Foundation Dr. James York and Dr. Elizabeth York

BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Recognition of accumulated lifetime giving of $500,000 $999,999 Estate of Rollie A. Bennett Fred E. and Thelma V. Boze Foundation, Dr. Larry and Renee Allen Mr. H. Paul Cheeks City of Anderson Community Church of God, Ridgefield, New Jersey Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Connie Frederick Trust Mr. Glen A. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. James Giesler Ms. Suzonne Kardatzke Mrs. Carol Lawson Peter H. Leendertse Lehman’s Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden Maidlow Terry and Kimmi McCardwell Mr. Robert C. Myers OGSystems, LLC Jack and Carrie Ott

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Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reardon Saint John’s Health System Mr. John P. Sanders Dr. Lloyd B. Schnuck, Jr. N. Norene Slack State of Indiana Lucille A. Strawn U.S. Department of Education

FOUNDERS ASSOCIATION Recognition of accumulated lifetime giving of $100,000 $499,999 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Anderson Joe and Cleda Anderson Mr. Charles Raymond Armstrong Bill and Peggy Arnold Mrs. Bettie J. Arthur Patricia Seasor Bailey and Mark Bailey Mrs. Ann Naille Baker Ball Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Ballinger Mr. Larry Ballinger Rev. Bernard S. Barton Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Batdorf Esther M. and R. Glover Bauer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Beard Dr. and Mrs. F. Dale Bengtson

Dr. Anna Lou Blevins Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bloom Board of School Commissioners Dr. Donald G. Boggs Miss Vergie S. Bowlby Dr. and Mrs. Don Preston Brandon Breiel Boulevard First Church of God, Middletown, Ohio BridgeWater Church, Hamilton, Ohio Miss Charlotte Kathryn Brooks Mrs. Evelyn Byrum Dr. and Mrs. Carl Howard Caldwell Dondeena and Maurice Caldwell Miss Odessa Campbell Mrs. Helen D. Canaday Mr. Richard F. Capin Christian Women Connection Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Cima Citizens Banking Company Mr. Ronald K. Clark Clarkston Community Church of God, Clarkston, Michigan Stella Cole Charitable Remainder Unitrust Coleman Foundation, Inc. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Lee Collins Community Hospital Anderson Conreco Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Cooper Jamie H. and Daniel A. Courtney Rev. and Mrs. Isham E. Crane

Mr. and Mrs. Mort Crim Mrs. Laura Darby Mrs. Doris Dennis Dow Chemical Company Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Dunkin Dr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Dye East Side Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Mr. James Edward Eckman Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Eeds Lori Efroymson-Aguilera and Sergio Aguilera Mrs. Norma Eikamp Eli Lilly and Company Mr. C. Gerald Elliott Pearl Elliott Unitrust Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Espey Everybody’s Oil Corporation Rev. and Mrs. Denton F. Fair Fairfax Community Church of God, Fairfax, Virginia Dr. Clifford N. Felchle Dr. and Mrs. Hans Fichtenberg Mr. Gale M. Finney First Church of God, Ansonia, Ohio First Church of God, Saint Joseph, Michigan First Church of God Foundation, Wichita, Kansas Miss Jeanne Ann Fish Flagship Enterprise Center Fredericks, Inc., Bill Fredericks Dr. Walter Froese Christopher M. Funk and Company Estate of Lova C. Garriott Mr. Searle and Mrs. Fannie Gee General Electric Foundation General Motors Foundation Estate of Madeline E. Gideon Dr. E. Joe Gilliam Mrs. Lena Graham Dr. and Mrs. Roy Dale Grubbs Rev. Wayne Halbleib Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hall Mrs. Ann Hardacre Rev. Dan Harman Mrs. Donna Akers Harman Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Harting Chesley Heironimus Estate of Maxine H. Heitger Mr. John Leonard Helvering, Jr. Estate of Ersell A. Henderson Mrs. Jacqueline Hensley Mrs. Joyce Hensley Dr. and Mrs. Carl Andrew Hicks Highland Park Church of God, Casper, Wyoming Estate of Lillian Hoag Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Hodson Dr. and Mrs. Terry Horner Mr. and Mrs. Everette J.W. Humphrey

Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Hutchison Indiana Department of Education Indiana Space Grant Consortium - NASA Integration Partners IVD Trust Ms. Ann N. Ivey Michele Jackson and Wayne DeVeydt Mr. Ralph W. Jackson Mrs. Kimberly Leach Johnson Dr. E. E. Kardatzke James S. Kemper Foundation KeyCorp Dr. Philip L. Kinley Mr. and Mrs. C. Melvin Kleinhenn Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Knupp Mrs. Norma Koverman Kresge Foundation Lorelei Lacy *Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Leach Ms. Glenna J. Lee Dr. Juanita E. Leonard Jeff and Stephanie Leppien Mrs. Janet Lewis Ms. Margaret Ann Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lilly Miss Edith M. Lindenman Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Lockhart Mr. Richard H. Long, Sr. Maiden Lane Church of God, Springfield, Ohio Mr. Paul Malcom Marathon Oil Foundation Martin Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCord Dr. and Mrs. Robert William McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. David B. McCutcheon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McMahan Meadow Park Church of God, Columbus, Ohio Dr. E. Darlene Miller Mr. Gerald W. Moreland Mountain Park Community Church, Phoenix, Arizona Estate of Linfield Myers Dr. Ronald A. Naille Mr. and Mrs. John A. Neal Estate of Vada E. Nease Mr. and Mrs. C. William Norris North Webster Church of God, North Webster, Indiana OneAmerica Park Place Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Pennway Church of God, Lansing, Michigan Dr. and Mrs. Guy Feland Perry, Jr. Don and Sandi Peslis Dr. Harold L. Phillips Dr. J. G. Pierce

John Pistole and Kathy Harp Rev. and Mrs. Lee Dean Preston Procter and Gamble Fund Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pruett Mrs. Edith Qualman Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reitz Mr. Monroe P. Rhodes Dr. and Mrs. Hillery C. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Riddle Mr. Donald C. Ritchey Mrs. Evelyn G. Ritchey Rosemary L. Robinson Jay and Amy Rouse Salem Church of God, Clayton, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. William N. Salin Mrs. Dorothy Alma Sankey Mr. Russell C. Savage Wilbur L. and Eileen M. Schield Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Shaffer Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Sharpton Mrs. Margaret Louise Shell Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Bernice Shoot Mr. James W. Sibert Mr. Billie R. Smith Mr. Harold E. Smith Steele C. Smith Trust Rev. and Mrs. Tom A. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith Vondel and Norma Jean Smith South Meridian Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sowders, Jr. Rev. D. C. and Rev. Arietta Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Staley Star Financial Bank Dr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Stevenson Rev. and Mrs. Loren C. Sutton Mrs. Dorothy Thomas Mr. Lawrence O. Thomas Estate of Harry B. Thornburg Ms. Helen Templeton Tudor United Way of Madison County USX Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Martha Van Lingen Estate of Lois B. Van Trease Estate of Fred W. Webert Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weippert Mr. Norman White Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Williamson Mr. James B. Winner Mrs. Amy Margaret Witt Mrs. Dolores Tate Wright Wyoming General Assembly of the Church of God

* These contributors were eligible for matching funds from their employers during 2019.

LEADERSHIP SOCIETY PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Contributions made in 2019 of $10,000 or more Dr. Larry and Mrs. Renee Allen Kristian and Brandi Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Nick Anthony Mr. Charles Raymond Armstrong Avis Foundation, Inc. Mr. Colin Bailey Pat and Mark Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Batdorf Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Beard Mrs. Sharon Berner Dr. Eric and Mrs. Sally Blom Fred E. and Thelma V. Boze Foundation, Dr. Larry and Renee Allen Dr. Wanda M. Hicks Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Carroll Church of God Ministries Betty Clemens Dr. Erin Coffman Dan and Angela Combs *Rev. and Mrs. James Randall Cook Dr. and Mrs. David E. Cox Delaware Glass & Mirror Co. Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Dunkin Dr. Sheryl Lynn Elston Estate of Robert Glenn Falls Ford Family Fund Rich and Kathy Forsberg Fredericks, Inc., Bill Fredericks Connie Frederick Trust Dr. Walter Froese Gaither Charitable Foundation, Bill and Gloria Gaither Bill and Gloria Gaither Mr. and Mrs. James Giesler Greif, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thomas Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Harbron Mrs. Donna Akers Harman Jon and Amanda Hayhurst Joanne Hernandez Dr. and Mrs. Carl Andrew Hicks Ms. Pamela Hockema Dr. Mary L. Holland Rhodes Dr. and Mrs. Terry Horner Independent Colleges of Indiana Foundation International Paper Mrs. Michele Jackson and Mr. Wayne DeVeydt Paddy and Mary Jamerson Mrs. Marcie McCormick Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Julian Dr. Scott B. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Leach Glenna Lee Family Trust

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Lehman’s Inc., Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden Maidlow Leppien Foundation, John and Cleo Leppien Jeff and Stephanie Leppien John and Cleo Leppien Lilly Endowment, Inc. Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lilly Madison County Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden Maidlow Terry and Kimmi McCardwell Myers Autoworld National Christian Foundation Indiana Dr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Nichols OGSystems, LLC Ontario Systems Park Place Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Dr. and Mrs. Guy Feland Perry, Jr. John Pistole and Kathy Harp Mr. John P. Sanders Dr. Lloyd B. Schnuck, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith Snap-Raise Chris and Julie Spires Mrs. Sandra K. Stephenson Mr. Dale E. Stultz Dr. David and Mrs. Beth Tharp Whippoorwill Woods LLC

DEAN’S CIRCLE Contributions made in 2019 from $2,500 - $9,999 James and Karen Adams Mr. Nathanael Adamson Byron and Keiko Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Adcock Airview Church of God, Opelika, Alabama Associated Agencies, Inc., Gary Thornhill Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Paul Auer Mr. Jonathan Michael Barleycorn Mrs. Katherine J. Barnett Tim and Michelle Cantwell Central Indiana Community Foundation Central Indiana Orthopedics Church at the Crossing, Indianapolis, Indiana College English Association, Inc. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Lee Collins Community Hospital of Anderson & Madison County Conreco Cornerstone Christian Church, Brownsburg, Indiana Jamie H. and Daniel A. Courtney

Mr. and Mrs. Mort Crim Cross Pointe Church of God, Bloomington, Illinois Dayspring Church of God, Cincinnati, Ohio Dr. and Mrs. John Mark DeFoggi Denver Foundation Ms. Esther DePree Domtar Paper Company, LLC W. R. Dunkin & Son, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Easley Lori Efroymson-Aguilera and Sergio Aguilera Mr. and Mrs. Brian David Fiscus Rev. Deidre Franklin Frankton United Methodist Church, Frankton, Indiana Georgia-Pacific Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Gerould Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Keith Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gourley Graphic Packaging International, LLC Rev. and Mrs. Martin David Grubbs Mrs. Ann Hardacre Dr. and Mrs. David A. Harris Barry and Connie Hippensteel Hoodview Church of God, Woodburn, Oregon Hoosier Energy Indiana Center for Nursing, Inc. JA-MY, LLC krM Architecture+ Gregory and Jennifer Krodel Mr. Tom LaMacchio Ronald and Marilyn Leach Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Leatherman Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Loose Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McCall *Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bradley McCracken Dr. and Mrs. Robert William McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McCutcheon Col. Marjorie Charlene Merrill Ms. Linda J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorpe Miller Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Moacdieh Mr. Keith and Dr. Marie Morris Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Gordon Nevitt New Life Christian Fellowship, Fortville, Indiana Dr. Martin LaVern Norris Dan and Misty Novak Leif and Kate Nunneley Rev. and Mrs. Dale L. Nye *Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ostrognai Ms. Rebecca Overman

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Packaging Corporation of America Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Packard Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pensec Phillip’s Temple C.M.E. Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Timothy and Jennifer Poncé Presser Foundation Rev. and Mrs. Steven Levi Rennick Ms. Anita L. Riegsecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Riethmiller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alan Runion Salem Church of God, Clayton, Ohio Foundation Jonathan and Lynn Schmidt Leslie and Debra Shade Mr. and Mrs. Hollie Lynn Sharpe Simpson Lumber Company, LLC Dean and Karen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Snyder St. Vincent Anderson / Ascension Rev. and Mrs. Rodney Kent Stafford Dr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Stevenson Stronghaven Inc. Rev. and Mrs. Loren C. Sutton Tanner Street Church of God, Sikeston, Missouri Ms. Mary L. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thornhill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Tovey Velodyne Lidar Mr. Steven C. Voorhees Arvid and Beulah (Boyer) Waller Mr. Peter G. Watson Mr. John and Mrs. Debbie Wechsler Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weippert Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Edward Welton, Jr. Ms. Christa Jane Welty Mr. Robert Louis Wenzel WestRock Paul and Kim Womack Mrs. Dolores Tate Wright Wyoming General Assembly of the Church of God

SCHOLAR’S CIRCLE Contributions made in 2019 from $1,000 - $2,499 Absolute Osha Consulting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Adcock Alexandria Church of God, Alexandria, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raymond Allen Brian and Catherine Allison Amboy Friends Church, Amboy, Indiana American Insurance Administrators, Inc. Anderson Rotary Club Dr. and Mrs. Jack K. Anderson Anderson/Madison County Visitors and Convention Bureau

Arlington Church of God, Akron, Ohio *Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Armstrong Kelly and Kathy Ashton Dr. and Mrs. James Ault Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Austin Ms. Beth E. Backus Dr. Brent and Mrs. Allyson Baker Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Baker Barrs Mill Church of God, Sugarcreek, Ohio *Mr. Matthew Baugher Mr. Chancellor Mitchell Benbow Dr. and Mrs. F. Dale Bengtson Mr. and Mrs. Max Benson Nelma L. Berry-Hostetler Birdseye Christian Church, Birdseye, Indiana Mrs. Jeanne Blocher Arnold Bockrand Estate Boeing Company Mr. Edgar Lee Borgers Dr. David Paschal Boyle Dr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Bracken Dr. Janet Brewer Mrs. Rebecca D. Bridges BridgeWater Church, Hamilton, Ohio Brookhaven Wesleyan Church, Marion, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deaton Brown Mr. Steve Cage Dr. and Mrs. Carl Howard Caldwell David and Terry Canal Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Carr Catlin Church of Christ, Catlin, Illinois Mrs. Betty Jo Cavender Church of God, Barryton, Michigan Mrs. Betty Church Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Church Ms. Mary Cisco Clinton Frame Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana Bob and Vivian Coffman College Park Church of God, Long Beach, California College Park Church of God, Ocala, Florida Community Church of God, Mt. Carmel, Illinois Jason and Mandy Confer Conway Family Foundation *Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steven Cook Doctors David and Shirley Coolidge Prof. David Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwin Courtney Miss Amanda M. Cowgill Crossings Community Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Lyle and Cindy Crouse Dr. Robert G. Culbertson Long Dang Steve and Sara Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steven Detwiler

A complete Report of Gifts for 2019 is

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc Joseph C. and Carolyn S. Ditto Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunwiddie Eastland Church of God, Lexington, Kentucky Eaton Corporation Mr. Ray Z. Edson Charles Eldridge and Evelyn Eldridge Eli Lilly and Company Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Engbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Erskine Tracy and Donna Faudree First Baptist Church, Carmel, Indiana First Baptist Church, Newton, Illinois First Baptist Church, Rochester, Indiana First Church of God, Monroe, Ohio First Church of God, New Haven, West Virginia First Church of God, Wauseon, Ohio First Church of the Nazarene, New Castle, Indiana First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, Ohio First Presbyterian Church, Ossian, Indiana First United Methodist Church, Anderson, Indiana First United Methodist Church, Montpelier, Indiana Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Foggs Mrs. Gena Ford Mrs. Elaine Fortune Dr. Jerry Fox and Mrs. Deborah Miller Fox Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Frasure Mr. Daryl E. Fridley Mr. and Mrs. Miles D. Furnish Rachel Geiersbach Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Gerig *Mr. and Mrs. Steven Comer Givens Dr. and Mrs. Scott Alan Green Mrs. Myrna Guillen Mr. Peter A. Handy Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillip Harp Hazelwood Christian Church, Clayton, Indiana Mrs. Connie Henderson John and Linda Hendrickson Mrs. Tarrin Henry Mr. Terry Henry The Hershey Company Hugh and Kim Hillix Dr. Duane C. Hoak Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Hobbs Home Church, New Ross, Indiana Hudson United Brethren Church, Hudson, Indiana Mrs. Sandra Kay Hudson

Mr. Brent Hughes Mr. Bill Hullinger Mr. and Mrs. Everette J.W. Humphrey Jennifer Hunt Invenergy Solar Development Dr. and Mrs. Delano Blake Janutolo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jenness Jericho Friends Church, Union City, Indiana Mrs. Laurale Johnson Dr. Philip L. Kinley Knox Knolls Free Methodist Church, Springfield, Illinois Mr. Joel D. Kolmodin L’Amifidel Social Club Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, Bedford, Indiana Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Leach Leading Medical Services Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Leatherman Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lenz Chad and Stephanie Lesnet Mrs. Janet Lewis Liberty Mills Church of the Nazarene, Fort Wayne, Indiana Light of the World Christian Fellowship, George Town, Grand Cayman Mr. Jeremy Lochner Ken and Donna Lockhart Logos Romanian Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan Ms. Jean F. Long Mrs. Lois Jean Long Dr. and Mrs. Doyle John Lucas Lynchwood Church of God, Portland, Oregon Mrs. Anne Rummel Manley Maple City Chapel, Goshen, Indiana Tom and Joan Marcuccilli Mrs. Joellen Martin Mr. Ryan Mason Mr. and Mrs. Cash McCardwell Benjamin and Sandra McCurdy Dr. and Mrs. Mark McDaniel Jon and Amy McLaughlin Marian J. McLaughlin Mr. James McSharar *Mrs. Donna Mello Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mesecher Bob and Mary Milford Dr. E. Darlene Miller Phil and Holly Miller Momentum Church, Crown Point, Indiana Monticello United Methodist Church, Monticello, Indiana Ms. Pamela Sue Moore Estate of Donald Nelson Morris Dr. and Mrs. James T. Morris

available at

mychurch indy, Indianapolis, Indiana Mike and Kathy Nahrwold Network for Good New Life Wesleyan Church, Greensboro, Maryland Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Nichols North Avenue Church of God, Battle Creek, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Norton Mr. and Mrs. James Michael O’Bold Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel O. Okeniyi Origins Church, West Chester, Ohio Outlook Christian Church, McCordsville, Indiana Ovid Community Church, Anderson, Indiana Trent and Rebecca Palmer PaperWorks Parkgate Community Church of God, Pasadena, Texas Mr. David Pettigrew Dr. Laura Pires-Hester Place of Grace Fellowship, San Antonio, Texas Praise Chapel Church of God, Union City, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pruett Radiant Church, Brandenburg, Kentucky Rev. and Mrs. J. David Reames Mrs. Judith Joan Renbarger Mr. Adam Robertson Fritz and Patricia Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Kerry B. Robinson Rocklane Christian Church, Greenwood, Indiana Col. and Mrs. Robert C. Rothman Dr. Cheryl J. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Schermerhorn Mrs. Kay Schnuck Kyle and Laura Schroeder Dr. and Mrs. David Lee Sebastian Forrest Eugene Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sharp Sherman Street Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Shiloh Friends Church, Frankton, Indiana Shore Mennonite Church, Shipshewana, Indiana *Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Shryock Mr. Brian Simpson Dr. Jerry and Dr. Betty Sipe Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Sipka Douglas and Bernadine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Smith Jim and Cindy Smith South Creek Church of God, Kokomo, Indiana South Meridian Church of God, Anderson, Indiana Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sowers

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Roger Spencer St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lawrenceburg, Indiana St. Joseph’s Church of Christ, Saint Joseph, Illinois Mrs. Darlene Stafford Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Stephens Ms. Roslynn L. Steward Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allen Stiers Larry and Dana Stuart Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Suko Ms. L. Marlene Swartzfager Ms. Sandra Swindell Mrs. Kim Sasaki Swindle Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Talecris Plasma Resources Mrs. Betty L. Tarr Mrs. A. Jeanette Taylor Dan and Erin Taylor Don and Pam Taylor Miss Marchell J. Taylor Mr. Christopher Tincher Andrew and Emily Tink Mrs. Patricia S. Tolliver Michael and Donna Toombs Kurt Tovey Town Center Community Church of God, Marietta, Georgia Towne Boulevard Church Of God, Middletown, Ohio Mr. Ronald Eugene Townsdin Trinity Methodist Church, Lafayette, Indiana Dr. and Mrs. Merle C. Turner David and Jody Vanderwel Marvin and Elizabeth Veatch *Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Walden Mr. and Mrs. Rick D. Webb Joyce Duty Wehneman Mrs. Georgia Wessling West Virginia Christian Women Connection Westlake Community Church of God, Indianapolis, Indiana *Jack and Faye Wildman Kevin and Holli Wilson Word of Light Outreach Ministries, Nairobi, Kenya Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wright Ms. Linda Dianne Wycoff Doctors Daryl and Wanda Yoder Rev. and Mrs. Gerald W. Yoder Dr. Daryl Yost *Mrs. Heike Baird Young Your Cause - Boeing Mr. Scott J. Zebedis Zion Missionary Church, Fremont, Indiana

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Class Notes Kenneth Cook BA ’75 recently retired at the end of June 2019 from Pfizer Analytical Research and Development in Chesterfield, Mo., where he specialized in electrophoretic techniques for proteins and gene therapy, and assisted in authorship on multiple publications and presentations. He shares, “My wife, Marilyn, and I plan to spend time volunteering in church, traveling, and grandparenting.” Deborah Stapleton BA ’76 recently retired on Dec. 31, 2019 from her position as director of the Anderson Museum of Art. She originally moved to Anderson from Kansas City, Kan., to study at AU, earning her bachelor’s degrees in sociology and museology, with minors in speech and art. Stepleton worked at the museum for 39 years, and plans to stay in Anderson. Tom McCauley ’76 and Karen (Reinhart) Reaves BA ’78 once dated as freshmen at Anderson College, 45 years ago. God has blessed them as they recently married on March 15, 2019. They now reside in Auburn, Ind. Pauline (Lane) Koch BA ’78 and her husband, Warren, have been remodeling an 1896 farmhouse upon Warren’s May 2018 retirement from teaching university students. Pauline says, “After seven months of camping in a fifth-wheel [during the remodel], I think I will pass on camping for summer 2019.” Janet (Brown) Brooks BA ’79 retired from the Metropolitan Library System in May 2018, where she served as manager of collection development for nearly 30 years. She and her husband, David Brooks BA ’80, are now living in Ponca City, Okla. Janet enjoys weaving and substitute teaching, while David is spending time remodeling their home. Christine Evans-Klock BA ’79 recently retired in 2018, and served 27 years with the United Nations, as a UN Representative in Accra, Ghana (2015-2018) and as a senior manager with the UN’s International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland and Bangkok, Thailand (1999-2014). She is also a PhD economist and published author.

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David Humphrey ’82 recently released a coffee table book about his high school alma mater in Anderson, Ind., called Wave the Banner: Madison Heights High School. Humphrey is an experienced author, having produced several other books. He is also a contributing photographer of The Herald Bulletin. Rich Lindsey BA ’82 began a new position as a traffic log editor for Weigel Broadcasting in Chicago on April 1, 2019. This change comes after 19 years as station operations manager at ION Television in Chicago. He also continues as the worship leader at Highland Church of the Nazarene in Highland, Ind. J. Lee Harshbarger BA ’84 has moved to San Antonio, Texas after living in Mich. for 22 years. The move involved no change of job since he works as principal of an online Fla. high school, Sterling Academy, where he has served for eight years. Dr. David BA ’84 and Lisa Nehring BA ’84 host a podcast called Soft Skills 101: Life Skills for a Digital Age through the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network and on iTunes. David is the clinical director of Bethesda Christian Counseling Center, with offices in three states and eight locations. Lisa owns and operates True North Homeschool Academy, which offers live online classes, clubs, testing, special needs services, and more for K-12 students around the globe. Jerry White BA ’89 was named vice president for administration & finance and chief financial officer at Bethel University on Aug. 19. White most recently served as COO at Culver Academics. He has nearly two decades of business and finance career experience with prior positions of vice president for finance and administration at Albion College, and vice president at Spring Arbor University.

Brian Partin BA ’95 has been named director of University School at East Tennessee State University. He holds a bachelor’s degree from AU, a master’s degree in education administration and supervision from Tennessee State University, and an education specialist degree from Lincoln Memorial University. Last year, Partin earned his Doctor of Education degree from Lipscomb University.

Roger Stichter, DBA ’12, CPA recently released a book on generosity. The Principle of Maximums: Living with Enough to Give Away More explores how Christians can set maximums on their lifestyle, which frees up more of God’s money to create eternal value. The book encourages ways to increase this heavenly account while freeing us from the almost constant search to find value in earthly things.

Susan (Sharp) Nieten BA ’98 is a theatre teacher at Noblesville High School. She took her students to the 2019 Indiana State Thespian Conference where they were named 2019 State Champions.

Ty Palmer BA ’15 and Donah (Stringer) BA ’15 welcomed their first child, Ryleigh Joann, on Jan. 12, 2019.

Ben Risinger BA ’01 was recently hired to lead Imaging Office Systems, Inc.’s marketing and public relations efforts. Risinger markets the company externally and helps lead the strategic direction of all communications efforts. “Coming to be the first communications professional on staff for Imaging Office Systems is a dream,” Risinger said. Risinger earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from AU, and a master’s degree in public relations and digital media from IUPUI.

Gracie Espinosa BA ’16 is serving at Watertown Middle School in Watertown, Mass., as the special education connections teacher. She has experience working as a supervisor and counselor at a camp for students with special needs, and as a teaching assistant at the Campus School at Boston College. A personal mission of hers is to partner with families as part of the educational experience. She pursues knowledge in evolving fields of medicine, including genetics and the integration of holistic therapies with traditional medicine.

Kevin Todd BA ’01 has been named the new director of community development for the City of Westfield, Ind. Todd has been with the City of Westfield for 15 years and was integral in the planning and implementation of the Grand Park Sports Campus and the Grand Junction District in downtown Westfield. Nicole Greenlee BS ’07 recently received certification as a family nurse practitioner and is now serving families through Goshen Physicians Family Medicine & Urgent Care. For Greenlee, educating patients is as important as treating them medically. She believes in treating the whole person, not just the disease.

Have you recently moved or had an exciting change in your family or career? If you would like to submit a class note, reconnect with a lost alum, or have any changes to your contact information, please use the Stay Connected form at

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Remembrances Dr. Thomas Pappas passed away Sept. 1, 2019. A former AU history professor, he was known as a creative and gifted teacher who inspired many of his students to also become teachers. He is survived by his wife, Dr. Gloria Pappas BA ’66; daughter, Constance Pappas (Gene Halverson); along with nieces and nephews in Mich., Ill., Ind., and Mass. Belva Irene Schaffter BS ’47 passed away July 4, 2019. Daughter of Howard and Victoria Dodds, early Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) mission home workers in New York City and Anderson, Ind., she assisted her husband, Rev. Charles Schaffter BS ’47, in his ministry for 45 years. Belva is survived by her son, Wayne Schaffter BA ’75; her daughter-in-law, Beth Schaffter; her-son-in-law, Rev. Ray Bradway BA ’69, MRE ’71; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Geneva Maxine Tolbert Trigleth ’48 passed away April 21, 2019, at the age of 92. She attended Anderson College, where she met the love of her life, M. E. “Bud” Trigleth ’52, whom she married in March 1948. Maxine was a prolific writer, and she dedicated her life to Bud and their three children, Jan BA ’74, Harry, and Cheryl. She is survived by her daughter, Jan, and many grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Donald Nelson Morris BA ’55 passed away June 17, 2019. He met his sweetheart Patricia ’54 in junior high school in Freeport, Ill., and they married in 1951. He earned his bachelor’s degree in history from AU and went on to serve as a teacher, principal, professor, author, and speaker. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; his children, Rebecca, Peggy, Jamey, and James; 19 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Rev. Laverne Spencer Alt BTh ’57 of Orlando, Fla., passed away Dec. 4, 2019. Rev. Alt was ordained in the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) and went on to pastor churches in Ill., Minn., Ohio, Ind., and Fla. He will be greatly missed by his beloved wife of 68 years, Carol; daughter, Cheryl Alexander; son, Douglas; and grandchild, Lindsay Alexander.

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Sherrill Dean Hayes BA ’58, MDiv ’62 passed away peacefully in Anderson after a courageous fight with Alzheimer’s Dec. 16, 2019. Sherrill served as a Christian education pastor in two Christian churches, and pastored five Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) congregations. He is survived by his college sweetheart and wife, Phyllis (Fritzie) Hayes; his children, Jeff and Karen Hayes, Vici and Chuck Bryde, and Jennifer and David Withrow; his six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. J. Grant Bentley BA ’61 passed away Nov. 27, 2019, surrounded by his loving family. He graduated from Cass County High School in Logansport, Ind., and served in the U.S. Navy for four years. Grant served congregations as both pastor and assistant pastor in Ind., Ohio, and Minn. Survivors include his wife, Myrtle; daughter, Esthermay (Mark) Goossen; son, Davidjay (Nita) Bentley; two brothers; a sister; and nine grandchildren. Nancy Lee Bennett BS ’62 passed away Nov. 21, 2018. She met the love of her life, Alfred Bennett BS ’59, while at Anderson College and they married on June 16, 1957. Nancy’s passions were many with the most important being her family, including her children Wesley (Suzy) Bennett, Lisa (Keith) Harden BA ’82, Doug (Diane) Bennett, and Beckie Bennett; 10 grandchildren; and five greatgrandchildren. Byron S. Clemens BA ’63, MDiv ’68 passed away Nov. 7, 2019, at age 78. He served as a minister of the first Church of God (Anderson, Ind.) in Niagra Falls, NY, during the 1960s. He will be sincerely missed by family and friends, and is survived by one sister, Betty Clemens BS ’57; and one brother, Frederick Clemens BA ’68. Gary George Corbin BA ’63, MDiv ’67 passed away July 12, 2019, after a year long battle with cancer. He graduated from AU, where he played on the football team and was nominated All-Conference all four years. Gary is survived by his wife, Sheila; daughters, Susan Corbin and Sally Corbin; grandsons, Lucas and Landon Lefler,

and Corbin Polec; and special friends, Ken Gunther, Nic Burdekin, MacKenzie Chesley, and Elizabeth Kostreski. Margaret Pierce Harbron BS ’63 passed away Nov. 1, 2018. She bravely fought pancreatic cancer for a year. She will be remembered for her dedication to students in public school and especially the dyslexic students she tutored for many years. She is survived by her sons, Gary (Heather) Harbron, and Brendon (Jennifer) Harbron; daughter, Jennifer (Steve) Rue; eight grandchildren; and sisters Dorothy BS ’63, Marilyn, and Sarah. Frances Kay Martindale BA ’64 passed away Nov. 11, 2019. She loved her time as a student at AU, and loved serving as secretary for the mathematics department. Kay will be greatly missed. Rev. James E. Usher BS ’65, DMin ’19 passed away Dec. 15, 2019, of an undiagnosed illness that stumped doctors for over two years. James was a lifelong tennis player and was inducted into AU’s Hall of Fame in 2011. He preached his first sermon at age 16 and his last at age 76. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Carol Lynne Usher BA ’67, their two children, and four grandchildren. Dr. Jerry Spencer Jones MDiv ’68 passed away peacefully after a battle with Parkinson’s Disease Dec. 4, 2019. Jerry was a pastor and counselor for 30 years in Md., and later came to Ind. to be closer to family and friends. Jerry is survived by his wife, daughter, son-in-law, grandson, niece, and nephews. Paul Leonard Taylor BA ’72 passed away suddenly Dec. 18, 2018. He retired to Dover, Del., after working for the Federal Bureau of Prisons for more than 30 years. Paul was preceded in death by his wife, Sandra Harms Taylor; his father, Rev. George Leonard Taylor BA ’40, BTh ’49; and mother, Grace Taylor ’49. He is survived by his sister, Ruth Taylor Bracken BA ’80.

David Henry Fortune BA ’76 passed away July 17, 2019. He worked as the accounting and data processing manager for the Board of Church Extensions and In-Home Missions for the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.). David is survived by his mother, Elaine; brothers, Duane (Kim) and Dean BA ’82 (Laura); nieces, Michelle (Eddie) and Rachel; step-nieces, Madison, Morgan, and McKenna; and nephew, Ryan (Aileen). Donald Lee Frantz ’91 passed away July 22, 2019. He enjoyed working at the WQME radio station during his time at AU. Some of his happiest times were preparing and participating in the annual gumbo festival, and helping others, especially in the nursing home where his mother worked when he assumed the annual role of Santa. Survivors include his father, sister, step-siblings, nephews, and numerous cousins. Bonnie Jane Klein BA ’93 passed away Oct. 9, 2019. She received her bachelor’s degrees from AU in criminal justice and social work. She was involved in the “Big Brothers Big Sisters” program for nine years, and volunteered at a male maximum security prison in Pendleton, Ind., and a women’s prison in Indianapolis, Ind. She is survived by her husband, Allen Klein; and two sons, Jim (Irina) Neeley and Clarence (Cori) Neeley. Jacob A. Young BA ’08 passed away Dec. 27, 2019, at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center after his battle with cancer. Jacob graduated from AU with bachelor’s degrees in ministry and broadcast communications, and later earned a Master of Divinity degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. Survivors include his parents, David and Rosalia; his brother, Jason (Debbie) Young; his four aunts; his uncle; his two nieces; his nephew; and several cousins.

Thank you for reading these abbreviated memorials. See full obits and remembrances at

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STUDENT RELIEF FUND DURING THE COVID-19 GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS. All donations will help our students with unforeseen expenses. Help us show them that even in the hardest of times, we are #STILLAU, still Ravens, and still here to help them soar.


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# SoarRavensSoar These are our Ravens, using their AU opportunities to soar into the future.










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Signatures A NDERSON U NIVERSITY 1100 E. 5th St. Anderson, IN 46012-3495

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