Dear Friends, It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to present to you the 2017 edition of the President’s Report. With this report, we are reviving a tradition last observed in 2001 by President Julia Watkins, whom I have increasingly come to view as the architect of today’s AUBG. With more than 15 years to look back upon, composing this report is both a daunting and a rewarding task because so much has happened during this time – so many accomplishments to celebrate, so many contributors of time, energy, or funding to thank. How does one make sense of it all? In our early years, we were fond of saying,
the most amazing thing about AUBG is that it exists at all. It’s not hard to understand that feeling – everything about AUBG was unprecedented for Bulgaria and the region. AUBG was at the time the US government’s most visible development project in Bulgaria, and AUBG could not have survived without the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). By the end of AUBG’s first decade, the environment was changing. Bulgaria was accepted on the path for membership in the European Union, and the U.S. government was winding down its bilateral economic development efforts in Bulgaria. It became clear that AUBG’s future depended on its ability to become financially self-sustaining without direct US government assistance. AUBG secured one last grant of $20 million from USAID in 2001. The release of this grant was contingent on AUBG’s fulfilling a plan to bring its operating budget deficit from more than $4 million in 2000 to break even by 2008. This seemed almost impossible at the time. Nevertheless, AUBG achieved its first balanced operating budget ahead of schedule in 2006, and has operated with a balanced budget in every year since – including the years of the global financial crisis. We just recently closed the books on our 2016-17 financial year, and our budget surplus was $861,000 – the twelfth consecutive surplus.
Maintaining this discipline has allowed AUBG to increase its endowment asset value from $2 million to $26 million over this period, while building out our new and modern campus at the same time. As a non-profit institution, AUBG does not seek “profits” for their own sake. Financial sustainability is simply a pre-condition for establishing the foundation on which the achievement of our special mission can be built. Our mission is to bring together bright and ambitious young people from Bulgaria and from around the world, and provide them with a top quality liberal arts education similar to the best US liberal arts colleges at a fraction of the cost. The “AUBG experience” involves top quality teaching from a diverse and dedicated faculty who can provide individual attention to students. But the on-campus environment and student activities also constitute opportunities for student learning, growth, and leadership experience. The experience our students have at AUBG prepares them not only for successful careers, but also to assume leadership positions in their companies, their communities, or their countries. The success of AUBG lies in the success of our students and graduates – both in their careers and in making positive contributions to their communities. In the pages that follow, we will provide some examples, but no matter how hard we try, we always understate the effect! The most important message I have is that our work is far from done. We still have challenges to overcome and problems to solve, but a look back at our past gives me confidence that
the AUBG idea is an almost unstoppable force. The challenges we face today seem paltry next to those that faced my predecessors. AUBG remains a place where new and exciting things are happening. Our student body this fall will include more than 50 visiting Erasmus students from all around Europe. Both the Erasmus program for European exchanges and the ISEP program for U.S. exchanges are broadening their programs to include more countries and more possibilities. A student who comes to AUBG today can include a study abroad experience almost anywhere in the world. AUBG recently completed the outdoor sports complex with outdoor fitness equipment and professional surfaces on the tennis courts.
The faculty are working on refreshing and updating the General Education curriculum this year, and we are launching our first cooperative degree program – an executive master’s program with Bocconi University in Fall 2017. Our students continue to excel in international competitions in computer science, economics, and politics. We have received new awards from our institutional donors to make AUBG even better. American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) has awarded $300,000 to equip our innovation hub, and the America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) has awarded $2 million for scholarship support for Bulgarian students. Our academic programs are all ranked among the best in Bulgaria according to the Ministry of Education’s official rankings, and our alumni consistently rank best overall in career success. We just completed our most successful faculty and staff fundraising campaign ever – both in terms of number of participants and in dollars raised. Our recent success has not come without its continuing challenges and painful moments. Our challenges include recruiting new generations of AUBG students when the students we seek have more alternatives in more places than ever before. The political climate has made it difficult or impossible for us to recruit new students in some of our traditional markets. Some of the most generous supporters of the past are winding down their support for education and for us. Some of the painful moments include the passing of those who helped make AUBG what it is today. Many of the founders have passed away, and some of our most beloved faculty members are now gone. We will miss them all terribly. As proud as we are of our history and the challenges we have overcome, and the campus facilities that have been built, we must always remember that our focus is on the present and the future. The dream that inspired the founders of AUBG remains unfinished, and there is more work to be done. I hope you will agree with me that the best days of AUBG are yet to come.
Steven F. Sullivan President American University in Bulgaria
ACCREDITATION AUBG is unique in many ways, not the least as a university that is evaluated by two different accreditation systems and is successful with both. The first AUBG graduates received degrees that were accredited in the USA as a result of AUBG’s relationship with the University of Maine. AUBG achieved independent accreditation from the Commission of Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) for the first time in 2001. After becoming one of the first private universities in Bulgaria to achieve institutional accreditation in 2001, the University has since maintained high level of achievement with its accreditation and recognition in Bulgaria. AUBG’s programs maintain Bulgarian accreditation with high assessment grades, and are consistently ranked among the top three in the context of more than 50 higher schools in the country. As a separate process, the University achieves Bulgarian institutional accreditation with high grades. AUBG’s academic quality has been recognized continuously ever since, and AUBG’s accreditation has been reconfirmed twice, each time for the longest possible period of 10 years. In its most recent review in 2016, the CIHE report praised the AUBG faculty’s “deep commitment to the success of the institution and to that of its students.” The CIHE’s review of AUBG’s graduation rates, employment statistics of its graduates, and employer surveys “all provide evidence of the remarkable success of AUBG students and graduates and validate the value of an AUBG education.”
On September 23, 2016 CIHE took action to once again continue our accreditation based on AUBG’s compliance with the Standards for Accreditation. CIHE recognized our faculty’s “deep commitment to the success of the institution and to that of its students,” “the institution’s shared effort to assess student learning outcomes, led by the Student Outcomes Assessment Committee,” “a retention rate of 96-98%, graduation rates exceeding 80%, positive employer survey results, and favorable employment statistics published by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education” which “all provide evidence of the remarkable success of AUBG students and graduates and validate the value of an AUBG education.” In Bulgaria, AUBG is fully accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency of the Council of Ministers. AUBG issues its graduates both U.S. and Bulgarian diplomas. The Bulgarian diplomas are accompanied by European Diploma Supplements, which grant AUBG graduates immediate recognition of their academic credentials throughout the European Union.
AUBG TOPS BULGARIA’S UNIVERSITY RANKING The Bulgarian University Ranking System has been developed to help degree-seekers choose a university. The system compiles information and data on more than 100 indicators, which measure different aspects of university activities. These include: teaching and learning, university environment, welfare and administrative services, science and research, prestige, career development, relevance to the labor market and regional engagement. The indicators are based on statistical data collected from various sources, including sociological surveys. AUBG once again became an undisputed education leader for the sixth consecutive year in the National University Ranking 2016 edition. The five programs evaluated – Business Administration (BUS), Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC), Economics (ECO), Political Science and International Relations (POS), and Computer Science (COS) – were all top-ranked, with BUS rated as the best in Bulgaria. According to the ranking, AUBG BUS, ECO, JMC and POS graduates are among the highest paid professionals in the country. AUBG also boasts the lowest unemployment rate in four programs: ECO, COS, JMC and POS. AUBG’s top position indicates the caliber of its faculty. The University is home to renowned scholars and practitioners from all over the world, who are committed to building a modern academic curriculum in response to the needs of an ever-changing global business environment.
MAJOR PROGRAMS AUBG offers 11 major programs allowing young people to match their interests and future plans for a successful career and fulfilling life after college. Among the numerous benefits of liberal arts education stands out the opportunity to add a complimentary discipline to one’s main field of study for even more career options or prospects for graduate studies. It is possible to combine up to two majors and two minors free of additional charges. Most students take advantage of this rewarding opportunity – about 70% graduate with a double major and approximately 55% declare a minor.
MINOR PROGRAMS At present students at AUBG can choose among 18 minors that allow them to follow their passions and advance their learning:
SMALL CLASSES AND PERSONAL ATTENTION At AUBG students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of academic excellence and acquire skills that go beyond their degree, including critical thinking, networking, leadership and innovation. An average AUBG class consists of 24 students, while targeted student-to-faculty ratio is between 16:1 and 18:1. The goal is to facilitate an interactive learning approach and secure personal attention throughout the teaching process.
FACULTY AUBG faculty members are high achievers coming from top schools in the U.S., EU and around the world, who create a culture of academic merit that promotes a global perspective. AUBG nurtures active academic interaction between students and faculty both inside and outside the classroom. Faculty members broaden learning experience by engaging students in various academic events such as conferences, seminars, presentations, interactive talks, etc. At present, 55% of our full-time faculty are international scholars.
FULL-TIME FACULTY (AUGUST, 2017) Berisha, Marenglen, Instructor of Accounting, MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management, 2009.
Bozhinova, Krastanka, Assistant Professor of French, Ph.D. (Language Sciences), University of Nantes, 2016.
Castagneto, Pierangelo, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D. (American History), UniversitĂ di Genova, 1997. (On sabbatical AY 2017-18.)
Christozov, Dimitar, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Technical Science), Technical University of Sofia, 1986; D.Sc. (Technical Sciences), State University for Library Studies and Information Technologies, 2010.
Cleary, Timothy, Associate Professor of Business Administration, M.Sc. (Computation), University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 1985.
Cohen, Michael, Associate Professor of Writing and Literature, M.F.A. (Creative Writing), Brown University, 2003.(On sabbatical AY 2017-18.)
Crombois, Jean, Associate Professor of European Studies, Ph.D. (Modern European History), Free University of Brussels, 1999.
Dalakov, Peter, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematics), Pennsylvania State University, 2008.
Delchev, Nedyalko, Associate Professor of Theater, M.A. (Theater Directing), National Academy for Theater and Film Arts, 1992. (On sabbatical Fall 2017.)
Erdinc, Didar, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), University of Southern California, 1997.
Galletly, John, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Elementary Particle Physics), University of Liverpool, 1971.
Ganchev, Alexander, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986.
Georgiev, Vladimir, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Informatics), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Goksoy, Asli, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Ph.D. (Organizational Behavior), Marmara University, 2009. (On sabbatical Spring 2018.)
Gradeva, Rositza, Professor of History, Ph.D. (History), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Gurov, Andrey, Assistant Professor of Finance, Ph.D. (Social and Economic Sciences), University of Vienna, 2005. (On sabbatical Spring 2018.)
Harvey, Ronald, Assistant Professor in Psychology, Ph.D. (Community Psychology), DePaul University, 2014.
Homer, Sean, Professor of Writing and Literature, Ph.D. (Comparative Literature), University of Sheffield, 1994.
Iliev, Hristo, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematics Algebraic Geometry), Seoul National University, 2003.
Ivanov, Serguey, Associate Professor of Religion and Linguistics, Ph.D. (Linguistics), Sofia University, 1983.
Ivanova, Tatyana, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Algebra), Moscow State University, 1979.
Kalchev, Georgi, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), Southern Methodist University, 2005. (On sabbatical Spring 2018.)
Karagiozov, Volin, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Computer Science), Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1978.
Kelbetcheva, Evelina, Professor of History, Ph.D. (Cultural History), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Kelly, Laura, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, M.A. (Journalism and Public Affairs), The American University, 1992.
Leonard, Lynnette, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Ph.D. (Communication Studies), University of Kansas, 2006.
Leonard, Mark, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), University of Kansas, 2007.
Levchev, Vladimir, Associate Professor of Writing and Literature, M.F.A. (Creative Writing), American University, 1996. (On sabbatical Spring 2018.)
Levine, Ilya, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ph.D. (International Relations), University of Melbourne, 2013.
Lingle-Martin, Melissa, Assistant Professor of Literature, Ph.D. (Literature and Criticism), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2013.
López-Vázquez, Lucía, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics), University of Vigo, 2016.
Lucci, Diego, Professor of History and Philosoph, Ph.D. (Philosophy), Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 2004. (On leave Spring 2018.)
Lyons, Jonathan, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Ed.D. (Accounting Education), Kings College, University of London, 2011.
Mihaila, Roxana, Instructor of European Studies, LLM (European Law), Maastricht University, 2008.
Miree, Lucia, Professor of Business Administration, Ph.D. (Organizational Communication and Behavior), Florida State University, 1981.
Nikolova, Milena, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Ph.D. (Business Administration), The George Washington University, 2009.
Nilsen, Jeffrey, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), Princeton University, 1994.
Pantelides, Arthur, Assistant Professor of Business, Ph.D. (Engineering Management), The George Washington University, 2009.
Petkov, Rossen, Instructor of Marketing, MBA, Cotrugli Business School, 2012.
Phillips, Robert Jr., Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D. (International Studies), University of South Carolina, 1991.
Sardamov, Ivelin, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D. (Government and International Studies), University of Notre Dame, 1998.
Schwartz, Daniel, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D. (Philosophy), University of California – San Diego, 2014.
Snyder, Charles, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D. (Philosophy), New School for Social Research, 2014. (Spring 2018.)
Stantcheva, Diana, Associate Professor of German, Ph.D. (German Linguistics), Humboldt University in Berlin, 2002.
Stoilov, Anton, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Computer Science), South-West University, 2016.
Stoytchev, Orlin, Professor of Physics, Ph.D. (Mathematical Physics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989.
Sullivan, Steven, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), University of Wisconsin, 1991. (President.)
Terziev, Lubomir, Assistant Professor of Writing, Ph.D. (English Literature), Sofia University, 2013.
Timms, Giles, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, M.F.A. (Animation), University of California, School of Theater, Film and Television, 2010.
Todorova, Tamara, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), Varna University of Economics, 2001.
White, Robert, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D. (Political Philosophy), University of Auckland, 2008. (Dean of Faculty.)
Wien, Markus, Professor of History, Ph.D. (History), European University Institute, 2005.
Zankina, Emilia, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D. (International Affairs), University of Pittsburgh, 2010. (Provost.)
EMERITUS Bonev, Stoyan, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Computer Science), Technical University of Sofia, 1988.
Mutafchiev, Ljuben, Professor of Statistics and Mathematical Statistics, Ph.D. (Mathematics), Sofia University, 1977; D.Sc. in Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1993.
Popov, Angel, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematics), Sofia University, 1977.
Stefanovich, Mark, Professor of Anthropology and Archeology, Ph.D. (Archeology), University of California, Los Angeles, 1989; D.Sc. (History), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1998.
IN MEMORIAM Eastergard, Alf, Associate Professor of Accounting, Ph.D. (Business Administration), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1989. (AUBG, 1997-2013.)
Mullen, Filitsa, Assistant Professor of Writing and Literature, M.A. (English), Kent State University, 1986. (AUBG, 2004-17.)
Reed, William Cyrus III, Provost, Ph.D. (Political Science), Indiana University, 1989. (AUBG, 2010-12.).
Tanasoiu, Cosmina, Associate Professor of European Studies, Ph.D. (European Studies), University of West of England, 2003. (AUBG, 2002-16.)
FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR Scinto, Jesse, Instructor of Journalism and Mass Communication, M.S. (Strategic Communications), 2012. (Spring 2018.)
BALKAN SCHOLARS Mullen, John, Assistant Professor of Writing and Literature, Ph.D. (English), Kent State University, 1996.
Ryskulova, Nargyza, Instructor of Journalism and Mass Communications, M.A. (International Journalism), City University, 2012.
ADJUNCT Atanasova, Evelina, Instructor of Computer Science, M.A. (IT Project Management), New Bulgarian University, 2016.
Baykushev, Metody, Assistant Professor of Business Law, LL.M., Sofia University, 2004.
Burke-Kirova, Molly, Instructor of Writing, B.A., National College of Art and Design, 1985.
Clark, William, Assistant Professor of Natural Science, Ph.D. (Forest Science), Pennsylvania State University, 2005.
Dean, Anna-Maria, Professor of Fine Arts - Music, Ph.D. (Musicology), New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria, 2002.
Dimov, Vasil, Instructor of Computer Science, M.Sc. (Software Engineering) Sofia University, 2017.
Dean, Anna-Maria, Professor of Fine Arts - Music, Ph.D. (Musicology), New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria, 2002.
Dourchev, Alexander, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, EMBA, American University in Bulgaria, 2006.
Guelev, Dimitar, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematical Logic), Sofia University, 2001.
Iliev, Valentin, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematics), Sofia University, 1980; D.Sc., Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2009.
Kanev, Peter, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Ph.D. (Journalism Ethics), Sofia University, 2016.
Karpouzanov, Momtchil, Assistant Professor of Business and Economics, Ph.D. (Economics), Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III, 2009.
Kolarov, Todor, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ph.D. (Public International Law), Paisii Hilendarsi University School of Law, 2012.
Konedareva, Senem, Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies, Ph.D. (Bulgarian Philology), South-West University, 2015.
Krotev, Hristo, Professor of Fine Arts, Ph.D. (Music), State Academy of Music, 2000.
Mikov, Mihail, Instructor of Computer Science, B.A. (Computer Science), American University in Bulgaria, 2010.
Mitreva, Emanuela, Instructor of Computer Science, M.Sc. (IT Services),Sofia University, 2011.
Nankov, Milan, Instructor of Computer Science, B.A. (Computer Science and Economics), American University in Bulgaria, 2008.
Nikolova, Olga, Assistant Professor of Writing & Literature, Ph.D. (English and American Literature and Language), Harvard University, USA, 2005.
Parmakova, Maya, Instructor of Strategies for Academic Success, MBA (Business Administration), University of the Pacific, Eberhardt School of Business, USA, 2003.
Penchev, Issay, Instructor of Fine Arts - Drawing, M.A. (Drawing), National Academy of Fine Arts, Bulgaria, 1997.
Popov, Todor, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. (Mathematical Physics), Universite Paris Sud (Paris IX), France, 2003.
Stoychev, Krassimir, Professor of Natural Science, Ph.D. (Physics), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1989.
Tuparov, Georgi, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D. (Computer Science), Technical University, Bulgaria, 2004.
Wien, Sabina, Instructor of Bulgarian/German, M.A. (Linguistics, English and American Literature), Sofia University, Bulgaria, 1999; (German as a Foreign Language/Transnational Germanic Studies; Intercultural Communication; Slavic Studies) LMU Munich, 2006.
Worth, Augustine, Instructor of Writing, M.A.(History), National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland, 1999.
For more details, including contact information, see
STUDENT PROFILE AUBG students are bright talents from 35+ countries, who place priority on learning inside and outside the classroom. They boast a global mindset and embrace diversity. Young people at AUBG are very active and the existence of 40+ student clubs on campus proves it. TEDxAUBG, AUBG Olympics, startup events and conferences, theater performances, even its own musical – the AUBG community offers countless opportunities for exploring one’s passions. According to AUBG alumna and startup entrepreneur Daria Kuznetsova (’14), “AUBG is the place where one can get involved in so many different activities that it gets harder and harder each year to keep up with everything.” AUBG students are also pragmatic and career-oriented. Excellent multitaskers, these young people have clearly set goals they follow persistently. Students are increasingly focused on entrepreneurship, as evident by the numerous events and initiatives in this direction. 45% of AUBG students are international. The percentages of female and male students are almost equal, with females slightly prevailing with 51%.
818 Total Degree Seeking
39 Visiting Current Students Fall 2017
857 Total
SKAPTOPARA III In January 2010, the third residence hall on AUBG’s Skaptopara campus opened. The state-of-the-art dormitory was built in accordance with the highest standards of modern construction and provides students with an environment that stimulates learning. Skaptopara III quickly became a valuable addition to the world-class facilities AUBG offers to its multinational student body.
ABF STUDENT CENTER The ABF Student Center opened in March 2013. The impressive construction, designed by recognized architect Dimcho Tilev, was built with the generous support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The Center has added another dimension to AUBG’s liberal arts identity by changing the way AUBG community members interact with each other. Students benefit from having a state-of-the-art theatre hall, the best university sports hall in Europe, a restaurant serving a variety of dishes, modern fitness center, student and career services as well as the Admissions’ Office all nested inside the same on-campus building. The multipurpose building allows everyone to enjoy the ease and comfort of having meetings, working out, rehearsing acts, or sharing a meal at the same place. In addition, the ABF Student Center is the home of frequent presentations by companies and outside guests as well as art performances. AUBG community members have worked together to personalize the space, including displays of memorabilia from performing arts projects and sports activities.
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The ABF Students Center has become a regular host of art exhibits. The opening of the first annual contemporary art exhibition in the Hungry Griffin restaurant took place in 2017. The Center also serves to strengthen the ties to the larger Blagoevgrad community by hosting practices of the National Tae Kwon Do team and other national teams. In December 2013 the ABF Student Center added yet another jewel in its crown by winning the first place in the Education and Sport category at the prestigious Building of the Year contest, where the ultramodern facility captured the admiration of the 25 jury members.
OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITY AUBG’s outdoor sports facility was built on campus to meet the needs and wishes of the student body. The official opening took place in September 2016, as part of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations. The outdoor sports facility has had a tremendous impact on the AUBG community’s lifestyle. Having an AUBG-owned soccer field on campus has led to over 100 students participating in intramural soccer each semester. The tennis courts are in nearly-constant use, as are the basketball and volleyball courts. The sports compound also helps the university be a part of the larger local community, as it is also used to host local soccer practices and tournaments.
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ELIEFF CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND CULTURE: A HIGH-TECH KNOWLEDGE HUB Elieff Center is the AUBG outreach in Sofia, designated as a space for knowledge transfer, education, innovation and interactive activities. It is the home of the prestigious AUBG EMBA program and the Executive Master in Finance, Banking and Real Estate, a joint venture of AUBG and SDA Bocconi. The educational environment of the Center is completed by a number of executive and continuing education programs, lifelong learning trainings, masterclasses and distinguished lectures of prominent scholars and European and American business leaders. Elieff Center provides numerous opportunities for development, innovation and creativity. It secures access to the AUBG Innovation Hub, which creates a multidisciplinary space fitted with state-of-the-art equipment providing technological opportunities for far-reaching changes in business, computer science, information, audiovisual and communication technologies. In addition, Elieff Center provides a co-working space and creates opportunities for synergy of different social and economic collaborative projects and knowledge-based initiatives. As a modern multi-purpose facility, Elieff Center offers a perfect setting for business meetings, conferences and special events. It is a venue designed for a wide variety of educational and public outreach programs, ranging from professional education and trainings to various events for businesses, government bodies, NGOs, academic institutions and public and civil society organizations. Home of high-level educational programs and cross-sector endeavors, Elieff Center has been branded as a contemporary knowledge hub.
EXECUTIVE EDUCATION AUBG’s Executive MBA, the first executive MBA program in Bulgaria, was established in 2003. Today, a total of 339 top professionals have graduated from the program. It is highly selective and has successfully educated some of the most prominent business leaders of the country and the region for more than a decade. The practical curriculum provides up-to-date skills for high performance in a complex global business environment. It is designed to develop and enhance current knowledge through a sequential, team-based learning experience focusing on the various business functions of an organization and facilitating the strategic thinking that allows for integration and successful decision-making. In addition to studying and practicing strong communication skills, effective team-building techniques, and strategic decision-making, EMBA candidates are also offered a chance to become part of the AUBG leadership seminars, where they can interact with and learn directly from top managers and business owners. The team spirit of cohort-based learning and the interactive teaching approach of the program create a unique developmental environment, in which knowledge acquisition and experience exchange are key. AUBG IN SOFIA
The AUBG EMBA is a desired destination for professionals and individuals who seek additional skills to help them move up within their organizations or set up their own enterprise, and are willing to become part of today’s executive elite. Current students represent a broad range of functional backgrounds, areas of expertise and levels of management positions.
Executive Master in Finance, Banking & Real Estat e A Joint Venture Program
A Joint Venture Program of SDA Bocconi and AUBG
At the beginning of April 2017, AUBG, ranked the top business administration education provider in Bulgaria, and SDA Bocconi, business school No. 6 in the world, presented their first joint venture – an Executive Master’s Program in Finance, Banking & Real Estate (EMFBRE). The innovative program offers unique prospects to top-notch professionals who are looking for exceptional professional development opportunities. EMFBRE graduates will earn two degrees – from SDA Bocconi and from AUBG – that will be recognized in Europe and the U.S. Classes are taught by faculty from both SDA Bocconi and AUBG. The EMFBRE program prepares professionals to offer high quality solutions in a variety of financial, banking and real estate situations both operationally and strategically. The curriculum focuses on theoretical and practical knowledge, critical and analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, while emphasizing on key corporate culture elements: a fine blend of leadership and respect for others, strong ethics and appreciation of diversity, and values. The program consists of: • A 16-course part-time and post-experience program, delivered in conjunction with the SDA Bocconi School of Management. • Highly interactive courses, aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice. • Multi-dimensional and intertwined perspectives on finance, banking and real estate. The first cohort embarked on the exciting academic journey in October 2017.
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AUBG is a diverse and vibrant community, where collective spirit meets individual freedom and respect. For more than 25 years community members have established their own traditions and created ways to celebrate diversity, nurture academic and creative spirit, and mark important occasions. Some of these include International Week, Language and Culture Week, the Fellowship of the Mind Student Faculty Research Conference, TEDxAUBG and many more.
In September 2017 four AUBG faculty members were awarded emeritus status. Professors Stoyan Bonev, Ljuben Mutafchiev, Angel Popov and Mark Stefanovich were recognized for serving AUBG under honorable circumstances since the university’s early years. Professor Emeritus Bonev began his journey at AUBG 17 years ago as an adjunct professor, but then quickly earned his full-time position at the Computer Science department. His efforts helped establish the program as one of the leading ones in the country. When Mutafchiev and Popov joined the AUBG faculty in the early 90s, the Mathematics department offered only a handful of courses. Both professors’ work helped develop the math major and minor into the prestigious programs they are today. Stefanovich arrived to teach anthropology and archeology in 1992 and is considered one of the founding fathers of the AUBG faculty. His teaching went beyond the classroom walls, organizing excavation expeditions for his students to nearby archaeological sites. In addition, AUBG works dedicatedly to foster the relations with the local community. Blagoevgrad has been the hometown of AUBG for more than 25 years and the university has built strong and successful relationships with local partners.
CITY OFFICIALS RECEPTION AUBG organizes an annual reception, where the university invites city officials to celebrate the relationship with the town of Blagoevgrad. The event gathers political leaders and representatives of various cultural, educational and business organizations from Blagoevgrad, who get the chance to meet University students, faculty, and administration, and exchange thoughts and ideas. The reception is a small way to mark the long-term cooperation between the University and the Municipality of Blagoevgrad, which grows stronger and more beneficial by the year. 25 |
At present AUBG boasts more than 4630 alumni, who impact the region and the world and enjoy great professional and personal success. Many begin their careers in a variety of social, economic, IT and political spheres shortly after graduation. The majority launch their careers in a variety of social, economic, IT and political spheres shortly after graduation. Others continue their studies in master’s and doctoral degree programs at top universities in Europe and the U.S. The AUBG diploma is a passport to the world, so it is only natural that former students, who work for global companies across all continents, rated their satisfaction with AUBG at 6.24 out of 7.00 in the university-led 2016 survey.
“I think AUBG is definitely a fantastic platform to start or continue your education, and a big springboard to a very successful career,” said AUBG alumna Milena Grayde (’95), Managing Director at JP Morgan. AUBG graduates excel in professionalism, discipline and expertise—all gained through a skills-oriented education in a bright and active community. Through its versatile and flexible curriculum, AUBG prepares young people for the careers of tomorrow. Faculty members are high achievers coming from top schools in the U.S., EU and around the world, who create a culture of academic merit that promotes a global perspective. The holistic approach of liberal arts education and residential campus life prepare AUBG graduates for exceptional professional achievements worldwide - 99.8 % of AUBG alumni get employed or enrolled in grad school within a few months of graduation. AUBG alumnus and current MBA candidate at Kellogg School of Management Panayot Ivanov (‘13) said,
“AUBG education has never stopped paying dividends to me ever since I graduated.” Not only has AUBG helped by unlocking many doors, but it also has formed a distinct and critical mindset in me that I believe is the key driver behind my professional success so far. The time spent in university is a milestone experience; it has the power to shape destinies and create lifelong bonds. AUBG alumna and current M. Sc. candidate at Babson College Lilia Chobanova (’16) said, “The opportunities for development that students can take advantage of are countless, and the dynamic environment of learning is a great cultivator of communication and leadership skills. Furthermore, the university’s support of its students is life-long, through the valuable alumni network that one becomes part of, and also through generous awards such as the Tchaprachikoff scholarship. All of this makes AUBG not simply a higher education institution, but a community that is invested in your success and development even after graduation.” 27 |
AUBG connects people in a unique way while fostering creativity, love of knowledge and success.
“At AUBG you meet people who stay in your life for good.” “It is the similar mindset of the people or the special atmosphere at AUBG, or both, that really creates lifelong bonds. AUBG also made me curious about what is out there and gave me the basis and courage to go chase chances,” said AUBG alumna and associate partner at Dalberg Data Insights Rositsa Zaimova (’11).
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BEST RESULT IN THE AUBG FACULTY AND STAFF DONATION CAMPAIGN The AUBG community is famous for its generosity and unwavering support to the causes of the University. This is why the annual faculty and staff donation campaign is always a success. The AUBG faculty and staff achieved their all-time best result in FY2017, when a total of 102 donors donated the amount of $65,721. We thank our fellow community members for their generosity and will continue to foster an environment of care and support.
PARTNERSHIPS WITH MAJOR DONORS Since the very beginning, as a U.S.-style, liberal arts higher education institution, AUBG has counted on fruitful partnerships with major donors. The university was established in 1991 through the joint efforts of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) with the substantial help of Bulgarian and US governments, and the Municipality of Blagoevgrad. By academia standards, AUBG is a relatively small and young institution and in the years to come it will rely on the support of key donors to help bridge the gap between costs and students’ ability to pay. In this regard, donors such as America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF), American School and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA), U.S. Russia Foundation (USRF), U.S. Embassy in Sofia, the alumni community, corporate and individual donors will play a key role in retaining sustainability, keeping high quality, expanding student body and continued developing as a modern university. Partnerships with major donors are of vital importance also because they reflect the essence of the environment the University functions in. In the context of increased competitiveness, diminishing resources and demographic constraints, AUBG will have to base its relations with the key donors on integrity, collaboration and alignment of strategic directions. Such an approach will help the University to achieve its mission to educate the leaders of tomorrow.
ABF AND USAID GRANTS The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) are traditionally among AUBG’s most generous donors. Without the two organizations’ bighearted support the University would not have been what it is today. USAID has generously donated $61 million, while ABF has contributed $22 million. The success of our mission largely lies in the hands of our supporters. It is through their kind help that we are able to educate students of outstanding potential in a community of academic excellence, diversity, and respect and to prepare them for democratic and ethical leadership in serving the needs of the region and the world.
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We are thankful for the support and engagement we have received from USAID and ABF throughout the years and we look forward to a bright future of mutual success and cooperation.
TCHAPRACHIKOFF SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2007, the Tchaprachikoff Scholarship Fund provides some of the most exciting new opportunities exclusively for Bulgarian students. The Tchaprachikoff Scholarship program offers funding for tuition and fees for Bulgarian AUBG graduates who are admitted to a graduate program at any of the top 20 universities in the United States or to any of the top 20 US schools in the respective fields. A very successful Bulgarian-American, Anna Tchaprachikoff believed that education is the key to Bulgaria’s future and that AUBG graduates are particularly well prepared to participate in Bulgaria’s economic development. She therefore established a multimillion dollar fund which provides support to Bulgarian students admitted to top American universities. Since the launch of the Tchaprachikoff Scholarship program in 2009, over 30 AUBG graduates have been supported in their graduate studies at some of the top universities in the United States, including Harvard University, Columbia University, Duke University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Stanford University, and Cornell University. The Tchaprachikoff Scholarship Fund has distributed over $1 million in support of the top AUBG graduates. A TOTAL OF 31 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS. TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED: $ 1,162,800 Babson College: 2 Northwestern University: 2 Columbia University: 7 Stanford University: 2 Cornell University: 3 The University of Texas at Austin: 1 Duke University: 3 University of Southern California: 1 Harvard University: 2 University of Virginia: 2 Johns Hopkins University: 1 Yale University: 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 3 MAP OF TCHAPRACHIKOFF SCHOLARS
OUTREACH ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUE The English Language Institute (ELI) is an auxiliary unit of AUBG established in 1992 and designed to offer English language education to prospective students of the University, people from the community and all over Bulgaria and the region of Eastern Europe. In Fall 2017 ELI marked its twenty-fifth anniversary. At the beginning of October, the Institute welcomed over 630 students of English, including: • 390 children between the ages of 6 and 14, who joined the Younger Learners program, where for the first time all classes are taught by a team of a Bulgarian and American instructor. ELI is the only place in town where every enrolled child gets a chance to meet an American instructor in their classroom, and one of the very few in the whole country that offer the type of team-teaching experience to every student. • Over 240 adults in the Community Program for Adults, teaching general English and specialized test preparation, and as part of the renewed programs for language training funded by the European Union through the Bulgarian Employment Agency. • 24 students from 7 countries are currently into the second month of their intensive training aiming at improving their English language abilities for university studies.
17 | 33
1991 • September 18: The Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria granted • September 30: First day of classes. • November 2: AUBG inaugurated at an official outdoor ceremony in Blagoevgrad. • November: First meeting of the AUBG Board of Directors. • Fall: Students use the existing communal radio intercom system (“radiotochka”) in the Hilltop dormitory to begin the first dormitory-wide “broadcasts”, which would later turn into Radio AURA.
1992 April: First-ever Arts Festival held at AUBG. • September: Volga dormitory opens for student use. • September: First Soros Scholarships awarded to 17 students from 7 countries helping AUBG embark on its important regional mission. • November 16: The first AUBG newspaper, Aspecter, was published. • December: First theater production staged at AUBG – Thorton Wilder’s “Our Town”, directed by Al Cyrus.
1993 • January 27: AUBG finds its voice: first choir established. • September: Bistritza Residence Hall first houses students. Curious fact: it was previously a residence of Bulgaria’s communist head of state, Todor Zhivkov.
1995 • April: Galina Chuleva (‘95) becomes the first presidential medalist at AUBG. • May 7: First AUBG class graduates.
1997 • September: 50 rooms are rented in the Riltzi Motel to accommodate the increasing number of students. • November 27: First ground broken on the Skaptopara campus.
1998 • April 23: First More-Honors Academy show was organized. • September 11: Skaptopara I Residence Hall officially opens. 35 |
1999 • September: FlashNews – the first online student publication – is launched. • November: First visit by U.S. President: Bill Clinton receives an honorary doctorate from AUBG.
2001 • March 28: AUBG receives accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). • June 14: AUBG is accredited by the Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency. • December 22: AUBG celebrates its 1,000th BA graduate.
2002 • May: Students bid farewell to Volga and Hilltop – the last dormitories outside the new campus. • October 5: Skaptopara II Residence Hall officially opens its doors to students.
2003 • March 19: Elieff Center for Education and Culture in Sofia officially opens.
2004 • May 11: First Executive MBA class graduates.
2005 • May 27: First Alumni Mega Reunion brings together all 11 classes of AUBG students.
2007 • April: First edition of the Fellowship of the Mind Research Conference unites students and faculty. • May 12: New academic and administrative building opens officially. • May 13: Dimitar Galabov, the 100th EMBA graduate, receives his diploma. • August: AUBG community enjoys wi-fi access for the first time. AUBG HISTORY
2008 • April 10: First musical production by the Broadway Performance Club, “Chicago”, premieres. • September 3: New library building opens doors. • September 27: Elvin Guri (’96) receives the first Distinguished Alum Award. • October 4: Ground turned on the Skaptopara III Residence Hall.
2009 • April: AUBG grants the first Tchaprachikoff scholarships for graduate study at top 20 U.S. universities. • April: AUBG goes green – first Eco Week organized by students. • April 4: The Griffins American football club host the first national tournament in American flag football. • May 16: AUBG library named after Dimi and Yvonne Panitza at official ceremony. • September: America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) donates first $1 million for scholarships for the best Bulgarian students.
2010 • January 20: AUBG and Blagoevgrad officials cut the ribbon on the Skaptopara III Residence Hall. • April: “Hairspray” becomes the first AUBG musical that goes on a national tour. • May 15: The New Academic Building becomes the Balkanski Academic Center in honor of Professor Minko Balkanski.
2011 • March: AUBG graduate Georgi Iliev (‘96) wins the 2010 Book of the Year award in Bulgaria for his novel “Holy Fool: Dogtown.” • May 14: Groundbreaking for America for Bulgaria Student Center. • August: AUBG admits first second-generation AUBGer Lyudmil Lyudmilov – son of Todor Todorov who graduated from AUBG in 1995. • October 3: AUBG marks its twentieth anniversary with a birthday gala in Sofia’s Ivan Vazov Theater.
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2012 • October 19: New Student Center opens doors, named after the America for Bulgaria Foundation due to the foundation’s crucial role in the realization of this project. ABF donated $8 million to the project and made possible the construction of the state-of-the-art building.
2013 • March 15: Radio AURA, the oldest student club on campus, celebrates its 20th birthday. • May 10: The EMBA Program celebrates 10 years of excellence and achievements. • December: The America for Bulgaria Student Center named Building of the Year.
2014 • April: AUBG launches a virtual tour to bring the beauty and spirit of its campus to everyone. • November 6: AUBG’s website named “Institutional Website of the Year” in the 15th annual competition BG Website 2014.
2015 • April 23: The second alumni mega reunion gathers more than 300 alumni and at least as many students to celebrate 20 years since the commencement of the first AUBG class. • October 17: The ABF theater becomes the Dr. Carl Djerassi Theater Hall.
2016 • July: AUBG completes the on-campus outdoor sports facilities, adjacent to the ABF Student Center. • September 23: NEASC renews AUBG’s accreditation for a 10-year period. • September 30: AUBG celebrates 25 years of academic excellence and educating bright minds from all over the world.
2017 • April 3: AUBG and SDA Bocconi launch joint Executive Master’s program in Finance, Banking & Real Estate (EMFBRE). • September 13: Four faculty members – Stoyan Bonev, Lyuben Mutafchiev, Angel Popov and Mark Stefanovich, become AUBG’s first professors emeriti. AUBG HISTORY
STRATEGIC PLAN AUBG’s strategic plan Vision 2020 focuses on four strategic priorities. They have been defined as a result of extensive discussions among the university leadership and different stakeholders and various on- and off-campus focus groups.
• INCREASE ENROLLMENT WHILE MAINTAINING QUALITY The goal of high enrollment remains vital to the sustainability and strength of AUBG. Increasing enrollment will strengthen the university’s ability to expand academic programming both through new and within existing programs. A larger enrollment also allows for more efficient utilization of existing classroom and other facilities. It is important to note that increased enrollment will happen in the conditions of maintaining high-quality standards. Offering a meaningful, high-quality learning environment and educational experience for all students remains among AUBG’s top priorities.
• PROMOTE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE The tenet of excellence emphasizes three characteristics of the academic experience at AUBG: RELEVANT AND PRACTICAL The liberal arts model affords students the kind of knowledge and understanding of broadly applicable principles that frees them from the need to recall numerous specific instances. The liberal arts model takes the broadening of students’ minds or the training of the intellect as ends in themselves. Thus we value as relevant not only those skills or aptitudes that are directly applicable (for instance in the workplace) but those that are more broadly “contextualizeable” (for instance, the capacity for critical thinking or critical evaluation). Another AUBG advantage is that by presenting all subjects through “the lens of the regions” our students come from, our education acquires more specific relevance to our students. The value of liberal arts education lies in what it provides students: the promotion of a mode of thinking that could be called “critical” or “elastic” (in the sense of adaptable or versatile) and is not limited to a specific body of knowledge or to a single academic or professional field.
FOCUS ON STUDENTS The “focus on students” aspect of our tenet addresses the kind of students we want, and the kind of person they become. The characteristics we want for our students include aptitude for quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, research skills, and knowledge of the intellectual frameworks common to the humanities and social sciences. We also focus on our students’ attitudes and personal qualities. We want students to be ambitious, curious, adventurous, and dedicated to lifelong learning and the ethical conduct of their lives.
BEST PRACTICES In order to achieve our goals, the AUBG faculty and administration are committed to following best practices in all our teaching. We believe “Best Practices” include: • Modeling our beliefs in our personal and social behavior • Engaging students in an active learning community • Challenging students • Acquiring knowledge through “doing” • Learning “how to learn” • Stimulating critical thinking • Improving campus environment • Building capacity for sustainable growth
• ENHANCE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT The strength of the liberal arts experience lies not just inside the classroom, but in providing a physical and social environment in which students live, learn, take on challenges, and take on active roles in the life of the community. Therefore improving the campus environment, broadly considered as a system comprising of multiple elements such as physiological/living and safety conditions, sense of belonging, esteem, and self-actualization dynamics, is as important to us as meeting our goals for the number of students or maintaining strong financial results. For the time our undergraduate students are at AUBG, we provide not just their classroom instruction, but also their study environment, their living environment, and their social environment. We are responsible for promoting healthy lifestyles including fitness and healthy food choices; we need to engage in impactful and productive relationships with the local community and local authorities. Each element of the student campus environment complements the academic program, and is not separate from it.
By the standards of academia, AUBG is still a very young university. In its earliest years, the university’s main strength was its pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit. On the other hand, nobody could be sure whether the university would survive, or in what shape it would emerge from its growing pains. Long range planning could not be a priority under those circumstances. We have now progressed beyond that early stage. We still have important work to do to create the kind of university we want AUBG to be, but the foundation is sound. The emphasis now is not how to “survive,” but rather how to “thrive.” This new stage both allows and requires more attention to long range goals, and the establishment of processes to ensure that purposeful steps are taken each year towards long-term objectives.
LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The last fifteen years have been groundbreaking for AUBG. The University has enlarged the student body, built a modern campus, and added graduate programs. We provide our students with the best educational opportunities and maintain the benefits of authentic American-style residential campus life. The key areas in focus for the immediate future are strengthening enrollment, diversifying our programs and keeping affordability through scholarship support. We work hard to offer unparalleled educational quality to the brightest minds from the region and beyond by providing an affordable cost model. We provide our students with the best educational opportunities and maintain the benefits of authentic American-style residential campus life.
In 2001, the US accreditation visiting team was amazed by the academic success of AUBG. At the same time, they were very unsure of the financial dimension of a university that was losing money for each of the first 10 years of existence. There were concerns as to whether the institution was able to graduate its incoming class, let alone prosper in the future. No one envisioned that just 5 years later, AUBG would finish its first year with a balanced budget; would be growing its student population and building its campus, infrastructure and endowment. During the last seventeen years (FY01 – FY17), AUBG has been able to reach and maintain sustainability through careful management of revenues and expenses. • FY17 is the 12th consecutive year with balanced unrestricted operating budgets after 14 years of deficits. • Total Unrestricted Revenues have increased almost four-fold - $3.43 million to $13.19 million. • Total Net Assets increased almost five-fold - from $12.4 million in June 2001 to $60.3 million in June 2017. • Net assets per undergraduate student increased more than three-fold - from $19,817 in June 2001 to $68,595 in June 2017. • Property, plant and equipment per undergraduate student increased more than five-fold from $6,957 in June 2001 to $36,147 in June 2017. The AUBG total endowment fund balance increased from $2 million in June 2003 to $26 million in June 2017 (the highest level it has reached). AUBG has a significant economic impact on the city of Blagoevgrad. For the last 14 years AUBG has invested more than $61 million in the local community in the form of direct impact on businesses, governments, and individuals. In addition, AUBG has an on-going construction project. The current level of investment in this project is close to $30 million.
UNRESTRICTED REVENUE AND EXPENSES 17 000 16 000 15 000 14 007 13 730 13 070 13 528 14 000 13 185 12 452 13 000 12 071 13 656 11 410 13 114 12 000 12 811 10 864 12 324 12 408 12 377 11 000 10 111 11 847 9 308 11 074 10 000 8 335 10 021 9 000 9 853 8 300 8 019 8 289 7 582 8 944 8 000 6 702 6 985 6 655 7 994 6 234 7 000 6 415 6 000 4 088 5 000 3 434 4 000 2 569 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Total Expenses
Total Revenue
70 000
$64 350 $62 582 $62 676
65 000
$57 549 $54 799
60 000 55 000
$48 875
50 000
$41 955
45 000 USD
40 000 35 000 30 000 25 000 20 000
$30 411
$27 386 $23 693
$24 216 $22 616 $20 929 $20 703 $19 817
15 000 10 000
$36 045 $36 147 $35 636 $35 792 $35 040
$35 819 $35 561 $35 227 $32 091
$6 957 $5 426
$23 287
$17 870
$12 249 $12 586 $11 726 $10 749 $9 612 $9 801
$13 797
5 000 0 June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total Net Assets per student Property, Plant and Equipment (net of depr.) per student
AUBG TOTAL ENDOWMENT FUND BALANCE 28 000 26 000 24 000 22 000 20 000 18 000 USD’000
16 000 14 000
25 394
12 000 21 014
10 000 17 118
8 000
18 397
16 526
18 637
22 725
26 179 25 528 23 943
19 781
6 000 9 625 8 832
4 000 2 000
5 591 2 090
June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June 17 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
6 286
6 131
3 363
3 638
1 008
1 669
1 570
13 070
13 185
6 160
6 097
1 251
1 129
1 610
1 448
2 401
2 805
5-STAR DONORS Our 5-star donors have made gifts to AUBG in each of the past five years.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES & UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Youlia Berberian-Maleeva Thomas Celli Spas Dimitrov John Gulliver Marianne Keler Ivan Manev Elena Poptodorova Leon Selig Gerard van der Sluys
FACULTY & STAFF Toshka Borisova Viktor Dimitrov Andrey Gurov Volin Karagiozov Sophia Katsarska Daniela Kovacheva Lydia Krise Diego Lucci Jeffrey Nilsen Yulia Pechanova Ivelin Sardamov Steven Sullivan Evelina Terzieva Borislav Tyulekov
Alex & Asya Alexandrov Vladimir Borachev Alexander Boumbarov Asen Dimitrov Nikolai Dimitrov Nataliya Dimitrova-Popova Nestor Dinkov Nino Gugushvili Elena Krumova Stratsimir Kulinski Slavi Slavov Varbin Staykoff Vassil Terziev Yury Zabello
FRIENDS OF AUBG Barbara Brittingham Deloitte Bulgaria Nellie & Robert Gipson Pauline Porter Charles Rauch David Reich Wayne Thompson Herzog Franz von Bayern Ludmilla Wightman
The AUBG Society of Fellows recognizes private cumulative giving, since 1991, in support of AUBG
AUBG GIVING LEVELS University Benefactors from $1m | Panitza Fellows from $500k | Davidson Fellows from $250k | Presidential Fellows from $100k | Fellows from $50k
UNIVERSITY BENEFACTORS America for Bulgaria Foundation American Schools and Hospitals Abroad Balkanski Family Philippe Betherat J. Dimitri Panitza George Soros – Open Society Institute Anna K. Tchaprachikoff US Embassy of Turkmenistan USAID Athanas A. Zamphiroff
PANITZA FELLOWS Albanian-American Development Foundation Brother’s Brother Foundation Eliot Elieff The International Media Fund Marianne M. Keler The Salgo-Noren Foundation
DAVIDSON FELLOWS Ralph P. Davidson Carl Djerassi Nellie & Robert Gipson Elvin Guri (‘96) The Sallie Mae Fund The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts Richard J. Ramsden John C. Whitehead
PRESIDENTIAL FELLOWS Anonymous Gordon E. Cadwgan Norris Darrell Jr. David T. Flannagan William J. Hume Claude Janssen Lumina Foundation for Education Charlotte S. Metcalf MobilTel EAD Nancy R. Newhouse-Iovenko The Nando Peretti Foundation The Starr Foundation Telerik AD Chris von Christierson
FELLOWS Anonymous Thomas W. Bird Andrey Delchev Ann S. Ferren & Jonathan D. Fife Duke Franz Foundation Nan Frederick Freedom Forum Craig Hall Mary Lee Herbster Terry Hopkins ING Bank - Sofia Branch Jules T. Kortenhorst HRH Princess Maria Luisa of Bulgaria Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria Harrison Richardson Leon M. Selig Steven Sullivan
ENDOWMENTS Endowments are permanent legacies that support AUBG in perpetuity 2002 USAID Endowment 2007 Anna K. Tchaprachikoff Endowed Scholarship Michael & Louise Easton Endowed Scholarship Ann S. Ferren and Jonathan D. Fife Scholarship for Community Service 2008 Michael Iovenko Endowed Scholarship Athanas A. Zamphiroff Endowed Scholarship Ilya V. and Katherine K. Talev Endowed Scholarship David Huwiler and Svetlana Khamatova Endowed Scholarship Fund 2009 Metcalf/Ramsden Endowed Scholarship Stephane Groueff Distinguished Endowed Scholarship 2010 Robert L. Woodbury Endowed Scholarship 2012 Eugenia Shudtz Brechka and Roberta Louise Nilsen Memorial Scholarship 2013 Stratsimir Kulinski ’95 Endowed Scholarship 2014 Dimi Panitza Memorial Professorship Lyuben Petrunov Memorial Scholarship 2015 Victoria Pavlova-Entwistle Endowed Scholarship 2017 Cosmina Tanasoiu Memorial Scholarship Note: Every effort has been made to make this listing 100% accurate. If, however, your name has been omitted, misspelled, or misplaced, we sincerely apologize. Please let us correct our mistake by contacting the AUBG Development Office at
BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees is the governing body of AUBG. It is autonomous, self-regulating, self-evaluating, and internationally dispersed. The main focus of the AUBG Board of Trustees is to support the University to fulfill its mission as well as to guide AUBG in its pursuit of excellence. All of the distinguished members of the Board work pro-bono for the future growth and prosperity of AUBG. Their vision and leadership have a significant impact on the University’s future. The by-laws of the University require the majority of the board members to be U.S. citizens and two thirds of the members to be citizens of the United States and the Republic of Bulgaria. The Board selects and appoints the President who is a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board. To insure faculty and student representation on the Board, a faculty member and a student, respectively, are elected by their constituencies to sit on the Board. The Board comprises nine sub-committees through which business is conducted. Board members reflect a wide range of professional fields and expertise, including finance, government, higher education, banking, law, and media.
UNIVERSITY COUNCIL The University Council consists of distinguished individuals interested in maintaining regular contact with AUBG and willing to share their expertise and connections to secure financial and in-kind contributions in support of selected activities. Acting as an established arm of the Board of Trustees of AUBG, the University Council is designed to encourage participation and interaction on behalf of the broader AUBG community with the Board, University administrators, faculty, students and alumni in a manner providing essential human and material support for selected activities. The mission of the University Council is to help raise the profile of AUBG, locally, regionally and internationally, by engaging the interests and resources of individuals and organizations that can contribute to the continuing success of the University. All activities of the University Council and its members are intended to harmonize with AUBG’s mission and to complement the ongoing efforts of the University’s fundraising, programs and activities.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES (as of May 20, 2017)
Mr. Ivan M. Manev, Chair, Dean of the Maine Business School at the University of Maine, University of Maine, USA Ambassador Elena Poptodorova, Deputy Chair, Director, Euro-Atlantic Affairs, The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Andrey Delchev, Managing Partner, Eurolex Bulgaria OOD, Sofia, Bulgaria Ms. Carolyn Stefanco, President, The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY, USA Ms. Elena Fernandez-Bollo, An independent Strategy and Marketing Consultant, Brussels, Belgium; former Gillette Global Vice-President, with more than 30-year experience in Fast Moving Consumer Goods, with Gillette and P&G Ms. Elena Marinova, Founder and President, Musala Soft Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Gerard van der Sluys (ex-officio), Chair of the University Council Mr. J.K. Fagan, Vice President and Treasurer, State Street Bank GmbH, Munich, Germany H.R.H. Princess Maria Luisa of Bulgaria Mr. Joel Morse, Co-founder and CEO of C3i Inc., Morristown, NJ, USA Mr. John F. Mahon, John M. Murphy Chaired Professor of Business Policy and Strategy and Professor of Management, Maine Business School at the University of Maine, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA Mr. Pavel Ezekiev, Co-founder and General Partner, NEVEQ Capital Partners; Former Director and Country Head of Deutsche Bank Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Reggie Chandra, President and CEO, Rhythm Engineering, Kansas City, Missouri Area, USA
Ms. Rumyana Trencheva (’00), Managing Director at SAP South East Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Stephen Auth, Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Federated Equities, NY, NY, USA Mr. Svetlozar Petrov, Managing Director, JobTiger Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Thomas Celli, President, Celli-Flynn Brennan Architects and Planners, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Mr. Thomas Higgins, Managing Partner, Balkan Accession Fund, Sofia, Bulgaria Mr. Vladimir Rusev (’97), (ex-officio), Partner Finance and Administration, EON TOYS, Sofia, Bulgaria Ms. Victoria Entwistle, Managing Director, Magnolia Advisory, London, UK Mr. Yavor Georgiev, CEO, Parvi May AD, Silistra, Bulgaria
REPRESENTATIVES TO THE BOARD Mr. Robert Phillips, Faculty Representative to the Board Ms. Evelina Kelbetcheva, Alternate Faculty Representative to the Board Ms. Karina Barambayeva, Student Representative to the BoardMs. Yana Simeonova, Clerk to the Board, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
TRUSTEE EMERITUS Mr. Claude Janssen, Honorary Chair of the International Council and Chair of the Board, INSEAD, Paris, France 55
UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (as of May 20, 2017) Ms. Andrea Leskes Mr. Anguel Anguelov (‘00) Mr. Antoni Kamaras Ms. Boriana Handjiyska Mr. Charles A. Fagan III Mr. Chris von Christierson Mr. Claude Janssen Mr. David Flanagan Mr. Diko Mihov Mr. Dimiter Christof Ms. Elizabeth Kostova Mr. Elvin Guri (’96) Mr. Francois Riston Mr. George Soros Mr. Georgi Fotev Mr. Gerard D. van der Sluys, Chair Mr. Gregory S. Prince, Jr. Mr. Iliya Lingorski Ms. Iveta Gigova Mr. John W. Gulliver Ambassador John K. Menzies Mr. John Train Ms. Karen Boucias
Mr. Leon Selig Ms. Marianne M. Keler Mr. Minko Balkanski Baroness Patricia Rawlings Mr. Penyo Hadjiev Mr. Petar Svarc (‘02) Ms. Petia Dimitrova Mr. Philippe Bertherat Ms. Ralitsa Nikolaeva (’96) Mr. Richard Ramsden Mr. Spas Dimitrov Mr. Thomas Bird Mr. Vladimir Borachev (‘95) Mr. Yoto Yotov Ms. Youlia Berberian-Maleeva
KEY ADMINISTRATORS Steven F. Sullivan President Emilia Zankina Provost Alexander Alexandrov Vice President for Finance and Administration
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BULGARIA MAIN BUILDING Address: 1 Georgi Izmirliev Square City: Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria
SKAPTOPARA CAMPUS Address: 12 Svoboda Bachvarova St. City: Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Location Main Building, Room: 104 Phone: (+359 73) 888 366 Email: Working hours: 8 AM - 5 PM
ADMISSIONS OFFICE Location ABF Student Center, Room: 6213 Phone: (+359 73) 888 111 Email: Working hours: 8 AM - 5 PM