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Writing to an audience pages
Writing to an audience:
Who are you writing to? Knowing your audience is one of the most important aspects of writing a good essay. If you can identify the audience, you can create a tailored essay that will be easier to relate to. You want to bring your audience into the experience you are sharing. Whichever rhetorical method you use (ethos, pathos, logos), make the best choice based on your audience. They may be nameless and faceless but are still a major part of this process. They decide whether your scholarship could be awarded. When you are writing, illustrate that you are writing to them and have considered their needs, and what they want from you.
Scholarship committees vary. Some are school financial aid counselors; others are board members or part of an endowment. Your application and essay can be reviewed by a committee. Scholarship committees are generally tasked with evaluating applicants and the scholarship package. A strong essay will make your scholarship package stand out and impress the committee.
If your application asks for a letter of introduction or interest, address them as To whom it may concern or if you have the name of the corporation or endowment, The Always Strong Scholarship Committee.
To Whom It May Concern: My name is Bob Smith, and I am applying for the “Flying Strong Scholarship.” A college education is very important to me, and I consider it a priceless commodity. In my application and attached essay I have listed my qualifications and interest in this scholarship. For many years I have maintained STEM related education and feel strongly about your mission and goals. These mirror a lot of my interests as well. I appreciate the opportunity to apply for this scholarship and your consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience.
Think of yourself as an audience member. If you go to a rock concert and a philharmonic symphony takes the stage, you will not have the experience you were expecting, nor will you be satisfied. Place your readers in this same scenario. Do your best to identify them and write what they would enjoyreading.