1 minute read
Pīpī Paopao
Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki ko ēnei pīpī paopao! Tihei mauri ora!
He whakaari a Pīpī Paopao mā ngā tamariki e 3-5 tau te pakeke me ō rātou whānau. Ka waiatahia ngā pūrākau o ō tātou manu rangatira, ka rangona hoki te korihi a te manu, mā roto mai i te waiata me te tākaro.
Ka whāia e te kaiwhakaari puoro, e te kaiwhakangahau kapareta whakamīharo anō, e Rutene Spooner, te tikanga Māori o te whakamahi i te whakataukī me te kupu whakarite mō te taiao hei kura whakaako i ā tātou anō pīpī paopao, kia rite pai ai rātou ki te topa ki te ao, otirā, ki tā rātou anō i pai ai.
He momo pea rātou ka hāro ki te puhikaioreore o te ngahere, he momo kē pea rānei ka noho puku ki te uru taumarumaru – ahakoa te momo, kei a koe tonu te nui o tō whai wāhi mai ki tēnei whakaari waiata. Ahakoa pea tō matatau pai ki te reo Māori, ahakoa pea tō tauhou ki te ara ki te reo, nau mai ka tūhura ai i te ātaahua o te reo tuku iho e whai nei i ngā tangi o te taiao.
The tītī chatters, the kākā cackles, and these little hatchlings coo too! ’Tis the sneeze of life!
Pīpī Paopao is a performance for tamariki aged 3–5 and their whānau, singing the stories and birdsong of our manu rangatira (noble birdlife) through waiata and play.
The brilliant Rutene Spooner, musical and cabaret performer extraordinaire, employs the Māori traditions of using proverbs and metaphors of the natural world to teach and prepare our own little hatchlings, so they too may flourish and fly into a world of their own.
They may be the kind who soar through the towering trees, or sit quietly in a shady grove – either way, this piece of theatre-throughsong is as interactive as you’d like it to be. Whether you are fluent in te reo Māori or at the start of your journey, come and explore the beauty of the traditional language that echoes the sounds of te taiao (nature).
Whoa! Studios, Henderson
Sat 11 March, 11.00am
30–40mins approx · Recommended for ages 3–5