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Conference 2012

incredible weeks in Manchester


£ 59



for early birds until 29.02.12 then £69 // Week 1: 01.08 - 04.08 // Week 2: 06.08 - 09.08


HELLO Welcome to a brand new, exciting, and action packed season at !Audacious Church. This season we have been declaring and praying for you that you would know ‘the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord, Ps 37:23-24. God has great plans for every one of us this year. If we will do the stepping, God will ensure that even if we stumble, we will not totally fall. Read the article on page 17,which explores the key messages for the life of our church for 2012. We have already seen God do incredible things for us as a church this year. We’re so pleased to announce three major steps in the journey of our church; completing the purchase of our Central Campus building, launching a new East Campus in Failsworth, and acquiring three units to store food and clothing to give to thousands of people in need across Greater Manchester. Each of these steps have been miraculous stories of God’s plan to build his church and to bless this city. Purchasing the Central Campus building has been a journey almost 12 months to the day, and full of ups and downs. There were times where it looked absolutely impossible, and yet there’s always been a confidence that our ‘steps have been ordered by the Lord’. He started the process, and he has certainly now completed it. On Sunday 29th January, New Life Church Failsworth officially became !Audacious Church East Campus. Having had a vision to be one church in multiple locations since starting the church in September 2007, we are so excited to see how we can expand our impact in the city through our 2nd !Audacious Church Campus. Pastors Elijah and Hayley Boswell will be coming on staff as East Campus Pastors, and will also have a big part to play centrally. This year we also have the amazing Pastor John Bevere with us for our Brotherhood Men’s Conference, 12th-13th May. He will blow your mind! It’s already proving to be a miraculous year. This season is one of real growth and also strengthening through our focus on Life Groups and DNA. Over 16 Wednesday nights we will be alternating Life Groups and our new eight part DNA course (launching 22nd February) across both campuses. Whether you have already done a previous DNA course, or you are new to !Audacious Church, don’t miss out on this great opportunity to discover what !Audacious Church is all about. So looking forward to your most amazing year yet! All our love

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VISION • VALUES • CULTURE Our brand new eight part DNA course is a behind the scenes, raw and unplugged inside look at what makes !Audacious Church the church it is, and the people we are. If you’re planning to make !Audacious Church your home church, and would love to partner with us by making a difference in your world then DNA is for you. we also want to invite everybody that has already completed the DNA Course to come back. It’s a journey of discovering the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’, and the heart behind the endeavour. DNA is the generic make-up that defines the reason organisms are the way they are. !Audacious tells the same story as 2000 years ago, but carries a distinct flavour, personality or DNA within the Body of Christ. Come along to get beneath the surface of our values and culture as well as to discover the God-given vision at the heart of everything !Audacious.


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I try to get up and read my bible before I go to work. I generally find it’s times when I am on my own; when I’m washing up or in the car when I’ll put music on and just listen to what God has to say to me.

We read in Mark 1:35 that Jesus got up in the morning, took himself to a quiet place and talked with God. We asked nine !Audacious individuals how they spend time with God; what works well for them and how it transforms their day!

Andy, Engineer Dave, Retired

James, Designer

Eira, Busy mum

I tend to use my study Bible with maps and charts to really understand what the Word is about and what God has to say to me that day. One of the things that I’ve found helps me, is to ask “how can I try to explain what’s in this passage to somebody else?” and for that, I’ve got to understand it.

For me, morning devotions are a great opportunity to focus my day, to get it right there at the start. I take my notes from a Sunday; look over them and the Bible verses they refer to. This helps me process what I’ve heard, how it relates to me and the themes running through church.

For me I really like my devotions to simply be about spending time with Jesus. That may be just sitting meditating on scripture or worshipping; I don’t have a routine. I also like getting out and about; I’ve always loved connecting with God when I am outside.


totally devoted “I’ve come up wIth thIs defInItIon of God’s Grace: “God’s unmerIted empowerment that GIves us the abIlIty to Go beyond our natural abIlIty”

8-10 Catherine, Daryl,



Beauty John Prison Civil !Audaciousarticle Exclusive from Bevere Therapist Worker Academy Engineer



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I tend to spend time in the morning reading ‘a Proverbs a Day’ as there’s always something that I can hold on to and it sets me up for the day.

When I do my devotions I always read my Bible, I always pray and I always write something down. Those are the three, self-imposed rules. Because I have my devotions first thing in the morning, I walk around and it helps me get energized and this is when I’ll pray. Then, I’ll read my Bible and I always try to write something down in my journal.

Debbie, Student

I love to just read the Bible while I’m having my breakfast. Maybe I’ll go through the notes from Sunday and then spend a bit of time praying and thinking about it. I also like to read out loud and let my voice catch when there’s something amazing that I want to think on or pray on a bit more. I also spend a lot of time thanking God and praising Him as well.

arked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculum and best-selling books. He will be speaking to the men of !Audacious Church at Brotherhood conference in May. The following is adapted from John’s book, “Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up” (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group, 2011).

I have the ‘Word for Today’ sent to my work email so that I can reflect on what God’s saying about my day before I start anything. In the evenings I’m currently working through ‘A Life of Miracles’ by Bill Johnston. I spend some time meditating on that and praying. I’m not going to lie, I’m trying to make it an important part of my day but I don’t punish myself if I miss one.

Mine usually just starts; “Well, this is a new day Lord. I’m in it and you are in it so, what’s going on?” And I just dedicate my day to the Lord. It’s almost like if I didn’t respond to that call from God I’ve been missing out on something.


All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ. (Romans 5:17, TEV)

The ‘why’ open heaven: a closer look

Resources CHeCK Out !audaCIOus resOurCes On a sunday Or GO tO WWW.audaCIOusresOurCes.COm

behind The lyric PreAChing


roBerT morris


The humour, passion and clarity of this book has helped to transform the lives of many people, bringing not only financial results but growth in all areas: marriage, family, health and relationships. Dare to allow God to take you on a journey to change your heart for good with ‘Blessed Life’ as your companion along the way.

grace and mercy upon us.

In the Bible you always find God’s declaration proved by his demonstration: -


His promise to be with us always is the safety net of our faith in whatever we face. Jesus came that we might have ‘life, and life to the full.’ John 10:10. It’s in the bringing of His kingdom to earth that we actual find fulfilment in life. So, as Jesus responded to the call of the kingdom, we do the same, by surrendering our lives and crying out for God’s will to be done in our lifetime!

We’re not set apart because of God’s declaration over us, but more powerfully by His action for us through Jesus on the cross.



HIllsOnG KIds

AwAkening: Live From ChiCAgo

CrAZY noise

“Jesus Culture Awakening: Live From Chicago” reveals the significance that took place at Jesus Culture’s first arena gathering. A generation was marked by the power and presence of god during this 3-day event as believers joined together to passionately worship Jesus. 16 powerful worship tracks including new songs such as “we Are hungry” with a healthy dose of Jesus Culture signature tracks like “The Anthem”.

named the top album of 2011 by worship Leader magazine this album was recorded live at the 2011 Lift Conference in Atlanta, Us. Drawing heavily on matt’s Brit-Pop roots blended with American Church music themes this is a holy spirit inspired collection not be missed!

in this exciting release from hillsong, aimed specifically at pre-school aged children, each song has a specific Bible verse which the song has been derived from. This 12-track album will make the perfect gift for anyone with young children.


The song progresses to the chorus which is built primarily around a prayer for God to pour out His Spirit upon JOHn bevere His people and, in doing so, pour out His Power as well.

nCv yOutH bIble

Wayne COrdeIrO

OPEN HEAVEN is written by Mark Foster, Matt Hill and LeADing on emPTY The nCv Youth Bible is one of the Joel Weaver bestselling Bibles for teens in the Uk overwhelmed by the demands of and is perfect for teenagers getting to ministry? Depleted of energy? And grips with the word of god. The nCv 13 a longing to escape the constant text is easy to read and understand, pressure? wayne Cordeiro was in a providing an invaluable resource for similar boat when he found himself young Christians in the 21st Century. weeping uncontrollably for no reason. wayne had been leading on empty. This book encourages readers to learn from his mistakes, avoid burnout and live an energised, fruitful ministry.

reLenTLess: The Power YoU “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes neeD To never give UP

expanding on the best-selling ‘extraordinary’ that highlighted the “why” and “what” of god’s grace, Bevere here reveals the “how” of living and leading in that grace. Bevere says ‘god doesn’t author hardship but uses it to strengthen us for greater conquests. he never leads us into a storm that he doesn’t give us the power to overcome.’


a good man

There is a second factor to consider in why many are not “ruling in life.” It can be found by examining Jesus’ words to Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who came secretly to inquire of the Master. Jesus’ first words to him were, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Jesus speaks of seeing the kingdom. But His next statement to Nicodemus reveals something significantly different: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Why does Jesus shift his emphasis from seeing the kingdom to entering the kingdom? When Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God, He is actually referring to the “rule of God.” The Greek words most frequently used for kingdom of God in the Gospels are basileia tou Theos. Some scholars believe the best translation of basileia tou Theos is “God’s imperial rule” or “God’s domain.” I love the word imperial. One of its definitions is “supremely powerful.” For example, in the Lord’s Prayer Jesus instructs us to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Luke 11:2). He is literally saying, “Our Father in heaven, You are God Almighty. Your supreme, powerful rule come. Your will be done on earth just as it is in heaven.” But a problem arises because most people hearing these words think futuristically, when in fact God’s kingdom has already come! It is within us, God’s covenant people, for Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God


Psalm 37:23-24


The first and simplest reason is that a vast number of believers are simply unaware of the empowerment we receive in God’s grace. Many only see grace as forgiveness of sins, an unmerited gift, and salvation. Grace certainly includes these wonderful benefits. However, hear the way God describes His grace to the Apostle Paul: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak” (2 Corinthians 12:9,

The song culminates in an absolute declaration of the power that is in the name of Jesus. He is the source, He is the power, He is the authority by which we find our freedom.

This is the solid rock on which we build our lives in order to progressively access the power of an ‘open Heaven’.

matt redman

So why aren’t all Christians living in this manner? Why are the majority of believers actually ruled by life rather than ruling in life?

The bridge is all about honouring Jesus. It’s about recognising that He created a way for Heaven to be opened upon us. It’s only in His death and resurrection that we have access to an open Heaven.

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13)

1000 reAsons

In other words, life on this earth is not to surpass us; we are to govern it. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath life’s circumstances. We are to be exemplary kingdom influencers who bring God’s way of life to this earth.

scene of God’s passion for us from The ouTseT. iT’s noT abouT condiTional love buT abouT perfecT love”

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

Jesus Culture

To reign is to have supreme dominance and influence over a particular sphere. In what sphere are we to be unsurpassed or paramount? The sphere of life.

The circle is completed by adding our surrender to God, and our faith in God, to see Heavens opened and the The idea of a limitless God, who delights in His people basKInG In GOd’s presenCe entHusIasm tHe FIve staGes OF lIFe gospel spread. so much that empowerment, possibility and favour become the natural response is a hard concept to soPhiA BArreTT: BLing 2012 gLYn BArreTT gLYn BArreTT In verse 2 we look at bringing focus and direction to the grasp, let alone live out. We wanted to create a song, an power of an open Heaven. The bible clearly lays out the anthem, better still a heart-cry of this truth, in the hope The first in the 2012 Bling series Ps The greek ‘en Theos’ translates as ‘in As part of the 2012 anointed series on that its power and reality would sink deep into the fabric mandate of the Church. sophia Barrett shares an inspirational god’. By looking at Paul’s life, Ps glyn ‘statements of Faith’ Ps glyn shares of our lives. insight into how we can take time out a revolutionary insight on the five “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptiz- gives us an insight into what it means of our daily routine to bask in god’s stages we all go through. The first verse sets the sceneofoflife God’s passion for us Do ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and to live an enthusiastic life in god. Let presence. Ps sophia speaks straight this explosive 3-Part message unlock youabout feel like you’re about to step intoof the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everyfrom the outset. It’s not conditional love but from the heart and us with thebeing unknown? Are you fighting commanded you.leaves And surely I am with you the practical ways in which we can do about perfect love; love the whole reason, not the thing I have clear practical strategies for negative always, tomaking the very end of life with enthusiasm. merely an after thought. From spirit? if so, then this is the ‘basking’ an integralthe part of our daily age.” (Matt 28:19-20) the very start, beforetwo-part we even message for you! “The firsT verse seTs The walk with god. knew Him, He poured out His

resource yourself EMPOWERED TO LEAD CDs


on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8)

pen Heaven was the theme of Bling Conference 2011. That’s where this song was birthed, and in the weeks that followed, it has quickly become an anthem of our church.

tHe blessed lIFe

This is one of the most potent promises in the entire New Testament. God had promised us that, by His grace, we who are in Christ are empowered to rule in life. Look carefully at that phrase. The New International Version translates it “reign in life”; Weymouth rephrases it “reign as kings in life.” You and I, as God’s children, are to rule in life as kings or queens! Notice He doesn’t say, “You will rule in heaven one day,” or, “You will rule in the next life.” No, He clearly decrees that we are to reign in this life as kings or queens through Christ.

TEV). God actually refers to His grace as His power! This is seen in several other scriptures in the New Testament. After years of examining what the New Testament teaches, I’ve come up with this definition of God’s grace: “God’s unmerited empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability.” This is how we rule in life! Now stop and ponder this fact. Everything in the Kingdom is received by faith (or believing), and you can’t believe what you do not know. Since the vast majority of believers are ignorant of God’s grace being divine empowerment, they can only live in their own ability.



are ordered by

our all new east campus



and He delights in his way EAST CAMPUS Though he fall On the last Sunday of January, New Life Church Failsworth became !Audacious Church East Campus. We catch up with !Audacious East Campus Pastor Elijah Boswell.

he shall NOT 28-29

There is a great account in the Bible which we believe best summarises what has happened with our new campus.

becoming pastors of New Life. It’s funny, as when we were looking to take on a pastorate of a church my wife Hayley had said she’d go anywhere except Manchester (as we are all big Liverpool supporters). It has amazed us that Gods grace is so big that it even reaches out to Manchester United fans!

we heard about the church beginning in September 2007. Both myself and Hayley knew that it was not only of great significance for Greater Manchester, but deep inside we knew it was would be significant for us both but we weren’t quite sure why? When !Audacious took on the Faithworks in Failsworth we knew it was the beginnings of a heart relationship and the start of a journey together.

Share with us a bit of your heart for the Church impacting the community.

Through the relationship with Pastors Glyn, Stuart and Mark we have felt such a strength in leading the church in Failsworth and after having them come and speak and meeting with them over the months felt a growing relationship. Myself and Hayley both felt separately but strongly that we were to approach Pastor Glyn about us becoming a Campus not really knowing what their plans were regarding campuses across Manchester. Hearing the plans Glyn & Sophia had for GOLD multiple campuses really confirmed to us our future, and after some great meetings it soon became apparent this was the direction God was leading us all.

BRAND NEW: !Audacious GOLD BE UTTERLY CAST DOWN For the Lord upholds him Luke 5:4-7: 4 “When he (Jesus) had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. ” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. ” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.”

Ps Elijah & Hayley Boswell

Tell us how you first became a Christian.

with His hand. Prior to joining us and becoming our second Campus in Manchester, the church in Failsworth was growing in number and influence on the eastern side of our city. As we have continued to increase in the city centre, there has been a “coming together” as in verse 7, to facilitate what we believe will be a great move of God in the years to come.


!Audacious Church, East Campus is a very exciting development in the journey of our church. Why don’t you take the opportunity over the next few months to pay it a visit? is, after all, new the same !Audacious Gold, theIt exciting ministry church; just in two different locations!

Just a few weeks before my 18th birthday my auntie had invited me to go to church in Prestatyn North Wales after breaking up with my girlfriend. I heard the pastor talk about how Jesus could impact my life. Having never been to a church like it before, having been brought up as a Catholic, I was so affected seeing people worship freely with so much passion. It caused me to ask the questions about my faith and who Jesus was, and if I could experience God as they had. I later met Hayley, my wife, at church! We have been married for 23 years this month and now have 4 kids and 2 foster children. When did you start leading the church? Can you explain a bit of the journey l knew of the church in Failsworth through working in a church in Prestatyn for a number of years. New Life Church Failsworth was my Senior Pastors local church years before, so I knew the leadership there. A mutual friend approached us about taking on the church, and it seemed right to me and Hayley and we began a journey in

Spring we launchstates that the steps of a good for over-fifty-fives. The This Bible clearly personEveryare ordered by the Lord. The only one’s favourite golden oldies, Ps Dave and Anne Adams, would like to share a little bit of inside problem doayou know whether are good? info withis, Let’s hope bit of their wisdom rubs off on you the way... (Keep your eyes peeled for more campuses over the next few years!)


!Audacious: Tell us how you came to know Christ

!A: Tell us something about you both that may take us by surprise?

Dave: When I was 14 I was taken by a non-Christian friend to “The Tell Sheffield Crusade”. I can remember Joe Blinco preaching about “the mouse that wanted to be an elephant”. During the last Hymn “And can it be” I realized Jesus had died for me and life has never been the same since!

D: I was a Chemistry teacher and convinced that my explosions had to be the best. Health & Safety would not allow them today!

Anne: It happened while I was at university. There were two main influences; a friend who was a Christian and the Christian Union. It was there I was prayed for and invited to events where the Gospel was preached. I found that I had a growing realisation that the only way forward was to ask Jesus to forgive me and to be Lord in my life.

!A: What is the most audacious decision you’ve had to make? D: To move from an established and expanding ministry in Budapest to Manchester

D: Simply, in one word, Grace.

D: We were members of the same Baptist Church in Sheffield.

A: That God’s grace is beyond my understanding and always more than enough.

D: Anne is even more determined to live for God. A: Dave has grown in grace and wisdom over the years.

!A: What are your biggest passions? D: Choral Music & reading! I also get a real buzz from seeing people get revelation.

!A: As leaders, what’s your vision for Gold?

A: For people to understand the grace of God – that we are not and will never be worthy of acceptance by God, but he loves us anyway. Other than that… chocolate, penguins and rivers!

D: Our aim is to encourage each person to play a full part in the life of !Audacious Church. It will not focus on Tea and Sympathy. Remember, fifty percent of Gold is GO!

!A: Some people may look at !Audacious and think it’s a youth church - what would you say to that?

A: Yes, our move to Manchester. !A: What’s been your biggest life lesson?

!A: How did you meet?

!A: So you’ve been married nearly 42 years; what is the biggest change you’ve seen in each other?


A: God once spoke to me with writing in the sky!

!A: Who are your role models? D: From the Bible it has to be Abraham by a mile. No Bible, no church, no-one to follow but he believed God and defied his surrounding culture. In my life, Geoff Williams; Missionary, Visionary and friend.

A: Anybody aged 55 and over. !A: If people are interested, how can they get involved?

A: !Audacious is, and always has been, a church for people of all ages. We have always celebrated young people and the exuberance of their culture.

D: Let us have your email address/phone number, and we will contact you. To help our little grey cells along, try not to just give us verbal messages on a Sunday!

D: Collected ideas from ourselves and others. As soon as I heard the name !Audacious Gold I thought it was a winner. A: Pastor Glyn asked us to ‘do something’.

We first knew about !Audacious through one of our young leaders studying on the !Audacious Academy. She grew tremendously doing 2 years, and then became part of our leadership team. We really connected with the heart and spirit of !Audacious and was so excited when

What excites you most about being one church in multiple locations? Myself and Hayley and the whole church are so excited about the future, the strength of the community and the city church as one church in 2 locations we believe is a powerful combination for God changing our communities, the city and our nation. We feel in awe of what God is doing within us as we journey together for the dream of seeing His Kingdom come to our city and nation.



with Ps Glyn & Sophia

!A: And who is it for?

D: We love the same Gospel but have contemporary style. What’s wrong with being relevant to pre-Christians?

!A: Where did the idea for Gold come from?

How did the thought to transitioning to a campus of !Audacious Church come about?


We were keen that it would be based on Psalm 92:12-14: ‘The righteous will flourish...planted in the house of the Lord....they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.’

A: The patriarch Jacob, who remained faithful to the Lord through years of trouble and heartache.

Coming from Wales we thought that we were in the big City, but soon came to realise that we were pastoring a church outside the city centre, and that it was very much a community church. We felt a real sense that God was calling us to reach the communities in Failsworth and around, where there is unemployment and great social need. Building on the great work of the former pastor, we went about reaching into these communities with a passion in our hearts to see the Church be the centre of its community again. Believing we had a mandate to influence and change the communities around us we run many programmes that meet the needs of our community both socially and spiritually.

Friday 17th Feb • 7.30PM !Audacious Church (Office Building) *There will be a finger buffet, but don’t tell the kids! 29


TOTALLY DEVOTED We read in Mark 1:35 that Jesus got up in the morning, took himself to a quiet place and talked with God. We asked nine !Audacious individuals how they spend time with God; what works well for them and how it transforms their day!

Dave, Retired

James, Designer

Eira, Busy mum

I tend to use my study Bible with maps and charts to really understand what the Word is about and what God has to say to me that day. One of the things that I’ve found helps me, is to ask “how can I try to explain what’s in this passage to somebody else?” and for that, I’ve got to understand it.

For me, morning devotions are a great opportunity to focus my day, to get it right there at the start. I take my notes from a Sunday; look over them and the Bible verses they refer to. This helps me process what I’ve heard, how it relates to me and the themes running through church.

For me I really like my devotions to simply be about spending time with Jesus. That may be just sitting meditating on scripture or worshipping; I don’t have a routine. I also like getting out and about; I’ve always loved connecting with God when I am outside.

I tend to spend time in the morning reading ‘a Proverbs a Day’ as there’s always something that I can hold on to and it sets me up for the day.

Debbie, Student 6

I try to get up and read my bible before I go to work. I generally find it’s times when I am on my own; when I’m washing up or in the car when I’ll put music on and just listen to what God has to say to me.

Andy, Engineer

Jane, Paul, !Audacious Civil Academy Engineer Dean When I do my devotions I always read my Bible, I always pray and I always write something down. Those are the three, self-imposed rules. Because I have my devotions first thing in the morning, I walk around and it helps me get energized and this is when I’ll pray. Then, I’ll read my Bible and I always try to write something down in my journal.

I love to just read the Bible while I’m having my breakfast. Maybe I’ll go through the notes from Sunday and then spend a bit of time praying and thinking about it. I also like to read out loud and let my voice catch when there’s something amazing that I want to think on or pray on a bit more. I also spend a lot of time thanking God and praising Him as well.

Catherine, Daryl, Beauty Prison Therapist Worker Mine usually just starts; “Well, this is a new day Lord. I’m in it and you are in it so, what’s going on?” And I just dedicate my day to the Lord. It’s almost like if I didn’t respond to that call from God I’ve been missing out on something.

I have the ‘Word for Today’ sent to my work email so that I can reflect on what God’s saying about my day before I start anything. In the evenings I’m currently working through ‘A Life of Miracles’ by Bill Johnston. I spend some time meditating on that and praying. I’m not going to lie, I’m trying to make it an important part of my day but I don’t punish myself if I miss one.



“I’ve come up with this definition of God’s grace: “God’s unmerited empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability”


arked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculum and best-selling books. He will be speaking to the men of !Audacious Church at Brotherhood conference in May. The following is adapted from John’s book, “Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up” (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group, 2011). All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ. (Romans 5:17, TEV) This is one of the most potent promises in the entire New Testament. God had promised us that, by His grace, we who are in Christ are empowered to rule in life. Look carefully at that phrase. The New International Version translates it “reign in life”; Weymouth rephrases it “reign as kings in life.” You and I, as God’s children, are to rule in life as kings or queens! Notice He doesn’t say, “You will rule in heaven one day,” or, “You will rule in the next life.” No, He clearly decrees that we are to reign in this life as kings or queens through Christ. To reign is to have supreme dominance and influence over a particular sphere. In what sphere are we to be unsurpassed or paramount? The sphere of life. In other words, life on this earth is not to surpass us; we are to govern it. We are to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath life’s circumstances. We are to be exemplary kingdom influencers who bring God’s way of life to this earth. So why aren’t all Christians living in this manner? Why are the majority of believers actually ruled by life rather than ruling in life? The first and simplest reason is that a vast number of believers are simply unaware of the empowerment we receive in God’s grace. Many only see grace as forgiveness of sins, an unmerited gift, and salvation. Grace certainly includes these wonderful benefits. However, hear the way God describes His grace to the Apostle Paul: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak” (2 Corinthians 12:9,

TEV). God actually refers to His grace as His power! This is seen in several other scriptures in the New Testament. After years of examining what the New Testament teaches, I’ve come up with this definition of God’s grace: “God’s unmerited empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our natural ability.” This is how we rule in life! Now stop and ponder this fact. Everything in the Kingdom is received by faith (or believing), and you can’t believe what you do not know. Since the vast majority of believers are ignorant of God’s grace being divine empowerment, they can only live in their own ability. There is a second factor to consider in why many are not “ruling in life.” It can be found by examining Jesus’ words to Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who came secretly to inquire of the Master. Jesus’ first words to him were, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Jesus speaks of seeing the kingdom. But His next statement to Nicodemus reveals something significantly different: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Why does Jesus shift his emphasis from seeing the kingdom to entering the kingdom? When Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God, He is actually referring to the “rule of God.” The Greek words most frequently used for kingdom of God in the Gospels are basileia tou Theos. Some scholars believe the best translation of basileia tou Theos is “God’s imperial rule” or “God’s domain.” I love the word imperial. One of its definitions is “supremely powerful.” For example, in the Lord’s Prayer Jesus instructs us to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Luke 11:2). He is literally saying, “Our Father in heaven, You are God Almighty. Your supreme, powerful rule come. Your will be done on earth just as it is in heaven.” But a problem arises because most people hearing these words think futuristically, when in fact God’s kingdom has already come! It is within us, God’s covenant people, for Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God

➤➤➤ 9

“according to the Word of God, it is successfully navigating through adversity that propels us into greater authority, power, or rulership”

does not come in such a way as to be seen. No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21, TEV). Due to Jesus’ work at Calvary, the kingdom is now within every Christ follower. We are to spread its domain, its rule, where we are and wherever we go. We are to rule in life by the powerful free gift of God’s grace bestowed on us through Jesus Christ. When you understand that Jesus is talking about God’s supreme, powerful rule—or kingdom rulership— then these verses in John 3 take on a totally different meaning and are much easier to comprehend. The Greek word for see in verse 3 is eido. Its primary definition is “to see, perceive, be aware of, or be acquainted with.” Jesus is telling us that all who are born again can see, perceive, be made aware of, and are acquainted with God’s supreme, powerful rule— the kingdom of God. In His next statement He no longer uses the word see (eido); He uses the word enter. The Greek word for enter is eiserchomai. Its primary definition is “to arise and come into” or “arise and enter.” So in these two statements Jesus moves from being aware of to arising and coming into God’s supreme, powerful rule. See the difference? To illustrate, when I board an aircraft to fly somewhere, I’m quite aware of its ability to defy gravity, lift me high above the earth, and bring me to a set destination. As a passenger, I can see as well as experience the benefits of riding in that plane. Then one day a friend buys me some flying lessons. After some initial training, I’m pulling back on the yoke and flying the plane. I’ve gone from being aware of what a plane can do and experiencing the benefits of riding along as a passenger to now being the pilot and flying the plane wherever I want to. I’ve entered into the freedom of flying. Jesus’ words indicate that there are two types of believers. We could compare the first group to passengers in an airplane who see, perceive, and experience the benefits of flying. Then there are those who arise and enter into the cockpit as pilots


who actually determine where to go and at what speed and altitude. The passengers, even though they can benefit from the airplane, are at the mercy of those who know how to fly. The logical question that surfaces now is, how does a child of God move from seeing to actually entering rulership? How do we rule in life? [Paul and Barnabas] returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:21–22) You and I must pass through many tribulations to enter into rulership. But, as Jesus says, we can be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Through His grace, we are given power and authority to take on whatever challenges the world hurls our way. So, according to the Word of God, it is successfully navigating through adversity that propels us into greater authority, power, or rulership. Are you facing adversity in your marriage, family, employment, business, school, finances, health, or elsewhere? Though your situation may seem utterly hopeless and without solution, it is a prime opportunity to grow in power and faith. The good news is, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:27). No matter how tough your circumstances, they are not impossible to God. Jesus did place an important qualifier on this promise. “If you can believe,” He said, “all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23). No matter the pressure of the tribulation you encounter, the difficulty is nothing compared to the level of rulership you’ll walk in after the tribulation has passed. You can live a life of unyielding faith in the promises of God. But to enter God’s kingdom, you must be a relentless believer in times of tribulation by the empowerment of grace. You, my friend, are destined to be great in the sight of God. You can rule in life!





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11-12 May 2012 Brotherhood is about forging significant relationships with the men in your world to challenge and inspire one another to live more passionately and significantly for the cause of Christ. To enable us to do this I want to invite you to join us for our annual summit which I am convinced will be mind shifting, heart shaping & life changing. Joining us over the 2 days is Ps John Bevere and I know that God’s word through him will be a catalyst for this change. The Brotherhood is waiting for you

Glyn Barrett

J ohn Bevere Marked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth. His award-winning curriculums and bestselling books are now in more than 60 languages, including “The Bait of Satan,” and “Driven by Eternity.” He is an international speaker and co-host of “The Messenger” TV program broadcast worldwide. John enjoys living in Colorado Springs with his wife, Lisa, also a best-selling author and speaker, and their four sons.

s ummit programme Friday 19:30 Session 1: Ps John Bevere Saturday 09:30 Session 2: Ps Glyn Barrett 11:00 Coffee 11:45 Session 3: Ps John Bevere 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Session 4: The Wild One 17:00 Session 5: Ps John Bevere

B ooking Information Cost £35 Where !Audacious Church To book in please log on to

*programme subject to change



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The ‘why’ behind the lyric O

pen Heaven was the theme of Bling Conference 2011. That’s where this song was birthed, and in the weeks that followed, it has quickly become an anthem of our church.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8)

The idea of a limitless God, who delights in His people so much that empowerment, possibility and favour become the natural response is a hard concept to grasp, let alone live out. We wanted to create a song, an anthem, better still a heart-cry of this truth, in the hope that its power and reality would sink deep into the fabric of our lives.

The circle is completed by adding our surrender to God, and our faith in God, to see Heavens opened and the gospel spread.

The first verse sets the scene of God’s passion for us from the outset. It’s not about conditional love but about perfect love; love being the whole reason, not merely an after thought. From the very start, before we even knew Him, He poured out His grace and mercy upon us.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt 28:19-20)

In the Bible you always find God’s declaration proved by his demonstration: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

In verse 2 we look at bringing focus and direction to the power of an open Heaven. The bible clearly lays out the mandate of the Church.

“The first verse sets the scene of God’s passion for us from the outset. It’s not about conditional love but about perfect love”

We’re not set apart because of God’s declaration over us, but more powerfully by His action for us through Jesus on the cross. “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13) This is the solid rock on which we build our lives in order to progressively access the power of an ‘open Heaven’. The song progresses to the chorus which is built primarily around a prayer for God to pour out His Spirit upon His people and, in doing so, pour out His Power as well.

His promise to be with us always is the safety net of our faith in whatever we face. Jesus came that we might have ‘life, and life to the full.’ John 10:10. It’s in the bringing of His kingdom to earth that we actual find fulfilment in life. So, as Jesus responded to the call of the kingdom, we do the same, by surrendering our lives and crying out for God’s will to be done in our lifetime! The bridge is all about honouring Jesus. It’s about recognising that He created a way for Heaven to be opened upon us. It’s only in His death and resurrection that we have access to an open Heaven. The song culminates in an absolute declaration of the power that is in the name of Jesus. He is the source, He is the power, He is the authority by which we find our freedom. To watch and listen to an exclusive recording of Open Heaven, scan the QR code opposite.


Resources Check out !Audacious Resources on a Sunday or go to

The Blessed Life Robert Morris The humour, passion and clarity of this book has helped to transform the lives of many people, bringing not only financial results but growth in all areas: marriage, family, health and relationships. Dare to allow God to take you on a journey to change your heart for good with ‘Blessed Life’ as your companion along the way.



Jesus Culture

matt redman


Awakening: Live From Chicago

1000 Reasons


“Jesus Culture Awakening: Live From Chicago” reveals the significance that took place at Jesus Culture’s first arena gathering. A generation was marked by the power and presence of God during this 3-day event as believers joined together to passionately worship Jesus. 16 powerful worship tracks including new songs such as “We Are Hungry” with a healthy dose of Jesus Culture signature tracks like “The Anthem”.

Named the top album of 2011 by Worship Leader Magazine this album was recorded live at the 2011 Lift Conference in Atlanta, US. Drawing heavily on Matt’s Brit-Pop roots blended with American Church Music themes this is a Holy Spirit inspired collection not be missed!

In this exciting release from Hillsong, aimed specifically at pre-school aged children, each song has a specific Bible verse which the song has been derived from. This 12-track album will make the perfect gift for anyone with young children.


The Five Stages of Life

basking in God’s presence



Sophia BARRETT: Bling 2012


As part of the 2012 anointed series on ‘Statements of Faith’ Ps Glyn shares a revolutionary insight on the five stages of life we all go through. Do you feel like you’re about to step into the unknown? Are you fighting the negative spirit? If so, then this is the two-part message for you!

The first in the 2012 Bling Series Ps Sophia Barrett shares an inspirational insight into how we can take time out of our daily routine to bask in God’s presence. Ps Sophia speaks straight from the heart and leaves us with clear practical strategies for making ‘basking’ an integral part of our daily walk with God.

The Greek ‘En Theos’ translates as ‘In God’. By looking at Paul’s life, Ps Glyn gives us an insight into what it means to live an enthusiastic life in God. Let this explosive 3-Part Message unlock the practical ways in which we can do life with enthusiasm.


John Bevere

NCV Youth Bible

Wayne Cordeiro

Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up

The NCV Youth Bible is one of the bestselling Bibles for teens in the UK and is perfect for teenagers getting to grips with the word of God. The NCV text is easy to read and understand, providing an invaluable resource for young Christians in the 21st Century.

Leading on Empty

Expanding on the best-selling ‘Extraordinary’ that highlighted the “why” and “what” of God’s grace, Bevere here reveals the “how” of living and leading in that grace. Bevere says ‘God doesn’t author hardship but uses it to strengthen us for greater conquests. He never leads us into a storm that He doesn’t give us the power to overcome.’

Overwhelmed by the demands of ministry? Depleted of energy? And a longing to escape the constant pressure? Wayne Cordeiro was in a similar boat when he found himself weeping uncontrollably for no reason. Wayne had been leading on empty. This book encourages readers to learn from his mistakes, avoid burnout and live an energised, fruitful ministry.




ess Wilson is a 20-year-old fashion student at Salford University. We spoke to her about her !Audacious passion for students and the challenges that Christians face on and off campus. “Two years ago, I had never even considered moving to Manchester or studying at Salford, but I’m now amazed at how God completely put me here and has given me the opportunities He has. From the start of moving to Manchester and into student halls, I made sure my flatmates and peers knew I believed in God and went to church. I didn’t want to be half-hearted about it so made it clear from the start. I remember the first Sunday I arrived back from church and my flatmates were just waking up – they couldn’t understand why I would want to get up so early and go to church. Even early on, despite not directly talking to them about God, it was in the little things I said and did and the lifestyle I was living that they began to recognise something was different. It’s hard as a student, and can be so easy to blend in to the crowd, but people definitely notice when you’re not doing the typical student things. Not living like stereotypical students do is one thing, but actually being involved in church, and spending so much time there, can seem insane when you don’t understand it. Many of my friends asked questions: “What is it about this church that made me want to be there so much?” and “Why am I so excited to go?” These questions make me talk about my life with such enthusiasm! I put up a lot of my favourite verses and quotes around my room. I found that they started to ask questions about my choices and why I did the things I did. All of this gave me amazing opportunities to talk about God. Even if my friends don’t agree with what I believe, they have respect for me because my lifestyle shows that I don’t pick and choose when to be a Christian. I think students are so open and accepting of who you are. They won’t

Follow us on Twitter @aud_students

always agree with what you believe, but are amazed and appreciate the confidence and enthusiasm you have for it. One of my friends once said; “I don’t get it at all, but I respect you and wish I could have the faith you do.” Last year I prayed a lot for my flatmates and friends but nothing ever seemed to come of it. But through the praying, believing and the seeds sown, when I came back in September, they suddenly started asking so many questions and wanting to come with me to church.

Even if my friends don’t agree with what I believe, they have respect for me because my lifestyle shows that I don’t pick and choose when to be a Christian. I would honestly not have survived at university without God. He is the centre of my work, my day, everything I do. Being in halls can really make you feel alone; when your bedroom door is shut at the end of the day, it’s just you. But that has made me even more dependant on God. Before I start any work, I have to surrender it to God first. And I’ve found with my degree that I’ve had ideas and creativity that could only have come from God. I’ve also experienced real favour and great opportunities with my lecturers. I’ve been told I have a lot of confidence with my work, and even had chances to talk to my teachers about my faith. God has really broken my heart for students and that has made me look at university life so differently. No longer do I simply see other students, but a group of lost people desperately trying to find an answer in life. I don’t go out with them or do what they do, but I do choose to pray for them and love them. I think when God broke my heart, He filled me with a passion and excitement to reach out and make a change to the students of Manchester.”

If you’re at uni and you want to find out more about !Audacious Students, what we do, and how to get involved we’d love to help you out. Come and find us in the student lounge on a Sunday or come along to a student life group at a campus near you. We’ll even throw in a slice of toast and a brew!

Looking forward to meeting you! Jen d n a e k i M

Student Pastors




Psalm 37:23-24


are ordered by THE LORD,

and He delights in his way

Though he fall

he shall


BE UTTERLY CAST DOWN For the Lord upholds him

with His hand.

The Bible clearly states that the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord. The only problem is, how do you know whether you are good?

➤➤➤ 17

The ‘good man’ is not someone who has everything together, but it is simply a person who has chosen to commit themselves to God. In this season, commit to pursuing God and commit your thoughts, words and lifestyle to His ways.



ho qualifies as good? At best, ‘good’ is subjective. It may describe us in the best moments of a few of our finest days in any one year, but generally, who really, continually is ‘good’? It was, of course, Jesus himself who said of people that called him good; “Why do you call me good? No one

He is able to do today, and will continue to do in the future.

is good - except God alone”. (Mark 10:18)

ii. Communicable attributes

At first glance, it appears that the Old and New testament contradict each other. The Psalmist saying that ‘good men’s steps are ordered by the Lord’; whereas Jesus himself doesn’t even place being ‘good’ as a human characteristic.

‘Good’, is not a characteristic that God keeps to Himself. Rather, He chooses to allow us to carry it. It is a communicable attribute.

For us to fully understand this tension, we must first consider the very nature of God. God has attributes (characteristics) that He and He alone can possess, we call these incommunicable attributes; He also has attributes that in His grace, He allows us to carry, we call these communicable attributes.

i. Incommunicable attributes Omnipotent God is all powerful. There is nothing that He cannot intervene with in your life Omniscient God is all knowing. There is nothing beyond God’s knowledge, He knows beginning to end and everything in between. He knows your past, knows where you are now, and sees your future; way bigger than, and beyond, all that you could possibly ask or imagine. Omnipresent God is present in all places at all times. God does not reside in one continent at one time, He is not limited by physicality, but is with every person, all of the time and at all times. Wherever you go, and whatever you do, God is right with you, by your side. Immutable God is never changing. The Bible tells us that he does not change (Malachi 3:10), He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore what he did yesteryear,

Self-existing and self sufficient God needs nothing. He is the source of all things

God is, and also allows us to carry; Love, Grace, Mercy, Justice, Patience, Kindness and Goodness. Its important to note that the “goodness of Man” is not dependant upon our ability to be ‘good’, but hinges on the truth that God is ‘good’ and ‘great’. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that ‘we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works’. We are on the planet to reflect the goodness of God. We are good, simply because God has chosen to work through us. The ‘good man’ that Psalm 37 talks of, is not someone who has everything together, nor is he or she perfect in all their thoughts, words and actions, but it is simply a person who has chosen to commit themselves to God and His ways, that God would show His goodness through them. In this season, commit to pursuing God and commit your thoughts, words and lifestyle to His ways. Psalm 86:11 says, ‘Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.’ See what God will do as you pursue Him. He has all the days of this year written, He will not let you fall. Place your trust in Him, and commit to the step He has asked you to take. For more on this article listen to Ps Glyn’s messages recorded live at !Audacious Church as part of the 2012 Statements of Faith Series.


HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. !Audacious Academy New intake • Sept 2012 Open Day • Wednesday 25 April • 11am-3pm 20

Coming soon 21

the art of waiting by Ed Baptist

’m in that place of waiting. You know, that ‘in-between space’. Don’t get me wrong, God is still incredibly good, He’s my provider, my joy, my strength, my loving heavenly Father… it’s just that He hasn’t come through on my hearts desires… yet. So right now, I’m waiting.


You see there is an art to waiting. You can wait patiently or you can wait and moan, just look at any queue. And when it comes to God you can wait in hope or you can wait without hope, wallowing in selfpity asking “why God? why?”. I haven’t actually read it but there’s a book entitled ‘Enjoying where you are on the way to where you’re going’ and that’s it isn’t it, that’s the trick. There’s always a gap between the promise and the fulfilment, the vision of our preferable future (that day) and where we find ourselves in the present (today). If we want victory, we have to do battle. If we want to be over-comers, there have to be obstacles. There’s a journey we must go on and we need to be ready for it.


In his book ‘A Million Miles in a Thousand Years’ the author Donald Miller illustrates this point beautifully when he talks about the moment of setting off in a canoe across a lake…

at first every stroke takes you further and further from your departure point until you find yourself out of site of the place you started and not yet able to see your destination. Although you’re rowing with the same strength as before its harder to tell what is being achieved; the past a distant memory and the future an unseen destination”. And then, he writes, “begins the long hard work of the middle!

And that’s where I find myself, dreams and desires unfulfilled, hopes differed and unmet, but that’s ok because I’m in good company. Just look in the Bible. Moses was in the desert 40 years mulling over his mistakes before hearing God’s call, Joseph waited 17 years before even coming close to seeing his dreams fulfilled, and Abraham was 100 years old and still waiting on God’s promise 100 YEARS OLD PEOPLE, 100 YEARS! We live in an ‘instant generation’ but we have to ask ourselves, are we prepared

to wait decades to see the fulfilment of what God promises? Are we willing to do the long hard work of the middle? To just keep doing the right thing long enough. (“For if you do not give up you will receive a reward at the right time”. Galatians 6v9) The issue is, that it’s your attitude while you wait, that shapes you. If you wait impatiently you’ll be frustrated and you probably won’t make the best of company. If you wait feeling disappointed you’ll get bitter and probably quit. If you wait disillusioned you’ll get angry with God, the one who’s carrying your breakthrough! And if you don’t wait! well, you’ll bypass all the lessons God intends to teach you and miss out on the character he’s forming in you on the way to where you’re going. (James 1v2-4) Wow, who knew patience and hope (which sound so passive) are so profound in getting us to our ‘that day’ So if like me you’re not where you want to be just yet, you have hopes and dreams unfulfilled and prayers not yet answered, It’s ok. You’re not doing anything wrong, God is not angry with you, you’re just in the in-between. To you, I say wait in hope, the happy anticipation of good.

There’s alway s a ga the pr p betw omise a een n d the f the vis ulfilm ion of ent, future our pr eferab (that d le a y) and find o where urselv es in t we (today he pre ). If we sent want v have t o do b ictory attle. , we be ove I f w r-come e want rs, the be obs to re hav tacles e . to Th we mu st go o ere’s a jour ney nand w e need be rea to dy for it.


ow to stay hopeful while you wait Have an attitude of gratitude:

Take the time to count your blessings, don’t let whatever you don’t have make you lose sight of all that you do have. Remember God is good and he does good. So get your Praise on!

Stop thinking

Be a hope bringer

If you keep going over old ground all you’ll do is get yourself into a rut! If your thinking is not helping you to solve your challenge, all you are doing is meditating on your problem and not God. Stop it!

He who refreshes others will be refreshed, do unto others as you want them do to you, you reap what you sow… get the picture? While you’re waiting for your breakthrough, be a blessing at every opportunity.



The start of a new year is always a great time to look back on a year, to consider your achievements, breakthroughs, mistakes and lessons learnt! It’s also a great time to think ahead on the next season of your life. I write on a train to Venice celebrating my wife’s 30th birthday. Much conversation has been about a incredible 30 years, and more about looking forward to the next 30. The incredible gift God has given to us, time, allows us at any point the opportunity to begin again. The Bible says ‘his mercies are new every morning’ (Lamentations 3:22-23). Thankfully it is not only 1st January where we can believe for great things, have high hopes and expectations; but at any point, we can take a moment to change our future. In Genesis we read the incredible account of Abram and his son Isaac (Read Gen 12-18). In Genesis 12:1-5 Abram hears God speaking a specific promise for the first time. At 75 years old, Abram hears God tell him that although he has no children, and his wife Sarai is beyond the age of childbearing, nevertheless, they will receive a son. His promise is that Abram will be the father of many nations! God gives Abram an impossible dream. His circumstance, his age, his ability would all scream ‘there is not a chance of that happening’, however, God had promised! Abram’s initial response was the same response many would have had when faced with impossibility; he laughed! Abram laughed in God’s face. It was a laughable goal, a laughable dream! Again, in Genesis 15, 10 years later, God promises that Abram would be a father. For 10 years, he has seen nothing. God spoke a promise, and now 10 years had passed! But for all our panic, and obsession with time, God does not consider the clock. He knows what He has said, and knows what He is able to do. He no more needs a year than a day; a week


more than he needs a second. Still, Abram has an impossible dream, a laughable goal.

God always gets the last laugh! Abraham had an impossible dream, an impossible goal, a laughable goal. I believe we should be stirred by Abraham’s account, and begin to believe for the impossible, have dreams and goals, that as we think about them, we laugh in nervousness at the scale of, but remain aware that God in heaven, He laughs, knowing all things are possible.

In utter desperation Sarai, his wife, offers their maidservant, in an attempt to give Abram what God had promised. However although a son was born, Ishmael (meaning God has heard your misery!), it was not the promise. Stepping outside of God’s parameters to manufacture your future, your dream, is never endorsed by As the great Nelson Mandela quoted, God. The promise was not that Abram would achieve his goals by any means, the ‘living small does not serve anyone’, that is to say having a small dream or setting promise was that small goals, God would give Thankfully it is not only 1st of does not Abram the desires January where we can believe enlarge of his heart, if he your life. would keep himself for great things, have high Looking devoted to God and hopes and expectations; but back at His ways, and to at any point, we can take a goals set continually believe. moment to change our future. 12 months ago, I was Another 13 years encouraged to see many fulfilled and pass (!), when God eventually reconfirms surpassed and also many that we’re not his promise, and reminds him to keep fulfilled. Unfulfilled goals, however have believing. 24 years then passed. Abram, never caused me to live smaller, they now 99 years old, having kept faith in have always pushed me onto believe for the face of impossibility hears God again greater. re-establish the promise and give more clarity. In Genesis 17 God changes Abram’s I live larger by setting big goals (even name to Abraham (the father of nations). though sometimes not fulfilling them), Once more, Abraham laughs. than I ever do not setting goals at all. Here’s what I love about God! There Today is a new day. Believe is one half of Abraham that believes, has high expectations and hopes, and for some laughable goals. another side of him, like you and I, that has a little doubt, a laugh of nervousness. God knowing all of this, and knowing the ‘impossibility’ of the situation, promises a son for the final time, and gives him the name Isaac (meaning; God, He laughs!).

Here’s a great way to set some laughable, and achievable, smart goals





pecific Make sure your laughable goals are specific. They are not ethereal, indescribable or based on emotions. Your goals need to be something specific.

easurable How many, how much, how big? There has to be a way to measure whether you have achieved your goal or not, simply to ‘feel better about myself’, is great; but it’s not a clear goal to have.

chievable Although laughable goals face impossibility, they’re not so far fetched that they are fantasy. Fantasy and faith are very different. Fantasy presumes God will wave a magic wand and give you whatever you want. Laughable goals carry with them a sense of responsibility. I have a part to play, however difficult it may be, I can do something about it.

elevant Your laughable goals should relate to the direction God is leading you in. Are they part of the overall theme of what God has promised you? You should be able to articulate how the fulfilment of this goal has progressed you towards an overall objective.

ime-related God eventually promised Abraham would have his son, Isaac, the laughable dream, ‘by this time next year’. Our dreams and goals should have a time period related to them so that we can assess our progress or otherwise.

Set some goals for the next 12 months. For your business, your family, your marriage, your home life, your career. Dare to believe God for something that you may laugh at now in nervousness, but believing that you will see the fulfilment, that God will have the last laugh. Jesus said to Peter, ‘with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26).

Now, begin to dream. let God ignite faith and give you laughable goals.



EAST CAMPU On the last Sunday of January, New Life Church Failsworth became !Audacious Church East Campus. We catch up with !Audacious East Campus Pastor Elijah Boswell.

There is a great account in the Bible which we believe best summarises what has happened with our new campus. Luke 5:4-7: 4 “When he (Jesus) had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. ” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. ” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.” Prior to joining us and becoming our second Campus in Manchester, the church in Failsworth was growing in number and influence on the eastern side of our city. As we have continued to increase in the city centre, there has been a “coming together” as in verse 7, to facilitate what we believe will be a great move of God in the years to come. !Audacious Church, East Campus is a very exciting development in the journey of our church. Why don’t you take the opportunity over the next few months to pay it a visit? It is, after all, the same church; just in two different locations! (Keep your eyes peeled for more campuses over the next few years!)




Ps Elijah & Hayley Boswell Tell us how you first became a Christian. Just a few weeks before my 18th birthday my auntie had invited me to go to church in Prestatyn North Wales after breaking up with my girlfriend. I heard the pastor talk about how Jesus could impact my life. Having never been to a church like it before, having been brought up as a Catholic, I was so affected seeing people worship freely with so much passion. It caused me to ask the questions about my faith and who Jesus was, and if I could experience God as they had. I later met Hayley, my wife, at church! We have been married for 23 years this month and now have 4 kids and 2 foster children. When did you start leading the church? Can you explain a bit of the journey l knew of the church in Failsworth through working in a church in Prestatyn for a number of years. New Life Church Failsworth was my Senior Pastors local church years before, so I knew the leadership there. A mutual friend approached us about taking on the church, and it seemed right to me and Hayley and we began a journey in

becoming pastors of New Life. It’s funny, as when we were looking to take on a pastorate of a church my wife Hayley had said she’d go anywhere except Manchester (as we are all big Liverpool supporters). It has amazed us that Gods grace is so big that it even reaches out to Manchester United fans!

we heard about the church beginning in September 2007. Both myself and Hayley knew that it was not only of great significance for Greater Manchester, but deep inside we knew it was would be significant for us both but we weren’t quite sure why? When !Audacious took on the Faithworks in Failsworth we knew it was the beginnings of a heart relationship and the start of a journey together.

Share with us a bit of your heart for the Church impacting the community.

Through the relationship with Pastors Glyn, Stuart and Mark we have felt such a strength in leading the church in Failsworth and after having them come and speak and meeting with them over the months felt a growing relationship. Myself and Hayley both felt separately but strongly that we were to approach Pastor Glyn about us becoming a Campus not really knowing what their plans were regarding campuses across Manchester. Hearing the plans Glyn & Sophia had for multiple campuses really confirmed to us our future, and after some great meetings it soon became apparent this was the direction God was leading us all.

Coming from Wales we thought that we were in the big City, but soon came to realise that we were pastoring a church outside the city centre, and that it was very much a community church. We felt a real sense that God was calling us to reach the communities in Failsworth and around, where there is unemployment and great social need. Building on the great work of the former pastor, we went about reaching into these communities with a passion in our hearts to see the Church be the centre of its community again. Believing we had a mandate to influence and change the communities around us we run many programmes that meet the needs of our community both socially and spiritually. How did the thought to transitioning to a campus of !Audacious Church come about? We first knew about !Audacious through one of our young leaders studying on the !Audacious Academy. She grew tremendously doing 2 years, and then became part of our leadership team. We really connected with the heart and spirit of !Audacious and was so excited when

What excites you most about being one church in multiple locations? Myself and Hayley and the whole church are so excited about the future, the strength of the community and the city church as one church in 2 locations we believe is a powerful combination for God changing our communities, the city and our nation. We feel in awe of what God is doing within us as we journey together for the dream of seeing His Kingdom come to our city and nation.



This Spring we launch !Audacious Gold, the exciting new ministry for over-fifty-fives. Everyone’s favourite golden oldies, Ps Dave and Anne Adams, would like to share a little bit of inside info with you. We know a bit of their wisdom will rub off on the way...

!Audacious: Tell us how you came to know Christ

!A: Tell us something about you both that may take us by surprise?

Dave: When I was 14 I was taken by a non-Christian friend to “The Tell Sheffield Crusade”. I can remember Joe Blinco preaching about “the mouse that wanted to be an elephant”. During the last Hymn “And can it be” I realized Jesus had died for me and life has never been the same since!

D: I was a Chemistry teacher and convinced that my explosions had to be the best. Health & Safety would not allow them today!

Anne: It happened while I was at university. There were two main influences; a friend who was a Christian and the Christian Union. It was there I was prayed for and invited to events where the Gospel was preached. I found that I had a growing realisation that the only way forward was to ask Jesus to forgive me and to be Lord in my life.

!A: What is the most audacious decision you’ve had to make? D: To move from an established and expanding ministry in Budapest to Manchester

!A: What’s been your biggest life lesson? D: Simply, in one word, Grace.

D: We were members of the same Baptist Church in Sheffield.

A: That God’s grace is beyond my understanding and always more than enough.

D: Anne is even more determined to live for God. A: Dave has grown in grace and wisdom over the years.

!A: What are your biggest passions? D: Choral Music & reading! I also get a real buzz from seeing people get revelation. A: For people to understand the grace of God – that we are not and will never be worthy of acceptance by God, but he loves us anyway. Other than that… chocolate, penguins and rivers! !A: Some people may look at !Audacious and think it’s a youth church - what would you say to that?

A: Yes, our move to Manchester.

!A: How did you meet?

!A: So you’ve been married nearly 42 years; what is the biggest change you’ve seen in each other?


A: God once spoke to me with writing in the sky!

A: The patriarch Jacob, who remained faithful to the Lord through years of trouble and heartache.

!A: Who are your role models? D: From the Bible it has to be Abraham by a mile. No Bible, no church, no-one to follow but he believed God and defied his surrounding culture. In my life, Geoff Williams; Missionary, Visionary and friend.

D: We love the same Gospel but have contemporary style. What’s wrong with being relevant to pre-Christians? A: !Audacious is, and always has been, a church for people of all ages. We have always celebrated young people and the exuberance of their culture. !A: Where did the idea for Gold come from? D: Collected ideas from ourselves and others. As soon as I heard the name !Audacious Gold I thought it was a winner. A: Pastor Glyn asked us to ‘do something’.


We were keen that it would be based on Psalm 92:12-14: ‘The righteous will flourish...planted in the house of the Lord....they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.’ !A: As leaders, what’s your vision for Gold? D: Our aim is to encourage each person to play a full part in the life of !Audacious Church. It will not focus on Tea and Sympathy. Remember, fifty percent of Gold is GO! !A: And who is it for?

!AUDACIOUS GOLD LAUNCH with Ps Glyn & Sophia

A: Anybody aged 55 and over. !A: If people are interested, how can they get involved? D: Let us have your email address/phone number or leave your details at reception, and we will contact you. To help our little grey cells along, try not to just give us verbal messages on a Sunday!

Friday 17th Feb • 7.30PM !Audacious Church (Office Building) *There will be a finger buffet, but don’t tell the kids! 29

ONCE FOR ALL Easter Sunday Sunday 8th April 5.30pm !AUdacious EAster Experience 30



Current Course: Psalms of Ascent

with Pastor Glyn Barrett Join !Audacious church pastors each Sunday at 9am-9.45am It’s Sunday School, but not as you know it!

OPEN HEAVEN Our journey continues... 23.03.12 7:30pm 31

!Audacious Church Central campus: Trinity Way, Manchester, M3 7BB Free Grid Lined Graph Paper from East Campus: Thorley Street, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9PA Office Address: Unit 6, Deva Centre, Trinity Way, M3 7BB T: +44 (0)161 830 7000 E:

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