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It will be a good feeling when I can start this column without commenting on the pandemic and its effects on our sport. We have passed a number of further significant milestones over the last few weeks and hopefully our organisers and members can start to plan ahead with a bit more confidence. The dedicated COVID page on our website remains in place but most of the accompanying guidance and documentation has been removed. We hope to remove the page altogether over the coming months. Updating our guidance across the UK has been an immense task for the Board and our membership secretary, Caroline Fenton, has been making almost daily changes to the website page at times. London Edinburgh London is one event which requires planning a long time in advance so the announcement that it is scheduled to take place from 7 August 2022 is a heartening step forward for our association. I know the LEL team are already hard at work drawing together the incredible array of moving parts that make up our flagship event. We held our latest board meeting at the start of July. One of the topics we looked at was the format of the next AGM. There was a brief discussion with those attending our virtual AGM in May after the formal business had concluded. The general feeling was that the virtual meeting had worked and had allowed more people to attend. One option for the future might be to hold a virtual meeting prior to the actual AGM and during which any proposed resolutions could be debated and discussed. We will be looking for members’ input on this in the autumn. We also continued our review of the e-brevet app. Our ACP representative has now approached Audax Club Parisien seeking their views on the use of e-brevets for BRM events. Meanwhile, the app has been tested on a number of events with various refinements being made based on the results of those tests. Our membership secretary reported an encouraging picture with new members joining. The sustained levels of income from subscriptions and the relative lack of activity and IT spend has left AUK in a healthy financial state despite the effects of the pandemic. Phase III of the IT Refresh Project continues at the planning stage with the focus currently sitting on DIY events. The objective is to produce a detailed specification for each aspect of Phase III which should generate significant savings on potential developer costs but which will also require a huge amount of volunteer development time. As ever, the minutes of our board meetings are available on the website.
Clouded… memories of the LEL 2017 – all clear for 2022
Arrivée is written by members, for members and
about members and your submissions represent almost the entire content of the magazine.
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Contributors should also accept that the editor retains responsibility for headlines, design and layout.
We cannot publish anonymously, so your original submitted copy must contain your name and membership number, together with an email address.
While we will always strive to present your story to your satisfaction, in common with all other publishers, our duty is primarily to our readers, and we maintain the right to make changes if necessary.
We will always endeavour to publish everything we receive, but it might be in a later issue as we are currently limited to 64 pages.
Send your stories to gedlennox@me.com There is no copy deadline for stories as most will be published, but not necessarily immediately unless they are time-imperative. COPY DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISERS: 26 October 2021
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