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Just a Sec
As one season ends and a new one begins, it seems like a good time to take stock of where AUK is after the upheaval of the last year and a half. The short answer is that it is in good shape. Membership numbers held firm during the lockdowns and have recently increased above the 8,000 mark. Events are running again and participation is recovering well. The IT Refresh Project continues to make solid progress despite the loss of our main contractor. Our finances remain strong and we have healthy reserves in place to weather future storms and finish the work we have started on our IT infrastructure. All of this is testament to the hard work of our volunteers and to the dedication of our members.
Audax United Kingdom Long Distance Cyclists’ Association (“Audax Uk”)
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Audax UK will be held on Saturday 12 February 2022, at 12.00pm at The George Stephenson Room, Ibis Birmingham New Street, 21 Ladywell Walk, Birmingham B5 4ST.
Graeme Provan General Secretary secretary@audax.uk
You will see that the formal notice of AGM is included on this page. Last year’s AGM was held virtually but the current intention is to hold a physical meeting in Birmingham. We also plan to hold a virtual meeting (probably on the evening of the 4th of January) to give members the opportunity to discuss any resolutions being put to the AGM and to ask the Board questions in advance of the meeting. Details will be posted on the AUK Forum. At this year’s AGM we have; two executive directors (Financial Director and Communications Director) at the end of their respective terms and the usual two vacancies for the non-executive positions. The Board of AUK works extremely hard but it is rewarding to be part of the continuing growth and success of our Association. Please give some consideration to standing for a board position. I will be happy to discuss what is involved.
Annual Reunion
With the new season now starting later, the Annual Reunion will become a spring event. This season’s is scheduled to take place in the South East of England and further details will follow. The event will include awards for each of the last two seasons. We do need your input on various awards – see the AUK forum for details. In the meantime, our new Awards Secretary, Peter Davies is working hard with our Events Services Director, Dan Smith, to identify those who have achieved single or multi-season awards over last season.
Board meeting
Our latest board meeting took place on the 6th of October. It was agreed that, subject to the usual caveats, all points and other championships should resume for next season. In line with ACP’s extensions to their Brevet 5000 and 10000 awards, AUK will extend the period for each of the above AUK awards by 2 years where the original application period included 2020 and 2021. One other point of note is that the Peter Tandy trophy, awarded to the youngest randonneur each season, will be discontinued. The Board also made a slight technical change to the Events Regulations to clarify the position on refunds for entry fees. This will be put to the AGM for ratification. As usual, you can find the minutes of the meeting in the official section of Aukweb. I will also publish a short summary of the main points in the AUK forum immediately after the conclusion of each meeting. I hope that all your cycling plans for the season bear fruit and take this opportunity to wish you all the best for the festive season and the year ahead.
Resolutions should be submitted by members acting as proposer and seconder and in all cases should be submitted by post or email to the General Secretary to arrive no later than 17 December 2021. Special or Ordinary Resolutions of the Company and any resolutions to alter the AUK Regulations should additionally be supported in writing by not fewer than 25 members. Each resolution may include a statement of no more than 1000 words. The draft resolutions will then be available via www.audax.uk on the AUK Forum for a period of not less than 21 days for review. During this period proposers of resolutions may withdraw or amend resolutions so long as they continue to address the resolution’s original subject
Elections for the following posts will take place at the AGM:
● Non-Executive Directors (2 posts) ● Director – Financial Director ● Director – Communications Director
Nominations with details of the members proposing and seconding the nomination and the consent of the nominated person to serve together with a statement of that person’s relevant abilities or experience of no more than 1000 words should be sent by post or email to the General Secretary to be received no later than the 14th January 2022. A detailed agenda including the final resolutions and nominations and annual reports and accounts will be published on the website not later than the 21st January 2022. All members are very welcome to attend the meeting and tea and coffee will be provided. Alternatively, any member may appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote in his or her place. Proxy voting will go live on the 21st January 2022. If you or your proxy wishes to attend the meeting, I would be grateful if you could let me know in good time so that I can ensure adequate space at the venue as well as adequate supplies of refreshments. It is important that all members ensure that their email details on www.aukweb.net are accurate. Details of proxy voting will be sent to all members with email addresses. For reasons of cost, the final agenda and annual report will be published via the website save in respect of any members who apply to the Registrar using the form provided below.
To: Mr L Hereward, Audax UK Registrar, ‘Polvellan’, School Hill, Mevagissey, Cornwall PL26 6TG
I would like to register to receive the AGM papers and proxy form by post.
AUK Membership No: