Audience | Kentucky Shakespeare | Summer 2023

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Sam and Bonnie Rechter Family Foundation Brooke Brown Barzun and Matthew Barzun Augusta Brown Holland and Gill Holland, Jr Owsley Brown III & Victoire Reynal Brown

Audience ® is the official program guide for:

Kentucky Performing Arts Presents

Kentucky Shakespeare Louisville Orchestra

PNC Broadway in Louisville publisher

The Audience Group, Inc.

G. Douglas Dreisbach

managing editor

Amy Higgs

founding publishers

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creative director

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G. Douglas Dreisbach


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©2023, The Audience Group, Inc.

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

Audience ® is published by: The Audience Group, Inc. 136 St. Matthews Avenue #300 Louisville, KY 40207



C. Douglas Ramey Amphitheater Central Park, Old Louisville 1340 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY 40208 Our

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Welcome to the 63rd season of your Kentucky Shakespeare Festival!

We have such an exciting season to share with you — 7 productions, 62 performances, over this 11-week free season in Central Park! We’re so thankful you’re here to share in the fun!

I have many special memories to reflect upon as I now mark my 10th season as Producing Artistic Director, and I remain incredibly grateful to the numerous artists, technicians, staff, board, donors, and audience members who’ve made this such a profoundly fulfilling journey so far. As proud as I am of our growth and accomplishments in the past decade, I’m equally thrilled by what is yet to come. Your presence here, your generosity, your kindness… you are helping build your Kentucky Shakespeare, enabling us to grow and achieve even higher heights.

This also marks the 22nd year since I first performed on this stage. (As Lysander in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Dumaine in Love’s Labor’s Lost. Maybe not-socoincidentally, I’ll be revisiting those two shows as a director this season.) That was also the summer season I met my amazing wife and partner, Tina Jo. And now, 19 years of marriage and two beautiful teenagers later… The magic of Central Park.

As engaging and inspiring as the shows onstage are, I spend much of my time watching you — the people we are here to serve. The beautiful diverse audiences with your own Kentucky Shakespeare stories — a grandparent who attended as a child now bringing their grandchildren, the blossoming romance from a couple on a first date, the Old Louisville neighbors, the out-of-town travelers, the many family traditions.

You’ll notice that in the winter we rebuilt and expanded our Central Park stage, the first time we’ve fully rebuilt our stage since 1990. Greg Kerley and the talented team at Home Solutions One did a stellar job to build a solid foundation and vast new playing space. The design builds upon Paul Owen’s design, fully wrapping around our three anchor trees that have absorbed so much Shakespeare over 63 years. Our Three Sisters. In the off season the stage will be an open safe space without structures, and in the summer, it will be a clean palette for our scenic designers to imagine and build on each year.

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Matt Wallace

We’re able to provide this professional public service tonight because of many generous donors. If you donate at intermission, please know you’re helping to sustain and grow your Kentucky Shakespeare. Your support helps “Keep Will Free” and furthers our mission beyond Central Park - our education outreach programs, community programs, indoor productions during the year, Shakespeare with Veterans, employing local artists, and more.

Thank you for joining us. Please know you are welcome here and you belong here. Enjoy your evening under the stars!

Matt Wallace Producing Artistic Director Matt and Tina Jo in KSF 2001 season’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. C. Douglas Ramey Amphitheater Stage, built February 2023.


Engineer Stephan Carpenter

House Manager ................................................................................................................................................. Cal Reed

Gift Shop Manager ............................................................................................................................... Brenda Johnson

Photographer ............................................................................................................................................... Bill Brymer

Production Logo Design ..................................................................................................... Rosie Felfle, Liquid Design T-Shirts/Playbill Cover Design Kyle Ware


Made possible through the generosity of Max G. Baumgardner, in memory of Bekki Jo Schneider.

Acting Sarah Chen Elston, Tajleed Hardy, Nyazia Martin

Arts Administration Claire Binford

Costumes Emily de Zafra

Education/Globe Players Adam Kamer

Education/Kids’ Globe Leah Abigail Shifrel

Electrics ........................................................................................................................................................... Zane Hall

Front of House ................................................................................................................. Myles Keys, Claire Stemmer

Production .................................................................................................................................................. Caroline Cox

Scenic ............................................................................................................. Antonio Cortés Román, Jackson Tucker

Properties Analise Henderson

Sound William Young

Stage Management Ian Fitzgerald

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Director Macbeth Amy Attaway Director A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love’s Labor’s Lost Matt Wallace Scenic Designer ....................................................................................................................................... Karl Anderson Lighting Designer ......................................................................................................................................... Casey Clark Sound Designer .............................................................................................................................................. Laura Ellis Costume Designer .................................................................................................................. Donna Lawrence-Downs Music Director, A Midsummer Night’s Dream ........................................................................................ Russell Cooper Music Director, Love’s Labor’s Lost Christina Booker Choreographer, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love’s Labor’s Lost Alfie Jones Composer, Glimmering Light in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Paul Englishby Fight Choreographer Eric Frantz Flying Choreographer ................................................................................................................................ Brian Owens Dramaturg/Editor ................................................................................................................................. Gregory Maupin Intimacy Consultant................................................................................................................................ Hannah Pruitt Makeup Consultant ............................................................................................................................... Neill Robertson Fight Captain ................................................................................................................................................... Tom Luce Dance Captains Alfie Jones, Mollie Murk Production Manager Ryan Bennett Stage Manager Emily Burns Assistant Stage Manager Emily Pfaff Technical Director ................................................................................................................................. Braden Blauser Properties Manager .................................................................................................................................. Ryan Bennett Costume Shop First Hand .............................................................................................................. Charles Heightchew Costume Shop Stitcher .................................................................................................................... Margo Birdwhistell Wardrobe Supervisor Annie Mayer Lighting Supervisor Lindsay Krupski Assistant Lighting Supervisor Isabelle Saba Sound Engineer Victoria Campbell Assistant Sound
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CHOREOGRAPHER Brian Owens, ZFX Flying Effects
Karl Anderson
Casey Clark
Laura Ellis
Donna LawrenceDowns


(in order of appearance)

Theseus Justin Jackson

Hippolyta Mollie Murk

Egeus Gregory Maupin

Hermia Nyazia Martin

Demetrius Shaquille Towns

Lysander Nick Wills

Helena Sarah Chen Elston

Peter Quince ...............................................................................................................................Tyler Tate

Nick Bottom ............................................................................................................. Jennifer Pennington

Francis Flute ..................................................................................................................... Neill Robertson

Robin Starvelling ....................................................................................................... Tony Reimonenq III

Tom Snout .................................................................................................................................. Tom Luce

Snug ...................................................................................................................................... Jon Huffman

Fairy ....................................................................................................................... Ashley Nicole Cabrera

Puck .................................................................................................................. Brittany “BeeBee” Patillo

Oberon ...................................................................................................................... Braden McCampbell

Titania .................................................................................................................... Abigail Bailey Maupin

Mustardseed ........................................................................................................................Tajleed Hardy

Cobweb ............................................................................................................ Zac Campbell-Hoogendyk

Peaseblossom ........................................................................................................................... Alfie Jones

Moth ........................................................................................................................................ Mollie Murk

Fairy .....................................................................................................................................Justin Jackson

Fairy ................................................................................................................................. Gregory Maupin

Setting: ancient Athens, Greece

Director Matt Wallace is sponsored by Mac and Jessica Thompson, White Clay.

The characters of Puck, played by Brittany “BeeBee” Patillo and Nick Bottom, played by Jennifer Pennington, are sponsored by Thomas Gerstle.

The role of Titania, played by Abigail Bailey Maupin, is sponsored by Drs. Gordon Strauss and Catherine Newton.

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The Story

Just as Duke Theseus and Amazon warrior Hippolyta are planning their wedding, his advisor Egeus brings in a complaint: Egeus’s daughter, Hermia, won’t marry Demetrius because she’s in love with Lysander. Ancient Greek kids today, right? Theseus orders Hermia to obey her father or, according to Athenian law, she must either enter a convent or face the death penalty.

This seems mildly unreasonable, so Hermia and Lysander plan to elope by night. They tell their friend Helena, but she’s in love with Demetrius so she tells him immediately of their plan, hoping to win his affection by logic that makes sense to anyone who ever was a teenager, had self-esteem issues, or both. That night, all four young lovers sneak into the forest.

Meanwhile, a group of Athenian tradespeople plan to perform The Tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe in celebration of the Duke’s wedding (read the room, gang), which they’ll rehearse later that night…in the aforementioned forest.

The fairy king and queen, Oberon and Titania (in the same forest, of course), continue an argument over Titania’s refusal to give up a page-boy to Oberon. He sends loyal hench-fairy Puck to find a magic love-potion plant to cast a vengeful spell on Titania. En route, Puck overhears the rehearsal and for no particular reason (beyond “Puck gonna Puck”) transforms Bottom’s head into that of a jackass. The others flee in terror, Titania wakes, and the first creature she sees is donkey-faced Bottom, with whom, thanks to the flower, she falls madly in love.

Oberon and Puck and their love-flower juice meddle in the entanglements of the four Athenian lovers and make everything worse, then better, somehow. SPOILER: All is well, except the reviews of Pyramus and Thisbe, which are fair at best.

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Directed by Amy Attaway Donna Lawrence-Downs FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHER Eric Frantz LIGHTING DESIGN Casey Clark SOUND DESIGN Laura Ellis


(in order of appearance)

Hecate Neill Robertson

First Witch Tyler Tate

Second Witch Sarah Chen Elston

Third Witch Nyazia Martin

King Duncan/Seward Gregory Maupin

Malcolm Nick Wills

Donalbain Tajleed Hardy

Lennox ...................................................................................................................... Braden McCampbell

Bleeding Captain/First Murderer/Menteith ............................................................. Tony Reimonenq III

Ross ............................................................................................................................................. Tom Luce

Macbeth .......................................................................................................... Zac Campbell-Hoogendyk

Banquo/Caithness ..................................................................................................................... Kyle Ware

Angus ........................................................................................................................................ Alfie Jones

Lady Macbeth ......................................................................................................................... Mollie Murk

Macduff ................................................................................................................................Justin Jackson

Fleance/Servant ............................................................................................................... Claire Eisenback

Gentlewoman/Soldier ........................................................................................... Ashley Nicole Cabrera

Porter/Seyton ........................................................................................................................ Jon Huffman

Lady Macduff/Old Woman.................................................................................... Abigail Bailey Maupin

Doctor/Second Murderer ......................................................................................... Jennifer Pennington

Macduff’s Son .......................................................................................................................... Max Wright

Setting: Scotland, eleventh century

Director Amy Attaway is sponsored by Don Stevens and Libby Marbury.

The character of Macbeth, played by Zac Campbell-Hoogendyk, is sponsored by Kerry and Kathleen Wang.

The character of Lady Macbeth, played by Mollie Murk, is sponsored by Don Stevens and Libby Marbury.

The character of Macduff, played by Justin Jackson, is sponsored by Charlie and Jenny Marsh.

The role of Banquo, played by Kyle Ware, is sponsored by Drs. Gordon Strauss and Catherine Newton.

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Norway, aided by some Scottish traitors, is at war with Scotland… or was, until Macbeth and Banquo, two generals of Scottish King Duncan, defeat them all. Coming home, Macbeth and Banquo encounter three witches (what?!) who prophesy that Macbeth will get a promotion, then eventually become King of Scotland, and Banquo’s heirs shall be kings. Immediately, word comes that Duncan has indeed promoted Macbeth, which admittedly is kind of spooky timing. Macbeth is… torn. It even looks for a second like Duncan might name him heir to the throne. But he does not.

Macbeth tells his wife all this and when King Duncan rests at their castle that night, together they see to it that he just keeps resting. Forever. Macduff, another of Duncan’s loyal soldiers, discovers the murder; when Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, flee in fear for their lives, many suspect they are guilty.

The Macbeths now rule, but King Macbeth, paranoid beyond belief, orders some murders and gets hauntings in return, so neither Macbeth (king nor queen) sleeps very well. For a long time.

The witches show Macbeth a bunch of creepy stuff and prophesy he will be safe until the forest of Birnam comes to his castle, Dunsinane, and that he need fear no one born of woman. Neither of those things sound very likely, do they? So Macbeth is convinced he is invincible. SPOILER: He is not.

Vengeance is achieved, though sadly if Shakespeare is repeatedly clear about anything it’s that vengeance is dissatisfying and pointless.

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The Speed Art Museum presents Rounding the Circle: The Mary and Alfred Shands Collection, a major exhibition celebrating the extensive and significant collection of contemporary artworks assembled by local collectors, the late Alfred R. Shands III (1928-2021) and Mary Norton Shands (1930-2009). This presentation also commemorates the transformative gift of art made to the Speed Art Museum, numbering over 150 artworks.


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Directed by Matt


Karl Anderson


Casey Clark


Alfie Jones


Laura Ellis


Donna LawrenceDowns


Christina Booker




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(in order of appearance)

Navarre Braden McCampbell

Berowne Gregory Maupin

Longaville Justin Jackson

Dumaine Tajleed Hardy

Dull Zac Campbell-Hoogendyk

Costard Tony Reimonenq III

Don Armadoff Brian Hinds

Moth .................................................................................................................................. Neill Robertson

Jaquenetta .............................................................................................................................. Mollie Murk

Boyet ..................................................................................................................................... Jon Huffman

Princess .................................................................................................................. Ashley Nicole Cabrera

Maria ............................................................................................................................. Sarah Chen Elsten

Katherine .............................................................................................................................Nyazia Martin

Rosaline ................................................................................................................. Abigail Bailey Maupin

Nathanial .................................................................................................................................... Nick Wills

Holifernes ................................................................................................................. Jennifer Pennington

Setting: summer mountain resort, 1950’s

Director Matt Wallace is sponsored by Charlie and Jenny Marsh.

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Navarre and his pals Dumaine, Longaville, and Berowne commit to three years of pure academic study; to help them keep their oath, they must cut back on food, sleep, and… apparently all women must remain at least a mile from the premises. However, immediately upon swearing this, the Princess — with three lady friends, Maria, Katherine, and Rosaline — arrives to settle a debt. The women (each of whom is already into one of the fellows, and vice versa, to no audience’s surprise) are forced to camp outside, which is not their preference.

Entertainer Costard has been caught canoodling with the maid Jaquenetta, which is against the aforementioned rules, so Costard is handed over to the Russian Armadoff, who will keep an eye on him. But Armadoff (as he tells his assistant, Moth) is madly and poetically in love with Jaquenetta. He writes her a letter (with a questionable grasp on the language) and gets Costard to deliver it, which is frankly asking for trouble.

Berowne has also written a love letter to Rosaline. And who did he ask to deliver it? Also Costard. Great plan.

The men catch each other composing love poetry and are by turns angry, betrayed, then desperate for someone to come up with an excuse so they can forget this ridiculous “learning” they never really started and declare their loves. Berowne obliges.

The men, disguised as Muscovites (?), declare their love to the women secretly and separately. The women, onto their nonsense, swap clothes and impersonate each other. After some confusion on the men’s part, true identities are revealed, all calm down, then sit and watch a talent show of sorts organized by Holofernes and Nathaniel, two highly educated types. Sort of. SPOILER: All is then well… until it suddenly isn’t.

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Ashley Nicole Cabrera (Fairy-MSND, Gentlewoman/SoldierMCB, Princess-LLL), is thrilled return for another summer season with Kentucky Shakespeare. Ashley received her B.A. from James Madison University in theatre concentrating in performance and just finished her first year as an M.F.A. candidate at the University of Louisville. Since moving to Louisville in 2020, she has worked at Kentucky Shakespeare as an Artist Educator, performed in a staged reading of Fairview at Commonwealth Theatre Center, and played Mistress

Quickly/Kate in Shakespeare in Love, Anne in The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Lady Anne in Richard III at Kentucky Shakespeare.

Claire Eisenback (Fleance/Servant-MCB) After attending Shakespeare in Central Park and being involved in Camp Shakespeare since the age of six, Claire is thrilled to go from Groundling to debuting on the main stage this season. Next year, Claire will continue studying theatre as a freshman at Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS, DuPont Manual). Claire also enjoys art and performing with School of Rock Louisville on keyboards, vocals, and drums.

Sarah Chen Elston (Helena-MSND, Second Witch-MCB, Maria-LLL) is new to the Kentucky Shakespeare stage. She received her M.F.A. in performance from UofL in the spring of 2023. Before Louisville, she received her Bachelor of Arts in theatre arts at Guilford College with a focus on performance and direction. You might have seen her in recent UofL productions as Julia in The Birds, ensemble member in #Hashtag, 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 Reperatory Company, Viola in Twelfth Night, Asha in Blood at the Root, and most recently Rona Lisa Peretti in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Artistically, Sarah describes her art as Hope Punk; hoping to inspire radical kindness and positive change as a communal response.

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Tajleed Hardy (Mustardseed-MSND, Donalbain/Young Seward-MCB, DumainLLL) is a second year

M.F.A. student at the University of Louisville where he is working to receive his degree in performance. He is also a member of the African American Theatre Program. He has worked as an actor all over Hampton Roads, Virginia. He has performed in shows such as Fences, Ruined, The Amen Corner, and A Soldier’s Play. He has also performed professionally at the Virginia Stage Company in The Tempest, The Wiz, and The Comedy of Errors. Tajleed is a New Orleans, Louisiana, native. He has lived in Norfolk, Virginia, for the last five years. He is a recent graduate of Norfolk State University where he received his B.A. in Drama and Theatre. Tajleed graduated summa cum laude with a 3.79 GPA. Tajleed was also part of the awardwinning NSU Theatre Company where he won Best Supporting Actor, Outstanding Leadership, and Sustained Academic Excellence.

Zac CampbellHoogendyk (CobwebMSND, Macbeth-MCB, Dull-LLL) couldn’t be more excited to make his Kentucky Shakespeare debut. He is an actor, playwright, director, and co-founder of This Bridge Theatre, which produces the new play festival Shotz! here in Louisville. He wrote and acted in Ossietzky: A Peace Play, performed at Kentucky Performing Arts’ Mex Theater in 2022. He recently appeared in StageOne’s

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Three Witches Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Regionally he’s performed at The Cleveland Play House, Gulfshore Playhouse, and The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, amongst others. Past favorite productions: In The Next Room, or The Vibrator Play (Cleveland Play House), The Temple or Lebensraum (The Brick), and All My Sons (St. Louis Rep). B.A. Pepperdine. M.F.A. Case Western Reserve University/The Cleveland Play House. Nothing he does is possible without the love and support of his wonderful partner Kasey and daughter Luna.

Brian Hinds (Don Armadoff-LLL) is a theater teacher at the Youth Performing Arts School, where he has directed productions of Our Town, The Crucible, Hamlet, and (Anon)ymous. Originally from Maine, Brian spent ten years with The Children’s Theatre of Maine, where he served as an actor, instructor, and director. Since moving to Louisville in 2008, Brian has acted with Kentucky Shakespeare (Twelfth Night, Richard III, Julius Caesar, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Macbeth, Merry Wives of Windsor), StageOne Family Theatre (The Odyssey, Tuck Everlasting), Savage Rose Classical Theatre (The Tempest, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Liminal Playhouse (The Fastest Clock in the Universe, Punts),Bunbury Theatre (Visiting Edna), Chicken Coop Theatre (Misery), and Time Slip Theatre (Coherence). Brian is a member of Louisville Improvisors.

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Jon Huffman (SnugMSND, Porter/SeytonMCB, Boyet-LLL) Jon’s spent so many Shakespeare seasons in this park, he can’t imagine a summer evening without humidity in the air, katydids in the trees, and lots of Kentucky sweat in his costumes. He’s played roles here ranging from Iago in Othello and Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet to Claudius in Hamlet, Malvolio in 12th Night and the title role in King Lear Jon has also acted locally at Actors Theatre and StageOne Family Theatre. On television, he’s been a series regular (Bobby Lee Cooper) on Days of Our Lives, and the recurring Officer Shane on Designing Women. On film, Jon has acted with Jeremy Irons (Lolita), Laurence Fishburne (Fled), Donald Sutherland (The Hunley), and Jodie Foster (Little Man Tate). Jon dedicates tonight to the memory of his TinyDancer.

Justin Jackson (Theseus/Fairy-MSND, Macduff-MCB, Longaville-LLL) is excited to join the summer company at Kentucky Shakespeare for the second year. With the company: the tour of Julius Caesar (Caesar), Twelfth Night, Richard III, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Pride and Prejudice (Bingley/Mary). He will return to Actors Theatre this fall to reprise the role of Jonathan Harker in Dracula. He recently appeared in the film thriller Cell Phone as the talkative and comedic Chris. Justin studied acting at SCAD and received his B.F.A. there. Having done everything from Brazilian

Jiu Jitsu to stand-up comedy, Justin seems to be preparing to become a charismatic superhero. Justin credits his love of Shakespeare to his grandmother.

Alfie Jones (Peaseblossom-MSND, Angus-MCB; Choreographer-MSND, LLL) is delighted to join the 2023 Kentucky Shakespeare season! A Louisville native and YPAS graduate, Alfie studied in NYC at AMDA. He then set sail with Disney Cruise Line for two magical years! Alfie has done Young Frankenstein and Newsies with Derby Dinner Playhouse, and Christmas in Candyland, Rapunzel, How I Became A Pirate, Curious George, and Fancy Nancy with the Derby Dinner Children’s Theatre. Other credits: Once On This Island (Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park And Actors Theatre of Louisville), Richard III, Cabaret, Kiss Me Kate, Altar Boyz, The Who’s Tommy, and 9 To 5. A huge thankyou to the Jones/Robertson family for their unwavering love and support. Alfie is so proud and happy to share the stage with his incredibly gifted husband Neill. Alfie hopes the entire community of Louisville and beyond has an enchanting evening with us here in Central Park!

Tom Luce (Tom SnoutMSND, Ross-MCB) has been involved in the Louisville theatre scene as an actor, director, and designer for the past 30 years. His Kentucky Shakespeare credits include King Henry IV in Richard II and Henry IV Parts I and II, Julius Caesar (Caesar), Titus Andronicus

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(Marcus Andronicus), Macbeth (Duncan), King Lear (Fool), and The Taming of the Shrew (Vincentio). He has worked locally with Actors Theatre, The Necessary Theatre, Theatre [502], and Savage Rose Classical Theater Company. Tom has appeared in dozens of commercials, the network television shows Nashville and Chicago Fire, and several films with local producers Kelly’s Filmworks and City on a Hill. Recently: My Friend Dahmer (Vice President Walter Mondale), and the Hallmark feature An Uncommon Grace.

Nyazia Martin (HermiaMSND, Third Witch-MCB, Katherine-LLL) is an actress, dancer, teacher, and current 2nd Year M.F.A. candidate at the University of Louisville. Her most recent professional stage credits include Tracy Lett’s August: Osage County, Matthew McLachlan’s The Murder Play with Jack & Melissa, Lauren Gunderson’s The Revolutionists, Adam Szymkowicz’s Kodachrome, Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, and Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. She is looking forward to her first summer working onstage with Kentucky Shakespeare Festival! Nyazia is a native of West Philadelphia, PA. She graduated summa cum laude from Belmont University in Nashville, TN, in 2016 where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in performance.

Abigail Bailey Maupin (Titania-MSND, Lady Macduff-MCB, RosalineLLL) is delighted to return to Kentucky Shakespeare, where she’s been overjoyed

(and terrified) to tackle some of the Bard’s more challenging roles, including Lady Macbeth, Beatrice, Jaques, Kate, Mercutio, and Queen Margaret. She and her husband Greg co-founded Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble, with whom she created/performed in over twenty plays, including the title role in Molière’s Don Juan; they also perform as Prohibition-era musical duo Rannygazoo. Local credits include: Renfield in Dracula, 43 Plays for 43 Presidents, and My Fair Lady at Actors Theatre of Louisville, and many shows with Theatre [502], Derby Dinner Playhouse, StageOne Family Theater, Music Theatre Louisville, and Savage Rose Classical Theatre Company. Regional: Sweeney Todd (Goodspeed Opera House); Babes & Dudes, Die Like a Lady (NY International Fringe Festival); Iolanthe (Village Light Opera Group, NYC); Gift of the Magi (Vermont Stage Company), Hansel and Gretel (Theatreworks/USA).

Gregory Maupin (Egeus/Fairy-MSND, Duncan/Seward-MCB, Berowne-LLL), recently seen as the whole cast of Actors Theatre of Louisville’s solo A Christmas Carol, is thrilled to return as actor and dramaturg with Kentucky Shakespeare. He and his wife Abigail are Prohibition ukulele duo Rannygazoo and in 2004 co-founded Louisville’s Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble. He is a charter member of Brooklyn’s Under the Table Ensemble and co-founder of the Church of Grover’s Corners. Kentucky Shakespeare appearances include: Twelfth Night (Feste 2022; Malvolio 2016), Much Ado (Benedick), Pride & Prejudice

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(Mr. Bennet, Charlotte), Midsummer (Bottom). Taming of the Shrew (Petruchio), As You Like It (Touchstone), Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (Guildenstern). With Actors Theatre: A Christmas Carol: Ghost Story (solo) Luna Gale (Cliff), At the Vanishing Point (Martin), Our Town (Simon Stimson), Midsummer (Flute), Macbeth, 43 Plays for 43 Presidents. With the Dell’Arte Company: Vaudeville (co-creator). Gregory graduated from Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre.

Braden McCampbell (Oberon-MSND, LennoxMCB, Navarre-LLL) spent two years as an artist educator with Kentucky Shakespeare. He has appeared onstage with the company in Twelfth Night, Richard III, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare in Love, Henry V, King Lear, Henry IV Part II, As You Like It, Romeo & Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Macbeth, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. He regularly performs with the Va Va Vixens.

Mollie Murk (Hippolyta/ Moth-MSND, Lady Macbeth-MCB, Jaquenetta-LLL) is a proud Louisville transplant from Illinois, and has worked at Kentucky Shakespeare as an actor, teaching artist, and artistic associate. Recent Kentucky Shakespeare credits include Pride & Prejudice (Lizzy), The Turn of the Screw, Twelfth Night (Viola), Richard III (Queen Elizabeth), and Romeo

& Juliet (Juliet). Other regional credits: Taming of the Shrew at Cincinnati Shakespeare Company (Biondello), and Actors Theatre of Louisville’s The Wolves (#8), Dracula (Mina, U/S Lucy), Dracula: the Radio Play (Mina Harker), and Are You There? in the Humana Festival of New American Plays. Mollie has also performed, directed, and taught at companies such as Hope Repertory Theatre, Derby Dinner Playhouse, Louisville Ballet, Ambo Dance Theatre, Louisville Fringe, and Seattle Children’s Theatre. Mollie is an alum of Hope College and Shakespeare & Company’s Center for Actor Training, a proud member of the Ring of Keys Network, and is forever grateful for the beautiful, supportive, resilient arts community in this region.

Brittany “BeeBee”

Patillo (Puck-MSND) is a Louisville native, graduate of the University of Louisville, and was a 2020-2021 acting apprentice at Actors Theatre of Louisville. With Kentucky Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (Olivia), Richard III, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare in Love (Viola), Henry V, Henry VI: The Wars of the Roses (Somerset/Young Clifford); spring tours of Romeo and Juliet (Lady Capulet/Tybalt/ Peter/Friar John), Hamlet (Horatio/ Rosencrantz/Player Queen). Other credits include: Last Stop on Market Street and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane at StageOne Family Theatre, The Green Book (Neena) and When Fishies Rain Down from the Sky (Maya) at Bunbury Theatre; Baltimore (Alyssa) and Eurydice (Loud Stone) at the University of

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Louisville, The Reviews (Imani) with Ain’t I a Woman Playfest and Baltimore (Alyssa) with the National Black Theatre Festival. She is an active volunteer in her community, a local choreographer, and was the 2019 Kentucky Derby Festival Queen.

Jennifer Pennington (Nick Bottom-MSND, Doctor/Second Murderer-MCB, Holifernes-LLL) is thrilled to be a part of any KY Shakespeare ensemble. Her past KY Shakespeare roles include Missus Page in Merry Wives, Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare in the Parking Lot:

Macbeth, Queen Elizabeth in Shakespeare in Love, Tamora in Titus Andronicus, Mistress Quickly in Henry IV Parts I, II and Henry V, Emilia in Othello. Other local credits include understudy for Van Helsing in Dracula (Actors Theatre of Louisville); A Streetcar Named Desire, Cabaret and The Trojan Women (Commonwealth Theatre Center); Qualities of Starlight and Rich Girl (Theatre [502]); King Lear and Twelfth Night (Savage Rose Classical Theatre) and 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche (Pandora Productions). Regional credits include: The Hoboken Chicken Emergency (SouthCoast Repertory Theatre, CA); Medea (Boston Court Theatre, CA);

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The Hostage (Theatre Banshee, CA); and Much Ado About Nothing (Arizona Classical Theatre). She is currently Professor of Acting at the University of Louisville – home of the African American Theatre Program – and will direct Dracula at Actors Theatre for the second time this fall.

Tony Reimonenq III (Robin Starveling-MSND, Bleeding Captain/First Murderer/Menteith-MCB, Costard-LLL) is a native of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He is excited for this third summer season with Kentucky Shakespeare. You may have seen Tony as Romeo in Kentucky Shakespeare’s 2021 parks tour of Romeo and Juliet or at Derby Dinner Playhouse in one of their children’s musicals. Catch Tony on Netflix in Noah Baumbach’s newest film White Noise and on YouTube with Tony Tuesday!

Neill Robertson (Francis Flute-MSND, Hecate-MCB, Moth-LLL) is beyond grateful to be back onstage with Kentucky Shakespeare! Previous shows with the company include Pride and Prejudice (Wickham, Collins, Caroline) Twelfth Night (Toby), Richard III (Richard), Henry VI (Richard), King Lear (Edgar), The Comedy of Errors (Dromio of Syracuse), Richard II (King Richard), Titus Andronicus in Butchertown (Saturninus), The Winter’s Tale (Autolycus), Romeo and Juliet (Tybalt), The Taming of the Shrew (Tranio), and Macbeth (Witch/Young Siward), as well as the spring tours of Hamlet, A Midsummer

Nights Dream, and Julius Caesar. Neill also played Horatio/Player Queen in Hamlet, Kentucky Shakespeare’s collaboration with StageOne Family Theatre. Other credits include three seasons of Dracula at Actors Theatre of Louisville (Renfield), The Language Archive with Theatre [502] (Resten), Cabaret with the Professional Company at Commonwealth Theatre Center (Emcee), and the title role in Hedwig and the Angry Inch with Pandora Productions. For Alfie, my beloved!

Tyler Tate (Peter Quince-MSND, First Witch-MCB) is excited to spend another summer with Kentucky Shakespeare! Born in Washington D.C., he moved to Newnan, Georgia, where he was raised. A graduate of UofL’s M.F.A. Acting Program, Tyler has worked as an actor/artist educator with Kentucky Shakespeare, StageOne Family Theatre, Pandora Productions, Redline Performing Arts, Derby Dinner Playhouse, Derby City Playwrights, and Louisville Fringe. Currently, Tyler teaches Acting III at Indiana University Southeast.

Shaquille Towns (Demetrius-MSND) is so excited to return to the Kentucky Shakespeare stage! Shaq is a local actor and attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York. After graduating and really diving into the theater scene in his hometown he has performed in many productions from musicals to children shows to dramatic plays. He recently added teaching,

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including his teaching artist work at the Commonwealth Theatre Center traveling to different schools in the city teaching kids about the local black history. Another project that meant a lot to him was the staged reading Sweet Evening Breeze, which benefitted the Sweet and Evening Breeze shelter for LGBTQ+ youth. At Kentucky Shakespeare: Henry VI, Twelfth Night, Richard III, Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare in Love, Henry V, and the co-production of Shakespeare’s R&J with Pandora Productions. Other credits: Seaweed (Hairspray), Cory Maxson (Fences), C.C. White (Dreamgirls), Asagai (A Raisin in the Sun), and Pharus Young (Choirboy).

Kyle Ware (BanquoMCB) is an actor, educator, artist, and writer. Acting credits with the company include: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet, The Winter’s Tale, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Titus Andronicus, Henry IV Parts 1 & II, Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare in Love, Henry V, and The Merry Wives of Windsor. Kyle is the director of the Globe Players professional training program and directed their productions of Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Romeo & Juliet, and The Comedy of

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Errors. He has served as the Director of Education at Kentucky Shakespeare since 2014. He is Co-Artistic Director of Think Tank Theatre, a collaborative theatre ensemble, and was a Producing Founding Artistic Director of Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble. He is a graduate of the University of Louisville.

Nick Wills (LysanderMSND, Malcolm-MCB, Nathaniel-LLL) is a thirdyear graduate student at UofL. While originally from Los Angeles, Nick spent most of his youth growing up in Fayetteville, Georgia. After graduating high school, he moved down to Alabama where he attended Troy University. He graduated cum laude from Troy, earning a B.S. in Communication Studies. His goal is to inspire and help others to find their own calling, and to support the development of fine arts programs for youth around the world.

Max Wright (Young Macduff-MCB) This is Max’s first show with Kentucky Shakespeare, but he’s been dreaming about being in a production since he was 8. He has loved theater all his life, and recently played Mercutio in his school’s production of Romeo & Juliet. Off the stage, you may see him reading, drawing or preparing for his next D&D session.


Amy Attaway (Director, Macbeth) proudly serves as the Associate Artistic Director of Kentucky Shakespeare and the facilitator

of Shakespeare with Veterans. She’s directed The Taming of the Shrew, The Winter’s Tale, Richard II, Henry IV Parts I & II, Henry V (twice), and Richard III in Central Park, as well as Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead and Pride and Prejudice at the Bomhard Theater, The War of the Worlds and Night of the Living Dead at Louisville Public Media, Henry VI: The Wars of the Roses at Ky Shakes HQ, and the spring tours of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet (twice), and Julius Caesar. Amy sometimes sneaks away to direct at her alma mater, University of Evansville (Twelfth Night, The Royal Society of Antarctica). She is co-founder and Artistic Director Emeritus of Theatre [502], where she directed the regional premieres of The Fairytale Lives of Russian Girls, River City, Red Speedo, Auctioning the Ainsleys, Broadsword: a heavy metal play and Futura, as well as the world premiere commissions The Two Lobbyists of Verona and The Stranger and Ludlow Quinn. She spent five seasons as Associate Director of the Professional Training Company at Actors Theatre of Louisville, where she directed several commissioned works in the Humana Festival of New American Plays, including Sleep Rock Thy Brain, Oh, Gastronomy! and The End. Amy is a Louisville native and is glad to make her home here with her fantastic husband and daughter.

Matt Wallace (Director, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love’s Labor’s Lost) is in his tenth season as Producing Artistic Director of Kentucky Shakespeare, where he has directed productions including Enter Ghost: an immersive haunted Hamlet experience, Twelfth Night, The

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Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare in Love, The Turn of the Screw, Shakespeare in the Parking Lot: Macbeth, Celebrate 60: the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival Anniversary Production, As You Like It, King Lear, The Comedy of Errors, Othello, Titus Andronicus, Much Ado About Nothing, Julius Caesar, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Tempest, Hamlet, and Richard III. Favorite acting credits with the company since 2001 include the Player and Guildenstern in productions of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, Orlando in As You Like It, and his first shows with the company in 2001: Lysander in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Dumaine in Love’s Labor’s Lost. He has also been Director of Shakespeare Behind Bars at Luther Luckett Correctional Complex since 2009. Previously, he served as an Artistic Associate with Kentucky Shakespeare from 2001-2010, was Director of Children’s Theatre at Derby Dinner Playhouse, and directed and performed at Chicago theatres and theatres across the Midwest. Matt met his wife Tina Jo at Kentucky Shakespeare 22 summers ago, proposed to her on this Central Park stage, and they are the proud parents of two inspiring teenagers.


Karl Anderson (Scenic Designer) This is Karl’s fourth season in Central Park but he also designed Enter Ghost, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Macbeth, and Turn of the Screw for Kentucky Shakespeare and is pleased to work with this renowned group again. Karl has designed many sets for StageOne Family Theatre,

most recently The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Dragons Love Tacos, and Hamlet. He has also designed numerous shows such as Sleep Rock Thy Brain for Actors Theatre of Louisville, sets for many Apprentice/Intern productions at ATL, Assassins, Tommy and Sweeney Todd for CenterStage, and many seasons for Pandora Productions, Theatre [502], and Bunbury Theatre. He also designed Three Decembers for Kentucky Opera. He graduated from UK with a B.F.A. in theatre design and technology. He is married to costumer Allison Anderson and they have two wonderful sons.

Ryan Bennett (Production Manager, Props Manager) is pleased to return for another summer with Kentucky Shakespeare. He has previously production and stage managed with Kentucky Shakespeare, and has built props with Kentucky Shakespeare, Pandora Productions, and Actors Theatre of Louisville. Ryan holds a B.F.A. from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. As always, Ryan thanks his friends and family from Milwaukee through Kentucky for their continuing support.

Margo Birdwhistell (Costume Shop Stitcher) is happy to be returning to Kentucky Shakespeare this summer! Previously, they have worked as a stitcher for the Utah Shakespeare Festival, the Hangar Theatre, and the Huron Playhouse. They received their B.F.A. in theatrical technology from Northern Kentucky University and their master’s degree for costume design at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. In the off season, they work as the costume coordinator at Sacred Heart School for the Arts and a freelance stitcher at StageOne Family Theatre.

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Braden Blauser (Technical Director) is an Assistant Professor and Technical Director of the University of Louisville’s theatre department. He previously worked at Actors Theatre of Louisville for 13 years. During his tenure at ATL he worked on over two hundred productions, as a scenic carpenter, draftsman/ rigger, assistant technical director, and production technical director. Braden was the inaugural technical director for Theatre [502], a local theatre that produced 4-5 plays each season. Braden holds a BA in technical theatre from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.

She is an educator and performer based in Louisville, KY and enjoys working with students of all ages and backgrounds in both group and individual settings using Kodály inspired teaching practices to promote music literacy and performance. Christina is adjunct voice faculty at Indiana University Southeast and Bellarmine University, and often works with local professional and community programs such as Derby Dinner Playhouse, Classic Melodies Performance Institute, Redline Performing Arts, and Faith Works Studios. Christina has worked as a guest teaching artist with Kentucky Opera and has been featured on several other masterclasses, theatre camps, and teaching workshops. She has performed in several choral masterworks, operas,

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and musical theatre productions. Ms. Booker is a graduate of Loyola University, Maryland (M.Ed. Kodály Music Education, 2019) the University of Louisville (M.M. Vocal Performance, 2019) and Jacksonville State University (B.A. Choral Music Education, 2013).

Emily Burns (Stage Manager) is a freelance stage manager and scenic painter, and she is thrilled to be returning for another season with Kentucky Shakespeare! She previously stage managed the 62nd season, and Pride & Prejudice with KY Shakes. Other local credits include working with StageOne Family Theatre, Kentucky Opera, Louisville Ballet, Infinity Productions, and Pandora Productions. Film credits include Mallum, and Not Nothing. This is Emily’s second summer living in Kentucky, and she thanks the Louisville theatre community for welcoming her in and making every show feel like home. Emily thanks her family and friends for their never-ending love and support.

Victoria Campbell (Sound Engineer) is excited to work on another summer season with Kentucky Shakes. She is currently the lead AV technician for Prestige Audio Visual and Creative Services. She has worked as a sound technician for Actors Theater of Louisville and many other great local companies. She has also worked in the past with Utah Shakespeare Festival, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, and Cumberland County Playhouse.

Clay Chapman (Lead Carpenter) is happy to be working with Kentucky Shakespeare for the first time. As a Louisville native and recent University of Louisville graduate, he is absolutely excited to

work with an amazing group of people in a wondrous setting. Normally you might find Clay hunched over a laptop or notebook writing (or possibly staring blankly into space), but he’s more than happy to be building sets and bringing art to life.

Stephan Carpenter (Assistant Sound Engineer) is a recent UofL graduate with a B.A. in film studies and production and a B.S.A. in theatre arts. Since joining the UofL Theatre Arts Department in 2019, Stephan has earned credits as a Sound Designer, Sound Mixer, Assistant Director, Videographer, Props Master, Assistant Production Manager, Dramaturg, and Technical Director. He is very excited to work at Kentucky Shakespeare this summer and help others realize their artistic dreams.

Casey Clark (Lighting Design) is enjoying working again on some of the favorites, finding unique visions for Midsummer and Macbeth, and a whole new adventure with Love’s Labor’s Lost. Fairies and witches and irony. What could be better?

Russell Cooper (Music Director-MSND) is returning for his third summer playing with his friends in Central Park. He is the choir director and co-director of musical theater at Noe Middle School just down the street. In addition to his career as an educator, he has worked with Pandora Productions, CenterStage at JCC, The ChickenCoop Theatre, The Theatre Downstream and KY Opera. Russell holds a BME from the UofL School of Music and an MAEd from Bellarmine University. He and his husband Seth, both Louisville natives, have two trouble-making dogs: Hashbrown and Donut.

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Laura Ellis (Sound Designer) is a Peabody Award-winning audio producer who started working with Kentucky Shakespeare in 2015. Since then, she’s designed all mainstage shows in the park, and other various theatrical adventures in parking lots, radio stations, and even directly inside your ears through silent disco headphones. When she’s not in a theater or a park, she makes podcasts and writes a podcasting advice column for Louisville Public Media. Laura went to Shakespeare in the park as a baby Louisvillian, and back then, she thought it was magic. But now that she’s grown up and working here... she knows it is.

Paul Englishby (Composer, Glimmering Light-MSND) is a prolific, versatile, and award-winning composer for film, television, theatre, the concert hall, and dance. His recent scores include Richard III for the RSC; The Canterville Ghost for BBC Studios; Jack Absolute Flies Again for the National Theatre; BAFTA winning TV film Together directed by Stephen Daldry; IMMINENT for Birmingham Royal Ballet, and They All Came Down To Montreux, the forthcoming documentary series directed by Oliver Murray. His best-known work includes: his thrillingly tense score for the BBC’s Luther (BAFTA-nominated soundtrack); box office and critical hit The Inheritance, directed by Stephen Daldry (London and Broadway — Tony Nominated Score); EMMY Award-winning music for David Hare’s Page Eight; his beautiful, lyrical music for-Oscar nominated An Education, starring Carey Mulligan (for which Paul received an ASCAP Award); and his many, varied and vivid scores for the Royal Shakespeare Company, with whom Paul is an Associate Artist.

Eric Frantz (Fight Director) has worked in stage combat as a choreographer and combatant for almost 20 years. This will be Eric’s eighth consecutive summer with the company. He is excited for the opportunity to choreograph Macbeth for Kentucky Shakespeare this season. The fight between Macbeth and Macduff remains one of his favorite conflicts in all of Shakespeare. Eric would like to give a big thank you to all the fighters in the show and to Amy Attaway. You all are awesome!

Charles Heightchew (Costume Shop

First Hand) is proud to be working with Kentucky Shakespeare after 25 years away from Louisville. He began his costume career at The Louisville Ballet and StageOne Children’s Theatre. After several years in opera, he was head of costumes at Boston Ballet for two decades. His costume designs have been seen on the stages of Wiener Staatsoper, Scottish Ballet, Boston Ballet, Louisville Ballet, Kentucky Opera, Dance Theatre of Harlem, Opera Nova Ballet in Poland, and Western Australia Ballet in Perth as well as many others. He has worked in ballet, theatre, opera, film, and has his own men’s accessories company OneMagnificentBeast.

Brenda Johnson (Gift Shop Manager) has been volunteering and working with the Festival for over forty-five years. Brenda’s full-time job is with First Impression, Fine Stationery Engraving and Printing. She enjoys spending time with her family which also includes her daughter, Holly, son-in-law Pete and four wonderful friends, Connie, Jeanine, Linda, and Marty. She hopes that you will all come back again and again and volunteer! Help us to keep Douglas Ramey’s vision

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alive by making your own history under the stars in Central Park!

Lindsay Krupski (Lighting Supervisor) is a freelance lighting designer/electrician, and she is so excited for another season with Kentucky Shakespeare! With Kentucky Shakes, she previously worked in the park for the 2019, 2021, and 2022 seasons and on enter ghost., Henry VI: The Wars of the Roses, The Turn of the Screw, and Shakespeare in the Parking Lot: Macbeth. Since moving to Louisville almost 5 years ago, she has designed with many local companies. Lindsay grew up in Wisconsin and holds a B.F.A. from UW-Milwaukee. In her free time, Lindsay loves watercolor painting and listening to Taylor Swift.

Donna Lawrence-Downs (Costume Designer) has designed the costumes for Kentucky Shakespeare for the last eight seasons, including all the summer festival productions as well as all fall and spring tours, Enter Ghost, Turn of the Screw, Shakespeare in the Parking Lot: Macbeth and the indoor Titus Andronicus, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, Twelfth Night, The War of the Worlds, and Night of the Living Dead. Donna has designed over 400 shows for more than 31 theatres in her 34-year career, including a stint at KSF in the 1990’s, and StageOne Family Theatre, Music Theatre Louisville, CenterStage, Bellarmine University, Louisville Ballet, Kentucky Opera, and Pandora Productions. One of Donna’s favorite projects is designing costumes for Shakespeare Behind Bars, which she has done for the last 11 years. Donna and her husband also own Life is Sweet Small Batch Treats Bakery.

Gregory Maupin (Dramaturg/Editor)

See bio under Actors.

Annie Mayer (Wardrobe Head) is a Louisville native and a returning member of the Kentucky Shakespeare production team. She is a Xavier University and Disney College Program alumni, a former parade dresser at the Magic Kingdom. She has worked at Actors Theatre of Louisville (Wardrobe Supervisor), Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park (Dresser), the Kentucky Center for the Arts (ASM), and the Kentucky Opera (Head Dresser). Annie has served as a teaching artist for Looking for Lilith, as well as resident choreographer at Presentation Academy. When not in the park, she can be found in an orange lab coat, setting off soda geysers at the Kentucky Science Center, or hanging out in one of Louisville’s numerous coffee shops.

Emily Pfaff (Assistant Stage Manager) is thrilled to be returning to Kentucky Shakespeare for a second summer as an assistant stage manager. Emily spent the 2022-2023 season with Milwaukee Repertory Theater as a stage management resident (Titanic The Musical, Beehive: The 60s Musical, A Christmas Carol, and The Heart Sellers), and is excited to return for the 2023-2024 season as the stage management fellow. Previous regional credits include working as a production assistant at American Players Theatre in the 2021 summer season. Emily graduated from Millikin University in 2020 with a B.F.A. in stage management. Thanks to family and friends for their love and support, and to Emily and Ian for an incredible summer.

Hannah Pruitt (Intimacy Consultant) has been a part of the Kentucky Shakespeare team since 2012 and serves year-round as our Director of Creative Engagement.

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She trains our Artist Educators, creates curriculum for workshops and residencies, cultivates relationships with schools, community partners, and arts education advocates, and most recently, she created our newest Kentucky Shakespeare workshop, Voices of Young Women, that was selected as a grant recipient of the Kentucky Foundation for Women. Hannah has led her favorite Kentucky Shakespeare program, Camp Shakespeare, for 12 wonderful summers. She is certified by the National Council for Mental Well-being in Mental Health First Aid for both Adults and Youth. Hannah is thrilled to be working towards becoming a certified Intimacy Director with Intimacy Directors and Coordinators, Inc and has received her certificate as a Consent Forward Artist. With the company, she has served as the Intimacy Consultant on Shakespeare’s R&J, Twelfth Night, and Pride and Prejudice. Hannah hails from the lovely city of Henderson, KY and is a graduate of the University of Louisville.

Callis Reed (House Manager) is a native of Winchester, Kentucky, and returns for his fourth tour of duty with Kentucky Shakespeare. Cal served as Sound Engineer for the 2018 and 2019 seasons but found he likes people more than technology in his first turn as House Manager last year.

Isabelle Saba (Assistant Lighting Supervisor) is ecstatic to take on this position at Kentucky Shakespeare for their 63rd Summer Season. She recently graduated from Davidson College in North Carolina with a B.A. in Arab Studies and theatre. Next year, Isabelle will be researching cultural preservation

of Syrian refugees through theatre in Jordan on a Fulbright grant. She wants to extend her gratitude for everyone at Kentucky Shakes and for everyone attending the performance: we couldn’t do it without you!


Sarah Chen Elston (Acting intern)

See bio under Actors.

Tajleed Hardy (Acting intern)

See bio under Actors.

Nyazia Martin (Acting intern)

See bio under Actors.

Claire Binford (Arts Administration intern) is a junior at the University of Louisville majoring in Liberal Studies with concentrations in Psychology, English, Philosophy, and Marketing. At UofL, she works as a Cardinal Tour

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Guide, as a Student Success Ambassador, and as the Historian for the Honors Student Council. She just completed an internship with the Kentucky Opera and is excited to be working in Arts Administration with Kentucky Shakespeare this summer!

Emily de Zafra (Costumes intern) is a B.F.A. theatre studies major from the University of South Dakota set to start her senior year in the fall! She has worked in her theatre department’s costume shop for three years and is excited to join the summer intern team at Kentucky Shakespeare! Additionally at USD, she was the stage manager for Tick, Tick... Boom!, costume crafts charge for Musical of Musicals: The Musical, and co-costume designer for The 146 Point Flame!

Adam Kamer (Education/Globe Players Intern) is currently pursuing a B.F.A. in theatre and performance at Emerson College in Boston. He has previously performed with KY Shakespeare’s Globe Players as Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing and as Flute in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He also previously performed in high school productions at Saint Xavier High School and Assumption High School.

Leah Shifrel (Education/Kid’s Globe intern), hailing from Brooklyn, currently lives in Philly. She has worked for Children’s Theater of Madison, Brooklyn Arts Exchange, and numerous other educational programs. She recently appeared in Prague Shakespeare Company’s Winter’s Tale as Shepherd’s Son & Emilia; Temple Theater Productions as Calpurnia in Julius Caesar; and as King Edward IV in Richard III.

She is currently working towards a B.A. from Temple University in theater.

Zane Hall (Electrics intern) is a theater artist active in the Louisville area who strives to make theater for his community. Zane would like to thank all of those in his life who have supported him along his journey and can’t wait to see what it has in store for him.

Myles Keys (Front of House intern) is a third year directing major at Ball State University. He is from Houston, Texas and some of his previous credits include Water By The Spoonful (Director), Sweat (Brucie), Little Women (John Brooks), Just The Two Of Us (Director), and Little Shop of Horrors (Seymour). Myles could not be more thrilled to spend a summer here, and he would like to thank Kentucky Shakespeare for this opportunity and his family and friends for always having his back.

Claire Stemmer (Front of House intern) is a rising junior at the University of Pittsburg, majoring in theatre arts and linguistics. A Louisville native and Assumption High School graduate, Claire is looking forward to spending the summer in Central Park!

Caroline Cox (Production intern) is a recent graduate of Bellarmine University and is thrilled to be joining the Kentucky Shakespeare team for the summer as a production management intern. Her favorite credits include Angel Street, A Doll’s House, and The Comedy of Errors.

Analise Henderson (Props intern) Ana is so excited to be returning to Kentucky Shakespeare this summer as a props intern in the Bekki Jo Schneider Internship Company! She had the wonderful

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opportunity to be a part of the Globe Players Professional Training Program in high school. She is going into her senior year at Ball State University as a Theatre Education major, she wants to inspire the next generation of theatre artists and Shakespeare lovers. Keep Will free!

Antonio Cortés Román (Scenic intern) is an actor from Metepec, México. He is currently a freshman studying theatre performance at the University of Evansville, where he has performed in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure and Jen Silverman’s The Moors. He also started working in the scene shop, building sets for Noises Off, Circle Mirror Transformation, and The Moors. He’s excited to work in the scenic department and the run crew this summer at Kentucky Shakespeare!

Jackson Tucker (Scenic intern) is a theatre arts student at the University of Louisville. He trains as both an actor and a technician. Jackson also studies film production and Chinese. Jackson

has been involved with extracurricular theatre since middle school. He is excited to work with Kentucky Shakespeare this summer.

William Young (Sound intern) is from North Carolina and just graduated from Brevard College with a B.A. in theater. He has also worked in the theater department as a scenic designer for Comedy of Errors and also worked as sound designer for shows like The World Over, Next to Normal, and A Christmas Carol Solo Show. He has also worked at the Brevard Music Center as a Production Assistant Apprentice.

Ian Fitzgerald (Stage Management intern) is a rising junior at the University of Louisville pursuing a B.S. in theater arts. Previous theater experience includes acting with Commonwealth Theater Center, Kentucky Shakespeare’s Globe Players, and UofL. In addition to acting he has worked in carpentry, electrics, and stage management. He is very excited to return to Kentucky Shakespeare!


October 4-29, 2023

The Woman in Black by Stephen Mallatratt, adapted from the novel by Susan Hill at the Kentucky Shakespeare Headquarters


January 6-14, 2024

Sense and Sensibility

by Kate Hamill, based on the novel by Jane Austen at the Kentucky Center for the Arts Bomhard Theatre

Tickets: and

February 2024

Kentucky Shakespeare’s Shakespeare in Love Gala at 21c Museum Hotel

February – March 2024

Shakespeare in the Libraries

Two-Actor Tour

April – May 2024

Shakespeare in the Parks

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Tour

May 29 – August 11, 2024

64th Season of Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park

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Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the First Folio of Shakespeare

The book often referred to as The First Folio (named for the size of the pages) was published in 1623, seven years after the death of William Shakespeare. It’s a collection of thirty-six of Shakespeare’s works brought together by two of his friends, John Heminges and Henry Condell, under the full title Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies.

As a tribute to their friend, Heminges and Condell wanted to put forward the best possible version of Shakespeare’s plays, so they used original prompt books, quartos (cheaper volumes with smaller pages), and original notes to collate the final collection. Without the First Folio, half of Shakespeare’s plays would have been lost to us today, as they had not previously been published in quarto form. These plays are as follows: All’s Well That Ends Well, Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, The First Part of Henry VI, Henry VIII (All is True), Julius Caesar, King John, Macbeth, Measure for Measure, The Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and The Winter’s Tale

The plays were arranged into Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Between 750 and 1,000 copies were printed and about 230 of these have survived. Corrections were often made during the printing process and no pages were discarded, so each copy is unique. This has been known to come in handy for identifying and recovering a stolen copy of the First Folio. They each contain their own mistakes, and no copy contains all pages in their final state. In 1623 they were sold for £1 if bound (enough to buy 44 loaves of bread), and 15 shillings if unbound. (For more information, visit the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - and the Folger Shakespeare Library -

Kentucky Shakespeare company members in the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust vaults with one of their three first folios in 2016.

Board Chair

Kay Madrick

Norton Healthcare

Vice Chair

Anya Bond-Beckley

DDW, The Color House Treasurer

Kerry Wang



Shannon Harris UPS


Brad Comer Republic Bank

Rosie Felfle Liquid Design

Liam Felsen Frost Brown Todd LLP

Jonese Franklin BirdNote

Joan Gould Baptist Health

LaShondra Hood University of Louisville

Michelle Jarboe NTS Development Company

Paula Lockhart Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts

Tracy K’Meyer

University of Louisville

Alan K. MacDonald

Frost Brown Todd LLP

Javan Reed

Simmons College of Kentucky

Elizabeth Cherry Siebert

LG&E and KU Energy LLC

Jodi Smiley

Environs Inc.

Lincoln Snyder


Brooke Zimmerman White Clay

Phillip Allen, Emeritus AJ Capital Partners

Mera Cossey Corlett, Emeritus

Okolona Baptist Church

David James, Emeritus

Office of Louisville Metro

Mayor Craig Greenberg

Dr. Peter Tanguay, Emeritus

University of Louisville

Jonathan Smith, Ex-Officio, Hanover College


Matt Wallace

Producing Artistic Director

Amy Attaway Associate Artistic Director

Kyle Ware Director of Education

Hannah Pruitt Director of Creative Engagement

Kya A Rafferty Office Manager

Mollie Murk Artistic Associate


Artist Educators

Elizabeth Chasely, Kristina Hinako, Carter Lishen, Sydney Lofton

Guest Teaching Artists and Instructors

Chase Howard, Gregory Maupin, Keith McGill, Tony Reimonenq III, Braden McCambell

Spring Tour, Hamlet

Adama Abramson, Brennen Amonett, Ilana DeAngelo, Jared Brandt Hoover, Chase Howard, Jason Pavlovich, Louis Robert Thompson; Ryan Bennett, Stage Manager

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Grounded in the works of Shakespeare, we enrich communities through accessible, inclusive, professional theatre experiences that educate, inspire, and entertain diverse audiences.


To use Shakespeare’s truths and the power of the arts to transform lives. Shakespeare belongs to everyone.


Kentucky Shakespeare acknowledges we are situated on the traditional land of the Adena, Hopewell, Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and

Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee, East) people. We respect their enduring presence and historical stewardship of these lands.


As artists and educators, we are committed to holding the “mirror up to nature,” while creating a safe and welcoming space at our performances, in the community, and in the classroom.

We recognize racism and inequality in our community and the country, and we commit ourselves to anti-racism. We believe that Black lives matter.

We commit to outreach and inclusion of people of all abilities, races, creeds, religions, genders, and sexual identities.

We acknowledge that we are a non-profit arts organization grounded in the works of Shakespeare and commit to exploring Shakespeare’s truths while never losing sight of the fact that not all experiences emanate from a white European vantage point.

We commit to deeply listening to our BIPOC community members, within and outside of our organization. We commit to learning, never being satisfied, and creating positive change – proactively committing our efforts and resources to building anti-racist, inclusive, equitable, and empathetic spaces and experiences for all.

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Kentucky Shakespeare serves communities through the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park, education programs for schools, public performances, and community outreach programs. Currently in its 63rd season, the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park is the longest-running free, non-ticketed Shakespeare festival in the United States. As the most comprehensive in-school arts education provider in the Commonwealth, Kentucky Shakespeare serves schools throughout the region with interactive educational programming directly tied to academic standards, helping impact student achievement. Our many community programs explore conflict resolution, empathy building, and communication, in a range of settings from preschools to senior centers.

What we do:

• PERFORMANCES: Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park, Shakespeare in the Parks tour, Shakespeare in the Libraries tour, Indoor productions during the year

• EDUCATION PERFORMANCE AND WORKSHOP TOUR: Two-Actor Twelfth Night, Shakespeare Alive!, Julius Caesar spring tour, Voice of Social Change: Ira Aldridge, Living History: We the People, Living History: Kentucky History, Bard Buddies, Fairy Tales from Around the World, Hip-Hop Shakespeare, Conflict Resolution and AntiBullying, Acting Fundamentals, Stage Combat, Staging Shakespeare, Renaissance Dance, Discovering Shakespeare, Mathematics of Shakespearean Design, and Voices of Young Women

• CAMPS AND CLASSES: Camp Shakespeare, Shakespeare Off the Page, Stage Combat

• COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: Shakespeare with Veterans, Juvenile Justice Arts Program, Shakespeare with Immigrants and Refugees, Survivorship Shakespeare, Community Residencies

Kentucky Shakespeare has been recognized by the Folger Library and the Kentucky Humanities Council for exemplary programming, is a multiyear recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Shakespeare in American Communities program, and is a past recipient of the Kentucky Governor’s Award in the Arts. Kentucky Shakespeare has been awarded multiple LEO Weekly Reader’s Choice Awards, Broadway World Louisville Regional Awards, Arts-Louisville Awards, the 2015 Center for Nonprofit Excellence’s Art of Vision Pyramid Award, the 2017 Louisville Awards in the Arts Bobby Petrino Family Foundation Arts Impact Award, and the 2019 Arts for All Kentucky Community Partner Award for arts inclusion work with people with disabilities.

A U D I E N C E 39

6PM Food Trucks | 7PM Kids’ Globe, Will’s Gift Shop & Will’s Tavern | 7:15 PM Pre-Show | 8 PM Show

C. Douglas

Ramey Amphitheater | 1340 S. Fourth Street | Central

Park, Old Louisville

A U D I E N C E 40 MND A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2GV The Two Gentlemen of Verona MAC Macbeth SD Shakespeare in Dance LNS Late Night Shakes (10:30 PM) LLL Love’s Labor’s Lost ASL Interpretation
2023 Opening Night GAW GLOBE Arm Wrestling (10:30 PM) SD SD SD SD SD SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MND MND MND MND MND MND SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LNS GAW LNS MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC LLL LLL SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JUNE MAY AUGUST Preview Night LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL MAC MND LLL MAC MND LLL MND MAC LLL MND MAC LLL 2GV 2GV 2GV 2GV 2GV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JULY SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT GAW LNS GAW LNS

“Strong reasons make strong actions.”


Scan the QR code: Now on Venmo!



Mail: Kentucky Shakespeare 616 Myrtle Street Louisville, KY 40208

In Person: Visit Will’s Gift Shop at the back of the amphitheater tonight to make credit card or cash donations!


The Stratford Society is open to supporters who donate a gift of at least $1,564, in honor of the year Shakespeare was born. Stratford Society members serve as key community ambassadors for Kentucky Shakespeare, keeping Shakespeare in the Park free for everyone. As a member, you will enjoy exclusive previews, premieres, receptions, opportunities for theatre and theatre-themed excursions. For more information or to join the Stratford Society, please call Producing Artistic Director Matt Wallace at 502.574.9900 or email



Alan and Kathy Attaway

Thomas Gerstle

Scott and JoAnn Haner

Charlie and Jenny Marsh

Don Stevens and Libby Marbury

Vivian Ruth Sawyer, in memory of Thomas T. Noland, Jr.

Mac & Jessica Thompson –White Clay


Phillip and Teri Allen

Carol Pye

Rick and Becky Reed

Drs. Catherine Newton and Gordon Strauss

Kerry and Kathleen Wang


The 1300 Association

Charles and Sheelah


Joe and Anne Ardery, made possible through a Fund for the Arts Partnership Grant

Belgravia Court Association

Richard & Karen Berglund

Anya Bond-Beckley

Stephen & Sharon Berger

Edith S. Bingham

Brad Comer

Kevin & Mera Cossey Corlett

Ian and Emilee Crawford

Glenn Crothers and Tracy K’Meyer

Robert Dean, ZFX Inc.

David and Lucille Fannin

Rosalie Felfle

Liam Felsen

Lea H. Fischbach

Jonese Franklin and Laura Ellis

Stephen C. Gault, in honor of Charlie and Jenny Marsh

Kevin Gibson

Greg and Kim Greenwood

Alan and Joan Gould

Shannon Harris and Joe Hufnagle

Lane Hettich

LaShondra Hood

The Jarboe Family

Gary & Maureen Kingry

Stephen Kubiatowski and Rebecca Seidel

Gordon Lamb and Diane Seaman

Paula Lockhart

Kay Madrick

Alan and Joyce MacDonald

Mapother Family Memorial Fund –Katherine, Amy, and William Mapother

Tim and Dair Mathistad

Thomas and Beth Ording

Petruska Family

Sally Phennicie

Brian Phillips and Sarah Yost

Alexis Rich & Allen Harris

Javan Reed

Steve & Lynne Rodeheffer

Elizabeth Cherry Siebert

Jodi Smiley

Kenney and Cathy Snell

Lincoln Snyder

Robert and Silvana Steen

Dr. Peter and Margaret Fife


Brooke Zimmerman

Jessica and Ziggy Zubric

A U D I E N C E 41

Kentucky Shakespeare, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, relies on the support of our community to provide free Shakespeare and multiple outreach programs. All donations are tax-exempt. We would like to thank the following individuals for their generous support in the 2022-2023 fiscal year!


Anonymous (3)

Mark Allen

Cornelia Bonnie

Mattie and Bob Brown

The Caravan

Clarice A. Denoux

Jeff and Karen Filcik

Frost Brown Todd LLC, made possible through a Fund for the Arts Partnership Grant

John Spalding Gatton

Garvin Gate Association

Lynn and Bob Graham

Sally-Ann Greenfield and Bruce Smith

Cheryl Peterson Guess

Walter and Pat Hagens

Sandra Harrison

Frederic Harned

Theresa Hinton

Thaddeus Hoover

Tom James

Breck and Rhonda Jones

Gladys and John Lopez

Louisville Historic Tours

Todd Lowe

Phil and Susan Lynch

Jules M. Marquart

Cathy and David Mekus

Cathryn Miller

Dan Minton

Hal and Julia Park

Andy Perry and Jon Sistarenik

The Petrusksa Family

Mitch and Cindee Rapp

Gil Reyes

Michael Robertson and Family

Alex Roma

Chris Schimmoeller

Second Street Neighborhood Association

Michelle Seiffertt

Kathleen Shiner

Ruth Simons

Betty L. Smith

Jonathan Smith

Terry and Susan Strange

Jerry and Joanne Wallace

Jim and Marianne Welch

Richard T. Wolford

Steven and Coretta Wolford

EARL Anonymous (4)

Laura Beasley and Lachlan Apple

Turney B. Berry

Cecile A. Blau

Dr. and Mrs. A.T. Blanford

Mark Blessinger

Julie Boatwright and Todd Turner

Whitney Boles

Bill Bolte

John and Kati Brundage

Bryant Family

Robert and Carol Carnighan

Gilbert D. Cheatham

David and Candy Cherry

Terrence Cody

R. Kent Collard

Allysan and Bryan Comstock

Jeff and Marjorie Conner

Agnes Cox

James Crosetti

The Cude Family Fund

Irwin and Carol Cutler

Doug and Angela Dowell

Lynne Dowling

John David Dyche and Laura C. Harbolt

Casey and Amy Eisenback

Jacob and Susan Ems

Elizabeth Fairhead

Leslie and Gregg Fowler

Heather French

Carl Friesen

Nancy Gall-Clayton

Dr. Geeta Ganesh

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gettleman

Tina and Lee Gibson

Robbin and Steve Goodin

William Hahnert III

John Hamilton

Patricia and Chris Haragan

Dr. and Mrs. Tom Harper

Angela Henderson

Jonathan Henry

Jessica Hildebrand

Clare Hirn and David Henry

Katherine M. Dittmeier Holm

Shirley Howard

Thomas and Patrice


Catherine Gaglio Inge

Tom James

The Jarboe Family

Alan and Sally Junkins

Jim and Jeannette Kays

Kim and Ken Kern

Georgette Kleier, in honor of Michael Hottois

Leslie and Pat King

Cynthia Kirkland

Margaret Koehner

Phil Kollin and Brooke Heiser

Mary Korfhage

R. Gwyn Lavin

Jeff and Susan Layman

Eve Bohankel Lee

Julie Leskiv

Angela and Ron Long

David and Cindy Maupin, in honor of Juanita McAlpine

James and Lauren McDonald

Karrie and Darren McKinnon

Richard McKnight

Dan and Patricia Minton

David and Katrina Moore

Jeff Noble

Andrew & Ashley Noland

Brandy and Bill Norton

Judy Olliges

Alex and Joe Ottaviano

Linda and Bruce Otto, in honor of Georgette Kleier & Jon Huffman

Tory Parker

Patrick Peak

Meg and Louie Prestigiacomo

Richard Rivers

The Romig Family

Emma Aprile and Andrew Rosenthal

Brian and Denise Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rounsavall III

Dennis and Cathy Roux

Thomas Ryley

Zenet K. Schissler

Paul Sharpenstein

Gray Shaw and Heidi Yost

Erin Sigmund

Maureen Slaton

Diane and Walter Snowa

Melody and Bruce Sterling

Rosalie Surtees

Bethany Boesche-Taylor and David Taylor

David and Kim Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Tilmes

Lawrence Toebbe, in memory of Rose Mary Toebbe

Jim and Beverly Bartlett Turner

Beth and Don Wagner

Sam Weissrock

Rory Whitaker

Nick Wilkerson

Jim and Claire Williams

Karen Sue Wilson

Elaine and Barry Wise

Nancy & Tom Woodcock

Grace Wooding

Robin Yacovetta

Herb Zimmerman

KNIGHT Anonymous (5)

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Aberli Actors Associates

Ann T. Allen

Ron and Svea Allgeier

Carlyn and Bill Altman

Mark Amick and Allie Kerns

David Anderson

Louis and Connie Anton

Alan Armsruster

Sheila Ashley

Maureen Bacon

Pamela and Tom Baete

Nancy Beasley

Paul and Janice Beatty

Alice Wright Belknap

Rita Bell

Drs. Kim and Susan Bentley-Jonason

Laura, Johnathan, and Molly Berube, in memory of Michael Pruitt

Laura L. Brawner

Mike and Susan Brooks

Frances Bruton, in honor of O Grant Bruton’s 92nd birthday

Kenneth & Laura Calhoun

Sara Louise and Dan Callaway

J. Larry Cashen and Susan Turner

Judith Champion

Lynn Chapple

David and Carri Christy

Doug Churchman

David Clark

Kelly Clark

Bruse Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

Terry Conway

Rebekah Joy Cotton

Jeffrey Cronin

Amy Crosser

Judith Danovitch

Robert Darst

A U D I E N C E 42 2022 - 2023 DONORS

Pat Davidson

Lawrence R. & Joan F. Davis

Liz Dawson

Vincent and Kathleen Decker

The Delaney Family

Ann and David Derrick

Sean Donaldson

Jon A. Doukas

Melissa and Ken Draut

Laurie Duesing

Caleb & Brittany Dunning

Bev and Woody Edwards

Katie Edwards

Tawana Edwards

Uwe and Kathy Eickmann

Casey and Amy Eisenback

Sam and Jill Ellington

Kristin Ems

Nicole Ervin

Bret and Kathy Feger

Deborah R. Feger

Sherry and Joseph Feldpausch

Tom Fenton & Dr. Karen Haswell

The Figus Family

The Fireels, Rachel Firkins and Alicia Fireel

Ginny First

Terese Fister

Mary Forsee

Linda A. Gaines

Kate Grindon

Pam and Tim Hackett, in honor of Jon Huffman

Atticus Haden

Hagan Family

Barbara and Ed Haines

Anne Harlan

Sandy Harned

Sherwin & Connie Harris

Sandra Harrison

Carol Hartlage

Stanley and Peggy Henderson

Dawn and Dennis Hershberger

William & Sharon Higgins

Amy Hill

Gary and Sharon Hinkle

Mark A. Huffine

Jon Huffman

David Jackman

Lisa Jackson & William Betsill

Dan Johnson and Tom Elkas

Matt and Jill Kamer

Gail and Dick Kaukas

Robin Kaukas

Scott and Ashley HukeKetterer

Colonel Gary M. Keys

Laurel King

Todd Kleber

Linda Klein

Ray and Yvonne Knight

Cynthia Knopp

Philip and Marilyn Kohl

Jeff Koleba

Michael & Jeanne Kovatch

Anna Kunzler

Dwight Kyle and Cindy Silletto

Laura Landenwich

Rita Larkin

Kate Leitner

Julie Leskiv

Joseph Link

Lana Lindsey and Ron Brown

Steven and Judy Lippmann

Stevie Lipps

Louisville Academy of Music

Kathleen Mattingly

Danny and Anita Maupin

Gerald E. Maurice

Tamara Mazzoccoli

Vivian McAdams, in honor of Brian McAdams

Dave McCay

Patty and Kevin McDowell

Keith McGill

Robert and Grace McKeel

Herb Melton

Creighton Mershon, Dottie Mae Mershon, Jessi Arrington

Lucas Meyer

Roberta Meyer

Jim Meyers

Mary Ann Miller

Robert H. Miller

Mind’s Eye Theatre Company

Robert Mitchell

Joe and Dianne Morris

Alfred and Lark Mull

David Murk

Pat and Adele Murphy

William Nash

R.L. and C.R. Neumayer

Chip Nold and Cindy Read

Agnes & Patrick Noonan

Stuart Perelmuter and Elizabeth Sawyer

Ann Lawrence Ramser

Rodney Reuter

Cynthia and Ronald Rigby

John and Karen Rippy

Mike and Ellen Robertson

Jeanne-Marie and Todd Rogers

Thomas Roma

Marty Rosen

Matthew Ruben

Richard Sands

Sant Family, in honor of Barb Cullen

Curt and Beth Schuman

Gordon & Carolyn Seiffertt

Cynthia Shain

Jessica Sharpenstein

Michael Shell

Robb and Anna Shrader

Patricia Slagle and Steve Zimmerman

Jonathan and Jennifer Smillie

Brian Smith

Stephen Ramsey Spanyer

Dr. Thomas J. Spech and David Jones

Vashti Standrige

Bob and Mary Ann Stenger

Chris and Emily Stewart

David & Deborah Stewart, in honor of Maureen Bacon

Duncan Strauss, in honor of Gordon Strauss

Mo Stucker

Monalisa Tailor

Phillip & Esther Tamplin

Will & Jennifer Thompson

Sandy Thorne and Ashton Wolf, in memory of Barb Cullen

Wayne & Brenda Tuckson

UKAT Giving Fund

Liz Vasquez

Jeannie and John Vezeau

Mitch Voss

Dina Vuturo

Bill and Alice Walsh

Ross Walton

Rob and Michelle Ward

Charles Warms

Jeremy and Amy Wells

Charles Whaley

Edyth Wheeler

Margaret Weeks

Deborah & Paul Wesslund

Mike and Mary Jo Whelan

Steven Whoberry

Michael Wilderschein

Bronwyn Williams & Mary Brydon-Miller

Shawn & Kevin Williams

Deidre and Nickolas Winslow

Tammy Young

Marc and Ann Zakem


Our new C. Douglas Ramey Amphitheater stage is made possible through the generosity of:

Scott and JoAnn Haner

Don Stevens and Libby Marbury

Alan and Kathy Attaway

Rick and Becky Reed

Charlie & Jenny Marsh

Carol Pye

Gregory and Kim Greenwood

Stephen and Lynne Rodeheffer

Allen Harris and Alexis Rich

A U D I E N C E 43
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention, A kingdom for a stage, princes to act And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!”
– Prologue, Henry V


Performances will not be canceled before 7:30PM. In the event of lightning without rain, stage lights may be shut down and work lights turned on until lightning has ceased. In the event of rain, we will hold for a 15-minute rain delay. After the rain delay, Festival staff will make the decision whether or not to continue the production.

In the event of severe or threatening weather, the audience will be informed of any warnings that exist over the house microphone. In the event of approaching inclement weather, you will be instructed by an announcement from the stage manager indicating the best method of exit. For your safety, please leave the amphitheater in a calm and orderly manner using the sidewalks.

Performances may be canceled or delayed due to extreme heat as well.


Accessible ramps, parking, restrooms, and wheelchair seating are available for patrons with disabilities.

ASL interpretation will be provided for the following performances: Thursday, June 1 for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Thursday, June 22 for Macbeth, Thursday, July 6 for Love’s Labor’s Lost, and Thursday, July 27 for Two Gentlemen of Verona. (For all ASL scheduled performances, the makeup rain date will be the following evening.)

Large format programs are available upon request at the Kentucky Shakespeare gift shop.

For those with sensory sensitivities, noise canceling headphones for both youth and adults, and sensory play items are available. Please visit the gift shop or ask a front of house staff member. Sensory guides for each production are available at the gift shop or from a front of house staff member.

Pre-show sensory/tactile tours for the visually impaired are available during the summer. Contact Director of Education Kyle Ware for more information at 502.574.9900 or email


For your convenience, wheelchair accessible restrooms are located at the rear of the amphitheater. Public restroom facilities are maintained by Metro Parks. Women’s restrooms are located on the north side of the building, adjacent to Will’s Tavern. Men’s restrooms are location on the south side of the building, facing the police substation.


Please take a moment to visit Wills’ Gift Shop at the rear of the amphitheater under the pergola. Cash, check, and major credit cards accepted.


Kentucky Shakespeare Festival in Central Park is a family-friendly event for all ages. For specific show content, contact the office at 502.574.9900 or (Our late-night 10:30PM production of the Louisville Improvisors LATE NIGHT SHAKES and the Louisville Fringe Festival’s GLOBE ARM WRESTING may include language and is intended for mature audiences only.)


Please take a moment to visit the Food Trucks at the rear of the amphitheater provided by the Louisville Truck Association. Various food trucks will be in the park nightly from 6:00 p.m. until just after intermission. Cash and credit cards are accepted. The Association generously donates a portion of proceeds to Kentucky Shakespeare. Check our website daily for rotating food truck schedule at You’re also welcome to bring your own picnic too (no outside alcohol is permitted.)


Kentucky Shakespeare offers Brown-Forman products, Fetzer Wine, and West Six Brewing for sale at the rear of the amphitheater in Will’s Tavern. Cash, check, and major credit cards accepted. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed to be brought in or taken out of the amphitheater designated perimeter. Please enjoy your beverages responsibly inside the amphitheater perimeter.

A U D I E N C E 44 THEATRE SERVICES | | 502.574.9900 | 616 Myrtle Street | Louisville, KY 40208


Smoking is not permitted within the amphitheater and must take place outside of the amphitheater perimeter/audience seating area.


During the performance, the taking of video and flash photography are prohibited, however you are welcome to take photos during the first half of this evening’s performance, and if you post them, be sure to tag Kentucky Shakespeare.


Become a volunteer and support Kentucky Shakespeare! Visit our website or contact us today by phone at 502.574.9900 or email Office Manager Kya Rafferty,


Pets are welcome, we just ask that you clean up after your pet and make sure your pet is on a leash. As a courtesy to audience members, we ask that you sit in the back picnic tables, or side grass area.

For more information and updates throughout the year, please visit or follow us on social media:

Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok: @KentuckyShakespeare | Twitter and Instagram: @kyshakespeare


Starring 3-time Emmy Nominee

Marci Miller

Directed by Steve Woodring

Also Starring

Matt Orme

Juergen K. Tossmann

June 30 - July 16, 2023

The Henry Clay Theatre

A U D I E N C E 45
1NE-OFF Productions
Partnership with BUNBURY




A Midsummer Night’s Dream - May 24-June 11; July 12, 15, 18, 21

(no performances on Mondays or Tuesdays in June)

Macbeth - June 15-25; July 11, 14, 19, 22

(no performances on Mondays or Tuesdays in June)

Love’s Labor’s Lost - June 29-July 11; July 13, 16, 20, 23

Kentucky Shakespeare’s Globe Players professional training program for high school students: The Two Gentlemen of Verona - July 26-30

Louisville Improvisors Late Night Shakes - 10:30PM on June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22

Louisville Fringe Festival presents G.L.O.B.E. Arm Wrestling10:30PM on June 17, July 1, and July 15

Louisville Ballet’s Shakespeare in Dance: Lady M - August 2-6, 2023

ASL interpretation: Thursday, June 1 for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Thursday, June 22 for Macbeth, Thursday, July 6 for Love’s Labor’s Lost, and Thursday, July 27 for Two Gentlemen of Verona

(If show is canceled due to inclement weather, the makeup rain date will be the following evening – Friday.)

For 2023 summer season details, please visit

A U D I E N C E 46
6:00 p.m. Food Trucks Open 7:00 p.m. Will’s Tavern, Will’s Gift Shop, & Kids’ Globe open 7:15 p.m. Community Pre-Show Performance 8:00 p.m. Production begins

Saturday & Sunday, after Labor Day at Big Four® Bridge, Waterfront Park in Louisville, Kentucky

Kick off the fall art festival season at the Big Four Arts Festival on the river with food, live music, artisan demos, fun hands-on art, and the pink llama petting zoo.

Explore the work of over 150 juried local and national artists on the shady, tree-lined waterfront. Meet our local farm animal ambassadors at our family-friendly petting zoo and try your hand at your own work of art in the creative tent. Enjoy some of the best live local bluegrass music and gourmet festival food Louisville has to offer, all while watching the river roll by.

Presented by B4B & Design Web Louisville in support of Bridge Haven Health.

A U D I E N C E SEPT 9 - 10, 2023 SEPT 9 - 10, 2023

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