1 minute read
All you ever hear and read about is our ex, and the way it ended. But a pair doesn’t beat a royal flush — you’re gonna find out how we got unfriended.
Amy Higgs Managing Editor
G. Douglas Dreisbach Publisher
The dogwoods are blooming, the pollen count is off the charts, and that must mean Derby is right around the corner! Amid all the horse-related hubbub and hullaballoo, we urge you not to forget about Louisville’s vibrant performing arts community.
As you can see from our Events Outlook on page 6, there is so much more to do than visit the historic Churchill Downs during Spring Meet (though we hope you’ll get a chance to do that, too.)
The reigning queens of Broadway are coming to town April 9-14 in SIX. You don’t want to miss this “new wives’ tale” on stage at The Kentucky Center. We spoke with the powerhouse performer who portrays Henry VIII’s only surviving wife, and she shares the scoop about the show’s reimagining of history on page 8.
Learn more about a special concert featuring the Louisville Orchestra’s beloved Music Director (and one of our fair city’s greatest treasures) Teddy Abrams, in honor of his 10th anniversary with LO on page 14. The Frazier Museum is also celebrating a major milestone in 2024, with special programming all year, plus a gala on April 12. Read more on page 22
If you’re looking for a special way to enjoy the upcoming solar eclipse, check out some great options at Kentucky’s parks on page 13. Try your luck at Louisville’s newest gaming facility, featured on page 17. And finally, find out why our fair city of artists means business in an insightful article by the Fund for the Arts President & CEO on page 18
We could not bring you these exciting stories each month free of charge without our loyal advertisers. We encourage you to check them out, engage their services whenever you can, and support their contributions to the local economy, just as they support the arts.
We’ll see you at the theater (and the track)!
As the sun shines bright...
Amy & Doug