MORE ON 21.12.12 By Juan Fonta (August 28th 2012) In response to
Q: Dear Jesus, how shall I see things in light of the new information I have read about today? (Jesus): One important reason to find out about the shape and form of what these evil ones intend to do is like; to understand their machinations, is so that your faith can be tailored to fit the need so to speak. It’s a bit like the pre-trib rapture doctrine. If a Christian believes that he will be raptured before the tribulation that is how big their faith will be. Their faith won’t even consider the possibility of God wanting them to live through the time of greatest trouble the world has ever seen. Because of this, when it actually
happens, they will be sorely unprepared, utterly shocked and may even give in. You in TFI members have had the privilege of being rightly taught that you are meant to go through the tribulation. Because of this, your faith will meet your expectation. However, your faith of the past was conditioned to your knowledge of the past. … It is clear that due to the leaking of information of the advancement of technology and sophisticated weaponry, such as HAARP, (and all that entails), a fake “alien invasion” and just how grim a picture the evil ones have in mind for mankind, it is clear that a whole new level of faith is needed. If you are bombarded with all this information, and you forget the God factor, you could feel utterly helpless, powerless to even try to do anything for good. But you must remember, the day of miracles is not past, and though the Enemy’s influence and power will be unleashed “Where iniquity does abound, grace much more abounds”. What this means is that though the enemies power will seem to multiply many times over in the days to come, My power will not only increase in proportion to it, but it will “much more abound”; many times over in proportion to the enemies’ power. Know your enemy. “Be not ignorant of his devices”, as I have said in my Word. A few years ago I gave a message saying that in the days to come, something sudden would happen to propel the world into such a time of darkness it would cause hearts to faint, and that the only way to make it trough would be to “Focus on the Light”. So do just that. On the backdrop of a darkened world, I will cause you to be witnesses for me and people will be hungry as never before. Then will you win many to me before the final act. It will truly be a “winning offensive”. As for the dates and timing of these things, some things are certain, others flexible. What is certain is that due to a growing awareness, the dark councils have determined to act fast and that there is no time to spare to further their agenda. Because of this, you can certainly expect things to move along in a noticeable way. What is also certain is the value they attach to numerology and their predictions. All of that does seem to point to major action this year, however, I am still in control and dates can be flexible.
Even if times vary slightly, time is short, and it will not delay.
Nevertheless, this year [2012] is of great importance to them, and they certainly want to use it. Barring
divine intervention, they will. Don’t underestimate the power of your influence in these dark days. What the evil one wants is for no one to do anything or say anything, and the world to slip into his TOTAL control. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Even though the prophecies set in stone in my scriptures will happen, the fine details can be changed for good. The more people know and are aware, the more people are won to me; even though the evil ones will still carry out their plans, my light can shine brightly if you determine to be brave, to have faith, to be used by me. Overall events will happen, but so many individual lives can be saved by the choices you make today to stay close to me and be a voice for my love and truth. “The Lamb shall overcome them”.