By Peter Braveheart 19.11.12 Dear readers, Regarding the possibility of a RED FLAG EVENT similar to 9/11 on 21.12.12, My personal CONVICTION is that YES IT IS VERY LIKELY THAT SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN THE MIDDLE-EAST and to AMERICA and to the World's ECONOMY, RESULTING IN CHAOS! Just yesterday, I also was concerned about this matter of 21.12.12, and asked the Lord to speak again about this subject, and this is what transpired: ***
18.11.12 Factors to consider [as questions to the Lord to be answered in prophecy] : - Is it late in TIME? Are we about to experience GREAT CHANGES [on 21.12.12] or do we yet have a lot of time to PLAN ahead for the FUTURE? The Current Situation: • The Middle-East is really heating-up. A big War could be just around the corner. • A great big financial CRASH could also be IMMINENT! • The A.C could be waiting in the wings for CHAOS, to ensue, whilst he cunningly “lies in wait”, to take over the world by DECEIT? The big question is, IS IT TIME? We all want to know the answer to that!??* **** 18.11.12 Prayer by Peter Brave-Heart Dear Jesus, Please speak about this matter clearly, so that we can give an exact answer to those who ask about this.
Answer in prophecy from Jesus:
“It is not for My children to know the Hour and Day of My 2nd Coming, as many will quote to you; but this does not mean that through the KEYS of Divination and Wisdom and Knowledge, that I can’t REVEAL the answer to questions like the question you have asked. I did indeed say that as the time grows closer to the End, that I would reveal more to My obedient children. (see The Impending Coming of The Antichrist), who take the time to ask Me these questions. All would do well to be prepared, for in such a MOMENT as you EXPECT Not, the FORCES of EVIL WILL INDEED STRIKE! Just because Nothing so DRASTIC has ever happened before, does not mean that it will NEVER HAPPEN. GOD IS NOT MOCKED! Every Word that I have spoken … will be fulfilled. I have given [ you] My Family ample time to be ready for the COMING NEW WORLD ORDER! Fear none of these things which are ABOUT TO COME UPON this world. Have I not promised that I will do Nothing except that I reveal My Secrets unto My servants the prophets? (Amos 3.7). My great desire, is that EACH one of My children… has a very strong connection with ME. That they each know EXACTLY what I require of them on a DAILY basis... Call upon
Me and I will show you great and Mighty things which you KNOW NOT! I need for ALL to be very DESPERATE in Prayer before Me at this present time. I will reveal My perfect will to each One of You. Have I ever failed to take care of you in each and every way, when you have desperately called out to Me? My Desire is for there to be many more channels…who can all hear very clearly from Heaven, and pass on what I reveal to each one of [My children]. Be Brazenly bold, to speak forth the words that I give to each of you for the edification of many others. It is time…to increase and expand by the good use of all of the spiritual weapons available ... You just get on fire for Me and the whole world will come out and see you BURN! Each one of you according to your individual capacity. I do promise you this, that as you become increasingly desperate in prayer and deft in the proper use of the New Weapons, you will start to see OUTSTANDING MIRACLES. Very soon the fulfilment of Daniel 11.31-32 will come upon you. “They who understand among the people shall be strong & do exploits...” So this I say unto all, be READY in Spirit
and in flesh, for TIME is ticking, and all of the Events prophesied concerning the last 7 years are about to UNFOLD!”
End of prophecy from Jesus.
*** If any have also received DREAMS, VISIONS, PROPHECIES of WARNING for 21.12.12 or a soon coming possible RED FLAG EVENT and CHAOS bringing in the last 7 years, we would love to hear from you.