Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.
SETBACK – [spell]- S E T B A C K Definition: a check to progress Synonym: reversal Antonym: Sentence: They experienced a minor setback in their travel plans when they got a flat tire.
CONFERENCE – [spell]- C O N F E R E N C E Definition: meeting of people to discuss a particular subject Synonym: consultation, discussion Antonym: Sentence: They attended a conference for accountants.
UNFORGETTABLE – [spell]- U N F O R G E T T A B L E Definition: always remembered Synonym: extraordinary, memorable Antonym: forgettable Sentence: Her goal was to make the event unforgettable.
DISAGREEABLE – [spell]- D I S A G R E E A B L E Definition: not to one's liking Synonym: distasteful, objectionable Antonym: agreeable, welcome Sentence: She found the menu at the restaurant disagreeable.
BODILY – [spell]- B O D I L Y Definition: of or relating to the body Synonym: physical Antonym: nonphysical Sentence: In moments of extreme fear, people may lose control of their bodily functions.
INTEGRITY – [spell]- I N T E G R I T Y Definition: honesty or sincerity Synonym: principles, morality Antonym: dishonesty, disgrace Sentence: Amid the scandal, he was the only person in the office with clear integrity.