three cuneiform bones also make up this part of the hind and mid-foot. Figure 48 shows the bones of the foot:
There are five metatarsal bones that connect to the more proximal bones of the foot. These are labeled 1-5, starting with the great toe side. Both the head of the first and the head of the fifth metatarsal can be felt on either side of the foot as prominences of the foot. There are 14 phalanges that are arranged similarly to the fingers. The toes are numbered like the metatarsals with the hallux being known as the big or great toe. The hallux has two phalanges, while the rest of the toes have the three phalanges.
JOINTS A joint or articulation is the place where two bones or bone and cartilage come together to make a connection. There are several types of joints, some of which are moveable and others are immoveable. The immoveable joints serve mainly a protective function—to protect internal structures and organs and to give the body some stability. Moveable joints allow for body motion. The structural classification of joints involves whether or not the joint is fibrous or contains cartilage. There are three structural joint classifications: 1) a fibrous joint, where adjacent bones are united by fibrous connective tissue; 2) a cartilaginous joint, where fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage connects the two bones; and 3) a synovial joint, where the two bones