The ovary has an outer layer of cuboidal epithelium that forms the ovarian surface. Deep to this is the tunica albuginea, which is the dense connective tissue structure that is similar to that in the male testicle to make the cortex of the ovary. The cortex forms a framework of sorts called the ovarian stroma, which forms the bulk of the ovary. Oocytes (egg cells) will develop on the outer layer of the stroma, surrounded by supportive cells. The oocyte plus the supporting cells is called a follicle. Beneath the cortex is what’s called the inner ovarian medulla, which is where the blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels exist in the ovary.
THE OVARIAN CYCLE AND OOGENESIS The ovarian cycle involves the predictable development of the female oocyte and the ovarian follicles during a woman’s reproductive years. This cycle is related to but not the same as the menstrual cycle. It involves oogenesis (which is the creation of the gamete) and folliculogenesis (which is the development of the follicle).