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Multiple Choice with Charts, Tables & Graphs
Here is an overview of how to deal with multiple choice questions which have charts, tables and graphs.
Always be sure to study the data carefully. You will need to be able to interpret the visual information. You should study the graphs and charts closely in your A-P textbook to prepare for the exam.
Tables, charts and graphs usually show change over time. Here are some tips for dealing with these types of questions.
Make sure to read the labels on both the vertical and horizontal axis carefully. You need to understand exactly what data is being represented.
Pay attention to the range of dates shown. Think of what major events occurred during that time period.
The numbers can be represented in absolute numbers. Absolute numbers are abbreviated or rounded off. Be sure to pay attention to the key. Numbers can also be shown in percentages.
Line graphs usually show trends over time. The horizontal axis usually shows time. The vertical axis usually shows other data.
Remember that a pie chart represents one hundred percent. Each part of the pie chart represents a certain percentage. The A-P Test typically uses more than pie chart at a time so you can see changes.
Here are some tips on questions with maps.
There are two types of maps on the A-P test. The first type is maps which are historically significant. The second type is maps that represent historic information. The second
type is much more common. You will find many of those maps in your A-P textbook.
Be sure to study the map carefully. You should look at the title, as well as the key or legend, before you try to answer the question. Some maps will not have a key, legend or title.
Here are some tips for questions which have cartoons, photographs, or artwork.
Visual representations will be used to test your analytical skills.
Political cartoons are used to stir up public support for a cause. Most of the time, cartoons take a position against rulers in power. Cartoons commonly use distortion, exaggeration and symbols to get their point of view across.
You should pay attention to the figures in the cartoon. Look at the way they are dressed to approximate the time period of the cartoon.
The cartoon may have a caption or conversations. Be sure to read these words carefully!
Photographs can be important tools in studying European history. Photographs offer a snapshot of a time period and show how certain people lived. Questions about photographs usually ask you what is taking place in the photo. The