2 minute read
Welcome to A-P psychology audio-learn, an audio review for the A-P psychology test. Research has shown learning in different forms such as audio can help you remember information better on the test day!
Here is an overview of the A-Ppsychology test.
The test will cover fourteen areas of psychology. History and approaches, research methods, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing and individual differences, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders and social psychology.
There will be seventy multiple choice questions on the A-P psychology test. There will also be two short essays questions. The whole A-P psychology test will take hours to complete.
You will need to budget your time carefully during the test. You will have seventy minutes for the questions. That’s about one minute per question. You may want to make two passes through the test. During the first pass, you can quickly answer questions you are sure of. Then during the second pass, you can spend more time on the questions
you are unsure of.
Here are some more tips for answering multiple choice questions. You will need to pick the correct answer from five different choices. Some choices will be clearly incorrect. Others may be similar to the correct one, but not quite right. Be sure to pick the best answer. Pay attention, and make you sure you understand each question. You should be extra careful with questions which have NOT or EXCEPT in them.
You will have fifty minutes for the two essays. That’s about twenty five minutes per question. Keep track of your time and try to spend only twenty five minutes per essay question. Points are not taken away for grammar or spelling. Write neatly, and be sure to answer all parts of the questions.
The multiple choice questions will be worth two thirds of your score. The essays will be worth one third of your score.
Here is an overview of how to use this audio book.
This audio book covers all the information you will need to know for the A-P psychology test!
We will start with a thorough review of each of the fourteen subject areas. Listen carefully for key phrases, vocabulary and names. It may be helpful to take notes during the review.
After the review section for each area, there will be review questions to test your knowledge. Go slowly through this section. Make sure you understand the answer and explanation for each questions. After the question is read, five answer choices will be given. Listen carefully and select the best choice in your mind. The correct answer choice and an explanation will then be read.
After you have completed the review of each subject area, you should next listen to the complete practice test. The practice test has one hundred multiple choice questions and two essay questions. If you miss a question and do not understand the explanation, it may be helpful to return to the review of that subject area.
Let’s get started!