1 minute read
from AWS
by AudioLearn
Here is the list of ten takeaways for this first chapter:
1. This course can be taken by someone who is reviewing for the certification exam or someone who is still learning about the AWS service offerings.
2. The Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification exam is designed to determine not only familiarity with AWS services, but also how you can best use them to solve practical and real-world scenarios.
3. Even if you do not intend to take the certificate exam, you can still benefit from this course by learning how different AWS services can be used together to provide real world and practical solutions.
4. You can learn more about the examination by checking out our Follow Along
PDF Manual. In the manual, you will read about exam requirements, recertification steps, and other exam related information.
5. Your certificate is based on completion and passing of the written examination, plus a recertification exam every three years.
6. Amazon provides a Free Tier offering to new users of the service. You will have access to many services discussed in this course for free. Definitely take advantage of this offer, available only through your first year of use.
7. Hands on practice is crucial in reinforcing what you will learn in this course.
In lieu of that, you can listen to the course and repeat it as many times as possible.
8. When answering exam questions, choose the best alternative whenever the exact answer is not available. Much like in real life, choices that can solve problems may not always be ideal, but an approximation of the best possible outcome could be the next best thing.
9. Learned a new concept or term and you need more information? The Followalong PDF Manual is your friend as it contains terms and concepts introduced in the course along with their definitions.