CLEP Sociology Audio Crash Course

Page 20

THE KEY TAKEAWAYS Here are your takeaways from this introductory material. These are important things to remember as we move forward. •

One This audio program will prepare you for any college credit exam but in particular for the College Level Examination Program test.

Two CLEP, or CLEP, stands for College Level Examination Program. I will probably use the term CLEP most often.

Three Every chapter will have a ten question quiz near the end.

Four Every chapter will have ten items for you to take away and remember. These takeaways will be at the end of each chapter.

Five You should listen to this entire course at least two to three times.

Six Use the Follow Along PDF Manual for additional information and while listening to the lectures whenever possible.

Seven The chapter quizzes and answer keys can be found in the PDF manual.

Eight There are nineteen total lectures including this introduction. Longer lectures are split up into smaller sections.

Nine There are one hundred and twenty questions on the final practice exam in Chapter Eighteen. Consider this exam as a dress rehearsal for the real thing.

Ten Give yourself ninety to one hundred twenty minutes to take the practice exam. Time yourself.

So, this is the end of the introductory lecture. I will now move on to chapter one "An Introduction to the Social Sciences." Come right along or resume the audio when the time is better for you. Thanks for listening.


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