1 minute read

Benzene Derivatives

Alkynes end in the -yne suffix. It can be an alkyne and cycloalkyne compound. The longest chain that contains the triple bond should be used as the root name. Numbering starts at the nearest triple bond carbon atom. The simplest one is the ethynyl group or the C2H group.



These can be more difficult to name. There are some that use the benzene ring and just one substitution. Others have more substitutions. Figure 66 shows what the benzene ring looks like:

Figure 66.

Examples include chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, nitrobenzene, and more difficult ones, like toluene (which is a methyl group attached to a benzene ring). Two common ones are the phenyl group, which is abbreviated with a Ph and the benzyl group, which is abbreviated with a Bn. Basically, these need to be memorized as they are not IUPAC rules. Figure 67 shows a number of these benzene ring-affiliated molecules:

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