2 minute read
from COMLEX 3 Audio Crash Course - Complete Review for the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Ex
by AudioLearn
1. The patient you are evaluating is complaining of chronic back pain. While the range of motion of the spine appears normal on the examination, you find multiple tenderpoints near the lateral aspect of the thoracic spine on the left.
Which technique might you decide to apply first?
a. HTLV b. Strain and counterstrain c. Balanced ligamentous tension d. Muscle energy e. Articulation
2. Which technique would you most likely apply to the patient with rotation of an upper cervical spinal segment and restriction at the affected area on the left when the patient is complaining of a left-sided headache?
a. HTLV b. Strain and counterstrain c. Balanced ligamentous tension d. Muscle energy e. Articulation
3. The patient is a 30-year-old female with increased frequency of urination and occasional dysuria, even though cystoscopy and urine cultures are always negative. You suspect a viscerosomatic reflex and direct your OMT to what area of the spine?
a. T8 b. T12 c. L1 d. C4 e. S3
4. You identify a Jones tenderpoint along the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side. Which OMT will you most likely apply to this area in order to relieve the patient’s symptom?
a. HTLV b. ME c. Strain and counterstrain d. BLT e. MFR
5. You tap on the volar aspect of the patient’s wrist in order to elicit tingling of the hand in the median nerve distribution. What test are you doing in this examination?
a. Tinel test b. Phalen test c. Yergason test d. Finkelstein test e. Speed test
6. You strongly suspect that the patient you are evaluating has de Quervain tenosynovitis. What test will you do in order to assess this possibility?
a. Tinel test b. Phalen test c. Yergason test d. Finkelstein test e. Speed test
7. The patient received a blow to the knee playing soccer so you evaluate the structures of the knee. Which test will you do in order to evaluate the patient for a medial collateral ligament tear?
a. Posterior drawer test b. Anterior drawer test c. Valgus stress test d. Varus stress test e. McMurray test
8. In evaluating the painful knee, you have the patient lying supine while you monitor the joint line with one hand while holding the distal tibia with the other hand. A valgus stress is placed on the knee while externally rotating the tibia during slow but passive knee extension. Popping or clicking of the knee along with pain along the joint line is a positive test, indicating a meniscal tear. What test are you doing?
a. Posterior drawer test b. Anterior drawer test c. Valgus stress test d. Varus stress test e. McMurray test
9. You perform a test of the ankle, in which the lower leg dangles from the table, while you grab the calcaneus in order to invert and evert it. A positive test involves increased tilting and indicates sprains of the calcaneofibular ligament and the deltoid ligaments, respectively. What test are you performing?
a. Bump test b. Kleiger test c. Talar tilt test d. Squeeze test e. Thompson test
10. Which test of the foot and ankle might you do if you suspect an anterior talofibular ligament sprain?
a. Anterior drawer test of the ankle b. Kleiger test c. Talar tilt test d. Thompson test e. Squeeze test