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How to Prepare for the Exam

Next, we will explore the exam and its contents in more depth. Here is where you can expect to get most of the quizzes in the course. After providing an introductory overview of the test structure, I will cover material about general test taking. How do you successfully navigate through a written multiple choice test? What are some effective study habits? What should you do during the time leading up to your test date?

After that, you will hear about how to prepare for the practical exam. As I mentioned at the start of this chapter, you'll need to demonstrate competence in one or more of: hair shaping, chemical waving, chemical relaxing, hair lightening, hair coloring, and thermal coloring. Depending on your state, proof of competence in other areas might come into play; this could include skills such as blow drying, styling, roller placement, facials, and manicuring . In this section, you will also hear about the supplies needed for the NIC cosmetology practical exam and how to best prepare for it. The supplies you'll need will likely differ from state to state.


I will address the specific subject areas you can expect to get on the written exam. I'll start with Infection Control and First Aid. I'll discuss different methods of infection control and federal regulations in the cosmetology practice for both infection control and first aid. These are essential practices for any licensed cosmetologist. You'll need to understand them inside and out.

Following that, I will cover Anatomy and Physiology. In this chapter, you will gain a basic understanding of human anatomy; you'll hear in more detail about how cells, tissues, and organs function. Then you'll get information on physiology, including the skeletal and muscular systems, types of joints, circulatory system, the endocrine system, and more. I will also cover ergonomics– the principle of best practices in body positioning to ensure client safety.

I will go over some basic principles of chemistry and electricity. These areas may seem a bit daunting, but developing an understanding of the concepts is vital to best practices as a cosmetologist.

I will then present the subject of Hair Care and Services which will be split into four key areas. Part one covers Trichology. Trichology is the science of the function and structure

of hair, as well as the diseases that can affect hair. This will include hair analysis and quality, stages of hair growth, hair loss, and the conditions of the scalp and hair.

Part two is about draping and washing procedures including shampooing, conditioning, massaging, and brushing procedures. This section will also include hair and scalp analysis and treatments.

Part three takes on hair design and cutting. This includes principles of hair design, facial shapes, haircutting procedures, client consultation, tools and safety, and an overview of basic haircuts.

Part four is about wigs, chemical services, and color. In this section we'll explore best practices for working with wigs, hair enhancements, and extensions. Part four also includes chemical service consultations, chemical waxing, and chemical hair relaxers. Finally, we'll explore hair coloring procedures including the law of color, types of hair color, and hair color application techniques.

After that I will cover skin care and services in two separate parts. In part one, we will explore skin histology including the composition, conditions, and functions of the skin. We will also explore skincare service consultations, draping procedures for facial services, and different techniques for temporary hair removal. For example, waxing, threading, depilatories, and sugaring.

In part two, you will learn about facial procedures including skincare tools and facial treatments. I will also cover facial makeup applications. This includes makeup color theory, cosmetic application procedures, artificial eyelashes, and eyelash and eyebrow coloring.

Finally, you will hear about nail care and services. I will address nail care service consultations and nail structure including nail composition, growth and conditions. I will also cover manicure and pedicure procedures and advanced nail care. This includes pre and post service procedures, nail tips, nail wraps and overlays, and, finally, nail art.

The course will close out with a summary of the steps you'll need to follow once you pass the NIC cosmetology exam. And, of course, you'll have your practice final exam.

You have heard, I hope, that we have quite a bit to cover. Work at a pace that is comfortable to you. Listen as often as you can. Retake written portions of the quizzes I present, especially if you get any questions wrong. Remember the purpose of your taking this course: you want to put yourself in the best position to successfully take the NIC cosmetology exam. The more you know the material, the more prepared you will be. In addition, the more you know about the other necessary requirements, the more prepared and confident you will be.

I know what I have just discussed has been introductory. That does not mean there are no takeaways you can derive from the introduction. So, here they are:

One: A licensed Cosmetologist must have a sound understanding of best practices in hairstyling, skincare, nail care, and make up.

Two: The NIC cosmetology exam consists of a practical exam and a written exam.

Three: In some states, you will only need to complete either the practical or written exam, but not both.

Four: The written exam consists of a ninety minute test with one hundred ten multiple choice questions, ten of which don't count.

Five: For the practical exam, you will need to bring your own supplies. Supply requirements depend on the state where you want to become licensed.

Six: In this course, expect quizzes near the end of each chapter.

Seven: Make use of the Follow Along PDF Manual.

Eight: Items repeated during the lectures are important: remember them.

Nine: In states that accept the NIC license, you will need to pass the exam or exams required by your state to practice as a licensed cosmetologist.

Ten: Listen to this entire course at least a couple of times.

Well, I hope that I have gotten you motivated to get started. If you are ready to proceed, be sure to have your Follow Along PDF Manual close at hand. Have some pencils or pens available. Get comfortable, and let’s begin!

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