that would be considered pro-social, and mild, moderate, or severe condition. Oppositional defiant disorder is a common premorbid condition in younger children. The symptoms of conduct disorder happen between the age of 12-18 years of age with frequent rejection of pro-social peers, adopting associations with delinquent peers. The prevalence is around 4 percent, seen more commonly in boys than in girls. Risk factors include parental rejection/neglect, child abuse, sexual abuse, certain temperaments, and low verbal IQ states. Parents with conduct disorder or ADHD will have a greater likelihood of having a child with conduct disorder. Parental overindulgence can lead to the disorder as well. There is a great impact on functioning with this disorder, including educational deficits, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and physical injuries from altercations or accidents. Parents are often deeply affected and blame themselves for their teen’s behavior. Family conflict is a big complication of this disorder. Things in the differential diagnosis include ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, bipolar disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, adjustment disorder, and substance use disorder. ODD is seen in younger children when compared to conduct disorder, which is more commonly seen in older teens. ADHD will present with similar symptoms but they do not usually have malicious intent. Bipolar people do not usually have malicious intent. Patients with IED will have remorse after their outbursts. Adjustment disorders tend to fade over time after an identifiable stressor. While CD and substance use disorder are comorbid conditions, they are discrete entities.
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER (301.7) Antisocial personality disorder or APD is a personality disorder when the patient habitually and pervasively violates and disregards the rights of others and who have no remorse in doing this. They can be recurrent criminals, may engage in criminal behavior, or engage in behaviors that skirt the edges of the law. They are considered to be amoral, unethical, and irresponsible, continually violating social norms and expectations. They make personal decisions based on