Official ESL Vocabulary 3000

Page 7

Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.

AFFAIR - [spell]- A F F A I R Definition: a private matter Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He decided that his affairs were none of his mother's business.


REALIST- [spell]- R E A L I S T Definition: person interested in what is real rather than what is imaginary or theoretical Synonym: pragmatist Antonym: Sentence: He considered himself too much of a realist to entertain such fanciful ideas.


INSULTING - [spell]- I N S U L T I N G Definition: something that is said scornfully, rudely, or offensively Synonym: abusive, derogatory Antonym: complimentary, kind Sentence: His comments were insulting to her character.


OBSESSIVE- [spell]- O B S E S S I V E Definition: having to do with or causing to be obsessed (keep the attention of to an unreasonable or unhealthy extent) Synonym: compulsive Antonym: Sentence: His attitude toward her was somewhat obsessive.


SLEIGH - [spell]- S L E I G H Definition: carriage or cart used on ice and snow Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: A horse drove the sleigh through the snow.


IMMORAL - [spell]- I M M O R A L Definition: wrong or wicked Synonym: evil, degenerate Antonym: ethical, honest Sentence: The politician's immoral actions caused him to lose his office.


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