1 minute read

Profile of a Firefighter

Isosceles Triangles have two equal sides and the angles opposite those sides are equal.

Equilateral Triangles have three equal sides and angles. Angles in an equilateral triangle are always 60°.


Isosceles—two long sides are the same. Two bottom angles are the same. Any two sides or angles can be the same. Equilateral—All sides are the same. All angles are 60°.

The special right triangles below have set ratios of side: side: hypotenuse. No need for the Pythagorean Theorem.

4 3-4-5 or any ratio thereof.

5 s

s 2 This is a 45-45-90 right triangle. Both non-right angles are 45° Cut a square in half diagonally and you get two of these.



3x s

2x If you put two 30—60—90 right triangles together at their long legs, you form an equilateral triangle.

x 60°

With right triangles, the sides are referred to as legs. The longest side is always found opposite the right angle and is called the hypotenuse.

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